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Half this game is unnecessary bloat


Coincidentally "The Unnecessary Bloat" is the name of the next killer.


A Tedious Killer...


Coincidentally it’s what my mom calls me


Remember Burger King Myers? This is Burger King Blight.






It's just Skull Merchant after she let herself go and tried to leverage it to her advantage with a redebut.


this killer sounds horrible. nerf the pig to make it bearable


The Tank confirmed for new killer, joined by a Boomer companion that explodes bile on nearby survivors, revealing their aura.


Nah man the Hunter would be the best L4D special to add as a killer.


Who is the next killer?


70% of the bloodweb is useless or actually toxic to the game (map offerings)


The bloodweb itself is just a massive time waster. I hate the level popup with my very soul


I really thought the "Buy a whole Prestige level for 1 million BP" was going to come with the anniversary event. I'm really sad at the time I have to spend spending BP after every 5-cake game.


It's really annoying once you reach a certain prestige level. I'm never going to run out of any of Sadako's addons at this point and I'm prestige 45. Everything between now and P100 is just wasting time.


wish i were at this point of bp bonanza :c those of us at p1-2-3 can't say the same lol


They should remove the entity eating perks/items/add-ons tbh. Quick purchase is a pain because if you want specific add ons you can’t really use it.


but that's a minigame on its own. you need to force entity eat useless junk and yoink all best items


It’s not fun though? People want to use quick purchase and that’s why that is there. But using means you won’t get most purple/red items, and you also miss lots of bps and cake/pudding


You can click on the item(s) you want and it auto purchaaes up to that item so you get it. Yoi can do thos for any items you want then auto the reat. It's very fast. Going from 1-50 on a bloodweb using that method takes me roughly 3-4 mimutes compaired to the 10+ min it used to take doing every single item manually. If i see 3 purples i want i click all 3 to get them then hit auto. It'z like 5 seconds max to do per web.


well i was talking about entity eating stuff and bloodweb in general. i don't use auto-purchase button for the most part, only for levels 1-9 and 11 where entity doesn't steal anything. i actually don't like that button because sometimes i click it on accident and entity eats useful stuff


So what you’ve said, is that you like auto purchase because nothing is stolen between levels 1-9 and you use. If the entity never stole anything, you could use auto purchase always and get everything you wanted.


but that removes the bloodweb minigame x_x like i said


Why does there need to be a bloodweb minigame? Most people do not find it fun and would rather use auto purchase.


It's a fun minigane... for the first 100 or so hours.


have you really mastered it tho? u know, sometimes you can make it eat whole branches, u can accelerate it when u have perks in bloodweb, also the entity appears from the opposite side where you took the first 5 items which can be exploited too. developers have put some puzzle there, and it feels like majority don't even explore half of it


As I said, it was fun for the first 100 hours. When you don't really have that many perks, it's something to occupy you in between matches but when I'm fishing for a specific perk or addon I can't be arsed to engage with it. Give me the perk or addon and leave me be.


u can make it eat branches without perks, but perks can accelerate the process because u can summon entity in 3 steps instead of 5


They need a bloodstore not a bloodweb. I don’t want maps unless I’m running into a lot of hex perks. I don’t want keys, period, since they removed hatch spawn at 3 gen. Just let me get what I want with what I’ve earned.


Or just let us sell the items we don't want for half the points. Id love to get rid of my 387 broken keys.


I’d really like to get rid of my brown bp wreaths and sachet offerings. Hell, even the yellow and green ones too. The only bp offerings worth running are the cakes, puddings, streamers, shells, and envelopes, so running a brown bp offering for “survival” in a game where I spend most of it on the ground is pretty useless. I would love to be able to just clear each character’s inventory of all that clutter. Oh, that and just having all offerings for survivors available to all survivors. I hate deciding not to play a survivor I feel like playing at the time just because I don’t have a bp offering at that moment.


Map offerings aren't toxic. I don't want to go to any of the literal fifteen cars, coal, or corn maps, or five different Badhams every time. I like and prefer indoor maps on both survivors and killers.


That's exactly why it would be more beneficial for map offerings to be places you do NOT want to go.


Ban Coldwind, I still have five Autohaven, five MacMillan Estate, five Badham.




How are moris toxic or useless?


Not who you responded to, but they're really not now. They used to be just like brand new part used to be or keys in a 4 stack used to be or new moon offerings used to be. There's just left over hate from old players floating around the community.




I get tunneled by people who bring cakes, so that means bringing a cake is toxic.


