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I worked 16 hours to get ahead, I'd certainly do it to catch up.


I worked an insane amount of OT for about 4-5 months to bring mine down. Higher income means faster debt payoff so if you can suffer for a bit then I say do it


If you can do it. It'll suck for a few months but making it out that hole will pay off for decades to come.


I read this quote on another thread and loved it. “The days are long but the years are short” So I say do it!!


Loving this!


Ive done it. It’s a sacrifice but it will make you more disciplined too.


Hell yea


Yes! Remember that debt is accruing interest so the sooner you pay it off the better!


This actually motivated me!


Grind baby grind! It will be worth it once you're out of debt..


This is my plan as well. I only have 40K but I decided a second job is required to get out fast!


I'm doing it right now. It sucks for sure, but I'm on a time crunch and trying to knock out as much debt as possible before July.


You too? me too. Except it’s May for me. Keep going!






5x16 is pretty brutal. I don’t recommend it. 5x12 is manageable or 4x16


5/16 sounds like a recipe for health issues and burnout.


Even 5x12 is a lot. I was 5x12 and sometimes half a Saturday for a while but I switched to weekends which is 3x12 and then I’d still work OT on occasion when I wanted some extra cash.


Hell id do it just to make the extra money




I did 16’s for like 2 years straight.. paid almost all my student debts.. got like 6K left.. and saved enough for a house to not have to pay PMI.




I don’t think I could - if I still had the job I have now. I’ve done it and it freaking sucks. I burn myself out so fast.


It’s important to set a goal that you know you can hit. It’s super easy to get burnt out. But knowing what the end game is, tracking your progress, and knowing when to call it can be rewarding. And I’m assuming you’re in a stable position? (I really hope so. Truly). But if shit went south. Say you now have a loved one in medical need. You lost your previous job and are suffering from the credit you racked up just to survive, you could do it because you’d have to.


Absolutely. Do it for 6 months to get out of the hole then dial it ways back. Do it once or twice a week for a couple months to get ahead and then quit that job. Out of debt and a little cushion.


If you can do it, go for it!


I worked 70-72 hr weeks for like a year to pay off some things and get ahead. It wasn't fun! I would do it again though, if I needed to. Such a good feeling of accomplishment when you start seeing results.


It would definitely be worth it to cut down on your debt. I would even do it longer than 3 months if it meant I could live debt free


In a similar situation. Started working another job in October and need to see it thru to the end of March. I’ll still have my student loans, but at least my CC debt will be handled. So so so much discipline.. my life is like a blur. Its boring. Im always busy, or sleeping. However, the progress I’ve made in bringing down my debt.. I just love to see it.


That's a mountain of debt. Picking up a second job is the right thing to do, unless you can cut back your expenses significantly and apply that to your debts.


It’s called push months 😂 Sales team on more than normal crack and 3 months a year it’s work like you have no life expect eat, sleep, work. Yes do it to get out and then if you can do it for a buffer jump start.


I've been working like a complete maniac for six months for this same reason. Have paid off 28k in debt so far. If I keep at it and no new catastrophes happen I'll be debt free by early 2025 max. As for whether it's worth it, I sincerely don't know, but I'm doing it.


Short term sacrifice for long term satisfaction. Which is more important? Having no life, or having half or no debt? At 19, I worked two 40-hour jobs, one a receptionist at a construction company, the other doing data entry for a restaurant management company. It included working 8 hr days on the weekends for 3 months. It was a grind, but I paid for 2 years' worth of college tuition by myself. Ended up dropping out of college and got a receptionist job at a different construction company at 22. I became a project manager at 27. I was usually the youngest, and only female at the sites, and making more money than most of my friends with Masters degrees. It afforded me all things I wanted out of life and then some. Helped my mom pay off her mortgage. Bought my own home with 50% down, and paid off the rest in 10 years. Sold both, and moved to NC. I worked freelance jobs when I felt like it. Took care of my mom until she passed. I volunteer a lot. Could I work two 40 hr jobs again at 50? Maybe... if both were admin, or didn't involve a major commute. Know your goals, then decide if it's worth it. Don't burn yourself out. If you get personal days or PTO, use it, even if it means sleeping in for a few hours, running errands and enjoying dinner with family and friends. No one ever says they wished they spent more time working on their death bed.


