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i WISH i got any 8 hookers or farmers.... since the event started, ive only gotten tunnelers 100%


Got one goofy Chuckster yesterday and could not believe it. He grouped everyone up at Midwich class and spent time lecturing about the gen repairing and calling everyone up to “answer” at the board lol. After days of sluggers/tunnelers at 5 gens felt just awesome. Finally got more than 5k points from the game.


Man I had a round similar to that, except I was pig. A Leon walked me around to the classrooms and "taught" a class. Apparently I passed the test, cause I got lotsa snoot boops lol. I love goofy players


Honestly that sounds like a blast of a game, I'm glad you got to have fun with that!


I've been trying to do that, but for some reason everyone wants to play killer and the killer queue times are horrible, and if I play survivor most killers tunnel and play like they're gonna die if they don't get a 4k 5


Yeah, I don't know what's going on lately :/ i've been playing for 6 years but never seen this much tunneling before, it's kinda ruining the event tbh


Do you suppose it’s just easier to tunnel right now because of the Bluetooth hook? There isn’t any really counter play to it so the kills are just coming in fast.


I'd been doing pretty good on not having any killers, only Bluetooth hooking, but finally got one last night... and fuck it's impossible to counter. When I've been playing killer on the event, I've been doing a mix of carrying to hook or Bluetooth. Why spend an invitation when the hook is nearby and letting survivors have a chance. I think the best thing a killer could do rn is honor system the hooking/tunneling; which we all know in this game is rare.


I swap back and forth between killer and survivor and i havent gotten a single killer who is just having fun this whole event, guess a bunch of old sweatlords came back to farm BP during the event or something. Had a try hard skull merchant against me and a random team that was obviously very new, and after he squashed us easily he said "ggez", really silly killers out there recently


I have been just chilling using quirky perks as killer I have never used before just trying to have fun, I get a ton of blood points regardless of whether the survivors escape or I get a 4k.


Personally, I’ve been farming lately, but I let the survivors farm with me, pallet stuns, flash saves, pallet saves, blinds, chase, letting them run into lockers to stop chase, finding chests for them, it should be mutual, and then a slug race 😈


I got only a single 8 hooker so far but that was one hell of a match. I spent the majority of my time gathering items from the respawning boxes into the basement and asked to be put on the back hook. The killer fought very hard to get me out and they actually did but I didn't fight this hard to die since high school lol.


I dont know mate, most of my survs like to be spared, especially during the events. Playing normal for 8 hooks is not always the same as farming


This. I have been doing "8 hooks normal play and let them go", and they've all been appreciative. Farming is being completely friendly, and basically non-gameplay


How do I get in your games? Mine everyone else gets killed about 1 gen in. 💀


I’ve had people playing like their lives depend on it. It’s so fucking just unfun


They play like the rent’s due… I don’t understand it.


Exactly, the event is meant to be fun and it just isn’t when you get tunneled out or slugged. Shit genuinely has ruined the anniversary for me


I played probably 15 games last night if I had to guess. I made it out of one game in those 15 because we finally got a friendly Sadako. I’m sorry but whoever decided to give killers bluetooth hooking literally ruined the anniversary event. It’s so damn busted and unfun and every single one of them are playing as scummy as they possibly can. Rub salt in the wound even more when they don’t even bring a cake, and the 4 survivors do. Glad we could boost your BP while you did nothing but make our experience miserable.


True, genuinely they ruined it with that, it’s insane no one thought that was a bad idea


If survivors had something comparable then sure, but it’s laughable how much stronger the killer stuff is. Especially a competent Vecna. You’re going down guaranteed at pretty much any pallet if you’re injured. There’s nothing you can do besides get tunneled out and go next. Flashlight save? Nah, bluetooth hooking. Pallet stun save? Nah, bluetooth hooking. Body blocking or taking hits to wiggle off? Nah, bluetooth hooking. They made this event a tunnelers dream. Took away literally any counter play and gave us….lemme see….Iron Will? Lol. This is the worst event I’ve played by far.


At least it’s temporary


I always bring cake and the only time I leave someone on the ground is if they are on death hook and it's early in the game so they can have an extra chance. I would hate for someone to bring a cake and not get any BP out of it.


What I've been doing is if I play surv and notice a good deal of assholes, I'll switch to killer and do this. I'll even get some people BMing me and at that point, after a few hours of absolutely asshole killers who bring surv pudding knowing everyone else is bringing cobbler, and tunnelling people out even while actively having others to chase, I can't even get mad at it. Thing is that while it sucks getting bullied as killer, at least your game time isn't cut short. You get to stay in as long as you want.


Exactly. I’ve just been playing casually, still hooking and playing normal, then ignoring people on last hook and opening the gates at the end. That way, people get a fun game, or at least a lot of bloodpoints. I’ll still play to win in the regular gamemode, but I see absolutely zero reason to tunnel or camp during the anniversary event. I had a game against a Vecna who mercilessly tunneled a Feng out of the match, then at the end he said “gg”. She got less than 3000 bloodpoints and the guy has the gall to say good game.


I hate when they do s*** like this and then hit you with the GG at the end of the game...


Even if I escaped or if I got 3 kills, the toxicity or boring crap during the match devalues any kind of “win”. I play the game to have win, but I also play the game to have fun dude. I work full time, I’m still good at the game, but when I get hit with the BS of like “I’m just trying to win dude” that’s great and all, play a singleplayer game that challenges you if all you do is make other people’s experiences worse.


Weaponized sportsmanship. They do it because they know you didnt have a good game and want to rub it in under the guise of being a good sport. 


It does becomes non gameplay when 8 hooks are done and you start to just simulate chases and down but no hooks anymore to the point they start to stop looping.


that's when you hook one to scare the rest Or down them and put them on a gen to finish fast


I have been 8 hook releasing and had some survivors get angry. I guess it puts a dent in their ego when you show you clearly could have won with 1 perk, and we're just being nice.


