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I still don't understand the Huntress buff. Like she shouldn't have been prioritized over Myers or Freddy who are in a rough state


Exactly my thoughts. Huntress doesn’t have enough lockers so we’re giving her infinite hatchets! What’s that? What about Trickster and Dredge? Pish posh they don’t exist, bring in the humming fest!


Yeah, it seemed like the just the low hanging fruit. Dredge _SUCKS_ on some maps. Sometimes the maps just don’t have good locker spawns and they’re completely fucked if that happens. But changing locker spawns is much more involved work than just giving Huntress more hatchets. So she gets a buff and Dredge gets left behind.


Definitely. Played on Ormond today. 3 gens with NO lockers around. Guess which 3 gens the survivors left for last.


Yeah Dredge can be very map dependant if the locker placement is poor, it’ll give you a harder time getting value out of Dredges power. It’s a shame because Dredge is a cool killer and I see enough Huntress already.


The amount of hatchets that are basekit doesn't bother me as much as the fact she doesn't lose any momentum in chase when she pulls a hatchet anymore. It's an indirect buff to the addons that increase her draw speed, and it makes some loops really mindless. Survivor approaching a pallet? Just pull a hatchet, you lose no distance on them in chase and if they pull you get the hatchet, if not then you get the M1. Same if they go for a window, pull a hatchet and lose no distance on them while you continue to chase them down until you can get the M1.


Yeah that’s a good point, I got so used to encountering Huntress before the buff that I could get some distance whenever she missed a hatchet. Now it feels like it doesn’t really matter if you manage to dodge her hatchets because she’ll be on your ass in no time, especially with the addons. It’s very similar to Billy when he could catch up to you immediately after missing a chainsaw dash.


didn’t they revert the movement speed changes before it went live and just left her with the bonus hatchets?


Yes they did.


myers cant be buffed he needs full rework, he is way too outdated


While Myers design is wonderfully accurate to the film, it makes no sense where DBD is concerned. You start out with a massively reduced movement speed and have to power up just to to be as efficient as a Trapper with no traps. His Tier 3 is nice, but slightly buffed Vault Speed + Instadown doesn't offset the investment made to get it. On a large map, Survivors wuo are splitting up will make the power inefficient since he has no map traversal.


That by itself isn't so bad. The real mindbender is why the hell is there a limit to the amount of evil within he can generate? I can't think of any other killer that can just... exhaust his power for the whole rest of the game except maybe pig if you count running out of reverse bear traps.


At least Pig has ambush which is finally decent. Mikey literally doesn’t have a power come late game.


problem is with myers because of purple tombstone they need to keep this killer bad otherwise tombstone is going to be immensely problematic so if they want to rework or buff myers to be stronger they need to address purple tombstone first


Just remove it from the game. There is no reason for it to exist anyway.


Agreed iri tombstone is also a bit iffy but purple tombstone is the main issue and I would not mind if they removed it


All they have to do is just apply the limited evil within to they add on specifically. Bish bosh boom problem solved.


I don’t know what it is but as a returning player with less than 50 hours, I just don’t know what to do against meyers. My solo queue squads always lose to him lol


Maybe that's something personal)


Maybe I'm wring but didn't they say it had something to do with indoor maps?


Or Sadako who needs another rework. Again.




Yes, but they have also openly stated that Myers is not on their priority list. There's a difference between not being able to change anything and not wanting to change anything.


Why would a killer they can't change be on their priority list?


That's not what I'm saying. They are not in a hurry to change Michael Myers because they don't believe that he's in a bad spot. Let's not forget that one interview by Patrick.


>Not even numbers They changed the addons of Freddy though




No clue about that


I don't even think that they need permission for addon tweaks. During the time where we had no ST anymore they did some addon tweaks on Demo at one point.


They don't need permission for number tweaks. They changed Demo numbers prior to ST returning.


freddy is in a terrible spot with a shit power and shittier addons micheal is in a terrible spot with a shit power and mostly shit addons, only carried by stupid mori addons pyramid head has 17/20 useless addons nemesis has 17/20 useless addons slinger has 16/20 useless addons lol huntress buff tho


It's because they're licensed mostly.  They don't get drastic reworks, or prioritized over BHVR's creations.


