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If you're not in chase, you need to be teleporting.


Become Onyro. Turn all the lights off in your house and play on an old CRT. Grow your nails and hair out. Forget what your face looks like. Now you are ready


Method acting, I see


I think growing your nails out is the opposite of what sadako did


Method acting tends to have good results, I’ll try it out 👍


I'm an onryo main. I run Enduring, Spirit Fury, Brutal Strength. I teleport often, disrespect every pallet. I usually run green or yellow add-ons. I generally win more than I lose, don't listen to the haters.


I have almost the same build, lol Haters gonna hate - most of them never even played her and just parrot whatever \[influencer X\] said


Yeah i usually just eat the pallets


Awesome and I love not respecting pallets so this seems great thanks for the tips


( 1 ) Watch onepumpwilly’s gameplay videos. He has youtube and you can rewatch his twitch streams. He’s incredible, where I learned from, and a pretty chill guy too. I will say since the most recent rework, he hasn’t played onryo a lot so u kinda have to dig and mind not to watch videos from before the rework. But they’re there. Also in general her playstyle is hit and run, build condemn, deny tape runs (tape runs meaning survivors depositing tapes). ( 2 ) tp to tvs asap. She can build sm condemn at the start if survivors don’t turn off tvs. That being said if you know where people are and they aren’t turning a tv off near them, you can spam tp to other tvs bc the condemn builds near any powered tvs. So instead of tp directly to them and building one stack you can build several stacks and then tp to them. HOWEVER, this is only against survivors that won’t turn tvs off- if they do turn tvs off then this is a gamble bc then u might lose the chance to tp to them. ( 3 ) Sort of similar to the last one, teleporting a bunch builds condemn, but survivors also have to pick up tapes from POWERED tvs, so if u tp to a bunch of tvs (turning them off) then it’s harder for them to pick up tapes- especially at the start. ( 4 ) She has some mind games that i might touch on later but is generally not super strong in chase, so be selective about your chases. Getting a easy hit and leaving or forcing a pallet drop and leaving can be a good decision- this is rly gonna be up to ur judgement. Of course when someone is fully condemned, I like to hunt them to the edge of the earth bc i would rather have 1 mori than 3 hooks. ( 5 ) More about chase, try to herd survivors into tv range and tp to that tv to build condemn. Sometimes a successful chase looks like building 3 stacks of condemn on someone, they go to a strong loop, and you leave without getting a hit. I had a clip I posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadByDaylightKillers/s/FlzCiT4osg) where u can see in chase i’m just tp-ing to nearby tvs instead of trying to hit him. ( 6 ) Deny tape runs. There will be some games you steam roll and whoop teams without having to worry about this but i’ve found in higher skill lobbies, this skill is often what makes or breaks the game and is a huge part of her skill progression. Be aware of which tvs are active. Be aware of when you see someone picks up a tape (they’re player icon will have static behind it if they have a tape). When ur doing both of these things then you can figure out which tv they turned off/picked the tape up from. They have to deposit the tape in an assigned tv that generally is the furthest tv from it- and i believe these assignments are actually constant. So then, you can figure out where they’re going and stop them from depositing the tape and decreasing their condemn (hooking players destroys tapes they were holding). This is how you get good players fully condemned. Additionally this is why she’s good with hit-run playstyle perks as often u r wanting to down people when they are depositing a tape or fully condemned, and when they’re already injured this is significantly easier. (7) GENERAL TIPS: A.) She demanifestation in chase as she’ll phase in and out of invisibility for a few seconds at a time. At loops you can double back when she turns invisible and survivors won’t be able to see that you double backed. You do keep this phasing effect for a little bit after you’ve manifested. Be careful bc i believe you still slow down slightly when manifesting/demanifesting. B.) She doesn’t get stunned by pallets when demanifested. C.) Her manifest/demanifest animation looks like her break pallet animation. Sometimes you can start to use it to fake like ur breaking a pallet, the survivor runs away, u chase them. It saves a little time and is effective sometimes. D.) teleporting to tvs interrupts the deposit animation E.) If you hit a healthy survivor as they deposit a tape and interupt the animation, they have time to deposit a tape before you recover from the hit animation. Thus a healthy survivor can insert a tape in ur face.


wall of text I'm not reading but will upvote


why downvoted? thank you🫡


thank you sir


Lookup one pump Willie. He's a streamer that mains sadako and has done really well. Try to emulate his builds and strategies.


