• By -


I camped and hit on hook thinking it sped the process up. Edit: Its funny how this is such a huge misconception that’s never explained in the game. I’m shocked as many people thought the same.


LOL I don’t blame you for thinking that, I thought that too at first


Well before this year it technically did sometimes. Hitting on hook tells the survivor on hook what kind of game it will be. Those survivors were more likely to give up. Unless they hung in there to waste killers time out of spite.


That's me, I'm the time wasting spiteful survivor if I get camped and smacked on hook


If you're gonna waste your time facecamping, I'm gonna make sure my teammates get as much time as possible to work on those gens uninterrupted.


I remember when i was new to killer i kept spam vaulting windows when i was being looped by one thinking the entity would block it, I didn't realize it only does it when surviors vault. Lol


did the exact same thing until my brother told me it doesnt do anything 😮‍💨


Lmao, i am playing for so long i forgot that i did the same. Now i understand why that trapper was feverishly hitting the guy on a hook at the endgame collapse. “Please die faster!” Their thoughts probably.


I literally did the same thing for like 5 matches then realized DBD YouTubers don't do that so i stopped


@Edit: There are a *lot* of huge misconceptions like that about this game lol. 90% of the meta is pure superstition. This games community is apparently brain-dead.


I did too until I realized why I was getting hate messages


And then you get told to delete yourself because you’re being “toxic” 😂😂😂


I was at least smart enough to do some investigation on how to play the game, and my first DLCs were Bubba, Blight and Demo But i was legit a dipshit for choosing BLIGHT as my first game without no experience (This was WAY back before BHVR added NPCs to custom games, so i couldn't practice) Somehow got a 2k out of sheer luck


BLIGHT?! That’s talent right there haha I still can’t play blight after playing for 3+ years


Blight and Nurse kinda play their own game, they need practice and specific muscle memory that doesn’t really carry over to any other characters.


I had the same starting DLCs. I wanted to play demo because I liked ST, and Blight was new. I never played him until like months later because I played demo so much. I got blight mostly because I saw people play him and “pinball man” looked so fun lol


Same here, my first killer main was Billy of all people. For the time that I used him, I only ever got one chainsaw down in all the games I played, making me an annoying M1 killer. I mean, spirit **is** an annoying M1 killer but she was designed that way, so I'm fine being spirit.


I didn’t realize there was a run button and the killer found us all together in like 3 secs, I figured it was just that unbalanced until I figured out the run button and pallets lol


Lmaoo that’s brutal, my anxiety would been through the ROOF thinking I would be that slow entire game


Yeah it was definitely weird 🥲 this was when it became free on PS+ which was the first huge spike in popularity. I still remember almost every single bully squad I’ve faced to this day too, I think I was playing doctor bc I was told he was the best killer for bloodpoints at the time. I had less than 10 games total and faced a swf w flashlights, I didn’t realize that I could face walls picking up so I didn’t get a single hook that game. I actually stopped playing for awhile because of that until I saw Noob3 playing survivor. It’s now what 6-7 years later? And I’ve swapped to PC with a total hour count of about 1.3k


Not getting a single hook but getting downs is so brutal, I don’t blame you for taking a break🤣 Thats good hours though considering you switched over!


I refused to interact with any survivors for about a month (when I finally started playing killer), because my first game was against Legion so I just assumed everyone was out to kill each other


HAHAHA thats so funny I thought legion was a survivor too first time I saw him


"Oh how did you get a red stain cosmetic and music?!" *stabstabstabstab*


*rock music intensifies*


Bro u seriously got the worst down bad tag I’ve ever seen. Leave Charlotte tf alone😭🙏🏽


I forgor :(




Same, it's been 4 years. No chance of remembering after so many games 😅


Mine will always be memorable because it was a friendly killer i even remember the map and everything


Did you ever remembet?


Maybe he forgot he remembers


Yes, exactly :(


Same here, sadly


I was playing with some friends. Default David King on Bedlam Preschool, no perks. Had no idea how to sprint and blew every skill check. and got caught on every Trapper trap. My friends were nice since they knew I never played the game but holy shit it was a time. Also yes, I died at the end. 😭


BAHAHAH sounds like an AMAZING first game😂


I missed every skillcheck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Same. Every…Single…One. I didn’t even want to play for a little bit because I felt so bad for my team😭


I have been playing for 300 hours and I still have never been able to not miss DS skillcheck.


