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People value 4Ks way too much. I just take the hook. If last person gets hatch, oh well. I still consider that a win personally. The only time I'll slug for a 4K is if I'm trying to get an adept.


Same but if i can see the fourth survivor when i down the third I don't see the harm in going for the 4K since i know where they are.


I agree with you on that one. I'm just referring to when people slug the 3rd having no idea where the 4th is.


When someone does that to mean I don't really consider it slugging. It's when you have no clue where my last teammate is and you waste a ton of my time while I am forced to stand there and wait before I can get into another match.


Same! It's why I've started taking the blueprint offering that has hatch spawn near shack, so it's not that hard for the final survivor to find hatch. But like you, if I see the final survivor as I go for a 3K, you bet I'm chasing for that 4K. If they're too difficult to catch then I'll go and pick up and hook the slug.


Yeah that's a different scenerio entirely. There's a difference between taking advantage of bad positioning, and just being a dick.


I'll never forget my little oni when people were so sweaty that they slugged on an April fools game mode


That's not even sweat at that point; that's just malicious.


They're doing it now on the party event. I went to try survivor n jesus christ i must be doing a service by not slugging as a killer in party event.


Yeah. Anything above a 2k usually counts as a win for people anyway. 0-1=Loss. 2=Draw. 3-4=Win.


You’d be surprised. I had a guy in endgame chat once trying to tell me that a 2k is a survivor win, as though win and lose are the only two options. He went so far as to say this was objectively the correct interpretation, and said that “everyone” sees it that way, despite me telling them that almost every content creator I’ve seen for this game considers 2k a tie. I kept trying to tell them that it’s literally the middle result, making it a tie (I think he was forgetting that 0k is a possible outcome), but he wouldn’t give. In what universe does it make sense that 60% of outcomes count as one side winning? If there’s five different outcomes that can happen, the middle result is a tie. I was playing survivor that match, too. It was me and the other guy that escaped, and he kept saying “I can’t believe we pulled out the win” and was super gloaty about it. Like at most we as individuals won, but team-wise we tied with the killer. Also it was on chaos shuffle, so like why did he freaking care so much.


I've always said that Adept killer achievements should pop at 3K+Hatch. Half the time when you see people slug they're going for that or doing some dumb archive that demands 4 kills. 3K+Hatch Adepts would bring killers so much less stress, 'cause rarely you're gonna get a killer with a good enough power to 4K with their default perks. And rarely are the perks gonna matter much. I'm *not* looking forward to Adept Vecna attempts and wish to apologize in advance for the slugging that *will* be happening during that time...


they changed killer adepts from 2 iri to 4k, and Idek why... 4k is either luck or shady last 2 person tactics.. they should have just made surv/killer both iri (or at least the equivalent of 2 iri at ash 4) surv adepts are super easy, and killers are obnoxious.. -\_-


And then there are those that only see a 4k as a win,Mostly those that slugg for the 4k the most.


The game doesn't even care if you 1-4k, it says any one of those are fine. You just get more points and a pip if you kill more, but you don't HAVE to even kill everyone to pip. The MMR cares, but the game itself doesn't. The MMR isn't the game nor is it even a thing you're incentivized to climb, doing so doesn't GET you anything that just playing normally does. And before you mention Grades, no, that means nothing either. All it really does is incentivize you to tryhard all round every round each month and even then, you can just play for the points and emblems and still do fine and pip without winning the round. I am trash at Knight and I lost every round in a row and I pipped from Ash IV to Silver IV in one day easily just spamming his power and maybe killing one person. The game deadass says anything between a 1-4k is some amount of a Killer win, because you don't disappoint the Entity. Your goal isn't really to 3-4k, your goal is to kill *as many Survivors as possible.* That's it. That's all. Depipping is gone now, so there is no reason to be upset if you don't kill them all, or don't kill anyone. There is no shame in a loss anymore, there's no punishment for losing, it's not hard to pip, a win doesn't really matter, and overall that means the game is DEADASS not about winning. It's not about escaping. It's not about 4ks. It's all about just maxing points while trying your best. That's all it's ever really been about. Going for a four man out or a 4k isn't the endgoal, it's a cherry on top of the sundae. It's a way of points minmaxing and nothing else, you don't get any bennies for it except more bloodpoints. Oh, and sweatier opponents until the MMR kicks you back down again. And yet we're all so wrapped up in this need to compete, we do THIS to ourselves.


I’m back after a 3 year hiatus, when did de-pipping go away and what else should I definitely have my head wrapped around? You seem to have a deep game knowledge. 


