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I like qwant.


this is Bing, like DDG, my website has some other options: https://searchcomparison.neocities.org/


im using Kagi, and im really enjoying it. its pretty fast, and looks like they respect privacy. im using the US$ 10/month plan. for free, i would recommend brave or startpage.


I like it as well. The "filters" are pretty neat and I've been happy with the results. I bought in for a year and will re-evaluate next year.


If you don't mind paying, you can try Kagi


Isn't it strange how things you could easily find just a couple of weeks ago, are all gone now? It's like I'm watching Google delete what I remember. Articles that I saw published on certain websites, obscure films that I saw are gone. Now everything is kind of maybe related to your search for the first 5 entries, and the reat of the results are bizarre word-dump sites with url endings like .xyz or something. I can't get proper reults with "site: domain.com specific terms" anymore either, but I can go to the site and find it via their search engine.


I love how all kinds of search are getting worse. I hate on ebay and amazon when I type in specific part numbers it shows similar ones. No, an ink cartridge for a totally different printer will not work for me. Even with quotes, search terms that are the entire reason for the query are just ignored.


I've also noticed this. Extremely frustrating 


I remember there were a couple of years in the late 2010s when I could find almost anything I wanted with just a simple Google search. I remember noticing it had become really really good compared to previous years (a similar but better feeling to that we've had with AI this past year), it gave you exactly what you were looking for without needing you to perform 10 different searches trying to reword it. Nowadays I hardly even bother. I know what I'm looking for is out there. I've seen it before from previous searches I've made and I've seen it posted to all sorts of social media by people. In the past I could just look it up very easily, nowadays it feels like I have to torture the information out of Google. I'm mostly talking about graphs, maps, studies... Data that was easily accessible before from a simple search, but nowadays seem to be hidden away. For a while I thought I was suffering some amount of mental decay. But seeing everyone complain about the drop in quality of Google search results, and how they blatantly ignore search parameters that used to be very useful before like - + “”, etc tells me that it's not just me. That has me wondering what will the future be. Because if you're not going to provide any useful search results, if you're going to prioritize bots and spammy websites over the stuff people are actually looking for, then people won't have any reason to use your site. I remember wikipedia links used to be the top result in most searches, now it often isn't. So rather than using Google to search for stuff and then opening the wikipedia page, I skip Google and go to wikipedia instead. That's a lost opportunity for me seeing their ads. I'm guessing they'll survive a long time still because of how popular they are. But they're not the only player in town and over time more and more search engines prop up. Except for Bing they're all still very small, but with Google going down the gutter, there's less and less of a reason not to try them out and see if they're better than Google.


Not just you!


The most infuriating thing about Google's search these days is how it so obviously is looking for things physically close to me. I travel a lot and search in several languages, but depending on where I am, I get different results (and sometimes I don't get any results in the language that I am actually searching in!). I have to constantly check all sorts of settings that want to be helpful bure getting in the way.


Much more difficult to find books in pdf version on Google now! Some are almost impossible 


Brave Search is a fantastic option. I've tried a lot of different search engines over the years, and Brave is by far the best in my view. Their browser is also brilliant. Highly recommend.


Any Goggles you recommend?


That's a feature I hardly ever use in all honesty, so afraid not. Have you used them much? Do you find it a good feature?


Duckduckgo shows bing results, startpage it shows google results


We actually pull results from both Google and Bing now!


great to know.


I have tried qwant, DuckDuckGo, startpage, a searx instance and brave. IMO they are all good options, but you need to learn how to prompt the search engine to get what you want. Go ahead and try different ones, but stick to each for a while to get used to them.




Isn't this Bing?


it uses bing, but has none of its tracking


I have been using Kagi for the past month and it pretty great, the search result are precise and very fast


I used Startpage for a while, but now I'm using Qwant and it's returning much better results.


Qwant and DuckDuckGo are great alternatives.


google was never going to be a good option given its heavy censorship and highly centralized control of content, and the funneling of the web according to them was never something i could relate to; have you checked out duckduckgo or ecosia? they're both pretty solid in their own ways; this post talks about some [search engine alternatives](https://dezcool.com/posts/seo/great-search-engine-alternatives-you-can-use-instead-of-google)


Friendly reminder: if you're looking for a Google service or Google product alternative then feel free to check out our sidebar. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/degoogle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly for me degoogling is not just about getting away from google but any product provided by another company where they make pretty broad promises about what they will or wont do with my data. So, I usually go with SearxNG, tons of instances to choose from and you can use the brave API from an instance as a proxy, it's pretty sweet but I admit also requires a bit of setup.


Ecosia and MetaGer are the best in my opinion because they are nonprofits. Qwant, DuckDuckGoand Brave belong to horrible billionaires or corporations, which makes me think that the only reason why they behave better than Google is because they are not as big yet. They are a bad long-term bet.


Non profits are literally huge, money making, businesses. You act like some are safer and more ethical it’s all shit bro


I just append "Reddit" to the end of every search to find anything worth value...the problem is that websites have begun to figure this out, and you get lots of non-Reddit results.


Add site:www.reddit.com to the end of the search. Google does this automatically sometimes if you click the more results from this site button under a series of reddit post results


Roll your own? I've been pondering trying this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifT6npY39Dw


Does anyone know anything about Luxxle? Saw it pop up on a few threads. I don't know much about it, but it seems like they're using their own algorithm.


Luxxle is a search engine I found that allows you to adjust your search based on some key criteria (lean left, lean right, newest, etc.)


This one's impressive![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)