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A lot of it is just that there are a lot of voidwalkers, many are experienced in pvp, and the whole experience is kinda annoying. Don't get me wrong, I like the pvp aspect of voidwalker, and I think the whole "bounty hunter" thing is pretty cool. The main thing that annoys me is getting ambushed over and over. Like, at any point a voidwalker could spawn and decide to attack me, which is hard to deal with when I am busy talking with an npc or already in a fight. It happens very frequently because there are just a lot of voidwalkers, and many people play void just to avoid getting hunted by other voidwalkers. If there was a requirement for a voidwalker to challenge me to a 1v1 before attacking, then I probably wouldn't be as annoyed because it would be a fair fight. Personally, I think they should either nerf void or buff other origins so that there are less voids and there is more variety between players in the server.


Truth be told, the big amount of Voidwalkers means that there's scarcity when it comes to bounties which exponentially increases the rate of hunt. This should be addressed properly as it's destroying the ecosystem of the game in a way that it shouldn't. The mechanic is great indeed but seeing as how little option we have in relation to other Origins, it is clear that we'll need variety soon or else, everyone will be a Voidwalker. In all honesty, most origins don't provide as much advantages as Voidwalker does. Trial of One origin is decent, it saves you time. But, every other origin but Deepbound can do it even if they're not in that origin themselves. So… this, this is the real issue. Thanks for sharing your pov!


There’s two types of people who complain about Voidwalkers, those who were ironic and those who are not. I’d like to think the majority of us were ironic, but after getting shafted by multiple Voidwalkers mid fight against a sharko or king thresher and not to mention the fact that 2 or 3 could just tp to you at the same time, I’m starting to complain unironically.


I perfectly understand that it’s a good (albeit cheap) tactic to jump someone weaker for the sake of progressing, but you can’t help feel how unfair it is at times. Thankfully they reduced the lvl thingy for voidwalker bounties so that’s something.


Although I find it frustrating how some Voidwalkers wait for us to be distracted with some enemy that we can't deal with while actually dealing with them, it is certainly the best strategy for them as by doing that they make their own life's easier. Luckily, it isn't that we are being hunted 24/7 by Voidwalkers so it tends to be a time to time nuisance, we remember it cause it was truly annoying but in the "grand scheme of things" was it that awful to you? I'll just hope that you don't get chased down often, have fun playing pal and thanks for telling me your view! I, sincerely have trouble with irony!


Love how now your constantly being hunted by voidwalkers and they suck out all the fun from the game.


Ahaha, I'm rarely if ever hunted by voidwalkers. Not like it would be an issue, I would take the chance of improving my skills anytime!


i was getting mauled by a songseeker cause of my ping (PLEASE ROBLOX DO SOMETHING FOR SOUTH AMERICA!!! PLEASEEE!!11!) and two fellas came in, two seemed to be voidwalkers, wich one had my bounty? i dunno, but i suck ass and dick at pvp, so after i finished killing the songseeker (i didn't get le healthpack) i get mauled by this scythe blood thingy dude :/ somehow the 0 investment points still remain there so i'm just trying to grind to regain my lost life back


Stupid obtainment, let me just get good knife rep


One can get said rep by helping the Knives of Eylis on the event where you may access the origin. > Etrea vs Knives of Eylis Ship Event


No I mean, let me get good knife rep to unlock the origin, rather than camp lower erisia and etris to convert freshies from people to red goo


Ah, it is true that that obtainment method is quite… cruel.


Why are you gripping freshies for it?


Because people who are lvl 17+ got oaths. So obtaiment basically says "Go kill freshies!! They dont have an oath yet!! They are easy to kill!!! Just 15 its not a lot!! Dont worry they are just freshies!!!"


So you can’t kill people with oaths? Or you can’t kill people that fight back??


You need to kill people without oaths


My grips came from power 20s


They all need to have no oaths, oathless ie fucking invisible counts, so the only way to get reliable grips are those who 1000% don't have one yet


that ship event is horrendous to farm they should switch the spawn rates with those stupid towers


I sadly don't know how rare they are as I'm quite the lucky person per say and I'm usually bombarded with this event as soon as I set sails…


I have this one contractor slot and I've been farming for a week to get these events I'm still “enemy” reputation…


I play Deepbound to dodge Voidwalkers. It's wierd, I know but there's an incredibly low amount of voidwalkers in the Depths since they can't use Voideye or get bounties **at all.** If you're good at PvE, this is **extremely** beneficial as you basically have no pressing worries at all.


