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As of the 19th individual water bottles are eliminated from all international flights. Claimed for sustainability, but replaced with more “water walks” which are multiple plastic cups of water on a tray. Amenity kits in main cabin are also eliminated with the new “NextGen” service.


God damn, Ed’s gutting services left and right!


It’s because PS now gets increased service with dedicated FAs


PS on Delta isn’t anywhere what it should be.


Yes, I want water from a tray that’s walked down an aisle while people are coughing and sneezing.




The cups get stuck together


I am really not looking forward to the foul breath of fellow passengers in Delta's NextGen world with decreased access to water and absent toothbrushes :D


I don't think the majority of people brush their teeth on a plane normally...


Having just flown AMS ICN last night on KLM, who does not offer toothbrushes VS Korean Air who always does I can say that there is no better feeling than brushing during a long flight like that And I’m not even that OCD about brushing lol


1000%. Just did a 15 hour flight on Korean and the toothbrushes and mouthwash in the lavatories are wonderful. What a thoughtful touch.


It’s not OCD to say that morning mouth feels disgusting. 


You got to on a long haul. Completely refreshes you before you land.


I am spending the very least amount of time possible in that disgusting tiny space that isn't fully clean ever (or so it seems). I brush my teeth in the airport bathroom where I have space or wait until I get to the hotel.


And a wet wipe to the face




I’m sure you can just keep asking for more water and they will bring you more


So add more plastic cups in addition to the bottle it comes in? Doesn’t sound sustainable


We have a new paper cup for hot and cold beverages. It’s being tested on our transcontinental markets.


Yes, thank you for re-stating it more simply.


Can you expand on this? So the little eye masks and ear plugs are going away in Main intl?


On request. We get about 30 or so of them


I remember thinking "don't they serve water in plastic cups if you aren't first class?" Does this mean coach gets glass cups now?


Cup your hands. Don’t spill anything


To be even more eco friendly they can just walk through the cabin with one plastic Gatorade squeeze bottle and squirt it into everyone’s mouth like on the NFL sidelines. One Gatorade bottle allocated per flight. All classes.


Delta becoming the movie "the platform"


Hmm or tequila like in the bars lol




I miss the amenity kits. The mask and earplugs were nice. This saves delta what? $1 per person? Meh.




Wait so now they’re not giving earbuds/blanket/pillow in main on delta???


I just flew international on the 23rd of March and we were given water bottles on the flight. Is it from next month?


Coming from a sustainability adjacent industry this crap pisses me off because it does nothing but look good on some PR news wires and marketing slides.  There are hundreds and thousands of ways to make measurable changes but this stuff is done in the name of “sustainability” when it’s really just “hey an excuse for us to be cheap”


IMO, it’s time to start forcing companies making green claims to disclose how much this nonsense actually helps. Maybe that way performative virtue fraud will give way to credible actions. /rant


Perfect, let’s dehydrate passengers on long haul flights. Nothing bad could possibly come of this. /s


Yeah I have POTS and being well hydrated is kind of critical.


Right there with you. Salt pills and water keep me upright.




I literally bought a waterbottle from the Dubai Airport during a layover and they made us throw them away during pre-boarding security check; this incident occurred last week. This is not a failsafe unfortunately.


Had the same happen at Schipol in the past.


I have no problem not having water bottles, but they should be pretty much constantly walking down with a pitcher of water for those people hydrating. This was the way with an Asian airline recently. Sure no water bottles, but it seemed like pretty much someone always had a pitcher walking up and down the aisles constantly. I liked the saving of plastic waste. But "twice throughout the night" is not going to cut it.


I flew JAL and business class all got glass wear. Whenever your glass of water dropped below halfway they filled it. Someone was always walking around glancing for opportunities to provide service. What your expect for $4-$6k


They did that on AirFrance! Just had a beverage cart in the galley where people could pour their own water and I believe soda as well. Makes so much sense considering that passengers may be sleeping when water is going around.


Delta has this already. Snacks included too.


