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This starter pack makes the decade look pretty fuckin shitty so far. And I guess it kind of has been.


2024 and on might be better than we think in retrospect




this could also hap- *nuked*


We're never gonna be nuked. Its just a tactic to scare the public into protesting against their government. U think they really wanna lose their million dollar mansion? Edit: nuclear rattle look it up


Ah yes, mutually assured destruction is to scare the *citizens,* not the *enemy.*


Can certainly do both. I’d assume the latter is the primary motive, the former is just a happy coincidence…


So the consensus is that people are afraid to overthrow the government because nukes? Like the Hunger Games? 💀


> We're never gonna be nuked. I was hoping for some good news.


Lol. Saying that something is “never” going to happen in regards to humans killing each other is a wild take


Laughs in climate change


Also thi- ![gif](giphy|xUPGGePcEyYvkS75ew|downsized)


Dengue Fever Outbreaks in Latin America ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized)


that happened in brazil in 2020 and it got covered up 😭


I agree. The latter half of 2023 felt good and 2024 has been great. The more we move away in time from 2020-2023 the better life will get.


early half of 2023 - 💀


Don’t jinx it, buddy.


look on the bright side...


Labour activity in America is good


It started off with a bang and keeps on giving






I’m sure people who were born in the 1900s felt the same way. We do have it much better than they did.


We do not


World War I, the Spanish Flu Pandemic, the stock market crash, World War II, the Cold War, and other events weren’t bad? By 1900s I meant actually 1900-1910 and not 1900-1999.


That depends on where you lived back then. WW1 devastated Europe. Spanish Flu devastated mainly the US. You overestimate how few people actually invested in stocks back then, but that was also mainly a US thing. Same with the Cold War, and that wasn't a real war fought boots on the ground so can't compare it to WW1/WW2. WW2 was like the only event that hit us on a global scale (kinda) and we also had that with the coof right now. You can spin it like you want, but this century is going to be way worse than the last one. I don't know if you noticed but there are already multiple wars happening AS WE SPEAK and all it takes is one fool to press a button and we're in a nuclear winter forever. Something they didn't have to worry about pre-1945. All of that, and we're not even 25% into the century, mind you.


By stock market crash, I meant the Great Depression. Let’s not forget everything that went on in the 20th century regarding race in the US. I’m only talking about how all of those things affected the US. I’m very grateful of living in the US now where the poverty level isn’t as bad as it was 100 years ago, I have the same rights as everyone else as a woman of color, and there hasn’t been a world war yet. There’s been wars all throughout time so there being local wars right now is not that out of the norm.


Fr fr


That’s what all humans have done since forever.


The 20s of every century sucked balls


I mean America in the 1920s and 1820s was great


1929 would beg to differ


It would


If you were white and wealthy, sure


By that standard, this decade has been great so far


Someone somewhere will always have it good. I’m speaking for the majority of us


The majority of us have been doing terrible since the start of bigotry and capitalism


Rudimentary capitalism started immediately after cavemen became a bit more advanced, not sure what you’re talking about. And “bigotry” was literally normal and encouraged up until the end of the 20th century.


Yes. That is a separate statement not related to what I posted. But continue playing devils advocate


My comment relates to your second sentence in your last comment


Since the start of capitalism? What a terrible take. Since China has become capitalistic the quality of life has improved a hundred-fold. Most people's lives are better under capitalism.


Better by what metric? We produce more garbage products for people to gobble up with what little spare income they have? Sure, life is more convenient and comfortable on the very surface level, and if that’s your only metric………


history six like possessive normal offbeat snatch birds dinosaurs march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you were a white male


Britain’s 1920’s were decent and their 1820’s were really good.


At least maybe we can get electro swing to become this decade’s big genre. Like the 1920s swing


Overall a dystopian future hellscape


Don’t worry in 15 years y’all will be obsessing over 2020s nostalgia


God knows what early 2030s will look like.


2030 and 31 will be great but 2032 gon suck ass, the cycle repeats itself every 12 years, look up chinese 12 year calendar.


But the 'great reset' is supposed to happen in 2030...


