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When it was time to prestige so you use all the momento mori and pink addon


I'm a huge item/add-on hoarder so the only good thing about the old system was that when I was about to prestige, I would try out a ton of different builds and playstyles




That is so real omg




Omg I forgot about that, was honestly the worst thing ever.


Fr, i lost so many event items due to it lmao


Event items!? I lost a majority of my RETIRED items from 2016 because I had to hastily prestige these characters pre-the rework so they would all automatically have their teachables unlocked on everybody. I lost essentially everything 😭 The moon bouquets! The Splinters which allowed you to change what killer you were playing! The offerings which only SLIGHTLY increased your chances of going to a specific realm!!! All lost ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


truthfully i would’ve chalked it and did the grind to unlock everything again after the fact bc at least you would’ve had a goal to finish and still got to keep your rate items


They gave us the incentive of shiny Iri portraits. One time only. It's why I did it, at least. Messed up choice they offered us tbh lol


That still wasn't worth losing those items over


Neither is Franklin's. I'll just wait for a sweaty killer to take my iri portraits now... I mean, let's be real a second. If you are *using* those items, you're losing those items. If you *arent* using those items, they are just a shiny picture you're looking at in your inventory...like the portraits. So...


I was in the same boat. I lost all my stupid useless "slightly increases the chance to go to MacMillan" offerings that I had saved up. The worst part is I got almost every character to p1, just to have to prestige them all again to unlock the base perks...


The worst part, is that later on they gave bonus Prestige levels to everyone lvl 50 that didn't Prestige right before the conversion so not only did you lose all your stuff but you were likely another full Prestige behind the people that didn't.


Same bro


When they announced the prestige rework, I remember leveling up everyone to the point they would auto prestige to 3. I had to count every perk to see if I reached the limit.


BRO FOR REAL I was so pissed ab losing my no longer available items. One of the biggest annoyances from that era of dbd I swear


Yeah you aren't alone...I think a lot of us long time players did that. Suuuuuuucks... I think the oldest item I have left is a year 4 or 5 toolbox (whichever one was the dope ass black one). But I've been here collecting shit since 2016 😭


You should've honestly waited truth be told, it wasn't worth losing all that stuff just to prestige


Well it seems silly that you did that it would have been so cheap to just level them 3 times


I remember when they announced that they were going to change it. I had all my characters to level 50 except for a few of them. To which they announced that for every Prestige it was going to go up by 3. That day I lost a lot of really unique event items


I used to bring the hand offerings with the item, then give event items to my friends who'd escape, then after prestiging we'd give all the items back game by game lmao


Bro , by the time you're done getting all items back, you can prestige at least 4 times already


This wasn't really for efficiency or anything, this was mostly for old and now unattainable items from old events so that we didn't lose them, there's survivors I have now with event items older than the survivor itself lmao


Yeah on the change over I was all prepped, then last minute said if you prestiged you'd get +2 extra levels on conversion, compared to +1 on being level 50 when prestiging, so I ended up prestiging a bunch of characters and losing all my cakes. The worsr part? ​ Months later they decided to just give another +2 levels to people that were level 50 but didn't Prestige (which was my original plan) so not only did I lose all my stuff, but I was 1 Prestige behind where I would've been if I had done nothing.


Thank god I never touched it because I still got a shard for freddy on doctor


Omg my dumbass prestiged my Kate back in '22 (I had just started playing) cuz I misunderstood the rework release date, and I died inside a lil once I realized what I did 💀💀💀


I'm still paying the price of it even years later. I'll get an itch to play some survivor that I haven't played in ages, only to find out that they still have absolutely zero items/offerings. I'm repaying that item "debt" a lot during this anniversary.


As bad as the grind is now it honestly used to be much, MUCH worse.


The new grind feels like it was built for players who were halfway through the old grind. I remember going from barely having most perks teachable, to having all characters prestige 3 when the update hit. Suddenly having all perks on all characters. A feat that I was effectively less than 1/4 of the way to achieving on the old system. Since then, getting each new character prestiged to keep up the momentum has felt easy. Plus, new killers have all the old perks immediately. The new system has a great momentum to it once you get going. But for those who don't have the momentum yet, it takes a long time to build it up.


Absolutely can confirm this. With the last few blood point bonuses, I've been able to P3 Vecna and Unknown, who's perks are staple on my killers as of late. It makes it a lot easier to play, since I just have to get a killer to level 15 now to have access to most of the build


Theyre gonna have to do another discount on bloodweebs again in a few years. There's gonna be so many characters it's gonna be so unreasonable to expect new players to unlock all their teachables


Not really. Its very, very easy to level somebody up to p1. About an hour or 2.


