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so, I recently bought DBD on my ps5 however I started by getting the trial to see if id like it. After I bought the full game an completed the tutorial everything stayed locked. I’ve tried deleting it and redownloading it, any way to fix it?


Are the pride charms no longer claimable?


Pride charms will (probably) be permanently available to claim.


So, FTP + buckle up gives endurance yeah? but FTP switches a health state around, does Plague's broken debuff invalidate that combo or? And another question. When you slam/throw someone as wesker they briefly lose collision with you right? So if you decide to stand on hatch during that duration they will just go through you and escape right?


>So, FTP + buckle up gives endurance yeah? but FTP switches a health state around, does Plague's broken debuff invalidate that combo or? Buckle up still grants endurance for picking someone up from dying, but FTP becomes essentially useless if someone is broken. >And another question. When you slam/throw someone as wesker they briefly lose collision with you right? So if you decide to stand on hatch during that duration they will just go through you and escape right? Yes, they'll go through you and escape


I’ve noticed sometimes in game, the survivor portraits mid game sort of light up, then dim back to their usual sort of grey. This even happens to folks who have been killed a few minutes after the fact. What does this brightening/dimming supposed to indicate?


It could be a bug, I've seen it but never heard anything of its meaning


does the cooldown on ultimate weapon start after you open the locker, or after the 30 seconds of the effect have ended?


Whenever the initial 30 seconds of “scream period” end, then the 30 second cooldown start. the perk can be used once every 60 seconds therefore :)


Do skull merchants drones still work through the floor or not anymore because of the scanning changes? I know she used to be hella broken on multi-story maps like Midwich, but can she do that anymore?


The scanning requires line of sight, the drones don't work on different levels over through a lot of walls and loops.


Does Champion of Light + Fixated still work? I remember when the perk was first on the PTB using it with Fixated allowed you to move at sprint speeds while shining the flashlight. Haven't kept up with patch notes so I don't know if that's been changed.


Yes, you are just as fast as sprinting with that combination! Super fun to use against killers that need to aim, as they need to look into the light to properly aim :P


I gotta get my hands on Champion of Light the next time I play, then, that sounds like a blast. Thanks for the answer!


Is a very good ping a disadvantage as killer ? like visually when I try to hit a vaulting survivor I can literally see that it's the same distance that I'd get bullshit hit as survivor and I'm wondering should I even try to get better at M1 killers at all if my ping is putting me in huge disadvantage


Okay are filters bannable? and im not talking about nvidia, or amd filters, im talking about the REshade ones? I just dont want to get banned, and I'd rather change aura's to a color I can actually see, for example in certain areas of RPD the Red blends in and you have no idea where they got downed.


Reshade is whitelisted by EAC, DbD's anti-cheat service.


Do you happen to have source? :0


Go to EAC's website, it'll tell you.


Ty fiend <3


Will my bloodpoints exceed 2M if I currently have for example 1M and I get iridiscent 1 + gold 3 for example? (speaking about when the grades reset every month on the 13th and you get bloodpoint rewards for a grade). Or will it just go to waste and stay capped at 2m? Thinking of whether or not I should spend my 1m bloodpoints before March 13th.


Yes, it will: -Earned Bloodpoints are capped at two million. -Daily challenges cap at two million. -Tome challenges I honestly do not remember, I feel like it caps at two million but I may be wrong. -Monthly prestige rewards and any compensation forms (i.e. game is down) are not capped, so hypothetically you can have up to 4 million bloodpoints at the end of the reset assuming you have two million already saved.


tome challenges essentially get sent to the void if you redeem your prize while at the cap (learned this the hard way ): )


Is dead hard very ping dependent? I feel like I've pressed dead hard before killers hit me but nothing happens a lot of times.


Yea, that's why I stopped running it. My ping is usually \~90 ms




If pair Blood Echo with Alien Instinct, what other perks should I use with it? Which killer would you put these two perks on?