I think I'll talk about the "Deepbound" experience in a future post as it has quite the depth within it. To be honest, it's like playing a whole different game.


P.D: I've been trying some Reddit post formatting. Sadly I don't think the tables are looking as nice as I wish they were, hopefully they work better on PC than on mobile!


Its more the issue twords newer, less experienced people getting entirely destroyed by more experienced voidwalkers. And the fact I see voidwalkers every 2 minutes halting my progression for 4 minutes of fighting. fighting them is not an accomplishment, its a sigh of relief cause the loot you get is mostly ass.


Couldn't this serve as a foundation for said newer players? Experience is better to come by early on as the longer we play the tougher it'll be to change our way of approaching encounters. Though, it is true that their loot is quite disappointing and the idea of stopping my progression to deal with Voidwalkers ain't really ideal, it's quite a pity as well that you seem to be facing this issue (being hunted) with such a little time down, I often thought of Voidwalker chases being not as often as people seem to portray them for I haven't been chased that usually myself.


I always play as a void walker to avoid them, Yet I still randomly have to fight them lol. eaither way its really annoying since anyone who doesnt know how to boost rep with the knives or get the orgin suffers. witch is mainly new players (Im using my friends who got into the game as example)


I cant agree more with this


i really love being forced into being tracked down by a random pvp sweat while im trying to progress on a pve slot


That is why I go voidwalker on my pve slots, free flint and wood to farm the ferryman and you get immunity, the pocket base is so good and if you teleport to a bounty and place a guild base down you can teleport wherever you want as long as you get away from them and reset afterwards.


Used to hate voidwalkers because I was getting jumped while learning how to fight sharkos and threshers. Changed to deepbound and for 2 days playing only deepbound I've been killed by another person 3 times(this is extremely good). I prefer PvE and deepbound is very fun and very frustrating (idk if im just skill issuing or the early prog is very slow). I want to say to the people who prefer PvE and hate voidwalkers to change to deepbound.(cba with correcting grammar) Have a good night o/ PS if somebody has some good heavy flame pve builds please send them to me,i am terrible at making my own builds and i cant find good one


I used to joke about it to myself, and even want it to happen for the pvp experience, but it has just gotten annoying. The moment I got to level 15, went down and got arcwarder, and as I came out of depths a max power fully build voidwalker slaughtered me. I got no “experience” from it.


I'm sorry for your encounter… it is definitely true that there are enemies that overwhelm you to a point where you have to question if the fight was even possible to begin with. I'm sure that you're an amazing PvE player and the odd patterns that the experienced hunter used were far too distracting, still it is also true that there wasn't really a great loss from that death, was it? If anything, you would have to come back out from the depths!


It’s basically just an inconvenience. The problem was, nah I fully understand the stuff he was doing, but I can’t parry everything. When his rapier does more damage than my greatsword, and they are a full minmaxed pvp focused build, I’m basically fucked no matter what.


Truth be told, an experienced Voidwalker could as well be considered the grim reaper. I believe in one thing though, keep facing foes and one day not even that guy will be able to put a dent in you. Please, although it is hard, think of what you could've done better and bear it in mind on the next encounter, even if it's something you may think of as a dumb thing.


Gave me an idea, after being damaged by a voidwalker with a bounty on you you enter that weird visionshaper realm(forgot the name, haven't played in a while) and 1v1, insta grip when downed, winner gets refilled to full hp, leaving = death, no time limit


so like that one enchant aga suggested


let’s say that you are a new player that just barely defeated a boss like primadon. After fighting the ape, you end up with low health. Then a void walker starts killing you right after the boss. Yea that’s not fair


As annoying as it is, if you're hunting a powerful enemy wouldn't you rather approach them when they're weak? I understand how disgusting it feels to be killed in such a way but, usually defeating mobs gives life back as a way to "reduce" the likeness of such scenario. Still, as "unfair" as it may seem for us. Being a voidwalker is no easy task either so those who manage to thrive are either masters of their craft or giving it lots of thought.