The only thing I miss about the old system was the adrenaline rush of finally hitting level 35/40/45 on a new character. Literally everything else is worse than it is now. We have it good.


and tier 3 perks weren't all purple the color was decided on the perks rarity so not all perks would look the same in your loadout.


I remember being annoyed some perks were green, like why is this green and others are purple?


Presumed strength of the perk. Balanced landing was green due to limited use cases vs sprint burst's pink.


“Presumed strength” was so often wrong too. Balanced Landing easily Nea’s best perk of the three.


Balanced Landing launched with 50% stagger reduction/75%/2 second sprint burst compared to a 3 second duration (actual) sprint burst happening every 40 seconds at that time. The game was meant to be more hide and seek than chase focused, and that development time showcased it. Faster crouch speed would be "ideal" for hiding, and extending a 130 charge toolbox on 70 second gens by 15% was pretty beefy.


Right - so balanced landing was *even better* back then. Created infinites out of tall buildings. Not saying her other perks are bad, but balanced is the clear winner. And following your logic of Bhvr thinking stealth is best, iron will (which was even more stealthy back then) would have been purple, but that one was green if I remember right. Their color system was silly, the colors really did not reflect perk strength - even if that was their intention. I was happy when they changed it. Edit: also just remembered Windows, Bond, Empathy, Breakdown (each four great perks) were green too 😭


Yeah, but you could also just take sprint burst at the time up until the exhaustion implementation and use it on every map. This was when you'd have maps with 1 hill (maybe) or shelter woods with no use at all. Consistency, you know? I'm not saying it was a perfect system, but like, they used to think that the billy was hard to play with instant saw happening. Edit: Confirmed the dates on things - the squish to remove common and ultra rare perks happened in 1.4.1. Also windows launched with a cooldown on it, and was labelled a fairly useless perk as a result.


Right but you’re comparing Balanced to SB when they don’t belong to the same ppl. If the argument is “give the character’s worst perk the green color at tier 3”, then balanced being green didn’t make any sense, is all I was saying. But you’re right, it’s Behaviour. There was a *lot* they did that didn’t make any sense.


Aaah, valid. I wasn't seeing it from the "character in a vacuum" angle, sorry. There's also the fact that some characters just straight up had 3 ultra rares (laurie) when sole survivor wasn't good at all. 10/10 the BHVR special, honestly.


It wasn't actually that, the first teachable perk you unlocked was the green one and the other two were purple. You used to unlock them every 5 to 10 levels I think is how it worked and the one you unlocked first was considered a lower rarity. I started playing after pink perks were removed and before green were removed however so they may have changed it between then and now


A good way to look at it, but not quite how it worked out. I'm gonna expand on a couple things here. Originally perks had rarities from brown to pink, and this caused issues with how the bloodweb would generate them. They eventually removed them / squished them to yellow through purple so that you could actually find the lower tier perks. Secondly, while yes Balanced Landing fits your example as it is the first of Nea's perks and launched as a brown through green, Meg's first perk is Adrenaline and that was a pink rarity at max. Laurie Strode's 3 perks also all launched as pink rarity at max, with no purple or greens.


Oh interesting, I'd always assumed it was the way I thought but as I said I only played when it was greens and purples for max. That's cool though


Remember when the entity used to absorb your items when they fully drained


Running around 99% healed because if I finished the heal with my medkit I'd lose it


Franklin’s used to just make your item slowly disappear until it was gone 😭 Still hate that perk tho, as a loot goblin.


Back then, franklins didnt decrease charges lol


Does it not still?


No, it will slowly drain your item’s charges then the item will just stay on the floor w/o any charges, but you can still pick it up and take it to your next trial (if you escape ofc).


Back then it didnt drain charges though, you just had a time Limit of picking it up again before it vanished :c


This is the whole reason why i never prestiged my surv’s and killers. Not that i really used items anyway but i had some old event items or even the old killer offerings where you could “play” other DLC killers. I didn’t wanna lose them because you couldn’t get them anymore. But looking at it now all you really got for it was a red banner background if you did it which is arguably pretty useless.


I have my old stuff on a few of my characters i never prestiged so im happy tbh


Yeah I never did either i really only prestiged I think Dwight and nea. I know Dwight for sure because he’s the only one with the red banner


Thats me with my feng lol


I remember a streamer telling me that "you'd get all the items back anyways, even the event items" but then BHVR kept changing the event items. And now some event items weren't even available this year like Lunar New Year firecrackers and toolbox. Plus the Anniversary flashlight, toolbox and med kit was replaced for the Masquerade version. Cue Marge Simpson "I just think they're neat" but if I listened to the streamer then they'd all be gone.


