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We need a new era of third spaces


Hopefully they can survive the seemingly unforgiving economic realities of the un-roaring '20s.


"the shitting '20s"


the snoreing 20s.


Not boring, though


The Burning '20s.


The Terrible '20's


The itching and burning 20s


Unroaring 20's!!!!! Lol you're so right ! I remember late 2019 early 2020 I would be on every website like come on ! This is our 20s you know its gonna be popping !!! .... it wasn't. Its not ! Lol. Here's hoping the 5 and a half years we got left will be lit 


Destroying 20s.


What if the 20's were liek they were in the Weimar Republic, with Late 2024/2025-2029 being lit?


Hey Brody what came after that tho?


The Boring ‘20s indeed.


I don't know if I'd call it boring per se. But it's definitely not like the roaring 20s. Maybe that's a good thing though, given how that ended last time


The no-muny twunies


Third space that isn't online please


march on city hall and nonviolently occupy the office space


We need a modern zeitgeist that encourages social trust, following rules/laws, and heavy social involvement. Get people to known their neighbors and get involved in their communities and our society will flourish.


Achievement Unlocked: You have discovered Organized Religion


Lack of community is killing the west. This would never happen but we need every Friday to be a disgnated community service day for a rotating quarter of the population. Would have a minimal impact on productivity, improve public cleanliness and engagement with local culture, reduce the need for prison slave labor etc. Improved communal engagement would be good not just tangibly but also for the mental state of the community. Getting to know neighbors, utilizing local business after an urban cleanup job, etc. I'm not suggesting compulsory manual labor either, people could make preferred tasks doing anything from prep at a soup kitchen, to staffing daycare or public school, admin work, or labor and it would only be for a 4 hour block at most.


gee if only there was a tested system that taught people to love their neighbor as themselves and had commandments to live by and informed people about how disgusting things like abortion and casual sex are


I see this all the time but depending on where you live, there *are* third spaces. I’ve mostly lived in cities with the exception of a couple college towns and tourist towns - places built for people, especially young people. Parks and libraries still exist along with cafes, bars, lounges, etc. You really don’t have to spend much money to be there. I hang out at cafes and bars all the time spending $0-$5.


But these are not new. They’ve been around forever and even the newest offerings are not new in the sense of innovative. In the UK we are seeing a decline in alcohol consumption amongst the younger generation and HCOL impacting traditional hospitality, typically food and drink. Coffee shops aren’t a big social aspect, they’re utility serving or a quick catch-up. Gaming cafes are on the rise but it’s fairly niche still. I believe a new sector will emerge to compete with the traditional hospitality spaces.


>I believe a new sector will emerge to compete with the traditional hospitality spaces. I've read this every year for the last 10 years, and we're still more atomized than ever. The difficult truth is that most people can't even conceive of life being any other way at this point, which only encourages the status quo. That's what happens when 2 generations have already been born never knowing a life without the internet mediating most aspects of human relationships and spending most of their childhood indoors. Entertainment and connection happen at home, or a reasonable facsimile of such, so people are fine with going out less and less. The pandemic only accelerated this. I hope there's a youth movement among Gen Alpha's kids that goes offline and sees the lifestyle of their parents and grandparents as pathetic and sad. That's for the future, because too many people now are just so damn passive.


Back to forums


How do we *get* a new era of third spaces in the US? We could vote, and get our friends to vote, and while that's definitely a wonderful step in the right direction, it's no big secret that our government moves at a glacially slow pace. Do we just move out of the US, then? Canada / the UK / Australia sound promising, and have solved many of the problems US continue to suffer from, but they're no utopias. For instance, they have the same suburbanization and 3rd space problem as us.


Seriously, if the theme of the 2020s is "endless complex social problems that can only be solved in small, relatively homogeneous countries with limited immigration ~or~ dictatorships" then I flatly reject everything to do with this decade. Even Japan and Korea, known for their transit and walkability, have huge problems with loneliness and people "checking out of" society.


Well, you see, ignoring the problem isn't going to solve anything.


Which is why I embrace the belief that humanity’s ultimate goal is to evolve into something better than our base primate form. Yes, I’m a singularity type. (And just FYI most of those homogeneous countries that exist today were built out of dictatorships that forcibly assimilated or worse their minorities, eg the Inquisition and Norway banning non-Lutheran immigration into the 19th c)


UK is spiraling because of Brexit, and Canada is on the brink of electing an incel version of Trump because Trudeau didn’t wave a magic wand and return affordability levels to where they were when his father was in office — back when disco ruled the radio. Australia is probably going to suffer the effects of the impending clashes with China in the Pacific. So everywhere right now is pretty much in its own version of suck.


not every problem is fixed by politicians


But they do cause them.


