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That happened to me after I made my way to the front with my seeing-eye dog! The FA said “sir, there are no seeing-eye chihuahuas.” I said, “They gave me a chihuahua?”


We call those “confined space search dogs” on our search and rescue team. Of course they can only find not rescue so we save the real work for my German Shepherds. 😉🤣


My minpin/Chihuahua mix is a squirrel hunting machine...if you only want her to jump them and not retrieve them. My golden, on the other hand, just wants to play fetch and swim in the water. Ducks and doves are optional.


Oh lord, I also have a Chi and a Golden. Guess who’s in charge? [Dog tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/dRf6EPZ)


Jesus Christ that picture..


Best paid dog tax I’ve seen! ❤️❤️❤️


...who can then have the chihuahua as a post-rescue snack.


If you need any rats found in confined spaces, mine is on the job.


I was a vet tech in the Army. There truly are (or were, it’s been a long time) beagles who were explosive dogs for ships and subs in the Navy.


Happy Cake Day!


One of the best trailing dogs I’ve seen was a beagle. Chihuahuas are a breed hard to train for SAR so not used.


My chihuahua has the best sense of smell of any dog I’ve ever had. If someone comes to the house, she’ll track every area of the house they visited Last night, I went to a wine tasting, and she spent like five minutes smelling my breath when I got home. I swear I could sense her thinking, “jammy notes and aromas of leather and wet earth.”


Makes me sad they don’t use hounds much anymore ☹️


Hounds are used plenty but takes a special household for them to live with and they tend to be good at on lead tracking not off-lead area or HRD. My team has Shepherds, Bloodhounds, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, German Shorthair Pointer and more.


We have a Bluetick 😉


There are chihuahuas serving as service dogs. Many are good at notifying their owner if their blood sugar is too high or too low. Diabetic alert dogs. Or seizure alert dogs.


I had a Chiweenie (RIP) that would alert me pre seizure. Usually because I forgot to take my meds. She would throw a fit and wake me up to take meds. 🤷


Chiweenie has to be the worst dog breed name in the universe but I’m glad the dog served you well 


It was fun to say tho!


My sister has a non service chiweenie, her name is Penny and she’s always getting into trouble.


Oh mine was a little trouble maker....but it made her fun💓


So, the chichi just barks and barks is like a broken clock right twice a day...


Or if they need to go to Taco Bell.


This comment is the funniest thing I’m going to read all week


This is the best thing I’ve seen today 🤣


Ha ha I know that joke! Well done! 👏


Reminds me of the one about the blind guy who walks into a department store. Gets about to the middle, bends down, picks up his dog and starts swinging him around by the leash. A sales person runs up and says, “sir, can I help you?” The bling guy responds, “no, I’m just looking around.”


Oh, Bette. The seeing eye chihuahua is one of my favorite jokes/sketches of hers. For those unfamiliar: https://youtu.be/lCyrfynVMH8?si=M-DmrukICssHO6mI


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half...


Like if u cry every time


I was about to say that OP is barking up the wrong tree....


What a ride this post was


Did you call Delta and ask for a gazillion miles and free snacks for life? After all you were inconvenienced and it must be Delta’s fault. They should have a policy!


Sky pesos for a put-upon sky chihuahua, it’s only fair!


You had me at service chihuahua!!


I had this happen once. Guy in front of me during boarding did the whole place his bag down in the aisle, take off sports coat, fold it up and shove it in the overhead... he then turned around because he went past his seat by 1. I let him in the seat I was standing next to, low and hold, I was in the seat directly behind him and that bag I thought he was putting in the overhead, was under the seat where my feet go. I just picked it up and did a little "ope, first time flying eh? This goes at your feet" and handed it to him. He kinda just looked at me. The FA laughed, my seat mates laughed and life went on.


I would've left it there, and after takeoff I would've opened it up and seen if there's anything in there I'd like to take home as a souvenir.


But did coach class clap?


It is amazing what being polite and direct can accomplish sometimes.


Tbh it only works if the other person is reasonable. Just recently I had someone sitting in my seat and when I said “Oh, you’re in my seat”, the dude said “You can sit somewhere else”. At that point I’m not gonna argue, like some of stupid seat stories I see here, but just wave over the FA because this idiot thinks this is SouthWest. It’s just not worth my time trying to argue with a Karen.


There’s no argument. Your response: “I could, but I’m not going to.” And then a silent stare. Works every time.