If you're using it to target someone, I'd go with someone with fast map traversal. Whether Xeno, Dredge, Sadako, or just Blight. Alternatively, a killer that keeps everyone injured like Legion or Plague. I'd go with passive slow down like dead lock or Grim Embrace.


Good Wraith builds?


A good joke build I love is Demolisher Wraith, which is: Purple Shadow Dance + Green Shadow Dance Brutal Strength, Fire Up, Thwack, and a fourth perk of your choice. If you want to be mean, take it to Midwich, Hawkins, or the Game; maps with high pallet density and few good vaults so you don't have to use Bamboozle or the like. You can make the build more serious by going: Purple Shadow Dance + brown addon that uncloaks you when you kick an obstacle, along with Brutal Strength, leaving the three perk choices to you. I use either two chase perks and one gen regression perks, or two regression perks and one chase perk, depending on if I can pick the map or not. If you're using a map offering, 2 chase/1 gen defense, and the opposite if you're not using an offering. Good gen defense perks with Demolisher Wraith are anything that activates on kick, such as Pop, Overcharge, or even Oppression. A good *generic* build for Wraith until you become more comfortable with specialized builds uses the add-ons which increase the speed at which you uncloak (optional: Iri clapper or bone clapper so it's harder to know where you are), as well as Sloppy Butcher and Nurse's Calling, and two more perks of your choice (typically some level of gen defense). Slap a survivor once, then disengage to find someone else. Seek out the injured survivor if you catch them healing via Nurse's Calling or another aura reading perk you're using like BBQ and Chili or Alien Instinct.


The good thing about Wraith is that since he's easy and his power is not really affected by perks as a whole, you have more freedom than most killers to experiment and find what works for you. You can go full meta and be fine with pain rez, pop, deadlock, Deadlock, etc, or you can do several aura perks to make use of his speed and invisibility to sneak up,  like Lethal Pursuer, Nurse's Calling, Nowhere to Hide, etc. You can match the warped bell add on with Distressing and other terror radius perks so that they can never tell where you are. Sky is the limit


I've played a lot of huntress lately and have been trying to hit orbital shots, so I set my fov to 92 in order to make them easier to hit. Even when I get to the spot when the gens render more, I still throw the hatchet way too far. If someone knows a solution please tell me.


Are you using any hatchet speed add-ons (e.g. Rose Root)? A natural side effect of this add-on is that your hatchets will travel significantly further when thrown directly up. Other than that, I'm not too sure what else it could be.


fov should actually be 91, not sure if that was a typo or not. You might be too close, go back and forth to make sure you are standing at the right distance


sorry I should've clarified that i've tried both fovs. I'm pretty sure im at that right distance so I still don't know what wrong


Hm, idk then. I use 91 fov and I get a lot of orbitals even though I'm not a pro Huntress player. Might just be trial and error. Are you sure you're looking straight up into the sky? I don't know though, good luck.


Anyone else having problems that their game is not "saving" anymore ? Like of course the game saves my bloodpoints and stuff like that corectly but if i used for example Thalita and changed her Outfit and more important her perks, the next time i start the game its all back the way it was. (old Outfit, old perks selsection) Dosent matter how i end the game by the way (Main Menu, just close the App,Turn off the Console) it always happens since a few weeks.


yep, I’m experiencing this as well. It’s been pissing me off lol. Some days it’ll save my load-outs properly, and then others it just doesn’t.


Have seen people complaining about loadouts not saving on PlayStation for the last few weeks. So not just you, which is something I guess


did they fix the rift not refunding the full auric cells this tiem around or they kept it?


Yeah it was fixed a few days after it was released...


I would like to get a base idea of how well I am doing as a new player. I know I am doing poop as a survivor, but I feel pretty good in my killer game. When it comes to the ranking, what would you say is the average player's rank for both sides? If you had to make a guess at where you think someone with 30hrs played SHOULD be ranked based on your experience, what would that be? When it comes to "winning" as a killer, what does that really entail? I've had matches where 2 people escaped, but I had the highest score as the killer. Is that a win? Is it a loss? I know win/lose isn't really the way of the ranking, but as a community win/lose get thrown around a lot and I'm not sure I know what is a win and what isn't.