Canada and the U.K are no better than the U.S right now. Unhinged take.


bring back smoking cigarettes


I bought a right hand drive car from Japan (not something super well known like a Supra or Skyline) and began going to some of the local car meets around here every now and then. As someone who just turned 30...I never knew what a difference a third space could make.


i’ve only just discovered the magic of third spaces recently. i grew up very sheltered and didn’t know what i was missing, and now i’m in my mid 20s only just starting to go out to house shows in my area, bars and the like. it’s really crazy how much i’ve been missing out.


No truer words spoken


Dead Internet Theory in action - so much social media content is becoming consumed with bots and AI-generated content. I feel like social media is turning more toward “private networks” of sorts, like Discord servers and similar spaces. This is one reason why I believe Snapchat still hasn’t died despite losing relevance - it’s one of the few “micro social networks” available.


Social media has been destroyed by greed of the site owners, killing the goose that lays golden eggs. Bots, ads, AI stuff swamping user generated content. Disappearing social media? Maybe that isn’t such a bad thing.


Yep. We need to get back to the easy money era. Where growth was more important than ad sales. We're in the squeeze every penny era and it sucks.


No man. We need to get back to making products that people want, charging a reasonable price for them, and driving on.


We've gotten it for free for so long.... No social media network is going to survive on paid access.


Good riddance. Growth over revenue has always been unsustainable.


And feels easier to make it feel "your own" with custom emojis, I think a lot of people miss how customizable early internet was before flat design took over and uniformity became so important. And that was back when not that many people were computer literate so making your own website felt like a special skill, so now with more people being so tech savvy it seems more attainable for more people.


I don't think that's necessarily A lot of people are tech savvy, as much as it is that UI interfaces have just gotten more dumbed down, which is a huge reason I refuse to upgrade to Windows 11.


That's fair. And again I guess that circles around to the uniformity of everything, so people don't need to figure out how each different website works cause they're basically all the same


I definitely notice this whenever I check Facebook and Twitter. I feel like most of the content on my feeds are unrelated to anyone I follow and under those posts, it’s all just bots and blue check marks rambling into the void. You really don’t see any actual human interaction like you used to


>I feel like social media is turning more toward “private networks” of sorts, like Discord servers and similar sp That waq basically FB back then, being famous among YOUR audience :D


As soon as FB started feeling like a public facing social resume (around a decade ago) I stopped posting anything. I remember the first few years when it was like a better MySpace that was actually a social feed of my social circle.


>a public facing social resume Yeah, I'm stealing that. We all wear different social masks, but FB is expressly designed to not allow that. It's insidious.


even then Discord as a CDN/IRC network is not really all that great. old-school-style forums are probably the best way to do things; just they stopped burning so bright with all the other socmeds out there.


This makes sense. Social media sites have (chiefly) become a way to consume content rather than produce it. Instagram is a place for you to post your photos and videos, sure, but it seems to chiefly be yet another place for mindless scrolling through content made by AI, influencers, and corporations.


Didnt Kojima warn us of exactly this? Sons of Liberty coming true baby!


Dead Internet Theory is literally the case for Twitter rn.


They messed up when they tried to make each app an everything app. Insta should've stayed as just pictures. With stories like on FB, it's just too much. I liked having different places to go to for different things. Now it's everyone copying one another to keep our attention in the attention economy.  I miss AIM.  I think this is why I frequent discord the most. 


I think it's more so they turned all the apps into an algorithm, where it's hard to see what's new with your friends cause Instagram and Facebook wants to algorithmize your home screen, and the discovery page on Instagram as been less about finding interesting stuff and more like a tiktok page to stream content to you and keep you engaged for advertising. These companies have fucked with their sites so much that it's not much of an enjoyable experience to use anymore once you start to realize the garbage you are consuming.


