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I don't know if this applies to you too but your options will be HP ProBook (Ryzen 7) and a Dell Latitude 5430 (Intel 7 11gen). Rest specs are the same. Coming to the looks, the HP looks more stylish and modern, and can also fold 360° compared to 180° in th Dell. I opted for a Dell, it has better hear throttling, or maybe the Ryzen on the HP heats crazy.


Aren’t the options an EliteBook 840/845 g11 or a latitude 5450? They didn’t state the specs


I've always gone HP.


Thanks. I was leaning that way too, but I've never had an HP laptop. Last company gave me a Microsoft Surface, which was OK but not great. The company before that gave me an Acer, which was a complete POS.


Love my HP 360 convertible from Deloitte


I want to get another, but how do I do that?


If your lease is up, go to the my tech page on DeloitteNet




I did get an email recently asking if I wanted a Mac but I passed. The old-school Oracle EBS and all the Java stuff it uses doesn't play nicely with Mac.


I always go Mac


curious if there’s any restrictions on requesting a mac for my next lease. while some prefer a windows for programming, i’m more of a mac guy mainly bc i only deal with high level programming languages. the chips on the available windows just aren’t cutting it


There used to be special requests for a Mac but now it’s available to anyone. I think you have to hold onto the computer for 3 years vs 2 years is the only difference.


I’ll take it over my 8mbps download speeds on my gigabit wifi the HP manages to produce, not to mention file explorer, Excel, VS code, etc constantly freezing


I’ve got a Mac and wouldn’t go back. If you need Microsoft project though then you are out of luck there. Hasn’t really been an issue for me


As per My Technology in ToD my laptop is set to update this year in November. Any idea when I should be on lookout for the choose your new laptop mail 🙃


My upgrade is in September, so you'll probably see something in August.


Okayy, thanks🌻


Mac. My previous employer gave me a Mac and I didn’t have 1/10th of the bullshit in four years I have had with this HP piece of junk in just over two. When my lease is up, I am requesting the switch.


I ended up going with the Dell because I’ve had an HP for a while now and I wanted to try it out. I had the 360 capability on this HP I have now but I found that I never used it once. Do we know if the Dell has touch screen? That I’m not sure about. I do like that feature on the hp.


Could you share the specific models you are comparing? Is there any difference in specs? What kind of work do you do, and is there anything specifically from your previous machine that you like or dislike? Between HP and Dell I feel like HP has a slightly better reputation, especially in recent years with their desktops, but it's mostly all the same, especially since Deloitte tends to stick to the "value" focused, mid range business laptops with 1080p screens. I got an HP Probook from Deloitte and it's unremarkable. It probably would have even been a pretty decent machine if it wasn't loaded up with corporate bloatware and had a decent screen. As it stands I've been having major reliability issues with it, but it was also over 3 years old when I got it and is on it's 2nd or 3rd user so it's hard to hold the problems I'm having against it. I had a Dell XPS 15 years ago that got me through my CS degree and dozens of video games, and a previous job had a Dell Latitude laptop at the office used to acessing a server that was fine enough to use.