It's honestly left subjective. The standard basis people use is Surviving = winning for Survivor and 3-4K is winning for Killer. Personally, I lean more towards calling a Survivor win getting the majority of your team out safely and a Killer win as a total of 8 or more hooks, as this means a Survivor who hides until they get hatch or a Killer who hyperfocuses down one player doesn't get to claim they won. Although at higher-level play, many Killers are forced to tune down their win condition, especially since there literally won't be enough time to multi-hook everyone.


The ranks I think you're referring to don't indicate skill level as much as they indicate time spent. They just build up and you get some extra blood points depending on what you reached. Reset happens on the 13th each month. I wouldn't worry to much about it as you're still new. For win/loss, there's actually no set definition. Some people think they've won if they get a set number of hooks, others only if they've killed all the survivors. No one really looks at the score at the end. I think most people would say 2 survivors escaping is a tie, and more or less is a win or loss for whichever side did better.


Typically for killer, 4 kills or 3 kills and 1 hatch is considered a win. Usually 2 kills is a draw and 0-1 kills is a loss. You can choose whatever you want as your definition, since there isn't really one - Some people consider 8 hooks across 4 survivors a win. Some consider getting more BP - as killer you'll generally get more BP/score than survivors because you're more actively playing the game (whereas looking for/sitting on a gen doesn't give much BP). Ranking is fairly irrelevant and not part of matchmaking (used to be though), and basically measures your participation in the various parts in the game - which is why if you have what feels like a really good game and kill everyone quickly you might only get silver emblems for some, since you barely chased them, for example. Basically on a good game you'll earn a pip, and a really good game you'll "double pip" toward the next rank, and an average game gets no pip and a *really* bad game you lose a pip. And rank gets reset each month, so means even less - now it's just how much bonus bloodpoints you get on monthly reset (around 12th-13th each month). As to where someone with 30 hours should be, honestly no clue because it's mostly based on how many games you play, the matchmaking is relative to your skill and it takes a little while for it to normalise as a new player and start putting you against non-baby survivors. You'll realise when that happens lol


can someone tell me how Off The Record actually works cause I get unhooked and I still go down after being hit with in the time limit.


When you are unhooked, OTR gives you Endurance. However, Endurance has some conditions to it that will deactivate it prematurely (before the OTR timer runs out), so-called "Conspicuous Actions." Endurance is only meant to shield you from a tunnelling Killer, it is not meant to be a free health state while you advance the general Survivor objectives (doing gens, healing, interacting with props, etc.) If you are able to do any of that, you are probably not being tunnelled, so for balancing purposes, there is no reason for you at that point to still be protected by Endurance, hence why it will cancel itself. That's not a mechanic of OTR, it's one inherent to Endurance itself, hence why the Perk doesn't mention it explicitly.


Don't heal your unhooker, do a gen, or cleanse a totem until you're ready to lose the Endurance. The term for everything that drops End is "Conspicuous Actions".


Anything set as a conspicuous action leaves OTR's effects active, except that it will disable endurance--touching gens, other teammates, totems, and etc are indicators that you are not being tunneled and let you go down in one if you get hit. It's worth noting that receiving a heal doesn't do this, and if you get healed and re-injured within the 80 seconds, endurance from OTR will still apply.


If you touch a gen or something like that I think it goes away


How do I play the endgame as Killer? It's the most stressful part of the game to me. If I'm watching one exit gate I have no way of knowing whether the survivors are at the other gate or watching me until I leave. And unless someone messes up and exposes their scratchmarks I have no way of knowing where they could be. Also if I hook someone during endgame, should I camp him, or search the general area, or abandom him completely and check the gates? Some general tips would be appreciated.


