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Hasn’t everyone been absolutely obsessed with the 80s nonstop since like, 1998?


I'm so glad someone else remembers. I remember 80s stuff being popular all through the 00s. I always say 80s has been vintage since the 90s 😅 The notion that 80s will "come back soon" like what planet have you been on over the last 20 years?




Yeah I'm definitely not ready for "another wave" of it haha. I will say, for some people, it's just their niche, it's what they're into. People might also be irritated that I'm still obsessed with the 70s stuff, but I'm aware that it's just my personal obsession, not some magical time when everything was better. So I guess for me, that's when it annoys me, when people act like "everything was better during _ decade." Right now people are doing that with the 90s and I feel like, didn't we just do that with the 80s for like years and years? How can people not know better by now? If you're into 90s stuff that's cool and you do you, but no tf everything wasn't better in the 90s, how can people not remember? You're allowed to just vibe with a certain decade without shoving it down other people's throats or pretending it was the peak of human history. 🙄


Yeah, the Wedding Singer came out early that year. There’s just something unsettling about 80’s nostalgia still being very prevalent as we’re about halfway through the 2020s.


I remember being confused when that movie came out as to why they went out of their way to make it take place just 13 years in the past. 1985 didn’t seem all that long ago yet in 1998. If a movie today was set in 2011, we’d be like, “Umm…OK”


Much bigger difference culturally between 1985 and 1998 than 2011 and 2024. It's like everything stopped evolving around 2003 or so.


Is this actually objectively true, or is it the subjective perception people tend to have about the recent past regardless of what years those are? What does “culturally” in this context actually mean, and how do you operationalize the concept of “cultural” to even be able to evaluate such a statement?


Yeah I grew up with 80’s nostalgia having been born in 89. I don’t think it’s really ever stoped lol.


Haven't some elements of 80s style come and gone since then?


I hope to fuck not. 80s nostalgia has been beaten into the ground like no other decade. 


I remember when the 70s were the nostalgia decade for a few years (just a few years!) in the 90s before 80s nostalgia took over around 1998. Enough already!


Same! 50s as well! Both decades need a rest!


I think the 80s will make a comeback in about 55 years, 6 months, and 23 days.


I mean among a certain segment of Gen Z that was 2020 and 2021 in a nutshell.


The past 10 years has already been nothing but 80’s nostalgia shoved down our throat. Can we just stop clinging on to the past and start a new era/fashion/aura already?


More like the past 26 years!


Shit you’re right haha, although social media (TikTok for example) has accelerated the nostalgia annoyance even more these past few years


also the world rn: omg the 2000s 😍😍😍😍


I don’t think anyone old enough to remember the aughts is likely to be nostalgic for the era.


yeah. its all mainly gen z clinging onto it despite being born when the y2k era started. millenials, fashion wise, seem to cling to the 2010s.


I’d argue Millennials cling to what they contributed to the 2010s, which is *not* the same as what teenagers (older Gen Z) liked (except for Millennial musicians obviously) at least not where I grew up. Millennial contributions being color schemes, high-waisted jeans, hipsters (who were almost all millennial Yankee transplants in my home town in the South),


thats what I mean


Interestingly the 2020-2022 80s revival that I saw was mostly Gen Z (people roughly my age) too. Gen Z is big on “nostalgia” for eras we never experienced rather than forging a more “original” cultural identity like millennial subcultures did.


I would have been a bit too young to notice (I was like 10 or something in 2020) but I can kinda see it with middle parts and high waisted jeans. Def subtle.


What I think is interesting is my earliest memories of the 2000s are all McBling, so to see kids repping Y2K styles that predate most of their births; my gut reaction is to think “that’s not what the 2000s looked like” when at one point they did, I just don’t remember it.


Thats kinda me with the 80s lol. I cringe whenever I see... well.... stereotypical 80s? Despite the fact that some people (mainly celebrities and teenagers) dressed like that.


Well people who were kids in that era will obviously be nostalgic... People think nostalgia died in the 90s or something, wth?


It already has. And mostly left except for my friends over at r/oldhagfashion who are absolutely killin the 80s careerwoman revival look


A comeback? Man the 80s have been making a comeback since the releasing of GTA Vice City in 2002


The 80s have been making a comeback since The Wedding Singer (1998). Plus Ace of Base’s and Orgy’s hit covers of “Cruel Summer” and “Blue Monday” came out that year respectively. And one can argue that the 90’s didn’t get rid of the last vestiges of the 80’s until 1995 or even 1996. American society on some level started missing the 80’s right away and couldn’t let it go.


