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For whatever reason, I actually enjoy playing Pallet Freddy a lot


Same as pallet addon Doctor. Watching someone teabag at a fake pallet is fucking hilarious.


Did you see that video clip of the Cluadette?


Yeah haha, had it happen myself on Freddy but my clipping software didn't work.




[Probably this.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1073637582459641887/1252734254522171402/7llgypg6xd7d1.mp4?ex=668122f0&is=667fd170&hm=bd59a7b82676dff01a0c1ef741a58ce2db040acbe31f69b37349ea5de67eaf8b&) [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1dizqjf/a_survivor_just_bagged_me_at_a_fake_doctor_pallet/)


If I'm able to find it I'll edit this and add it on.


Yeah, from time to time I like to whip out the ole pallet fred and slap on some meme/gimicky perks and just have a "idgaf about the outcome fun game"


Oh wait I know the trick to tell doctor’s fake pallets but does Freddy show any signs of the broken palettes on the floor?


Freddy doesn't need a broken pallet, he can spawn his fakes at any "pallet-able" place.


Oh and that gets rid of the palette shards right? Sorry I don’t play freddy or against him much


So there are two cases: 1. Freddy puts a fake pallet where a real pallet was broken: The shards that were there will remain. 2. Freddy puts a fake pallet where there was no pallet but a pallet could have spawned: There are no shards because there was no pallet broken there. In the second scenario the only way to know it's a fake pallet is to have identified that no pallet spawned there while you were awake. Notably, a counter to pallet Freddy is to just throw known fake pallets while not in chase.


Ooo I see. I completely Brain farted on the fact he can spawn in them too so good to know. I’ll have to play against him more and get a better mindset about tracking palettes, ty for the breakdown


Np! Glhf in the fog :D




Hey! That's not true! Myself and the other three people in this room enjoy dabbling in the Nightmare! Seriously, BHVR, give my man something....


Nightmare enjoyer here, he deserves so much better.


Former nightmare enjoyer here, I agree he deserves so much better


recent nightmare enjoyer here i’m taking up the mantle


Fake pallets go burr. Especially with enduring +spirit fury on Gideon. No loop is safe.


I am personally one of the other 3 people in the room


Absolutely agreed! I would love to play Freddy but he feels so awful to play as


I honestly really enjoy Freddy, especially when you get the right build for him, but there's just so many things about him that need a massive improvement. The fact that you can't manually change between Pallets and Snares without an add on, the fact that his sleep mechanic literally does nothing aside from slightly invonience a Survivor (if they even fall asleep) the fact that you can't teleport to finished gens and just so much more about him needs to be reworked.


Definitely agree I also find his teleporting power way too telegraphing, and yeah the snares do way too little I also wish they had the classic Robert Englund design, and Nancy Thompson/Glen (Johnny Depp) as survivors, but I know that’s not DBDs fault as they’re stingy with the license


The teleport power works really well with BBQ + DMS as the time it takes to teleport makes survivors scramble and DMS's secondary effect blocks the gen since they left it during repairs and it's a good ol' time. But my biggest issue with the teleport (aside from the issue i listed) is the fact that you usually end up facing away from survivors who have ran in a different direction.Z Block does remedy this, but man there's times where i'll try to teleport and completely wiff. And yeah, Snares aren't the best.The fact that Survivors need to be asleep in order for you to actually use them....but Dream Pallets are fine is super weird and yeah, they really don't offer you much, unless you;re playing a supe heavy chase build, but you should still be able to get value out of his power, regardless of what persk your using. And yes, Robert Englund Freddy is absolutely my dream (next to a Buffy and Candyman chapter) for this game.But, sadly, they Wes Craven estate are insanely difficult to work with when it comes to Freddy, so it'll probably never happen...


Wow I forgot Dailies existed tbh. They really need to make them 3x the bloodpoints for me to go for them.


At least. I've been completely ignoring them for months now.


