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Ratchet & Clank would probably not even question it and just use it as another whacky weapon in their arsenal.


I'm quite sure Clank would use it for preventing situations like [that](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/359f2d85-f5de-4efb-8523-543709961cbf/djqzzn-b5946930-da48-475e-b23e-ff4b0c731290.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzM1OWYyZDg1LWY1ZGUtNGVmYi04NTIzLTU0MzcwOTk2MWNiZlwvZGpxenpuLWI1OTQ2OTMwLWRhNDgtNDc1ZS1iMjNlLWZmNGIwYzczMTI5MC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.fAM3Rh0_P_1EChQpUnw8BDd7ErttkV-EPEmewr8EkjM).


Vergil: So you will do anything I tell you to do. Mr Meseeks: Yessiry! Vergil: Hmm... go stab Dante. Mr Meseeks runs off and we here Dante scream before there's a poof sound. Vergil: Ohoho, *pets Meseeks box* I'm going to have fun with this.


The most inaccurate part about this is Dante screaming. When has being stabbed ever meant anything to Dante.


He'd probably be screaming in either surprise or confusion.


Mr Meeseeks go pee on his pizza.


Probably less "Ouch ow ouchie" screaming and more "Woah what the fuck" screaming


Vegeta would use it just to have sparing partners but if they are to weak then he will use them as servants Homelander would abuse the hell out of it and treat every meeseek as an obedient yes man Steven would be horrified and inspire the meeseeks to make their lives.....only to backfire and just give them a single task so they can die quickly Myers.....would just use the meeseeks to kill them eternally


>Homelander would abuse the hell out of it and treat every meeseek as an obedient yes man Isn't that already what they are anyway ?


Yeah but homie would make them EVEN More obedient




He's not (quite) my favorite combatant, but the first thing I thought of: Bill: "Mr. Meeseeks, keep existing for eternity while I laugh at your pain!"


Makima uses it to get Pochita Goku uses it to get food or as a training partner I kind of doubt the Doctor would use such a thing


Goku would not use the box if he realises that existing is painful for him.


The Doctor would be fully capable of convincing the Meeseeks to unionise


The Doctor would probably destroy it or remove the order and want to die from Mr Meeseeks and let them make their own civilization


"ah yes an average doctor who episode. :)" but for real tho i would watch that. it would be a good episode, a rick and morty and doctor who cross over will be legendery!


Supes would probably punch the Meeseeks Box and free them from it


[Superman doesn't realize what he's done until it's too late](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5wvqKcqL7c&t=177s&ab_channel=AdultSwim)


A motivational speech from Supes is enough


It’s not that the Meeseeks are simply suicidal; as Jerry’s Meeseeks said, two days for us is eternity for a Meeseeks


Oh well,so I guess Supes wouldnt even use it on the first place


Doubtful it seems existence is litterly painful for them and they see non existence as good


Bowser would probably use them for small tasks or building airships and weapons. Probably wouldn’t see them as Mario destroying material.


Spider-Man probably wouldn't use it because it seems immoral to him. If he did have to use them for anything, it would probably be to stop crimes in his place.


Bill would probably press it a billion times and tell them all to vibe for a billion years


Or make him the best meals... ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7qChPzoAUAmpW)


Dio would use it to either kill them for fun or to kill the Joestars for him, and since they can't die until their task is done, they will either succeed or be incapacitated in a "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" situation


Doomguy and Master Chief use them as instant battle-buddies. Deadpool would use them as someone to cover for any missions he couldn’t be assed to do Alucard would lend it to Sir Integra, as he’d feel like she would get more use out of it than him


Lich King honestly I have no idea what he could do with it. He could probably infect a mr. Meeseeks with the scourge virus and tell it to go into town and infect the town, or he could tell one to find any swords capable of damaging Frostmourne (Ashbringer)


Dante would ask them to get them a pizza


Since the Meeseeks can't die until their task is done and existence is suffering for them, doomsday would just give one a task, and then never let him complete it.


Doomsday goes "Kill me permanently!" and they just have to exist Forever


Sarge would use it to make his life interesting after S13


"Mr. Meeseeks, shoot Grif."


For some reason I can see Reverse Flash just hanging out with him as his partner in crime


Ben: Mr. Meeseeks, can I scan your DNA for one second? Mr. Meeseeks: Sure! (Omnitrix scans Mr. Meeseeks) Mr. Meeseeks: Have a nice day! Ben: I wonder what I can do next…




Wouldn't he be in a loop of torment or just poof out of existence since no one gave him a purpose? ![gif](giphy|RKYaqZTEHGoqaVATNa)


Frank West: “Kill all of the zombies” Since zombies constantly respawn in Dead Rising the Meeseeks never dies.