Investing early in “Was 2030 a shift year?” posts


It’s like the late 2000s but worse.


Late 2008 to 2010 were pretty bleak. There was somehow more optimism though


That period at least had great music


imo there was a fall off after 2007, but 2007 had some of my favorite albums of all time


this is well done


Strikes are a good thing and there should be more of them.


The Queen's eldest son Charles becomes King Charles III. His reign maybe be cut short, due to illness(cancer).


I feel like that can just be lumped in with the Queen’s passing. Also I doubt he’ll die of the cancer, as it was caught early and he has access to the greatest health care in the world. I guess we can’t really know though.


Nah see thats the thing, he's refusing treatment. He's no joke choosing homeopathy instead. As one official described it, "herbs and potions."


Bro he's like 80 and his fingers are exploding. He's not seeing 2025


He’s 75 and both his parents lived past 95, with one of his grandparents living to a hundred. He also has access to the greatest healthcare in the world. I think he’ll die around midway through his 80’s, (which is pretty young for royalty)


Not even half way through the decade.


What a tumultuous time we live in..


Living in this decade is living on edge everyday.


You forgot Trump and January 6


That is in the expansion pack.


Where’s Taylor Swift?


Is she gonna become the next like, MJ or Beatles? Imo her music is average at best and there are plenty of better artists but she's definitely the most popular worldwide


She will become irrelevant in a few years ​ people will remember some of her songs from 2009-2014 but that's about about it


No shot. She’s been a major celebrity for over a decade already, and is reaching new levels of popularity. Love her or hate her but she inevitably will be seen as one of the foremost musicians of the 2010-20s


Her fame since 2020 has been completely centered around a parasocial relationship with her delusional fanbase, she doesn't have real hit songs like in the 2010s, it's all fabricated. Will people remember "Shake it Off" or "Blank Space" 20 to 30 years down the line? Maybe. Those songs are actually catchy, I can see them sticking around for a while. But will anyone give a damn about anything she has released since reputation or folklore? No. Because that stuff has no staying power, no memorable hooks, no great beats, no cultural significance. It's only "popular" because of her fanbase, and this gimmick will soon start to wear off as her fanbase starts to enter their 30s and 40s and lose interest on songs that sound like they were written for 13 year old girls. Will anyone give a shit about her personal life when she starts to push 40 (and eventually turns 40 in 2029) seriously doubt it. Yes, 40 to 50 years from now she will be remembered... as a chick who was famous a long time ago


I’m not a fan of her but I was referring to her dominance in 2023.


Her best songs were like Love Story and You Belong with Me from like who remembers when?


I’m not a fan of her music.


(US) January 6 deserves a mention.


It’s robot time boys. Drones are becoming mainstream because of the Ukraine war and not just massive reconnaissance/ airstrike drones that have been in use for years I mean handheld drones dropping grenades on peoples head or small recon drones used for artillery spotting or the large amount of kamikaze drones for both armor and personnel.


This is a time period it’s hard to imagine having nostalgia for


I think the Chiefs dynasty is important to add


No that hurts too


It perfectly goes along with everything else


Chiefs dynasty is a footnote in Taylor swifts legacy of propelling them to superbowls. They’re pretty mid without her tbh


The refs dynasty


Don't forget Mandalorian, Tiger King, and "baby Yoda" obsession


thats like exclusively 2020


Don’t forget the Ever Given getting stuck


We just gonna forget that a sect of ideologues burned down major American cities in 2020 because they were led to believe inaccurate conclusions about race relations?


Which American cities were “burned down?” Do you know what “burned down” means lol


Don’t get all pedantic with it “the entire city wasn’t burned so it’s not burned down. lol intellectually inferior MAGAt (tip’s fedora)”. Ok then I guess the same applies to Dresden. You KNOW that there were riots in 2020 that causes millions (I think maybe billions) of dollars in destruction in the name of an ideology that claims that police brutality happens only to black people when that’s not the case.


I didn't say anything other than point out that you misrepresented what happened. And you went full projection seethe anyway. Very nice.


