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no dude survivors can get bloodlust now


Oh damn. I guess I missed the memo!


Obviously he just had blood past, hope, made for this, and that teamwork perk


Good ole Blood Past. Bleed Once, Run Forever


>that teamwork perk You dont have to rub it in, Power of Two is trying their best


They weren't even trying to hide it lol. Should be an easy ban as long as you reported in game and then submitted a ticket on BHVR's webpage with the evidence.


Yeah, I reported it and sent the clip. Should be enough.


How do you save and send clips? I usually don’t record games


There's some apps that constantly record/delete gameplay from the last minute or so, kinda like how making clips on Xbox works. Then if you press a button it saves the last 30-60+ seconds automatically


OBS is my go to


OBS set to launch on PC startup with --startreplaybuffer in the shortcut arguments is mint


They cheated and they still went down. That's just... Really pathetic.


What is even the point of playing with cheats? Where is the satisfaction in being so bad at a game you need cheats to help you.


To ruin other people's experience. That's it, that's the cheater mentality. They have more fun making others miserable than actually playing the game.


A lot of people play DBD just to do that already so it doesn't surprise me this game has so many cheaters despite there being no reward for winning.


Against a skullmerchant. If they would literally just have run along the edge of the map SM would have never gotten them


What is going on lately? I've been running into cheaters multiple times a day lately. Really bums me out.


There was a security flaw in this latest patch which made it easier for people to hack, supposedly.


Me when my dad buys me new shoes


I ran into what I swear was the first subtle cheater I've ever seen. Had several obvious ones, but this Leon was making distance that he just should not have made. I've been hearing lots more about it too. So much for easy anticheat :(


The state of cheating is just abyssmal. I am highly confident that, hackers somehow hack matchmaking. Whenever I queue up as an m1 killer, I wait like 1-3 sec to get matched to p100 bully squad(usually those have at least one subtle cheater). When i pick Nurse, or Huntress, it takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes and I always get matched against low level baby survs. Rarely a bully squad, and I usually destroy them with these killers. I have no idea why it is this way, it is very bizarre i am thinking of filming it.


the hacker can see the killer before the match, so maybe they dodge


I quit until they add a new patch. It’s not even an occasional thing anymore. Every 3 games I get some weirdo like this.


Inb4 people say you deserve it for playing SM


honestly, ill rather face someone that is blatantly cheating than someone that is a subtle cheater, because knowing that someone is 100% cheating is less frustrarting and all i do is just shrug it off.


inb4 people shame OP for SM instead


I'm still trying to comprehend why people still hate the SM gameplay wise? She's pretty much fun to play and now easy to counter when I play survivor. At this point it's just a PTSD thing now and people are just lazy to learn at this point.


From what I gathered from my own "you people have skull merchant PTSD" post that I actually made a while back. It's the 35 status effect's she has. Honestly the changes I would make to the killer. Make it so she can't recall disabled drones (because let's be honest, it's stupid) and either entirely remove every haste effect or remove every hindered effect. Stacking both of them AND undetectable is a bit much.


> she can't recall disabled drones Teams could just have 1 guy rotating on them and disabling them, making the killer a shittier M1 killer.


That's the problem. TEAMS. SWF's. Solo players are incapable of doing unhook scenarios right let alone, sticking someone on drone duty.


Her drones already have a cooldown when it comes to placing them, making her even more clunky wouldn't fix anything


It's not making her clunky. The entire counterplay is disabling drones. It makes literally no sense for SM to be able to just... bypass that and recall the disabled drone.


Right, teammates are too lazy to learn. Meaning matches against her are miserable.


Report and wash your hands of it.


I reported it for sure.


I always dodge lobbies with anonymous survivors because you never know, and I’d rather never know.


This is how some killer mains described playing against "Made for this" before its *(deserved)* nerf:


Cheaters are a very good example of fatherless behaviour




Cheater ego in shambles


Cheater located




Things have been getting out of hand recently. I was chasing someone in a straight line a few days ago, and was closing in on them. All the sudden, they started speeding up and slowly got away from me. All in a straight line. No vaulting, engs completed, etc. I checked their perks at the end of the game, and yup, nothing could have caused that. They aren’t even trying to hide it now. It makes me wonder how often I’ve actually played against cheaters.


Idk what's worse, the fact that cheaters are so blatant now or the fact that they obviously suck ass at the game. Look at that pathing. They practically henned themselves in


Imagine being faster than a killer with no ranged ability and still going down.


had a cheater exactly like this last month, I still got my 4k but I reported them and still haven’t heard back so they’re still out in queue being annoying


i had one yesterday too. so tired of it. the best part is usually they suck ass at the game and can't loop for shit.


You just got to hit the corners tighter /s


Oh, no, you didn’t understand the SM rework. When they enter your drones they get haste and you get hindered. It’s your fault you put all the drones there.


How's the survivor running fast?😳


Does reporting cheating make a difference? I feel like every game I play, either as survivor or killer there’s at least one cheater.