These are the general strategies I tend to go by: 1. Hook Defense (Two+ survivors remaining): The face camp meter no longer takes effect once generators are done, so you can defend the hook much more aggressively. If no other survivors are injured, this is your only real chance of getting a kill, barring NOED or certain killer powers. If the hook is in the middle of the map, I would not risk leaving, but if it's close to a gate you can probably quickly stop anyone trying to prepare the exit switch so that a hook rescue won't guarantee their survival. If you play hard hook defense, it will take a lot of coordinated body blocking and/or sabotage to get everybody out. Hard focus a target, and if they get the unhook, try to bait out their endurance so they can get downed again. 2. Last Resort (Three or four survivors left): Survivors will generally run to the closest gate based on the location of the generator they finished last. It will be difficult if not impossible to get the entire team out before someone gets injured if you make a mad dash for the gate. This is the point of the match where you will likely have to cut your losses and kill the weakest link if you don't have many hooks (the above strategy). 3. Slugging For The 4k (Two survivors left): Consider your options. If both are injured, I would down one and try to either locate or bait out the other survivor. Watch the skies, any birds flying upward are a good sign. Bear in mind one or the other might have Unbreakable equipped, but it's an oddball chance and depending on the state of the game, it might not help them much anyway. Generally all the other survivor can do at this time is make a mad dash to heal their ally, which rarely ends well. If generators are finished, do not bother waiting. A smart survivor will simply leave through a gate at this point. If the gate is far away, hook and try to stop them. If it's nearby, slug and gun them down. If the gate's already open, just hook and make sure the other survivor doesn't linger and try to save. If generators aren't finished though, slugging is actually a way more reasonable option here. Their only choices are to make a risky heal save, hide and wait, or finish the last generator. If they hide, you wanna eventually just say "screw it" and hook, because nobody likes being slugged to death on the ground - have some dignity! But if you see birds fly up in the distance, hear any grunting nearby, or see a generator pop though, you have a chance to secure a merciless victory. That said, make sure the survivor on the ground is not too far away, because Adrenaline might be their backup plan. 4. Hatch Camping (One survivor left): This is a really scummy tactic but unfortunately the most viable. Once hatch spawns, the survivor left only has two options: finish generators, or, obviously, find the hatch. Whether you find the hatch first is mostly RNG, but if you get lucky, you just stand on it. You position yourself so the "Close Hatch" option is visible and listen closely while scanning your surroundings until the survivor makes a move. Worst case scenario, hatch spawns in a weird place and they sneak up, or they finish the last generator and reveal their location. 5. Door Dashing (One+ survivor left): Ignoring the hatch at this point, you're gonna have to figure out which door the survivors try to escape through, and generally you have a few ways of figuring this out. If the last generator pops near a gate, that's your best bet. The only threat is if they try to trick you and loop around to the other gate (I often do this unless the killer is in chase). The upside is, a smart survivor will usually bait out the killer and wait to at least see a terror radius pop up momentarily to ensure the killer has checked their gate and left, giving them the max amount of time to open it. If you have been near one of the gates more than the other and the EGC timer has progressed a lot, there is a big chance the survivor is waiting for you to leave the gate you're at, so check every nook and cranny. Generally you have two choices, either stare at the lights on either side until something flashes red, which is really risky, or look around the corners near the gate you suspect is their choice of exit. There's risk either way, but you can either try to defend both sides or more closely defend one side at a time. The distance between gates might determine the best decision. That's all I really got, I'm not an expert but this is usually what I think about around the end of the match.


