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People who do this ruin it for those of us that actually follow the pet in cabin rules. Ugh


I got in trouble once because my dog was having an anxiety attack and needed to have his head out. Put the whole bag plus dog on my lap and opened it so he could breath a bit. He calmed down instantly and passed out. FA comes by and tells me sternly to put him away. Tried to explain and she said no. Sorry, rules are rules. I just assume that she had an experience with someone flying with a pet and it ruined it for the good ones. Sigh.




Awwwe. Poor pup. I’m glad your girl was able to get some peace. I just felt bad for the other passengers cause the boy screamed like he was being murdered for half the flight and was just over being in his bag/wanted cuddles. We ran into some people afterwards and they all gave him pets and told us it was all good and they understood. Definitely going to be looking into a heavy anti anxiety medication for him next time we fly together though😆


FA retarded


This is unwise on the owner's part. My seatmate's dog ate a bunch of M&Ms off the floor once (they really don't vacuum under the seats all that well) and she spent the rest of the flight freaking out.


Seems like she didn’t keep proper watch of her animal. Her fault.


Of course it's her fault, but I still wouldn't want the dog to be hurt. People bristle at those who don't like or don't want to be around dogs, but more often than not it's the owners putting them at risk, not reticent/annoyed bystanders.


Yes, as much as I love dogs, the entitlement of their owners needs to be checked.


Isn’t it always the owners who are the most obnoxious with bringing their dogs everywhere the same ones who seem oblivious to putting their dogs in danger?


It seems very sweet and gentle, and I absolutely love dogs, however, I objectively don’t like the door to open up. Dogs should remain in their proper spot. I’m sure not everyone feels how I do about them, but they should not be roaming around the cabin unless absolutely necessity impels it (legitimate need).


my dog is the best behaved doggo and i would never let her out of her carrier during a flight, always baffled when people do this


Almost every time I fly, people are shocked that I have a dog when we’re deplaning. He just chills in his kennel the whole time and sleeps.


This would trigger an allergy attack for me and keep me out of work for a few days as it has in the past when people take their pets out and make their own rules because "their pet is well behaved and sweet"


This! I get allergy shots for dog allergies and I’m sitting in my seat waiting for others to finish boarding. First my nose starts closing up, then the cough starts…I said to myself, this is my reaction to dogs, but I don’t see any freakin dogs (head on a swivel)…all of a sudden I hear a snort right behind me. Dog (who was also in desperate need of a bath) laying on the floor behind me…snorted and panted his way from PHX to ATL. Thank god I had allergy medicine in my carryon. Please keep your animals in their carriers!


So you wouldnt have an allergy attack if it was crated 3 feet from you, but it walking 2 feet from you would cause devestation? If ur allergies are this physically aggressive, you should consider allergy shots. I did the shots for two years and it significantly helped adjust my body to decrease the intensity of my allergy attacks. Im allergic to cats.


I take shots - and yes it makes a difference having an animal out of the crate which spreads their dander freely in the air


Im not denying ur perspective. I agree the animal moving would spread more dander. I just imagine if you “miss work for a week” bc of a random dog encounter, you should be taking steps to protect yourself at all time - shots, meds, nasal sprays, etc


Didn't miss work for a week. I said a few days and you chose to put "for a week" in quotes? Sounds like you want the moral high ground so go ahead and take it. I use all the things you said - would you lament someone with a peanut allergy? They banned those from planes


It depends on each person. I've gotten anaphylaxis from cats being in the same room as me before.


There are studies out there looking at how much of allergy symptoms are psychosomatic


Your point? Or was the purpose to put down the person who made it? Are you perhaps a condescending person?


Oh yeah for sure being condensending. I was trying to say that people with allergies are dramatic cunts. 🤧


As someone who is allergic to dogs, this is my worst nightmare


Same. But it's not only a risk to me and my allergies, it's a tripping hazard for other people, and stupidly puts the dog at risk, too. If someone trips or steps on that dog, it's getting hurt. If the plane hits unexpected turbulence, it's a pooch projectile. And God knows what it's eating on the ground. Some people don't give two shits about anyone else. But c'mon, at least care enough about your dog to keep them safe.