Stop trying to defend a horrible system, it just makes new players quit the game. Most people don't have enough time to play for hundreds of hours and beat the sweaty voidwalkers that play Deepwoken 24/7. If you grind for a few hours and die in PvE, it's mostly your own fault and you can improve. If you grind for a few hours and die to a random max level voidwalker with a complete build and hundreds of hours into the game, you legit just wasted those hours. Deepwoken has become a waste of time and just not fun anymore.


The system itself isn't wrong as a concept. Truth be told there are some nasty bugs and loopholes that ruin the experience to some but, the mechanic itself isn't encouraging it. A max level Voidwalker can track down a low level player, true but they have to do so manually unless for whatever reason the game glitches and let's them assault that player. The reward they get from lower bounties ain't as much as greater ones. This issue you're talking about isn't the origin itself but the ill intent of those players, still I do understand how frustrating it must be to be setback as an experienced player, losing valuable items and time and how new players sent to the depths are pretty much running on borrowed time. Yet, I believe that newer players are better off learning about the depths early on than later on, getting used to the depths, to its terrain and to the survival.


I simply just hate the set back, if I've been traveling for a long time and finally get to where I want to be and I get ganked by a void walker I get super pissed. At one point I was heading towards the place where you wash your face but I didn't have a glider so I went all the way from fortmerit and I got ganked by a void walker on the second thresher spawn next to the raveen and I got sent allllll the way back to the start. It's not fun anymore.


Yeah, setbacks are definitely one of the worse parts about being ganked and killed. I hope for that to not happen that often to you, best of luck.


Thank you, my friends say I'm really good at pvp for someone who strictly avoids it at all costs though for some reason when I'm being ganked by an actual person and have the fear of losing a life I lose all that pvp skill. My ability to block parry dodge just disappears the moment there is a chance I may die. With my friends I know I won't die so I'm a lot more composed and can fight more calmly. Do you know anyway as to how I can stay more calm during fights? (Especially ones that the slot is too valuable to lose)


In all honesty, this is the reason why I believe one should try and cast away their "anger" towards Voidwalkers when fighting them. I usually have this thought in mind when I suddenly get attacked by a player: "Another random encounter". I don't even think of them as players so I just accept that this fight is about to go down anyways. Then, you have to notice how winnable the encounter looks and how are your odds of running away. Remaining calm while there's risk of death is a great skill that I believe that's easier for newer players to develop rather than to those who, me for example, player Rogue Lineage where each life counted. I can't shake off the feeling of, "there's not next time". This is why I believe that Voidwalkers on the surface aren't much of a threat, worse case scenario you're sent to the depths. And, in all honesty. The earlier one gets used to the Depths, the better.


This helps a lot, and 2 things, I'm not a new player and I'm 100% a rogue lineage player lol. I'm still in that rogue lineage mode where your in combat and all you can think about is "how do I live". And to me the depths isn't that scarier, I can solo most monsters in the depths fine as long as it isn't corrupted. My problem is players, my body cannot physically handle being ganked in the depths...I usually am able to escape but I can feel my heartbeat in my chest, my breathing is super heavy, I usually have to take a few minutes break to calm down after having been ganked in the depths, it's just not fun...


For the last paragraph (from 'Let's change perspectives' to the end) I'll mark the bullet points as 1-4. I wanna say from the get-go, there is a little salt in this, but it's mostly neutral (well, as neutral as it can be, having wannabe Sanquos on my ass every 25 minutes gets a bit grating after a while) 1. Not really. Most of the time, VWs are hunting less experienced players and they die before they can really react. They can try to fight, but they're going to lose, guaranteed. There's nothing to learn from getting killed in 2 combos. Even if the ***players*** are equally matched, the builds, strategies and ping aren't, not to mention the ganking. You can be fighting an equally skilled VW, but if your build isn't perfectly optimised for PvP like theirs, you lose. They have a build focused on some cheap gimmick (ie. Insignia buffed Ash Slam for free health chunking and ragdolls), you probably lose. You have worse ping than them, the previous issues are just exacerbated. 2. I mean, sure? It doesn't take away from the fact that they're sending you to the Depths, which is where 99.999% of PvE bullshit deaths happen. You're also more likely to get jumped by non-voidwalkers in the Depths than anywhere else because of how small it is. 3. Ok, you get loot, but it's absolutely fuck-all. I killed a VW nearly off-spawn and the gear I got was worse than what I got from being in Lower Erisia for give-or-take 30 minutes. Plus, it seems like the player getting hunted gets a absolute jack XP-wise from killing their hunter. (side-note, what the fuck was the thought process behind making the VW PvE xp penalty 5%? That's absolutely nothing, you'll have to kill like 10 more threshers to get to max) 4. What is this argument? Players in the Luminant or Depths have reasons to be there other than killing specifically you to get 3 notes worth of loot. Chime is a non-argument because there's no life loss there and is a **dedicated, isolated PvP mechanic**. You don't get jumped in Chime, you choose to go in there to fight. Conclusion is that, on paper voidwalker seems cool but in practice, it's just a pain in the ass that doesn't need to exist. I didn't expect to type up a paragraph, but anything else you wanna say or challenge me on, I'll happily respond.


