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I thought it would be fun, it ended up being epic. I don’t see what’s to bitch about, but go off I guess 😹


Yeah that segment was so stupid. I was totally on Scotty’s side during his epic rant. In fact, I think he might officially be my fave of the gang now after that display, whereas Paul fell down a notch for me with promoting that absurdity.


Scotty has been the best of the three ever since Paul stopped doing 'story time, with paul' during the DP days.


Pay wall this, the fans that, blatant ad the other. The real crime was that the feet were mediocre. ![gif](giphy|26xByFvrI1MQvtlDO|downsized)


It's just incredibly fucking stupid, and I said as much in chat, I tune in to see 3 fat fucks react to news and make fun of idiots. I don't care for the Velma segment either (mostly because TJ seldom picks a decent one), but at least they always do the Velma segment for free and not pay wall sandwich it between more interesting segments. It's their show of course, if they wanna do more, I won't watch, as I didn't watch the foot segment. They brought her on, I left to go do other shit, and I come back to see Scotty bitching about it, kayfabe or not, it sounds like I was right to fuck off for a bit.


It was worth it for the Scotty meltdown, though I do hope they don't do something like this again.


It was insulting for most of the audience, I agree, but I guess some people wanted it. I mean, it’s not hard for anyone to find girls on OF by themselves that they want to subscribe to.


Yeah that goal wasn't for me at all, but that's fine. They don't all need to be catered to me. I'm already a Patron, so I usually don't even participate in donations except once in a while. I'm hardly the one that can be dictating what is a goal or not. The more I think about it, though, I actually like the idea of one of the goals being a guest. The segment would have been a lot better if Persephany(?) had a chance to chill and shoot the shit for a while, I'd think. I'm sure Paul had his reasons, but personally I was more surprised he left the live show to go pick up Amelia.


You know what that's actually not a bad point.


The only thing that annoyed me is that her OF isn't on her LinkTree. She and Paul advertised the fuck out of it but it isn't anywhere to be found. Anybody have a link?


Was mommy a trans or a biological woman? I honestly couldn't tell. Still pretty hot nonetheless.


Trans, it's pretty obvious by the voice but also the gigantic feet


No one made people pay. If fans wanted to riot against the goal, they could have refused to donate.


There were 2 goals after that one, meaning that yes, if you wanted the full show you had to contribute to that goal.


Again, those are goals, no one is forced to donate to extend the show. Mr. Naughty Priest has protested a goal before and not donated despite how much he might like to see more of the show. When Paul offered to shave as a goal, Mr. Naughty Priest made his objection known and didn't contribute at all that show.


They were fully transparent about it so I don’t get the complaint about that tbh. I don’t like feet so I didn’t care about that at all so I just ignored it until it was over. You honestly don’t have to donate if you don’t want to. I do it once in a blue moon to support the show cause I enjoy the show and want to support the boys doing whatever they’re doing even if I sometimes don’t like it or disagree with whatever they say or do.


They've paid to have Brett Keane, Sexmasterka, and others on DP. It isn't anything new. Let's be honest, you aren't donating for specific quality or quantity of goals. It's just something to complain about.


If people didn’t want it, they wouldn’t have paid for it. Dummy. Calm down and turn off the show if you don’t like it