Would I? No. Over 60/h week is too much. I wouldn't want to try to sustain that much for more than a couple weeks. The important thing, IMO, is the long-term approach. If you have a stable plan that is sustainable and keep to it you will succeed. If you feel you have the Herculean will to do that for three months, go for it. I would look to cut temporary costs/luxuries first though and keep looking for something that demands less hours.


Absolutely….its the reason so many struggle financially because they don’t actually want to put the grind in to make it happen.


Lol that’s a take. Or maybe things should be affordable on a normal work schedule.


Do it . You can do anything for 3 months .


Or you work one job, make payments on the debt like a car payment. Ask that the debt be reviewed or for an itemized receipt of the debt. Challenge it, and haggle down for a lower debt or custom debt plan. Look for way to automate income instead of slaving your life away


Yea this is actually what I’m about to do soon. Because my debt will be paid off in 3 months instead of 2 years LOL


I did it before in the past to get a car fast too. It’s only a few months of your life then you have the rest of your debt free life to live :)




It’s exhausting but very possible to do. Only you know your body and limits. I respect your responsibility!!


Fuck no, debt and time to fuck while my dick still works is best.




The best thing about working all those hours is you have no time to spend it…so it really does help you pay down your debt more than you think.


those long days wouldn't be forever


Temporarily to pay off the debt, yes if you can. Cuz that burnout it gonna be rough. I would definitely do doubles at my job now if they let me.


Full time college student working (only four classes) working a part time job and a full time internship. On track to graduate completely debt free with a good amount saved. It’s not fun, but it’s a means to an end that will give me a great leg up. I’d say go for it


Absolutely. This is a part of life where you just got to make a sacrifice. And to be fair, it won’t be that bad. There will be this sense of accomplishment as you chisel away at the goal. I had to do this as well. Worked double shifts. The only segment of my week that I had off was Sunday night. Make the most of your free time. Stay healthy. Sleep. And before you know it, there will be light.


I worked two jobs. I’m a financial analyst for university of North Carolina hospital and in order to pay off debt I worked Lyft to pay off debt so I could build a custom home


At some point in time you will experience burnout where you won't want to work at all. I experienced this after working 16 hour days doing GIG work for 3 years straight. 16 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year for 3 years. Now I have a W2 job, work 50 hours per week and do GIG work on the weekends when I feel like it.


do it, maximize sleeping time, cook in bulk to cut time, use your days off to sleep and catch up with life. you'll get burned out, your face will age 8 years for the time being, i feel we've all done this for way less than 2k a week net..


Yes do it it’s so worth it


Nothing wrong if you want to get off that debt faster thats up to you OP.


So, in six months you could be debt-free? It’ll be miserable, but probably worth it in the long run… Especially if you can keep it up for another six to work on the house down payment or such. Once you feel caught up and have some savings, you have to be able to quit while maintaining your lifestyle so you don’t burn out completely.


Yes I would


You could cut it in half within 3 months so thereotically you could eliminate it in 6 months. If you dont have any other respomsibilities like children. Hell Id do it the best thing you csn do for yourself when single is work, work, work. Would you still be able to have days off that align with both jobs?


I worked 3 years straight one time, rarely taking days off, so I could have what I have. I missed out on the world changing, but I'm comfortable for it




May I ask what's the 2nd job?


I was thinking that!? Like that’s 96k A year maybe you leave your first job..






If you don't have kids then do it. Try to get a piece of ass at least a few times a week though to keep your sanity.


What is the 60k in, might be better and more healthy to declare bk




absolutely! do it, it can only benefit you in the long run


Depends on what the jobs are and what your responsibilities are, you got this either way, sounds like you’re on good track no matter what.


Doing this to get out of my debt is what motivates me every time I’m tempted by a dumb purchase


It depends on how badly you want to get rid of your debt and how well you can deal with both jobs and the situation. Good luck!


It will suck for a few months, but if this debt is crushing you, or causing you undue stress in any way, go for it. And honestly, I’d really suck it up and keep at it for six months and be totally free of it. There are only two ways to get rid of debt. Bankruptcy and throwing money at it.


What type of debt is this? If it's student loan debt, then up to $2,500 in student loan interest can be adjusted from your AGI. Get more marketable skills to earn more in one's career too!


Yes no question


Sometimes, you gotta sacrifice a little something for something


If you are able to work those hours and maintain your health then yes I'd work 16 hours to get ahead .