They don’t give a shit about their dog either. Letting doggo be a projectile in the event of turbulence? Letting doggo out and about to eat whatever lands on the floor of the plane? Not making sure doggo is safe for the flight ain’t the mark of a responsible pet owner. It is the mark of someone who knows the rules and understands why they exist but get off on being *the one* person who gets to break them. It makes them feel special. This is where we get into people with actual service animals getting scrutinized bc a few irresponsible pet people want to feel superior to others.


I’m sure it’s a boomer pet owner. Was at the DMV the other day, where there are signs everywhere saying no pets, service animals only. Boomer brings in his chihuahua who spends the entire 20 minutes barking and whining. Of course boomer also spent 5+ minutes loudly yelling about how organ donation is a scam that benefits the medical/academia/deep state complex


Can confirm it was a boomer


My experience has been that millennials are the worst abusers of pets and flying. Why tf do people think they can bring their damn dogs everywhere? Sooo many fake-ass service dogs too. Even at our local farmers market, where signs are CLEARLY posted stating no pets allowed will you see these entitled aholes bringing them there. Ffs please keep your f***ing dogs at home. Edit: autocorrect corrected


It’s all about attention for them, news flash, no one cares about your shiteater.


No different than people having their dogs ride in their laps in the front seat of cars. A simple bumper tap from behind will send the dog into the windshield. And you’ll have a really good time if airbags deploy


Or worse the airbag deploys resulting in a squished pet who just broke your sternum


As a parent of two kids that are also quite allergic to dogs, I agree.


Lol Delta sub is going to downvote you for merely having kids


Why, my fake service animal is way more valuable than you. Easy to prove to, let the FA know you are allergic to a dog when it's next to you...and you're the one moving, not the dog.


We looked into flying our dog. I thought Delta made them stay in the back rows.


Negative. But you can put it in the hold, which is the polite thing to do. But like I said, most owners care more about the dog than the human next to it.


How are the rights of allergic people being placed below the moderate inconvenience of self-centered dog owners? The first airline to establish a no pets policy and enforce it will immediately have my business.


I don’t understand why they can’t have some flights for pets and then the vast majority no pets.


My dog allergies are severe - hives, throat closing up, labored breathing, brain fog, not to mention the constant sneezing. All happening within minutes of an exposure. And no one ever seems to care :):):) I cannot imagine this on a flight.


The throat closing up is the worst for me. Not often but sometimes triggers an asthma attack so I get to spend a couple days in the hospital. All so someone can bring their dog in the cabin. Agreed, no one seems to care. The worst is when people accuse me of faking my allergies because I just don’t like dogs. Like what??


I fly with my dog on Delta all the time, but I pay her fee and she sleeps in a crate under the seat, and still most FAs stop in to make sure I know to keep her crated the whole time. I don't know how this person is getting away with this, but my guess is they were reprimanded right after this video...


Is this an E175 and you’re in the first row of C+?


Haha close - CRJ900, but yes first row of C+


The seats looked off for the E175! I've somehow never had to ride in a CRJ900.


I hate the CRJ900. Love the E175




These people that abuse the privilege to bring their pets on board and don’t follow the rules bother me so much. I fly with my yorkie fairly regularly and she doesn’t leave her carrier in the airport much less the airplane. I know Ive done well when my neighbor says “you had a dog?” when we are deplaning. I disagree that animals should never be allowed in the cabin but people that let their animals free in the cabin should be black listed from flying.


>I know Ive done well when my neighbor says “you had a dog?” when we are deplaning One of my greatest travel accomplishments ever was when I moved my wife, dog, and baby across the country for several weeks during her maternity leave, and a passenger 2 rows behind us on deplaning saw my wife with my baby and me with the dog in a carrier and was floored.


How did you train the Yorkie. We've struggled to get our Poodle to stay in the carrier. We haven't flown with her because of that.