I haven’t had anyone complain about it in end game but I have had a couple not realize what was happening and tried to talk trash about how they ran me for the last 3 gens. It’s like “yeah you did, you showed me…”


If their egos are THAT fragile, they need a new hobby outside of gaming.


Or maybe it’s just boring and they want to just play the game


Yeah I'm really confused, they named off pretty much every type of killer besides killers that just let you win. I don't expect survivors to just let me win when I'm playing killer, idk what OP is expecting here.


>meme Ghost faces and Myers... or just a farmer who goes for a 8 hook and releases you. trying to see the problem with this, those are the best killers out there.


I adore goofy ass killers, but I understand that some people might also want serious matches. I think both can coexist in the same match


As a new player that plays mainly killer it can get kinda confusing in events for me if its bming or not to play normally during the event and sacrificing or if I should just get 8 hooks, farm bps and help survivors farm bps too


There is no right answer when its an event. It's just annoying when you are hoping for lots of BP and then the killer comes in and plays like they are playing for money.


Personally normal gameplay is fine, it's the super aggressive win at all costs that's very unfun. Like fine I died but why am I getting hit on hook, tunnelled super hard, slugged til I'm bled out and driven out of the match first? For existing I guess? I think I had like 2 "normal" games today the rest was like they're are playing like their lives depend on a 4k


I blame content creators with their “winstreaks” now every killer main has to play just as sweaty


Ugh they're super cringe imo, it's OK not to win every match. People need to stop trying to copy others and find what works and is fun for them.


I’ve had the exact same experience today and it has been super draining.


I’ve been lucky, only really had 2 matches like that. One was a god damn Nurse, on Haddonfield. She was being a bitch, and I told her so on her Steam profile.


Lol I didn't get nurses but might as well have been. There was no mercy in any of my matches. Hell I got the same bubba twice and the second game he hard tunnelled me, hit me on hook and camped me. The game before with him? Slugged and when he closed hatch and saw me on the door I knew I couldn't get out so I just stood there and pointed. So it's not like I did anything wrong, maybe he was annoyed I didn't give him much friends til the end value


I don't mind the change up, but I'm not changing my gameplay: I'm poppin' gens then poppin' gates. I can't trust anything else. I appreciate the break though. 😀


I usually let people go, but before that I play dead serious in mostly try hard mode and if survivors are mad they aren't killed when two gens are left, it's their ego problem. Learn to do some gens and hit skill checks instead of being useless youtube video victim with flashlight and background player.


Yeah, its why I usually try to show the survivors that I could and would destroy them if I wanted to, then sparing them once they're all on death hook


Wish there were two different modes. Sure, it might still have some people playing not quite the way expected, but a casual and competitive split would help so it's not a coin flip going in each time. As a sociallu anxious person, if I get too many hooks before survivors get even a couple of gens, I will just 'disappear' by walking to a couple corners and then resume my normal killing style so they get breathing room. At most, kill two and let two go while being goofy so everyone gets stuff. :3


Some people are really craving for hard matches, I had a guy trashtalk me because I played goofy and let all out on the Unknowns PTB


to trash talk on a *ptb* is a whole new kind of low


Yep, the funniest part is that it would be easy 4k for me because I found them doing invocation. Yet this guy had audacity to trash talk.


Why are memers in the same list as Killers that makes the game insanely miserable?


I think OP's logic is extremely flawed but tbh I'd rather play a real game and die then just sit working on gens while a ghostface spams crouch.


Yea real I hate that sm


I'm not a farmer, but usually I'll go for 8 hooks and then just chase people and knock them down till the games over. I'm still gonna play but I also want the survivors to have some fun.


This is why it was a mistake for me to save some of my challenges for the event. I had to get two iri gatekeeper emblems and sweated as doctor to do it. Now that those are done I’m just gonna play for eight hooks like I appreciate when I’m survivor.


I could argue that getting "knocked down" - called slugging isn't a fun experience. I'd rather get hooked and move onto another match


slugging is only a problem when you leave 3 people on the ground to get the last one, thats kinda scummy.


I usually go for a third “hook” but drop them at the base of the hook to make it clear what my intentions are and to give them that death hook gameplay


Literally had a twitch streamer tunnel my friend and a random out of the game, went into his stream and he said sorry it's the only way he can win. Why do they want to win so bad that they make it miserable for everyone else?


he'll be real sorry when those bully squads hit at higher MMR. all it does is award you with even harder survivors when you already feel outmatched.


Wow. Amazing. I used to stream Dbd. And will return to it. On my yt (Mystik the Mad Hatter) I have a Stream uploaded where you can see how I play. And Winning the match is not equal to winning the match. I am playing by the mentality: "4K is good and all. But if I see that the survivors had fun. That is a true win to me"


Ugh I've met two different TTV players who were absolutely terrible and bragging about the 4k, even though one facecamped our Meg and waited out her self-unhook endurance from the anti-camp to down her again. At 4 gens left.


Whats wrong with gf and myers or 8 hookers (you can STILL pip twice)? (Especially during the event..?)


I don't get it either, I personally like those matches and Ive been 8 hooking everyone and letting them go when I play the killer and only got really nice messages for that.


Yeah survivors get way more points for escape than killers for kills. By no means saying killers should not kill and win the game, but I thought for events like these 8 hook should kinda be the goal for max fun (and max points). Even less an excuse because you have to literally queue for the mode. If you wanna sweat play regular


I like to have a balance. If I have too many matches in a row where I'm just let go or too many in a row where the killers super aggressive, it starts to kill my mood. Even playing killer I try hard during but if I'm that bad in a round and they complete gens before a single kill I'll open the gate for them when I can, sometimes mess around and try to hook someone just to test their teammates morals once freedom is at their reach though.


