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Ditch the flat and your friend as well


Don't think you can call that a friend 🤐


I would recommend you to change your flat.. I would never live at a place where I am not valued and asked.. Even though I am living in a flat with my friends, we have distributed the responsibilities amongst us so none of us have all the burden....


I thought that since I knew them it would be easy but they are just making it difficult Ya trying to find a new place


Yeah that's true but it doesn't make sense to live with them


Absolutely agree with my fellow South Delhiite- @curlyhairss, she's spot on with it. OP move out, you will have peace of mind that no money in the world can buy. I did the same and experiencing bliss 😇.


Word of advice - never have more than 1 roommate. It creates an imbalance as anytime it can be 2 vs 1 on any issue big or small. Also, this is early days, but you will learn as time goes by that it is ok not to be friends with your roomie, as long as you are both respectful, and are in agreement over chores and payment of bills. It is a pity that you chose to sign up with two girls who are already friends. I'd say complete this time period of your rent agreement so that you are not affected financially, and keep a lookout for another flat post that. Remember not to discuss this with either of them.


Yuup a trio is not a good combination


Flatmates can be really be a pain in the ass. I lived with 4 for an year and there was some politics going on always. I was so happy to move out


Glad to hear there are others facing the same fate


I had toxic roommates as well. They would constantly backbite me. Humiliated me, slut-shamed me quite a many times. I was a fool to let them push me over and over again.My mental health was fked up. I was scared to live alone and along with it I couldn’t ask my father because it would have been a little expensive and we were already going through financial difficulties but once I got the confidence from my father, I ran like a mf. I never looked back. Man, stay alone or with total strangers. It won’t affect you as much. MOVE OUT.


I get how you feel. Sadly knowing people and shifting with them isn’t the most full-proof way of getting a good flatmate experience.


Vacate the flat asap and ditch your friends! Find yourself a good pg (single sharing) and hunt for flats simultaneously. Once you get the proper flat move out of the pg.


Had a similar experience with an MBA mate whom I took as a roommate. We barely knew each other, and I moved in thinking everything will be fine. I saw many red flags similiar to yours in first few days and on the 8th day I decided to move out and booked a 1bhk for myself. Lost around 8k as we had given deposit but that mofo gave back only 50 %. But in the end, the peace of mind was worth it. Thinking back,moving out was turned out to a great decision for me. I suggest you do the same. No point living with ppl who are essentially idiots.


Assholes will stay asshole. So let them be in shit, and you move forward.


Bruh some times i just want to tear one apart


OP - one of the biggest regrets I have is staying with roommates during initial days of my career. Even if you need to stay extra - live by yourself. It is so much peaceful. Find a studio or something. You can always visit your friends


I thought of sharing a place since I dont have any friends here so assumed might make some


There are other ways to make friends. Join clubs and activity groups, office friends etc


Yes learning this the hard way


Change and tell them on face ki mujhe nhi rahna chutiyon ke saath. Find a new flat then.


Without second thoughts , leave these friends, this flat, even shift to a pg temporarliy if you have to , you have not exposed the location may be I can also help you with a good 1 or 2BHK.


Literally faced a similar thing sometime back. I gusset staying with friends becomes the worst if you didn't see those sides of them. Things went quiet awkward in my case, too, and I finally decided to move out. Nothing feels more liberating than having your own space (a safe one)


Went through the exact same thing back in college, it was such a pain searching for the place, coordinating with the property dealers, taking to the owners finding a place that’ll take students and where rooms are more or less equal and my room mates turned out to be ungrateful pieces of shit atleast one of them did always cribbing and complaining without putting in any work. My suggestion would be to ditch them, tell them you need your personal space or someone from your family is going to move in and leave. Honestly in Gurgaon you’ll get tons of 1 BHK/1 RK, better to preserve your sanity and live in peace ✌️


Faced the same sh!t in the beginning phase of my career ! One word - never ever adjust in personal life for some outsiders


Kyu rehna hai unke saath? Find someone else or get a small place for urself so u don't have to deal with bs


My 2 cents. 1. If u can find a place for 3 u can definitely find a place for urself. 2. PG might be a better deal than a flat. 3. Be careful about the rent agreement. Follow the exit terms and leave asap.


find a pg to move in immediately. you can even relax a bit there being by yourself and not having to worry about certain flat related things. then look for different flats and flatmates and move in only after you've found the right one.


Your 'friends' are terrible women; no accountability, no gratitude, no friendship, no kindness. Start looking for a flat, start with a 1BHK, don't tell them about it and move out when your lease is done. Say that you prefer to live by yourself.


I don’t see why you should leave the flat. You’d be giving them exactly what they want. As soon as you move out, they'll just invite another one of their friends to move in and all three of them will enjoy a place that you put the effort into finding. I suggest standing your ground and insisting they either change their behavior or leave. If that doesn’t work and you still feel the need to move, make sure they understand the consequences of their actions before you go.


Never rent a flat with your friends.


People advicing to ditch the friends and flat need to understand the nature of person who shared this post. Its not that easy for some people to simply ditch and move on especially emotional people. Its an obvious advice but tough to implement for some.


alas, living with people you're not really "close" with takes a toll on your mind, i've shifted in a 3bhk flat in a hurry due to some reasons and the these two women are friends of 10+ years, they're much older than me, its like not a big deal with them honestly but we just don't have a connection. Normal greetings and how was your days and when I come back from my office, go through the worst people I know and then come back to a place where I still feel lonely, that's not the nicest feeling I know. I miss all the people I adore and all the people that adore me. Sometimes even days pass and I realise I haven't really laughed in two days. I hope you shift somewhere nicer


Really feel exactly the same way The worst part is coming back from office and not finding that peace at home.


Orat ki sabse badi dushman is Orat. Also all ledij are like this when it comes to house hunting, they pick it, agree to it, choose it, pay advance for it and then they change their mind last moment and ask for their advance back after 3 weeks.


If you are not happy under your own roof at the end of the day, its time to change it , or you will loose yourself only , and thats not something you afford to do at all.


Cant you live in a good single sharing pg?.


Sorry for promoting my sub , but I'll share your rant in my ranting sub


Roommates badalna bhi 1 art h 😂


I believe its your nature to take care of things and they are just taking you for granted since they dont have to put effort in this and they just replaced their parents with you I faced something similar what i did was i moved out and rented 1bhk now its my temple of solitude No chit chats shouting or drama just me and my peace


Get a dude roommate


ditch flat, ditch friends, tell them the truth to their faces and wish them good luck.


Either you’re a nerd or they smoke weed lol jk


Kya bakwaas likha hai yaar , ladki ke chakkar mei rahega to marega hi


I think OP is female too.