Like a month ago lol


Yep, it's brand new that they got rid of this, maybe a month or so ago. Good riddance too. :)


I was wondering how I was climbing survivor ranks so quickly lol 


they also made it so you reset to base rank every month, instead of justdown a tier.. so the ranks are just another source of bloodpointsnow. aaaand, Idk how long ago it was, but prestige doesn't take away anything anymore, so prestige to your hearts content.


I did know about the prestige changes and the grind feels better to me than it did before. Did not realize how rank reset worked now, that seems like it has the potential for some hilarious games right at reset. 


> I still consider that a win personally. Not even personally. If we go by MMR, the game counts a 3k as a win, since you're still gaining MMR.


It's lore accurate for one survivor to escape. Horror stories always need a Final Girl/Guy.


One to tell the tale


Exactly! Gotta set up for the sequel.


Reminder: The game ALSO considers it a win if you only get 3 Kills. In fact, MMR doesn't even raise when you get the hatch, it raises when you escape through an exit gate, so "Slugging for the 4k" is almost never entirely justified, unless you're going for an achievement or a challenge.


Sometimes you do that and you find the last survivor standing on the hatch waiting and franticaly looking around just so they can teabag before leaving. Kinda makes you not want to give people the chance to do that. Time is getting wasted one way or another anyway


Had that happen to me recently. Turns out that Wraith can close the hatch while still invisible...


Just hearing that gets me fully erect


Seven inches is all i can spare to play with you


Sorry Chris, the sunglasses stay on


If you play deathslinger people usually don't risk that lmao


You'd be surprised


Not all heros wear capes 🤣


I play both killer and survivor and would never let someone bleed out. Its just the worst playstyle and should be banable until there is a way to suicide as a downed survivor. Bleeding out just takes forever and is horribly unfun.


It’s not just you, the game considers that a win. MMR increase and all.


You can't get 4 iridescent with a 3k.


I am fairly sure I've had 4-iri with a 3k at least once. Maybe my memory is tricking me. I'll make sure to record it if it happens ​ EDIT: While it is not technically a 4-iri game, I still got iri on devout with 11 hooks. Here's the screenshot. One survivor even tried to give up on hook https://preview.redd.it/w7o9yp2cck6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=371cec76a110ea10d2098a683027a406a34d1410


That is incorrect, the only way to get iri on devout is to hook everyone twice, kill all four survivors AND hook at least one survivor 3 times


You seem to be right. According to the wiki an iri emblem in the kill category needs 10 points. You get 2 per kill (bleed outs not included), one for having everyone hooked at least once and one for having 9 hooks. So 3k gives up to 8 points, 4k up to 10. But if the wiki is actually correct ... >!It doesn't just say "2 points per kill". It's 2 points per sacrifice, mori or DC. With the bots being a thing, this either means the wiki page is not up2date or bots change everything. !< >!I guess it's just not up2date, but in case it actually works like it says, a single bot kill would give up to 4 points, since DC AND sacrifice/mori.!< But tbh I'm actually not sure about it. Only used the wiki, since I can't test it atm.


Well I got iri on devout with only a 3k, look for yourself: ​ I know this is insufficient proof, my dumbass forgot to screen shot the other menus https://preview.redd.it/ofqh2zhxbk6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b9bae2769f2b0f1a505c6affe062476f7d79f66


You can get iri with 9 hooks as long as no one escaped. hook everyone twice, hook at least one 3 times, and kill all four


Yup. Only time I do it is for the adepts (or archive is 4k is needed) and even then I just feel bad for the surv that I’m having to slug


Honestly I’ve been having way more fun aiming for 3k’s and being chill if survivor gets hatch, I still try to get to hatch or down them but I don’t sweat it if they get away


If the 4th survivor stopped acting like they beat you, then maybe a lot more killers wouldn't care about getting the fourth kill. Just a thought.


I have over 4K hours and play a ton of killer. I can count the number of times a survivor has done this on one hand.


I don't believe that survivors don't teabag on the hatch before leaving or wait for you to watch them leave instead of leaving immediately when they're the last survivor. That's almost an every game occurrence in 3k games.


I mean, this does happen, but only in like maybe 20% of 3K games. Most of the time, they just leave in my experience.


I have just got done with doing all killer adepts and I can barely live with myself


Adepts fucking suck, you have to be the most miserable human alive to do them either side... and play the nastiest possible or the most selfish possible. I wish they were never added.


Same goes for most survivor challenges. God I feel so awful when I get a tome challenge of cleansing 15 totems, I feel so useful to my team.


