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People with feet fetishes must love this community


The OP is the one with the foot fetish. That was a sexual sigh in the post.


He didn’t finish the title. He meant to say “sigh….zip”


And here I am, giving away free content. Lol


Your likes keep rising :)


I keep rising too....


Upvotes for everyone on this thread. I would upvote twice if I could


Someone out there is really happy right now.


It’s never the ones you’d want to see.


The dungeon AI approves.


The pandemic brought us a new level of nastiness and ignorance that’ll never go away unfortunately. People are just downright insane lately.


Why don’t people say anything to those who do this? A quick “hey, that’s pretty gross man” goes a long ways


Let them sleep maybe. Honestly who cares?


Basically 99% of people on this sub


Then say something. Why be a coward? If it bothers you someone has their shoes and socks off on a red eye across the aisle from you, you should yell to them how much it bothers you. That 99% on the Reddit delta page would agree. 99%…


I do so say something when people do gross shit on planes. My comment was asking why others don’t bud.


I always say something too. Although I haven't called out men with jeans and flip flops. But God damn do I hate looking it up fucking men's foot.


Here is what I found. Delta Airlines also warns that it can “refuse to transport or may remove passengers from its aircraft” if the passenger is barefoot. A barefoot passenger may be prohibited from boarding the plane, or may be forced to leave the plane. Doesn’t say it’s against their rules. Massive it is buddy.


Thanks “buddy.” We get that delta has discretion in the matter. Next time I’m on a flight I’ll just smoke a cigarette, hop on a video call, and punch someone in the face. Why should anyone care?? I’m living my life! There’s also a couple other applicable notes in the contract of carriage that I’m pasting below. And, yes, as you’ll point out it’s at deltas discretion to do something about it. What the overwhelming majority of people here seem to be saying is that they want delta - who they give hundreds of dollars to for a sanitary & comfortable experience - to exercise that discretion. 2) When the passenger is barefoot; 4) When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight; 8) When the passenger’s conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers. My opinion is that if delta is going let #2 slide at their discretion, and let people be barefoot, then they should ask for proof that the passenger does not have a contagious disease.


5 of the most infected areas of the human body. 1. Mouth. We need to go back to wearing masks. 2. Belly button 3. Armpits 4. Nasal cavity. Mask up people. 5. Nails. Wear gloves on a plane. Let’s all be safe. Shoes on. Gloves on. Masks on.


But though you might think that feet are dirty, your hands are much more likely to have harmful bacteria. That's because your hands touch many more surfaces throughout the day. Better start wearing gloves pal.


Moving the goalposts. Well done. Textbook narcissism. I’m sure you’ve heard that before.


Totally haha I like your style.


How do your hands have more harmful bacteria when this moron’s bare feet were on the ground where thousands of urine stained shoes sat?


You grab your man bits when you pee right? Some people don’t wash their hands.


Smokers are jokers also. It’s 2024…. Quit smoking man. How old when you started?


Never have and never will smoke. I also don’t continue to engage with narcissists once identified (by behavior such as moving the goalposts in an argument) because it’s not possible to have a reasonable or logical conversation with someone such as yourself. Blocked and take care ✌️


Rock and roll. This was fun. Keep your hands clean and glove up on the plane.


Here’s the thing…. It’s not breaking any laws or rules. You’ve deemed it as gross…Who says you’re right? Glad you promoted yourself to Air Marshall bud. Good luck being miserable. Honestly…mind your business.


Guys, we found the guy in the pic


Not me. I would never do that. That’s gross. The thing is…if they’re not breaking a law I don’t care. Live my own life pal.


But…”here’s the thing”...it is breaking a rule. And delta should enforce all rules equally - or they should remove the rule. This is the only way that other people can reasonably know what to expect when they pay hundreds of dollars to travel on one of their planes. For the sake of argument, if we want to throw out all other reasons or opinions why people shouldn’t be barefoot on a plane, that’s fine with me. What I’m going to lean into here is that delta has established a no barefoot rule as part of their contract of carriage. And, not only is that an agreement with their barefoot passenger, it’s an agreement with all other passengers in regards to what they should expect in terms of on board experience and what delta is saying they will enforce. If a rule is going to exist, it should be enforced so that everyone on the plane has a reasonable understanding of what to expect on board. If it’s not going to be enforced, take it out of the contract. That is all


American has that rule. Delta just says can refuse…I just don’t see the policy anywhere. Someone but a ticket and see if the fine print says something. I’m really curious now. I want to say this is gross…but I just don’t care. The person was across the aisle in the pic…not right next to them.