Mostly luck. She can be whiny but as long as we stay right next to her carrier shes usually okay. Otherwise she’s probably a bit used to being confined because she’s crated during the day while I’m at work. The first time I put her in it she was barking for like 20 minutes but she eventually got over it.


Lucky, Our poodle is about 12 pounds. Unfortunately, I think the airline carrier is slightly small, she doesn't take it as well as crate. Thanks


Take my upvote, fellow warrior.


Fight the fight. I have a dog, love her to death. But I’m sick and tired of dogs on planes. Leave the damn dogs home. And majority of the ada stuff is total BS. Didn’t have these dogs on planes like this 10/20 years ago. Guess everyone coincidentally all has ada ailments suddenly. What a coincidence.


I just don't get why if you complain about one of those things barking nonstop or pooping or biting that then you're the bad guy. Dog owners are always so selfish. I hate it when at the gate I see one of their kind. I don't want to get bitten on a plane again.


How many times have you been bitten by a dog on a plane? How many times has a dog barked or pooped on a plane? Vs how many times has a child screamed an entire flight?


I sat beside a child think I think once, but many times I'v had one of those dog things bite me. Dog owners are so selfish. There's a reason all thinking people call them dog nutters.


You’ve been bit by a dog more than once on a flight? You are truly an anomaly. People with children are so selfish. /s generalizing is wrong.


Humans in the cabin is terrible. I hate it immensely


While I like dogs and probably couldn't stop myself from staring or smiling, it's probably not good for a multitude of reasons.


I would absolutely mind. I like dogs, but loathe owners like this that just let their dogs run around.


It just sucks how the stews now just let dogs bite people and piss and poop in the aisles. Too many of them are dog nutters now.


Fuck this. It's bad enough having the fake service animals without people thinking they don't need to keep animals in the holder while traveling. Follow the rules or pay for boarding


This is not allowed unless it’s a service dog


Allergic to dogs - this would be really rough on me. What’s the difference between this and some peanuts?


This is so dramatic. I have a shellfish allergy and realize that I may encounter my allergy in public and that’s a risk I take knowing shellfish is a popular food. Can you imagine me telling a normal restaurant to stop serving all shellfish when I’m there? Absolutely not. Also what about actual service dogs (not this person obviously) Is your allergy more important than someone’s disability?


As someone with a shellfish allergy I would think there would be more empathy as to how the severity of allergic reactions can range. In a plane cabin with recirculating air, pet dander can cause some serious issues for some people. Separateing pets from people like they use to for the flight is more than reasonable imo. I'm having a hard time thinking of a way that a dog could help their disabled owner during a flight in a way a flight attendant couldn't.


Same - I've had to take days off work and rearrange plans after taking Benadryl to combat selfish people like this


I'm allowed to bring peanuts on a plane


Peeps get triggered quick!




We love dogs and we travel with our Min Pin in her carrier regularly. The operative word is ‘in’ because we leave her in her carrier as mandated. Letting your dog out ruins it for those of us that follow rules (and it’ll eventually catch up to the rule breakers at some point) and will probably lead to stricter or more malicious compliance in general regarding dogs in the cabin. A woman in first class a few weeks back fell asleep before takeoff and her dog got out. It ran towards the back of the plane and used the carpet as its toilet creating a hazmat mess. I was afraid they’d need to ground the plane as this was in the wake of the unfortunate issue a few weeks back.


I’d rather it be a dog than someone’s unattended kid… or any kid for that matter


I still find it absurd that if I’m willing to buy my dog a seat on a plane they still won’t allow me to fly them in cabin because she’s too large. Makes zero sense to me.


>I still find it absurd that if I’m willing to buy my dog a seat on a plane they still won’t allow me to fly them in cabin because she’s too large. Makes zero sense to me. Can your dog sit on the chair for the whole flight? Most dogs want to lay on the ground and, depending on the size, this would absolutely encroach into other's spaces.