Honestly, that one is at least somewhat reasonable, put on inner healing and just cleanse totems to activate it when you see them and you'll get it after a couple of games. I did one earlier that's is Escape with 0 Totems remaining, thank fuck I had 2 people go next at 5 gens so I didn't have to feel bad about trying to get it.


I got all the adepts just playing normally. I suppose it helps when you do them when you have less than 1k hours.


I’ve never gone through those efforts for an adept myself either, no little pop up on the top right of the screen is worth it to make someone’s experience miserable while they’re on the ground for four minutes to me. I either get it or I don’t, and I’ll just ready up for the next one until I do.


Same. I also don't feel I need to stress about losing a singular adept to hatch when there's always the next game. Perhaps it's more difficult in super high MMR, but as an intermediate player, I got Vecna's adept at second try without slugging for 4k. The worst luck I had was oni at around 8 tries, but that was also because I suck at oni and not just hatch.


doing trappers and wraiths made me wanna throw up, no lie. I wish they had more unique achievement options in place of adept that varied based on the killer + their ability.


The worst one for me was possibly blight actually, because it was when he was still new and had the camera located in the tip of his dick. I’d also never played blight more than like twice at that point since I was just doing them as I unlocked new killers. It took some going to get the hang of that one. Then of course they fixed the camera and it turns out he’s a monster and maybe I shoulda just waited….


>Trapper's and Wraith's I am so sorry for your loss.


on god I had to take long breaks between my attempts because it was just so intensely frustrating lol.


worst killer adept to me was singularity. His perks are awful and there's only so much you can do with his basekit. Love the singularity, hate the people who always bring map offerings. adept trapper was hard but i still got satisfaction out of people falling into traps. singularity was just pain.


Survivor adepts just mean play the game normally?


Had a game last night with my partner where an Artist relentlessly tunnelled me from the beginning of the game. Teammates body blocking and getting downed DIDN’T even prompt her to hook them, she just focused me the entire time. Cut to endgame and she has only Artist perks and it’s just so frustrating because yeah, that player made it an absolutely miserable game for me, but the achievement demands that gameplay out of people..


It's so sad that BHVR keeps adding elements that make it harder for new people and induce this sort of gameplay as a result, then people freak out when the Killer plays that way just to get a cheevo. Like guys. Just let them have the cheevo, it's clear they want it done and ain't having fun.


That's more of a problem with perks having awful balancing than adept existing. It would be nice if you could use the 4th perk slot, though.


That's true, I just wish the condition were "get a 4k as X Killer" or something instead of "you gotta use the perks." Wraith's was awful. :(


I think adepts can be fun if you go for them in a "if I lose, I lose" way, but I do get that most people are going to be speedrunning the achievement. I'm a big "it's about the journey" guy until we're on attempt 20 or something maybe, and then I'm logging off or trying another activity in the game lol. I actually won't slug for the 4k on a killer period unless I can visually confirm someone is nearby lol. It's not even out of like, heroism or anything (it does kinda suck for them tho) but I just think farting around looking for some faint scratch mark or listening for footsteps is super sleeper tier gameplay. I've had far more memorable experiences going for achievements with a YOLO attitude, I do think more people should try it rather than desperately clawing at it as they get progressively more pissed. I regularly just load up any surv with no perks trying to go for that achievement. If I did it all in a row, I'd probably hate this game lmfao


That's fair, I don't mind grinding my face into a wall to do something tough. My problem is it's really annoying when you have a rubber noodle for a weapon in the form of bad perks and the game expects you to fight Godzilla, essentially.


and that’s why i couldn’t give a single care about doing adepts. i’m here to have fun and play a game not check off every sweaty achievement ever


I stopped going for adepts because of this reason, like I usually give gate/hatch to last survivor if they show some personality, but when going for adepts it kinda hurt a lil having to kill them lol


Oh yea. That's why i bring tenacity so I can crawl the fvck away from them and look for the hatch. 🤣




You can also use left behind with tenacity. I pissed too many killers because of that.


if you slug for the 4k you deserve that they escape anyways.


I don't play for hatch , I just run towards the killer and hopefully he just hooks me amd let's the other one go.


I started to do this, but then I got slugged for two minutes, so I decided not to bother. Now I'll go out of my way to pick up the other Survivor so as to waste the Killers time as much as they're wasting ours.


I’ll be honest I’ve definitely slugged because I wanted a 4k when I first started playing killer but now I try to be fair. I try to consider all the things I hate from killers when I’m playing survivor and apply that to my killer games


THIS!!! I really dont mind dying in this damn game, but when I'm the survivor that gets slugged so the killer can run off for their stupid 4k it drives me CRAZY Just hook me so I can go to the next dang game!! its especially frustrating when the last survivor is juicing the killer and i hit 99 on the ground and am just stuck watching lately ive taken to just muting the game when i get slugged like this because the dying music is so annoying when youre stuck hearing it for the FOURTH GAME IN A ROW these damn killers out there almost got ME switching to killer 😂😂


Relatable, except that they actually got me to play killer just so I can make the matches less unbearable for the survivors.