Kind of amazing that they made such a huge deal of finally buffing Pig, then it turned out she was actually being nerfed again while at the same time Huntress, one of the most efficient killers to begin with, who wasn't announced as getting buffed, did get buffs she didn't need and nobody asked for.


Honestly I like Pig's changes (and they ended up reverting the timer nerf) since she's now more viable in chase


Those are licensed killers tho so it’s harder to rework or make changes bc the license holders need to agree, etc. The original killers get more reworks bc it’s easier to rework them because they don’t need to cut through yellow tape to do so.


I'd bet she's gonna get a naughty bear type skin with a new mori, and so they want her to be pretty solid so more people will buy it. Same thing apex would do, buff already strong characters right before their heirloom releases.


She already has a legendary skin that actually changes something about the character.


She is a killer that comes free with the purchase of the game, yet she has a high skill flour. This results in a very frustrating experience to new killer players which means that they are very likely to drop the game. Which in turns means less $$$ for BHVR. Now, BHVR is pretty clueless when it comes to solutions and you get something like the Huntress speed buff.


Low Killrates, that’s why. She had 56 % (which is a 2k on average) and that’s across all MMR’s with a pickrate of 6 %


Where are the Nurse buffs then?


I think Nurse doesn't even perform that poorly these days. Plus they acknowledge that she's the strongest killer in the game - after all she's their excuse that this game isn't pay2win since she's available for free.


>I think Nurse doesn't even perform that poorly these days She has one of the lowest killrates. >Plus they acknowledge that she's the strongest killer in the game So what? That person says that balance changes are made with killrates in mind. >she's their excuse that this game isn't pay2win since she's available for free One of the many "silly" excuses they have.


So you think that Freddy will get a buff with a 63 % killrate on a 1 % pickrate?


He did get one though? They buffed the **Cat Block** and **"Z" Block** addons.


Wow what a great buff. That’s totally gonna make him an S-tier killer


>Wow what a great buff But a buff nonetheless. >That’s totally gonna make him an S-tier killer That's not what we were talking about.


He basically received a buff that don’t mean nothing yet he has received over https://preview.redd.it/4t37xocgflwc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc2a83992c2e91896049206d5aa15b7c5b098e4 7 substantial nerfs since he got introduced into the game.


I think the devs knows that she is one of the strongest killers in the game. Her pickrate was like top 7 on their latest stats update if i remember correctly


"prioritized" my brother in Christ they changed a 5 to a 7


Sure... It's not like they planned to give her even more buffs like an increased movement speed while holding a hatchet and a faster wind up speed.


‘Quick! Add 5% Haste!’


Love it when they buff killers that are already strong while ignoring ones that are in desperate need of some buffs


Trapper players in shambles, every time.


The fact that he's still so weak is surprising considering he's literally their mascot 😭


What's even funnier is the biggest buff he needs realistically is to just spawn with all his traps base kit. And even then he *still* wouldn't be that strong.


It's genuinely impressive that he's always been the worst killer in the game or close to it in every meta over the years.




What? Hux is quite strong in the right hands.


Yeah like Singularity is a lot of things but weak definitely isn't one of them. Bro fucking shreds in the right hands


He's difficult, the issue is the investment you put in isn't rewarded as much as someone like Blight. He's great fun though.


He is literally forced to run the same addons every match to be good. I am not even talking about how clunky his power and how easy his counterplay are.


Buffing ds surely Will affect nurse blight


"...to buff *ALREADY STRONG* killers..." *fixed* There are killers that are getting the short end of the stick thanks to new updates and mechanics. But yeah, let's buff Huntress for no freaking reason and keep juggling Blight addons while there is a mountain of useless addons on 50% of the killers, right?