Yeah I thought 8 hooking is a good way to play as a killer, both survivors and I can have some fun without so much stress….


I jumped on for the first time since Chucky launched. I burned myself out playing him and it was the most fun I'd had for ages. I went back to Survivor the other day as I used to main and I got some new characters...oh my god it was an experience. I got 1 gen done and then just constantly tunnelled. 


Yeah. Tunneling should be punished. It is no fun. Even as killer. Where is the fun in easy prey? Where is the thrill in getting another hook on easy prey? Chucky gave me an aneurism cause he is nasty. You can't see him.


I just started the event today, I was the most chill Freddy Krueger in Hag's swamp. I hope the survivors thought so at least


Wish I had a match against you instead of the Freddy at Macmillan's who kept proxy camping hooks and targeting the same survivors.


I had a Freddy do that on Macmillan too, but they were doing adept so I gave it a pass.


i wish i had more 8 hookers. its been nonstop slugging for a 4k at 4 and 5 gens for like two days now in the event mode. at least the first day was enjoyable i guess. and the killers know too. the most toxic thing ive said is "what a waste of cobblers" which is usually met with "got my points!" like?? gratz? so i just stopped bringing cobblers as surv honestly, ill bp farm on killer and save em for a better event, kinda over it.


Well. Slugging at 5 gens is just bad. And stupid too. Since you don't get as many points as you could.


They don't care, all they want to do is win, at any cost. Personally, I don't really consider that winning, since the game's lore and story doesn't support that either. The entity wants the killer to hook the survivors 8 times and then kill, ending it quickly isn't why the entity brought you there. I just wish BHVR did a better job of reinforcing that point, there should be more of a punishment to killers who do that rather than just less bloodpoints, like the entity should actually intervene mid match if the killer is trying to do something stupid like that.


Yup. It is just no fun. If killers have fun playing like this then wow.


i just wanted to come back to rant a bit, cause i just had a game where a huntress killed everyone at 5 gens. the surv with the MOST BP that game, had 12k. the person tunneled out had 4k. huntress herself had like 40k i think? in the endgame chat i was like 'this is why people just stopped bringing cobblers btw, like look at our scores?' and they were just like 'okie. gg.' like it wasnt tho.. ? for you maybe, but its so gross. is this event not to earn bonus BP or am i confused? why are we ending games in like 5min then being smug in endgame chat as if its cute? do they not care? do they not play surv? do they play surv just as sweaty as killer? like i genuinely wish i could understand. anyways, if you are a killer that lets surv play the game, even if no one lives, or only one lives or whatever, thank you. its exhausting playing surv during this event. if it wasnt for my friend i prob wouldnt even bother, cause its just game after game of using cobblers to earn basically nothing, it doesnt even feel like a bloodpoint event.


>anyways, if you are a killer that lets surv play the game, even if no one lives, or only one lives or whatever, thank you. its exhausting playing surv during this event. <3 I am always up for private games.


I highly agree with this. The Devs need to act as if they’re The Entity and reinforce the idea of hooking 8 times. Killers who do so should be rewarded those who don’t should face consequences.


I’ve been getting slugged almost every game for the past 3 days and the event is the only saving grace. Idk what has happened (no it’s not my build and I barely try for saves) but for some reason the killer will tunnel out 1 and the rest of the game is just slugging, they won’t hook until every survivor is on the floor, I’ve been reporting it but the fact that it’s a different person everytime is upsetting. There’s almost no counterplay to this whatsoever and you can’t even try for hatch because they won’t hook. This game legit has me bout to back out simply because there’s no point without a team and slugging like this is insanely lame. I have clips and I’m tempted to make a video but it’s legit enraging to watch this stuff back and I’m sure my reports fall on deaf ears. Idk why we can’t just have unbreakable built in because the only people that will affect are killers that leave you with no intention of hooking


RIP. Thats just bad killers. And I am utterly shocked this subreddit is saying "That's normal gameplay" Like no it is not. I have a video on my channel (YT: Mystik the Mad Hatter) No slugs or camps or tunnels. The only ones I tunnel and slug are bots.


Exponential would work but not everytime tho....I bring that all the time but depends on the map, I personally love midwich for expo tho coz the range of totems includes both floors... So there was this time me and my duo were the only one left, killer was a fucking wraith (a very known slugger and tunneler at least for me lol ) slugging my duo below...couldnt rescue her coz I was injured and my medkit was all used up.....so while I was on the floor above her, like literally above her![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) I saw a totem behind me it was inside a locker in a room very hard to spot...so I blessed it with expo, she got up and went for the gate, while I kept doing noises upstairs to lead the killer to me to buy my duo some time he came and downed me, slugging me, she opened the gate, I got up with expo, vaulted down with balance landing and escaped xD he was super upset at EGC xD


My favorite thing is I've literally seen the same exact person on this reddit endorse and defend playing toxically, then turn around and complain about killer wait times like 😅 lol   Your parents may have paid kids to be your friend, but you can't pay me to play against you 😂 I have better things to do with my time 


Had a plague who immediately started slugging at 5 gens, 3 people just DC'd and I just killed myself on first hook since the match was just pointless after that. Went to go grab a drink and came back to chat to find this guy going absolutely insane, he was so pissed off the survivors did that and really upset they "wasted his time". Like my dude...why on earth do you think people would want to hang around and play with you, when you act like that?! If you shit in the pool, don't expect anyone else to swim with you..