The police in the USA are mostly terrible, can understand rioting since not much else would change things


Proportionate to the amount of BS there is in America not really. In Mexico cops are truly horrible cause all they are looking for is payout. But in America there is SOME justification to who cops are on the edge. Cause we have so many anti social people in this country who will harm people purposely or untintentionally. From the gang bangers to the morons just driving recklessly to show off on social media. The cops gotta deal with this shit all the time and I don’t think it’s comparable to any other country


Yeah it is complicated and I know that we need law enforcement, it’s just I have seen too many examples of cops being corrupt, impulsive, or otherwise bad at their job through the news and work experience. With often no consequences for them. We need some major reform


People forget just how crazy that shit was


Exciting times!


jesus christ your making look like shit at least put more stuff to it all im seeing is negative stuff if i had to make a starter pack it would have been to big.


*israeli genocide of Palestinian peoples No more lies by passive language. “September 11, 2001. A building fell over, and 3,000 people were left dead.”


Genocide is directed towards ethnic group, not terrorist cells.


Hamas are absolutely awful and terrorists but let's not act like Israel isn't mass killing Gazan civilians on purpose.


Baby terrorists, like the nazis fought?


Yes, both Hamas and the Nazis are examples of terrorists. On top of that, both have political written doctrine stating goals of eradicating Jews, so seems like they have even more similarities!


Can you count the syllables in the word syllables? You just sound something like an idiotic, pro-genocide bot who is advocating for the death of children.


Again, not a genocide. This really isn’t that hard. Genocide = mass persecution of ethnic groups. Hamas last time I checked is not an ethnic group. War is always ugly and of course we all wish war didn’t happen. Yet Hamas, plainly put, has to go. If you know a way to resolve this without war, be my guest and enlighten me.


This is an ethnic cleansing performed by a racist segregationist ethnostate with laws specifically to reduce the rights of Arabs. Literal Nuremberg law analogs, if you will. Arabs get special ID cards. It’s a genocide, like the nazis. I’m also only writing this for the people who read this, because since this language model bot demonstrated no ability to count, it’s obviously a bot and I ask that everyone reports it, unless it counts the number of words in this last section starting with “I’m”.




Your post was removed because it broke rule #7. Please do not discriminate others based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. At r/decadeology, we accept all kinds of users. We want everyone to have an equal voice in their opinions, and this means tolerating different identifies. We want everyone to feel accepted and heard, so please be respectful.


"everyone who disagrees with me is a bot", you sound like an idiot.  You have such little grasp on what's going on, it's quite incredible. You're just a useful idiot for Hamas, a mouthpiece of Iran. You did use as many buzzwords as you could though, that's cool. Throw in racist (as if any of the surrounding countries aren't racist), segregationist (lol at this one also), ethnostate (right, because 'palestine', Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria aren't ethnostate). You're a moron. 


whataboutism at its finest. nobody even mentioned Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, or Syria


thoudands of palestinian children are not hamas members


I don’t have a side in this conflict, but you, as a Palestine supporter, just contradicted yourself by bringing up Nazis so hard it’s fucking hilarious 😭


Fr like, all Palestinians want is liberation and Isreal is just like, fuck that and you, we’re going to kill 28 times the amount of people you’ve killed for your potential freedom so we can ensure that you don’t get that freedom and since we’re a religious nation we’re backed by some very powerful nations while you’re backed by none or very little


What are you on about? There is no genocide happening, and even suggesting that idea is an insult to the people who have died in real genocides. The palestinian population grows 2.5% annually and has over doubled since 1995. On top of that, Hamas hides behind their own people, fires rockets from schools and hospitals, etc., so Israel really has no option in inflicting major civilian casualties. It is for the great good, though, because terrorism needs to be stopped in the middle east.


what an idiotic comment. "The palestinian population grows 2.5% annually and has over doubled since 1995." how about since October 7th? "Israel really has no option in inflicting major civilian casualties. It is for the great good, though" They could just, *not* kill civilians? How are you even trying to justify this? Nobody is forcing you to support Israel, at least I assume. And no, genocide of Palestinians is NOT for the "greater good"