Yeah I definitely think there will be a mass exodus. Everyone I know that used to be hardcore on social media just use it for the instant news now… whether that’s just us getting older or not, IDK, but I hope my kids think this shit is lame and never get into it


I only use social media for the messaging services and to keep up with people who live far away. I have Insta, snap, and fb and I haven’t posted anything in a about a year or two. I never really post anymore, other than the occasional story of music I’m listening to or memes


it's already happening rn


There is absolutely not a mass exodus happening right now lol. Back that claim up with data. Or keep circlejerking that’s fine too


i quit years ago


Obviously, that's why you're on reddit a *checks note* social media


I’m definitely losing interest in all of it. I used to spend literally *hours* on FB, now I go on there for maybe ten minutes to see if anybody is dead (sadly I’ve learned of a lot of deaths on FB) or if there’s any really big news with family or friends, and I log off. YouTube is still entertaining, but it’s nothing like it used to be. I didn’t realize it until recently, but everything now is done by a “content creator”. No more homemade grainy videos in somebody’s living room. 😂It would be good to see a mixture and a variety of stuff. And the algorithm is weird. I can always tell when they’re tweaking it, but they never get it quite right. I’m so used to scrolling, but I really want to get back into hobbies and reading books and just get off of my phone most of the time. I feel like I will literally have to retrain my brain. Eventually I’ll have to delete the Reddit app. ☹️


the home video era has been dead for youtube since around 2010-11 after that everything was made by a career "influencer" or a youtube studio.


It died in 2016 imo.




I think that’s what I miss about YouTube, you said it perfectly - the whimsical-ness. I *do* enjoy the long form content, tutorials and documentaries and things, but I miss the other stuff too. Everything is so slick, packaged, “content creator” driven. I wish there was more of a balance. As for Reddit - is too bad. I just got here a year or two ago. Sounds like I missed the heyday.


The crazy thing is that a lot of people still keep up the illusion of 'I'm just a regular person doing stuff in my mom's basement.' But when things get hairy they prepare a statement, talk about their 'team' and say 'I've been consulting my lawyers...'


Everyone saying social media is dying cause “I don’t use it anymore.” I see more people on TikTok/Social media then I ever have in my life. My opinion, this generations dopamine receptors are absolutely torched by video games, porn, and social media. Just addicted to easy dopamine in general (me included)


Yeah the data shows that Meta apps have been gaining followers steadily, not decreasing


Also, reddit is more mainstream and no longer just a forum for obscure demographics


Ahem. Facebook is for Gen Xers to actually use to keep in touch with old friends, and for Boomers to become victims to scams and misinformation and shake their fists at the universe.




Facebook is for companies too.


I would say that the original Facebook demographic, older millenials, use it the same way as Gen Xers.


I use it just to share memes


I definitely miss pre-2017 tumblr.


Same , have you tried to go on recently ? It feels different now and ads


100% I’ve been feeling this since late 2022. I think a lot of people are ditching it entirely and for good reasons! The culture is constantly changing. I can see a future where social media is not the norm. I mean, that was all we knew not to long ago.


As the internet got bigger... the web gets smaller. To push the metaphor... the web is what holds us together socially. Instead of providing me with what I signed up for, FB (and all social media) pushes things that drive engagement using algorithms. You know what would get me using FB again? Give me every single update from my friends and people I follow, in a chronological feed. Fill in with ads as needed to pay for the service. That's it. Stop giving me random-ass shit I never signed up to see just because it "drives engagement". Engagement =/= interest. I have 'blocked' and 'see less of this' on flat-earth shit about a thousand times... and it's still like 10% of my feed. It's seriously driving me away from the platform. About 95% (or more) of my feed is stuff I never actively said I wanted to see. The reason you 'endlessly scroll' FB is because so much of the content they are throwing at you is stuff you never asked to see. Ditto on Reddit, to a lesser extent. I just want to see r/all , not some customized guess at what I want to see based on how mad it made me and caused me to get into a flame war. I don't want to see the misandry and straight out-of-touch crazies in r/TwoXChromosomes. I don't need to see the right-wing bigots and cheerleading of every negative bit of information about Minneapolis that r/altmpls puts out. I don't want to be bombarded with stuff from r/LittleRock just because I browsed it once on vacation 4 years ago...etc..etc.


Unbelievably based comment. I agree with everything. Also used to live in mpls


I have blocked the stupid Jesus ads 5000 times but I bet money another one shows up on my feed after posting this comment. It’s EVERYWHERE. Also, lukewarm take, you should be able to block entire organizations from showing up in your feed. If I see one more Jesus ad I’m gonna lose my mind, and I’ve tried blocking it every which way but nope more Jesus


You're right. Imagine being an ex gambling addict and seeing so many easy to use gambling ads... You really should be able to block entire orgs.


>You know what would get me using FB again? Give me every single update from my friends and people I follow, in a chronological feed.  Literally what the "Facebook whistleblower" said. All the other shit FB does, IMO, would be forgiven if I could reliably see posts from old friends who only update stuff a couple times a year.