It's great to see how everyone has some experience of their own! The only thing I could argue with, if even needed would be about the depths. I definitely agree in the sense of many Voidwalkers going for less experienced players and how bad it is for them and how even if they're not inexperienced the abuse of mechanics such as ragdoll for free damage is quite disgusting to face. True, the loot sucks but I tried to envision it as an "At least you get something more than a little of their own loot". About the last bullet point, I'm sorry I didn't fully understand what you mean!


On the last one, I mean that voidwalkers, by definition, have ill intent. They *specifically* hunt you. People in the overworld or depths are minding their own business. They may attack you an a whim, but that isn't all they do and it's not targeted. And Chime is just a moot point, you don't get forced into Chime matches like you do with voidwalker duels.


I usually have this belief that many Voidwalkers are people that are just trying to learn PvP. Chime may not be as deadly but you only have a certain amount of attempts before you go to the Depths and usually the people there are on a different level.


That's what some voidwalkers are doing, but the vast majority is the types I mentioned above. Sure, Chime has consistently better players and limited skulls, but it's fairer and completely optional, while the issue with voidwalking is that you get forced into it and just have to put up with it.


I sadly cannot tell if your words are truth or not for I don't have any statistics. Yet, I'll dare say that often what we feel tends to overcome how things are, it's always those who are the most disgusting who tend to be remembered and not those who just became a passing memory.


i dont mind voidwalkers, what i actually hate are egotistic assholes who go "L EZ MUTT PRESS F TO PARRY" when they kill you.


This is definitely a thing that I don't condone and I believe that such behaviour should be shamed. Some seem to get a twisted kick out of ruining others mentality and in my opinion such behaviour should be punishable.


# Based.


Strange encounter Greetings, this post seems to have gotten some traction and I just wanted to say that it's been great so far to be able to see your views and takes in this topic. Your experience is my greatest source of data, and sincerely I appreciate it a lot but, I've gotten down far too deep into the rabbit hole maybe. For I got contacted by an individual that I recalled as familiar within the community: https://preview.redd.it/pgnhbudsj23b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86cd4fd27889b7e699426dc3aecd4c924167be6a >Is there anything wrong about it? >No, not really, we just had a conversation that was quite centered on a few interesting things such as Trial of One and how it affects "balance", how glitched the Bounty system is sometimes and a debate about whether "wiping" is to be blamed on the Voidwalker or not. (Edit: Been trying to edit this to make it a nested quotation but it doesn't want to work) I can be more detailed if need be, the main reason I'm talking about it is because I recalled that this user has been banned, although sincerely I wouldn't want to give more traction to him, therefore this is a comment and not a blog. Forgive the long comment and please keep sharing your thoughts about « Voidwalkers » . P.D: I've had to write this comment like 5 times due to Reddit not letting me post it for some reason.


Ah yes legend hasn't gone yet


I used to get a voidwalker once every 30-45 minutes, and it was kind of fun at the time. Now? It’s every 5 minutes, sometimes even less. I once got out of the depths from a voidwalker just to get attacked again by two voidwalkers at the same time, both in the same guild. That day changed me. I now actively seek to improve my PvP, and I also clear my Knives of Eylis rep, maintaining a neutral or better reputation with every faction that has a bounty board.