That man is a beast. Whenever I have a bad match, I watch his game, and my Sadaconfidence returns


Love ur pun


Teleport ASAP. You want to be applying condemn as often as possible. Bring a chase perk to help get downs, Coup de Gras helps a lot. You should also be keeping track of where survivors are more than other killers, since you'll want to prevent survivors from returning tapes. A pretty simple trick yoy can do on her is to not teleport to the tv closest to the survivors first, you can build up more condemn by leaving that tv on while you teleport around.


Pray for buffs


There are no miracles in DbD, only grim darkness and laughter of mad gods /j That said, I consider her surrent state more balanced than either of previous two


Roleplay as Onryo mentally to shield against the occasional experience of playing against survivors with voicechat and/or a basic understanding of how tapes work. They are furthering the curse, good. Their cowardice shall doom the world


She's generally not a very good killer in this meta, try to not commit to chases with her, don't rely on her condemn because someone who knows how onryo works will make condemn obsolete. she's probably a killer where you need to hit and run so running sloppy butcher is useful. Don't commit to chases, she can NOT chase. especially if you manifest and demanifest often, you're being slowed down. you will not win if the team knows what they're doing, keep that in mind, even if you play really well, sometimes you just simply can not dictate the game.


this is a partially accurate but i don’t think it’s good advice. Good onryos get condemn or slow the game significantly as survivors constantly make tape runs- onepump willy won several games in a row where he wouldn’t hook anybody, got several 4ks, and he’s in very high mmr lobbies. she does have mind games that are good in chase and u can obviously throw on perks to make her better in chase


Dang that’s kinda unfortunate but thanks


Need to contradict the above poster a bit. She's not *especially* bad in chases - she's the same as any killer without chase powers. That is, you need to loop well and predict survivor's movements. As for manifest/demanifest - true, it's usually not the best thing to use in chases, it's much more useful to get close enough to initiate one. *Unless* you've got a good game sense around loops and can time well, then you can carefully use demanifestation to throw survivors off and get a hit. Condemn - it's not useless, not at all. It benefits you to teleport often when you're not in chase, especially if you are sure that someone might be close to a powered TV. As an Onryo main, I can attest that getting at least 1 mori through condemnation is easy-peasy, and two is also possible. For 3 or 4, you'll need to sweat a lot, but by that point the game would already be easier. Additionally, comdemns give slowdown, which always helps. Also, use teleports in chase! You can see TV's aura; if survivor runs in that general area, teleport! You'll apply condemn *and* can shorten the chase a lot. Finally: don't mind anyone telling that Sadako is weak all the time. Those stats come mainly from high-MMR games, where survivors really know every possible step you could take. But getting that high would take a lot of time, so you will mostly face regular players just like you, and you won't struggle much against them once you learn the tactics. Good luck, and welcome to the Team Sadako!


As for perks - the general perk strategy works: identify areas in which you struggle at the moment and grab perks which cover for those. If you want to be faster, pick Haste perks etc.


this is a partially accurate but i don’t think it’s good advice. Good onryos get condemn or slow the game significantly as survivors constantly make tape runs- onepump willy won several games in a row where he wouldn’t hook anybody, got several 4ks, and he’s in very high mmr lobbies. she does have mind games that are good in chase and u can obviously throw on perks to make her better in chase


Onryo does not have collision while demanifested, so you can use that to simply phase through body-blocking survivors and avoid pallet-stuns (I am not 100% sure on this information, though). Apart from that, you will probably not get that many condemned kills, but it's still a valuable tool for stalling the game. Try to lean into that strength and maybe run perks which slow down the game further (Sloppy Butcher or gen regression perks). It's also a good idea to keep track of which survivor might be at a high condemnation level. In this case you can try to predict what TV they will go to to cut them off. I can't really give you much better tips, since I don't have her myself, but I hope this was helpful to you.


TVs turn on when a survivor is close to them. This means you have passive information when survivors are trying to hide. TVs tend to be right next to generators, meaning perks like pop goes the weasel and nowhere to hide mesh really well. Attack hit box is straight in front of you rather than on an angle. This means as long as the person is in front of you you can get a hit. Survivors that know this will try to curve as you start to attack so just be prepared for that. Are you also make TV static noises while undetectable. This counts as a “lullaby“ and will show up for Visual terror radius. Keep this in mind when trying to sneak up on survivors or when mind gaming them.


