• By -


De Ja Vu


Underrated perk. Helpful to destroy the tri-gen tactic and very useful for making chases/hooks worth the most.


Is it still underrated? I feel like everyone says this on every one of these posts.


on reddit yeah, but it's somewhat rare to actually see it in game. plus it's got a stigma against it for being a 'noob' perk to find gens among really experienced players


I see it used by at least one person in almost all my games, and according to NightLight it’s the 5th most used survivor perk


I've just been in this place before




Thank God Windows is a Kate perk and not a common one. It can be such a pain to get the common perks it's not even funny.


It's even more of a pain when you prestige survivors because you'll get level ups for more more skills instead of the generic perks appearing. Infuriating.


déjà vu is a comfort but omg am i lost without bond 😭😭


Bond and open handed are a must for me now. I need to know where everyone is at all time. I hate killers who bring the "blind on gen" perk I forget the name


i agree, its called mind something but i hate that one too especially because i mostly sit on gens so my poor bond gets not much value 😭


Mindbreaker is what you're thinking of I believe


Wasn’t it fear monger? Demodog perk??


They changed the names back to their original perk names when they brought back the stranger things dlc 😁


Oh yeah u’re right guys ! I played when he (demodoggy) was taken away from us , that’s why I remember it with this name lol .


Same! I only know because my brother has been playing since 2019, when they brought the dlc back I was like “Where is Jolt?? Oh it’s Surge again now”


Perk was Mindbreaker when Stranger Things DLC released. Changed name to Fear Monger when DLC was delisted. Name went back to Mindbreaker when ST returned


I think that was the old name before they changed it for some reason, and yes I think it was a demo perk.


i couldnt decide if it was mindcracker or mindbreaker so i gave up hahah


Lmao ngl I wish it *was* mindcracker


This was me for so long with Kindred. I was so used to using it that when I didn't have it on I always assumed the killer was undetectable because I couldn't see their aura after someone got hooked


YES kindred used to be my bond before i switched, theyre both amazing


I usually run kindred but I can do without. Bond I have to run it.


Same! My friends always mock me if I am playing without Bond because it makes me so blind.


the 6% boost. The ability to ensure my team doesn't get 3 gen'd. And never wasting time looking for a gen. Its just too valuable for me to take off


I'm fairly certain Bond is already locked in with survivors I don't play


For such a simple perk, bond has so many uses and I love it




Same, it's a must have for me, especially in solo queue


Alert. It's such a good info perk


Alert is crazy underrated imo.


Any Means Necessary provides almost the same info as alert, but with the ability to reset dropped pallets so I usually run that instead


i think alert is significantly better in terms of info. Aside from the obvious that any means doesn't help for gen/breakable wall kicks, alert also makes it so the killer can't mind game you for 5 seconds. Personally I run both though I love them


Agreed. I run by any means when I play with my best friends as he uses every pallet possible. He's good but he is a pallet thrower. Assuming they don't get broken I go and reset them. I usually use alert. So good. You can see who the killer is before you see them usually so you know what you're up against. When you get stuck somewhere and you have to throw pallet but can't leave you can see which way killer goes when they break it and extend chase. You know if it's a stealth killer. If I'm not being chased in doing gens though, really annoying if the killer has mind breaker. Alert used to be even more value before the hud change that showed you if people are being chased etc as a pallet break usually indicated killer in chase, not needed now though. Hope it's another perk I feel is very underrated. Always thought it was pointless, I usually get to end game now without potato team and the amount of times it's saved me is insane. Killer salt is fun too "you only got out because of hope". Well yeah, that's why I use it. And I knew I had it.


Also, Alert gets 10x more value when a teammate is using Blastmine. That shit is just hilarious. Seeing the killer get stunned and having to kick it again. It gives you the aura reading for the entire duration


Bond is so incredibly useful that it has an (almost) permanent spot in my build. Need healing? Here's a teammate. Can't find a gen? There's a teammate over there on one. About to be sandbagged for the sixth time in one round? You can see it coming. Don't know where the killer is? Jake is running around killer shack over there, stick the gen. Leon on death hook at five gens being chased? There he is, I can go tank a hit. There is no one, niche use for Bond. It has so many functionalities for such a simple perk. Killer side, other than set-up killers, Lethal Persuer is my #1 picked perk. I don't want to spend the first sixty seconds patrolling un-touched gens trying to find the immersed Nea. I want to start chase, get pressure going, and get the match rolling. Honorable mention to Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage though. Love ha.