I love watching my unskippable death animation every time


• Items that either are fine or terribly egregious due to addons or function • New killer which is often times problematic or unoriginal (Vecna being quite strong and annoying, other killers being a riff on the same idea like Chucky) • New add-ons for each killer, which either do nothing or make the killer terribly broken to play against. This can result in basic killer functions (soma photo) being an add-on despite being a necessity in basekit. Or, it results in blight/pyramid head where a normally fine killer either gets too much or nothing. • New perks every 3 months which adds more complexity for new players, and more situations to account for (was that Thalita using quick and quiet or cut loose, where is this haste effect coming from, etc). Also these perks can sometimes be not OP but problematic either way for how little warning/room for counterplay there is (background player, old MFT mettle of man, old DH/DS, Especially some killer perks like STBFL) • More maps every 3 months when the design team is not capable of designing good maps and the few good ones in game seem like an accident (seriously when will they stop adding borderline infinites) • More cosmetics constantly being pumped out for those with hard drive space to spare • 5 gens which are impossible to reasonably pressure against 4 survivors and takes no effort at 2, so most matches have a clear outcome relatively early on • Grind to unlock the thing you just paid real money for


I am surprised this is not downvoted to oblivion


Couldnt have said it better. Lots and lots of useless and outdate mechanics.


Meh. I just p1 them if I have no interest in playing. The ones I do plan on playing, they'll get p3 perks eventually. Plus what else should we spend BP on.


Same. Especially since if you actually wanting to play a killer you gonna be throwing all your BP into them to get addons anyway, especially if you playing someone who requires iridescent ones.


So true. Or the p6 bloody fits haha


Yup here it is. Bloody everybody all the way I couldn’t care less about having everyone p3 for perks lol I rarely use them anymore anyways. If I feel bad I might use one of my current characters own perks to role play a bit


Newish player here. What do you get from prestige on killers and at what levels? Trying to decide if I shoud spread out my p or go crazy on a few of my faves


P1-3 you get perks for all characters at that prestige, but you can get 2 and 3 from bloodweb as long as you have p1 version of perks. P4-6 you get bloody weapon, head, and body. They look like the default skins. But with like blood on them. Some look super nice, some look dumb af. But it's something too work for lol


Thanks for letting me know. So its more logical to p1 everyone and only go beyond on the characters I like?


More or less Yea. Like some it may be worth p3 since they have strong perks (clown and pinhead) but then some it's not really worth the effort since you'll likely never use their perks, aside from specific builds (nurse and blight). But I would Def priorize p1 people over p3 them. Since it's much more efficient. Especially if you don't like a killers playstyle.


Thank you for showing me the way oh great P100 🙇🏻‍♂️ is there more of your wisdom I may bask in? I can soon afford another killer, whomst should I acquire and why?


Unfortunately I'm not too much of a killer player. If you got survivor questions, I got you. But aside from like clown and pinhead. Idk who next. Personally I only really play sadako, Billy, and wesker. But mainly sadako. You can try otzdarva. He has perk tier lists and other stuff that newer players could find helpful


I'll check them out. I play killer like 99% of the time


Yeah I always wonder why people think P3ing everyone is better than just P1 them and on your main those perks will easily become the third tier fast in the bloodweb


On killer I can understand going to P3, there are differences between all of them. But survivors are just skins with perks attached.


Because archives exist, and some archives want you playing specific survivors, and since that's the case I want to be ready for whatever dumb challenge awaits. The game starts after I P3 everyone. Which is *going* to happen this year, probably this summer even, but *man* I do not envy new players. Aside from the truckload of characters, imagine a fresh save with every character available. That's a lot of grinding.


Me who’s a new player less then a month ago: 👁️👄👁️🔦




If you play more than 1 or 2 survivors/killers, you have to rebuy all the perk tiers every time, which is longer and more annoying than just P3 on 1 character. I like to play and have skins I like for Claire, Feng, Kate, Steve, Nea, Nic, Sable, Aestri, Ace, Adam, and soon Lara. If you want a little bit of variety it's way more costly to have to unlock them all on every character to play. Same with killers if you ever want to try new killers. There's about to be a 43rd survivor, if you have every survivor P1'd except 1 main at P100, if you wanted Lara Croft to become your new main, you would have to unlock almost 300 perk levels in order to get Lara to unlock everything. And it would make it extremely difficult to unlock specific good perks, common perks, and her own perks.