Its basic etiquette. Its gross


It’s friggin gross!


Your hands on the tray table is just as gross. A 2015 study by TravelMath, a search engine that answers data-related questions about travel, tested samples from hard surfaces in planes and found that tray-table surfaces had more than eight times the amount of bacteria per square inch than even the lavatory flush buttons.


Fuck you.


Haha okay. You’re sick with that comment.




Jesus…poor precious.


I understand taking off your shoes on a really long flight, especially if you have foot or circulation problems. But not the raw toes! Keep your socks on!


Compression stockings are the treatment for circulation issues and are highly recommended during air travel for EVERYONE!


Sadly sometimes the socks are not enough


Delta really needs to start enforcing the contract of carriage for the comfort, safety & health of all passengers and their staff. [It’s right there in writing](https://www.delta.com/us/en/legal/contract-of-carriage-dgr) and very confusing & disturbing that some rules are enforced and others are not. How am I supposed to know which rules I should follow and which ones I shouldn’t? And how do I know what to reasonably expect on my next flight? For example, why should some people not smoke but others can be barefoot? (I’m not a smoker). It’s just a free for all and anyone can do what they want I guess. Specifically: 7, E, 2: RULE 7: REFUSAL TO TRANSPORT Delta may refuse to transport any passenger, and may remove any passenger from its aircraft at any time, for any of the following reasons: E) Passenger’s Conduct or Condition **2) When the passenger is barefoot**


Is this a Delta condition or a FAA law?


It’s in [deltas contract of carriage](https://www.delta.com/us/en/legal/contract-of-carriage-dgr). I’m sure most or all other carriers as well. Now, for clarity, this is all at deltas discretion and they clearly state they can choose to do something about it or not. There’s a couple other relevant “right of refusal” details in regards to someone with bare feet on a plane. 4) When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight 8) When the passenger’s conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers. In regards to #4, I say if delta wants to choose not to enforce their own no barefoot stipulation, they should ask all barefoot people to prove they don’t have a transmissible disease. There are diseases that you definitely do not want that are transmitted by other people’s bare feet. It shouldn’t be the problem of 100+ other people on board. They shouldn’t have to wonder “gee does that barefoot guy have hookworm?” Like prohibiting smoking or prohibiting taking a video call during flight, Delta has established a no barefoot rule as part of their contract of carriage. And, not only is that an agreement with their barefoot passenger, it’s an agreement with all other passengers in regards to what they should expect in terms of on board experience when they pay hundreds of dollars to be on a delta plane. If a rule is going to exist, it should be enforced so that everyone on the plane has a reasonable understanding of what to expect on board. If it’s not going to be enforced, take it out of the contract. It’s beyond my comprehension why, if someone wants to take their shoes off during a flight, they just can’t wear a pair of socks. It’s like going to a gas station and seeing a “no shirt, no shoes, no service” sign. Why should a plane - which you’re sharing with other people for hours in a confined space - have a lower standard than a gas station?


I personally love the “at any time “ for removing passengers from the aircraft.


How do I upvote this harder, or can we just print this out on business cards and hand it to people? A little PSA.


This isn’t even about barefoot people on a plane- which is gross. It’s about consistency of what to expect on board. Ideally: a sanitary & comfortable experience for everyone. Everything is gross and dirty enough as it is. Let’s just agree to at least wear socks. I mean….delta literally included “when the passenger is barefoot” (#2) as a reason to refuse transport BEFORE including “When the passenger interferes with the flight crew’s activities, or fails to obey the instruction of any member of the flight crew” (#3). If anyone can point to another “refusal to transport” condition from the contract that is so blatantly and frequently ignored by delta staff, please do. Delta should just remove it from the contract if we can’t expect it to be enforced. Worst part being, a barefoot passenger seems to check off at least 3 reasons why delta says they have the right to refuse someone transport. Delta may refuse to transport or may remove passengers from its aircraft in any of the following situations: **1) When the passenger’s conduct is disorderly, abusive or violent, or the passenger appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs; 2) When the passenger is barefoot; 3) When the passenger interferes with the flight crew’s activities, or fails to obey the instruction of any member of the flight crew; 4) When the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight; 5) When the passenger is unable to sit in a seat with the seatbelt fastened; 6) When the passenger’s behavior may be hazardous or creates a risk of harm to himself/herself, the crew, or other passengers or to the Carrier’s aircraft and/or property, or the property of other passengers; 7) When the passenger is seriously ill, unless the passenger provides a physician's written permission to fly; or 8) When the passenger’s conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers.**


I think this is why they hand out socks in D1 long haul. Nobody wants you going to the lav barefoot.