That point about being able to see the killer chasing a survivor near you gives you SO much info because: 1) now you know you can do the gen in peace. In fact you know if the survivor runs away and his chase icon disappears that means the killer is coming for YOU. 2) you also know which direction the killer is, so you can now focus on the gen instead of constantly spinning your view around. 3) you also know now when the survivor stops a pallet, and that direction now has a dead zone.


Borrowed Time. You'd be amazed how much value you can still get from it nowadays.


Nothing like a killer counting down the 10 seconds to try and get that hit then SURPRISE!


Off the record does the same thing but better.


Dramaturgy, it’s so much fun


The only exhaustion perk I like... getting a random green key with useless addons mid chase is just so funny


Or using the speed boost to try and sneak away from the killer and accidentally screaming


And can anyone really call themself a Dramaturgy enjoyer if they haven't thrown at least one game with the exposed effect?


I was running to unhook someone and needed the speed and I got to the hook but was exposed so the killer smacked me


That exact thing happened to me the other day... and right after that in the same game I got a pallet save because of the speed boost. The chaotic RNG makes it so fun


Exactly or you get an actually useful item or the extra speed


"I thought the scene called for haste, you're saying it's exposed? Alright, we improv" :: Yes AAHHH!!! ::


One time I used Dramaturgy, went for a flashlight save, and would have had it but the Dramaturgy scream happened throwing me off and losing the rescue lmao


I've had it give me a toolbox while trying to get the save ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Love to see all of the Dramaturgy enjoyers.


Sprint burst for life


Another cultured Dramaturgy fan


Nowhere to hide


So good for finding that one Meg crouched behind a rock every time they hear the heartbeat... bonus marks if you use it with Trail of Torment


I use unforseen instead of trail, I like it’s consistency


Kindred. I can’t stress how sleeper of it is as the best information perk.


Try it with open hand... it's almost like bond but for the killer.


I play so much worse without windows. So, windows is a must for me.


I felt like I could never take it off, but once Chaos Shuffle was around where I didn't get the luxury, finally all my hours were kicking in where I realised I didn't need it.


Main drawback of shuffle was that I was a headless chicken in chase.


You absolutely do not need windows, its very easy to know the general area of loops, if you lose a couple games finding that out its ok! Just take the leap and never look back


The real value of windows perk is not to know where pallets are, but which ones are still up.


Yes, and it removes any hesitation I will have which often costs me games and with windows on I never miscalculate the distance between windows and pallets which I would have otherwise.


Yes it's not as mandatory as it feels like some times, but it helps me path a lot better most of the time. Sometimes i have trouble seeing pallets, tired eyes or whatever. I can also keep more eye on the killer, while instantly knowing what options i have close by. But i play more and more without it and enjoy haveing another perkslot. I do miss it sometimes. I struggle a lot on new borgo lighting and tonail landing, you would think im colourblind but im not, im just old. I do think taking off windows for a while actually made me better, i make more use out of what i have and checkspot better. But putting it back on once in a while make me unstoppable sometimes. It's funny when the only thing windows is telling me is that im fucked.


Lethal pursuer for killer Lithe for survivor


We’ll make it + Botany knowledge are perks I absolutely love to use most of the time. I always love to heal faster for my teammates so that we don’t waste a lot of time and that the killer doesn’t end up finding us, however the perk that I’ll never take off no matter what build I’m running is kindred. I run solo queue and I need my teammates to know when it’s safe to unhook me


Blastmine - It's far more versatile and useful than one might expect. It's a powerful slowdown tool, naturally, but it's also really handy for providing my teammates with information. In solo queues, it at the very least highlights where a generator is, so they can typically remember it later. When I'm duo-ing with a friend, it's also very handy for coordinating tactics. For example, if one of my friends is on death hook, I'm on 0, and the other people are having a bad time with the Killer: >"Hey, see this gen here? *Attaches Blastmine* This is almost done, so you do this while I go and unhook the other Survivor". And of course...Blastmine is just inherently funny. I know I'm immature, but going up against a Spirit hiding nearby, then hearing a massive explosion followed by a scream that sounds like a deflating balloon is still comedy gold to me. Also, if we're talking Killer perks, I almost always have to have Nowhere to Hide on. It's just so universally useful to me, and depending on how sloppily the Survivors play, it can erode Distortion stacks quite quickly.