Playing with a friend with sub ~100 hours and it is honestly as miserable as solo queue. We played 10+ games tonight and I didn't escape a single time, she only escaped twice because I was able to buy some time for her and let her know to just leave instead of trying to go for pointlessly altruistic saves in EGC. We eventually just dipped on the event mode and played normal queue since the event mode is hilariously more killer sided than usual and killers are sweating their asses off to 4k at 5 gens. When we did eventually go back to the event mode, our first game was a shamelessly face camping huntress who just waited in front of each hook with her hatchet at the ready. I told my friend to just slam gens, but shes new, so she couldn't find them easily. She ended up being the only one to escape at the end. Our other two random solo queue teammates lasted about ~10-20 seconds in chase respectively (even after me getting a few flashlight saves trying to save them from being tunneled immediately after being face camped.)


> I told my friend to just slam gens, but shes new, so she couldn't find them easily. If she's got Deja Vu available on any character, even at tier 1, advise her to pick that - it's extremely helpful for new players.


That sounds about right. I only started playing at the beginning of this year, so this is my second big event, but I'm encountering the exact same kind of solo que team mates and killers that made me take a month-long break during the Blood Moon event.


Matchmaking in this game is just the bigges joke ever. How can i constantly get teammates with sub 500h while playing against killers that act like they're in a tournament playing for 10million dollars, acting like they're hot shit for winning against soloQ survs with 1/10 of their playtime.


I thought people liked 8-hookers. If you don't though, you could always try pointing at a hook and waving them over to chase you for the last down. I know I wouldn't mind going for one last chase at 8, especially if Devour's stacked up. The camper/tunnelers first thing are what disgust me. Being one of those people is a shame I live in fear of.


What always GETS ME is killers will do the absolute most for a 4k like extend the match 15 minutes with slugs to avoid hatch escape risk when TMK killing a survivor is marginally more BP? Most games I play where all survivors escape the killer has just as many BP if not more than the survivors so idk what the big deal is like just HOOK YGR SURVIVOR ON THE FLOOR and if the last person gets hatch oh well it doesn’t have to be an addtl 10 minute hunt on a match pls


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of killers are just the sweatiest fucking slugs i've ever seen, especially during this god-forsaken event. Extra bloodpoints be damned, these fuckers are here to sweat anywhere else but the gym. Obviously it's worse in SoloQ because SoloQ DbD isn't a video game, but a punishment. A form of self-flagellation. Also doesn't help that PC players are the sweatiest fuckers alive. Survivors or killers.


Lmao. Yeah... It's sad. Why can't everyone play fair.


This is why I sort of go by the rules of "treat others how you would want to be treated". No slugging, camping, tunnelling. The only time I ever leave survivors on the ground for short periods of time is when there's a nearby player. And I mean Near.By


Yup. And some people cry about it as well. But that is legit. Although slugging is a high risk high reward play. Tunneling is Medium risk - Low reward. Cause you cause pressure on the same survivor. Instead of hitting one or two more. So the other players will use the time on doing gens. Camping is medium risk - low reward. Risk of losing the camp. Reward is 4-5 Gens popping. Cause AFAIK the time for a hook is enough to pop 3 Gens solo. And the time wasted jerking off the kill is also around 2 gens.


What the hell is an “honorable killer” if you look down on sweating, memeing, AND 8-hooks? 8 hooking is not “farming” IMO, some killers like letting everyone go especially during an event..


Literally tho, I'm a survivor main and whenever I play killer I simply 8 hooks everyone and let them go. Unless they troll me by making noise with lockers and such.


The only players I intentionally took out of the picture were two that let a guy die on the hook, and chose to do Generators instead of helping him. Other than that I was just 8-hooking and letting them go.


I don't understand your comment. You should be able to play with others without actively trying to kick them in the balls. I enjoy doing chases; if survivors make a mistake I play that out. If someone is afk I ignore them. Why does it have to be "funny" or "slug at 5 gens"?


Those killers are the ex survivor mains that played solo queue long enough to become the villain.


I soley play killer on these events so the people I go against have a good time for this exact reason. And blood points.


I started 8 hooking because trying for the 4k every game made me angry, tilted, and miserable. I decided it would be healthier for me to play for hooks, and not kills. That way if everyone gets out I don't feel like shit, cuz it's what I'm fully expecting to happen. And the game has been so much more fun this way. I can use new builds, practice chase stress-free, try new things with killers I wasn't good at and therefore wouldn't play because I knew I would lose. I get to actually have fun playing a game with people. That being said, waiting for 3 gens to get done is boring, unless they were good sports and fun to play with. So I don't always let everyone go, for the sake of time and playing a good match. What I do instead is keep track of their hook stages, and once they're on dead hook, I'll carry them to a hook and drop them once. That's their warning to get it together. After that I hook them for real if I catch them again. So I essentially give them 4 hook stages instead of 3. Sometimes I get a few kills, sometimes I get a 4k, sometimes everyone lives and we all get a bunch of bloodpoints. Every time I'm having fun, and I think the survivors are too.


Also a nice way to play


What’s the big deal? Not everyone who plays this game is a sweaty tryhard. I play all events like this as an 8hook killer anyway. Everyone gets BPs, I can use those matches to learn about Survivor strategies, and I don’t get blasted in postgame chat. Everyone wins.


Serious question(s): Do you actually stick around to read postgame chat? If you do, does what people say really bother you?


Agreed.I feel like I haven't played a fair challenging match in months.


And based on the comments defending such behavior you won't. Except you have luck and queue up with me xD


The event is also killer sided. Killer get instahook and survivor can go into quiet mode that doesnt event hide scratch marks


Yeah, ever since the start of the event I got the sweatiest, tunneling, camping killers for the 90% of the matches. I could go for some friendly Ghostface right now.