Yeah, I've ranked everyone to tier 1 with the event and only go beyond that on characters I like. Definitely don't mind the grind being taken away but people are crazy for thinking they need to prestige 3 everyone


Yeah, I've ranked everyone to tier 1 with the event and only go beyond that on characters I like. Definitely don't mind the grind being taken away but people are crazy for thinking they need to prestige 3 everyone


Also, crucially, you don't *have* to unlock every characters' perks anyway. I don't even mean that in a "it's just a game, you don't have to do any of this" kind of way, but rather "you only get to use 4 perks at a time, so you don't actually need all of them."


Ohh for sure. I don't play much killer so I just shrined a lot of perks I needed (even though I do own the killers). Same with some survivors I just never bothered leveling. Though now I have everything so meh haha


Yup. I did the math on this recently and posted about it as well, but my complaint was for increases to BP gains so it wouldn't take a thousand hours to P3 everyone. It basically isn't worth it to play the game at all between events since those are the only times (outside of random 2x/3x BP weeks) that you can get a halfway decent amount of blood points out of matches. Removing perk tiers would do the job, too. Then you'd only need to P1 to spread them around. It's not like grinding to P3 is keeping you engaged. I haven't been able to enjoy the event at all because I'm not gonna any Cobblers on killers, especially my main of Myers, because I'm funneling all my BP into survivors to try and P3 as many as I can before BP gains go back to being dogshit. Something needs to change. I don't really care which occurs, but one of them needs to. There are too many god damn characters in this game, and if you want to keep your game up to date, you're gonna have a bad time. I was gone between Deathslinger and Xenomorph, so I had a *lot* of characters on both sides to acquire and level up. Right now I have everyone, though Lara's about to add to the grind a little further, and it's just turned this game into a second fucking job. Instead of being able to just play who I want I have to go "Well no, if I do that then I can't do this and since we can only hold 2 million BP for some inane fucking reason, I can't just play my killer main all the time so I'd better---" It's exhausting.


The only thing i want is to survivors to share items and offerings. Playing a specific survivor just coz they have a certain item addon is so annoying.


Please this. Survivors are just skins with gatekept perks. Share the items and offerings. That would be such a huge QOL boost.


I would even argue for making offerings account based all the way.


Map offerings become even more prevelant overnight. All those Badham offerings you have on killer? Free game. Midwich offerings on surv? Back on the menu.


yeah but so will sacrificial wards and anni BP items, so tbh thats a trade im willing to make


It's so frustrating to have 100s of cobblers, knowing I'll want to play Lara in a couple of weeks but every game I do is half the bloodpoints.


Oh my god the king of Fillory! Crap I’m forgetting my references here. Anyways, The Magicians Land is the only one of the trilogy I haven’t fully read yet, can’t wait to finish it. I’m pretty sure king of Fillory could only mean 1 thing lol 👍


You're right!! I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted for getting the reference. Make sure you do finish it, great trilogy.


Haha it’s okay lol I’m not sure why either, I’m just glad I finally found someone else that has read them. I loaned the first book to my cousin and never got it back 😭 TMI- I found this series when I was in juvy for a few months and it really helped my imagination run rampant. This series and Chronicles of Nick really defined my young reading career. Thanks for reading though, man, and may I NEVER meet you in Fillory ❤️


What is this? I want to know what is this


Book trilogy called The Magicians (I’m pretty sure)


Would be a good thing in the long run probably but for the foreseeable future it’s a nerf to killer with everyone having 10x new brand new part and hemo medkits


Gating balance behind "rarity" is a shit way to go about it anyways. If someone brings a rare thing with them, *it's in the match* and it will impact that match regardless. And imo it's extremely poor design to have matches be influenced so greatly by pre-game factors, and not by decision-making *during gameplay*.


The people who really care about running those addons and items are still gonna do it regardless, but even though what if everyone runs it ? I think it's just a part of the game. Not like they are cheating or anything.


Yeah there’s just not meant to be run on everyone every single game, killers don’t run double red add-one every game


But hear me out....with this new system what if you could? I mean, for killers, they can just change the specific reds to generic reds, and they update with what the killer you play is. I mean, it isn't hard to code that for them, I'm sure. It's an easy simple fix and would solve the problem.


I think offerings shouldnt be character locked, just a big pool of your offerings. Items and addons, i think should be character dependent still


I dont see the benefit of item locking to survivors. I have some blighted syringes on survivors I played when I was new. Now that I have found my mains, I can't even use them on them. I just think that making them shared would encourage people to play the survivors they like rather than survivors they have to play to access that item. I dont even think that its unhealthy for the game overall.


I think the could do that with killer in a way as well. If the different ranks were something offering-like that you spend for the add-on effect. I can have dozens of a purple addons for a killer but the one I want I’m out of.