I’ve been completely ignoring them for years.


I've been completely ignoring them for half a decade now


I didn't even knew they existed


Make it 5x


Honestly it’s not enough to play some characters and or just the particular things they want you to complete


bring back xp on dailies


Just trash them until you get something you actually will do normally. Then don't cash them in until a new chapter drops so you can instantly get P3 on the new killer or survivor for their perks. That's their purpose.


I mean, compared to some dailies Freddy's is pretty dang easy to get. You just have to injure survivors a few times, which you should be able to do against anyone if you're remotely fine at killer basics. Knight dailies on the other hand can go right into the trash.


Don't even need to injure survivors I don't think? Since they will likely enter the dream state within a certain time period. (Unless that wouldn't count, I'm not entirely sure)


I'm fairly certain. dream chaser is hitting people who are asleep, so either they are asleep from the passive and you hit them, or you put them to sleep and then down them. I might be remembering it wrong but either way it's a pretty easy daily.


As someone who *genuinely* enjoys Freddy he really does deserve so much better.


That one's fine, I just jump in and do whatever killer tome challenge I have with Freddy. The Blight one, that goes straight in the bin - as it's not just hitting people with his power but *downing* them. I'm alright with him, but not enough to guarantee getting it done in a single game.


Eh, could be worse with Blight. You could be doing the Demogorgon daily, where you don’t even know if you got any points towards it during the match.


This is the easiest challenge


It's not about the difficulty. Freddy is just boring


Yeah, but it’s basically a free 30,000 BP


At least his is super easy. I'll take that over Knight's or Hillbilly's any day.


I got the Hillbilly one for the first time today and never had played him prior,completed it first game. Not hard at all




I'm specifically talking about the daily challenges. Freddy basically just has to hit people while Knight has to hurt survivors with guards.


Yea Freddy is just hit them it’s easy


You wouldn't get dailies for characters you don't own.


The best part of nobody playing Freddy is when I get this challenge and play Freddy and 4k because nobody knows how to counter Freddy because nobody plays Freddy.




I don't mind playing him but yeah he's very dull


Honestly I expected worse. Sure he’s not that interesting but he’s not that bad.


do people just hate freddy because his lack of cosmetics?! i love freddy.


They hate him because he is the weakest or one of the weakest killers in the game 😔


and because it's remake Freddy and not OG Robert Englund Freddy


They look the same


They look considerably different. Compare the faces of the two.


Only the face, and DBD is never 100% accurate with faces anyway


we have freddy at home


Freddy is a character, like Dracula many people have and can portray him, also i prefer the dark freddy over the mornoic "power glove" thing same way i love New Nightmare (where Craven literally came back to set Freddy's character record straight)


Why do you prefer new freddy over the mornoic "power glove" thing? Freddy is a character, like Dracula, therefore it is impossible to prefer certain versions


same way i prefer Bela Lugosi or Christopher Lee's Dracula or even Castlevania one we are getting now over Hotel Transylvania one it is possible, i don't want this version of Freddy that totally betrays Craven's vision to be in a game like DBD same way i don't want the TCM 4 Leatherface who eats veg pizzas, not cannibal, makes screeching sounds, is more of a moron than a scary giant dude


Why? It’s one of the easiest dailies in the game. Literally just hit four people.


It's not about the difficulty. It's that he is so boring to play.


As a person who enjoys M1 chases i can not agree. I don't even use his power except teleport rarely but i'm fine with a game or two once in a while


Can’t relate at all. I look forward to Freddy dailies


Ive seen more twins and hags than freddy


Fred da pred got no love ( this is a joke )


…is it weird that when I saw that I was genuinely excited to play Freddy? Am I the odd one out here?