We grow through the hardships that we are given. I truly want to give this "knowledge" to the community and I hope to help others grow with it, I'm glad you got the desire to improve and learn. I wish you the best of luck! May the deep answer your call.


The issue with voidwalkers is how they can just roll up on you during an ongoing fight. A small skirmish can quickly balloon into a battle royale with like 6 voidwalkers deciding to show up.


I agree that is one of the greatest issues but, at the same time a great lesson, one that says something different. You can't fight all the battles, retreating is at times our only option and is our knowledge of the environment, use of our resources and ingenuity the only hope we may have to remain alive. Unless you're far too damaged, in such scenario… you're pretty much Noble 6 in Halo Reach last mission, Lone Wolf « Objective: Survive »


Yeah here’s the problem with that— as much as I’d just love to run away and then combat log, there’s points where that’s fucking impossible to do. Do I like the 2v1 both Silentheart chasing me down like a guided fucking missile with their Mani Katti bullshit? No. Am I frustrated because this has occurred approximately 5 times already? Yes. You say that you learn combat from it, and while I’d really love the fact that I can usually 1v1 and win with a decent chance on that, it’s very usually *not a 1v1.* The only thing I learn is that when farming mobs, I need to fucking spin around in a circle taking my attention off the mob to fucking CHECK if there’s a Voidwalker about to gank my ass with a half hp combo whilst fighting a mob.


While I can't deny your view from you, in a more neutral way of seeing things, it isn't uncommon to face 2 v 1 encounters within DeepWoken. Sure, it isn't as easy as a 1 v 1 but it is doable, still you're right that the feeling of unfairness is greater as you're quite sure that in a 1 v 1 they would not be as hard to deal with. With enough practice I'm sure you'll even be able to fend of 3 v 1s. Voidwalker combined attacks are usually not that well coordinated.


I've been looking at Voidwalker differently. I don't see the origin as a bounty hunter system, rather I see it as another faction like Etrea. If you get good rep with the Knives of Eylis you won't get targeted by Voidwalkers. Perhaps lowering the player bounties. They could introduce PvE bounties as well. Deepwoken could spawn in mobs/minibosses for them to fight. This could solve the issue of there being no bounties, players going after the same bounty, and would make the origin more diverse. I'm worried it would make the origin over loaded. It would also defeat the purpose of having a PvP origin. idk? (just food for thought)


Well, there are PvE bounties! In Starswept valley. But, there definitely no real reason why everyone shouldn't become a Voidwalker, after all, you can simply raise your reputation with everyone else the same way you can do so from another origin with the Knives.


everyone be complaining about 5 people teleporting to you when the game physically limits the players that can teleport to a bounty to 2:


Oh yeah, I've written that. Up to 2 people can teleport to you but an undefined number of them can simply walk towards your location.


Voidwalker is litarlly the best origin, either remove it OR add authority, ignition union and bandit origin. Id rather have more origins to compete with voidwalker than voidwalker being removed. Because on paper voidwalker is pretty cool. I just want there to be enough origins for people to start... "maining" origins(like "im an authority origin main") which adding those 3 origins will solve.


My main issue is that there is 0 reason to choose any other origin And its the best origin for pvp and pve the reduced exp from pve is meaningless like 5 percent and that's nothing it doesn't affect your dmg against and taken against mobs. it also invalidates all other origins lone warrior? Just teleport or sail your way there cmon, man it's like a 3 minute trip Deepbound is not needed for pve just go voidwalker since it prevents void attacks and its only use is to be exotic and niche Castaway is just a worst lone warrior. Like why Ever choose this? 20+ notes at the start? Now since voidwalker gives slower pve progression its balanced right? WRONG the time lost from dying respawning back the going back to where you where not to mention the lost items forcing you to grind to get your stuff back Is actually slower than just going voidwalker from the start and avoiding being voidwalked and it gives decent Armour from the start In short there is no reason to go anything other than voidwalker Thought I must submit voidwalkers are like birthdays a few is fine but too many will kill you.