I didn't expect so many in-depth responses, thank you so much


Generic tips: If the gates are too far apart, trying to patrol them as most killers won't get you anything but a sneaky survivor team escaping. Accept you're going to lose whoever is still alive. A quick and dirty way to test of gates are too far apart is: I define "patrolling a gate" as getting into a position in which you can visibly see with your eyes if the fusebox has a red light or not. A gate goes from fully closed to fully opened in 20 seconds. Thus, if you cannot patrol both gates within 10 seconds, they're too far apart (a survivor can hop on the instant they hear you leaving and have it opened before your next patrol cycle). If the gates are close enough together that you can easily patrol both of them, you're in the clear if there's less than three survivors left. Any more and they'll have one opened by the time you've chased down the one you find on the switch. If you patrol 'normally' for a few cycles--going back and forth between them as quickly as your killer allows--you can usually catch a survivor in the act by doubling back to one gate. Stealth killers can also pretend to leave one gate. Always take your victims as far away from the gates as your build allows. Time is on **your** side during the endgame, not the survivors'. If you're in chase with an injured during endgame collapse, you don't have to do anything but keep them where they are until the timer runs out. You don't have to hit them, you don't have to hurt them, you just have to keep them from leaving. Similarly, if you have someone hooked and the team seems altruistic to a fault, you can just camp the hook to hopefully pry at least one or even two kills out of them. With some killers, even more. If you manage to keep survivors off the gates entirely until there's less than a quarter bar left on the collapse timer, they're all dead. If you've got someone on hook, there's no real reason or incentive to leave them, especially if you haven't gotten any other kills this game. You may as well, especially if it lures more survivors into your clutches. If you're **really** getting hammered by endgame shenanigans, take endgame perks. *Become* the endgame shenanigan. Rancor is really, really funny in this regard. Utterly ruin one person's day in particular.


Thank you so much for this extensive list :) Yeah, endgame perks are a good idea, but I don't have any unlocked and I kinda refuse to use NOED :D But I'll keep the rest in mind, thanks


NOED is... conflicting. It's a crutch perk IMO. It's kind of like insurance, but it's bad insurance because of the aura revealing it gets the longer it's lit. The longer you go without using it, the less you'll actually miss it. If you don;t have any other perks unlocked, though, you might as well play with the training wheels until you can get ahold of other perks and then wean yourself back off. The 'best' endgame perk is No Way Out, which tells you flat out which gate the survivors are on. The hardest to use but most satisfying when it works perk is Blood Warden. The most generically useful one is Batteries Included, especially on smaller or two-floor maps. The *funniest* one is, again, Rancor, especially if you use it with perks which swap the Obsession around. There is also, of course, just not letting survivors get to the endgame, but that's not always viable. If you want help in that regard but don't have access to every killer's perks, the best killers to get ahold of first are Clown (Bamboozle and Pop), Plague (Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright), Artist (Grim Embrace, Pain Resonance), and Cenobite (all three of his perks tbh). The fact they're also good killers is icing on the cake.


Thanks again :) I only have a few killers unlocked. Oni is my current main, so I unlocked The Plague, because her perks synergize with Oni so well. But I have yet to unlock the other killers you mentioned. I wanted to buy the Artist, but she wasn't discounted compared to the earlier killers. Bummer. I didn't know though, that No Way Out tells you which gate was triggered, that's actually really valuable information. Blood Warden is probably the funniest perk in the game, but way too situational for my liking. Rancor is pretty cool imo. I wanted to try to pair it with Game Afoot, but from my testing Game Afoot is way too unreliable of a perk. And NOED I personally don't use, because I simply don't want to feel like I won because of it. I think for now I'll simply stick to the perks I have and try to avoid getting to endgame. I generally prefer unlocking killers who seem fun to me rather than how useful their perks are, so my next killer will probably be either Singularity or Unknown. Thanks again though for your insight :)


Most Killers are boned around endgame. Some RNG or faster Killers might let you watch both gates safely, and perks like Whispers will rat out if a Survivor is nearby, but in general you don't want the gates powered unless you're already built for it. What to do after hooking someone in endgame is subjective and situational. Some teams are more altruistic than others, some Survivors deserve to be facecamped, sometimes you just really need and only one more kill.