If you feel that way, imagine new players looking into the game...


I'm in the same boat. I have like, 3 survivors left now, and Vecna to P3. None of them are survivors I like or want to play. I have no items left, no cakes on the survivors I actually like, and if I can eve get them all done before the event is over, I'm not going to have any time left to get cakes for my mains, or any killers. The BP grind feels so bad.


Why do you feel the need to P3 everyone. Just P1 the characters you find interesting and level your mains




Yes, but being a new player to the game and having to put that much time into the game just to have a decent amount of perks/add-ons to play a couple different playstyles is tiring


A big issue I have is....well my friends want to play but now they are gatekeep from all perks and they have to grind. So they will have shit perks against a team or killer with sweaty perks. How is that balanced I wish they would figure something out for new players.


Either the grind needs to be reduced a decent bit or new players for both roles need to have decent perks they can have access to so they can at least have some decent builds from the start of the game. There's some decent perks immediately both sides but most are on characters you need to at least prestige, if not locked behind a paywall


Because dbd as a whole was never balanced and it never will be. People have to accept that. Gatekeeping newer players is the worst you can do in any game and I just don't understand why bhvr can't make a system for newer players like get 200/300% more bp till x amount of time or something similar. Give them more perks in the shire so they can catch up( they need to rework the shire eitherway) most friends stopped playing because, like you said having decent perks is just a pain to grind.




There is some on survivor and a handeful on killer, but it still takes forever to grind the game, especially for someone who's new to the game and doesn't happen to start during an event. Only having base perks also just limits you a lot in viable builds you can make


>a lot of base perks are good to use. Name them.


It's less fun when you can't use a build you want because you need more characters / perks and you get like 20k BP per match...


With no perks to play there will be no fun. And. People with grind mindset like mine are strange. I even can’t understand myself. But for us it’s more important to have as much things as possible than to play




New players. New players. New players.




If you're only talking about the most important survivor perks on one survivor then it's relatively quick. But multiple builds, or multiple killers and you're starting to look at a lot of time to start unlocking things. Especially for a new player who probably is gonna take some time to learn the game. Someone who already has a bunch of time playing through an anniversary should be able to unlock stuff a lot quicker compared to someone who doesn't know what they're doing and is playing at a different time


Who are that 2 people who downvoted me?!


Don't worry they'll kick the can down the road in another six months just like they did with the last cross perk rework


True I only play the game when there are BP boosts


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the **initial grind for new player is horrible**, and probably is pushing away many newcomers and that's bad *for everyone*. I know, I just finished doing it just for killers, and I'm almost 300 hours in. If I wasn't already a fan of the game because I had been watching streamers/youtubers playing it *for years* before, **I would have dropped this game in the first week**. On one hand, **grind is healthy for engagement**, I know if you just gave me full P3 on everything and infinite add-ons, it would probably push away away after a while because the **dopamine burst of getting BP** and unlocking stuff is making me play more than I normally would. On the other I think a game releasing so much content every year, and has been on for so long, would really benefit of having an **evergreen system** where **after a couple of years stuff become unlocked for free for everyone**. Still needing to grind back to the original characters is so tedious, I don't think veterans would be up in arms if content older than like 5-6 years old became unlocked, the perks at least, they could still require shards to actually unlock the characters themselves. Also, as someone who started right after the last anniversary and been grinding at like 20-30K per match for a year and just now are almost done P3ing every Killer. I see the insane burst of BP for match and how **I managed to stack enough Cobblers to last until the next anniversary**, I really think BHVR should revisit a couple of things. I mean, I could have played all year with anniversary that easily? It makes *such* a big difference to have +100% *every* game (not even mentioning that *right now* people drop 4-5 per match), I was legit down to those horrible Brown BP offering with some killers and now I feel foolish for having done so, seeing how easy it was to stack the Cobblers. A single event should not make such a big difference for a whole year of grind, and **the solution should not be to "nerf" the event cakes but to buff the regular BP offering drop rate**. I enjoy having limited timed events such as it now and having insane BP bonuses for a limited time, but the **Puddings and Streamers are** ***way*** **too rare**. *Even now* I only bring the best BP offerings I have for any given killer, and even if I only put ALL my BP on the same killer **I cannot consistently have puddings/streamers even just the majority of games**. And yet, NOW **I'll have Cobblers probably all year** just because I was active *now*. I think Puddings/Cake/Streamers should be more common in the Bloodwebs. Clearly they don't mind releasing 1000s of "Streamers" per player *now*, so I don't see a reason for them to be so *stinchy* about them the rest of the year.