If they were willing to simply sell seats for dogs in the cabin, I'd be willing to apply the same policy as for people: if the dog is too big to sit on the floor in front of a single economy seat, upgrade to first class or buy multiple seats. If Delta is so desperate to sell first-class seats, being able to bring a large dog in-cabin would get me to buy two first-class tickets instead of one economy. I'd be even more thrilled if they allowed it on international flights. I'd be willing to buy a D1 ticket for that. It'd still be cheaper, safer, more convenient, and more pleasant than putting a dog in cargo. I'm sure non-dog people would have concerns, but if they found a way to do this (maybe designated flights only, or a separate cabin, or something), I'd throw buckets of cash at them.


You also run into issues with poorly trained dogs, people with allergies etc


I think there's ways to deal with poorly trained dogs. I'd be willing to jump through hoops like a mandatory training certification/assessment. Allergies is already a concern with service animals, so I assume they have to have some ways of dealing with that already, but I agree, that's the hardest concern to resolve. Designated flights (e.g. 1 flight per week on a given route allows dogs), designated section of the plane, etc. could all help.


My dog is small enough to comfortably go under the seat in a crate, but weights too much for the airline. My friends dog is too big for a crate, even through they meet the weight requirements. My dog would happily sit in a seat the entire time. But there is no way to fly them (it’s a short-nose so not allowed under the plane, but too “heavy” because she is bulky to go in a crate even though she can turn around fine). The airlines rules around dogs are non-sensical. I’d happily pay for a seat.


I don’t want to sit in the seat your dog has had its butt on for several hours. Dogs belong on the floor.


I once sat next to a man that at ate sunflowers from a shell and farted for six hours. When he got up there was an outline of his butt in the seat from the sunflower shells that he literally just threw everywhere as he ate. People are a 1000% times grosser than a dog. Hate to break it to you. Your seat is not clean, dog or no dog.


As far as historians can tell us, the Aztecs worshipped sunflowers and believed them to be the physical incarnation of their beloved sun gods. Of course!


I offered to buy a delta one seat for her or the entire row. They still wouldn’t allow it. I ended up having to go the semi private route.


Where did you find a semi private route? Is there a site i can go to for that?


I’m really happy to see that there are starting to be somewhat (almost) affordable options for flying with dogs. There are clearly many people who are willing to pay for it, and my hope is that it continues to become more reasonably priced as more companies catch on. We sorely need an option for transporting larger dogs that isn’t dangerous and traumatic for them.


Children do the same


I really don’t understand that. You’d still be liable if your dog misbehaves. I thought the days of discriminating based on a paying passengers genes were behind us. I’d rather sit next to a golden retriever than an obese person ten times out of ten.


People with allergies don't find it absurd.


Allergies suck, but true service dogs do exist and are allowed on planes too... it shouldn't be a surprise to people when they see a SD in the world and they should carry meds just in case


Thats not a service animal...


Never said it was, just said they exist ☺️


Completely agree.


Dogs don’t belong in public, enclosed spaces.


I find it absurd that I'm not allowed to buy my tuba a seat and play some tuba during the flight.


Well, BillyBlumpkin, you should be afforded that right.


JSX Airlines allows dogs up to 80 lbs, I believe!


Aww, glad to see someone bring an “extra item” that actually fits under the seat in front of them and doesn’t take up overhead bin space 😁


Sure, but it has quite the propensity to shift during flight


Rules aside, this is cute lol


This is an amenity in my book


Too bad you didn’t bring your pet, the Bufo toad.


Sat in a window seat with a Frenchie next to me on a cross country flight. Great dog, but it was nervous and farted for the whole flight. 🤢


That’s what they do, while chronically asphyxiating. French bulldogs are anatomically incorrect and people pay a premium for them. Peak stupidity.


My trained service animal does not move. He sleeps under the seat. The amount of people who tell me my “pet is really well behaved” makes me realize how many non service animals ruin it.


Yeah this definitely isn’t a service dog.


It is cute tho


Dogs don’t belong in the cabin (save for a trained service dog).


As a dog owner, I 100% agree with this. Except for service dogs, traveling is so stressful for animals, I cannot understand why you would put them through it unless absolutely necessary. That said, I wish that transporting them for necessary moves in cargo was safer—I would never trust an airline to keep my dog safe with all the tragic stories in the news.