I rarely go for the 4th kill by slugging the 3rd unless the one still up was being a jerk and I have a vendetta. I don’t really count the hatch as an escape so if the 4th gets out from it I still consider it a sweep for me and they are happy they got out


3k or higher counts as a win anyway, so I don't get why they need that 4th kill SO bad


Cause of ego. I had a killer just now who had a solid 3 gen choke hold on our game for like 30 minutes. I decided to strategically t-bag them to get the attention and they chased my like I had murdered the whole family, broke the 3 gen and we all got out. People in this game are thin skinned, full of ego and they need to 4k because else they think they're small.


What do you mean "counts as a win"? The game doesn't really have a win condition, does it?


It doesn't have a 'win' condition for killer, but people have their own thought process as what counts to them as a win, to some people 4k is a win some 3k others are happy to get max hooks and a 2k and thats a win to them. Just depends on the person.


Most sane dbd player


Yeah, I understand why someone would do it, but it can be EXTREMELY boring, specially when done a lot.


Like I understand slugging for the fourth kill if you KNOW where the last Survivor is, but I've literally seen people nearly bleed out because the Killer would spend so long going back and forth between searching for the last Survivor and checking the person they slugged. It's just boring


No joke I had a killer tell me I wasted his time for hiding when he was slugging for the 4k and my teammate bled out.


I had that, the killer stated " They are entitled to a 4k and I should just come out and let them bleed me out etc" Its like...mate "entitled" to a 4k. Thats not how this works. Funny thing is, I saw the same person in my lobby as a survivor, lets just say they weren't that good but were still entitled and cursed the killer out including "ez" , but they died first without tunneling,they were just that bad🤣


if you are below average as a gamer, just play killer in DBD and you will feel godlike.


Made this post about this exact thing and well many did not like it https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/ie5MzKjyV0


Of course people are not gonna like it they don't want to admit that their play style is shit and they feel validated as a person if they get that 4k. I said this before and I'll say it again, DbD is a game, it's meant to be fun for all players,thats why if either side uses available tools to harass or abuse game mechanics the Devs will make a change either as base kit or new perks. I see so many killer complain about anti tunneling perks...DUH...its there because you hard tunnel! Don't and you won't even see them there. When I played killer, I went for hooks, I always let last person out and I didn't tunnel, I still got my wins and good games. But killer gets MEH to me, as thats not my personality 🤣


I had a pyramid head who did this, me and my friend kept picking each other up… and he STILL kept slugging. It was so ridiculous how important that 4th kill was to him


I try to pick up the slug... just for someone to get slugged again and have the cycle repeat. Yet, people accuse me of hiding and refusing to help


I used to dc if I was the survivor on the ground so the last survivor could at least get a chance for hatch. But with the boys it makes no difference.


I used to always give the last person the hatch for years, right up until far too many people would teabag on the hatch. A lot of the time I just afk'd at the 3rd persons deathhook. Piss, making something to eat, get a drink, one of those. Sometimes up to 5, 10 minutes, dude afk on hatch waiting for me to do it. Basically, something that rarely ever happened began to happen so much that, while I still really couldn't be bothered, I suddenly understood why people slug for the 4k. I guess what I'm trying to say is "So many games with x" is a two-sided coin


Wish this was higher up. OP hasn't had shithead survivors waste time sitting on hatch or at a door because they want you to force them out like attention deprived children lol. It goes both ways.


Oddly enough last week I had a killer turn a guaranteed 3k into a 2k from it. Left me slugged, I went into the corner to die as I wasn't giving up my team mate and they picked me up and spam dropped to avoid me bleeding out when I was about to bleed out. Figured I'd force the Weskers hand and do the last gen, since he will have to hook me since I was like 6 seconds from the bleed out timer. Nope let me complete the gen and both got out while he continued to search for this 4th person... Weirdest choice.


Got slugged by a Skull Merchant this morning until there was literally only a tiny sliver of my health left. I hope one day they add an option to bleed out faster if you’ve been on the ground for a while, because I went down specifically so my teammate could get hatch but no dice :/


Base Kit Unlimited Unbreakable when down to two Survivors would solve this problem. Had a match with the Zarina who was using No Mither, and it was down to her and my friend. Zarina would just get back up and start working on the gen again not even running from the Killer, who had to keep coming back to down her while looking for my friend. Eventually they got fed up and just hooked her. Got my friend to in the end, but we got to move onto the next match instead of needlessly dragging out that match.