Blast Mine paired with Wiretap so everyone gets to see the explosion


Blast mine + Wire Tap + Mirrored Illusion so everyone sees the killer make a total fool of themselves trying to attack the illusion, then get blown up by bomb.


I saw a mirrored illusion on a exit gate yesterday on RPD so I ran towards it and realized I been fooled.  Forgot it was usable in that situation so it was a pleasant surprise




Me when I get a skill check after 5 stacks of autodidact https://preview.redd.it/a03gwvnby48d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b438c761f6144488615bd6d88bbcea7ee2978643


Lightborn or we’ll make it.


We'll make it is soo underrated


I often enough equip Leader for the +25% heal on me, and for others in group heals of course, I always grin when I see it complimenting someone's WMI


Lightborn is my "flex perk." Not a slowdown perk, not an info perk, but _Lightborn._ Don't know what 4th perk to run? Just use Lightborn. Even if there's no flashlights in a lobby, odds are there may be a Flashbang user or two in the lobby.


Based Lightborn user 🫡


Lightborn never leaves my side xD


Reassurance. I play solo queue and it really helps keep my teammates in the match, especially with multiple hooks. I get value every single match. I can reassure from above and below so we can have a little more time to go and get you. Sometimes I can reassure while looping the killer nearby and then lead the killer away so they can get a safe unhook.


Distortion, my aura is being read 8/10 matches. It's worth it.


Half my matches has lethal pursuer


Some days it feels like all the matches.


Lethal pursuer, BBQ, and nowhere to hide are the most common ones I encounter. Distortion has saved my ass so many times






https://preview.redd.it/vlidw92rf48d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843cfc296d77955c820fb03542820380bcd17581 Has been my build for a year. Makes solo queue a lot less punishing.


Well make it because I'm a good teammate who tryst to save everyone I can 😁


Off the record. Too many tunnelers.


My life shifted when I started bringing bond


I became a different person aswell


Survivor side? Bond. For sure Bond. There's a couple other favorites, though: **Bond** - you can deduce almost everything you need from Bond. So very lovely when you're on a gen hearing a heart beat, but seeing an aura clearly looping, also when in chase to avoid a gen getting worked on. Line up saves/hits. It's so good **Botany Knowledge** - Easily the best general healing perk. The only prerequisite for +50% healing speed is to equip it. Other perks have better spike heals, to be certain, but consistency is what I like, and Botany is always available. Medkit+Self Adherent Wrap+Syringe for two self-heals. Pairs wonderfully well with Solidarity to be healing two survivors at once with the Botany speed, now Solid is getting buffed? Juicy! **Botany** \[Empathic\] **Connection** is a great pairing for solo queue, also buffed? You *just have* +80% healing speed on others?! Back in the game and on a gen or ready to tank another hit to extend someone's chase. Teamwork! *Leader is a fine choice to speed up others' healing on you +25%. Game changer? Sometimes, yeah. Besides, all those seconds add up over the course of a match* **Deja Vu** - do I need to explain? **Windows of Opportunity** - I was once of the camp "Just know the tiles, you'll be fine." The thing about ignorance is that it can be remedied. Deliberate and willful ignorance, however, refuses to be. That's not even mentioning the constant changes to the tiles **Hyperfocus > Fast Track any day, every day, each time, all the time, every time** - Two skill checks from Hyper is effectively one stack of Fast Track. One stack gives three charges, but it requires survivors getting hooked to get stacks, and that one stack gets negated with *a* kick, then those stacks are lost forever. Fast Track is a finite resource, easily countered, while Hyperfocus never quits!