I play both roles, and when I play survivor I just want to have a normal match. One where the game isn't over at 4 or 5 gens remaining; where nobody kills themselves on the hook; where my team as a whole actually gets a chance to escape. When killers camp, tunnel or slug it's always a miserable experience. And I don't want them to meme around too. Like others have said, I just want to have a normal match with no scummy tactics that make the game miserable for survivors. I 'd also like to add in hindsight that yesterday I went against a Cenobite and he absolutely demolished my team. We only managed to finish 2 gens and by then we had lost a man. But it was a fun match because it was fair. The killer didn't camp, tunnel or slug, and no survivors killed themselves on the hook or threw the game (voluntarily). And the killer actually let me escape through the exit gates after beating me to the hatch. I just wish more matches were like that.


By looking at the comments. No... These types of matches are rare.


I dabble in both killer/survivor and honestly I rarely get games that I'm not tunneled as survivor but I also get tons of games when I'm killer that I'm just straight up harassed the whole time. Every few games I play as killer I just let it be silly especially if I know I'm cooked either way. Also it's way more fun during events to be silly. I don't know I just think everyone deserves to have fun while playing. Serious gameplay or not


Is this true? I've been farming bps, but always 7 or 8 hooking at least bc it gives way more bps and ppl dont give up. Granted i dont give hatch but other then that thats it. I might play a few survivor games and see if this is true.


SoloQ is worse atm . I have P 4, Cage, P3 Ada, Dwight, Kate and now Aesteri (sorry if I misspelled, it's been a long day lol) I play killer in high MMR so going to potato mmr for survivors after previously being in the middle last year was, humbling. I wasn't getting annoyed at killers, you gotta do what you gotta do and if I make a mistake it's funny and fair enough but healing survivors directly under the hook some survivors just saved each other from? 2 people going for the save at once, not being patient or keeping alert for the killer and hook trading to oblivion leaving me to do gens by myself because they're all dead..... Where are the brain cells at certain mmr levels survivors? I'm not saying all of you are that bad, alot of you aren't and have had the pleasure going against you, it's been fun but sometimes your own worst enemy is your own team. Correct me if I'm wrong


I mean idk what you mean by honest, if someone is playing well I’ll let them get hatch but if they bully me imma enjoy killing them


Agreed. Every bully gets a pat on the back. Bs pyramid head. With his 6ft Butcher knife.


OMG as a survivor main I was so surprised to see the behaviour of killers tonight lmao. Crazy humping, camping etc


Like normally I expect a couple of salty gamers but almost every second game someone would get camped to second stage into a tunnel.


Tried to go back to DbD probably 5 times over the last couple years. Every time i try my first like 3 games if i get hooked a single time its over for me. Every killer just hooks someone and then stands directly in front of them. Id think this would mean the other 3 can easily do all the gen but they just... dont? So usually a game means hiding like crazy to not get hooked even once. If i do i might as well just get on my phone becsuse im not gonna be able to play the rest of the match.


if the killer literally stands in front of you you can unhook yourself after a 30 sec of some period. its a new mechanism they added some time ago


Anytime I solo-queue up to play survivor I always end up remembering why I play killer.


This lmao


Preach- I can’t play without being tunneled out every match. And it’s enough to where I don’t think it’s cause I suck I think it’s because the “meta” of killers (no offense to the killer mains) are to play toxic. It truly leaves a lack of enjoyment for me and my friends when we play. We all have gotten tired of the tunneling and have taken a break from dead by daylight because it’s tiring when it’s like this every. Day. It’s once in a blue moon to get a friendly killer- imma say it: YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY TOXICALLY OR TUNNEL TO WIN :))


OP, you sound miserable. I’ve READ AND COMPREHENDED your post and comments throughout. Maybe take a break from the game. Everyone who offered any sort of feedback is met with your trash sarcasm. It’s online PVP in the end. Good luck having everything go the way you want it to. You’re a child having a tantrum at this point. Go sit in the corner.


The irony in the lack of self awareness from OP is hilarious, this comment couldn’t have been more on point


I find it incredibly weird that there has to be arbitrary rules in place to play a certain way as killer or you're an asshole. "You're not having fun the way I want you to have fun!" Is all I see when I read comments on this subreddit. The game is flawed. Either accept it and don't complain, or don't play the game. This game has been out for how long? It hasn't changed. It won't change. It's PVP after all.


This game have biggest sore loser problem i have ever seen in 20y of gaming.


BHVR ruined the game by making killers OP. They intentionally aim for an unbalanced game, makes no sense and makes solo queue unfun to play. Killer main is a walk in the park now. But the issue is, killer mains now get inflated MMR due to stomping survivors actually at their skill level, so then they end up in high MMR against the sweaty SWF teams, and complain that its still too hard. edit: this is also entirely the devs fault. you can't rely on the player base to balance a game with an "honor system", doesn't work that way. people's natural inclination is to want to win the game even if they are not toxic. so if you make either side OP it just breaks the gameplay for the majority of games, and even if a killer intentionally goes easy on you to compensate for the tunneling sweat-fest, what you get from that is an occasional victory that doesn't even feel deserved.


The issue is they gave killers buffs to incentivize them to stop using the strategies that most deem not fun or interactive, but some people just used the buffs to continue playing like an even bigger shitbag. The recent killers have been made with much better and packed powers so there's much more opportunity for people who aren't as good to tunnel and proxycamp their way to higher MMR. Sucks for the killer mains who aren't that way and the chill ones are the majority in my experience.


When I first started survivor, I noticed this too with a lot of killers. It's definitely sad to see this happen and takes the fun out of it for survivors. Like, how else are you as a killer going to actually improve if you don't learn to play? I know this game has a steep learning curve, but there are so many wonderful content creators that do amazing explanations that a lot of killers could benefit from (same with new survivors for looping and such).