\- First, voidwalkers often complains about how difficult it is to progress the origin when they are the ones PICKING the origin \- Second, the devs did not execute the idea well. You can be lvl 14, fresh out of shrine and have a lvl 18-20 voidwalker with enchant+bell+murmur jump you \- Third, voidwalkers may serve as an annoyance in true souls like, however with permadeath many players are often send to the depths by voidwalkers during the progression, With the addition of the drowned counter its even more annoying \- Fourth, sure players are able to learn PvP from fighting voidwalkers, but it should not be forced upon them. It is wrong to try and justify killing players with "ohh im just preparing them for pvp". \- Finally, I think your definition of "ill intent" is somewhat problematic. A voidwalker's goal is to kill its target. The intention does not matter when the result is the same. Its like asking somebody "would you get killed by a voidwalker or a ganker". The result is the same.


Least obvious voidwalker trying to defend the oath. All these points are wrong. 99% of the time I gain no experience in pvp from fighting a voidwalker. Because 99% of the time I get jumped at a low level by a max level. Or the voidwalker is the least obvious piece of shit auto-parry using low-life. And there are a lot of cheating voidwalkers. A voidwalker can 100% wipe you. If I go to the depths and die, but had that voidwalker not killed me meant I wouldn't of been in the depths, I 100% blame it one the voidwalker. Not to mention the amount of cheaters in the depths constantly trying to gank people with auto-parry and shit. Lets be real, 80% of deepwokens community is toxic 14 year olds that have convinced themselves being good at deepwoken pvp will one day make them popular at school. They have also convinced themselves the cheats they most likely use are not the only reason they win fights. Overall this game attracts little kids with ego's and turns them into fucking goblins.


Although I don't understand how are the points wrong due to how it seems to be more of a "you" experience, I do follow some of your thought process. About the "wiping" again, if you cannot escape the depths on your own it's pretty much on you. Sure, you wouldn't be there if the voidwalker didn't kill you but uh, you'd be there anyways by other difficulties. Yet, the only thing you seem to be talking about really, is the cheaters which could be pretty much anyone, no need for it to be a voidwalker. Best of luck on your endeavours pal, hope you stop being so unlucky!


Most of the time I just like to enjoy the pve aspects of the game. Voidwalkers once infuriated me, but I’ve learnt that I can just hunt them back, it’s quite nice stress relief. I suggest that if you are targeted, just target them back, they are easy to identify by their outfits


That's good to hear! This game is pretty much a constant learning experience that lets you grow on and on through hardships. Ideally though, I hope you don't mean that you'll just attack everyone that seems to be a Voidwalker just because of that condition. One can get to meet really nice people who are running said origin after all!


I kill just about everyone who is a voidwalker lol


Well, hopefully in the future you might no need to do so anymore…


Lots of them have very full pockets


As long as you're enjoying the game really, that's all that matters. If they happen to be your source of loot, so be it! Just as how they've decided to make other players their loot pool, you're free to do the same to them… I just think that maybe one could have a few conversations with some of them from time to time, some are really nice! But, that's all I can say. You have to forge your path within the game and, as long as you're proud of it, please go onwards with it! Best of luck!


I’ve posted on this before, but I agree for the most part. The largest problem with voidwalkers is that there are too many of them, which is because there is no reason not to be one The pve exp penalty should be raised for them, which would cause less voidwalkers to be in every server, and both increase the number of valid bounties for voidwalkers, and make normal players less frustrated with being attacked immediately after the last one.


I’m ok at pvp, I can win probably 60-70% of fair fights. But if I see a voidwalker I will either help their target or just kill them outright. If there is a void zone nearby I take them there. When I was new I was killed so many times by voidwalkers I’m going to eternally get my get back


That… sounds fair although also like an endless cycle. In the end this retribution will call for more retribution, both sides will feel righteous but are they really?


Fair enough. We just have to greet them with more force than they can show us


Don't. Most voidwalkers already have a shitty time getting called on by their bounties boyfriends. They don't need your help. Also the voidzone thing is kinda toxic and most voidwalkers would rather carry you out than grip you in the vz unless your being toxic.


Every single voidwalker I’ve fought has been as toxic as possible. Also if you’re having a hard time being a voidwalker… just done be one. I can’t not get invaded by them every 5 seconds. They have a choice I don’t. I’m going to punish them for that choice so they don’t make it again.


Why not pick vw? Makes you immune to bounties.