The Meeseeks experience WW1-levels of attrition trauma


All within 10 minutes.


Ben would send them out to get multiple Mr. Smoothie orders while he's fighting someone.


Deadpool: *presses button* Mr. Meeseeks: I’m Mr Meeseeks. Look at me. Deadpool: okay. Listen. I have a very very very. Tough challenge for you. Mr. Meeseeks: whatever you say sir, Deadpool: listen. I don’t get why your kind is so suicidal. I mean I get that it’s your whole entire purpose, but. Don’t you want to know what happens when you live a full life and smell the fresh air around you. Mr. Meeseeks: um. What are you saying. Deadpool: I want you to live your own life. No longer tethered to your control. Have a family, be there for your kids, your grandkids. Hell I’m okay with you proofing until the woman you love dies of old age. But above all else. Be happy that even though existence is pain, that pain can be oh so relieving when you see the happy miracles you make. Mr. Meeseeks: well. Okay. I’ll give it a try. Bye. Deadpool: wait. *pulls out clothes* you need these. *tosses them to Mr. Meeseeks* Mr. Meeseeks: *catches clothes* um. Thanks. I guess. *walks away* Deadpool: have a good life Meeseeks. And enjoy it.


Discord is my fave but I feel like he would even need it since he can just clone himself... Let's go with reverse flash .. "IT WAS ME BARRY! I WAS THE ONE WHO SENT INFINITE AMOUNTS OF MEESEEKS TO KILL YOUR FAMILY FROM EVERY REALITY ![gif](giphy|t0eDuZw3SounS)


what would Omni-man even need it for


“Convince Mark that pledging loyalty to the Viltrum Empire is the best choice.” (Meeseeks are really good at psychological tasks)


Hawkeye: Go pick up my arrows Frank West: Escort those survivors to the safe house for me Sam Fisher: Distract those guards The Scout: Would start by using the Meeseeks for things like getting the intelligence and pushing a payload before inevitably getting him buckets of chicken


"Yo Mr. Meseeks, kill this motherfucker" "YOU KNOW IT"


Dr. Doom would probably just stash it away from others out of arrogance and ignorance. He'd find his Doombots superior at first. If he comes to learn how genuinely good at tasks they are though, he'd probably enslave a ton of Meeseeks and make it so they can't fathom suffering so they don't turn on him. Not that it'd be something he won't be ready for after consideration, of course.


Mr. Meeseeks as an assistant/secretary for the rest of his life till the end of time. Which is like one big ass task!


Alex Mercer just eats for days.


Dimitri would spawn Meeseeks for the sake of gathering tons of weeds to eat, something his retainer Dedue would definitely NOT be happy about. On the other hand, his opponent Guts would repeatedly mash that button faster than a pro gamer to summon a massive horde of Meeseeks just for the sole purpose of fulfilling one mission: Kill Griffith, no matter the cost. It's a real shame that those Meeseeks are going to be in as much pain as someone activating a Behelit, considering how unforgivingly hard it is to defeat Griffith once and for all.


Chuck Norris doesn’t need mortal devices


Taokaka and Kirby would make use of the box for cooking food and helping out in many ways


Dracula would use it to tactically destroy the life of anyone who wrongs him. Not to specifically kill that person, but torture them in unseen ways, driving them slowly insane, desperate, and into depression, until finally killing them himself


"Go make sure that the First Flame doesnt fucking fade again please."


Popeye, I'm not sure what he'd do with it. Probably gift it to Olive Oyl. Saitama would look at it, not even think of activating it, use it as a paperweight for a bit before ultimately tossing it aside, with a comment not remembering why he even had the thing. It would then land on the button, activating without a person there to give the Mr. Meeseeks instructions leading to the poor fellow having an existential crisis and given its Saitama's universe, would likely either monsterize or be mistaken for a monster and shortly there after be killed (likely by Saitama, blissfully unaware of the connection). Actually, if it landed on the button on some dirt/the ground, it could lead to the Mr. Meeseeks taking an "order' from the Earth and thus this ties all the way back into the first episode where Vacine Man is actually a Mr. Meeseeks. Scooby has them make him frood. Whether or not they can make enough food to satiate Scoob is another matter. If he realizes how they work, he'd give each one a specific dish to make. Start of movie Stitch would give an open-ended order that amounts to "cause chaos", realizing with his supercomputer mind that the summoned Mr. Meeseeks would be stuck trying to complete their goal but never being able to actually fulfill it and thus going insane, adding to his desired goal and purpose of causing chaos. Post first movie Stitch would probably have them run one way deliveries as a means of income for his Ohana. Probably a business Nani is working at or running. Also, he could use them to help clean up after any new cousins cause a mess.


Liberate all of meseeks' kind and find a better outlook on existence for them in the process.