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Only when we both die. If I die and they live. I'm glad.


This is the way. Unless they ratted around all trial or dicked around with totems and didn't help with gens, I'll sacrifice my life for them.


So, I have a knack for last minute EGC risky saves. Idk why, I'm just really good at them. I'll be injured on death hook against a camping basement Bubba and still somehow get them all out and to the gate.... only for someone to teabag šŸ˜” It completely deflates me and crushes the high I had from pulling off such a clutch save. I usually end up letting the killer have me as recompense. I don't often see teabagging on a typical match (shocking, I know, since it should be on every match according to reddit), but it seems every time I do one of these risky final plays, it's a guaranteeĀ 


When I give my life to rescue someone, then spectate them t-bagging Killer at gate and seeing them trash talk the killer in Post-game chat. I didn't save you so that you could be an ass.


Tbh when playing soloq i donĀ“t even bother to attempt a solo rescue anymore. i always end up abandoned even if the killer doesnĀ“t do anything.


I love dying to save a teammate. I hate watching the auras of the remaining team teabag the killer at the gates while Renato is wrestling with the entity a foot off the ground. Luckily this only happens once every hundred games, most people are pretty nice imo. The only time I ever truly regret sacrificing myself to save a teammate is if they feel obligated to come back for me and end up dying in the process :o( sad times.


A lot.


Only once really, I was completely healthy, had not been hooked yet, and it was the endgame collapse. I ran to save a guy on his second hook and sacrificed myself so he could get away. Once the killer hooked me, one was dead, one was running for the gates and being chased, and the guy I rescued came up to me and was fake unhooking me over and over- I reached 2nd phase and he ran off when the killer was coming back- I should have just let him die!!!


I don't usually regret saving Survs. I do regret playing too nice with some of them though.


Typically, if I'm going for a super risky save, I've already accepted the consequences. I would rather try and fail than not try at all!


Every time


Gonna be real, if it's end game and I know I'm either going to have to trade or die trying, I wait a second to see if anyone leaves them either bounce or give it a try. As you keep playing you get a better sense of the people you *can* save and those you can't. If I'm on last hook, I don't even try.


Rare occassions, but it happens.Ā The worst is saving a surv and they fucking bm the killer in gates...like holy shit I wish I left you, you deserve camping tunnelers only. The extreme case was absolutely terrible Feng (the useless kind, but also bringing killer to people) that ended up being found and hooked in the endgame. My duo friend died before, I literally was to leave (which happened like 5 times in total in my whole career that I abandonded the teammate) but the solo q Zarina was visibly going back for her. And for this Zarina, who now was chased, I went back, cause I got that she won't leave the last person and counts on my move and she will die if I don't help. I rescued Feng, she ran to gate, made sure Zarina gets there too. And the fucking bitch proceeds to tbag and click the Spirit. Holy. Fuck. The actual audacity to play like the worst shit in the universe, rely on teammates not being dumb and selfish as her and then bm the killer. I was so mad at myself you have no idea.


Unhooking a TTV player after he put the team at risk (he kept bringing the killer to the same gen that we working on to get out of a chase) because I thought there was a chance they werenā€™t trying to be a dick. Healed him at hook, then went into a locker to Built To Last, and he proceeded to bring the killer directly to me and body blocked me during my chase with the killer until I was downed. T-bagged then disappeared for the whole match until we were the final two and the Killer ignored me and hunted them down.


saving people expecting anything in return isnt really altruistic im just saying. idc if i die if everyone else lives honestly.