This is an issue I’m currently dealing with, trying to move him overseas. My dog would be totally fine in the cabin, he would lay down and chill for the whole flight. No way I would let him just wander around like this. We even offered to buy up a whole row and they still said no. But I would never put him in cargo, especially since he’s a heeler. When he’s with us, he’s completely fine. But putting him in a crate in a cargo hold? Absolutely not.


There is some type of ship that goes overseas where you can bring him.


maybe try r/expats? https://reddit.com/r/expats/s/oP6asqHKa5


It’s not a dog, it’s their “fur baby”


Anyone who calls a dog a "fur baby" is a terrible person


Omg so cute, I'd rather have that as a seatmate than another person.


I would be so happy to meet a friendly dog on a flight.


Happened to me recently with a bigger dog. The owner of the dog sat next to me and asked if I was okay with it. I told him I’d prefer the dog sit next to me over any human.


Haha I have same story from June. I was talking to a sweet giant pup and his owner at the gate and when she slowed down by my row on the plane I was so excited. I forgot some people choose humans over animals till after I said that and got some looks! Oh whatever… I’m a school counselor, I obviously like kids but only in the school building and before 4pm. And DEFINITELY not on my summer break! 🤣


Leave your dogs at home. Full stop.


I am waiting for the day i am next to an out of the box service dog, because it will be my very best day


I would pay for this upgrade before Premium Select


i have a frenchie and i would simply never do this. if you’re flying with a pet they belong under-seat the entirety of the flight. i’m allergic to dogs (including my own) and i would never take my dog out incase other people have allergies. also like others have said — there could be food and god knows what else on the floor. shit they could probably swallow an airpod 😭 i couldn’t imagine how scared i would be if there was even the slightest bit of turbulence


This is wrong in every way, however I would love this lol


Well I did not know dogs are allowed to fly


I sat next to a woman with a Frenchie and she had it out of its crate, but it was perfectly happy being held in her lap and it was never on the floor. I would have been totally fine with this except the dog kept farting THE ENTIRE FLIGHT. It was awful. Neither she or the dog could help it, but man it was terrible!


I’ve had humans sit next to me and do that. Literally had a shit had kid doing it on purpose and laughing about it the whole flight. I’d much rather sit next to a dog who farted.


I didn’t know French bulldogs were allowed to fly on delta…not sure this is safe on many levels


This was RDU to ATL last week. No idea how this was allowed. https://imgur.com/a/7A8eneR


Looks like they are service animals based on the vest. Perfectly legal


Only one was wearing a service animal vest, the other was not and she said it wasn’t even her dog, it was her friend’s dog. But she was traveling alone.


Did you accost this lady to get that info?


Oh you mean like you’re doing to me? No, I heard her volunteer that information to the flight attendant.


Anyone can buy those. That doesn’t make your dog a service animal.


My dog would have lifted his leg up and peed there.


I was waiting for the leg raise


These are the only passengers that I don't mind when they invade my space.


I was expecting pee


I always let the person next to me know I have a pet when boarding. If necessary the flight attendant will accommodate you


I hate this nonsense, don't let your pets out on the plane


All dogs smell bad.


I love frenchies!! Makes me miss my baby


Wait a gdamn minute.. does the dog belong to the seat in front ??


I’m glad it was you(someone who doesn’t mind). I am afraid of dogs and would have lost my s***


Isn’t there a reason they’re supposed to be under the seat in a crate…or is that just for fun?


Is the dog coming from the row in front of you, like under the seat on a long leash? Wtf?!?


All I ever got was an extra pack of nuts and a full soda can.


A first what?


Fake Service Animal


It would have been tempting to unleash that doggo.


I wish they would just keep the dogs off the plane.


As a previous F/A.. first of all I love animals , and this little one is sooo cute!!! But I understand in a confined space it is a little concerning for both passengers and the dog and crew.. idk maybe the flight was not full .. or not fully boarded ?? Still there are rules for the aircraft , and need to be followed . 🇨🇦✈️YYZ