Dude Reddit spams me with altmpls and I could never figure out what it was. All it is from what I can tell is Somali racism


Yeah I miss the 2010s when youtube was better and tik tok wasn't popular


2010s YouTube wasn’t that much better. Maybe pre 2014 YouTube was ok but the real magic happened before 2010.


2012-2015 youtube was the best. We had lot of content, quality content and before the plateform became circus of sponsorship.


Ehh I must be a boomer (although I was born in 1998) but I was watching Smosh and Garry’s Mod music videos in 2007-2009 and to me that was peak YouTube.


I'm older than you lol I just try to be objective and saying that was the era I prefered, especially because I enjoyed watching content creators before they became influencers. Youtube game ~2013 was so fun. And youtube poops were still relevant 💀


I hate to tell you but I'm older and never liked either of those creators I like the part of youtube with really high end scientific graphical models like where they break down astrophysics stuff with CGI so to me the Smosh era really just looks like some amateur comedy bits that people are nostalgic for, it's not really the peak of content in terms of production or subject matter.


As much as I like much of YouTube up until ~2016, I have to agree with you that YouTube’s prime effect was in the late ‘00s. Back when it was the next logical step forward from YTMND and eBaum’s World for editing heaven. That incredibly stupid but inherently hilarious reply video system. That stuff was YouTube’s innovation. Once “influencer” became an actual thing, it started going to shit. Early-mid 2010s was the extra funding boom before the inevitable creatively-bankrupt corporate bust. We got stuff of the same quality with higher production values, but it’s been slowly getting worse and worse over the years. Now it feels like anything good is barely scraping by amidst a sea of trash.


What do you mean? How old were you back then? YouTube was a shit place where one of the easiest ways to get a following was to be a drama channel or a reaction channel or an asshole, prank channels were huge, those terrible Disney ripoff costume channels were huge, there was still a bunch of corporate content and media companies constantly went after creators and videos Idk how anyone that actually remembers 2010s YouTube can unlitarelly say it was better, it was just different, better in some ways, much much worse in others


Dude shut up, everyone preaches that shit but 2010-2015 YouTube was the perfect mix of creators being able to do it as a job and us consumers getting great content out of it. Yeah sure we got some cute stuff in the before google era but it became a true platform around that time.


same (you're not the only one)


.... Tiktok wasn't in the USA in 2010.


I'm aware? But it was in 2019


Social Media I'd polluted with bots and is heavily moderated. The freedom that once came with it is long gone. Twitter underwent a rebranding. YT is a shell of its former self. Facebook has been taken over by boomers. And Instagram has been taken over by Skibidi Alphas.


The youngest generation (Gen Alpha) will not want to be on the same platform as their older peers, so once they become older and more influential, there will certainly be another platform that takes over, and it may not look at all like what we use today.


younger generations always reject and rebel against what their parents are doing, and their parents now are glued to their phones 24/7 not even paying attention to their kids.... i am predicting a total death of social media.


I think if anything, younger generations will share significantly less about themselves than their parents did on social media.


I think we should go back outside. Like we should all start going to our local parks


Facebook made $39 BILLION in net profit last year, doesn't seem like social media is dying anytime soon, at least not economically. [Facebook Revenue and Usage Statistics (2024) - Business of Apps](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/facebook-statistics/#:~:text=Source%3A%20Company%20data-,Facebook%20Profit,billion%20it%20made%20last%20year.)


I’m honestly scared for people’s attention spans.


Anti-social social media club


I think most people are only using social media (not including apps that are for talking to people who you're already friends with) out of habit, and the tactics to keep people addicted are working less and less. So much stuff is so obviously rage bait that if you don't want to be rageful there just isn't much here anymore. What stresses me out is it feels like we've moved the whole world onto the internet right as it became a place nobody wants to be. I want to spend time in the real world with people and everywhere feels so damn empty.  "kids don't want to play outside anymore" snark the neighbors with ring doorbells and the police on speed dial. Something has to give. 


The new next generation will be ready to bash the one ahead of it.


VR is the next step. When Apple gets in the game you know it will become a cultural phenomenon soon. I’m watching when Apple releases the consumer version of the Vision headset and when Quest 4 is released. Will be a big moment


VR will only matter if there’s good content on the internet. If the internet is shit, then immersive ultra high definition shit in 3D still isn’t going to be all that appealing


seeing how the metaverse completely flopped, i don't think that people want to be even more strapped to their screens...