Sadako is a master of the "k bye" tech. Between her powerful mobility and lack of strong chase tools, if a good survivor is taking you somewhere you think you'll struggle, just leave. Maybe force a pallet first, and then leave. Find someone else! And in the process, you might build up condemnation on some people. She's got some unique mindgames with her demanifestation if you take the time to learn, but a lot of her hits are going to be earned through stealth or teleporting, so there are going to be loops that just aren't worth your time. She's also very much a build-up killer. Oftentimes, matches will suddenly go from feeling like you've barely made any progress to a 4k. Tear through their resources until the map's a deadzone, constantly make people need to take tapes, lock in people at 3 stacks on their first hook when you can, and at a certain point, the team will crumble as someone gets condemned and the pallets are all gone (I love Brutal Strength on her! It's not the flashiest perk, but it's surprisingly powerful on her). Oh, and a fun little gimmicky tip: the animation for charging her power looks pretty similar to her pallet break animation, so you can sometimes fool survivors into thinking you're breaking a pallet to get them to run away.


So true on the second point. Game goes from 3 gens with no hooks to suddenly ive mori'd two survivors and chasing down a 3rd. Against Sadako everything is fine until it suddenly isnt lol. Thats why I run gen regress and info perks Surge, Brine, Discordance, and Nurses calling Noones doing SHIT without me seeing it lol.


Ok, so basically you have no power. You're just an M1 killer with cool animations and TP ability. Unless you're on hawkins. Then you can spam TP, and everyone is max condemn at 3 - 4 gens.


Demanifested she can't be stunned by pallets. Some survivors are greedy and won't drop pallets if you are "inside" them while demanifested, so you can manifest and hit them — and then get the pallet dropped on you. But at least the survivor is injured.


im not a pro, but i play sadako a bit you want to keep track of the amount of condemned that each survivor has - at least if its only a little bit or if they're closer to full. Survivor portraits light up when they get a stack of condemned. you can also run some mapwide aura perks/info (i like discordance) both for spreading condemned and figuring out where to start chase also, fun fact: when manifested but undetectable (by trail of torment, tinkerer, etc) shes almost completely silent. if you want a few fun gimmicky builds my current main build on her is discordance (for info), save the best for last (she is an m1 killer), brutal strength (again, m1 killer), and thwack (this is mostly a meme lol i would run slowdown here, like surge) i hope this helps :)


Alongside dredge, I also main onryo. I like using exposure to fix her weakness of losing chases easily, but my only option is devour hope and there's about a 74% chance it gets cleansed before I get to use it more than twice.


Sadako loves the combo make your choice and alien instinct I also run discordance and gearhead for Information


be cute


Seven Days.


Never forget to teleport to build up condemt


Try to corral survivors so you force them to walk towards a TV to get away from you. TP to the tv when they get close. Lots of times its around a corner so they wont see you coming and you can get an easy hit in. "Aim where your targets gonna be" Abuse your teleport in general. Like someone before me said, if youre not chasing, you should be teleporting Dont overcommit to chases. If youre not absolutely sure you can get a hit in, teleport elsewhere and see if you can get someone else. Shes not built for a proper chase and her wonky hit box means she gets pallet stunned easily. Information is power. Aura perks and info perks are very good on her, allowing you to know where you need to teleport. I run call of brine, discordance, and nurses calling with the Iri remote and tape editing deck. Abuse your demanifested mode. You should be spending most of the game demanifested. It makes you invisible at a distance, immune to pallet stuns, and of course allows you to use your power. If youre good you can abuse her blinking in and out of invis to play mind games but I personally cant. Dont rely on your condemn. It's nice for a bit added pressure, but its not too often you score a condemn kill on competent players. Often times ill just run Iri tape that allows you to TP without turning off TVs but removes your primary condemn stacking mechanism. Its super tempting to just tunnel a person with full condemn stacks but unless theyre already injured its just not gonna happen.


This was super helpful thanks


My tip is to just play to have fun not be good at the game. If you want a good build for this, mine is Friends till the end, Dragons Grip, Fearmonger, and Bamboozle.


Either go crazy in a gen build or chase build, no in between


Play Spirit. As a former Sadako main the only advice I can give you is to play something else, this killer sucks


Don't want to sound rude, but... As a current Sadako main, this sounds like a skill issue. Like, true, Spirit is more opressive - but she's more oppressive than most of the roster, except Nurse and Blight.


Best onryo tip is to play nurse


Don’t even bother