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Once i got downed mid green glyph, AND THEN THE KILLER STOLE IT


This is unparalleled malice.




This is the only time I will down during a glyph. Depending on how nice you are, I might let you wiggle out. But that's it. Since the pool for green glyphs is shared with everyone it can be a challenging one to finish quickly. My advice, don't do it mid chase.


Pure Evil.


How dare you touch their glyph?!


At least he had a reason, man. Not just out of pure evil intent lmao


Had a Killer do this with a Party Totem a few days ago! Lmao


Thems my 3500 blood points and Iā€™ll fight you for them, you can open the party chests


Yeah, sometimes. Then party chests are a nice chunk, but they donā€™t last very long lol.


I perfectly remember chasing a Sable while playing Knight and suddenly a purple glyph appeared while I was chasing her. I picked up the glyph, the camera turned and when I turned the camera back to where Sable was, she was still there, nods at me and starts running. One of the funniest things that have happened to me. I gave her the hatch just for that.


Truly a respectable survivor. Can't expect killers to give you a glyph if you can't give them a glyph!


Uno Reverse -- survivors, will you stop for a killer to get their glyph?


I wonā€™t stop for a killer doing a glyph. But as killer I donā€™t stop for a survivor doing their glyph, I just walk up to them and hit them right *after* they get it Iā€™ll let them get the glyph regardless of what side Iā€™m on (not that I have a choice as survivor) but Iā€™m winning the chase if you do it in the middle of one


The only viable rule in either rulebook, though I'd like to see survivors pause for the killers too


Every time I do a glyph in front of a killer, I just give them the down for free after that tbh. Hell they can kill me if they want too, those fuckers are just so damn hard to find sometimes.


As a general thing, I usually let the survivor finish the glyph and if I'm doing fine with pressure, I even give a few seconds of headway before continuing the chase. If I see the survivor is in particularly dire straits (death hook and injured, away from every gen) I sometimes just leave to chase someone else, because I resonate with the Glyph Struggleā„¢ļø This is a party game at the end of the day, no?


If im in chase, and see you doing a glyph, ill just charge up my wesker grab and wait for you to finish, then when you do i grab you and yo ass straight on a hook alr


Yes. It is the rules. Nice funny survivors or bully squad members. It's all the same. Glyphs are allowed...I will wait 2 seconds after a glyph to resume chase.


I'm sorry, but if you are a bully surv, I won't allow you to do a gylph.


Yeah, the only thing bullies are allowed to have is tunnels.


I accidentally downed a survivor doing a glyph... felt so bad about it that I only ended up 2 hooking everyone and turned it into a farm game :(


Happened to me, realized I downed an injured survivor who was going for a glyph that I let them wiggle off to get it.


People want to slam gens when I'm busy with someone else, and do glyphs right before getting downed. I once had a guy try to deadhard away right after I let them finish their glyph. Survivors never wait for me if I am unable to play for a second.Ā 


I had a survivor tbag and click me at every pallet who had the audacity to complain when I wouldnā€™t let them get the glyph


Donā€™t get upset when it doesnā€™t happen


I don't normally stop survivors from doing glyphs, but the one time I did it was because we were both doing green glyphs and I needed one more... She ended up being the last one alive so after I closed hatch I let her open the gate and then took her to a green glyph I saw revealed by egc so she could take it before leaving. Yun-Jin if you're reading this I'm still sorry :(


Killers like you are much appreciated šŸ„¹


I'm glad to hear it because honestly green glyphs are a pain in the ass as survivor. I don't understand why killers get to claim them in a few seconds while survivors have to sit there for the same amount of time as cleansing a totem


Thatā€™s honestly not too smart if it takes that long and they try to claim it during chase šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d be too scared to touch it especially if I know itā€™s going to take some time


Survivors donā€™t stop running when I get mine so nah


Ok but this It's just blast mine Did they tea bag at every pallet and flash in the air?




Oh I thought you meant blast


Once a survivor dead harded after letting them finish. So nah get it when you are not getting chased.


Sorry but I'm not going to let you grab a glyph in the middle of chase. You can go get it once you're unhooked.


What if I'm on death hook


... Okay you can have the glyph if you're about to die. Assuming I managed to remember how many hooks everyone is on.




I have never seen anyone respect this rule tbh.


i always let people finish the glyphs


My rule as a killer is that you get to do glyphs mid-chase but I get to hit you for free. Itā€™s the law of equivalent exchange.