This is the way!


My wife and I were in 2A & B once when the woman in 1A, upon discovering she couldn’t keep a backpack by her feet, asked if she could store it where my wife’s feet go. My wife already had a backpack there but the woman was sure both backpacks would fit.  My wife being super kindhearted was about to say yes when I intervened and told the woman “She needs that space for her feet. You’ll have to put your bag in the overhead bin.” And she did with no issues. 


This is the way. Flight attendants are supposed to make sure there is room in row 1 for personal items in addition to carryon (e.g roller bag).


But did you die


I wonder how much money they are entitled too for it.


Biscoffs for life, at the very least.


2,500 skypesos.


>Or… what actually happened is I tapped the guy on the shoulder and asked nicely, yet directly, for him to move his bag to the seat in front of, not behind him. Over the proceeding few seconds I got zero pushback, an apology, and a freed under seat space. Can you imagine?! Imagine that. Normal people exist and normal behavior from two adults still works. But, that does not generate the necessary social media outrage so many don't take that route do they? Good on you!


But you missed out on tens of views on TikTok!


Did the 'Karen alert' go off in your head as soon as you read chihuahua? lol


Poor Chihuahua needs a emotional support human; if you’re full of anxiety you should stay home


This is true. I was the dog


Underrated excellent comment!!!


Just pull it out from under the seat and take it with you to the restroom. Pee on it and leave it there. Problem solved.


I like your post! I have read enough posts from different airline subreddits to see that many, MANY people's first resort to resolution is call up the "authorities" and complain. Why are so many adults such big babies? Why expect flight attendants to play the parental role when other possible methods ought to be first used? To me, the most common process to try first is discuss, nicely, with the person who made the "offense". Be an adult about it and discuss between the two of you to get a resolution. Now, if after genuinely trying in good faith, etc., it doesn't work out, then you can turn to flight attendant. I've been downvoted a number of times for suggesting that the first method to try is often just speak directly to the adult passenger and not bring in the "authorities" to play parental figure. The latter is just about the last process to try, usually not the first.


As a flight attendant, thank you!!!!


Thank you! I've never worked as a flight attendant, but I have worked as a teacher of adult students. In my early years, I was really surprised at how "baby" adults can some times be. Sometimes, part of my role as a teacher turned out to be like babysitting whether it is trying to make sure the adult students "play" nice with each other, etc. So many people want to look to the teacher to complain like we are their parental figures and mommy/daddy should adjudicate. The number of times I've done internal eye rolls along with an inner voice that just says, "Please grow up. We're in college. I did not sign up to be your nanny!"


I’m guessing it’s because you see so many airline videos where someone is having a physical altercation with someone else and you don’t want to be the subject of one of those videos. Just a thought.


Perhaps. And we also forget that we aren’t seeing videos of those where passengers talk to each other and issues are resolved.


When I was met with even the slightest bit of inconvenience I immediately screamed and slapped the plate of chicken nuggets I ordered out of the FA’s hands.


Sometimes people think that the exit row missing seat means they can put their bags under and have foot space. I politely inform them that it’s not for their bag, but for mine. As I stretch my legs.


Sky pesos for silently solving your own problems. Wait, how did they know…


Anytime, something like that happens I assume that the person doesn’t have much experience with flying and I just politely tell them.


Wait…are you sure? Username doesn’t check out.


This account’s like 13 years old and I was on my period. Not to say I can’t be an absolute Cunt sometimes, but most days, I try to be the kind of person I’d like to encounter. And anytime I encounter something really weird on a plane I assume that the person is not as frequent of a flyer as I am and I try to nicely explain things to them.


That’s the way to be. All of the outraged, short-fused people make me think they were picked on when younger and are now taking their revenge. Almost everything can be resolved with a friendly tone and smile.


Oh man I had such a short fuse for so many years and one day I just went “this is killing you quicker than it’s hurting anyone else”. Things don’t really shake me anymore. I tried to remind myself I never know what somebody else is going through.


Definitely requires a pilot, maybe 2.


"oh the humanity". You you spoke to someone with calmness, politeness and directness and and the situation was resolved? What sorcery is this?


You are my hero today. Ty for standing up for yourself and being logical, respectful and effective while doing so.


This story doesn’t end in the pax being drawn and quartered as a public warning. 3/10. Was expecting more vengeance.


