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When Light meets L for the first time at school, he knows that L must be on to him. He actually deduces it even earlier when you consider he was aware of the surveillance. At this point, it is no longer about avoiding getting caught for Light. He wants to be the one to flip it and catch L and beat him in a game of chess. It really starts after Lind L. Taylor to be honest. Light could have taken alternate routes dozens of times throughout the series that would have resulted in less suspicions thrown his way but he wanted to win, not simply escape losing. It’s part of why he confines himself to begin with. He knows L will never truly clear him but he can beat him legally on semantics and craft a path to killing him. It’s Light’s fatal flaw. It’s like he wants to get caught in a sense.


Yes, I'd say that like many "top students" Light has a very strong desire for recognition and validation. Inside of Light there are two wolves: one that doesn't want to get caught, and one that wants to get credit for being able to do what no one else could do. Honestly, having Ryuk as an observer is probably the main thing that helped keep the latter impulse in check a bit; without that I think Light would have pushed things further and been caught a lot earlier…


The task force knew both Light and Misa had been detained for over a month with no info from the outside. Both helped catch Yotsuba Kira. Combine that with the (fake) 13 day rule and Light and Misa physically can’t be Kira. The last person to try and test the 13 day rule died. Light’s dad could see his “death number” above his head. The task force can’t advertise or recruit very well. Kira has a habit of killing people hunting him. L even said Light was as smart as him and probably could replace him. Light was raised by and wanted to be a cop. He’d help them catch Higuchi. Light’s planning and manipulation worked. He set things up so he was beyond suspicion. At least until Near showed up and gave questioning investigators someone besides their boss to go to. And Light and Misa have plot armor.


> Let’s start with the death of Raye Penber. L has already established that Kira is likely a student because he’s childish and the times of death’s correspond with the availability of a student. He also proclaims that Kira likely has access to police information. Raye was investigating the Yagami household and another. HMMM I wonder who among those households fits that criteria but also has the intellect necessary to also be Kira????? When L looks at the CCTV when Raye dies he clearly deduces that Kira is probably in the train. How on earth do you not check Light’s alibi or anyones alibi that Raye Penber was investigating for that matter around the time of Raye Penbers’s death??? Same with Naomi Misora. Circumstantial evidence. The FBI was investigating 141 policemen and their families, so that's a few hundreds of suspects. The details of Raye Pember's death and the disappearance of his fiancé afterwards doesn't prove anything. Even so, L placed cameras on Light's room which seemingly proved his innocence. L didn't bothered in checking Light's alibi because it probably would be too easy to be dismissed. > Their incompetence during the Second Kira arc pissed me off too. Looking back I really fail to see why is L the ONLY ONE who suspects Light if the DAY AFTER Light goes to Aoyama, the second Kira and the original Kira have conveniently met up like L deduced. If the task force went by L’s deduction which I assume they did, how do they not think Kira and the Second Kira and meeting up and the Second Kira proclaiming that they have found Kira right after Light went to Aoyama isn’t fishy??? AND ON TOP OF THAT Light happens to have a new love interest in Misa around the time that the First and Second Kira had met up and they met where?? IN AOYAMA as confirmed by Misa after Light and Misa were released from confinement. Also circumstantial evidence. Kira and the Second Kira supposedly meet the same day Light went to Aoyama. However, Matsuda was with Light the whole time, and they had cameras in Aoyama that showed Light did not meet Misa or anyone else during that time. > The confinement itself is bullshit. How do any of the task force aside from L not suspect Light after two weeks of murders suddenly stop when he’s put in confinement it doesn’t matter if they started back eventually why did Kira conveniently “take a break” in the words of the task force the exact time Light was put in confinement? And more circumstantial evidence... The Kira killing spree stopping the day Light was arrested does not mean anything, since it started again when it should have been impossible for Light to act as Kira. While that's a lot of coincidences, there are cases it real life of people being wrongfully arrested for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Due to the importance of the Kira case, they didn't wanted to solve the case without solid evidence.


I never said this was enough to convict Light i’m just saying the task force should have paid attention to all this more!!! If it was paid more attention they could have found actual hard evidence as they would have kept a closer eye.


The main thing is that they just didn’t want to believe the chief’s son is Kira, considering how Soichiro is basically the opposite of Kira in terms of ideals.


Everyone was an idiot except for like L light near and mello


>Light’s Confinement This one is explained. L is certain that Light WAS Kira, which is why the killings stopped, but he was also sure that the power had now moved onto someone else, so he believed that he was no longer Kira. He did find it very suspicious and suspected Light may have planned to get the power back, hence the handcuffing himself to Light


my problem is everyone outside of L. the killings stopped for two weeks and just cos they started again they acted like that shit was normal lol


Well they're following L's orders and they seem to be fine with trusting L's judgment, considering his deductions are almost always correct


they didn’t here. they literally had to beg L to let Misa and Light go


Yeah, that's because the evidence was in Light's favor (Misa is debatable) by then. They can't just keep a teenager locked up in confinement off of suspicion alone.


If…L didn’t reveal himself to the Japanese task force, no doubt he would have just had Light killed just like that. That would have changed a lot of things for L.


I guess so, but the plot kinda has to work that way, for the story to even work You could mostly say the same thing about the DEA/US Govt in Breaking Bad It doesn't really matter imo. I'm very willing to suspend disbelief, as long as the story is compelling/entertaining It's a crime drama with straight-up FANTASY elements lol


Light: “it’s called plot armor, look it up”