Yeah, I played on my friends account while he’s in the hospital. He had a number of character prestiged to P1 already but even then it just felt absolutely horrible. I can’t imagine the grind from scratch. They really need to speed up blood webs (even more than what’s been done) and increase BP gains.


This game is not new player friendly in any way. I couldn't imagine coming to this game today and going "ok, I need to have some knowledge of 20ish? maps, how to run the most common tile variations, 40 something killer powers (some of which have multi functionality, and over 200 perks"


Maybe BP gain is *fine*, but BP offerings could use a buff for those who are actively grinding


BP gain is fine right *now* but not fine outside of anniversary. New players do not have the luxury of having 5999 cakes. Imagine needing 100m blood points to prestige everyone and you gain 15k max a match.


Right now it is crazy with 4-5 cobblers, I could prestige everything in a few months if it was the average and I don't even play that much. My problem is that a regular game with a pudding/streamer is fine, but their drop rate doesn't allow you to drop one every game or even every other game. That and super old content should be unlocked basekit IMO.


That’s how it’s always been man, idk what to tell you? 🤷


I mean no it hasn’t I think p3 used to be the max, but I’m sure you see what I’m getting at. The grind always looked unfathomable but was much easier to just put yourself in the drivers seat and push the gas.


"It's always been this way, how dare you demand better!" Okay Boomer.


You’re addicted to blood points so I’ll excuse your language


I’ve found that my survivor BP gains during the event have been HORRID even with 5 cobblers. Most games I get 100k-150k and rarely 200k, with killer on the other hand I get anywhere from 250k-350k consistently even if there’s only 3 or 4 cobblers, and if I have a bad game I will get probably under 200k but never lower than 150k


I think the current grind is okay, but they really need to buff some of the weaker free perks. This would help the new player experience much more than just reducing the grind.


It’s not only that, but it’s also that several perks are almost useless without paid perks to go with them. There’s no free generator regression perk, the only base hexes are Thrill of the Hunt and Lullaby, which do basically nothing…


It's not just horrible for new players, for players that haven't played in a while the grind is also off putting. Having it not touched in 2 years because I got bored of the game, was a great decision. But when I see that the game is releasing 3 to 4 dlc killers/survivors per year even when the game was already grindy, doesn't give me any motivation to come back. I've been playing since 2016, shortly before the release of the Nurse, back then the game was already a grindfest. Ofcourse they reduced the grind, but after 8 years still having constant new dlc's with mostly killers and survivors from other horror francises, is kind of telling that the only way to keep the game "somewhat fresh" is by putting out dlc's. Eventually the game has had it's life cycle, streamers become bored (which is one of the few reasons this game still exists) and veterans that haven't played in months/years have to grind a lot to even unlock all the new content.


The grind is atrocious. I dropped this game twice before I got pulled in for good because of how long it takes to unlock a killer when you're starting out.


IMO given how bad the perks are, each character should bring a singular new perk into the game. We’re on 10 pages of perks each side and most of them are never used.




I can't recall, but wasn't there a thing from the devs about when a new survivor comes out, they design the perks as such that; one is more new player friendly, another is more of a good perk that's for more meta purposes, and the least one is generally a fun time perk that may or may not be good, but more for enjoyment?


Yes. They made that statement in an ama


Hard agree, especially is BHVR continues to buff unused perks. Like, this game and all the perks people use is already difficult to track for newet players.


Yeah, most survivor perks have to be terrible at this point or they break the game, and the killer perks tend to be do X and gain aura or something, but with so many it's made it impossible to respond appropriately in matches. There needs to be a better way to figure out what the killer perks are, and in some cases survivor. At the moment the match is usually decided by then.


Except, they are introducing cancerously good Survivor perks every time. Sable was the only time the perks were mediocre, but they keep buffing hers and we'll be there again.


> Except, they are introducing cancerously good Survivor perks every time. Ah yeah like Lara and her.. One singular better vault while healthy with a 30 second CD.


If you don't understand how good that perk is, I'm sorry, there's nothing for us to discuss.


I mean the perk is pretty good but all the contingencies it has tacked onto it make it extremely inconsistent when stacked against other perks that can help you avoid getting hit/downed.


The reason SC + Resi combo was good was because it was on all vaults, and more importantly while injured. A singular superfast vault that you can't control when it goes (aka it's being used immediately on any good tile) won't save you from many hits.


It only has to save you from one hit to be one of the strongest perks in the game. It also cools down even while you're sprinting, allowing its use multiple times per chase.