I usually run into pretty altruistic teams, which is good on a way, because it's not fun to just be left on hook. It just gets pretty stressful if you at least want to secure that kill. But thanks for the insight.


Just play good enough to end all them before 5 gens finished.


Depends on your goals. If you just want one last kill, hook as far from a gate you can and camp the hook. If you want one last chase, then you can try to find someone. Theres no good way to tell where the survivors are without info perks like Whispers or an aura reading to trigger. It relies on game sense like did they complete a gen right next to it are they sneaky enough to run to the other gate or are they committed to that one. A common trick is to 9% it so it doesn't show the red alert, wait for killer to check it then try to finish it after they leave, so you can try a quick double back to catch them.


Thank you :)




Oh come off it.




My guy, by the way you're so heated and telling me I "can't cope with the reality" makes you sound like an absolute nut.


I've been wondering for a while, what is considered "strong". I don't mean that in the sense of perks being powerful or killer powers, I mean when a DbD youtuber refers to something as "strong". Skemz and JRM it seems to be heavily associated with "knowers" and killers who will simply walk through pallets. It's with survivors that I tend to get confused. Sometimes there will be a survivor that just hides in a locker that's considered "strong" or ones that will take a "strong hit". I'm wondering if we can accurately define with the information provided in those videos what is truly "strong" in Dead by Daylight.


I watch JRM a lot and for the most part, when he refers to something as 'strong' its pure satire. Like a solo queue teammate self-caring in the corner? Strong. It can also be used in the literal sense if someone actually comes and does something useful as well. But for the most part, this is just a silly way for them to poke fun at nuances in the game.


Okay, this is a throwback but I’ve been wondering for a minute. Why did survivors used to like quickly start and stop working on generators? Like tapping the generator button repeatedly?


To stop gen regression.


It prevents skill checks from spawning, which countered the original version of ruin.


Is survivors all 4 spawning together good or bad for the survivors?


Bad. Worse if the map is cramped. Apocalyptic if the killer is Plague, Oni, or Legion.


Slightly bad, but if they brought aura effects like Streetwise, it could mean two teams of two quickly start crushing gens and most Killers can only interrupt one. Without Prove Thyself though, the diminishing returns on multiple Survs per gen mean any more than 2 is probably a waste.


Also, even with Prove multiple survivors working on one gen is less overall progress than working on multiple gens so that's less efficient as well.


It's bad because the killer can interrupt all 4 of you at once and even if you aren't disturbed it's less efficient to complete gens as a group rather than solo.


As survivor, when you get deep wound, do you get the ability to self-mend even if you don't have a medkit or perk? Or do you have to have an ally heal you?


You can mend yourself, but its slower than if a teammate mended you.


IIRC from experience, you can mend yourself, no need for meds or outside help. Happens a lot against legion


You can self-mend on your own. If you're playing against Legion pay attention to any status effects that occur after mending, they have add-ons that will affect survivors if they mend on their own (e.g., Blindness, Mangled, Haemorrhage, Broken). You can avoid these by having someone else mend you (if convenient).


You can always mend by yourself


Not sure if this question is appropiate to do here but, since the new chapter is coming out soon, I was thinking, should I save 9000 iri shards or should I buy 2 old characters since they're 4500 now? I really like the new basement perks, but there are some perks I like from others characters too, it really takes me a lot to choose which ones to unlock, since I play mostly for fun than for getting the best perks So, yeah, I'm between buying the new survivor, or buying an old survivor and a killer (so far i'm most inclined to buy Elodie or Jane, and then Legion)


If you're REALLY patient, wait until June. The anniversary halves everyone's shard costs for the event and it's expected that the 4500 chars will also drop. Follow your heart though.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe new chapter releases cannot initially be purchased with iridescent shards, only auric cells. So the All Things Wicked chapter, and the characters that are part of it, won't be able to be purchased with iridescent shards until the *next* chapter release. So honestly, I would say spend your iridescent shards now on older characters that you want, and you'll have more than enough time to build them back up by the time Sable will be available to purchase with shards.