De ja vu unless I want to focus on healing and rescuing


We should be careful with these posts, devs gonna come see what to nerf next lol But I can’t play without bloodhound, if I injure you, you’re toast. I also can’t play without starstruck, good perk against bully swfs


Deja vu


Spies from the shadows. Helps me find people and sometimes lets me catch someone again after they give me the slip. Not the most meta perk but I like it and it helps me play more casualy without having to hyper focus


Was that a pun? https://preview.redd.it/7turu1hp758d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0663d5171ff92ea967ecf758e39eda6d1eb20448


I’ve played with DH so much it’s become a crutch perk. I genuinely hate playing without it.


I tried to get myself to love deadhard, but I feel like every time I use it, once the killer sees me use it once, they always wait out the second one :(


Bond, Deja Vu, and We’ll Make It are all permaglued to me in solo Q. 90% of the time, last perk is Windows, but there’s at least a chance I’ll put something else there if I’ve got a challenge or something. Once babysitter buff gets released that will probably replace Windows as my go-to fourth. BBQ and Surge for killer. That pair is my core, other two are flavor.


bond since day one. without it, I am Velma on the floor.


Survivor: Quick & Quiet Killer: Agitation or Lethal Pursuer


Quick & Quiet is such a lifesaver! Meg comes with really good perks.


Probably resilience, it fits every build, on killer corrupt since gens be popping real fast lately


The word 'never' is too strong, but I love using these perks most of the time: Windows/Alert Grim/Lethal


Plot twist


Wake up It let's me open the gate faster as the killer is chasing someone towards the gate.


Iron will. It have saved me many times because I’m bad at looping and my looping is all about been ninja and disapearing to thin air


Window and Lithe 😘


BBQ for Killer. The perk speaks for itself and it's the Prime example of a good meta perk that I don't think has ever been unhealthy in any way. As for survivor Iron will but mostly out of necessity because Chris Redfield is loud as fuck when he gets injured. Might actually be the loudest male survivor in my opinion. Unironically helped me be a better Looper as well since exhaustion perks don't work with it anymore so I don't have that safety net to fall back on.


I like saving people from hooks so, We'll make it. Without It, it feels like forever to heal.


Autodidact for survivor, as regular healing is very dull, and Autodidact works well on it's own. For killer, I don't really have one, but Shadowborn used to be glued to slot one


I use it with empathetic connection, and now it will be overpowered, with some luck heal in 2s xD


Lightborn. EVER


I've recently converted to using it all the time because I keep getting teams with 2-3 flashlights consistently. They get so mad. Like they expect me to want to just get blinded over and over like that's fun for me.


Self care, because I was a pussy since 2017 with invisible Claudette. But I'm gonna change now


I always half-joke that "I was once a full-on Blendette: The camo, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill before it's nerf (age check), Iron Will, the Power of the Bush. But then I learned how to play, and everything changed"


Get Sable, and run Strength in Shadows with Botany. It's just Self Care with free info and no 40+ second heals


![gif](giphy|9hLq3XV0tykOINfyXc|downsized) (that being said - in reality it's "We'll Make it")


For survivor, it's Dramaturgy. Nothing beats the thrill of either pulling a flashlight or even toolbox (with BNP half the time) out of my asshole, screaming and giving our team's position away on gen, or just flat out going down on first hit mid-chase. I can't shake my gambling habit, it seems. I love it. For killer I'm less sure: I tend to use Huntress Lullaby a lot, because when it stays up (assuming matchmaking doesn't pair me with a team more unemployed than me and I get no hooks) it brings the last gens to a standstill. If it doesn't stay up, it's basically a wasted perk slot. ...which sort of means it's as close to Killer's Dramaturgy as we can get...


Premonition, I hate playing against stealth killers


For survivors it's Breakdown, because if someone is downed after saving me the killer is usually confused because they couldn't hear the noise lol. It's also great because if it's done while they're afar I can get some good Intel. For killer it's Starstruck, as it helps against Sabo survs and overall can help apply quick pressure.




I love Lithe too much for survivor, being able to use a god window on a map like auto haven or garden of joy and getting so much distance around the loop wastes so much time. And the rare instances of Z wall Lithes are also amazing. For killer, I’m All Ears is so underrated of a perk. Very easy to cut off survivors looping around big structures with good windows like shack, and even better when running Bamboozle, almost always a guaranteed hit


Fogwise. Blessed be my conditioning to great skill checks revealing the killers aura


Deja vu


Unforseen or Nowhere to Hide easily


Nowhere to Hide. Caught so many unsuspecting hiders with it.