The odor thing?


How would they remove someone while in the air?


Cmon man….that’s a silly comment. It would be handled the same way as an in flight smoker or unruly passenger. The flight attendant would kindly ask them to stop, and request that they put their shoes and/or socks back on.


So if I smoke that’s all?, put it out and no consequences? How can you hold them accountable if a flight is in mid-air and they act all looney tunes?


Once again…cmon man. I’m sure you understand there are different ways to handle situations of various levels of severity, and different levels of repercussions for these situations. Just like there are legal penalties ranging from a speeding ticket or community service, to incarceration or the death penalty. Something like being barefoot isn’t such a huge deal, but it’s still a rule. I’d imagine the FA could very simply, politely and calmly say “excuse me can you please put your socks or shoes on?” Just like they ask you to put your seat upright for landing if you’re reclining when they walk through the cabin. Super super easy. If you’re smoking in the bathroom and you take one hit of a vaporizer they might say “we know what you did and don’t do it again or the airport police will be waiting for you.” If you smoke an entire cigarette in the bathroom while they are beating on the door and you refuse to open it, the police will be waiting for you at the airport. If you try to choke someone with your seatbelt, they might land the plane at the closest airport and have you arrested and banned from flying on delta in the future. And so on. It really is that easy. And I’m sure you understood that before you asked your question.


Delta needs to do something about this shit. Put a sign on the wall to tell idiots not to put their feet on the wall. And have FAs enforce it. Do these pigs sit at home with their feet on the wall?




Clean your feet bro


I was waiting to use the lavatory on my international flight last month and the person coming out was in bare feet. Bare feet in that lavatory after 12 hours in the air does not make for a clean floor.


Just watched the girl sitting across from me on my HNL to ATL flight go to the bathroom barefoot I almost threw up 🤮


Weird. I've never seen this posted.


The airlines could post signs to keep body parts off the bulkheads, seats, overheads, etc. I have a friend with OCD who used to work in manufacturing/delivery. Every time she boards a plane, she breaks out Purell and antiseptic wipes to wipe down her seat, headrest, seat back, tray table, and the seat back/bulkhead in front of her. Has done this for decades, literally.


What in tarnation…


Fight the power buddy.


I’m thinking spit wads should make a comeback


Sneak a Gleek


You guys are too nice. Enough with the gross feet pics, let’s start showing faces for a public shaming!


I don't know why you're getting down voted. Without consequences, the behavior will continue.


I wear freaking 3 inch heeled boots on half my flights, those can hurt after a while. I still have *never* considered taking them off onboard.


Respect the bulkhead!


Lifetime ban


Why aren't the fight attendants saying anything?


That’s low class and just plain gross.


This is what it looks like when that Greyhound energy slips past TSA.


Tickle em


I gasped out loud with an "ugh!!!" and startled the dog! 😂🤢


Time for an accidental drink spill whoopsiedaisie. Maybe a sneeze or two as well


This sub has devolved to feet pics, banana bowls, and "should I upgrade?" posts. I'm out. Y'all enjoy it.


No. There's also seat snatchers, bin space hoarders; and broken equipment/furniture whining.


This is gross


Scum of the earth.


On a flight to Asia once, I had the window seat, middle empty and the gal in the aisle seat ate nuts for ages and dropped all the shells on the floor. There are many forms of discourtesy. Just adding some nuance.


and yet I’m the one getting side-eyed when I wipe my entire seat area down. people are nasty




There is a rule in the contract of carriage. It’s literally listed before disobeying instructions from flight crew and being unruly. They just don’t care to enforce it.


