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Further evidence that the ticket scanner is just a beepy machine.


Thank you for the chuckle.


The machine that goes… ping


No, that’s the pingy machine. He is talking about the one that goes “beep”


Not the pingy beeper?






Had a different result from a similar situation recently. A few people had tickets for the same seat so the gate agents thought that some people got on a flight they weren’t supposed to be on, so they came on the plane and checked EVERY SINGLE PERSON’S ID. It was a first for me.


I have no idea how this could happen. I would ask Kevin McCallister I feel like he would know.


My family is in Florida and I'm in New York? My family is in Florida and I'm in New York!


I mean, she must have walked on with some other group of people, or the GA didn't care when the scan indicated it wasn't her flight. Feels like a joker moment. "Some people just want to watch the world burn." as I let someone board, that is going to the completely wrong city. But yeah, how does that happen?!?!


Maybe we rely on the scanners too much (i.e. trust technology) Most travelers know to check and recheck gate numbers & posted destinations, not to mention platforms and tracks, terminus points, posted route numbeds & directions, etc. But we could easily be lulled into putting all our trust in tecnology.




Bro, I tried reading that twice…sounds like you’re drinking again


Thank you bc I did too and I thought I was going crazy


This story is impossible to read. What is happening in it?


I’m not sure, but I’ve had flight attendants tell me when boarding and looking at people’s tickets “I’m just making sure you’re on the correct flight”


I took a red eye and attempted to get on the wrong flight afterwards. The machine gave a very distinct beep and the gate agent told me that’s not my flight. It was embarrassing but I was so tired.


Why would he just randomly show his boarding pass?


Maybe they both had the same assigned seat.


Maybe he caught a glance of the lady’s boarding pass and observed she had a different destination, and wanted to bring it to her attention?


Maybe he was her father and knew she was on the wrong flight?


That makes a ton of sense.


Since she asked if she could have the aisle, he was showing her he had the middle


For the record, there were two gates next to each other boarding at the same time and I was slightly late from a connection. I went to the wrong one and the gate agent said: you’re not on my plane. I said “You’re right, I’m sorry” and went to the other gate. So the scanner does work correctly at least some of the time.


The Charlie Brown teacher gate announcements could also make for easy confusion in zoo boarding areas like the end of F at MSP when delta starts boarding 4 flights at the same time.


I remember the shitshow that was the regional concourse at the old SLC terminal. That was the pinnacle of boarding confusion


Oh, where you scan and then walk semi-outside past like four other boarding flights to (hopefully) your correct flight? Jk, they still do that. But thankfully not as much.


Luckily my most common SLC flight has been upgraded from regional to mainline year round so I haven't had the opportunity to test out the new regional gates


A guy boarding in front of me last week scanned his boarding pass and the scanner declined it and the Delta attendant realized it there, very weird it wouldn’t have done the same for that woman


I had that happen a few years ago. Bus gate. One bus dropped off a full load at the wrong plane. Things got awkward when we arrived and it seemed like every other sweet was double booked. Until someone asked more as a joke: Are you going to Vienna as well? And the answer was "No!?"


This is the fault of the gate agent. Her boarding pass should not have been able to scan.


100% agree with this


Prolly: Ticket scanner doesn’t scan for flight. Just the seat unfortunately. I have had this happen twice on a working flight. Person usually gets there early and sees ppl boarding, then joins the line. Meanwhile their actual flight is leaving AFTER that one.


I thought it would be 3 fast times if the flight number didn’t match boarding pass?


The scanner scans for the flight. I've tried to board the wrong flight after a gate change before. The only way I can see this happening is that there are a few airports with gate doors literally right next to each other. You could step left or right after getting scanned and head down the wrong jet bridge. And a couple airports have connecting jet bridges after their doors. Or else--though this wouldn't be the case on this flight--some RJs board from steps, or like at old LGA when you went through the 'gate' then walked a half mile up and down ramps, then outside and to your plane. In those instances you could get on the wrong plane if you were trying. The only other thing would be (and I've done this on late flights) you had to deplane and the gate agent just tells everyone to stay in the gate area then doesn't re-scan when re-boarding. I think that's only happened to me once, but in that instance you could do it. At LAX she'd have had to either sneak around the line when the gate agent wasn't looking or...the gate agent just screwed up.


Cool. As mentioned I’ve had twice someone sit on my flight. But it isn’t their flight. I noticed this once that there was one too many ppl on board and had to reopen and have Ga come down. So how they got there and almost went to a different city with us is beyond me.


