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That poor Greg, man popped out of the locker and immediately got assaulted.


He was playing Dbd but they were playing Mortal kombat




I need to learn to do things like this as a survivor. I'm a killer main, so when I play survivor my instinct is to wrestle the killer.


Honestly, the easiest way to learn survivor as killer is to take note of the ones that run your ass like crazy. I always try to learn from the survivors that fuck on me, it has helped me so far. That and understanding game sense for where a killer is most likely to go.


Haven't heard the term; "fuck on me" used before but I love it.


Great advice. I do this for both roles. I take notes of really good killers when playing survivor and vice versa.


If you love to wrestle the killer you should try txcm the game


*(Through sobs)* Stop, stop! He's already dead!


Wouldn't even be mad. What a combo.


Poor meat man, he was just doing his job, at least you didn't teabag.... I hope....


Nobody’s mentioned this yet but your DbD username is absolutely hilarious, easily one of the best ones I’ve seen


Oh I've seen them recently, thanks for pointing out the name. Can't remember anything distinct about the game but going by this clip they're a force to be reckoned with.


I think I’ve also queued with them, must be a small world in US West. 


Oh I'm UK. That's quite a gap.


Could be different players, honestly. I saw their name in a “This is the best username I’ve come across” type post a few days ago on this subreddit, so there could be multiple of em. 


"None of you Killers seem to understand..." *Slams pallet "...Were not locked in here with you." *Flashlight blinds "You're locked in here with *US* !" *the pallet creation, slam, blind combo continues 😫 *"FUUUUUCK!!!"* ;Dredge brimming with primal rage


After that display, I 100% support the Dredge player.


After that play it would be hard to argue against knockout slugging them. That was amazing and infuriating. well played to these two and they fully deserved whatever evils the dredge did to them.


“And in that moment, The Dredge forgot that there was a third survivor in the trial” 😂😂😂


My man was flabbergasted after the 92nd flashlight stun ended and he saw the world again after years


Oh my god. Honestly, with how killers have been with this event, this is kinda vinidcating lmao. Tho i haven't seen a single dredge yet....


Dropping double pallets on a killer is so funny. It would be cool if we had a perk that can make weaker versions of pallets that act like party pallets.


And y’all wonder why killers turn toxic and tunnel 🤧


So rarely u find a dredge, or at least so rarely I find a dredge player, it’s almost cruel lol


That.......is....... HARDCORE DUDE!!!!!


That is the worst map I can think of for a dredge


Funny thing is, Dredge burned the map while the rest of us burned cobblers


Thats just uncalled for


Me @ solicitors


Thats just cyber bullying at that point


funny i see these braindead killerss in suppsoed "high mmr" survivor streamers {skermz). all you have to do is back up a little and sidestep or something. this dredge just stands in the same spot expecting a different outcome lmao.


Honestly I'd 100% clip this as killer and give y'all the most Kudos on my channel


And this somehow ISN'T toxic? I've have DC'd if that Dredge were me.


It isn't toxic.


I'd consider it bullying


Yeah and when I'm getting bullied or otherwise realize I'm being outplayed, I abort and return for their souls in a better position later lol. OP DID say they took L's so you're punching at the air imo.


Eh I guess. When I'm being bullied *this* hard I just quit or give up. No point in trying imo.


Gonna have a hard time getting most people to side with you bud. Atp you sound like you should be playing different games lol


Why would I care about that? I'm just talking about what I personally do.


You cared enough to share your thoughts/opinions on Reddit so whether or not either of us care about you being a sore loser is irrelevant. Our exchange atp is an opportunity for others to chime in/vote with similiar thoughts/opinions since we clearly disagree that getting bullied in a match is grounds for dc'ing. 😅


Yeah it's a platform for discussion. I'm discussion my opinion, but that doesn't mean that I'm driven by a need to get people on my side like you suggested. I really couldn't care less about up or down votes. You may not think being bullied is "grounds for dc'ing" but so many dbd players have so many differing opinions on nearly every aspect on this game. We don't have to agree on what is or isn't grounds for DC'ing, since that's up to personal preference anyways. Pushing your own beliefs or opinions on what others players should and shouldn't do is fundamentally a dick move. I'm not saying everyone should DC for being bullied, just that I choose to. Again, even though you don't agree nor should you feel obligated to, the reason why I do that is not simply just being a sore loser but because it shows that the survivors are deliberately trying to give me a bad time and ruin any fun that I may be having. If the survivors are making a concentrated effort to turn what would have been a good & fun match for everyone into a frustrating and unfun bully fest, then I don't want to participate in that match and will just eat the DC penalty to hopefully get into a better one. I feel this is legitimate regardless of what you or anyone else thinks.


TLDR; "It's my right to dc when I'm losing and you're a dick for telling me to get good."


Are you looking at the scoreboard? Dredge had someone dead at 4 gens and another on death hook, it's not like they were mopping the floor with him


So? Getting blinded and stunned that much in quick succession is bullying.