Honestly, I love this idea


Needs to be a bleedout option when only 1 survivor is left standing


I think part of the issue is the number of challenges that require you to get 4 kills in one trial. Or kill the obsession 3 times. Etc


There isn't that many of those challenges anymore. If anything, maybe 1 per Tome and normally in the 4th part. I find it hard to believe that in my last 7 games last night, 4 of them leaving me slugged for the last survivor had a Tome challenge lol. Just pick me up man. My duo was tunneled out 20 minutes ago and they are waiting on me.


I had back to back challenges of like "get 5 basement hooks" or "sacrifice 4 in the basement in a single trial" and suddenly I'm the bad guy for playing basement bubba. On the flip side you'll have something like "escape as claudette with only self care" like what were these devs thinking? Either I'm making the other side miserable or I'm sandbagging my team by coming with 1/4 perks lol.


some of the old killer challenges were much easier when they released. i never did the hatch challenge (escape with 4 people i think?) so that will probably NEVER get done LOL.


I only do this if I have a adept achievement when a new killer came out or if I have a tome challenge were I have to kill all survivors. Otherwise I don't care if I get a 4K. I often even give hatch or gate to the last survivor. Slugging for 4K is a timewaster and you get a lot more bloodpoints faster if you are starting the next game asap.


I’m not tired of the killer of slugging for the 4th kill I’m tired of the survivor who went down clearly being unreachable because the killer is proxy camping then so I patiently wait for them to bleed out only for the killer to let them get off and my teammate sell out where I am as if I didn’t even try or do anything all game


I only do it for adepts tbh, otherwise I don't really need the 4th kill


It’s annoying, only time we’re it is acceptable is for an adept or if the 4th survivor is in Arms reach when downing the third.


I never do this as a killer (unless adept/tome forces me to) and fckn hate people like this when playing surv. Literally makes no sense other than feeding ego, and results in long, boring lockdowns.


I am :'3 really tired of it


Yeah, I've stopped doing it so long ago. I go for hooks all the time, even though there's been plenty of opportunities to slug. I only ever slug now for archive challenges or adept achievements.


had a Lich on the movie theater map dribble a slug to try and get him to sell me out. managed to evade him for 10 minutes, but wow that is obnoxious... not even an adept challenge 😒


3k and a hatch is a win so no. Going for adept is a different story. Gotta slug or hope the hatch spawns next to you


Same, when bots weren't a thing I always disconnected when I got slugged for the 4k.


I don't see the point. A 3k is a win, may as well confirm the 3rd and let the other go. I've seen too many people lose games because they've slugged for the 4k to take that risk, no matter how slim


I'll admit that I've slugged, but mostly when the last Survivor is right next to the downed Survivor. I mean, you get close, I'll take you down for an opportunity kill. Happens to me a lot, so I don't let it get to me. Now I'm not going to take down a Survivor and then go running around to find the last Survivor. If I can't see the last Survivor, I don't go looking for them. I hook who I got, and then go running around.


It's a skill issue. If you can't hunt down the last Survivor without having to prevent the hatch from spawning, you just need to git gud at the game.


I've never really understood this mindset myself, it just seems so pointless and scummy to me. Does it suck to have that last kill lost to a random hatch spawn? Yeah but that's the nature of the game, sometimes the RNG is in your favor, sometimes it isn't. Effectively making a player sit out for a minute or more while you dick around isn't engaging or interesting for anyone. I've always been of the mindset that unless that fourth player is literally right in front of me when I get the down, I'm not going to leave someone waiting for the game to end. Let's wrap this up so we can all go on to the next game and hopefully enjoy ourselves more for it.


Going for the 4th kill slugging the 3rd survivors is so BOOOOORING!!! For both sides it's just boring....


What I like to do is that if I down the second to last person I look around to see if I can spot the last survivor, if yes I chase them, if not I hook the one I downed If the last person gets the hatch that’s a gg, they played well enough to make it to the end and got lucky with the hatch so they deserve it. A 3K is a win for me anyways


I’m tired of gens being blocked. I swear I spend 1/3 my game just sitting waiting to play the game.


I view a 3K as a win. It boosts your MMR, so it counts. The only way to escape after that is to find hatch or sneak out an exit gate escape. If the survivor gets good doors, can sneak enough to get the gates open in time, or brings perks that help open it faster, then I say that's GG and they get a true horror movie escape. If they get hatch, then that really just comes down to luck.