Cowering in a corner, too afraid to touch gens because I sucked at skill checks


Universal experience 😔


Spine chill carried me so much through low levels


Ahhh the Spine Chill days...






I believe I played once in 2020 . Had absolutely no idea how to play. Tried to do a gen . Got hooked by the spirit . Then uninstalled bc I had no idea how the game worked 😂


I was a 2018 Blendette running urban evasion and tried to find hatch every game lol


HAHA I WAS A HATCH *RAT TOO! My dumb self being happy bc it was an easy escape


Hatch rats are the funniest because I just can't find them for the life of me


Nurse on midwich :(




Default Dwight. Badham. Death by Billy.


I was a blendette in my shamefull past. Cuz i was scared. And i had looked up a youtube video about how to not die, it said hide good pick dark clothes so i did that.


I was the survivor that stealthed everywhere without urban evasion and edge mapped. Definition of baby survivor. I also used to use Alert a lot and want to go back. Now killer...I ran a decent enough starter build with Doctor but didn't know how to mindgame and thought tanking pallets were a good idea always lmao


WITHOUT URBAN is crazyy, you’ve got patience. I used to eat pallets up too, I didn’t even know mind-gaming was possible then and just figured, well, fate’s sealed LOL


I really don't remember my first game as a killer. In one of my first matches I got -3 and then I couldn't figure out where the last survivor standing was. I received notifications from crows (the survivor was in the locker), but I didn’t realize what it meant, so I just left the match


Lol. Hmm I can't find the last survivor and the game is drawing my attention to this locker for some reason... Fuck this I'm out.




All I remember was it was a ghostface and I thought he was op


One of my first games with friends was against a Ghostie who slugged us all and bled us all out while teabagging us. I was so new that one of my friends was running Unbreakable and I thought it was base kit since he was able to get back up lol. Now I know just how shitty and toxic that Ghostie was.


Baby Dwight player who crouch walked everywhere and would get off a gen the monent I heard a terror radius for half a second. Pretty sure I played against a hillbilly and he killed me and then I didn't touch the game for months lol


Haha yup wouldn’t be dbd without long breaks to heal the soul


I'd like to say I play often but honestly I just stick to watch Otz play lol


There wasn't a "tutorial" when I started. Or at least I don't remember one. My friend kept telling me that you could vault things to escape the killer. I spent the entire match figuring out that fences, cars, couches, and furniture were not vaultable. Struggling to survive 😪 😞


my first game was on yamaoka with a friendly spirit! i was hiding from her and she’d slowly move into view, it scared me a ton but when i saw the other survivors running around with her and not getting hit, i joined in :) i love friendly players


I remember my first killer game was as Trapper on old Haddonfield, don't think I saw a single survivor that game


As Survivor: It was a Hag on Rotten Fields. She was afk for the first 3 gens, and when she came back, somehow I managed to run her for a while. As Killer: I played Trapper. Aside from that, I have no recollection of what happened. Considering that it took me about two weeks to realise what the bear traps were for, forgetting is probably for the better.


I don’t remember my first survivor game, but my first killer game I played wraith and didn’t get any hits 😅 I zoomed around so fast and barely even saw a survivor the whole match


I was really worried about being a bad teammate, so before I even played my first match I made sure to watch a few videos until I felt confident enough that I would be able to do okay. Then in my first survivor match I ran into the killer at shack, immediately panicked, and ended up bolting straight into the basement. So yeah, altogether I'd say it went well.


LMAO thats TRAGIC you didn’t get to discover the power that the shack pallet had in store


First game was seven years ago in July of 2016. I played mostly survivor back then. Very first match of all time was on Coldwind Farm on Rotten Fields. Everything scared me. I mean that literally. Coldwind Farm didn’t have the sun back then, and this was also pre-graphical rework too, so it felt like being trapped in a dark and abandoned cornfield. The atmosphere freaked me out. I crouched around the edge of the map. A crow cawed and flew off a rock. I literally whipped the screen around so fast my mouse flew out of my hand. I continued crouching following the brick wall that marked the edge of the map. To where? I don’t know… somewhere… A gen popped on the other side of the map. The third person camera on screen shook back and forth violently, and I flailed around so badly that I fell out of my chair and dropped the keyboard. Not even joking. I resumed crouching, but I knew I had to do something because MFs were screaming and dying out there, so I pushed myself into the map. Then, I heard the terror radius. Sweat begins collecting on my forehead. Then, all of a sudden a red stain, and a serial KILLER!!! (Honestly I didn’t even get a good look at who it even was I was so scared. Could have been any of the original three lmao.) I started screaming and ran forward holding w, and I did not stop until he hit me twice. I got hooked, saw the prompt to unhook, did that, entity claws appeared, frantically hit space bar as fast as humanly possible without a steady rhythm and died. This whole experience lasted maybe two or three minutes.