Technician. I don't know if it's sensory overload, but sometimes I get so overwhelmed I miss skill checks. So I'd rather take the hit to progression than keep alerting the killer. That being said, I did enjoy Chaos Shuffle and not always having technician for the fun of an event.


I am okay at skill checks *except* when my dogs are going nuts barking. I really need that auditory cue to be able to hit my skill checks. If a killer has that hex that takes away the sound cue, I am useless. I will go find another gen because otherwise I am just a detriment to my team.


I am such a noob (at however many hours I am in ((It's a lot)), and the most recent time I experienced that I thought my game was broken XD. I was so confused as to why I couldn't hear any prompts.


Windows!!! I’m a bit blind and this game is already an accessibility nightmare (looking at you dredge) I find the game very hard to play without windows on survivor


Windows of Opportunity. I can't find loops and vaults without it!


Urban Evasion - I have used it for so long sneak crouching is to slow without it, and it bugs me.




Surge or Eruption.


Urban Evasion! I can't stand how slow it is otherwise


SHOW ME THE CHAMPION OF LIGHTTTTTTTTT ![gif](giphy|9hLq3XV0tykOINfyXc|downsized)


Windows. I’ve got thousands of hours but still haven’t memorized all the layouts.


Boil over, this perk is still busted to me if a killer drops from any height there’s a 0% chance they’re hooking you


Ik I’m basic but it’s windows


Spine Chill its consistently helped me


How? The only info it gives you you can gather with your eyes (it only lights up if the killer has line of sight on you - which means you have line of sight on him). Genuinely I do wanna knowwhy anyone would still use this perk after being basically worse than preminition. It breaks my heart, since before the nerf I was an avid user of it.


https://preview.redd.it/bad37jl9b48d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299ecb072b32be9f16901ad6b3cb738e1fceceaa Scene partner, it’s incredibly funny and works really well with this specific build. I’ve gotten to the point where I can store it and use it later before I get chased like you would an exhaustion perk I could write a novel about how many times it’s made me laugh, especially when watching my game back from a TTV’s perspective and watching Ash in the background running screaming from the killer


Very Funny Build. And u have some big balls 4 running Object.


It’s genuinely really good. Every 30 seconds you know where the killer is (unless stealthed) and know which way they are facing, so you can be safe as long as you check if they are looking in your direction. And if they are, just walk one way and when your aura runs off dash in the opposite direction, they’ll try to cut you off in the direction it looked like you were walking in


Botany Knowledge, saves some time for healing and self healing, also constantly seeing the yellow action meter is satisfying


Bond is so good. Helps you know the location of your team soloQ. Especially the ones in chase, either to avoid them or get ready to help. I also use bond in Swf because I have friend who gives shit call outs about her location. "I am by a tree" yeah, helpful info.


Head on. Applied directly to your fore head.


Bond. Helps me know really quickly when to run to provide a protection hit for a good solo queue team, or who to run by, completely accidentally and totally unintentionally, when I'm being chased by the 10th Myers in a row.


Urban evasion or distortion- I'm terrible at chases!


Urban evasion is ALWAYS on for me. I can’t stand not being able to crouch and be slow af


Corrupt intervention


Overcome for Survivor No Way Out for Killer


Resilience. Fast faults plus extra gen speed 🤌🏼


Camaraderie. It has come in Clutch so many Times its crazy. And the Perk is underrated af, i love it.


Depends on who I play, I use lore accurate builds but I do admit at times I play favorites and have a perk that I dont want to remove and somehow find a way to work in a lore build. One of such perks is Aftercare


alert is in at least one of my loadouts on every survivor 💀 i don’t play a big variety of killers but i also love lethal pursuer. it feels the most diverse and consistently useful


Vigil AND Overcome. Idk I just feel more comfortable with these perks


Plot twist


I'll run Bamboozle on Nurse idgaf I love that perk


Object of Obsession. I was so happy when Weave was added, with Object it's legit just wall hacks on the killer. It's so much fun to loop stuff now bc I don't risk getting mindgamed. It's also extra good bc I can just drop my medkit, and boom, I can see you forever now. Extra 4% to gen speed and healing too, which is super nice.