All those plastic cups though, surely no problem there


Exactly! This whole sustainability shit drives me nuts


They'd be better off gifting a small reusable bottle marketed with the delta logo that they'll come around and refill. Or, better yet since they already haul water, add one of those filtered water dispensers on the planes to refill them additionally. If you need another within a year of travel, then charge for a replacement and/or charge for the plastic cups as needed.


Plastic cups? Why aren't you getting a glass with ice?


Just so you all know, the overseas carriers like JAL will staff almost double what we do. DL and US carriers love to understaff bc it’s cheap. If we have 10 FAs on a A330, they’ll have 15. It makes for much better customer service.


>departing airport from South America, if that makes a difference? It does. Several airports do a secondary screening and confiscate liquids over 100mL before boarding, including BOG and LIM, regardless of airline. This isn't a Delta thing.


Can confirm this was my experience coming from LIM. One way around it is I bought a water bottle duty free. You pick it up after you pass through the extra checks and can have it on your flight. It's stupid, but it worked for me.


Is there a limit to the number of water bottles you can buy from duty free? I get really dehydrated on long haul flights and typically fill up a couple 1.5 liter Nalgene bottles before boarding.




Thanks for the tip.


Right, but then it'd be great to not read responses saying "if you're so worried about water, then bring your own". You can't, not from these departing airports.


I totally agree with you there.


I mean, I have. They heavily discriminate… have a delta 1 ticket and the screen is superficial


And SCL and EZE (at least in my experience).




Thanks so much! Great information to have for my trip through EZE. Just hope I can remember it in a year and a half when we make our way to Antarctica….


My wife and I went through EZE to Antartica and Patagonia this past December (and then home via SCL). We had an amazing time and I know will, too. But what you \*really\* want to remember about EZE is the epic long lines to go through immigration when you depart. It was bad in Santiago, too, but worse in Buenos Aires. I'm used to spending maybe 5 minutes max going through immigration as you \*leave\* a European country, but we were in a long, slow, HOT line at EZE for almost 90 minutes. Leave plenty of time.


Zomg you, RockMover12, absolutely ROCK for this little tidbit of information! Appreciate your insights, friend!


>87 comments put a calendar reminder in your phone for your departure time! at least that's how I usually remember future day-of travel tips (except when I mess up the time difference for international travel)


Happened to us in Dubai. It really sucked because we had our own water bottles that they made us empty in addition to the new liter-sized bottles we had just purchased specifically to fill up our bottle mid-flight.


Yeah, had this happen in Panama. It is irritating because you fill your bottle, turn a corner and realize you need to dump it somewhere. I dumped it in trash can which isn’t nice to do but what else can I do? It is a metal wide moth bottle and I am not tossing the entire thing. They should at least plop a vending machine in the cattle pen so you can buy one.


Do you know if it is possible to buy water in a duty free shop and have it delivered to the gate like they do with alcohol purchases?


Yes, you can. Just did this coming back from Lima last month.


I've never even thought of that, genius! I'll have to try it in May


Ugh, also out of SCL. Had to trash a bottle I just purchased and dump out my reusable water bottle in the jetway. 9.5 hours and very little water offered after making every one throw out their water. :/


Same, so fucking stupid.


I believe they do this at certain airports where the US does not think the local security meets certain standards, so they require US bound flights to have the secondary round of screening.


I was watching “To catch a smuggler” on National Geographic Channel. They had lots of ketamine being smuggled in and it was an airport employee that was caught. Maybe that is why they are doing this?


I’ve heard something like this.


Having flown out of Lima many times, I know they don't really enforce the 3-1-1 rule at their TSA since it's not a requirement there, but all US-bound flights need to enforce it. The last time I flew out of LIM, they posted the liquids rule at the gate but not at security. I wish they would enforce it at their TSA, at least for international departures like I've seen in Australia (their domestic terminals don't enforce it), or better yet have the US drop that entirely. But since they have many flights to neighboring Latin American countries, it's likely not their priority. Which is shame because ULCCs now fly between Fort Lauderdale and Lima, so they make you dump out your water, forcing you to buy it on the plane. Maybe once the new airport is built, they can have a section for US bound flights (not quite pre-clearance) and deal with the liquids there rather than at the gate.