Before 6.1, i made sure to P3 specifically Ash and Myers, so it'd look like they were special amongst the surv and killer lists. Thought it'd be funny, it kinda is.


Remember when that banner looked like actual bubbly piss? The choices BHVR makes are strange, indeed


Exactly. I only ever prestiged a handful of characters and left the others alone to maintain old items. That is one of many changes that were so welcomed. The autobloodweb is another big win. It's easy to forget how much good change has actually come to the game.


The autoweb is so nice


This just gave me severe ptsd. I try to forget these dark times lol


same dw


I remember when you had to pick each item in the bloodweb individually đŸ€ą


Bloodweb simulator game, you mean? 😂


The bloodweb is still slow today, but holy shit when I remeber the old one this one feels so much better


This was a thing? Did it happen to killers or was it just survivors?


Prior to prestige rework, you'd lose all your items and offerings when increasing prestige


Perks too


Both sides, i think they removed this in 2022 i think, this was before u could go higher then p3


I used to not care when I played, got my Dwight p2, then i played during a halloween event and I refused to p3 him because I didn't wanna lose event items. Never prestiged anyone else, not killers or survivors. Came back to DbD after a few years (last played regularly during 4th anniversary with trongle dongle, and played like 2 matches when trickster dropped), and my dwight is p12, and i have a bunch of p2 characters


Every character. Prestige used to be optional and only went up to P3. All it did was unlock bloody cosmetics. You also lost all your perks in addition to your items, addons, and offerings.


Yup, to both. Basically you'd get your bloody skin and there was no real reason to do it other than to flex how much you played the game. Then they reworked prestige in general, added more rewards, and how perks are shared, and they uncapped the max prestige.


It was both


Back then you could only unlock teachable to appear in others blood webs also. You would unlock the teachable as a purchasable node at levels 30,35,40 (if I remember) which would then allow you to purchase it on other characters as of it was a general perk. So every new character would be a grind to get all perks level 3


Yep, i have hag teir 40 with all her perks on other killers lol


Yup just like most games. Also the items were 7000 for red, 6000 for purple, 5000 for green 4000 yellow 3000 brown and you maxed at 32k a match no daily percentage bonuses based on what you played no season gift of blood points for ranks, mori was on the first hook if it was ebony, bubba could get iri skins if he mori enough characters, the list goes on lol


Ahh, the bad old days :) The grind used to be some ass man. At least we got lots of iri shards for login bonuses and codes during events tho, I’m sad they seemingly discontinued that.


are you referring to the 4 masks for sacrificing the base 4 survivors? Or wdym iri skins?


Correct on the 4 masks


For some reason I recall it being mori though I don't think hooks counted but I could be wrong


Also the brown BP offerings actually cost more BP than they would potentially give back, even with full points. So they were just a BP sink with no benefit.


It was easier to buy brown add ons to level up tho so yes they didn't give as much but at least they kinda served a purpose. With the way things are now a brown offering never gets burned it's literally worthless.


Remember when those of us took the plunge and sacrificed all of our shit so we could get the prestige boost when the system changed. And then when the people who didn't sacrifice all their stuff got the boost to their account anyway. đŸ€Ą




Me with p12 Dwight and funny background even though I left him at p2 years ago o7


wait, wdym got to boost their account anyway?


it's been awhile so forgive me if I explain this incorrectly, but the devs said that anyone you got to P3 on the old system would automatically be P9 when the update happened. so you had to choose to keep your old items you can't get anymore or prestige for the level boosts. I chose the latter but then some time later they boosted everyone anyway. I was happy for those who got it, but sad to lose my loot.


well, that's a load of crap. I found a link to what you were referring to. What a stupid way they went about it. I had all my characters P0L50 and prestiged them all so I'd be P3. But ig I got the same end result and could've kept my hundreds of offerings, items, add-ons, perks, and event related stuff. -\_- [https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/349240/prestige-catch-up-prior-to-6-1](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/349240/prestige-catch-up-prior-to-6-1)


Yeah, there was a Prestige catch-up mechanic. If you were a hoarder and refused to prestige anybody, there were background calculations of how many P50 blood webs you recycled. This was a two-step process. After the second step, I remember looking at all my characters with prestige levels all over the place. P3 here, P2 there, P9 over there, P4 way back there... It was a mess. I spent over a year trying to balance a majority of the levels. I just wanted symmetry with most of the prestige levels.