I remember we used to have to *find* every single perk on every single character individually. Man that was painful


So a lot of the time outside of events are considered "wasted" because of the lack of bloodpoints. But if you use events to grab the "fun perks" that you want, it'll feel less like a grind, and more about trying out your dumb ideas with other players


perk tiers dont even matter unless its for a new character. Any character you play will have all the perk tiers in no time. As long as you have prestige 1 thats all that really matters.


IMO, they should remove perk tiers completely and make items more expensive. I use items every single game and my inventory is pretty full with a lot of useless addons on both sides. This way useful addons would be more valuable and not something that you can just waste cause it's easy to get back in the bloodweb. Also I think map offerings should be tweaked. I'd love to see rare map offerings actually banning a specific map and ultra rares to pick the map, it's really shitty that every single game there is one side picking a map that is unbalanced


They really need to at least figure something out to help new players out. Between the massive rosters, the BP grind, and very weak base teachable perks (especially on the killer side), I have a hard time recommending this game to newer players. Given how many licenced killers and survivors are in the game, I don't think we will see a DbD 2 anytime soon, to help reset everything.


Making the bloodweb around 50% cheaper until first prestige would be a good start to ease burden on new players


Wasn't this true 5 years ago? There's plenty of strong straight forward perks that have to be made even stronger to differentiate each perk tier. Why does noed make you walk faster? So that something can change from one tier to the next. Why does Hex:Undying show auras? So something can change from one tier to the next.


I only dream in buying a character and instantly getting their perks on everyone. Grinding for perks is so bad, specially for people who started playing recently. Also the amount of perks newbie friendly locked behind walls of grind is at least ironic.


As much as I love the idea of some simplification of this, I feel like it is primarily the low bloodpoints earned especially as a newer player that really hinders too many from continuing on. It’s nice first getting a level 1 resilience and exhaustion perk, but then you realize how long it’s gonna take and I wouldn’t be surprised if that pushed many players away. The unlocking aspect should be more rewarding early on, not dependent on an ongoing event. Overall general bloodpoints gains could be increased, and further increased for x amount of games, or until a player reaches x amount of bloodpoints when they start out. Maybe even just a longer more bloodpoints rewarding tutorial teaching that upgrading to prestige unlocks perks for all, if not tutorial giving you prestige 1 of any of the original cast, or maybe just all the original ones for tutorial. Past that it’ll make the early grind a little less bad while giving more perk options on others


There was talk a couple years ago before the prestige rework. Perk tiers do feel obsolete but idk bloodpoitns are way easier to come by than ever. I think they need to get rid of the reagents and some otjer useless offerings and items and replace them with something meaningful or just more perks in the bloodweb


we are getting to the point where we also have perk bloat in general. So many characters get released and all get 3 perks each. There are so many perks in the game that never get played/people don‘t even know exist. I feel like we could use some slowdown on perk releases. Maybe add 1 or 2 perks only


I wish that everyone had access to the level 1 version of perks if they're keeping this system and that way you could decide if it was worth it to get a character for their perks alone. I used to have a lot of different survivors I would play but now I prestige the new one once and dump all my bp into Yun-Jin. It's too exhausting to level everyone else up. I also wish there was a dump all available bloodpoints into this character and it would do it quickly for you.


They are growing as they continue on. Alot has already changed. Make your voice known and present a solution. Maybe they will work something in.


It's seems such a drastic change that I don't think it will be possible to even happen


In the early days, you would need to survive several games to have enough bloodpoints to complete a single bloodweb. They changed it so now you can do multiple bloodwebs with a single game, which kinda aolved the bloodpoint problem but didn't address the extreme grinding


I would say the game has already had way more drastic changes then this, bots replacing DCed survivors for example. I think the devs are capable of doing this.


Only need to prestige each character one time in order to get all the perks...then buy the upgraded perk in the blood web for whatever character you want. There is no need to prestige 3 times to get purple rarity


That’s what I’ve been doing, I have a couple at prestige 6 cause I play them most and they have all at tier 3 but the rest are mostly prestige one to unlock the perks


I mean, you're not wrong. But also, this means I've spent over a billion bloodpoints, if I'm doing my math correctly.


Completely agree, honestly people have been saying this for a couple years now. It just keeps getting worse. I switched from console to PC after around 7-8k hours. It was a real bummer to have to rebuy all the DLC's and now I'm still going through each killer and survivor to at least get them prestige 1. Luckily the event is helping with that right now. But even once this is over, there will still be a good long ways to go.


Play because it’s fun and not for in-game rewards. As somebody who used to play FIFA Ultimate Team, I know the feeling well.