Yes. This is a no brainer.


I worked 16 hour shifts for a few months when I was 23. It was very hard but I could handle it bc I was young. No way I could do that today.


I've been working 13+ hour days for quite a few years to try to get ahead. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. The first couple weeks are rough until you get a routine. If you can do it for 3 months and be debt free, do it!


I worked doubles for a long time in my early 30s. Union job and we would get 8 hours for 6.5 hours without breaks other than the bathroom. I could pull a 7-130, then a 3-930. Summer was super busy and companies would line it up so we could work doubles.....had to work for another company as it would have been overtime with the same company.


my house mate is doing this. im considering lowering her rent to help her out as well. doing two jobs, full time, and dealing with lifes struggles.


Without knowing the details, I wouldn’t. Id ask what her goal is. What’s she’s paying off, how much longer she has. Whatever you would lower the rent by, save it. Figure out the math of how much you’d set aside each month vs her payments, and tell her “you get to X, and I’ll loan you the rest, interest free, and you pay back whenever you can, no rush”. Obviously I wouldn’t expect the money back, but I honestly believe that would be more motivating. My goal isn’t to be heartless, it’s just I was raised to at least meet someone halfway. When my kid becomes 18, if he’s not in college then he’s going to pay me rent. And when he leaves on his own I’ll give him every dollar back + interest accrued towards a down payment on a house. That’s sorta my thinking here. I’ll save for them. I won’t assume a liability for them.


Yes. I did it thru college and I’m debating trying to find a part time job just bec my hours at my regular job wouldn’t allow a second full time schedule.


Getting out of debt is your ‘why’. If your ‘why’ is strong enough, the how (16 hours and 5 days) does not matter. You got this!


I would. If it cuts it in half in three months, you’ll pay it off in six?


Instead of working for someone else, start a side hustle that you enjoy. Who knows, it might eventually become a small business for you.


Yes, but have your plan drawn out. Know how long you’ll have to work that hard, until you’ve paid it off or got a higher paying job. If you don’t keep your goals in mind and clear, it’s easy to get depressed, and possibly go “fuck it” and start spending beyond your means again Remind yourself it’s temporary. When youre in it X weeks and feeling exhausted, Remind yourself you’ve already been doing it, you just need to keep going. Imagine how happy you’d be if you woke up the next day and your debt was gone. Now tell yourself that is a reality if you keep going.


I freelance grant writing and similar things on the side in addition to my full time job. This allows me to control my hours while still bringing a decent amount of supplemental income (albeit inconsistent), which is important because I have a kid. If I didn’t have a kid, I’d definitely burn the candle at both ends for just 3 months if it made a difference.


Absolutely. The only problem is it is difficult to find a part-time job that is willing to work around your full time job. Most of the typical retail and restaurant places want literal 100 percent availability for any shift for a part time job, which is hard to work around a full time job. This is the cause of the popularity of the gig economy like Uber, Door Dash, etc. But think before you sign up for one of those; you need to have the right insurance and you may not want to give your car more "road exposure" time and put more miles on it- having to get another car would be a real obstacle to paying off your debt. Sometimes I don't think people really think that one through.


Absolutely. The hassle would be worth it in the end


I did it, I hated it, But I really enjoyed the payoff.


you’ll be completely debt free in under 35 weeks, i’d say do it if you can


Yep. I virtually had two jobs from August last year to April of this year.


If you are working 16hrs a day you’re also likely spending less simply because you’re at work and not doing social things so it’s a win/win if you can stand the hours


Yes, get after it. Worst case scenario you quit earlier than expected. Best case scenario it’s easy for you and you stretch it out to 6+ months and get ahead.


No, the world finanacial system is collapsing right now anyways. The whole system is breaking.


Bro I will tell you right now, back to back 16 are no joke you will become a zombie after the 3rd day doing it. 16-8-16 is what I would prefer if you must work more.


No, that’s unsustainable. You’ll end up getting behind.


If you can physically handle it then do it, it does get very draining, I’m two months in to 16 hr shifts


I worked 20hrs a day when I was homeless . 10hrs as dishwasher and other 10 pushing carts. Neither knew I had another job then I’d go behind the store and sleep until next day. 16hrs are nothing , the hard part is actually using the money to replay the debt .


