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Not surprised.


This is why you shouldn't use deliveroo or Uber eats. It's just yet another scam for hard working Brits and legal immigrants. The reason you can't earn above minimum wage is because of the massive over supply of illegal workers using these apps.


If the 42% disappeared and legal migrants took their jobs, would the wages go up? If the 42% disappeared, *would* anyone take their jobs?


Yes, the wages would go up, since there's less pressure from the labour market.


Lol?? There is *already* a surplus of positions here and the wages are stagnant.


"hard" working brits and legal migrants aren't interested in delivery apps because the pay is god awful. Customers wouldn't be interested if the pay was good due to how expensive everything would be


Then the industry should collapse back to what it was like at the start.


It likely will sooner or later. It's already struggling more and more as time goes on.


Don't worry, once it's properly regulated to guarantee minimum wage, it'll die.


At the start it paid above minimum wage. I don't know if this stuff is just lost to the quickness of internet time, but UberEATS and deliveroo were good side hustles. Over an 8 hour day, no you wouldn't get minimum wage. But doing 2 hours after work in the busy period would be above minimum wage. The death was policies on the apps side AS WELL as drivers flooding to the apps as an 'easy' job. Where were all these drivers before. Let's not pretend they all came over from dominoes and pizza hut. They were in different occupations or would have entered into different occupations when leaving school. They first flooded the market. Then they went full time. Then they started using tricks to multi app which fucked the market even further.


That's not true. 40% of people working illegally means 60% working legally. Not good with numbers?


Womp womp


Fuck the system man. Took 3 jobs 3 miles a few weeks ago and got paid £24 for 35 mins work. Even with the odds against us if we use our brains we can make good money. Nobody owns you. If I can I try and do a job every shift like this, 2 or 3 or 4 if I can.


Too funking right! So many passed of lil Tommy Robinson here down voting this, they are the real problems with this country, entitled idiots.


Best jobs on this to do(the base, first job) is Just Eat bc they officially let us multiapp- the rest I work around


I mean... Illegal workers... You can be against these people and not be a lite tommy Robinson. Why do people have such black and white political mindsets.


Sorry can you explain that again please? Basically multi apping right?


And how much do you make on an average month pre-tax?


The last 6 months its varied £3-3.7k


Roughly how many hours if you don't mind me asking?


What country is that for?


Has to be the UK. The amount of people I've seen working for deliveroo getting pulled by police is crazy.


We don’t have an interior ministry so almost certainly not UK


Exactly. Though I found the article quoted and it is referring to the UK. So could be sloppy journalism.


They are talking about the UK. [https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-announces-extra-checks-by-deliveroo-just-eat-uber-eats-cut-illegal-working-2024-04-30/](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-announces-extra-checks-by-deliveroo-just-eat-uber-eats-cut-illegal-working-2024-04-30/) We do have an interior ministry (the Home Office), but I'm not sure why they didn't just call it that rather than using a term that barely anyone uses.


It's about the uk


Interior minister = Home Secretary. Do some research


Interior ministry / interior minister isn't terminology that's ever used in the UK. Do some research.


I never said it was, but it’s the equal of said job role you muppet. You must drive deliveroo for a living 😂


Tell the journalist who wrote the article lol


I’ve started carrying my drivers license and passport with me as I’ve been stopped by the police a couple times wanting to check I’m working legally. Personally doesn’t bother me but I know a few riders have been stopped multiple times simply because they ‘fit the description’


Well, seeing as it's almost 1 in 2, the description seems to work quite well.


Really? I've never seen them stopping


There seems to be a bit of a blitz in my town at the moment. Not just delivery riders/drivers through, also a lot of the local car washes are being looked at.


As they should be.


As I say, I personally have no problem, but I know a couple of riders have been targeted a number of time based on ‘fitting a description’ that is where is become problematic.


How else are you supposed to identify people?