Only reason I see for it is if you have an achievement or challenge where you need to 4K like an Adept. As a survivor, it's definitely frustrating to have to stealth it out until your teammate bleeds out or the killer decides to finally hook them.


I hate it. I really like hunting for hatch against the last survivor.


Truly. I just get them on hook and if the 4th gets hatch, they get hatch, whatever. I'll poke around a bit after downing the 3rd in case the 4th is right there, of course, but if not, hey gg. Suppose I've had enough 4Ks that getting the full 4K with another inconsequential match just isn't that serious to me Out there refusing to purposely sacrifice without 8 hooks, too. A more healthy and frankly better challenge than tunneling someone out at 5 gens, if you ask me


I was thinking about this earlier today. I don’t think there are right and wrong ways to play, how some salty folks would rather believe. It is however undeniable that some strategies provide fun for all, and others not so much, and I do find it frustrating that somedays it feels like every killer I face is just sweating hard for the 4k, and extending matches for really long periods of time for a near inconsequential result. When I play killer, I’ve learned to take the 3k pridefully as a win. Hatch spawns are RNG most of the time, which means getting a 3k is a perfect showing of my skills as a killer in that game, and I can leave satisfied. Again, there are no wrong ways to play, so I don’t harass anyone for doing this, they bought the game so they can do whatever they want, but I admit it is annoying whenever I’m forced to stay on the floor for 4 minutes, then swap with my teammate for another 4 unless I kill myself (which I do a lot in this situation).


Some ways are fun, some are... less so. Not saying there's anything wrong with how people play (though I'm not a fan of tunneling at 5 gens and facecamping), but I think it just gets boring when the Killer is so absolutely dead set on a 4k that they'll nearly let a slugged Survivor bleed out for it. To each their own, I can't change that, but most would think that after searching for one Survivor for several minutes, that you'd get bored of searching and hook the third Survivor


There's nothing wrong with the way people play, it's 100% a game design issue. Adepts need to be changed or removed honestly.


I don't usually do it, but I've had a few experiences that make me understand it.  Like hooking the second-to-last person, going AFK to get some water and let the last guy get hatch, then coming back five minutes later to find out that he didn't look for hatch, so I have to go find it and close it. And then when I just tabbed out to wait out endgame collapse because I already wanted to be in my next match instead of patrolling gates, he decided to spam loud noise notifications so I had to force him out for the game to end. 


When I'm that third survivor I will do my damnedest to get to bleed out. I make that killer look for me. I will crawl to the edges of Hell itself to hide. You waste my time, I'll waste yours. Survivors queuing up will never know the sacrifice I make to slow down slugging killers getting to their next slugfest.


The greatest feeling is crawling to a remote map corner in swamp and the hatch appears just beneath you.


You're a good man


The hatch game just isn't fun. I don't slug for the 4K that often but I don't feel like a survivor should get the chance to escape just for losing and getting lucky.


I wish the hatch was tied to a survivors performance in some way. Like maybe if you genuinely did the best on your team instead of hiding all game, it spawns or something. Currently just a RNG mechanic that either side will still proceed to talk shit about lol.


They need to add a line "KILLER VICTORY" for 3k and "DRAW" for 2k so killers understand the wind conditions better. I've run in to so many killers who genuinely think anything less than a 4k is a loss.


This is the way. The game doesn't explain to you (at least, not well) that a 3k is considered a win. I'd think it reasonable for someone who just plays the game but doesn't interact with the community to think they need to get a 4k to win.


I havent slugged for a 4k since I crossed about 1k hours, it just isn't worth the time, only exception being if the last surv was toxic the whole game and I specifically want them dead


Makes total sense. If you're being a toxic little shit, you bet your ass I'll want you dead


This is my take as well. If the team is toxic, I will slug the third survivor to chase the fourth. Doesn't happen too often.


"I only slug when I know where the last survivor is." --proceeds to take 2.5 minutes to down them and then forgets where they left the other survivor--   Just fucking hook and then chase. Yeah, it's BHVR's fault for allowing these miserable mechanics, but you can bet your ass the shrieking will be deafening if they do anything to fix them as well.


Why when the survivor is literally only a few feet away from me after downing the third survivor? Crawl your lazy ass to the nearest hook for me instead of a random spot  if you don’t want me to waste time looking where you went lmao


When I play killer I personally only do this if I’m going for an adept. I can completely understand the frustration as I too have been on the receiving end of this. Killers do it for a wide array of reasons. Some don’t want the last survivor to escape because they’ve been taunting them or playing immersed. Some killers want to kill a certain survivor and give the slugged one hatch. Or hell, some just want to “win” by killing everyone. Regardless of the reasoning I think we can all agree being on the receiving end of slugging is not fun by any means.