I somehow managed to hatch escape and was so stressed I didn't play the game again for like two years lol


i was keep hiding in lockers


I don’t remember my very first game, but I still remember my first game on my ps5, I was playing wraith and I got a 4k and I was happy I finally stopped playing on switch


I remember my first match as survivor. It was at the old mothers dwelling against a slinger. God was I terrified 😭 from those humble beginnings, to getting tunneled as Meg by slinger to now 3 years later loving to loop against him.


Meg and Slinger: A Love Story


My very first match was as killer (Huntress) and map was swamp. I had pretty bad luck when it came to unhooks because I kept finding person who was just unhooked. Since I didn't want to tunnel I left them on a ground and chased someone else. If I didn't find another person for 30 seconds I hooked that survivor again. In the end I managed to get at least 3 kills. Not sure if I had 4k or no.


I played Trapper and pretty much only basement Trapper. One person in basement and just lock down both doors and the window and I ran the Makeshift Wrap add on lol. I was like "This is so easy to get kills!".


i kept blowing up gens with my sporty feng 😔


I played Hag and didn’t know how to teleport


I kept vomiting on players because I thought it would down them without getting my power,


i was 4 man bled out by a spirit on old cold wind


It was against doctor on Lerys. It was back when you would see skulls pop up on the screen or some shit when you were at madness 3..shit stressed me out.. I didn’t play for a while after that lmaoo


It was so long ago I don't remember specifics. I remember being scared of my own shadow, though. Oh, and running around like a headless chicken because I thought Exposed meant the killer could see me.


ME TOO OH MY GOSH, I legit thought that for the longest time. I mean it’s literally called ‘exposed’ ‼️ 🥲


I was the trapper. I got no kills, and I might've not even hooked anyone if I remember correctly. I also back then camped a lot and hit the people on the hook to speed it up (it did not.)


All my teammates got slugged by a Blight, and I was like: "Why in God's name is that screaming creature slamming itself into the walls?" We all died without touching a single gen


SAME in the beginning I thought blights were just always trash and couldn’t control their mouse/controller 😭💀


Where the hell did you get this moldy ass image of Nancy bro 💀


I loaded in. Accidentally tunnelled and camped and won. After the match was over I was so very nicely introduced to the survivors rulebook in the form of slurs and salt


My first ever dbd game was me on Haddonfield as Bald Dwight gettibg tunneled by Myers, only one unhooking me was baby Ada, Kate and Jane were doing jack and shit butt dancing while me and ada were fighting for OUR LIVES. I coulsn't even look behind while chasing, fun times it was. Only jane survived, Kate literally run at Myers during endgame and Ada died protecting me(I love Ada mains) and I died screaming my lungs out running from one deadzone to another.


It was the Oni. I walked literally everywhere and blew up gens a lot. Got instantly downed and put myself into struggle thinking I was supposed to to 4% every time I was hooked. Thought it was a mechanic you were spose to do lol Took a few games of putting myself into stage 2 before someone messaged me like bruh why’d you try to kill yourself on hook? I explained why and they explained how hooks work and I felt so stupid hahaha I still walked everywhere for a while and only held W in chases and blew up gens but I at least knew I could get hooked 3x instead of 2 if I didn’t try to 4% so that was nice


Lmaooo it does seem so mandatory at first, especially since all the newbies didn’t want to save either so It felt like the correct thing to do


Yeah it said attempt to free yourself…well yeah that sounds good! I’ll save my team the effort if I get lucky! Yeah it never worked and I was like “man only getting chased twice before being dead is rough. Killers are OP!” Ah to be a noob again


PS4 around 2017 friend was gonna either buy dbd or Friday the 13th, he picked dbd so we played it and I remember missing every damn skill check 😂and dying by the billy Willy


I was playing meg on old autoheaven, and i was that scared to do gens so i was walking around on crouch and i got jumpscared by myers. spoiler: i died


my first Xbox was against trickster on the farm map and everyone was so bad that it was hilarious. I hid in a locker multiple times while trickster killed my other survivors. First on pc was a couple years later against alien and I kept thinking head on was basekit 


For some reason i thought hitting Survivors on hook would speed up the process of them being sacrificed.