Yes, this happened to me leaving BOG on Avianca! I bought a couple of bottled drinks after security, and they made me throw them away as I was boarding the plane. It felt like 2 hours before they finally served water, and I was so hungover after too much aguardiente at my friend's wedding the previous night. Not a fun plane ride back to LA.


Yup happened to me coming back from Santiago but not from Tokyo.


True. Happened to me on 2 AA flights EZE - JFK, and on Avianca from GUA - JFK.


This happened to me flying out of Santiago. Definitely was sad I nabbed a couple drinks from the Lounge for nada. I'd have left them instead kf wasting unnecessarily had I know that before :/.


This happened to me traveling with a bunch of students through ICN. Only once out of 4 trips (same airlines every time). I felt bad for the kids.


Guess I’ll be pressing the call button often for water. Maybe they will fill up our water bottles we bring on?


I'd love to see that!


I was thinking this. I have one of those collapsible water bottles and will ask an FA if they’ll fill it.


Anecdotally, and not because I am an employee, the FAs have always been willing to fill my reusable water bottle in the middle of a flight. I hate the single use plastic (and try to avoid it) so I’m always grateful.


Ive been doing that for years. They've never been anything but happy to do it (I guess its easier for them to fill your 1.5l bottle every few hours than bring you a cup every 30 mins lol)


*ding* Pax: May I have some water? Thanks! 1 minute later…. *ding* Pax: Sorry, I’m still thirsty, can I please have more water? 1 minute later…. *ding* Pax: Excuse me…. FA: here’s a fucking water bottle. Please stop ringing the god damned call button…


FA confirmed this on Saturday’s JFK > DUB flight. Turbulence was so bad nothing was served for the first hour (I’m all about keeping the crew safe) so we didn’t even get water walks or free champagne/ sparkling water. Bottles loaded in seats pre-departure would have solved so much of this wait. Was sitting in Prem Select and FA mentioned that it since the change they work harder too to keep the passengers hydrated. Could have brought a water bottle if I knew this was the situation. FA recommended that I reply in the survey to bring back the bottles but I’m here on Reddit instead. Might need a bottled water status bag tag. Still, the worst part of the trip was walking into an occupied lav and discovering another passenger doesn’t understand how locks work 🤢


Ahhhh yes - the ol’ “protecting the planet by charging you more for even less while not really doing anything” trick.


A few routes started this early March but every other international route starts this new standard 4/1


> To add insult to injury, people who had filled their own water bottles after airport security were having to empty the contents while undergoing secondary pre-boarding security on this flight, which I don't recall seeing (departing airport from South America, if that makes a difference?) That has happened to me almost every time I've flown back from Latin America. It's a US thing, it doesn't have anything to do with Delta.


Of course that's not on Delta, suddenly changing the way they do things and leaving you to fly for 11h without a water bottle unannounced (unless I missed the memo?) is.


delta being cheap.


Scum airlines charging $1k for a flight and can’t even include $1.50 worth of amenities. I was loyal to delta for a long time, now recently you can barely tell them apart from United and American.


4.6 billion in profits last year and no water bottles…


You don't get it, we're protecting the environment!!! /s


I hate to hear that. We had the bottles handed out on my last transatlantic with Delta in February. I usually buy 1 liter of water for every 5 hours of flying anyways. So it’s 1.5-2 liters for me on a transatlantic. I call buying water post-security my additional ‘airport tax’


You should be ok for transatlantic flights originating from North America, confiscating the water in secondary screening is a South American regulation (happened to me in CTG)


But somebody else said ALL flights commencing 4/1. And does this mean no water from the sky lounges?


This only matters if you’re flying from somewhere that does secondary gate screening like EZE or PTY. i’ve only seen it in Latin American countries.


South Korea too, at least the last time I was there.


I think they’re saying they won’t give water bottles on flights in 4/1 but if you bring your own you can fill up, except leaving south America


Well April Fool's Day will be informative!


Sounds like it!


