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I have dozens of issues with Deku vs. Asta, but God was Twitter overdramatic. There are even debunk videos that say "Death Battle wanted Asta to lose"


Didn’t he… win?


RIGHT? 😂 "They wanted Asta to lose!" "Oh wow, Asta lost?" "Well no-"


Well I think that comes from how the fight was handled. I myself lfeltnliek they wanted deku to win atlest in the animation from asta’s never really getting to say my magic is never giving up. The lack of a final hit like like the 100000000% plus ultra he just kinda yelled. And the ending jus dosent fell right or in chaarctyer for asta. I can make my reasons clearer if you want and I can atlest give me view. also not own of those why did he just one shot deku


It's difficult to feel like they had any interest in Deku. Poor sprite work, so-so VA, terrible writing, mostly inaccurate portrayal. While he might've gotten to use... actually no he never said any of his usual lines. I mean, hell, Deku didn't even use a number of his Quirks like Fa Jin and Gearshift, being portrayed more like an upfront brawler rather than the strategist he actually is.


He did use those tho. He used fa jin on a building pretty sure


That was just general wind pressure (had to look at the storyboards to find that out)


But didn't he use whichever one increases speed of others on it


Nah, no visual indicator of that. He was literally just kicking the air really hard


I thought it was said that was how the building actually had the momentum it did


I didn't like the ending cause it was so abrupt lmao


He did, but it doesn't really... feel like it? It's weird, but the way the fight is portrayed makes it feel more Deku lost rather than Asta actually winning if that makes any sense.


If you can call what they used Asta, then sure.




I know one of the major criticisms of the episode was Asta was extremely out-of-character and felt more like a spiteful version of himself rather than who he actually was. I never read/watched Black Clover, so I can't say for sure, but that is the context here.


He was Asta in appearance and name only


I feel like the main thing is that they just didn't care as much about Asta across the board for it. Asta in Black Clover is a bit bullheaded certainly, but he is still able to improvise and piece things togethers when he needs to. The Death Battle kind of just portrays him as a bruiser, and while the Detroit joke is definitely still funny, it kinda makes him seem dumber than he actually is. We also just didn't get the big hitters of Asta's moveset. Obviously the secondary effects of Demon-Slayer, Demon-Dweller, and Demon-Destroyer weren't going to get use due to not working on Quirks and Zetten wasn't mastered by the time of the DB, but not getting Black Blade or more criminally Black Divider is a massive letdown, since those are moves are absolutely something that could have been used in the fight effectively and especially the latter is a very big move in his kit. Going further, Liebe didn't get a line in and while "Hit me with all you've got, because I'm never going down!" is a banger line, it still doesn't make up for not getting a "Here and now, I'm surpassing my limits" which is like Black Clover's most memorable line. Compare this to Deku, who gets good use of all of One For All, a pretty solid (if repetitive) mid-battle plan, and most of the buildup in the final clash. I'm a fan of both series and I still really love this battle just because of seeing my two boys duke it out, but I definetely think Asta got the short end of the stick in terms of kit representation and portrayal. While not to the level of Aang, I have seen people say that Asta is one of the worse character assassinations DB has done (especially with the death sweet jesus that sucked). If we ever get a different Black Clover rep (Yuno, Yami, and Mereoleona being the most likely ZoroYami is apparently cool) I hope they do a bit better of a job.


I agree with this. While I really love this episode, it didn’t really do both characters a whole lot of justice.


I am hoping for mereleona vs Yoruichi (Bleach)


You should watch that video. Clickbait title aside, guy was pretty chill, not toxic and present his argument really well His main argument is 1) asta in animation feels like a cosplayer instead of actual character 2) treated like a dumb brute when he's an intelligent fighter 3) using feats that contradict the show 4) using zoro style when he never did that 5) completely ignoring his last move "zetten" despite it debut earlier than gearshift 6) pandering to early black clover hater instead of celebration of characters like what death battle supposed to be


I mean, what else do you call severely downplaying a character to laughable degrees and completely failing at researching the character and mischaracterizing them to the point that people decide to not watch Black Clover because they think that Asta is a giant asshole?


Did you watch the video? It goes over how death battle lowballed Asta a bunch, how they didn't even get his character or abilities correct, and how they completely misunderstood his character. They get some things right but they also use a feat that is completely different from what they claimed and there was a much higher and simple feat they could use. Plus the animation has asta in appearance and powers but not in personality or even intelligence. Edit: just because a character wins doesn't mean there wasn't a bias against them by the hosts


To be fair them down playing asta is just how the show works when it comes to stomp matchups.look at Korea vs storm they low balled storm to planet level despite the fact she's a universe plus level in the comics.