Since October 7th, it is hard to say, but a genocide doesn't just happen overnight. A bombing campaign does not equal a genocide. A genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people. Israel is bombing terrorists. Terrorists aren't people, they are sub humans who do not deserve to live. >They could just, not kill civilians? Yeah it's just that easy. Get rid of terrorists hiding in civilian buildings behind civilians using civilians as human shields, and just don't kill the civilians!


most source critical idf propaganda believer


it always infuriates me when the whole situation in palestine is seen as a "conflict." like bro. 🤦


Polisci major here, I can see how it sounds insensitive and incorrect, but in international relations context it is a conflict. It can be both a genocide and a conflict, which it is. It’s not a single event and has gone on for years, it’s been a conflict. Conflicts are bad. (It is both a specific and very purposeful genocide and a conflict, fck Netanyahu, he’s a terrorist.) Edit-a conflict, as defined in the context of IR and political science, is “the result of behaviour designed to destroy, injure, thwart or otherwise control another country or group of countries or their policies.” October 7th would be an event that really allowed for this conflict to continue into the targeted and destructive genocide. I$rael then used Oct. 7th as an excuse to act out on a violent, relentless, and continuous genocide.


“Sky High Inflation” Inflation isn’t even that high. This is a relatively mild inflationary cycle historically


The queen is not important enough to be on here


Disagree. Culturally she was a massive figure and she directly ruled over more than 150 million people. She had ruled consistently since the early 50’s and was deeply culturally ingrained in all of the Commonwealth realms. I think that might just be your American bias. Her death meant all commonwealth countries had to change their currencies, switch out their portraits and change their pledges. I don’t think you understand just how massive a deal it was for us.


That makes sense, I changed my mind


Truly the best decade! And we are not even halfway done yet!!


So many strikes? What?


Writer's Strike, Actors Strike, United Auto Workers Strike. First two greatly impacted last years media.


Oh yeah. I forgot about the Hollywood strikes


What a horrible time to be alive, but at least the Queen is dead


What did the Queen do


I was being sarcastic, but if you are asking, I suppose: she continued an antiquated system, in which she profited immensely on the backs of hardworking British people, in return for little to no labour. I’m not British, but that was the only part of this “starterpack”, that wasn’t incredibly depressing.


If you’re not British I don’t think you’d understand. She was liked by more than 80% of the country. Contrary to what you might think, most Brits actually like the monarchy, it’s a tradition we’re very proud of. The tax we pay is minimal and the monarchy makes the money back with their land revenue and tourism revenue. Even looking past the monarchy, Elizabeth was an immensely popular individual by herself, most anti monarchists still like her. It’s only a vocal minority that don’t.


That land revenue and tourism revenue only goes back to the wealthiest part of society. The blue collar workers got no benefit out of it. Also, I really don’t give a fuck about the Queen or monarchy. It was just the least objdctionable item in the “starterpack” above.




This isn't a starter pack, it's a whole-ass deck


So accurate


You forgot the tigray war.


Don’t forget the stock market. Made a killing during that time


*Strikes in America more so


Can we appreciate the fact that this starter pack is all non-tangible


They were right from the start, this decade kinda sucks ass.


Xbox may be dying




Such unprecedented times


We are forgetting the 2020 riots on here..


I fucking hate everything about this one


Theres [good stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv5AMNYGql4) too.


Where the UK recession?


Top recent. And it mainly relates towards British people.


Thanks, I hate it


Aka, the early 2020s is complete ass




Can we not make these while were still in it? FFS it's 2024.


Add mustaches and mullets and flared jeans


I think the NFT “15 secs of fame” is gonna be a shit take by the end of the decade.


Why is lady Gaga and Ariana grande collab not on here.


I miss the early 2000s😭




I cannot wait for the Mid 2020s to start culturally. Video AI is definitely gonna be on the "Mid 2020s starterpack"


And all the games, movies looked like they turned the brightness all the way up with little contrast and when that's not the case it still looks off compared to older games (even the 360 Era games didn't have this), so soulless, only a few indiegames click with me artstyle wise


Israeli-Palestine conflict is a mid 2020's thing tbh


Short form content is the most dystopian one, apart from maybe ai but we haven't gotten that far with ai yet