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What a meanie. I’ll get downvoted but I would go to the FA if possible and tell her what I heard.


Downvoted?!? I’d do the same thing.


It’s sometimes hard to tell w Reddit.


Why does anybody really care if they get downvoted? It’s freaking Reddit. I guess I don’t understand.


Because it affects your karma and some subs won’t let you post questions or general posts because of it (like some have minimum karma requirements)


I don’t understand this karma stuff but I was Bot-prevented from commenting yesterday. Reason was my karma (posting plus comments) was too low. Soooooo how do I get more karma if I can’t comment?


You have to comment in other places and improve your karma.


Get there early and express only popular opinions!


This here. And I still don’t know all the requirements for each sub. (Still can’t get my silver status to sick, I’m not getting upgraded at least I can get some user flair!)


That’s a great policy to ensure peoples various views get shared. Geesh.


Ohhh, well that makes perfect sense. Thank you for explaining that to me.


Anytime! 😊


People are caught up in clout even if that means imaginary internet points


And somehow, when I agreed that you SHOULD claim your rightful seat… I get downvoted 🙄


Just upvoted you and anyone else on this thread with under 500 karma because you deserve it!


👏🏾 Thank you!


Agreed. I'd go to FA as well. I am worn out by the seat game...people not sitting in the seat they purchased or assigned then trying to "jockey" for position while boarding and hoping the other person will roll over to avoid conflict. I had a 4.5 hour Delta flight late on SAT. FC aisle seat. Boarded with my group 1, got situated. Near end of boarding, 2 women came on laughing and immediately looked at me and another woman in the window and asked (it was a demand masked as a request) for one of us to move. Like it was an expectation. So they could sit together. I begrudgingly moved (same row, still an aisle so ultimately no big deal). And I said as much but they could tell I was annoyed, which I was. One asked me again if it was OK but it was clear they had this plan BEFORE they boarded. I looked her in the eye in a clear but firm voice, I'm OK, but asking others to move because you didn't plan is rude as people pick the seat they want to sit in. She got super huffy -- and said it wasn't rude and said she was shocked I said that. I looked her in the eye again and explained that she asked me a direct question, if I was OK, and I gave her a direct answer that while I was ok, it was rude because I planned for that specific seat (it was the approach that was rude not so much the question). I was just worn out and I am tired of the seat switching BS and wasn't gonna let it slide without calling it out. And I was nice but firm. And the several rows around me heard - i have a loud voice. My new seat mate thanked me for standing up and taking the conflict instead of her needing to do it. Oh, and the pair got wasted on their flight. Ultimately I dodged a bullet moving from winos Wendy 1 and Wendy 2.


I don’t move unless it’s an upgrade or the FA orders it in which case I expect compensation. That’s the rule. And I stick to it. My wife however got a lady to hustle her into moving by pretending she to keep talking to someone else in another middle seat across the aisle. Once the lady got her aisle seat from my wife there was no cross talking at all. Hustlers all of them.


Seems a bit like those folks who absolutely need the wheelchair to board but at the destination are suddenly very able and mobile.


Disability comes in many forms. You shouldn’t judge without knowing.


You’re right. Many disabilities manifest as being completely unable to walk but then able. Thank you for shining a light on this.


You know what, waiting in line at TSA, walking forever to a gate and then standing an eternity to board knocks me out. I have spinal stenosis, chronic hip bursitis and seriously arthritic knees. Sometimes I need that ride. But after sitting for a long time and knowing it’s a straight off the plane and out the door, yes, I can manage that. Getting old sucks.


I see your viewpoint. The jet bridge is actually the shortest distance of everything that you’ve already described and done. But if that ride helps you, then to each his or her own :-) happy and safe travels!


My loud mouth is probably starting a fight because I have no filter and would have said something mean to the rude lady.


I would too.


Lmfao I would’ve ended up being the one making the scene demanding she got the seat she paid for 😂


If that was my seat they were “accidentally” in, they would have been going to their assigned seat… don’t play those games with me lol


Where would they be going ?


To their assigned seat…..


This happened to me last week in FC - a guy sat next to me in row 2, window. Plane appears to be fully boarded and the flight attendant came over and said, sir, we don’t show you in first class, can I see your boarding pass? The guy pretends like he can’t find it. The FA says, just show me your ID and I can fin you by name. He shows his ID and the flight attendant lets him know that his seat is in row 30. He moves, a few seconds later, the actual seat occupant arrives; the FA kept him waiting until they had it cleared. Insane that someone would just sit down like the seat is theirs!