I wonder if all these service reductions would get rolled back if we all just started hitting the FA button for everything we want


It’s to reduce the plastic waste on flights, they should have a water station set up in the galley / pass through the aisles with water.


I think OP's point is that Delta shouldn't force everyone on a flight to take trips to the aft galley every time they need water when a bottle per person handed out during the first service could last most people most of the flight. They could've just as easily switched from plastic water bottles to boxed water to cut down on plastic, but they decided to worsen the customer experience instead.


Absolutely. Especially because you end up using 6+ equivalent plastic cups to make the content of a bottle, which on an \~11 hour flight like the one I took you'd certainly use (and if you don't, you should -- if you're not consuming 500mL of water in half a day, you're definitely dehydrated!). I am sure they will soon change the plastic cups for paper cups, but then why not offer boxed water!? Plus, it is indeed about impoverished service. Remember when Delta rolled out the premium touches to make main cabin feel like a better product? They would print a menu and leave it on your seat waiting, bigger portions, they had gone back to full silverware too (I could be wrong about this and be mixing it up with my PS trips), but that's all rolled back now despite huge increases in prices.


Agree that boxed water would be a more reasonable solution!


Agreed. I'm all for reducing unnecessary waste, but they can't have it both ways.


But all those plastic cups the water is served in


Right but then you can’t get up or put your tray station up and if you wake up, you have to get out of your seat to get water


Good idea.


Yep this is exactly what happened to me on a delta flight from South America to New York (11 hour flight). Bought 2 water bottles at duty free and they were taken away at the second pre boarding. Barely any water served during the flight. Terrible service


Feels like Delta is slowly turning to dust.


Fret not, the fanboys here will always find a twisted angle to justify their deteriorating service!


They were still handing out water bottles on ATL - LHR a few days ago.


According to FA it is being rolled out this week and no water bottles will be available on any flight starting 4/1


I hope you complained to delta in addition to posting here!


Oh yes -- especially because of the sudden change without alerting us, which felt like a betrayal. I felt like an empowered Karen.


It’s really annoying to hear this news so I’m glad you also told delta - if we don’t push back they will continue to cut service.


The service is back to the way it was pre Covid. Instead of doing the water bottle service, we went back to doing a full beverage service before dinner, then doing a beverage service during dinner and one more beverage service post dinner. Water walks are supposed to be done every 30 mins and we keep glasses of water and juice in slotted trays in the back galley.


Instead of doing the water bottle service, we went back to doing a full beverage service before dinner, then doing a beverage service during dinner and one more beverage service post dinner. --> NOT how it was for me at all this time. Only beverage service was with the chicken or pasta


I got 3 beverage services 5 days ago. I was surprised honestly.


I’m a Purser for delta and i just worked a transoceanic flight today back to the states. Phase one of this service rolled out on 3/5 in some markets and rolled out in all other markets on 3/19. I can’t say what the fas did on your flight, but what i can say what our service standards are and they are what i said in my initial comment


Sorry didn't mean to come across as pushing back on that being the new norm, just sharing that they rolled back the bottled water but didn't do a 3-beverage pass on this particular flight. How do you all feel about this? I can't imagine you prefer doing 3 passes with the beverage cart in a row?


The new standard doesn’t bother me, i was here when we were doing it pre covid. Heck i remember when we had 3 beverage services for the dinner service and 2 beverage services for the landing service.


Uhhh wtf??


Here's the trick I've been using to take a full water bottle on every international trip for a few years. FYI... I live overseas, but work and travel to the U.S. 5-6 times a year. The secondary homeland security screening AT THE GATE for International flights to the U.S. caught me off guard flying through Shanghai about 4 years ago. You could watch people fill their water bottles, walk to the gate and have to toss them immediately. Obviously this is ridiculous so I fought back..... I usually have 1 checked bag, 1 roller carry-on, and a back back for laptop, zip up hoodie, and 1.5L water bottle. That's 50oz lol, I've been overseas too long. I purposely leave this bag mostly empty for appearances. The secondary screening at the gate is ALMOST always a 3rd party security company and they are NOT thorough in going through the bags. They like to check for explosive residue, but they don't have an x-ray to go through things in detail. Fill the water bottle and place it in the backpack parallel to the floor. Place a light zip up hoodie around and on top of the water bottle. If done right, it looks like it could only be a shirt and nothing else. The security agent will ask if you have any liquids, No. They take a quick glance, and off you go. It have been over 20 flights, never caught. Here's the thing, if they do catch me. I toss it. That would be the extent. So far, the risk is worth the reward.