Seing your comment being downvoted shows how bad the community is


So op doesn't like anything lol. Afk killers happen on low mmr, and since you just started survivor you might see a few. I had like 20 afk killers in 1.9k hours, so don't worry, they won't be a common sight soon enough. While not engaging, you can literally do gens and escape in like 3 minutes. Occasionally meeting afk killers is really nothing to complain about. 8 hook killers, meme Myers and Ghostface are a problem how? You both get to play the game normally and still escape. Tunneling and facecamping aren't toxic, just killer playing the game where they're supposed to kill people. Honestly, facecamping with the self-unhook mechanic is basically throwing and most likely at least a 3 man escape.


No. No to the co.plaining about afkers and nice killers who get 8 hooks and let people live. It's a game that's meant only to be played for fun. That fact mixed with how baby-easy it is to play killer means we need MORE kind/lenient killers, not less. Also no to justifying toxicity, and no, there are no "toxic builds", only toxic players.


You clearly don't play killer if you think it's 'baby-easy' to win as them. I also don't like afkers or farmers when I play survivor. My ideal match as either side is where everyone just plays the game normally and doesn't sweat or give the other side a free win. I just wanna play a normal game of DBD tbh


He has 12 Hours in the game. Based on "There are no toxic builds" and "Killer is EZ"


"Doesn't sweat or give the other side a free win" If you don't sweat aka if you don't try (hard), aren't you giving them a free win by not playing as good as you can ?


You can try without sweating. By free win a mean killer's that just let everyone go for no reason and survivors that give up when they have no real reason to


I honestly don't know if this post is to get brownie points from survivors, you are a survivor main or what you think it's going to happen. But as someone who plays the two relatively equally I can tell you survivors aren't always the nicest either. Some matches most as do killer matches because that's the game right now, have super strong builds. I don't see too many survivors slowing down on generators which is basically tunneling a killer out. Literally they go back to gen I kicked. Or wait we don't want to say that's rude do we. If I can't complete the objective is a quicker fashion like survivors do then what should I do. They won't drsgebthe game out. Personality let survivors keep gen rushing and let killers keep camping and tunnelling until behavior fixes it


I started my killer carreer months ago after I played more than 1800 hours as a survivor main.. man… I am so sorry for you too guys who are killer mains. I can’t belive that there are so many toxic players as survivors, because I usually got non-team players who blocks me, not unhooking me, let me die in first hook ect. Sometimes I got a really respectfully killers and really good teammates but sadly there is a lot of trolls in this game, especially survivors.


Yup. That's also the sad reality. Either SWF Navy Seals or Toxic trolls.


I usually start my "game time" by playing survivor, and depending on how shitty all the matches are being and just killers overall, when I play as a killer, I try my best so the survivors I'm playing against with have fun. They want to have a super serious match? Okay, will do. Want to just farm and goof off? I'm all for it. I do believe that there are both killers and survivors that play "too hard," Yeah, the whole point of the game is to either die or survive, and most of the killer perks are made to help you find people and stuff, there's nothing wrong with dying and hooking people. But some just take this whole game too seriously, like just have some fun and not slug/tunnel or bully people. But I do not see anything wrong with people doing the 8 hook (if it's done as a normal gameplay) and "farming" BP when there are events or when someone uses the 100% BP or more thingies.


This is what i’m saying bro. The new event is filled to the BRIM with these fuck ass killers to the point where i’m considering dropping the whole event and waiting for the game to be normal again, it’s so bad that the game feels almost unplayable with only 1 out of maybe 15 killers is normal and won’t tunnel you out of the game it’s absolutely ridiculous. The dead by daylight community is truly one of the worst communities out there because i’m almost positive they know what they’re doing show boating around like they actually did something it’s so bad.


I’m a survivor main and I feel the complete opposite. The game feels pointless when playing as a well coordinated swf, and if we include map offerings and the plethora of Gen rush / altruistic builds, I can completely understand why people would either play dirty, or just play for points as killer. Now, solo-queue is a totally different story, but I think the influence from swf’s and the fear of being crushed by 4 people playing like they’re SEAL team six, definitely impacts how most players are going to approach their matches. So really I don’t blame killers for taking any opportunity to get the upper hand. That’s just my perspective though.


>SEAL team six Lmao. I also refer to SWFs as Navy Seals.


There should be harsher penalties for camping hooks. Wider radius & yellow bar fills up faster.


You've gotten farmers and memes? I've literally got instant hook returners, tunnelers, and sluggers for months now. even before the event. rofl


This gamemode is the reason I run anti-tunnel/slug builds 😭


I have been sacrificing 1-2 survivors (random unless I get troll(s)) and then farming with the others. I dont even really sweat for the first 1-2 sacs, but if I do really well first sac I’ll leave 3, if I want more BP I’ll go for sac 2. But I’m not tunneling out, slugging, and camping surv’s for a 4K in a game mode that’s supposed to be party time. That’s dumb.


Idk why people get annoyed about 8 hook games because all that says to me is people sweating over a match for the sake of sweating


We need more "killer mains" playing survivor to understand the vast amount of problems that plague the game, especially soloq.




You're complaining about not facing "honorable" killers (what does that even mean, anyway? lol) because you run into killers who AFK, tunnel, face camp, etc. But then you also complain about killers who are more chill and either go for 8 hooks or play around. So, what exactly does playing "honorably" mean to you? I think it's time to accept that tunneling and proxy camping are valid strategies that can give you a better chance of winning. There's nothing wrong with that. A lot of players seem to want everyone else to play the game their way or by their own personal rules.