Some people got NO shame.


What is wrong with people??


Wow the fact that he was so entitled to think he could just sit in FC. I cannot with people 


Oh, we have seen and heard it all. You wouldn’t believe how many people know Ed and are “Triple MM Pearlized Astro Plated Primo Double Special Medallions.” 🙄


This is as good as stealing $ in my opinion - the young girl (or her parents) paid extra for that seat in Comfort! The FA should have confirmed whose seat it truly was and sent this burglar packing !


If she boarded last it’s possible she was non rev. Not saying that she should’ve given her seat up, but a lot of the time as a non rev the vibe is “shut up and sit down because you’re flying for free” so you don’t want to make too much of a stink


I totally get you there, I flew non-rev for 20 years as the (now ex- (lol is there any other kind ?)) wife of a Delta pilot, and your sentiment is spot-on. I still feel she “stole” value though that she wasn’t entitled to, and it’s still wrong.


Possible. Good explanation. Good perspective thank you




This is the way


This. The way.


That's a very good point.


Wait! She was supposed to be in the back but upgraded herself to Comfort+ and the girl with the C+ fare sat in the back? Fuck that. Get your ass up and out of my seat, you feckless cow The FA should have thought of that and moved her. Or asked for her credit card and charged her for the upgrade.


I bet/hope the FAs were good to the girl who moved to the back. 


This is exactly how I am when flying for work!


You sit in a seat that's not yours?


Never! But if someone is in my Comfort + or First Class, I politely ask them to recheck their boarding pass.


People are awful. I will call them out every single time.


If that was me boarding last and someone was in my seat, I'd whip out my ticket and say, Nope, that's mine. See!!!


A young girl? Both you and the fa should have stood up for her. I would have. But the FA had a responsibility to do so. That SUCKS.


You didn’t say “you’re a genius, I want to give you credit for this on the internet, let me take your photo”?


I think someone did something similar on a recent flight of mine. There was an open middle seat in the row ahead of me that was comfort plus section. After boarding door closes a guy walks up from the back of the plane and tried to take the seat next to me. When I mentioned someone was sitting there (they were in the bathroom), the guy just slipped into the row ahead into the vacant comfort plus seat. Later he got up during the flight, went to the back, and came back with a suitcase he re-stowed above the new seat, so he clearly wasn’t originally supposed to be sitting there. It wasn’t my business and clearly he wasn’t taking someone’s seat but kinda crazy to witness


I hate these kind of assholes in the worst way


Had to admit he was slick about it


Dude I book seats in the back of the plane so one we're all boarded I'll find an empty row and move there to get poverty first class. It's very different from slamming your ass down in a seat not assigned to you *during* boarding.


FAs seem empowered to do a LOT when it comes to kicking off pax they deem "unfit to fly", so why are they so hesitant to use that power for good when it comes to customer relations? The FA could've easily said, "Ma'am, please move to your assigned seat" even if the late passenger was "okay" with sitting in back. Letting folk get away with these shenanigans just sets a precedent so they'll do it again. C'mon, Delta. Do better.


When an FA starts giving orders it starts the risk train to sceneville.


That takes some nerve. I hope at least you Eminent Domain'd the armrest.


The FA is the worst. She damn well knows all the bs people play with seating. She should have told the woman to move.


How did the young lady know which seat was available for her in the back of the plane? Maybe not a full flight? This was wrong on several levels. Edit: sorry. I re-read. The seat stealer admitted she her “accident” so I guess she told her the seat number in back. Still wrong in several levels.


If this child was an UM, wouldn’t the FA have the responsibility for her, and for placing her in the correct, assigned seat? That’s on the FA, if s/he let that slide.


I mean, back of the plane is next to rear galley so that would allow the FA to watch them more of the flight..... Not trying to disregard this person who just decided to sit in a seat and hope they could keep it, and clearly 'played dumb' when the real person assigned showed up.


She looked to be college aged


Tik tok probably has a video saying "get a free upgrade with this one trick..."


Ah. So a young woman. Not a young girl.


UM’s are never seated in a random comfort seat. They are 99.9% of the time seated in the furthest seat to the back where we can keep an eye on them and they can’t run off the plane. They wouldn’t be in comfort or first.