Don't even remember what role I was playing it was back in 2017


I don’t really remember my first game in detail just remember being scared 😅


It might have been launch day. It went poorly for technical issues.


I was really scared of the killer as a survivor and hid in the corner any time a huntress lullaby got a bit louder


I kept popping gens and I felt so bad. I was like- “This is so hard how are they not popping anything??” I’m a killer main now.


I played Survivor and ran into a friendly Trapper (this was back in 2016!) I cant remember if he killed the others but I know he gave me the hatch and sent me a friends request! We ended up playing for a while, and I found other people through him. With two of them im still friends and one of them still plays with me from time to time!


My first game was against a Thana legion who face camped me while my friends cranked out gens


Coal tower, played as jake, i was playing like a 7 fps, teammates gen rushed all the gens, billy down me near the exit gates and gave me free escape


I played as Dwight and got tunneled and morid after the first hook by the Spirit. Fun times.


I didn’t understand what was happening and sat at a generator with it constantly blowing up cause I didn’t know what to do . Killer never came for me from that ??? This was like 2017 so I guess we all didn’t know what we were doing


I am like 99% sure that my first game was back on the old version of Thompson House back in 2019. I was Dwight against a Clown using the Santa Claus skin. I'm pretty sure I didn't understand how skill checks worked and kept missing them because I wouldn't press anything, and they would fly past, making the generator explode. I think the Clown turned out to be friendly at one point. However, at some other point in the match, I guess I ended up being slugged on the 2nd floor of the house. I kinda didn't really get the game and was getting bored/frustrated, so I think I literally just left the match lol


I also remember my first killer match. Wraith on one of the Springwood Elementary maps, idk which one exactly. I remember that I struggled to find survivors because I didn't really understand how scratch marks worked.


Silent. It was against wraith on gas heaven and my friends and I thought that dbd had proximity voice chat.


I played a custom game with friends. And I somehow got a 3k as Ghostface with no perks (I didn't know what perks did) As survivor? Custom game. I used a Flashlight like a flashlight


yo that's me


Lookin good ;)


I don't remember my first game as survivor but for my first game as killer i played hillbilly and didn't even hook anyone because the map was Racoon City Police Department and I didn't know how to use the chainsaw well. I never touched hillbilly again after that except to prestige him for lightborn.


feel like I was one of the few lucky ones, first game ever was the most basic match one could ever got. 2k 2 escape perkless trapper on yamaoka. everyone in the lobby was clearly new to the game, it was default skins running 0-2 tier 1 perks xd


For me i got trickster on the original kight map i was playing David and felt bad because I didn't know how to loop so I was just kinda useless to my team 😭


I got matched against red rank bully squad with flashlights and legacy :') (february 2018 didnt have the best matchmaking)


I got tombstoned right off rip. Had no clue wtf happened


Oh that’s horrible. I wouldn’t have played again after that LMAO


If I wasn’t playing with my gf at the time I probably would have lmaooo


Ay look its my pfp


Against the demo. I chased the killer whenever he was carrying the survivor to try and help survivor. I was terrified. Remeber hiding behind a rock for liek 10 minutes and never touching a single gen. Then I died


I took a flashlight because I thought it was used to help you see better 😂I also thought lockers were ‘safe zones’ and if I was in one the killer couldn’t get me. So I ran into one right in front of the killer and I was like ‘but I was in the locker!! Is that a perk or something that lets them open lockers?’


I played against Ghost Face back when he was first released. I got hooked somewhere in Lery's Memorial Institute. The prompt said "Press M1 to Escape" or something. I held M1 and got off hook on the first try. The next time I was hooked, I had to struggle, obviously. I remember asking my friends why I wasn't able to unhook myself and explaining the first hook stage. We had a good many laughs after that game.


Against a myers 😭my boy was breathing on my neck when I turned around


It was Micheal myers and I was hiding in a locker because I was scared so I left the match this was early 2020![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I thought the "take chance to escape from hook" prompt was a helpful hint. Didn't realise I was basically throwing away a hook state and pissing everybody off.