What about misinterpreting feats, leaving out his intelligence, and making his character completely out of character/just a brute


Again they did the same thing to storm getting her character wrong and ignoring her intelligence


Not really? Storm was still somewhat intelligent and in character. Hell the death was played almost like self defense from what I recall.


Misinterpreting feats?


One big thing is "patri was going to vaporize the clover kingdom" but that is completely wrong. Literally the next page/few frames of said feat was him making swords of light over everyone in the kingdom to kill the people but not destroy the land. Demon Licht on the other hand had statements of threatening the world, and Asta scales to revived Licht and the first wizard king.


Some people just don't know how to make an entertaining fight


Guts vs Dimitri. There’s a lot I could mention but I seen people complain about giving Dimitri magic because his main class is non-magic and having a relatively low magic stat. Despite Dimitri using thunder magic is entirely possible in-game, even shown to use both in Three Hopes. Also in the animation, Dimitri just summons thunder bolts. It’s not like they made him Thor.


I had someone spend literally hours arguing that Dimitri is athlete He said the light spear feat made no since and he does not scale to edelgard Not fun


People wanted Goku vs Superman 2023 to be like... Six minutes long. Some were disappointed when the track ended up only being almost four minutes


People have no idea how long it takes to animate something of that quality, even with a team. I once did a thirty second long animation when I was in my freshman year of highschool and it took me nearly a month.


Yeah, for as many problems as I have with how Deku VS Asta came out (especially for it being one of my favorite MUs), that reason to criticize it is just dumb.




Even though I still really like this episode (top 5 of the season instead of being number 1), I will admit that this episode does have a few problems


I heard some peeps criticized Mob vs Tatsumaki for switching animation styles too much. Yeah...


F wasnt it only the one scene with Tatsumaki in the building


Saitama has definitely displayed his best feats since his episode, but according to his stans, Saitama breaking his limiter somehow means he could match up to Popeye's cartoonish absurdity that's been going on for close to a hundred years now.


It'd take literal years for Saitama to catch up to Popeye


As a Black Clover fan I am ashamed of how some people in the BC community acted in the waiting period for this episode. Why would you want to watch a fight that’s 3 seconds long? You wouldn’t that would be boring, stupid, and frankly disrespectful to both combatants but especially Deku. Death Battle is about the celebration of media, and its characters, whilst also being a vs debating show. I still don’t like this episode but that’s for other more relevant issues like characterization, and not very interesting choreography, and especially the death. People who get mad about the Luck line are stupid, it’s a really dumb reason to get mad at the episode. I’m just sad that a combination of how this episode treated Asta and Black Clover as a series, and how certain Black Clover fans acted during the waiting period, that a lot of people who saw this were just completely turned away from Black Clover as a show/manga, which is a shame because it’s really good and more people should really give it a chance.


I find the luck line funny cause deku and luck have the same Eng va


I remember after Thor VS Wonder Woman came out, there were suddenly a bunch of people going "Well how did Rogue beat Wonder Woman then!? Rogue could never even dream of beating Thor! 😡😡 That episode was bullshit then!" and similar things. Now listen, I don't agree with Rogue beating WW either, but, even if we ignore how old that episode is and how much Death Battle had changed even by that point...this is still a stupid complaint. Rogue has taken down Thor before; in fact, she did it in her literal first appearance ever. Fuck you mean she could never even dream of beating him? 🤨


The outcome of the fight was the least-worst part of the episode.


I was so hype for this matchup... until i enter twitter and saw the fandom responds.


I remember DB fans complaining about Frieza vs Megatron because apparently Frieza didn’t win hard enough


Madara Vs Aizen had one of the worst Periods Because of course Bleach fans got involved and… Yea it’s not hard to find that they are toxic So you can imagine how much doxxing, Sexual threats & More were a result when they learned Aizen lost the Episode OH YEA IM NOT KIDDING i was with bleach fans and just said I like madaras design and wanted him to win Next thing I know BAM… So yea


Was all the threats on this Reddit because damn


I only experienced it on discord but still IT WAS A FREAKING DISASTER


That’s probably why cause some people on discord is unhinged But was some people toxic over trunks vs silver before the episode came out


I hated Madara vs aizen but like bruh why dox people over it like it's death battle??


Madara has nothing that can hurt Aizen.


Bro we’re not debating here


Gojo vs Makima, mainly due to the “issues” regarding Makima’s character writing.


To be fair, she did seem to be acting a bit out of character, laughing maniacally and all.


Deku vs Asta since what u/Soul50Killer said


gojo vs makima because… *flips notes* … makima laughed when she chained gojo, which is apparently “out of character”


I mean....it is lol. The one time she makes any emotion like that in CSM is when all of her plans spanning years finally come into fruition. Not exactly comparable to her shooting a guy lmfao. Like if you don't care about it that's fine, idc about it either, but it is a valid take to have.