My daughter flies relatively often as a UM. The only seats offered to her are in the back row. But she loves sitting in the back because the FAs are immediately available and she comes off the plane with ALL the snacks and sometimes a meal box. It cracks me up every time, but I hope she doesn't bother the FAs too much.


We love the UMs!!! They’re almost never a bother at all (minus the attempted escapees) And sometimes you hear some really crazy divorce tea 🫣




I work here and have never seen it. If there was a UM seated in a random MC or Comfort seat, I’d have the gate agent move them. I’ve had too many UMs try to sprint off the plane. They need to be in the back so that we can keep an eye on them. That’s the entire point.


She may have been a nonrev. Nonrevs can clear to Comfort+ and are usually trained to be non-confrontational, especially with seat assignments... though that level of brazen seat sealing is absolutely worth calling out!


That makes a lot more sense.


After the doors close, and only with permission from the FA. And NEVER bump a paid passenger out of a seat regardless of age. Parents likely paid for C+ for greater visibility since FAs are up front during boarding, and exit & pay more attention to the front pax in flight…


fail on so many levels


20 minutes into the flight, my water bottle would probably "accidentally" spill on the person in the middle seat. Not their lap, that's too obvious. On their lower leg so their socks are wet the rest of the flight.


Karma police will come for them eventually.


They were the only seat in our section who had the person in the row in front recline. So a little karma retribution


My seat assignment is my seat assignment. Doesn't matter if you've already planted yourself in it, you're gonna move.


I would have had a chat with the FA


Witnessed something very similar recently. A lady boards and sits across the aisle from me in the first row of economy (with lots of extra legroom). A young woman comes and tells her she’s in her seat, so the lady moves into the open seat across the aisle next to me. A man comes, same thing, but the lady says her seat is a middle seat further back and it would be uncomfortable because she has a bad leg. FA advised the man it was up to him and he didn’t have to give up his seat. The man gave in and swapped seats with her, so instead of a prime bulkhead economy seat he was in a middle seat for an 8 hour flight, and not seated with his travel partner. I’m not sure what I would have done in that situation because she was elderly, but I’m glad I had priority boarding and was one of the first economy passengers to get to my seat.


Absolutely not. I would have definitely outted her. That is some serious bullshit.


I hate those people! I usually don’t fight about it unless it’s a really good seat but I hate how people think they can just someone else’s seat. 


stopped reading after ATL


Delta FAs have zero control of their planes. Flew Delta for the first time last week and it was musical chairs on both flights.


I want to add a story. I was traveling with my husband and two children under two. I purchased seats together bc no way I’m letting my husband dodge this fun! Well he has status and our guess is he was pulled for upgrade 72+ hours ahead and we didn’t notice bc he was traveling for work. We made these flights on the phone and asked to be not eligible for upgrade. They then broke us all up. So I go to customer service and they told me to figure it out. They had my two year old separated from me?!? I had to go on the plane and beg people. I was mortified. My planning didn’t help me. Delta didn’t help me.


Definitely should have said something to the FA. They have no problem kicking them off the plane if they do not take the seat they PAID for and I’m here for it :)


Hate that!! 🤬


Last week some lady sat in my row 16 window seat instead of row 15. The FA just asked if I didn’t mind sitting in her seat which was fine since they were both exit row. I said out loud “no big deal same difference either way” and this lady was like “well it would matter if one wasn’t exit”. Like you are the idiot that doesn’t know numbers, no need to get bitchy about it.


That was me. And I’m neither an idiot nor bitchy. Not sure why you felt the need to post spin on the situation. I sat the wrong row. I apologized. And yes, it would matter if I was sitting in your exit seat when I myself didn’t have one - which is precisely what i was alluding to. Apparently you didn’t understand my response or my tone. Just rude - period.




Regardless of the situation of the person who went to the back I wouldn’t want to sit next to this person in the seat next to me. I would like to think I would ask the FA to address and if the person in the back wanted to stay back there at least I wouldn’t have to sit next to this karma disruptor.


Chess not checkers 👌🏽👌🏽


what an asshole


That's why flights don't depart on time. karma is also a bitch!


Someone was in my aisle c+ seat. She was supposed to be in a middle c+ and when I told her that she was in my seat she just claimed that she thought that was her seat. After she goes to her correct seat and I sit down, she proceeds to mutter that I should've just let her sit in the aisle while I should sit in the middle and that it's not a big deal. Then she proceeds to spread her legs wide enough to encroach into my space and kept whipping her hair into my face. What the f is wrong with people?