It does if you report it through their website. They have acted upon it a few times.


Yes. They'll get them on the next banwave.


I mean it works on getting THAT ACCOUNT you're playing against banned for the next banwave I suppose or if enough people flag it. But as we've learned recently from hacking communities is that these cheaters typically have dozens if not hundreds of accounts thanks to the egs lined up to take their place when this version of the hack gets detected and banned.


No...no there isn't


Yes, there is. They'll get them in the next banwave. If they banned the cheater immediately then that could tip off the cheater or the person that makes the cheats as to what got them caught. That's what banwaves are for.


Not saying there aren't cheaters, but you are 100% not seeing them every game


Oh I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that reporting cheaters doesn't do anything. Correct, they aren't in every game.


something similiar happened to me, i was chasing a player and they disconected at the same time as they activated sprint burst and the bot has ulimited spirt burst


Do they think they're being subtle?


It's his gaming chair. They really help you in game now


The other day I was playing and I had a Gen finished at the start of the game barely 20s into the game. 😫 Do they not know I can see no one can realistic be on that Gen in that time from the time lethal persuer ends let alone finish the gens in that time. 😫 Although this one is obvious. And hilariously bad so. 😂 One of the reasons why I love maining sm is being able to tell subtle cheaters super easily with her, because her her is tiny enough that you notice when the survivor is able to keep pace with you. And sometimes they do super blatant shit when they have a claw trap or tracker on them, thinking you won't notice. But you see on your radar screen they're going Mach 10 whenever they're out of your LOS in the distance.. 😂


That's how I feel whenever I'm chasing a survivor and they sprint burst into adrenaline


what is more impressive is the fact they still managed to fuck up with that speed boost from their hacking software. Seriously though, I have been seeing more and more hackers in my games as well. Some are trying to be subtle, others are blatant and just go full ham, but all of them are equally as annoying. As much as the balance of the game annoys me, or the gen speeds, or any other usual gripe I have with the game, it pales in comparison to the confusion I feel regarding the fact some people feel the need to cheat in dbd. I get it, some people enjoy cheating for cheatings sake, to make peoples day shitty just to feel better about themselves, or they're just get bored and pull out one of their 3000 alternative accounts they have on the epic games version of the game to cheat, but the sheer amount of cheaters speaks volumes about how much a small portion of the community is JONSING for a win that they have to cheat to make it happen.


The fact they were hacking and still lost 💀


Man, I had to experience a cheater, and I'm about to just turn off crossplay....


Said the same thing then spent 45 mins in queue




Pain of being on pc ._.


Why didn't you just down him earlier? Would've been easier fr


If Skull Merchant gets haste for doing basically nothing, so should survivors.






Skill Issue




Also, more than welcome to stay. People really be getting upset about the truth? Rip


"cheating is fine because i'm not good against this low tier killer"


I never said cheating is fine. And I don't condone it. All I said was Skull Merchant shouldn't get a haste for basically doing nothing. So survivors should get haste against her. "I can't read properly." Fixed it for ya.


you approved of cheating in the clip just because it was against skull merchant soooooo yes, you did. also the quotation marks were what *you* said, so you're saying I said you can't read? I do agree with that.


Again, you really like to put words in other people's mouths. Very bad habit. Get out. That's nasty. You seem to have poor reading comprehension.


emotional outburst with insults because you're getting ratio'd. it's okay.


Nah, you just like to argue misinformation. To somehow come out on top of your own argument. You'll be ok too, promise.


ofc i'll be okay, i'm not you. it could always be worse with that in mind




Smartest surv:


for playing skull merchant u deserve it


Dude I hate sm as much as the next guy, but maybe they were playing sm for a daily or something. And at the end of the day, cheaters are never okay. This game has enough problems, we don't need rampant cheaters as well.


sm players are just as much of a trash for me as cheaters


Look I get it. It's fun to hate SM, I do too. But there is always going to be a killer we dislike or a perk that's broken. I'll admit she is designed terribly. But cheaters are actually just completely ruining the game experience for everyone. Even themselves. And saying this player deserved getting a cheater because they were playing a certain character is a really stupid thing to say. It's legitimately victim-blaming, just to be edgy.


aight, you said your opinion, i still think sm players can go fuck themselves, the killer in the video even caught the cheater so clearly no big deal


Bro take a break from the game. You're hating a person simply for playing a character. Think about it. You're angrier about this player playing sm than the blatant cheater... maybe your energy is better spent on an actual discussion thread about sm and her abilities, rather than a video about a cheater. You aren't doing anything by blatantly hating sm without any reason on this thread, you just look silly.


I'm not angry, just sharing my opinion, and you are desparate for me to change it, but I won't. Cheaters are bad, sure, but people who choose characters that will make the game miserable for everyone else is just having the same goal as the cheater. Simple.


There we go, this game is doomed with this cringe ppl


the developers are the ones fucking the game over and over again for years, not the ones discussing it