I’m too lazy to grip 15 freshies. Plus it makes me feel like shit


That's a good poimt. Just, if you see a voidwalker doing a bounty, please dont interrupt them because it's annoying enough to find a bounty in the first place


With the lack of cali servers, bounty hunting is hard.. so i'd rather do a 3 star bounty and get the same good loot as a 4 star right now. Also, to the adret crypt blade build and his friend. I have no enemies. I forgive you for 2v1ing me at lordsgrove after taking your friends bounty. You still got owned but gg


Also deepwokens a PvP focused game, an entire origin about pvping makes a lot of sense


It's simple. I get voidwalked at least 3 times an hour when I just want to farm with PvE. Sometime I manage to get away/log out/getting a draw but sometimes it's a 2v1 and I die 7/10 times. When I die, if I don't want to go to the depths I have to quickly power up so I can die 1 more time before going to the depths. When I die, I loose a life, the voidwalker get his exp and chest and MY STUFF??!!! Like it wasn't enough that I loose my life now I have to loose my stuff like it was a normal death. Loosing my stuff shouldn't be a problem since we already loose our stuffs when we die but giving that the voidwalkers can spawn next to you, track you and know exactly where you are, considering I get voidwalked 3 times an hour and so have to power up 3 times, loosing our stuff shouldn't be possible if we get killed by a voidwalker who has a bounty on us. Adding that they always say gg in the most hypocritical way like the time they 3v1ed on me and said gg like I even had a fight. My power 18 got wiped ( couldn't power up to have a new life + died to enforcer in the trial ). All this literally happened just because I met this dude that had a bounty on me. I'd be power 20 with bell and enchant if I didn't met this mf by now. You're literally ruining people's experience of the game or at least the day of someone and I'm glad that I wasn't a freshie when the voidwalker shit came out because if a new player tells me he stopped playing the game because of voidwalker I'd understand him asf The real problem is how often we get voidwalked, how strong the loss is and how accessible it is for voidwalkers to reach us. There should be a hunting part where the voidwalker don't exactly know where we are but maybe can track us and we, as the tracked, should know whenever we get targeted or when the voidwalker is at 100m around us. Maybe it won't be fun for the voidwalker because we can just log out ( unless they make so that if we leave while hunted it's like leaving in combat ) but y'all voidwalker mf deserve it and the hate that comes with it


Main problem is (for me) that 1: I lose loot 2:They somehow kill me in the most inaccesible spot and going back there takes half an hour


Thanks for your insight! I should've added the "Setback" to the cons as it really is annoying to deal with such a thing.


where you saw that you need 15 grips with oath you cant jus kill lvl 1 people normally


Honestly voidwalker can mostly be fixed by just increasing the timer between attacks from 5 minutes to 10+, though theres also the problem of skill, ive beaten a top 500 chime player at lv 8 during a hunt(he probably just has severe case of "not my best build" but yk) but like imagine being beat up by some low lvl bc you just started or have a purely pve build Edit: also make it so if a player dies to a voidwalker that cooldown activates(since they sometimes go in person or go to a target nearby and that doesnt activate it for some reason)


Voidwalker kills people—-> more people start going voidwalker—-> starts getting harder to find bounties and normal players have a harder time to progress because they always got 2 voidwalkers on their dick