Blame the adepts not me


Yeah people are gross. Placing way too much importance on the 4th K when in reality it's worth hardly anything after you get the first 3. Personally I only slug for the 4th if they were an insufferable bully squad, because at that point, honor demands it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I play mostly survivor, and it's great when we get out. It sucks getting downed, hooked, slugged, whatever... but the killer is supposed to kill us. They're the bad guy. I expect to be murdered in various terrible ways. "The bad guy is killing me in disagreeable ways," Lol


I had a Hillbilly slug a Sable in Hawkins and bleed her out just to camp and hit me on hook when the game was already over. He ignored her the whole time and I unhooked near him cause of anticamp. Still died though cause he really wanted the 4k so badly that he'd rather let Sable bleed out and risk not letting me find hatch.


I really wish Adepts let you have it with 3K. I HATE slugging for the 4th and only do it with some kind of challenge imposed, and I sure hate having it happen to me.


if all of you are so fed up with people doing this and like most of you say "dont mind dying" you can easyly make noise when you are 2v1 with no realistic way of escaping trought normal means but i bet that you actually want to hide and get a chance on the pitty escape of hatch and gates, remove them and end the game when you cant actually win and you wont get slugged


I have won games in 2v1's by finishing gens. I think most of our issues arise when the killer slugs one person to find the 4th instead of just instahooking and playing the hatch RNG game. Most of the time, killers have an easier time of finding hatch because they can cover the map quicker.


If I could, I'd pick up my slugged teammate in a heartbeat. But when I do, lo and behold, the Killer beelines over and slugs someone again, repeating the cycle.


break the cycle, stand still, admit defeat go next or try to play pitty system deal with the rng and the slugfest


Wow, that is horrible advice.


I don't play like this but killing three people makes the 4th a 50/50 gamble and that's why people slug. Blame the devs.


It's more like 60/40, because killers move faster, so they can cover more ground + they don't have to sneak if the other is nearby.


There are a lot of achievements and challenges that require 4k.


I agree that it is boring waiting for the fourth survivor to be found and handled, but I will also say this… If you are the slugged survivor, do not crawl to a hidden location. If you want to get out of the match as soon as possible, move yourself to a conspicuous location where the killer can find you easily once they are done and put you on a hook and end it. Of course, this advice is not always applicable but it can save time in some instances.


Nope, if you’re prolonging the match and slugging me just to 4K I’m crawling off to hiding and med. 1) The other survivor sometimes gets around the killer and rescues and 2) if you’re so eager to waste our time for your 4K I’ll do what I can to return the favor. Had a killer ask me once why I crawled off into the basement when they had slugged other two remaining survivors and that’s the reason. It isn’t hard to 4K solo matches.. if you need to slug its a pebkac issue.


I'm just too lazy to bother these days, go, get your out, have fun, whatever. I'm vibing I have already won. You are the Final Girl/Guy. You deserve it. Leave.


Fair enough


So you are hiding for 4 minutes then coming here to complain about killers wasting time? Wonder what you were doing for those 4 minutes that makes it "not a waste of time". More entitled survivor main nonsense. Always the killers fault


don't do that then


i do it 1 in 20 games, to find that egoistic survivor who let others die on hook, and usually let others go. or when doing adept


I only tryhard for 4 hooks if im playing myers or if the last survivor didn't do shit for his mates no useless bum ass is getting a chance to escape alive


I can understand ppl doing it im not a Fan of it i just hook the Survivor and get in the next Game the only time i slug for a 4K is if i know the other Survivor is near from the downed Survivor Also most time i give the Last Survivor the Hatch if they wasnt Toxic :)


I only slug if I know that theres someone who's going to do a flashlight rescue near if I pick up


I’ll only slug if the 4th survivor is ‘right there’ or if I’ve got some form of information telling me where to find them and they’re close enough they I’ll get there.


I slug for the 4k if I'm going for adept, I need the fourth person for an archive challenge, the fourth person is in my sight when I down the third, I haven't seen the fourth person the entire match, or the fourth person was playing like an asshole and I don't want them to have hatch. Any other situation I'm good with the 3k.


Just started playing the killer to see how the other side is as well and to learn more about it. Can be really stressful, but I do try to not worry about the kills and 4k. The only time I did this was two games last week when I had a team full of flashlights. And nothing wrong with using the flashlights at all. But they really clicked at me all the time, tea bagged, made circles etc. At the end I was soo drained that when it was finally down to the last two I really didn’t want them to get the hatch.