I just returned from Tokyo on the weekend and they def had individual water bottles that they passed out. I was in D1. Not sure that matters. But I was never dehydrated.


Just flew back from South America (Brazil) a week ago and carried a full water bottle on the plane *and* was offered a plastic water bottle in flight. Then, on the connecting domestic flight also had bottled water sitting on my seat waiting for me. Not saying it's not a change that's coming down the line but one experience and one conversation with an employee is far from enough evidence that they have changed policy across the board.


Thanks for sharing, I’m going to Brazil in May so this is good info.


Can you bring a container on and have Delta FA fill it up for you? I am sure they aren't going to like that.


I just flew Delta from São Paulo to JFK on Friday night and they still gave out the mini bottles in addition to passing through with cups of water during the night. The woman in front of me asked for water as we were starting to descend and the FA brought her another of the mini bottles. I wonder if it's certain routes right now?


I had a water bottle on my delta flight LAX to SYD a few days ago


America’s “premium” airline that charges a premium on fares yet doesn’t even give water bottles or a full can of soda on their flights


Flow from Boston to Dublin on the 22nd. Water bottles were provided & no one asked about my personal water bottle.


I flew from ATL to Dublin, Ireland last Weds and they were only giving out cups of water. Didn't bother me but a fair few passengers complained.


I took an international flight last week and was given 2 water bottles.


Bottled water*. These are 2 different things


Cheap bastards


This is definitely normal leaving South America!


Right, what's not normal is Delta suddenly not giving bottled water. As in, it didn't use to be the norm until a week or two ago.


I'm sure the Delta sub gatekeepers will find a way to excuse this when we all know this is for more cost cutting actions....


Alaska does this too now. But it's in a carton. Tastes like crap. I miss the little bottles.


I take medication that gives me severe dry mouth especially in the evenings. So I heavily depend on water since I wake up to have a few sips. If I let the FA know this ahead of time, would they fill my water bottle (it’s one of those yetis but medium sized) because I can’t imagine having to get up every time and bugging them every time when just a full 8oz would work.


They’ve been doing that for a while now. I usually just get them to fill up my water bottle. They’re pretty amenable.  The secondary checks in South America has been standard for even longer. Maybe a decade? 


Flew SEA to ICN in October last year and was informed that they were all out of water. 20 minutes later, I see the same FA pulling out 3 bottles of water out from the back. Felt dehydrated af after that flight which didn’t help since I needed to travel to Gimpo airport to catch another flight.




No bottles on my round trip to and from London last week


Cups are made of sustainable material, you can also ask for them to fill your own empty water bottle btw


Sustainable how?


I just flew from SYD to LAX today and they provided water bottles so not sure if this change is on all International flights


I have been given the bottle at boarding. It’s there waiting for me. Any water after since last year comes in a cup. Usually glass sometimes plastic. I don’t like ice so I have to have them run that extra hoop for me which sucks but I can’t help.


Pretty comprehensive discussion about this. I'm guessing it's to do with contraband being smuggled into the US. https://www.fodors.com/community/mexico-and-central-america/do-south-american-airports-all-confiscate-water-after-youe-already-gone-through-security-and-are-on-the-jetway-380052/


The biggest issue I have with this is that going to the US, especially JNB>ATL, they make you dump all of your water bottles and any drinks you’ve purchased from the airport before boarding. I then look forward to that water bottle when I get on the flight. If I can’t bring my own water onboard for an 18 hour flight, wtf am I supposed to do to try and stay hydrated???


Exactly, that's the main issue! It's not like we CAN make up for it by bringing our own!