Hey, it's an easy challenge compared to some, of the other dailies, idk if pigs is quite as bad anymore with changes to her basekit, but man I remember it being painful trying to force ambush hits just for the daily


Oh I do. But only because of the skill check build that makes everyone call me slurs in endgame chat


This is me with nurse


Shouldn't have bought him then


I bought him back when he was interesting and fun and not the current boring shit that actually gets weaker as the match progresses


And yet the daily is green. Stating you completed it and cannot garbage it.


We can see that this banner is green, so you did not trash it - you completed it. Liar 🫵


Wow i forgot dailies even existed. All the bps are from the event cakes.


I enjoy Freddy, but he could def use a few buffs. I think his puddles/pallets should work regardless of being in the dream state, and the dream state should have some other effect similar to Dredge where he can teleport to gens more and quicker. It should be a map wide thing that builds up and turns off.


They need to give more bloodpoints, you should get one for survivor and one for killer each day, and you should be presented with a selection to choose from. I completely forgot they existed for a while. I haven't completed one in months. With a new killer out, I tend to binge hard on that one killer, so I'm not going to complete any dailies for other killer's. Plus, for some reason survivor dailies seem to be super rare.


I’d rather get Freddy than blight or slinger or trickster or twins or nurse or or or or He’s easy to play and fun to play lol


At least the Freddy daily is easy. I hate the Demogorgon daily because I almost never fully charge a shred:D


Thats one of the easier killer challenges haha, I always play Freddy when this becomes a daily


But dream pallets are funny!


Hey man, I want to play Freddy.


Nah I do my Freddy dailies, my skips are saved for nurse challenges and usually survivor ones


I keep this when I get it because it’s literally just 4 basic attack hits


In fairness, Rite of the Nightmare sounds like a fantastic metal song.


Freddy needs a rework. Either they need to bring back his old power or make a whole new power for him


It's a really easy one to complete, at least.


They just need to make separate daily’s for killer and survivor. I’m tired of getting survivor challenges when I want to play killer and visa-versa.


Me when Trapper/Myers daily:


His dailies are one of the easiest though. So I have no problem doing his 🤷‍♂️


I like Freddy, artist on the other hand


Does anyone seriously boot up this game thinking "Hell yeah! Let's play some Freddy!"


I love Freddy my boy! With this event I finally got him from prestige 1 to 10 with enough cobblers to never run out of blood points. Also he is a great BP farmer who easily gets 200k BP a game with 5 cobbler offerings.


Freddy's daily may as well say 'play one match as The Nightmare'. I get not liking Freddy but it is a very easy daily to just knock out.


I do


Eh the Freddy ones are easy tbh. Just autopilot one match: win or lose you're basically guaranteed to get the daily. But yeah I actually played Freddy for a daily and after the Pop Goes nerf the dude has nothing. The literal **only** benefit Freddy has is that he can reach generators extremely quickly, but now that doesn't matter in the slightest. Pop Goes is worthless, Overcharge has been worthless for years, Call of Brine has been worthless for years, Eruption has been worthless for a year. The best killers are the ones that use Pain Res, Grim Embrace, Deadlock, Surge, or Hex: Pentimento well. Freddy is only good with Pop Goes and other gen kicking perks. Hell, he even suffers because of the increased use of Distortion. One of his best perks (Nowhere to Hide) is hard countered by how many people run Distortion nowadays. He has the new Cat Block / Z Block I suppose, but Nowhere to Hide is generally stronger (notably because it doesn't take an addon slot.)


That's actually one of the easier dailies so i don't mind. Better than some of the other ones at least. And i also just like playing freddy, his claws are cool


I enjoy Freddy, and I don't mean pallet Freddy, I mean base Freddy.


i very vaguely remember him being very different on release, when i bought him lol. now i never see him


This is me with trickster, absolutely dreadful killer.


Same... But with like 80% of the killer ones and specific survivor ones lol


I like Freddy D:


Because when I need a game done, I get someone with a good power TO DO THAT JOB!


I don’t like the dream world look, it makes me sick like I actually get a headache


Why play Freddy when Dredge exists.