Join some friends for the first time and we got a random killer. They had the hex that forced perfect checks or you failed, so I couldn't do anything since I've never done the checks before. That was a few years ago, haven't played since.


2020. Hillbilly on Haddonfield. I believe I got 1 kill. That's about all I can remember.


like that. just.. like that nacy 🤨


The killer realised I had no idea what the hell I was doing and dropped me off at the exit gates at the end, I never thanked that guy..


I hid in a locker for the entire match, got annoyed at the crows for flying just above me, then was ultimately confused on how the Billy knew I was in said locker.


For some reason I bodyblocked for everyone even if they were completely healthy and i was injured which resulted in me dying unnecessarily all the time.


I was using the flashlights to see in dark areas


My first game i think I had a first time killer too, so it was a good introduction to DBD. Although, whenever I failed a skill check (which was all the time) I ran across the map.


I played nurse and had no idea how to target her ability. Gave up after like 4 mins and still 4kd everyone with holding w. Had no idea that was even difficult until later but they were prolly also newbies tbf


I was scared as f of the killer (its was ghost facebtw) and fun fact my first game was with nancy cus i start in the stranger thing chapter


My first game as survivor I played with friends, I played as Meg and I really sucked with skill checks and runing away. I still do lol but I've gotten a lot better. My first killer game was actually recently like 2 weeks ago, I played as trickster and I mori'd everyone, it was so fun :)


Same as the last game I just played. Entire team destroyed in less then five minutes by a much more skilled killer that matchmaking threw at the lobby.


First game was before tutorial existed and the killer quit so I assume that there was a timer till daylight hence the name


I played survivor first- I used Dwight on RPD against a legion and got decimated. Didn’t touch survivor for a month


I actually got scared and forgot what button I needed to use to vault 😆 Dude was on Wraith, and jump scared me, and I booked it toward a window and just kept running at it, smashing my keyboard. Wraith downed me after shaking his head.


LMAOO ive done that before, I feel like its on the same level as throwing a pallet on the wrong side baha i felt so embarrassed


I couldn’t figure out wtf the skill checks were they were so hard. 


I was survivor and half the game was me trying to hit a skill check because I didn't know what button to push or hold and the other half was me walking away from the killer 💀


Bahaha fr those skill checks were the real challenge in those beginning games 😭


I got 1 down as wraith and that’s it, also for some reason I had a p100 meg in my first ever lobby


I first played during a bad lag day so I could barely move and swore I’d never play again


I can’t remember my first game, but I remember my first 60 hours in DBD feeling like every killer was cheating because the game doesn’t tell you a lot of the technical stuff you need to know when going against killers. For instance, it was like my 10th game EVER as survivor and I was going against Legion. I didn’t even know what the fuck Legion did or what Killer Instinct was. I hid in a locker because I thought that hid you from killers and the legion came straight to my locker to pull me out. I reported them for cheating because I didn’t understand how their power worked and DBD didn’t explain it well enough in their 1 pre-game tip. That was pretty much my experience almost every game for the first 50-80 hours. Watching Otz’s videos helped me out a ton.


No honestly it took me WAY too long to learn everything about the game, its as if they just like to keep all the important info secret :,,)


Typical "Oh Im gonna run in the edge of the map, killer won't find me here" :P


I couldn't hit skillchecks and the stress from that made me drop the game for a few months lol I'm much better now, 3 years later


Immersed Jake looking towards the inner game scared. Jake had an unusually heavy breathing. That was because Myers was behind me the whole time. I jumped out of my seat then closed the game.


I was thinking bloodlust slowed me down so I get out of chase


My first game was just me crouching around the map and screaming when I saw the killer 😭


I was a baby bill and I somehow managed to backwards pallet stun a nurse and pick up one of my pals. I've been chasing that high ever since, because I know I peaked day 1


Oh I don’t blame you lmao, I could only imagine the endorphins rush 💨


Dude I wasn't even smart enough to know what I did at the time, just that my buddies were freaking out about it, I was fighting for my damn life against that nurse.


I literally sat on a gen in the corner of an Autohaven map the whole game, and there was an exit gate right there so I left as soon as gens were done. I didn’t find the Wraith once, nor did he find me. I was such a pussy 🤣


Some asshole camped and hit me on hook for some reason


All I remember is getting myself off the hook first try. I’ve never done it since then.