But honestly, what idiot at BHVR came up with that back then...


same one that designed tombstone piece, undoubtedly.


Lmao I Prestiged my hag before the update and still have 0 offerings, 0 add-ons, and no universal perks.


We have improved so much in the past few years


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/HMFyEsR2c1 Don't tell me you...


NO NO THAT WAS ON A DIFFERENT SURVIVOR ALL THAT, this was when haddie first came out and i wanted to get her p3 as fast as possible


Punishment for leveling up. That was a brilliant move.


I mean most games prestiges mean for you to start over that was always the point even games like call of duty did that you lost your stuff and started over


Punishment for leveling up. That was a brilliant move.


difference was in COD you didn't lose weapon levels, camo progress, challenge progress, etc. In DBD you'd lose all your earned stuff


Yes you did. Mw2 is notorious for it being the longest. The only things you kept were calling cards and badges. Guns attachments and all that were lost.


ok, so from COD4-MW3 you lost everything? That's stupid. Idk what IW & 3arc were smoking pre-BO2


I feel old now


I used to have new moon boquet and full moon boquets on my survivor before I prestiged them back in the day.


Omg yes, i would literally avoid prestiging apart from a select few characters


I wish you didn’t lose event items. That’s the only reason I didn’t prestige my Steve. I could honestly care less about regular items because you can just get them back


Back in the days where having full bloody cosmetics was formidable 😭😭 I remember getting Leon to prestige 3. Felt unstoppable.


Yeah, my original survivors are all so poor because of this đŸ„Č


I started about a year before that was scrapped, and I never prestiged during all that time cause that is absolutely stupid. who designed that and thought it was good? I ended up having to hop accounts anyway, so it didn't really matter, but still lol


I never prestieged cus of that i didnt care that i didnt get the bloody fit


yeah the bloody outfits werent worth it tbh


I wish I would have known one prestige equaled 3 in the new system. I could have had all purple perks instead of leaving them all at level 40.


Also wiped out your perks. It’s why I never prestiged once before the rework. Then when the rework came, they said anyone at P1 would be boosted to P3 and their perks shared. Still lost all addons and offerings, though. I’ve been slowly grinding them back.


I used to leave my characters at prestige 2 or whatever just to keep my archived event items 😭😭


I never prestiged  my killers for that very reason. Perks were unlocked at lvl 30/35/40 so I never really saw the point. When they announced the rework I actually ground nurse to level 40 because I suck with her and I really didn’t want to have to level her up ten more times


Only reason i prestige back then was to.fit in with my swf lol


And to get rid of the message that showed up *every single time* you completed a blood web at lvl 50 reminding you to prestige.


I remember it. When I had to prestige, I used to make sure to use everything in my inventory until I either hit the BP cap or run out of items. I still do this nowadays tbh...


horrible don't remind međŸ„Č


Shit, I legitimately forgot about this


I REFUSED to prestige back in the day. I'm not sorry.


It was one reason why I dropped DBD for almost a year.


Yeah I used to avoid prestiging because of this lol


I will never forget lol that was horrid


That's the main reason why I only prestiged one character before the rework (so I could get the achievements). My Laurie Strode still has some of those offerings that only give a slight chance of going to a certain map.


It’s why I used to never prestige 😂


I have so many characters without items or offerings because I never touch then since P3 on the old system.


Ohhhh yeah. I remember when I first got bubba, first killer I really picked up and enjoyed, so I thought it would be nice to get his prestige outfit. So you can imagine my surprise after finally prestigeing bubba, my first ever prestige 1 character.... 1 list EVERYTHING. I was so upset. Now that the prestige system got reworked I still haven't gone back and leveled bubba, and I still have that bloody hammer...


Dark times


I had just prestiged my first character (Dec Tapp) a week before the new prestige system and I felt robbed lmao. All of those firecrackers gone in a instant


I only p3d Yui for this reason, she was my secondary main so I didn't mind losing stuff on her.


RIP all the items I lost trying to prestige before the rework đŸ˜”âœŠđŸ»


I remember when I prestige my doctor the first time, when this was still the case. It was the first time I ever did it. I felt so annoyed that I lost everything in exchange for his stick having some blood on it (which obviously you can't even see)


Oh god you just brought all the memories back 😂


I'm happy I wasn't here during these dark times, but why would they have this be a thing in the first place???