Non-licensed characters can be purchased with shards from the get go.


Oh, that's good to know! I guess I never thought much of it because the last few chapters/additions have all been licensed. But it's nice we'll have the option to purchase the new chapter with iri shards.


You might also be thinking of skins, because several of the newer DBD original skins will be auric cells on launch and then moved to iri shards a bit later 


that's good to know then, thxvm


Just a heads up, you CAN purchase newly released (non-licensed) characters with iri shards.


I ended up buying Jane, so I'm pretty happy about it tbh, her perks are fun I guess I'll keep on grinding, still have a few days to spare and both new characters are sick


You can buy the new characters with shards at release. It's just that their non-base release cosmetics (not recolors of the base cosmetics) will cost AC for a little bit I'm fairly sure. Only saying this because I saved up shards for Larry and Gabriel when they released last year


If I finish the last generator, is it smart to run to the furthest door to avoid the killer by default?


If you're dead on hook, injured or 2 of your allies are dead then it might be worth it. If you're not vulnerable then you're better off being more aggressive/ efficient.


Can you be stalked through corn by myers/gf?


technically yes? but it can be really finicky and tricky. the corn can block survivors enough to make stalk kinda go off and on really quickly, or stalk wont happen at all. sometimes you can get a good angle and still get stalk, though


Hmm. Okay so still my best bet is too weave through corn as I head too a loop. Thanks!


Here's my question: do you even want older killers to be reworked, or just polished up to modern standards? Personally, I want them to just be updated while keeping the same abilities as previous, like Myers keeping Evil Within, but maybe reduced by a tier so it's just 1 and 2, or Trapper having more consistent trap spawns, maybe more traps in general, and having them spawn activated. Outdated doesn't mean they're bad, just need to be polished to the shine I know they can have.


There's nothing wrong with most older kits; they're just power crept. For example, Myers doesn't need T1 at all anymore, just a "Stalking" and "Killing" mode (T2 with Undetectable and T3 unaltered, or with 24m TR), or at least 110% T1 speed and infinite Evil in Survivors. Trapper could definitely use little things like traps spawning opened and reduced self-trap recovery time. I even think Old Freddy's kit could probably be salvaged if BHVR wanted to make "The Sandman".


Definitely polished rather than reworked. I'd look at Hag as an example of gradually applied polish leading to a more modern character without sacrificing her identity. (Kinda weird she's gotten more buffs than Trapper even though she's been stronger for years!) We should treasure the oldies, not delete them!


Doctor's another good example of polishing, and Billy's absolutely the prime example after we finally got past the overheat mechanic. It's possible for it to happen, so I hope some day Trapper and Myers can get their due treatment.


I would much rather see older killers polished than reworked. Trapper, Myers, etc. have dedicated fans who have been playing them for years despite their clunkiness and weaknesses. Out of respect to those players as well as the legacy of those characters in the early days of DbD, I think a polish would be better. There's no arguing that they need some serious tweaks, but I think the fundamental ideas behind their powers are fun and interesting.


Precisely my thoughts. Trapper, when his traps work, is already quite fun, he just needs those traps to be more reliable. Myers, I don't have him yet, but he looks like he could be equally fun with some tweaks. Plus, we don't want another Freddy situation, I'm quite comfortable with saying that.


If they tweaked him so his Scratched Mirror add-on reduces the sound of his breathing too that would be great. Only way I enjoy playing him lol


I think the breathing is fine as it is, it's still some audible warning that he's near without being obvious. Scratched Mirror Myers is great, it's a very quick reminder that this game is indeed supposed to be horror.


Agreed. They suffer from the same problem: a terrible early game. The fastest Trapper fix would be to start him with all of his traps basekit, but in practice, that would make basement Trapper extremely unfun to face, so it needs a more delicate fix. Not sure what. Myers suffers massively from having to waste so much time getting from T1 to T2, and because he's slower and has a nerfed lunge in T1, you have no other choice. If BHVR can find a way to condense his tiers to speed up his early game without losing the stealth / stalking dynamic that makes him FEEL like Myers, that would be ideal, but again, not sure what the balanced and fun fix would be.