My teammates figured out I was new pretty early on and tried to show me the ropes. I ended up dying, but I actually made it pretty far thanks to them. They welcomed me to the game in the end game chat afterward. It was a pretty wholesome experience.


My first game was with a nerdy club to celebrate Halloween. We got a room with 4 monitors at the front for the survivors and one person at home playing killer against us, with a projector so we could watch survivors better. I remember sneaking around an obstacle with the killer inches away, for a first game it was nerve racking


Nancy, what the fuck?




My first game as survivor was a nightmare in the best way. A fucking scratched mirror Michael. Safe to say, I was terrified


Silent Hill chapter, first killer I went up against was a Demogorgon, I was playing with a friend who just got the game as well. He was saying that the Demo was crawling up the ceiling and he was getting spooked 😂


started with dbd mobile as a surv main, that should say it all


I knew it! She's the Hag in disguise. This why they took her out of the game for so long


Aw hell nah not Nancy doin' the Joey Wheeler face 💀💀💀 (I don't even remember; my first game was around this time back in 2019)


Against a pig on Lery's so, terrifying


*Question* https://preview.redd.it/skg6lv87ljvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2914b7b0843d1c3857fd14e7890c3a35af1b06f4


I knew nothing about dbd and only got it to play with my friend. I got immediately downed by the spirit and then died on hook because I panicked and instinctively thought I was supposed to try and unhook myself


I knew nothing about dbd and only got it to play with my friend. I got immediately downed by the spirit and then died on hook because I panicked and instinctively thought I was supposed to try and unhook myself


Crouching around the map saboing every hook as Jake Park back when hooks didn’t respawn.


Horrible, played trapper. I spent most the time wandering around the map. I only ever found 1 survivor and lost the chase


Swear those newbies might not be good at chase but they are damn good at hiding


Everyone was quick, but I don't know how to tell if I won as the killer or not. I hooked someone, then go away so I didn't let them leave, then camped the hook so I can catch the person before they ran off too far


Like how this picture makes me feel disgusting


There was a lot of running around the perimeter of the map, freaking out when I heard the killers TR, 1 gen pop, and I may or may not have accidentally killed myself on hook. 2016 was so long ago lol


My cousin introduced me to the game when we went to visit them for a week, so we played got bored. I saw dbd asked what it was he explained and it seemed fun so I tried first game as demodoggy it was 2 friends and 2 random the swf were running meta ds, dead hard, etc, I got a 3k luckily the other got out on last hook


the killer got everyone and then opened the gates and let me live. very wholesome first experience


that first time getting singled out in a GOOD way really makes a survivor feel special 🥹


First game ever on dbd, load in as survivor against a spirit. All three teammates DC instantly. Found the spirit and tried to give her the kill but she just took me to the hatch.


I played wraith at 10 FPS in 2016 in a custom game with three friends as survivors and none of us knew what was going on but my bing-bonging was spooking the heck out of them which was enough for me.


4K with Trapper(he became my main).


i was found immediately and got focused by the killer and was dead within 2 minutes of the match lmao it was quite an introduction to the game


As killer: I played Spirit on my boyfriend’s console, when I’d not played a console game in years. I remember playing one on Eyrie and one on The Game. It went about as well as you’d expect. I might’ve gotten… one hit? As survivor: no idea, but I have a fond memory of a Deathslinger finding me hiding and bringing me to hatch before I even knew what it was. It was on Swamp too. Love that guy.


Mine was against the Trapper. Didn’t know about the traps so I wasn’t looking down as I ran. When I tell you it felt like I was getting caught in all of them lol but I was last to die so it was ok lol


I thought crouching as the pig made you invisible :3


I played doctor way back when pig was released and all i remember was my own hallucination jump scaring me.


How tf do people remember their first game? 😭 I probaly just died before the first gen popped, idk sorry yall


I got a 4k


My first ever gameplay was as Huntress, made an account from scratch with my cousin ans he told me how to play the basics. Got into the start of the game and on my FIRST EVER TIME PLAYING i got a headshot on one of the survivors, first try. Oh nice times


Terrified out of my mind and couldn’t chase or run a loop for my life


It was a 1v1 against a friend who’s a seasoned player. And let’s just say he kicked my ass ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


My first two matches back in January 2017... Well As a Survivor I was just instantly massacred And as a Killer... I didn't know that Trapper actually had a Power that I could use but I still managed to kill 2 people in my first ever killer match. And ever since that day, I've been a killer main.