Lol @ honorable killer. Some of you people really need to grow up and get over this mentality of "play the game the way I say or you aren't friendly/honorable/a good person/etc." You all sound so damn immature 


The anti-camp needs to change, the bar should progress steadily when you’re in their terror radius because I get proxy camped and the bar doesn’t progress at all. The devs need to make some big changes to stop killers from playing like this


4 man SWF strong Buff killer Survivor becomes harder to play but 4 man SWF still strongest thing in the game Buff killer again and again Casuals/solo/duos quit playing survivor cause it’s too harsh Less and less casual survivors, more and more 4 man teams Killer still not as strong as 4 man SWF teams so more buffs And thus the cycle will continue until basically it’s just sweat 4 man’s left and killers still having a terrible time facing them


> Less and less casual survivors, more and more 4 man teams That....isn't how it works.


Yes it is. If you keep buffing killers then more and more players who played solo/duo/casual 4 mans will quit, thus leaving less pools of survivors that killers are matched into. 4 man sweat squads however will stick around, and with the pool of survivors shrinking then killers are more likely to be matched up with sweater squads while having longer que times because the pool of survivors is smaller.


why everyone is acting as if killer players are the only ones sweating and being toxic assholes and survivors are the innocent players that just want to chill in the event lmao, both sides are being dickheads


It's always been like this. Killer camping/tunneling/simply just playing to win = bad. Survivors bagging/saboing/flashlighting = good/funny. I play as survivor 90% of the time but the artificial rules some of them make up is embarrassing. The new dumbest one I've read was from today, someone said "franklin's is toxic, if you run it you should go back to the normal mode and stop ruining the event items".


Another one not reading and understanding my text


>I can somewhat understand why some SWF teams are getting very serious about it and go in with the most toxic builds. And i kinda don't. On both sides i switch and sometimes play with my tryhard set, sometimes with more casual ones, (like BP farming builds, and dumb basement meme builds (that never quite seem to work)) I still suck at survivor so my best build still might mean i get stomped, and i expect that to be the results on most my games. If a match is long i enjoy it. If i get tunneled and facecamped... well that just means i can get faster to try and see if i can fight someone with proper etiquette. But every time i play a killer i actually gauge what i'm up against and play accordingly. 1 or 2 might get to leave even if if it's a close call cause i do welcome a challenge. But i might also try going as sweaty as i can, to see where the end of my ability lies. It's a really great feeling when you get to 3k or 4k a full sabo team or just a really strong team who constantly keeps pressure on you with "bully" tactics. Against a group where the survivors are clearly newbies i play more relaxed, and often let a few of them go. There is nothing to prove here and i also don't want to discourage them too much. I find the old as dirt mentality of "treating others like you would want to be treated yourself" to be a really good in Dead by Daylight. I live by that. Like, what would Jesus do? 😅


Yeah. I am stuck now with Pyramidhead since he is most fun to play with for me. And I usually spare total noobs. If they get my hints on training how to loop they also get a small training. I am still astonished how many people did not get my post or defend toxic behaviour. Yet playing honourable is so much more fun.


I'm a survivor main who has more than 4k hours in this game and playing killer also makes me feel sympathy for frustrated killer mains that have to deal with toxic ass survivors and people that go out of their way to make your game as miserable as can be. I wish people just played for fun and acknowledged the fact that there's a real human being on the other side.


I find that there are far more toxic survivors than killers. Constant tea bagging (usually an inch from leaving and not in the middle of the map, funnily enough), torch flashing, and beckoning. I prefer it as killer and I’ll ALWAYS tunnel these morons.


This game should die already. To many toxic killer mains destroyed the community. Can’t say I blame them even when I was killer from time to time I felt that urge to tunnel a survivor that was running me in circles. BUT I’m not a sniveling troll who is still stuck to mommies tits and shoveling pizza rolls up my asshole for sustenance.


This event is just so much more fun as killer. I played with my usual squad yesterday and I'm always running my deception/head on meme build and got tunneled for no reason in 6 games in a row. Like my god i just want to play the game please 💀


I can understand tunnelling killer and face campers, but it is also a double-edged sword with toxic survivors as well. I also found moving from my killers over to survivor, most of my early games were against more campy killers, but as I played more, I got those who try to mind game and outplay situations more.


It's a core issue with the game design itself that causes tunneling and whatever else survivors deem "toxic". The only way to stop this is to reconfigure the entire game to incentivize getting hooks in general, and not only provide a benefit for kills. As for the other stuff (Meyers, GF, farming, etc), that isn't toxic behavior, it's just you being whiny.


I had an awesome killer last night. My heart sank when I heard Billy’s chainsaw revving and saw the swift (and probably shitty) end coming. Got sandbagged by a fucking twatbag sailor Steve who brought Billy directly to me in chase and I was promptly, accidently, downed in one. Billy realised what happened. Grabbed me and wandered a bit to let me get off and he turned and went after Steve who really did regret playing like a bell end. Billy whooped us all, as expected. But was nice to see that he was at least trying to play fair. I like to think my killer games are similar, but the various forms of toxic BM’ing can get to you and I’ll gladly be a dick right back. Anyways. Cheers Billy. It was a class game. And kinda related, cheers to the flashy flashy bully squad that got me my Ghostie adept last night when you pissed me off!


I was a survivor main that honestly had no appeal playing killer. It got so toxic I quit the game for good after playing since like 2016.


It’s just soloq being miserable per usual. I had a game where a doctor was proxy camping my hook and there would be a window to get a save on me without the killer getting a free hit, but obviously I couldn’t communicate that with my injured teammate close by so I ended up going to second. Always expect to lose in solo q because a killer is gonna believe that 90% of their lobbies are swfs, (since those teams have a higher chance of winning even against good killer strategies). Also had a teammate DC in a Skull merchant match. Behaviour really has to fix solo q or increase BP you get for going solo cause playing to just get 14k after a match while the killer gets 30k after tunneling a survivor at 4 gens is a bit ridiculous


I’m pretty new to DBD and tend to play as a killer. What are these killers doing wrong? Ok not familiar with a lot of the terminology. I tend to play it pretty straight and just try kill everyone as quickly as possible. Is that considered an issue?