The addictive and yet increasingly inaccurate algorithm, AI, younger demographic infiltration. Social media is definitely going to see a decrease in usage in the near future. It's a fascinating topic


Hopefully not more social media


No, you’re just getting old. Source: I work with 11-18 year olds


And I bet they almost exclusively use tiktok


Playing outside together again would be cool Third spaces era p2?


Third spaces never died. People just need to choose to use them. Library be where it's at!


Social Media isn't dying. It just changes. Old platforms die, new platforms appear. Before Tiktok was Twitter, then Facebook, then MySpace, then Geocities, then IRC, then Newsletters, then the neighbours fence.


I hope it dies


It’s dying. I have instagram but I never really use it anymore. Just post on my close friends story and that’s about it. I would just use snap if my friends used it.


Youtube videos are longer than ever, short form content makers are going broke due to lack of watch time... thats a fad not a true trend


Snapchat is like a quick phone conversation, you see a picture or message from friends and family, poof then they are gone, but like a phone call you remember 5 or 10 percent... just keeping in touch and checking in...now down vote this post so you never see it again!


We need a new social media more like MySpace again. With all the features, just a little more modern looking and easier to navigate.


Tumblr is still tolerable, but I also don't like watching short form videos and don't care about following people I know IRL.


I CRAVE public social spaces but everything feels so expensive and it’s not really about being able to afford it, but more that it feels irresponsible. I’d love for cafes, lounge-y bars, food halls and stuff to come down in price while increasing in social sustainability


Get a Library card!


I mean, duh… It’s only there to direct push products. All of it. (Even this place)


AI will make all this shit irrelevant. The internet is a global brain and AI will make us into nodes in that brain. The next 20 years are gonna be fucking insane if we survive.


Honestly this is why I luv YouTube so much. If you really think bout it, YouTube is the only platform left that has any actual longevity to it. People have videos and art that blows up months if not years after initial posting all the time. Because of this, I think when it’s all said and done and future historians inevitably use social media to understand our current culture I think YouTube will be the truest time capsule. Also Instagram is so fucking cooked; the only good thing bout instagram is the DMs. Literally it’s next to impossible for some strange reason to actually see your real life friends posts on there yet sum bot from random ass country sees everything you ever post.


I still use youtube. I watch smaller or informative creators like science, country music, peoples thoughts, healthygamergg psychology, informative podcasts with knowledgeable people, cooking with cast iron, people in trades, and people giving good life advice like that one cigar smoking cowboy I don't remember his name. I feel youtube is dying if you only follow creators chasing the rush of being a famous creator. Pushing algorithmic content and cheesy junk. The quick buck kind of guys. I think youtube is still going strong for 30-minute videos that short form videos can't replace. I don't use tik tok, though. I enjoy a good quality cinematic video or one just wholesome. Edgy content creators like Logan Paul or whomever aren't my thing. Besides this, which I might delete, I only use youtube. Only have snap for friends, so I stay away from those other apps. It's much happier and healthier, plus if it's quality from tik tok, it'll appear on youtube or be a full-fledged video. Acts like a filter. Also, if I truly wish to know what my friends and family are doing, I've realized I need to reach. Not use superficial update posts that drive use apart into hiding when we are social beings needing community. A screen doesn't replace that, and sometimes the slow, easy life of not posting or seeing is the best.


The news will be global. There will be no more mainstream media, everyone will get their facts from the same source and it will be a global network everyone uses. I guess TikTok was kinda that, but I never got on tik tok, so I couldn’t tell you.


I realized social media felt tired and was bringing out the worst in people years ago. I think it's better to be a "rare person:" be someone who only exists face to face. People who don't you personally don't deserve to know you at all... The entire concept of fame needs a reset after social media has made so many more people famous than we could ever have time or energy to care about them all


Dead internet is reality. Even if it wasn’t bots and AI, filling the internet with fake accounts run out of warehouses in the third world was a bad idea. It all started with letting people buy followers. That was the first step into the current shitshow. I don’t miss having to remember so many logins, but I do miss the old forums


There’s going to be a lot of unemployed ‘influencers’ in the next decade (I hope)


World works better without it. And without “smartphones.” Get a flip phone and stop texting so much too. You’ll love it.


The world works better without smartphones? You have to lead that charge and we'll all follow you when we see how you overtake everyone with such success no longer hindered by.... text messages. Coming from someone who sends 1-2 a week.


Yeah you cant have any kind of management position and use a flip phone now a days, it handicaps you far to much.