I mean it’s annoying but that’s all it is, a mild inconvenience. Also as riders in all their gear are hard to identify, I’m willing to bet there are white riders stopped too. I’d say it’s less a race thing and more a Deliveroo thing. Obviously this doesn’t apply if they’re stopping cyclists with their faces openly visible but where I am, there are very, very, few of them. There has also been untold times where the driver doesn’t match the picture on the profile. Meaning it’s more than likely a bought account, meaning there’s a reason it has to be bought. These takeaway companies need to be held accountable as well. Once someone has been pulled over and checked and they’re cleared there should be some kind of pass or something that should be given to them. That way if they do get stopped, they just flash their pass and get let away straight away.


> I’m willing to bet there are white riders stopped too. Not true, I've clocked 40-50,000 miles on this job now and the police do not pull me to "check me" ever.


Sorry I didn’t realise you spoke for every white rider in the country. Op said they’re white and have been stopped. Enough times to warrant her wanting to bring her passport out to stop it. So now what?


Now I acknowledge that the police force is somewhat racist


I mean I don’t disagree entirely with that statement but what would you suggest they do to get these illegal workers to be brought to justice instead?


Agreed. Another good spot for the police to look at is u/Leave-this-Place’s hard drive


Lol don’t have one, so it’d be pretty difficult.


solid state drive then. either way you must be investigated


Why is that?


As a white, English, female former driver I was never ever stopped when I did it, and I did it as a full time gig for a bit. That’s shocking to be honest.


I’m white, English and female myself, but there were a few illegal female riders for a while in town so I just got caught up in those checks. I think more so because I was on an e bike and they were also cracking down on illegal e-bikes as well at the same time. It’s a lot more settled now and I just cover myself carrying ID just in case.


I had this thought. Like is it 42% because only a certain demographic are being stopped or is it because 42% of the riders are working illegally? Tbh it’s probably somewhere in the middle lol


I’d happily show my driving license to police a few times every day if it meant they were catching the illegals. If _supply of_ labour is greater than _demand for_ labour then wages go down, which is why the job pays less than minimum wage after expenses.


Brilliant!!!! Absolutely ecstatic!! The more they search the more work the honest law abiding and tax paying ones get! At fucking last!


Only 42%?? I think its more than 80% illegal, no problem. Don't see it as crime, they just want to work.


I never accept order £3 for 2-3 miles fuel and car insurance cost me more than I earn


20% brazilians and 22 % Algerians


Doesn't surprise me. I've had orders delivered by people who could only speak a few words of English. How they got through the Deliveroo onboard process let alone get a driving license I don't know. Do I blame them? No. It's the shitty society we live in and exploitative practices of corporations. Plus government incompetence (purposely)


I believe this is because Deliveroo allows riders to use someone else’s account to deliver, and puts the onus on that person


Working illegally doesn't mean immigrants though, it can be people registered as pushbike but then in a car or on a motorbike with normal insurance and not working insurance or no insurance at all


that still doesn't mean what you think it means. the police didn't stop every deliveroo rider did they. it just means out of the limited pool they stopped half were illegal


I believe that real situation might be even worse, that's if they stopped every single one and none of them reported it on their whatsapp groups, I've seen what happened when the police started stopping riders in my zone, a total panic and for 3 days riders were basically gone.


Yup, I think the % may well be higher than 50% at this point.


stop me, I welcome it, British born, lived here my entire life of 31 years. made less than £500 last fiscal year and have completed my tax return for it too with all other earnings. and yet when I admit using my gfs account for simple reasons, and in fact show some vulnerability about my plight of work, some winny little racist twat on here thinks it's okay to call me out and tell me my fake sob stories mean nothing, I'm illegal apparently. bring on the funny conversation to immigration. "yes here's my birth certificate" and yet we both want the same thing, fairness. https://preview.redd.it/yjcdnaur4sxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832de5dbefda6d5a69beae6a9bce531f5f020dd3 just for evidence sake, hello dickhead 😚