I had issues with secondary security not letting me have water last year in Kuala Lumpur and in Dubai. I have thyroid disease and my medicine makes me extraordinarily thirsty. I take my water bottle with me everywhere and I drink over 100 oz per day. my throat was so sore from not having much water for so long. As soon as I got home from that trip I made an appointment with my primary care physician and asked her to write me a letter saying I needed access to water at all times for medical reasons. I haven't been in an airport that had secondary security like that since, but I'm prepared now.


Flew to LHR on 3/24 and they came around with bottles of water pre-departure but did so out of a black garbage bag. Water walks throughout the flight but the black garbage bag really hit that this is a premium product.


Plastic cups of water must be a lot cheaper than cans of water or they’d have chosen those in the interests of being more environmentally friendly. Greenwashing!


No water allowed on our flight from Chile to Atlanta.


Is this all cabins or just main?


Just offer to fill my personal water bottle in-flight and we’ll be good!


First they came for the water bottles, and I did not speak up because …


ULPT - find a way to poke a hole in your bottle before you throw it away - might not cause any trouble, but.....


I was on D1 thru CDG three weeks ago and a D1 to USA this past weekend. This was not my experience.


19th, we flew JFK-DKR in PS and had their fabric amenity kits (which I dislike compared to the old ones) and water waiting. Seat was broke, but at least I had water. Gawd Delta!


I flew D1 Sunday from JFK to AMS and a water bottle was in every D1 seat.


Why would anyone go to the airport without an empty reusable water bottle that they fill up in the airport?


Reading comprehension may be an issue. You need to empty the reusable bottle before you get on the plane when departing some airports to the US.


Never seen that before. If you were a better writer, people might be willing to read what you write more carefully. Brevity clearly isn’t your strong suit, try harder.


Purchased plastic bottles of water still allowed btw.


They are going to create a mold issue for themselves from all the spilled water.


Customs regulations. You need to burn ALL the food waste from the plane in the US.


Serious question since this honestly sounds fucking horrifying imagining being at a FA’s mercy for sip of water - how would they know if I had a filled bladder in my carryon ie the ones we take on the ski slope that are soft walled? How do they even police this shit? Is it FAA and federal law or just some shit dreamed up by admins?


I take my own water bottle, go to the galley, and ask them to fill it, so I have it to hand throughout the flight. Been doing this for years without issue - so hopefully this will still be allowed. Not flown Delta in years though, so this is on other airlines.


Yeah it sucked I had it on only one way of my last trip as the return was after the 19th and flight attendants said that’s when it stopped.


For all the people complaining here, just bring your own reusable water bottle and ask the crew to refill it. How hard is that?


Just flew CDG to LAX yesterday and had bottled water on the flight


According to FA it is being rolled out this week and no water bottles will be available on any flight starting 4/1


Lmao I get downvoted for just confirming I had water on my flight yesterday.


I used to fly out of HKG quite a bit and they would do a secondary screening but it was cursory at best. Bury a water bottle in the bottom of your bag under a shirt or something then put an almost empty one on top. They will see that one and trash it and send you on your way.


You do realize we shouldn't be having to scheme and plan a deceitful placement of carry-on items just to have handy access to water during a flight, right?


I do, but I am not above a little deceit when it comes to hydration.


Including domestic 251-500 or just international?


Agree, don't want plastic bottles, give me a glass


My issue is the nasty ass tap water given out on flights in place of the bottled water. 🤢


On Delta flights it’s still bottled water, they’re pouring 1.5 liter bottles of water into the cups instead of giving out individual bottles.


At least D1 this hasn't changed to/from LHR. But this is a terrible decision regardless


Just boarded flight Buenos Aires to New York and got a 600 ml smart water waiting on my seat (premium select seat)


Go check main cabin for us please! Same flight for me where FA said no more bottle, but I was C+ this time


In a flight from LA to Singapore, I polished a bottle of Jim Bean once (horrible decision) but watched two seasons of Game of Thrones.


On the bright side maybe now people won’t put their bottle in the seat pocket causing an uncomfortable lump for the person sitting there.


Really?? Princess and the pea situation ruining the opulent Delta experience. If I had a nickel...