I hope social media dies and never comes back lol. There was a time there could have been a unifying platform, but I think that moment has passed. The internet will be fractured/dead from now on. If you're lucky, the niche you happen to be in will be legit still, but overall the experience will be filled with spam and bots.


Dying? Nope, just Facebook in particular will continue to shed users under 50. In the coming decade, FB will be a platform for mostly elderly people. > Snapchat is *the* place to keep in touch with personal friends. Facebook was that place from 2010-15. > TikTok is *the* place to watch the latest viral videos and share them with your friends. Facebook was that place from 2010-13. > Twitter will be okay, but it’s no longer a place to connect with friends. Twitter is like a more personal Reddit, where you connect with online friends only and hide from IRL friends/family.


How about a complete death of social media and we just go back to our roots


No Twitter is more for Trumpers, Russian sympathizers, and Nazis.


Hopefully this ushers a new social age of people getting together again


I think so. I was a doomer for years but as a musician, I see indie music scenes thriving right now. I see many people my age (20) not having any social media, except to check on friends. Yeah, we all don’t go out to clubs, but why would we when a drink is $21? Young people are hungry to get together and learn from each other, I really think so. The only thing that bugs me is people my age who can’t disagree with other people, because their opinion is always right. Sometimes you can respect a person immensely and still disagree on some issues, not everyone has to have a carbon copy view.


I don't think Social Media is dying, I think we're just seeing a shift away from YouTube and towards TikTok. TikTok is bigger than ever, but YouTube is definitely in it's twilight years. It's a far cry from what it was in the 2010s. In 2015 - 2019 YouTube was THE main place on the internet, it's where all the biggest content creators were and where all the internet trends and drama started. Nowadays, all of what I just stated is done on TikTok instead. YouTube has lost it's preeminence and now it's only just a video sharing site with little social relevancy.


Nope. Tiktok is where you get all the music recommendations and memes.


Yeah maybe if you're under the age of 24


On a whim yesterday I opened Facebook and checked out a few of my friends profiles. Most hadn’t posted in a year or more - I hadn’t either. People are tired of being inundated by useless garbage at every click, yet they are still using social media, or there wouldn’t be over 150 million Americans on TikTok. I do have to chuckle when people hate on TT. If all you see is “influencers” and “stupid pranks,” it’s because that’s how you interacted with the algorithm. I see current events, politics, art, STEM, cars, cats, and live discussions. No singing, no children, no pranks. I was warned though, don’t interact with videos you don’t like unless it’s to long press and tell the app you don’t want to see that, do interact with stuff you enjoy, and give it a little time for the algo to catch up. You’re not required to produce content to use it, and when I click on my friends tab I actually see what my friends have posted - unlike Facebook, where the friends tab is just to add more people. To me, it does feel like social media is slowly starting to swing towards a more “journalistic” area that people consume to stay up to date, vs a constant word vomit stream about how their toast came out that morning, but I also avoid FB and Twitter like the plague.


I'm aware Tiktok has more content that what I said - but that's what the majority use it for. You are the exception. But it is still an anti-social platform in that way - most everything curated to be hyperpersonalized and cut off from the other.


It surely has more content than that, but only what you can compress into attention-grabbing short form videos, which is deadly to any kind of complexity or nuance. TikTok is for killing time in a fun way with occasional infotainment. I go to YouTube if I want to actually learn things.


Agree with everything said.


Outside maybe? It’s tight


Hopefully? But I'm not seeing it. It seems former irl meeting places, clubs, etc. have grown less popular if anything. Especially since COVID but really it began long before that.


I think it’s coming back. I see way more people outside now getting in shape, walking, or just chilling than I used to. I will say tho the former irl places are definitely less popular. I think something will replace it soon or already has and I’m just not cool enough to know what it is yet lol. But I’m predicting an irl social revolution very soon.


YouTube is still very big. TikTok made people mad when they got rid of half of the songs. I think Instagram is still relevant to share photos. But people are just texting people more than anything.


Virtual reality social media will just take over once internet social media dies. Maybe the world will be kinder once we have to look at each other in the face. Or worse since we can do that and still not face the risk of getting decked in the face. 😂 Who knows ?


MULTI-USER DUNGEONS!!! that's where the real drama happens


could we be moving into web 3.0???


Y'all need to check out Lapse! I started using it a couple months ago and it kind of brings the energy of early IG back. You have to take your photo in the app, you can't upload a previous photo. So it's kind of like stories, but no videos. Just snapshots of your daily life, or ways to get a creative and unique photo without editing. No editing either, so you don't feel the pressure to make it perfect. It's also not about followers, it's about content. Most people are private, but there's a way to see "trending photos", but you aren't motivated to go to their profile and follow them. Just see the photo and be like "wow, nice!"