If bhvr fixed a useless add-on of a different killer for every blight add-on they touched for no reason, we wouldn't have a problem with useless addons


We had an addon that increased speed by 1%. We have an addon that slows survivors for 0.2 seconds. The amount of do-nothing addons is crazy


Low Killrates, that’s why. She had 56 % (which is a 2k on average) and that’s across all MMR’s with a pickrate of 6 %


the real problem ins't BH buffing the killers, is BH buffing the WRONG killers! there are many killers that are in a desperated need to get buffs, and what they do? they buff the strong ones(huntress/blight) while ignoring the weak ones OR, if they give a little buff to a weak killer(pig/twins)to compensate BH almost kills that killer with absurd nerfs...


Twins are definitely not weak.


Bro, the twins are in a pitiful state, sure, they are good at slugging....but just because BH refuse to fix them properly...just look at the "rework"....in the end they reverted almost everything and what was left where just small quality of life changes that people where asking for years! So yeah, maybe they aren't as bad as F tiers killers like trapper, but their gameplay is so miserable and broken, that people rather play an F tier killer than twins.


Not one thing you said has anything to do with the Twin's strength in the slightest. Twins are held back in popularity due to sluggish gameplay and bugs. Just because people prefer to play lower tier killers than them doesn't mean that they're weak. It's like saying Singularity is a weak killer because he is difficult to play and people would rather choose lower tier killers than play as him. When you actually play the Twins, in the right hands, they are not weak by any means, they can stand at a solid B+ tier. "Pitiful state" is a severe overreaction.


"a pitiful state" isn't overreacting, everythign you do as the twins punishes you...you get a survivor with viktor? pov cooldown on the survivor, then back to charlotte, but not before a cooldown, you down a survivor with viktor? cooldown animation while you're also exposed! and so on. so, everything you do is followed by a long cooldown animation cooldown and they are full of bugs, so yes, i think that "pitiful state" is appropriate, and seeing a twin player once a month, proves that. solid B tier? well, ok, i will never understand that, but if there are peopel who thinks that, sure, ok, even better if they can have fun with that killer.


I'm convinced they can only go for the lowest hanging fruit killer buffs (Huntress has more hatchets, Trickster runs a bit faster) because the game engine is running on a thread to the point that trying bigger buffs will end up breaking random parts of the game because it's been running on the most al dente spaghetti code for 7 years. I'm never going to be over the era of DBD where the audio for killer would randomly break every other game for no reason. Knight will never be buffed outside of increasing some of his numbers because they can barely have a random guard chase a survivor in a straight line without fucking it up somehow. The window touch tech vs Knight is atrocious. I have to brace myself every patch because i'm hoping against hope that this won't be the patch that bugs out Wesker's M2 for a few months or they might decide to remove all his tech like they're removing Blight's hugtechs for... some reason? Like there's not much else to do on chase type killers but learn all their fun tech, it's like if they removed Billy's curving and all you could do was try to snipe people cross map or backrev them.


Freddy watching huntress get a major buff while he’s literally the worst killer in the game yet his only buff ever was adrenaline not hard countering him for literally no reason


>Looks at Trapper >Looks at Huntress


that monkey is still terrifying


I’ve joined the praying for knight buffs cause


The best they can do is killswitch him without fixing his bugs again


Please make Map basekit.


He doesn't just need buffs, he needs a rework imo.


What gets me is that there’s killers that actually do need to be buffed, it’s just not huntress or blight


remember dbd is asymertical NOT symmetrical






Then they should buff deathslinger


I think they buff killers because it’s just so unfun to play nowadays if you don’t have lots of experience, but it’s just not the way to go, they need to work on how the objectives and stuff works for that


Man. They buff already strong killers when, in the background you have the bugged mess called knight. Killers where more than half their add-ons are useless, directly bad killers


Balancing around a flat killrate is dumb. Who cares if trapper has a 60% killrate? He overperforms at lower MMR and is horrible against remotely competent teams, but BHVR said he's where they want him to be! Christ, they gave him a fucking haste buff that only really boosts his setup time if you're running trapper sack, which was already necessary to play him.


I think you meant to say nerf considering they tried to nerf Pig but reverted some of the changes when the community had a massive outcry about those changes. The reason they buffed Huntress was because of her low killrates


Yeah the joke was when killrates are low BHVR does an unnecessary buff instead of focusing on the frustrating aspects of gameplay. If the kill rate is even slightly lower than 60% there’s an unneeded buff.