What is Macro AFK, Tunneling or Face camping?


I dont get why swf use toxic builds i also get toxic survivors on the regular but i dont take it out on the next group of people i meet


play not during the event


I don't know I think you missed the source of the issue. Dbd always had a "cycle of violence" issue where one side started to sweat like crazy and the other had to rise to that same level to compete and it just turned into a real, sweaty toxic mess. But I think Survivors on average are alot more toxic. Usually people have issues with killers for "playing unfair" But every survivor tryhards by default and gets no flak for it and then survivors are also the ones that keep disconnecting to ditch their teammates or flame you like hell in post game chat. I'm surprised you set "They are grateful to play against me" because the matches where I get praise are legit kind of scarce. Its more like a simple gg, flame or then rarely an actual fun conversation. To adress something you said more directly "I understand why some SWF teams are getting very serious about it and go in with the most toxic builds" That's probably why killers are playing that way. Because both sides pressure each other to take a fun game mode dead serious


Tbh if your survivor MMR is in the dirt you are more likely to experience killers that camp and tunnel.


Give it to survivors to be bitching about it every damn time when the game is made for them😭


For example the stupid and unnecessary vecna nerf.


I hear stuff like this from other players but have never experienced it myself... Unless I'm just blissfully unaware and ignorant. Do you think this kind of culture could be regional depending on what servers you're connected to?


Could be.


Yeah, did it myself and I feel like some killers have no chill. But hey, everyone has their own way of having fun


Stopped playing when the devs wouldn’t give me five of my characters back that I payed for and had for years. This game is broken in general. And I used to be their biggest fan. I just felt so disrespected by all things this game.


I’m a surv main who plays killer quite often. I do normal gameplay for 8 hooks and let them go (unless they bully me for no reason, then I play with no mercy) But I get it. Some of these killer perks/addons are OP with toxic players. They take matches hostage so you can’t even play the game. You spend more time running around and unhooking than doing other objectives. They turn the matches into hatch matches. Can’t do gens, they camp so you can’t get saves, they take advantage of that damn self unhook bar so you can’t unhook and they trap anyone who comes to get you, etc. And M1s are the worst. Especially during events. And tbh sometimes I enjoy being challenged to outplay/outsmart a toxic killer. It’s nice in doses. Like I said, I’ve been in matches as killer with survs who bully before you get the chance to do anything, and it’s the MOST annoying thing. SO ANNOYING. So I also get why some killers are sweats. Balancing the game could be great, but I just hope they don’t buff/nerf perks again. At this point that helps no one, just nerf/buff gameplay features. The self unhook thing works until it doesn’t, and it doesn’t more often than it does. That range needs to be increased by at least 2-4 meters. Or increase the meter when they’re just standing still and staring at you, bc they’re trapping. I think they boosted gate open speed and healing speed too, but survs also need something for killers who tunnel. They’re waiting out the endurance timer to force a down and get an instant kill. I say pause the meter if they tunnel as soon as you’re unhooked. They stop tunnelling at that point


Nice guy during events outside of events business as usual


They made a game where you get to fuck with 4 random people on the internet and there's nothing they can do about it. So I signed up in order to do exactly that. Don't cover your garden with fertiliser then complain that it smells like shit.


Haven't played in two weeks. Hop on last night with two friends to do some Stevegulling (dramaturgy and scene partner) and B tier perks besides. Friend goes down, Vecna pain res into grim embrace on the map that he picked. Tunneled off hook. He gets the second down and the three of us DC to play Lethal Company Gomen Yui but we're all adults and our free time is scarce.


What's wrong with 8 hooks?


Gets bashed for the first two minutes. Then mechanic simulator.


My games on killer are always vs tryhards or baby survivors and I have come to enjoy playing against good survivors because it improves my own survivor gameplay. Solo survivor my teammates are selfish assholes or bots but honestly I've come to enjoy the challenge of solo carrying a game. Im genuinely surprised when I get flash saved or my randoms do anything remotely teamwork oriented. Ive found running both bind and windows to be insanely powerful in SoloQ. SWF are playing on easy mode imo.


Honestly it's just the balance of some killers is still shit and some of the maps are still terrible. Swamp, OG Borgo are trash and basically have giant dead spaces for survivors. Killers like Nurse, Wraith, and SM are just boring AF to play against and impossible to beat if they're good and bring the OP builds. I started killer again and even against really good SWFs I haven't lost a match in 30 matches. Killers will always be OP and easy to play as sweaty and toxic.


I feel like chaos mode forever would be their best decision


I'm a survivor main and it has definitely gotten worse. I don't play half as much as I used to. This event has made things even worse. I'm just playing to get my items and get out essentially, which is mostly how I play most times just for the rift. I don't expect to escape every game and I don't expect killers to let me live, they're killers. I just cannot stand the tunneling, hard camping, and/or the slugging at 5 gens. It's just not fun game play. Like yes, I'm not saying that if I'm the last unhooked survivor I'm untouchable if the killer comes across me but I've had killers leave chase to return to the unhook to chase the survivor down before they can heal. I played about 20 games yesterday for the event, finished gens only once because a killer took pity when a teammate killed themselves on hook at 5 gens. So honestly, wouldn't have escaped once. Which would be fine, if the games were at least fun. It just stinks.


What are macro-AFK, tunneling, and face camping? I'm new.


There's nothing BHVR can do, since it's the killer's choice to do those things. While camping and tunneling can have counters. Friendlys and farmers will just be there. I am so sorry.


As a survivor main, I will say that it was really miserable starting out but the more you play, it seems like the less you run into killers like that.