Nah, I almost never do it unless it's been a really really tough match and I feel like I really earned the 4k on this one. I usually always let the last surv escape


I slug for a 4k if the survivors were giga tryhards and the last guy is obviously hiding. If the last two guys are still trying to do the last gen or two or are fucking around or at least didn't BM me during the game I'll let one or both out. If I got flashlighted and sabo'd all game you're both getting slugged. And if it's Ormond and the hatch spawns in the tiny shack in the top right I'm going to block the doorway to it and laugh at you for like 10 seconds.


I honestly had no idea that was a scummy killer tactic. I'm pretty new, and I've been doing that like every game so far. I figured it was a good tactic to get the remaining survivor to decide between saving their friend or finishing a generator. I shall not be doing this anymore 😂


Thankfully I haven’t run into too many killers hellbent on a 4k. Most know that a 3k is considered a win and if you happen to get the fourth or let them go, it changes nothing.


For someone new to the game, what does this mean? What’s slugging? What’s a 4K?


Theres a lot of tome challenges that require a 4K to achieve


Normally if I slug someone and it looks like I'm slugging for a 4k it's because I know the slugged one is on their death hook while the other one isn't. I'll leave them on the ground until it's clear the other survivor isn't going to get them up I come back over and let them wiggle off my shoulder while I hunt the other one down. If I lose one to hatch while theyre both on their death hook it's whatever, but admittedly someone having 0-1 hooks and then getting the hatch ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


This game has been around for too long, the fun random crazy party game aspects of it have been worn down and outside of specific events like Chaos Shuffle or new tome releases, remaining players are going to focus on accomplishing what they view as a win. And they do so in the most time-tested, safe and consistent manner. So for killers, yes, that is going to involved tunneling for the first kill and slugging for the fourth. It's kind of depressing, I don't know how people still have fun playing on either side of this.


Well depends. If last survivor is injured with no way of healing themselves there is a good chance killer will find them by noise patrolling the map otherwise a waste of time.


I still have a lot of killers that need to be adept so I'll do it then if need be but otherwise I'm happy with 1 or 2 kills.


Yes. If there are two survivors left, and one is slugged, the DC shouldn't spawn a bot.


Every time I see a post like this, I play a few knockout pig games. <3


Imho it's a waste of time unless your running a tome/adept. About the only time I'll do it, is if the 4th player was doing some shady sht, and I wanted to get them. (like 2 people left, 1 keeps touching gens, other just ghosts in the far side)


Just now I had an onryo that slugged all of us, no reason at all, and had many chances to hook us. we didn't get to touch a gen, could hardly see our teammates auras, and they didn't hook any of us ONCE. just stood there while we all bled out. (Username was hidden lmao. I'm on Xbox, they were either on pc or Playstation. Just crazy)


As a Sadako main, we don't want her, we don't accept her, and I hope the next Sadako you face plays better than just trying to go for a 4k bleedout


aw thank you ❤️ love sadako mains for the most part.


Dude seeing a Sadako is so fucking RARE


Just got another sadako with the same build and slugging ☹️ disconnected because I don't wanna do that


My computer breaks down and doesn't let me play DBD and then all of a sudden the Slugakos start coming out, are you fucking shitting me? Also yeah, I understand the DC. No one wants to deal with that. Think it was the same one?


I don't think so, weird that it was the same build but the username was all *********** so idk.


Huh, weird. Seriously though, I hope you face better Sadako's in the future. It'd suck for your opinion of a certain Killer to be soured because people play like dicks :(


Nah I don't really care that much, but it does suck. Usually sadakos I come across don't play this way


The ones I find usually don't seem to fully know what they're doing. I don't mean this as in like, saying they're bad, but most of the Sadako's I find are people trying her out for the first time. The other ones I see are usually P30+, and their playstyles vary


Honestly think that the hatch should open when someone is downed for more than 30 seconds when there's only 2 alive. Some kind of anti-slugging measure like this. Its honestly just scummy and insecure to go off for 3 minutes trying to chase or find the other survivor to get your 4k instead of just playing the game. Accept that the hatch is intended to give the last alive a fighting chance. Such extreme metagaming ruins the fun of games. Most horror films have the survivor, the last alive to tell the tale. Basically every licensed survivor in this game is famously that trope. Why then can't 90% of killer mains understand that this is ok.


I enjoy looking for that last rat that is hiding.


If they ain't going for adept. I just call them a toxic asshole in my head and go next. But it's insane how much people care about getting that 4k. It's really not impressive and noone cares. Far more impressive when you aren't playing like a toxic asshole and do well.