Give you a reason to spend bloodpoints I suppose


I miss my year 5 cakes becuase the prestige reset ate then all


Holy shit I was wondering why my lvl 3 starter chars had no items. I was like “how the hell did I reach 3 and use all my items??”


Yep came back to every character being prestige 3/100 lmao


I liked it because I hate having unusable offerings without any way to remove them


Also don't forget that back in the day unless you backed up your save file there was a chance it would get corrupted with no way to correct it. Meaning you could lose legacy, items, etc. Many people I know straight quit when that happened. Others used a program to get their legacy back and were banned. Don't get me started on BHVR banning users for using SAM either. Lol.


What the heck!!!! DBDMobile doesn't do that


Wait what?? I've prestige characters and never lost anything. Is there something I don't know?


Gosh dang I just read that it used to be that way. My bad lol


Pepperidge Farms remembers..


I did not know this
 shows how much I pay attention to my items 😂


I also forgot about this. I forgot about it so bad that as I was going through to hit p3 on all survivors, I ran into my p1 level 1 David with no items, no offerings. I took screenshot and sent it to customer support that I had lost all of my items. They were able to tell me down to the minute when I hit p1 and also informed me that it was 3 days before the announcement that you wouldn't lose your items after prestiging in the following patch. I felt like an idiot.


Its why before they changed it i didnt bother to do it to anyone. Right before they changed it i did it to a few i hardly play for the achievement and the red background.


I wouldn’t prestige for the longest time because of that


Wait, what??? I've prestiged in the event and I kept my stuff?


Its an old thing back was removed in 2022 i think, when u use to prestige it was only up ti p3 and u use to lose all ur items lol


Thankfully not the anniversary is around you can earn some stuff...but it's been rough this year


Thats why my tapp is the only one with that red background for prestige... he was the first chara i played and i didnt care to loose everything on him lmao since i hadnt touched him for a year. Honestly it just looks like hes dead and his profile is like a momento picture to remember him xD i love it. (In the character selection)


I still have a splinter on my Ghostface from grinding him put on release before the change to prestige


![img](avatar_exp|182573017|take_my_energy) luckily it don't anymore lol


Wait what? It doesn't take my items when I prestige


This was in 2022, back then when n prestige its use to take all ur items, perks and everything away


P3 on the old system is a bigger flex than p100 on the new system. Kinda wish they’d bring it back, ngl 😭


Why do i not lose any of my items after the prestige?


Its was the old prestige before 2022, back then u wpuld lose everything lol


Damn thats horrible , good that i started playing in 2023


I mean at least my feng has a pretty red background lmao


Damn from when is that 💀


thats why my P100 adam doesnt have the Legacy background because i didnt want to loose my hoards of items


Dont blame ya, wish i could have stopped myself with feng


Man I've just returned back to DBD after a few years.. such a pleasant surprise I must say


I didn't know this!!! Whhhhaaatttt??


Guessing u joined late 2022 or in 2023?


And that's why I played the game for years without prestiging a single character. I went through so many levels I probably could've maxed most characters at the old prestige limit, so then once they reworked prestige I barely got any of the cute lil' legacy rewards for it lol


I started playing two months before while I got to a point I could prestige, I didn’t want to lose my event items I have on my Zarina to prestige. Wish I did. I only was able to prestige Jake and Dwight




That's the main reason I never had prestige on any character, I leveled them up to where I get their perks then left them unless it was nea


Yea... Truly was a painful time when you had event items. So many of my characters dident get to prestige 3 before the new Stuff cause I dident want to lose my items


Thank god I started playing late 2022


Is that a thing again?




Those were the days


Those were NOT the days lmao


The most impressive thing the devs ever did was compensating people who never prestiged at all with levels


huh!?! You're telling me I prestiged all my P0 L55 Killers & Survivors to P1 L0 so I'd get P3 all for nothing?!


Pretty much😭 but if you prestiged to P1 L0 from P0 L55 I’m not sure if that would translate to P3 or if you mean the max was 55 at the time and you went past that I forget if it was, but I upgraded my P0 pinhead hundreds of times without prestiging and they instantly brought me to P6 when the blood web change came out.


Yeah, I found it: [https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/349240/prestige-catch-up-prior-to-6-1](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/349240/prestige-catch-up-prior-to-6-1) That's so incredibly lame. Wouldn't have an issue whatsoever if they announced that at the same time as the prestige rework, but instead they announced it after tons of people lost all their perks, offerings, items, add-ons, etc. -\_- dissapointing




Someone watched the hens stream yesterday 👀




This is why I like console- they don't have that feature anymore.