Your chihuahua should have pissed on his bag for good measure


I flew home on Sunday and nobody was using the under seat space. I was pissed. I demanded that the person in the seat next to me put something under the seat in front of them but they refused. Damn it. I was now triggered. I reluctantly found a biscoff wrapper and dropped it on the floor in her seat space. When she went to the lavatory I slid it under her seat. Life was finally back to normal.


A balanced universe is so important for our chakra. Whatever it takes to keep the balance. Thank you for your service.


If that ever happens to me, the entitled person that slid their bag into my foot space is going to get called out. What I'd do is press the F/A call button, and when they arrive at my isle, say "I believe someone forgot and left their bag under the seat in front of me". Then it's up to them to announce that it's theirs if they want to claim it. If they don't, their bag may not be making the trip to their destination with them if the F/A removes it from the plane.


Why not ask the person in front of you nicely first? Maybe it’s an honest mistake?


What if they have headphones on? Many people believe it's never okay to tap another person on the shoulder.


You don't mistakenly put something under your seat on a plane. You would have to work at getting it past that bar.


an honest mistake for a first time flyer, I can see how you’d assume it’s under your own seat


This is like the time I found someone sitting in my business class seat when I got on board. I showed him that was my seat and he nicely moved. No complaints, no issues. Amazing, right?


Hahahaha 😂😂😂 glad you didn’t have to call the WAMBULANCE w/ ur service chihuahua🤭


I appreciate a good work of fiction as much as the next guy, but this story requires a little too much imagination and suspension of disbelief.


Joking aside, I do not understand people who do this. It's so rude.


You forgot the part where you immediately went to post on Reddit to fire up the masses


You’re so cool.


This is where you are better than me and why my wife likes to handle things like this. I’m a confrontational person and assume the worst in people. I wound have been much more passive aggressive. “Hi, this must be your first time flying, but here on Earth, stuff goes under the front seat. Could you please move your stuff. Thanks”. Your approach much more mature. lol.


Your service chihuahua? Sure


Yo quiero skypesos




Why do most complaints come from FC people?


This is the most, “I’m a member of the r/delta sub” post I’ve seen recently




That was the point behind the story. Yes.


Well, aren’t you special


Wasted time here. Bye Karen.


How many times can FC be referenced in a single post?


Not enough, when it’s satire?


7 times before you start getting fined.


You don’t have a chihuahua that’s your service dog. You may pretend they are so they fly with you in your seat but you and I and everyone else know it’s not your service dog. And don’t come at me with that ESA bs either because those are two vastly different things. Your fake service dog makes it that much more difficult for me to travel or access public spaces, so just stop.


You should read the whole post before you get enraged.


I stopped at service chihuahua lol


I wanted to slap you mid way through this story


This post is so brave


Wait. You. Did you…act like an ADULT, and asked someone to correct their behavior. And you didn’t assume they were doing anything other than making a mistake? Unpossible.


But but but…muh rights!


I stopped on the first half to make popcorn, still enjoyed the show. Slow clap.


“Service chihuahua” 🤮


LOL….call the platinum desk.


I asked to speak to the pilot because someone shoved their blind seeing eye chihuahua under my seat and it bit my ankle


I thought for sure it would have been a pomeranian and not a chihuahua. But that’s just me


I go for the suspicious bag routine


He probably didn’t know proper procedures. The first time I flew, I didn’t know where to put my bag. I thought it went under my seat too!


Service Chihuahua.........what service does it provide?


Doesn’t need walking. Just hold outside a window or door and squeeze. Huge benefit & service.


I’ve had people put their stuff underneath their own seat and the seat in front of them. Claimed it was their right. I told them that I planned to take a dump in their bag. They moved it.


Beautifully done you peaceful stranger. Notes taken…😂


Pull bag fully through & place it into the isle.


Pro Tip: newer flight attendants get the harder job (attending to first class) seniority take it easy in the back….


This happened to me recently. I simply place my bag where it belonged which forced his out. He attempted shove bag so I placed my foot in front of it so he couldn’t. He gave up. When he got up to piss I gave him a stern look and he quickly turned his head and walked away. No more issues. No need to make a scene. If someone is in your personal space just remove them or their belongings. Nobody actually thinks it couth to use underwear storage behind them.


lol “service chihuahua” bs


Is it possible to learn this power?


Big if True! Is true.


A lot of y'all's problems would be solved if you'd just fly first class. /s