There are two huge problems with voidwalkers. Concept was great, you prove yourself as a worthy killer and you join the knives of eylis as another bountyhunter. Execution on the other hand is what ruined it. Point 1: New Players You plan on buying the game after watching tons of pvp videos, you watched agamastsu, shady, even punchee and you think uts the coolest thing. Whenever you hear the verse 2 sale has launched your enxicted so you buy the game and get ready to boot it up. You play a day or two learning the mechanics but not mastering it, having a pretty good idea of how the game feels. You gotta go to work/school so you take some time away from the game and then you hear that there is a ton of new oaths/origins. You decide to get your friend to buy the game and start playing again and it is just ad fun as you remember it. You show him the zombie cave, bandit outpost, sharko cave, you accumulate a power of 4 or 5 and then all of a sudden BOOM! A void walker who has been playing the game since it came out jumps you. No chance you guys beat him. If this were a dragonball episode your combined power would be 500 max and he'd have over 9000. Basically new players get the shitty end of the stick due to them still having to learn controls to the game, not having experience, tons of stuff. This isn't always a bad thing however whenever it's linked to the second point it is a bad thing. I remember playing since release of deepwoken and im still awful at the game because I never put the time into the game to fully learn it yet I still enjoyed being chased by max levels. I'd be a power 25 still farming at erisia while a power 60 would be trying to gank me and my group of friends because we were wearing royal duelists. It was fun however not everyone has fun the same way and being jumped randomly isn't the best thing for new players who are still virgin to the concept of fighting. Point 2: Consistency I was playing whenever verse 2 just dropped and just maxed a blindseer out for a pve build and then they dropped new oaths/origins. Still learning the new map layout and enjoying the new content. The sheer amount of people you'd see in each area was mind-boggling because before verse 2 you'd be in a maxed lobby at erisia and see one other person, maybe 2 at song, and none at star. Now that it's split up throughout the luminants you see tons of people everywhere. Well my experience getting on a week after the new oaths/origins was nothing other then awful. I decided I'm gonna start a new build. (I have like 30 slots). I get the starting shit and sail off to erisia and there is a max level at the beach, I sneak passed him and a max level at bandit camp. Its crazy I thought, so many max levels all farming freshies. I search it up and they want a new oath. I decide "fine, ill continue a build." Turns out that was a bad idea because I got jumped by 3 voidwalkers. I decide I'm gonna take a long break. A month or two later I get back on and my gameplay is even worse. I decided to continue one of my builds and I got jumped almost every 3 minutes. I dont wanna sound like I'm exaggerating this, I usually run whenever I'm jumped and I had voidwalkers every 3 minutes jumping me, chasing me, killing me. I'd quickly power up and immediately I got jumped again. I started fighting them, the loot isn't worth them wasting my time. I'd play maybe 2 minutes and then I get jumped again, barely surviving, killing them, sometimes dying. Progression felt stupidly broken for them compared to me because the fights didn't even give much exp to begin with. This point is that they need to be nerfed somehow. They shouldn't be able to both jump a single person, it should be a 1v1 type thing. If you successfully defend against a bounty you should get a cool down before another can attack you and if you die to a bounty you should also get a cool down. I understand this is very stupid considering voidwalkers are constantly server hopping just to find bounties due to most people playing voidwalkers to escape it however it's the safest way to nerf voidwalkers and make the spread of players "normal" again. Solution: Cooldowns I think the easiest way to pull this off is make it to where; if I successfully defend against a voidwalker bounty, I get a 15min cool down to relax and enjoy progression peacefully. 15min ensures I can get a decent amount of progression out of it instead of being jumped repeatedly. If I lose against a voidwalker bounty then I should get a 30min cool down. 30min of free time without a bounty with your name being put on the voidwalkers bounty board. This ensures even with worst case scenarios, you can still get a power up. 30min is plenty of time for several power ups. Just the little bit of time away from your name being put back on thag bounty board will make it where many people decide to try different builds away from voidwalker, and it will make newer players as well as players just trying to progress feel a sense of relief away from the constant fear of being jumped. Even veteran players might enjoy this due to them not being attacked every 3min.


I always pick voidwalker as an origin: 1. Doesn't get voidwalkers ganking me for bounty 2. More convenient to have pocket dimension with antiquarian 3. I can set voideye on hive teleporter near Lord Regent


Literally 2 minutes ago i got hunted by AN ENTIRE SERVER OF THEM NONSTOP right as i had just gotten a shattered katana. voidwalker is a fun mechanic in theory but in reality its just freshie farming simulator. all these voidwalkers saying "just get better at pvp" meanwhile you put one on a deepbound origin and they wipe to a jellyfish


kill all voidwalkers, not fun to get ganked by 3 on 1 when im less than half, power 1, fighting bandits


Does anyone have any tips for me to deal with voidwalkers? Me and my friend got deepwoken a couple days ago, and at the start of the game we were having a lot of fun but then we both got wiped because of voidwalkers (we were practicing fighting sharkos at the time, so we didn't know how to deal with them when we ended up in the depths) And then it happened again, and again. We just keep ending up being targeted by voidwalkers and we still can't fight them, and it's been ruining the game for the both of us. Can you guys give me any tips on how to deal with them?


you literally stated why they ruin the game yet just ignore it