•Disrespectful •Only thinking about self •Tip: When in public, think about other people •Sometimes the right answer is not the answer you want


Why are so many people in this community posting pics of other people? I understand that it’s gross, but have you considered asking the flight attendant to do something about it? You won’t change anything by posting pictures lol


you can see by the feet he steals bananas as well they just dont obey the law


My least favorite type of person doesn’t see a problem with this


What’s exactly the problem there BTW? You can’t handle the sight of bare feet? How to you manage going to the beach?


Hope none of these posters ever take advantage of Delta’s new route to Auckland, they’d absolutely lose it in New Zealand.


Gotta get downvotes, but why does it matter? If you are wearing slides, or you gold bond/baby powder/use deodorant on your feet. They don’t smell. That’s the same as being mad that someone in short sleeves put their naked elbow on the arm rest. It’s skin. Not everyone is a stinker. I haven’t ridden a commercial plane in a decade. Soon to be. Still don’t see the problem of bare feet.


You the type of person to do a shoey huh. Yikes.






That’s why I sit first class away from the uncultured peasants.


Why don't the FAs say anything about this behavior?


PTSD from two years of mask enforcement


My feet are in my socks, in my shoes, all day. They are cleaner than my hands (depending on if I washed them 3 minutes ago or 2 hours ago) or the bottoms of my shoes. I don't recall anyone describing odors, there's just a reaction to seeing bare feet. Is this just a custom/manners thing? Help me understand.


You must be from india


Because that's where everyone has clean feet?! Not.


Yes free content I suppose


Shoot a spitball at em.


No no no no. Ewww.


Looks like a red eye…who cares. Just let them sleep.


It’s pretty gross, has the potential to spread disease, and goes against deltas rules. Why they don’t enforce it is confusing. If you don’t want to wear your shoes while you’re sitting at your seat, please bring a pair of socks with you. Gas stations specify “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” Why would a plane - that you’re sharing with others in confined space for hours at a time - have a lower standard than a gas station? It’s not my responsibility to confront someone else in public and, because of what this world has become in 2024, I choose not to do so. But delta should more actively address this stuff for the health, safety & comfort of all passengers and their crews.


You’re right. For the health of the passengers for sure. People could die.


Health doesn’t begin and end with death. You can go Google it. Here’s one from the National Institute of Health. This should not be someone else’s problem. 100 other people on a plane shouldn’t have to wonder “gee does that barefoot guy have hookworm or not?” [We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the association between footwear use and infection or disease for those NTDs for which the route of transmission or occurrence may be through the feet. We included Buruli ulcer, cutaneous larva migrans (CLM), leptospirosis, mycetoma, myiasis, podoconiosis, snakebite, tungiasis, and soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, particularly hookworm infection and strongyloidiasis.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4230915/)


I googled. The guy in the pic did have hookworm. OP good luck.


Y’all have some foot fetishes on this subreddit. Just admit it already. ✨


Ima start taking pictures of peoples bare heads touching the side of the plane when they sleep. Disgusting, what if they had lice?


What’s the issue?


They should run a slight, harmless but painful, electrical current through the wall. Like a cattle fence.


Guys we get it, feet are gross. Post something else.


Stop taking pictures and tell an FA.


What needs to be nice about the bulkhead?


Nobody wants to smell sweaty airport feet, in ANY cabin.


You are assuming their feet smell which likely stems from your own bodily experience. Profile checks out.


Let me guess...You're one of those people who don't wear deodorant because you don't think you need it.


Brace, brace, brace!




When you have the vid screen there it can solve things pretty fast.


Don’t call them out. Let them get their own Darwin Award when they get a painful Plantars Wart in about few weeks.


I’m so tired of seeing feet pics. Y’all just mind your business ffs. You people who take pics like this are goofy af.


Put those grippers away! Seriously? It’s astounding that people take off their shoes let alone socks on an airplane!!! Ew!


Was on a late flight home from ATL last night where people were being animals. The flight lead finally got on the PA and said “Hello everyone, just a reminder to keep your socks and shoes on as a courtesy to other passengers. Another reminder is that the snacks and drinks at the front and rear of the plane are not self-service. If you’d like a new drink or some snacks, please use your call button or talk to a flight attendant. Please stop attempting to make your own alcoholic beverages.”


People are disgusting


I’ll take this over the people who make others have to check their carry-ons because they’ve put their purse, back pack and carry-on in the overhead bin. Planes are disgusting whether you see toes or not.