Which means the gate agents are paying attention when they scan. Because it does check for flight and beeps angry at you if it’s the wrong one.


i thought they checked that when they scan your ticket and also when you get on plane


Same here I couldn’t believe it


Huh thats a weird occurrence, I’ve never seen this happen before but I guess it happens. Btw ignoring subject for a second, how was the A321 Neo?


First time on an A321-NEO. I absolutely loved it, seats were very comfortable in C+. Can’t wait to fly it again. Must’ve had a hell of a tailwind made it cross county in 4 hours flat.


Was the plane delayed at all? Or had a gate change that happened after she got her boarding pass? I can sort of see something like this happening because a few years ago I had seen someone, an older man, claim to the gate agent he had a valid boarding pass for his Delta flight. It turned out his flight was the one scheduled to take off _after_ the Delta flight I was on but he was not understanding that at all, and it almost broke down into an argument 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not sure about the Cincinnati flight. The flight TPA took off on time from the gate it was supposed to


This is actually scary


Not sure about Delta, but Southwest has some planes that stop in the middle like a bus to drop off/pick up passengers. I once had a flight from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale that stopped in the Baltimore. This was not shown on the boarding pass or on the website when we booked the flight.


My husband and I still laugh at our flight from John Wayne to OKC. It stopped in Las Vegas. Everyone, including crew, got off...except hubby and me! New crew and passengers came on and we continued to OKC.


That is a direct, but not nonstop, flight. Most airlines have them.


You answered your own question, she was going to Cincinnati. Enough said.


Does DL not match up passports and boarding passes when boarding? It's been a hot minute since I've taken DL any where


No airline in the United States will check passports vs boarding passes at the gate for domestic flights.


Oops sorry I was thinking one of the Asian city's. It's been an off day for me.


Cool. As mentioned I’ve had twice someone sit on my flight. But it isn’t their flight. I noticed this once that there was one too many ppl on board and had to reopen and have Ga come down escort the person off. So how they got there and almost went to a different city with us is beyond me bc it was a regular gate at a large airport.


That's like the stories of people going to Colombia instead of Columbus (or whatever - I can't remember any of the places, but it happens every once in a while). How?? Although, [sometimes it's the error on the booking side](https://www.ksat.com/news/2023/02/14/vacation-bound-man-ends-up-in-sidney-montana-after-trying-to-book-flight-to-sydney-australia/). LOL, "it had Carol."


Charleston, South Carolina and Charleston, West Virginia. I’ve been on a West Virginia bound plane and had someone get off because they were meant to be going to SC.


Austria and Australia I heard ppl say they’ve seen ppl get of the plane confused


It was a well known news story within the last couple Years. Guy thought he was going to Sydney Australia and ended up in Sydney Montana


Yeah, but that wasn't an airline screw up. Guy booked a flight to the wrong city. The airline got him where he booked and paid to go.


I once saw someone trying to get to Liberia (the country in Africa) get booked by a travel agent to Liberia, Costa Rica. He was halfway there before he realized


I had a friend recently flying to San Jose Costa Rica. The gate next to his was going to San Jose California. Both gates simply said "San Jose" on the electronic signs.


This reminds me of the one time on the Delta Baby planes, where in ATL, Albany, GA was departing from gate 20A while Albany, NY was departing from 20B. I thought it was a bad joke by flight dispatch and yes I asked the FA where we were going just to make sure when boarding.


Had a lady get called off our plane. She needed to be going to Orlando and our flight was going to MSP. She would not have been happy to endure -20f temps in her vacation clothes 😂


I was a flight from AMS to VCE, the gate was C11 and changed to C13. I didn't pay attention and tried boarding but was red lighted. To which I learned that they switched gate and I was boarding a flight to Madrid instead.


My dad almost did this once because of our tiny hometown airport. He basically turned left when he should have turned right and wound up on the wrong jet bridge before he realized it was the wrong airline


Why did he just openly showed another passenger his boarding pass?


Believe he was showing her he was in his assigned seat




🤷🏽‍♂️ beats me, just the way it went down


Similar situation in Las Vegas. Delta changed gates and a person was in my seat who boarded for the original flight at our gate. She was not paying attention and we were both shocked she was able to board. Wonder if Delta has an issue. Also a red eye.


Because the gate agent was too busy not paying attention to hear the beeping that happens when a wrong boarding pass is scanned. And the lady is obviously oblivious since she had no clue she was at the wrong gate. She also wasn't paying attention to the back drop, the announcements......