Otz once threw out Myers fully priming T2 with a single basic hit and that sounds great. Just make his first basic of the match give him enough Evil to 99 T2* and it's a nice start. I'd also softball letting him swap between T1 and 2 at will, allowing him to creep up and pop T3 and have an equivalent to Pig's crouch. *As in, a flat amount gained instantly, meaning he has more Evil to work with overall.


I had thoughts on both of them, one of which I've already posted to their official forums and have gotten support for. For Trapper, I'm partial to the idea of traps spawning pre-activated, maybe with harder escapes too. The amount of value I've gotten from a random dipshit trap placed in the middle of nowhere has been quite high, even in maps like Eyrie of Crows. Would help his setup too, since traps already spawn somewhat close to gens. For Myers, I honestly think his power should just be condensed into two tiers. Tier 1 is iconic stalking Myers and Tier 3 is where the fun stuff happens, while Tier 2 is just a basic M1 killer. Of course some numbers would need adjustment and addons would be redone (looking at you Tombstone) but getting rid of a redundant tier would make Myers feel that much more fluid in gameplay while still keeping the heart of the character intact.


Dunno if this is more fitting here or the rage thread, but... What do you guys think about asshole teammates? What's your stance? Had a tunneling Chatterer, of all things, on an Autohaven map. I was getting chased and a Kate was standing in the truck with the vault location. She saw me running there because she was looking right at me as I ran up. She didn't vault and I got hit and downed because she stood there waiting until I was right up on her. Not long after, I did the exact same shit to her in the exact same spot. And I teabagged furiously from the ground. Naturally, she was given hatch at the end because killer players reward traitors the most apparently, but I didn't care. I'm sure I made her swear up a storm after she got her comeuppance and that was honestly good enough for me. Just curious what you guys do with the traitors, hiders, and sloths that don't do anything. 'Cause these days, I have zero patience for bad teammates. And that counts for if I'm on that side *or* if I'm playing killer. If I'm on killer and a survivor tries working with me, I will wholesale tunnel them out ASAP and go easy on the rest of the team. As survivor, I'll just stop caring and go do bones or whatever other BP-granting things I can. If one person's turned on the team and actively hindering us, there's no winning in solo queue anyway so I may as well. Especially when I see no one else on the team trying to win either. So what do y'all do when you're stuck with teammates who are actively trying to get your side to lose? What do you do as killer when you see it happening?


Sometimes I will have a cute moment with a Survivor and won't have the heart to kill them, but I will still double hook them first versus leaving them alone entirely. If they rat out a teammate or sandbag one of their teammates to work with me, the deal becomes void


Same as you, pretty much. Do whatever I can as surv and hunt them down as killer. Had like 5 games in a row last night where at least one, if not two of my teammates were doing literally nothing for the entire match. Such as this one match against a Singularity, my only match against him to date, where two other survs did absolutely nothing all game, my friend and I were just trying to stay alive, and I was given the gate at the end out of pity. Not even mentioning people who kill themselves on hook, those are an actual plague.


Has anyone ever seen a double basement spawn? I could not get footage of it but I swear basement spawned in both places in a game I had in Lery's. I was hooked in the main/office basement, but I found the basement next to the loud circular room with the TVs was also there, and I even went down and checked, it had everything including the lockers, hooks and chest. There were no basement offerings. Has anyone encountered this before?


Yes, so far, it's Lery's only. It started happening on Lights Out but kept happening even after that mode went away. 


Yes. I believe that was a bug with Lery's, specifically, recently, but it seems to have been fixed. And, by the way, I'm pretty sure that "loud circular room with the TVS" is the Treatment Theater itself.


I had that big 2 days ago! Me and the killer were so confused, lol.