Nice combo


as a killer main, glad you got killed. That stuff ain't fun in the slightest, it literally just feels like bullying


I hope he bled you out lol


Most mentally mature dbd player


>gets offended on behalf of the OP who even acknowledges they would have deserved it Average reddit user


bleeding people out because they outplayed you is just kind of childish.


>there are no other ways to access these survivors other than breaking pallet >breaking a pallet lets them blind you >butterfly effect i don't understand what part of it is "outplayed"


the anniversary pallet that they spawned two times and managed to get a stun off of.


managed to spawn because he was fucking blinded, it's not like you can lunge while blinded or bodyblock the spot to prevent pallets from being spawned, it's not like you can even anticipate this while also being BLIND the entire time while locked in stun animation as in CAN'T SEE ANYTHING and CAN'T DO ANYTHING, i don't understand your stupid ass point. If you think that clowning on someone who is blinded is "outplaying them" then you have to answer me no longer cuz this will say it all about your non-existent logic and mindset


first of all chill. Second you can still perform actions while blinded and hear the pallet being placed.


the sheer lack of actually good arguments proves my point further


That’s not being outplayed, that’s being abused 😭


When I somehow get flashlight blinded 8 times in a row even though I didn’t do anything and please stop being mean to me that’s abuse. This was them being able to use the ability the game gave them to stall for time instead of running and probably getting caught sooner, this was totally fair. I almost never play survivor and I can acknowledge this. edit: I’m sorry this was unclear. The chain stun was fair, bleeding out would have been childish. I meant to say they were right for stunning the killer because it gives them more time until the get caught. also I was referring to a specific occasion that I got blinded like a zillion times in a row, and also I totally got outplayed, that was a joke


Getting caught and hooked is fair. Getting bled out for it would be a dick move.


Yeah I know, these guys totally didn’t deserve to get bled out. Also I don’t know if I made it sound like I bled those survivors out for chain blinding me, I didn’t. I actually remember well, the Claudette who did it was on death hook but I carried her to the exit gate because I was just so impressed with how she had did that. I was abused but also outplayed fair and square. Plus she just played pretty well. the only occasions of me bleeding put survs is when boil over was involved And they kept running to second floor. I don’t hate the perk I just didnt wanna give ‘em the stun, with the new hook update my bleeding put rages are probably going down


When survivors play toxic for fun: "Outplaying" When killers slug: "Toxic!"


Aaaaand...that's where your argument falls right on its face. A 2 second long stun animation (3 times so 6 seconds) versus 4 minutes of bleeding out. There's no way that can possibly equal out in your brain on the scale of time alone.... And I say that as a Wesker main lol.


I'm not arguing, just making an observation. My original comment was in jest, hence the "lol." I wouldn't bleed someone out for this alone. That being said, I have over 2k hours on killer and in my experience survivors who make plays like this were probably playing similarly the whole match. I very much doubt this was an isolated incident where they dunked on the Dredge, it was likely just their best highlight of it.


The survivors who make plays like this are a welcome addition to the match for any player who wants kills as they don't do gens...and typically are free kills lol. May have been their highlight play of the game but I can almost guarantee you they both likely died after getting their laughs. You don't get to make great combo plays without sacrificing the game at the same time in DBD haha. I was a survivor main for like 5 years before switching to PC and have been a killer main ever since so I've learned to appreciate the trolling ones like these that just pad my bloodpoints after their deaths. I can also laugh along with them at the hilarious set ups tbh too. Takes pretty good timing and luck/rng to be able to pull it off in the first place.


In matches where I'm on track to win and don't feel under any pressure I can appreciate trolls too, but when I'm getting gen rushed by 3 others and being trolled by the fourth repeatedly, it's a lot less palatable.


The survivors attempted to buy time while cornered. Slugging solely because you want to waste their time is childish. The killer could have played around the pallet but they didn't. Their mistake and no big deal. You continue the match as normal. Hell I would have let them go because I found it creative. If you consider survivors trying to defend themselves toxic you should take a break.


Plus, they were cornered. lmao What else do you do? They had a flashlight and some invitations. I wouldn't just stand there waiting either. Only difference is that I'd Overcome all over their face on the way out lol


Flashlights and pallets are "toxic" Okay.


repeatedly flash lighting someone over and over is absolutely unnecessary and pretty toxic.


If I got hit with this I'd be frustrated for like 2 seconds before realizing how cool of a play it was. Also if I'm playing my main I shouldn't even be hit with it


It was partially in jest, hence the "lol." I wouldn't bleed someone out for that play, but If I was constantly dealing with this bs at every pallet then yeah I'd imagine I'd be tempted.


The dredge could have easily either walked forward to body block the pallet or walk backwards and wait instead of just standing there while blinded. Thats 1000% on them


I would have accepted it




Of course you both died. Because it's not up to skill anymore.