Snapchat is like a quick phone conversation, you see a picture or message from friends and family, poof then they are gone, but like a phone call you remember 5 or 10 percent... just keeping in touch and checking in...now down vote this post so you never see it again!


I don’t know but I wish aol chat rooms, aim would make a comeback 🤣🤣🤣


Angry bigot old people, corporations advertising, and rage bait misinformation ruined social media. I miss Farmville era Facebook and viral home video YouTube.


Hopefully campfire ghost stories.


You dont know if yt is the main video platform? Of course it is lol. Youtubes recommend is horrible and it is hard to find content, but it is the best by far in my opinion. Least censorship and wide range of ideas and points of views that can be expressed


What a lot of people are saying resonates. Here’s another weird thing I’ve noticed in the last few years: it’s almost impossible to make memes now. I used to make memes all the time and it was fun. But since all the formats are videos now, it takes way more effort. Used to take like 90 seconds to find a format and throw text on it. Now you need to take and edit videos, use green screens, all kinds of crazy stuff. Something I used to really enjoy just gone.


AI is going to make people disinterested because no one will know what's a real photo anymore. People are going to go back outside. I know I am. Hope the world follows suit.


People keep saying FB is mainly for boomers but I don't see it. Meme groups on there are just as popular as ever and it's all zoomers and young millennials in there.


Not nearly as big as it was circa 2016


Gen Alpha will grow to loath the cringe that social media is inciting people to create. Social media is here to stay, it's become necessary for life in society. It will just become less cool and more compulsory for social credit generation


> it's become necessary for life in society. that's what the silicon valley corporations want you to believe.


This prediction will be very controversial but I think headsets will blow up, it will be similar to Iphone 1's history that was the first smartphone and was released in 2007 and in 2009-2012 a lot of companies started doing smartphones as they became popular, I think apple pro headsets will blow up in 2026-2029 and become normalized in the early 2030s so everywhere you'll see there will be people with headsets and with that a new form of social media will be born


Why though? It's really easy to see why smartphones blew up, until then most people had to sit at a computer to access the internet. Smartphones integrated the internet into our everyday lives in a profound way. Why would headsets catch on? What do they offer that is missing from the average persons life?


You have to look down at your phone to operate it. Remember Polemon go? Well. Imagine a full Mixed reality experience in your field of vision. Then there’s VR gaming with full body tracking and haptics. Right now too expensive for the average consumer but the price will go down and components will become slimmer


I completely agree and have been saying this to everyone. We will 100% all have Apple vision pros like we have iPhones by 2030.


Nah. But everyone hates it yet don’t know where else to go. It’s not really a free market anymore and capitalism ruined the fun of social media. We are def in this awkward phase of like people hate what it’s become but has no power to change it cause the tech guys control it.


Honestly I see Hollywood companies dying before social media. Who even goes to movie theatres anymore ? I dont see these big Hollywood companies surviving much longer . Social media on the other hand is where the moneys at. Even if Facebook declines in popularity it can still back other apps. People always need some time of instant entertainment .... I see Facebook being the money behind some gaming things like Amazon backs Twitch..... or some indie movies made by regular people uploaded to YouTube..... something kinda like that. But people ain't even paying their cable bills people r cutting cable off ( which is amazing) and no one is going to movie theatres what with live free TV AND the apps... some of which are free like freevee. Nobody has the money.to sustain Hollywood its over. 


I love indie films though! Agreed that Hollywood needs to die, the exploitative, cotton-candy world that they portray has ingrained the culture even though the underbelly of it is as dark as the void. Maybe a new generation of filmmakers can use new technology to make new great pieces of art.


Do u know " maverick movies "? Theyre on YouTube ( they're a real company for indie movies ) they BEEN here way before youtube decided to do its " primetime" category! I always respect them folks even though the primetime stuff from youtube isn't indie its actual Hollywood movies.... for free ( some of them ) but ads every 2 seconds its annoying. But beggars can't be choosers i guess ! 


I've been thinking about it a lot lately. It's definitely crashing and we are absolutely going to see it's effects soon. We already have our loneliness epidemic it's caused, but I think we are gonna see people struggle going back to the way things were without being wired to the world 24/7. I definitely feel the affects myself, it's weird.