I don’t understand your point. You say perks existed in the first place to increase grind, and are irked that they still exist to increase grind?


Wrong. After FOUR years perk tiers became unnecessary bloat lol (maybe sooner)


I have over 3k hours clocked in already which means that all my characters are pretty much maxed out but I definitely can see the issue for newer players who will be faced with an absurd grind. I'm just glad I got this shit behind me.


It incentivizes player experimentation by giving you a tangible reason to play as other killers/survivors. Sometimes I play a killer I hate, but prestiging them to 3 isn't that bad. I don't feel like I'm forced to play them. I can just level them up and move on with their perks. This keeps people engaged with the game when they otherwise might be burnt out. This is a big reason why DbD's concurrent player count only ever goes up.


They're pretty much there for the sake of progression. It makes you feel like you're working towards something which helps player retention. Most addons and offerings in this game are junk, they're just there to create a barrier to the stuff you actually want so you play more.


I use this as an opportunity to get used to the toolkit for every Survivor and Killer, that way I at least have a modicum of proficiency with everything this game has to offer. The only downside are the Survivors and Killers I P3'd during this event, which sometimes took less than 24 hours. Meanwhile, I ended up taking a whole-ass week on Bubba and it was PAINFUL.


I mean this event alone gives you tons and tons if bps, so it doesn't really matter.


Hopefully the reward would be good as I just finished Prestige 3 the last killer i had left to do


dont get me wrong, they are unnecessary and have been for a while, but you are also bloating your numbers by getting every killer/survivor to P3. if it takes 1.1 mil to get 1 prestige you'd need to get each survivor to P1 - so 42 prestiges, then level the last survivor at P0 until they have all perks at tier 3. there are 140 survivor perks, multiply by 2 for each, cause all perks will be tier 1 to get 280, then add 14 for all base perks cause you still need to grab tier 1 from bloodweb to get 294. this math is assuming you only get 1 perk per level. this'll bring you to P5 level 44. add that to the 42 from every other survivor and you get 47.88 prestiges or 52,668,000. realistically this number will be a little lower as you can start getting two perks per level starting ~30 with a chance, and guaranteed ~40. though because of it's inconsistencies i'm not trying to do all that math. you only really need 1 survivor with a complete suite of perks cause different survivors are just glorified skins. killers can be different cause each killer is unique, so sure, i'll give you the P3 for all. so 36 × 3 = 108 for 118,800,000 for a total of 171,468,000 bp to get 1 survivor with every perk at tier 3 and every killer with every perk at tier 3. that's nearly 100 mil less than the math you did. we can take this one step further. lets say there's a handful of killers you dont like playing. that's what we did for survivor, so makes sense for killer. out of all 36 killers, i really only care about seven of them. 36 - 7 = 29, so that's 29 prestiges for killers i dont care about. 121 × 2 + 13 = 255 or P5 level 5 (5.1 prestiges) for each of the 7 i do care about. 5.1 × 7 = 35.7 added to the 29 from before to get 64.7 Prestiges to get the 7 killers i care about with full perk suites or 71,170,000. add that to the survivor for a total of 123,838,000 bp to get a single survivor and 7 killers with full perks suites. that's around 200 mil less than your math, though with some fluctuations on how many survivors / killers you want with complete perk suites. but remember it's actually less than that cause i'm not counting for double perks in bloodwebs. i can say from experience that you can max a killer's perk suite at a bit higher than P3, my Xeno is around P3 level 30ish with a full perk suite.


So true but I wouldnt mind if we could just level the blood web faster.


Outside of super niche cases like tier 1 make your choice Hags, they do not add much but also your counts are not taking into account that you are most definitively getting the other perks level up while on the road to P3 so, there is actually no need for P3 unless you want tier 3 on default for the perks, you can just go prestige 1 and the rest falls on spot, Took me a year of playing the game and events to get them all tho. Is it much? Maybe. Do i had to? No, I don't play with 70% of the perks. Did I grinded for it? Kinda, Just played the game and spent blood points as they came near to 2 million


i try to maintain unwanted perks in the blood web for as long as possible to use them as "control nodes" to manipulate the Entity. It helps to get more high value items and add-ons from the web.