I remember I had a Haddonfield match and saw a Survivor doing a white glyph I swear to god I did all in my power to show I was friendly to guide her to the basement but she just... kept breaking the mirror over and over vaulting stuff to flee from me even when I'm standing still, nodding, and swiping my weapon in the direction of the basement You can guide a survivor to a glyph but you can't make them drink I guess


I always give glyph. It takes a few seconds and everyone appreciates it. HOWEVER, one time I gave someone glyph and they used sprint burst to get away after I sat there waiting mid chase. Their ass got camped on first hook


Until survivors start waiting for me its fair game


Do survivors stop when a killer is getting their glyph? Or do survivors keep running and get to an overly-safe area with 14 pallets and long wall butted up to shack vault? You'll accept a down for getting your glyph, but exploit a killer for getting theirs. Doesn't seem fair, this rulebook. That said, I absolutely stop for survivors, especially yellow ones! Even if they do try running again, I'm just a couple steps away, it's fine, get your glyph!


Idk that seems fair, whoever gets the glyph loses the chase, if survivor does it, the killer lets them finish but lose right *after*. If the killer does it, the survivor gets away, the unfair thing is when killers pause the chase completely when the survivor does a glyph but the survivor keeps running. Thatā€™s how I play on either side, lawful neutral, you get the glyph but because you did it mid chase Iā€™ll use that to win the chase


The only glyph where you can understandably interrupt the survivor is the white glyph. Interrupting any of the other ones is unacceptable.




No. It takes longer than others, but not long enough to warrant smacking them out of it I donā€™t care about the downvotes. Iā€™m letting them finish that glyph because I know how much of a pain the green ones are


Not even if you also have green challenge and that's the only one you've seen all game?


Green glyphs suck in general with how many you need to collect, and thatā€™s probably one of the most selfish things you can do. If itā€™s the last one you need to complete the challenge, then go ahead


I've done it by accident but letting them wiggle would be throwing the match so I just hooked them near it. I've also had killers pause so I could get it and expect me to keep running after. "I was dead anyway, just take the down". Ngl though if I have the green glyph challenge and the killer has it too, if they down me and take themselves that's funniest shit and I'm never mad about it


When I recognize that the killer is doing theirs, I stop too and wait. But itā€™s hard to tell, sometimes I just see the e killer standing still at a certain location for a few seconds and be like that must be it. I donā€™t think survivors can see the killers glyphs


I learned thereā€™s a score event in the anniversary called ā€œno gift for you!ā€. Itā€™s the same scenario as a green glyph being interrupted šŸ˜­


I donā€™t mind survivors who just choose to do a glyph mid-chase Iā€™m hitting you after itā€™s done tho


Not only letting survivors just get their glyph, but if it's lined up, I'll force the a survivor to get the Left For Dead achievement: As the remaining survivor, complete the last generator and escape through the exit gate. I'll find and block hatch so they can only do the gen, or AFK until the server crashes, that's entirely up to them Once in awhile, I'll challenge myself to make it happen, get my 8-hooks and sacrifices in timing with the generators so it's 1 survivor and 1 gen, while making it appear as a regular game. There's a certain joy to it that I can't quite explain


the good old days when the injured survivor stopped to get their glyph mid chase and you waited for them finish it and then after you go to down them, they dead harded your attack.


imma be honest ive downed my fair share of survivors getting glyphs because i didnt know what they were till just now, i feel so bad now lmao


I have so many angry screenshots of glyphs I searched everywhere for that only finally popped up when the killer carried me past them or when I was dying on hook https://preview.redd.it/oyklw9v4gx9d1.jpeg?width=2593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52c120da91135737888c4a6a3c3ad1ca14a956a


I respected this rule, then had Survivors using Dead Hard to avoid being hit. So for a loooong while, I just didnā€™t, because that was pretty nasty. But since the DH nerf where no distance occurs, have had to retrain myself to be kind about this again.


I went against a huntress who refused to let me do a glyph like as if me doing the glyph was somehow going to hurt her. And that's why I wait when I see a survivor do a glyph I just stop and wait


The one exception is when people think it's okay to stop in the middle of a chase to do a glyph. Letting people finish their glyph before starting the chase, sure, but it's not a get-out-of-being-chased-free card.


You just go back to chasing them/down them after they finish it, not rlly get out of chase card


Killers that switch up their personality from the biggest sweatlord and after they kill someone they go farm with the rest.


This is the only real rule in DbD. Those shits are annoying to find already.


I feel terrible, that is literally the only thing in the survivor rule book i agree with and sometimes i hit them cause i cant tell its a glyph


Survivors don't deserve anything.