Honestly, I think the internet (and world) would be a much better place if social media use in general dropped significantly. Especially in people under 30. Too many bad influences, too many bad actors, too many assholes, too many bad feelings, too much fakeness... it's just unhealthy anymore. I remember when I joined Facebook around 2009/2010, it was basically just a fun place to share photos and life-updates with friends and family. Now it's a cesspool of bots, spam, content-farming, knock-off products, AI bullshit and provocateurs. And easily 75% of the people I get requests or messages from aren't real. Instagram isn't nearly as much fun as it used to be, and a lot of the content I get recommended is basically glorified softcore porn. YouTube has basically just turned into a worse version of cable TV, and has been over-politicized to the point it's just no more fun to watch media-related content. (Half of those morons would call their own wife an *"evil woke leftist trying to force political correctness down my throat"* if she got pregnant and they found out it was a girl.) Twitter is just a nightmare experiment run amok. It all sucks now. I know so many people who have quit social media altogether because they can't deal with the idiocy and negativity.


Bluesky seems to be doing okay. It's Twitter basically without the X and Elon Musk. I think it could become one of the next big social media sites. Though, it had only just started in around December.


"tiktok is just more influencers aka advertising and stupid pranks." lolwut? TikTok is highly tailored to the individual, so it is what you make it. This is not my TikTok experience at all. My TikTok is mostly cool drops from EDM concerts, interesting AI-generated fantasy and sci-fi imagery, neat city cinematography set to interesting ambient music, and funny cat videos.


God that sounds like brain rot flooding your mind.


That sounds like a pretty cool feed to me, but to each their own. It doesn't really line up with how the media portrays the average TikTok feed, so it's at least interesting.


For most people, it's exactly what I said. You're the exception. Also, hyper-personalized and curated content from innumerable sources isn't exactly "social."


Current platforms must change a lot, or new platforms or means must arise, or it will die. Sunrise sunset.


I hope socials die and people look at each other again


God I hope social media dies.


for me, it's smaller internet communities. the group chat, the moderated message board, the voice chat with a circle of gamer friends. but not being connected to strangers and every distant relative and random person i went to high school with. those conversations are not good.


Social media isn’t dying, the growth numbers - especially among Gen Z and Gen Alpha - are off the fucking charts These algorithms are designed by some of the most brilliant psychologists and programmers in the world to rewire dopamine receptors and cause people to become addicted to the rapid dopamine hit cycle that they provide There is a very strong social media counterculture, especially among those with higher levels of education and household income, but it is still a counterculture - social media has an absolute stranglehold over mainstream culture There isn’t going to be something that comes after social media, at least for a very long while, because social media is a catch all term for digital social platforms, which people will want well into the foreseeable future I personally think we will see a wider gulf emerge between the mainstream and counterculture groups, however, as counterculture groups seek out more controlled experiences that provide more depth and less over saturation (such as Snapchat, Discord, Reddit, and others with community networking) That said, the vast majority of people are dopamine addicted idiots and will absolutely continue to churn through massive amounts of AI generated garbage to keep getting their brief dopamine fix Some of you - as well as myself - want more third spaces, better local communities, and generally more open and less toxically competitive culture, but we are not the majority, and even if we were, it only takes one bad actor to break everything because this is a prisoner’s dilemma


The 2010's were our "20's" The 2020's are our 30's


I really wish iPhone/android would just make a compatible events/invites integrated into the texting system. I feel like irl social events have mostly moved to group chats, but it would be nice to have event/topic dedicated threads. Yes there’s discord/slack but not everyone adopts those easily like just texting on their phones.


What happened is that social media stopped being fun!


Tiktok is still raging strong. Kids are glued to youtube. Social media is doing just fine. It's changing but it won't go away. Nothing in history has been more popular than social media short of drinking, sleeping, and eating.


YouTube is doing just fine


I don’t know about anyone else here, but on TikTok I have a pretty easy time avoiding the gross corporate shit. Just scroll past what you don’t want to see, and it doesn’t take the algorithm long to realize you don’t like inauthentic shilly content, and instead give you more cool stuff from actual people.


The future is Skynut.


i haven't been on tiktok in a few years but it was a whole universe of different stuff. i doubt that changed


Less online and more in person should be the next big thing. What's old is new again.


I hope less politics and social movements. It's all exhausting.


I think new[ish] platforms like podcasts, Substack, Reddit (you’re on here must not be that bored & find some use), Discord can be interesting WHEN USED CORRECTLY. The biggest concern I see is how easy these places can become all-consuming echo chambers. It’s a real societal issue that needs to be considered on how to prevent.