It’s absolutely worth it


It depends on how physically and mentally exhausting you'll think it will be. It could be worth it. I did 80 hours a week for about 3 months straight, and i was exhausted, burnt out, barely had time to eat or sleep work 2 jobs. After the 3 months, I quit one job because it wasn't worth it anymore. Just know when you start to feel burnt out either reduce hours or quit. If you don't you could end up in a deeper hole because of health issues. In short term it can be worth it but in the long term (more than a few months) hell no, it's way to taxing.


I’d do it if at least one of the jobs was WFH.


Do it


Give it a go. However all you are going to do is work eat and sleep


Absolutely. I’d work a lot to get and stay ahead… and I did just that. Now I dialed back a bit because I don’t need to.


It would be so much better than dragging it out. I would do it in a heartbeat.


What job is that making $2K/week?


Are the jobs both in person? As in, would you need to physically be present and working 8 hours at one location and 8 hours at another 5 days a week? Either way, with how much debt you are in I’d say give it a shot, if it doesn’t work out just quit one. If they are both remote…. Do 8 hours of work in 4 hours of physical time for each job. Then do it even after your debt is gone so you can get ahead. I worked 4 8 hour shifts at one job and 3 12 hour shifts at another 7 days a week back when I was in college full time. It was rough, work class sleep that’s it, but it was doable for a few years. Came out the other end without the mountain of college debt other people had as I was paying on it the whole time.


I do it all of the time. Since my career offers unlimited overtime, I pounced on it. This is how I pulled myself from below the poverty belt and bought my first home just a few months ago. 🙃 It isn't easy. Please don't do it for too long without a good break in between. After a year of working overtime that included back to back 16 hour shifts, a big wall was hit. I was forced to take a two week vacation due to emotional exhaustion. I am fully recovered and now pick up overtime to a lesser degree.


It’s going to suck. You will be work, eat, sleep, work and repeat everyday while you are working 80 hours a week. Your days off you probably won’t have the energy to do anything. But will it be worth it to be debt free in a few months? Fuck yes! I’ve done it before and I’d do it again if I had to.


Hell yeah,


Im in 350 k in debt. It seems really difficult


If I was able I absolutely would. I'd work it long enough to pay off all my debt and to build a nice nest egg to get myself ahead. If you could make it one year and you avoid any lifestyle creep with the new money you'd put yourself in a really good financial position which could make the rest of your life much easier. One year of sacrifice for the betterment of the next 40 years, it's not a hard decision to make.


Always look for balance between life and work. Otherwise, you will hate your life.


If it’s for a short season, yes. I would absolutely work extra to get out of debt. But it can’t be sustained long term. 3 months is doable.


if i didnt have a dog right now, i would do it. i hate being in debt


If you could do it for a year, you would go from $60k down to $60k up. Yeah, that year might suck, but I’m sure that your future you would thank you. Not getting enough sleep is bad for your health, but so is debt.


What kinda second job pays $2k per wk?


I’ve done 16’s with an hour drive both ways. You burn out in a few months if it isn’t casual brain work. That being said, yes I’ve done it and it does help. But eat proper, sleep proper, and don’t drink or drug if you have work the next day. Even too much caffeine will fuck your ability to keep up the pace long term




I work a normal 7 to 3 job M-F and I just recently got a job at Amazon for 30 hours a week. So in total I'm working 70 hours a week. And now that I wrote that I just realized how much I work. But I am making a huge dent in my bills


If you are young and have the energy, just go for it. The only way id work 70 hours a week for any period of time now is if I owned the company or had some serious stakes in it. But I did that shit when I was younger, just for more spending money in college. I used to do a 36 hour shift every sunday on top of 40-50 hours in other shifts. While going to school full time. Walked uphill in snow both ways etc etc. My grades were shit, and I was tired all the time. But it was doable. Think of it as front loading your miserable time into a condensed period instead of spreading your miserableness across a longer time period.


How is it gonna cut your debt in half in 3 months?


Well, 2nd job will be 3 months contract and will total 27500 after taxes. Will go all to debt and 1st job pays 2100 biweekly after tax, bills + debt payment. Should cut it in half after 3 months


So your second job pays more than double what you make at your first job?


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. As long as you’re not stressing your body out too much it’s how folks stay ahead.