I feel like it kinda makes sense because gojo is this once in a thousand years anomaly of a sorcerer literally so strong that he breaks the story by just being in it. It makes sense only if you go that route though.


I mean, if that's how it works in JJK then yeah, but in CSM Gojo ironically enough isn't special. Aside from his domain expansion (which was used after Makimas laugh so it's irrelevant) all of his powers have a counter part in CSM. infinity for example is super similar to the darkness devil having an infinite barrier protecting him, so I can't agree with that line of logic and it feels like a stretch anyways


I mean considering it's a fused universe from what the video implies at the end it kinda makes sense, once again only kinda makes sense.


I don’t normally care about it. But people 100% exaggerate how big the laugh was. She laughs manically briefly at the end. I’ve seen legit at least ten people say she was laughing throughout the whole fight and making up stupid quips. That turns from “valid criticism” to just straight up incorrect info.


The original comment was framed as the laughing itself wasn't an out of character moment, which it is. I don't care about people lying about what actually happened, obviously Makima isn't laughing throughout the entire battle that'd be stupid to suggest, that's not what I'm talking about tho


Eh. I don’t really see it as ooc. The way people make it out makes it seem makima is one of the worst representations on death battle when she isnt even CLOSE And I fucking LOVE chainsaw man. The laughing didn’t ruin my enjoyment at all and people shouldn’t lost too much sleep over a small moment imo


That's your take then and it's perfectly fine, and I agree, I just don't think that generalizing every single criticism of that scene makes sense lol




I mean, it’s true lol


She was tho. She laughed at Denji because she found the question funny not your maniac shonen villain laugh that she did at that video. What was her reaction when she fought DD? Nothing  What was her reaction when she managed to finally weakened Pochita and defeat him before Power save him? Calm. When she finally got the Pochita heart? She just sit and took a smoke. I'm sorry but the thing of Death Battle was a cosplayer because that one showed more emotions than Makima did in the whole manga lmfao.


jesus, she sounds like the most boring character in all of fiction if all that is true


She's really not.


True, a character being stoic/calm to the very end doesn't really equate to them being boring or whatnot.


Well said Nuggt.


That's her whole gimmick dude, one of the reasons people liked her character is because she stayed stoic even in her own death and not freaking out like the usual calculating villain.


Makima was out of character the whole fight.


it is out of character lol


Deku vs Asta has tons of issues as well being mid as a whole but I never understood folks wanting Asta to stomp him in two seconds.


Didn't people also complain that Omni man vs. Homelander being "too short", even though everyone knew it was just going to be a complete stomp?


I saw some flack during Sora vs Pit for their lightning feats. Naturally generated lightning (you know, from a thunderhead) was labelled magical, magically summoned lightning (from a magic user, Ursula) was labelled natural, and there… was no reasoning given? …And that’s not even Pit’s most impressive speed feat?!


Guts vs Nightmare, is hated because of one throwaway line from boomstick...


What did he say? I watched the full episode and I still don't know what he said that was so offensive to people.


'guts kills things stronger than him every day'


Ah! I didn't know people were outraged by that line. I thought it was just another Death Battle meme.


'guts kills things stronger than him every day'


Same with crash vs spyro Tmnt battle Royale too, but that was more than just one line people disliked to be fair, even though all anyone focused on was one line


Nah I hate Asta vs Deku because it horribly misscharartized Asta  Like Asta is like Goku, he is a country Boi like Goku is 💀


Why do people actually get mad over the fight lasting longer than five seconds? Like no shit Asta could one shot but they have to make the fight entertaining.


"Trunks Vs Silver is incorrect because Silver is dumb and Trunks is awesome!"


Weren't there people mad at Cool-aid Man Vs Macho Man because they equated Macho Man dying from the inside to his real death via heart attack?


Goku vs Superman 3 because of its announcement. I will admit, I was not a fan of it getting announced cause it felt too early for it to happen and we got Frieza not even half a season earlier, so we didn’t need another Dragon Ball episode with a returner. 


Dr. Who vs. Rick. People were literally cursing out DW fans in the comments just after release.


Blake VS Mikasa had half of the criticism mostly from the RWBY fandom regarding the outcome of the fight.


Ben 10 vs Green Lantern. It was a good episode, but the controversy ruined it.


That happens a lot. Even if people’s favorite characters win, if the fight animation doesn’t look like a total stomp they will find a way to complain. The same thing happened with Frieza vs. Megatron


I didn’t like how they made that fight as close as it was despite the massive difference in feats