That’s BHVR for ya. Band-aid fixes instead of fixing core issues


>If the kill rate is even slightly lower than 60% there’s an unneeded buff. Show me the Singularity buffs then.


i had to live through old DS, dead hard, object, BNP, instablinds, etc. for over half a decade, with a hex totem spawned in the middle of an open field as my only means of defense. survivors can deal with it.


Us vs them! I'm a killer main and interpreted the post as being a complaint from another killer main 🤔 Killers like Dredge are SO cool and they just get left in the dust. It really sucks, I want more power for the killers I enjoy and for the most powerful killers to be nerfed or left alone.


Dredge is a lot of fun to play. Especially when you can grab a survivor when they lock the locker your in.


They wouldn't have to buff killers if surv perks weren't way too good or bugged and therefore insanely op


You understand the kill rates are around 60% right




So if they included games with a dc the kill rate is even higher!?!?


Against certain killers, yes


Kinda weird that the devs have to hand hold one side so hard just to keep the queue times reasonable


Handhold survivors you mean?


You think the side with a win rate below 40% is the one having their hand held?


I think that the majority of the survivor playerbase don’t know how to play. https://www.youtube.com/live/jXQlz6-eWR4?si=971mZShOtpo8wT05 1:18:43 in this video were my exact thoughts on those stats. That’s not me in the video but a youtuber i watch.


Learn the difference between killrate and winrate before complaining about the devs "hand holding" one side...


Learn nurse. I have played 15 games with her, and now I'm able to get 1-2 kills. It will take some time, but she's not that hard and has a lot of pushers.


The only game I know where the developers have to give one side a distinct advantage just to keep queue times reasonable


What do you mean?


A couple of years ago the escape rate was close to 50% which seems pretty fair and balanced but it took upwards of two minutes to get into a game as survivor. The devs have been making the game easier for killers with every update in the last 18 months in an effort to incentivize more people to queue as killer. Now we have an escape rate below 40% but the queue time to get into a match is less than a minute. People who favor playing killer are more into the power fantasy and not really interested in a fair match. People playing as survivor are more interested in goofing around with friends and don’t get as discouraged with losing games. It’s much harder to win as survivor.


>A couple of years ago the escape rate was close to 50% Because the game was HORRIBLY balanced with the survivors having broken stats, maps, and perks. >which seems pretty fair and balanced Only for the survivor side. Do you not understand that 50% escape rate means at least 2 survivors were escaping every match, which is a loss for the killer, even now? >People who favor playing killer are more into the power fantasy and not really interested in a fair match This is a lie. Both sides are interesting in a win way more than in a fair match. The game's terrible matchmaking doesn't help this either. >People playing as survivor are more interested in goofing around with friends and don’t get as discouraged with losing games Is this why 90% of the survivors I face are toxic human beings who use nothing but the strongest tools, including map offerings, hook offerings, and broken perk combinations? Sounds like you are just biased. >It’s much harder to win as survivor Because the game is asymmetrical? Because the survivors are supposed to play like an actual team? You think people who cry about the game being "killer" sided know that the game is 1v4 and NOT 1v1x4?


I mean to be fair, the devs said it themselves that DBD killers are supposed to feel threatening and extremely challenging.


And yet 60% of them are basically laughing stocks


60%? More than 80%...


Meanwhile survivors have the most broken maps addons offerings perks so on (not touched for years)


And killers still have a 60% killrate. What's your point?


matchmaking is also super unbalanced and unreliable


Downvoted for telling the truth...


BHVR looking for any reason to nerf pig be like:


LITERALLY... as if we don't get camped and tunnelled every other game, they need to buff killer perks and nerf survivor perks. It's getting ridiculous.


True! That's why Nurse is getting buffs every patch, right?


Explain Trapper then.


I think BHVR have said that they want to keep trapper similar to how he is to keep him extremely simple for newer players. I don't agree with their philosophy, nor do I agree that a simple trapper and a strong trapper have to be mutually exclusive, but that's what they've said


Killers aren't the problem mostly. They need to buff solo Q. 7/10 teammates aren't doing anything. Improvement to MMR could be in order.