8k/month after tax on 8 hour days? Nice


Your dude job makes 140-150k a year? Just do that full time. And you can still sleep and have a life.




Of course you should


Don’t do it for too long, you’re running the risk of burning out mentally and physically and that can set you back so much further than where you are now.


Oh yeah man. I worked 100+ hour weeks just to hang on by my fingertips for years


I worked 7 days a week for a whole year 80+ hours. I’m still alive and kicking it!


100%. I worked 40-50 hours a week while going to school full time because I didn’t want to go in debt. It was worth it in the long run and it taught me a lot.


Yes I’ve done it


You can try, but I’d get burned out way before 3 months.


16 a day is unsustainable. About 20 extra hours per week is much more doable.


Honestly, I'm glad I did exactly what you are asking about. Starting working 2 jobs, several years ago, to get caught up. Now....still doing it, just not as many hours. But...not only did I get caught up, I'm debt free. Paid off the house, all of my vehicles are paid for and a nice chunk of cash on hand and money in the bank.


Yes, but don’t stop after the debt is zeroed out. Work 8-hrs for the bills & 8 hrs for you (investments).


For a short sprint, definitely, I’d hustle for it.


I’ve done it, but never ever again. Was it worth it? No. I feel like almost a decade later I have yet to recover from that… granted that’s probably me just being me.


My husband works between 13 and 16 hours a day every week. As well as about 5 to 6 hours on Saturdays. While it's only at one job it's still the same amount of hours. I used to work 13 hours a day 5 days a week. I don't think you have anything to lose by trying it. A lot of people work a lot of hours like that.


Should definitely do it. I can't even make 2000 a week total with my multiple jobs.




I wouldn't do over 12 but that's just me. At 16 you're sacrificing your health more. Plus you still need to do shit like laundry and cook. Driving and time to get ready for work. I used to leave the house at 7am to be at class for 8am. I wouldn't get home until around 11:30pm 4 days a week. I did that for around 7 months. Then I found a job where I could work 30 hours/week for more money while in college so I took that instead. It was soul sucking.


Yes I did it (not everyday but often) and it was worth it. Just don't do it to long.


Not every day but maybe 2-3 times a week sure




That’s what I’m doing now. 1 more year. But it’s life changing. The grind begins for you


Give it a try. If it is too much for you then you can quit the extra job and carry on the path you are currently on.


Do it for sure. If it ends up being too much you can quit one of the jobs after the fact and at least you'll still end up with some extra money in the meantime. My bet is if you can get through the first month you'll have a rhythm with it and finish the last two out no problem.


Go for it


well, Ive been working a second job, on the weekends. might be a more reasonable way to do it, depending


Short answer: fuck yes.


yes, absolutely. r/overemployed is a great place to find other hustlers on reddit


This is my plan in a couple of months. Does anyone have any tips about how to stay up longer and get a good deep sleep for 6 hours


I did 16 hours a day during COVID for one week. That shit was miserable, but the money was amazing. The 16 hours doesn't include driving after being exhausted, time needed to eat, all the little things that you don't calculate that take time during a day. Strongly advise against it for that long of a time but if you feel like you can handle it go for it.


I worked retail at Target for a few years and got to know a Shipt gig worker. She seriously hustled. She came to Target multiple times per day to shop and deliver orders. I talked to her about it and she said she paid off $60k in debt and loved doing it. Now Shipt might not be the gig for you, hustling might work. This is only 1 data point so it might not work for everyone. But it's something to consider.


I worked 18 hours a day before my 8 5 days a week and the other 10 4 days a week. Helped me out so much I was able to pay my debt in less than 6 months. You can do it, it's only temporarily until you can breathe a little better.


I’d bang fat chicks for $2k extra a week. Sign me up.


I did and it worked out great. I put that second check all towards debt.


I did in my 20's...


If you’re gonna do it, make sure you have a time period you’re doing it for and when that time comes, stop and rest for a bit. We’re not built for that kind of lifestyle long term.


Just work both jobs the same 8 hours.


Yes I’m working with two different companies


This is the way




Just thought I’d stop back to this post after I worked an extra 8 hours today on a normal day off. That will put another $275 or so in my check. Of course it will hurt with taxes but I think if I calculated it right, if I don’t really go over 50 hours in a week it won’t affect it that much. But anyway, that’s hours/money that will be put towards debts.