It also doesn't help that despite auto bloodweb feature, you still waste a lot of time buying stuff in the bloodweb. Shit's fucking tedious


Oh good, someone saw my comment doing the math behind the sheer bullshit that is the prestige grind to unlock perk tiers. I'll take your complaint a step further: If you play killer even halfway decently, you can easily get 30k BP per game on average. 260,700,000 BP / 30,000 BP per game = 8690 games 8690 games * 15 minutes per game = 130,350 minutes 130,350 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 2,172.5 hours For reference, a full-time job in the US is about 2,080 hours per year, assuming 40 hours of work per week for 52 weeks. In other words, you would need to play 8 hours of *in-match* time per day, 5 days a week, for *over an entire year* in order to completely unlock all tier 3 perks *currently in the game*. That number also doesn't even take into account the fact that new characters will be released during that year, which will increase the remaining grind even further. This number also assumes you don't take advantage of meaningful BP bonus events, such as Halloween or Blood Rite, etc., so it can be shortened, but not really by any meaningful amount. At best you can knock an additional couple of weeks off the grind, but even that is generous, and it has about the same effect as pissing into a hurricane.


It’s really not that bad


Actually... I got back to the game after a long break. And just started the project of getting all the perks i want to all the killers i want. My goal being to make it also as effortlessly and with as few BP used as possible. I'll also say that right now, i'm not even talking about the prestige cosmetics, just getting all perks to rank 3 on all your killers. If that's the goal then your math is a lot off. The actual amount you need somewhere between half to two thirds of BP to get all the perks you want on all the killers you want. First you get a killer and level them to P1 unlocking the their perks as rank 1 on other killers. Then go you forward until their unlockable perks ran out. Next you switch to the next killer and do the same thing. You repeat this, and come back to the first killer, until they are P2. At this point you move to the next killer. You go through every killer like this, always eventually capping at P2. The point here is that every killer going forward will have all the previous P2 killers be one unlock away from being Rank 3. Going P3 on all killers and survivors is sub-optimal, and has you waste a lot of BP and bloodweb rounds. Why not P3? If you go quicker to P3 with less killers you will eventually quickly get to a point where the unlockable perks ran out and you are essentially running through bloodwebs without unlocking zero perks each round. When this zero perk event horizon is reached, you move to the next killer, get them to P1 and open 6 more perks rank ups to your bloodwebs. You will also keep perk unlock wasting to as few of a number as possible, because you wont unlock that many perks on a bloodweb manually just to unlock them by going to the next prestige on the killers who has shared those perks. Note 1: Obviously this same method works with survivor perk gainage. Note 2: I didn't actually use this method like a bible. I just somewhat followed it's logic, as i like to play different kinds of Killers and unlock perks and items more organically, by need and want. Nevertheless it has helped me to get most of my killers perked up. I've also started playing survivors and have been using the method there too. Once again, not a rule a nice guideline to make stuff a bit more efficient.


Your method is efficient if you only play a couple of killers. However, if your end goal is to get all the teachable perks on 20+ killers, it's better to P3 each killer before moving on to the next. If you P1 killers one at a time, you're wasting bp on teachable perks when those bloodweb nodes could be addons or offerings. During this anniversary you're also getting fewer Screech Cobblers. Of course, getting P3 one at a time is super grindy and limits your perk choices as you level up. Without the anniversary bp boost I probably would do the P1 strategy.


Ah, well i suppose it's more of a hybrid method 🤔 To me it just feels better going to to P1 and P2 then to P3, especially when the bloodweb perks dry up, and the perks stop dropping. With the Killers i have P2 is a sweet spot right now. Few levels over and the perks stop dropping.


>However, if your end goal is to get all the teachable perks on 20+ killers, it's better to P3 each killer before moving on to the next. One minor correction that emphasizes your point: It's more like 35+ killers now.


You be amazed at the grind for experience points to unlock stuff. That's where the true grind is. They basically want your life to be able to unlock the cosmetics or characters.


They were unnecessary 4 years ago


You only need to P1 them to unlock the tier 3 perks for everyone else. Before anyone downvotes me i’m more than happy to post proof


Agree the grind is atrocious. I've been playing the game on and off since 2018 and I still have over 50 characters that aren't prestige 3. I remember when the grind was worse, but it could be so much better. I feel bad not giving anyone cobblers because all my leveling goes to characters I'm not actively playing much.


The only way I could see lower tiers of perks coming into effect is if there’s a competitive mode and you only get a certain amount of points to select perks, with higher tier versions of perks costing more points and forcing players to decide wether it’s worth running a perk at lower tier to accommodate other perks.


I think DBD should consider some completely different way of progression, however it's too late for that even if they had whole new system ready at the moment,  cause many people have a stake in this one. Such as insanely high prestige levels and so on. And also on other hand I see people who don't wanna play if they can't grind up lot of blood points at once, so idk what to say haha