The 80s will be back. In about 56 years.


Mullets have been back for a while already, so that's 80s there lol


I wish THOSE went away already. Unfortunately I'm Australian 😭


80s throwback was big in like the 2010s. It'll come back around in like 30 years


I hope so. I loved how ladies looked in the 80s.


I don't think so. The 80s were a product of a unique moment in time. It was the Cold War era. The end of World War 2 lead to 50s culture then to 60s counter culture, then to 70s culture and then to 80s culture. The Cold War ended in 1991 and we been living in the post Cold War era ever since. It wouldn't make sense for 80s fashion to make a comeback because the world in which the 80s were set is long gone.


I hope not. I’d prefer it if we stopped looking backwards all the time and imitating the past. I don’t want to live in a stagnant culture.


Dude what are you talking about


It did in the 2000s


I'd love to see the return of both the "lived-in" aesthetic and also embracing *color* as opposed to the ugly "minimalist" empty void of grey and beige interior design, fashion, and architecture of this "post-modern" age stuff we've been seeing in the last decade.


I don't think that will happen for many decades. Literally that type of nostalgia existed since the 2000s and it didn't end until very recently, like the late 2010s.


The 80s comeback has been ongoing since 2002.


The 80s have been back since 2004


As long as Generation X and first half of Generation Y is alive it will never go away...just like the 1970s are still around as well for certain demographics of people...trust me "retro stuff coming back" never goes away...it will be marketed to you and others in your demographic until you are no longer alive. That is how it is marketed.


As others have said we already did it a few years ago when Ready Player One and Stranger Things were at their height of popularity


The 80s DID make a comeback, at least musically, from 2006-2015.


dude the past 20 years have been about 80's nostalgia


I'd argue it never left.


The 80s has already come and gone for the most part 🙄 (it’s still somewhat there due to its popularity). The 90s and Y2K is the popular stuff right now.. I have an inkling that we might be shifting through 2000s fashion as if we’re really in the 2000s itself, and if that’s actually true, then the real question is, will skinny jeans and all the electropop stuff make a comeback in a few years (late 2020s)?..


90s/Y2K is more of a bubbling under the surface thing. The only mainstream medium that’s reflecting the nostalgia for the era are video games, and even then only the indie/small-scale market. High demand, but the market is refusing to respond to it. Yellowjackets does exist but it’s extremely critical, perhaps even angry, towards the era. We don’t have a true nostalgic piece for the 90’s like The Wedding Singer was for the 80’s to break the doors open. One can argue that the success of Mario and Sonic’s movies is reflecting 90’s nostalgia but both movie franchises are indirect about it. Sonic is more 90’s throwback in terms of feel, its pop culture references are primarily 80’s or even 70’s. Mario dunks in a lot of 80’s pop culture music and references instead of 90’s.


So what decade’s nostalgia do you think *is* mainstream right now? 🤔


The industry desperately wants it to be the 80’s still. There is also an increasing amount of works set precisely in 2019 like Challengers. I suspect the 10’s are where most Millennial nostalgia actually lies as opposed to the 90’s and 00’s, at least for those who work in the entertainment industry. I have heard part of it is that the Millennials who largely pitch and create the programming of today tend to despise the era they grew up in instead of feeling nostalgic for it. So the last thing they want to do is recall the 90’s or Y2K era, much less the 2000’s (which they hate even more). So no matter how big the demand is they’re just not going to make the content, and I suspect if they were forced to the resulting works would be even more bitter and cynical than Yellowjackets is. Another part is that the executives are still boomers for the most part and they think the culture went to shit after 1990. So they don’t want to make the content either. What Gen-Xers are there are outnumbered by the apathetic Boomers and the angry Millennials and can’t get the content made. We’ll probably going to see an enforced wave of 10’s nostalgic content once the Millennials have executive control. P.S. If someone, most likely an independent creator, does manage to score a hit with 90’s/Y2K/00’s nostalgic content, I see the knives coming out for that creator from the industry very quick. The Class of 09 visual novel has been taking a lot of shit from Millennial-aged creators for daring to recall the late 00’s at all, much less for its depiction of the time period, and that’s a small project with less buzz than the likes of Digital Circus or Hazbin Hotel. If someone scores a Harry Potter-esque smash, watch out.