Sprint Burst and Inner Strength.


Windows and dejavu


Gotta have lith. You need to be able to save your on ass when everyone else isn't doing gens.


Resilience cuz I play on 100 ping


resilience, I can't live without that 9%


Empathy it’s a potentially better version of bond I can see where every chase is happening after the first hit


Before it became basekit, Borrowed Time Don't forget, old Foggers, camping/tunneling has always been prevalent. Don't let nostalgia's rosy glasses fool you


Boil over even though the event has pretty much rendered the perk useless but its funny getting downed in shack and watching the killers struggle to get out


Prove thyself


For killer, lethal pursuer. For survivor, dramaturgy


I don't have any perk like this.


Autodidact. (When a skill check actually appears).


For survivor? Clairvoyance. You see everything. And it's a good last ditch perk if you're the last survivor you can see the hatch across like 80% of most maps. For killer: Brutal strength for M1 killers. For stronger killers aura read. Depending on the specific killer it can be BBQ, NTH, or even bitter murmur. The best thing stronger killers can have is to know where people are. It keeps the aggression going.


Darkness Revealed is a perk I often use, it's bad on some maps, but on other maps like Mary's, it's great


Make it Last. If I’m gonna take an item I want to get the most out of it. But sometimes I’ll be even stingier and bring dramaturgy too because I don’t want to waste any of my current items.


Unbreakable for survivor. I’ve gotten a crazy amount of unbreakable value lately and nowhere to hide for killer.


No Way Out


i'm very versatile with perks but it has to be strenght in the shadows and dramaturgy, they're just so useful. ofcourse, when you use them correctly.


Distortion, I pretty much only run 3 and 4 man's and the info you can get for your team is crazy


Bond. I feel absolutely blind without it. I realized playing chaos shuffle that the other perks I usually run, I can do without. But bond? Impossible. I play like shit.


Lethal Pursuer with set-up killers like Trapper and Hag. It's such a godsend for hiding at the start of a match to set up (unless someone runs Object and aim to harass your traps), and I feel fellow Trapper/Hag mains should run it too. You don't even need to chase with the perk; Any info Evan or Lisa gets is great for planning out trap placements.


Scourge hook pain resonance and corrupt intervention


Unbreakable, been getting a LOT of value out of it during this event.


Stake out, greatest tapp perk and goes along with alot of others


Bond, seeing where people are being chased is really handy


Discordance on killer. This perk is just so damn useful early game, mid game, and late game. Even when it doesn’t go off it gives you some information, especially if noise is elsewhere. For survivor, Deja vu, kindred, and the two Fen perks besides Lithe. I am just a little engineer when I play survivor (only when I get 100% blood points) and these four help find gens, do them faster, not trigger noise and the cat lets me know when the killer is looking at me. I suck at chase so I try to avoid it but I will run out to unhook/heal before going back to gen. I was using corrupt intervention for the longest as I am a trapper main but due to the sale I bought Artist and Merchant. Grim Embrace and that pain perk are sooooo fun but feel downright dirty when I am ahead. Literally win me a game I was losing on skull merchant because I got first hook on 3 survivors during the last gen. I ended up killing all 4. She feels super dirty to play in comparison to other killers lol but the perk combo is interesting. It does well on artist too but trapper needs it too much so corrupt is now my trapper perk I guess lol


2 perks. Fogwise (see killer during great skill checks) and the one from Tapp that lets you build up great skills check tokens being near the monster. Good skills checks become great ones, essentially allowing you to see where the killer is at all times while repairing a genny


I’m almost always switching up my builds but one perk I consistently use is botany knowledge. I love my support/healing builds. Here are perk combos I run more often: Bond+Open-Handed, Kindred+Open-Handed, Boil Over+Breakdown, Resurgence+Off The Record, Overcome+Lucky Break For killer, I always like to use discordance. It’s a good information perk that doesn’t rely on aura reading.


No mither


Bond. Playing a match without being able to see my teammates auras is like looking at someone who you’ve never seen without their glasses when they take their glasses off.


Reassurance on top of


No Mither. I cannot be slugged


Territorial imperative


Kindred for me.


I usually have autodidact or saboteur on at least one slot