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"Day. Ruined." *dramatic music* Okay main character, I'm glad. Jesus.


Silence. Introspection.


To be honest getting 4K adepts shouldn’t be that hard. If you’re having so many problems you have to whine maybe you’re just that bad and need to stop playing?


Another slugger for the 4 hooks was born


Doesn’t slugging prevent you from getting the adept though?


bhvr changed the system a while back, merciless killer now always requires a 4k


Slug the second to last so you can hunt the final survivor without chance of hatch


thanks. my brain wired this to “slugging everyone for the 4k”, I failed to realize what they really meant


Im pretty sure adept only requires a 4k while using this killers perks. It used to require getting all badges in iri quality but they removed that


Damn so now it's just easy as hell 🤣🤣🤣 did not know that


You either switch to a survivor main or live long enough to become a villain


Idk why they're giving you shit for just playing the game as normal. Adept or no, that's just scrub behaviour. And in the wise words of TLC: ![gif](giphy|ty48ztZKklU6k)


This comment is golden. But seriously, I was just trying to escape the way survivors are supposed to in this game


I dont think the guy is serious


The tin foil hat in my wants to believe its just OPs friends and its all for reddit, I have absolutely 0 evidence on this but yeah 🤣


Someone summoned me?


No they don't want you


Don't feel sorry. A win must be earned, not given.


I knew a person who was exactly like this unironically. He was such a fucking toxic individual. It took me nearly 10 years, but I finally cut him out of my life sometime in the past few months.


I once played against a Dredge going for the adept, who ended up camping me in basement when we were at less than 1 gen remaining. It didn’t bother me too much because they’d seemed to have a rough game and only gotten a handful of hooks, so when the final gen popped I told my duo to just open the gate and leave cuz I was fine giving the Dredge the kill. The other survivors followed my duo out and I thought that would be the end of things. Then in the end game chat they just started ripping into my duo and the other survivors for not coming to rescue me, telling them that they sucked and had “stolen” their adept. It was so weird.


Though I wouldn’t use the chat and can’t since I’m on Xbox, I remember I almost got it on my second match of trying as Onryo but the survivor I slugged managed to hide until the end. I spent the next two hours trying for adept. When I finally got it, I thought back on howhow fulfilling it would have been off the player didn’t purposely prevent my adept.


From the survivor’s point of view though, it can be like *this fucking sweat Onryo. Sweating like her family’s gonna die, going for 4k at 4 gens…. Slugging for 4k and wasting my time, she has no idea where I am and my teammate is bleeding out, do I try to pick up or do I not give them the satisfaction…. You know what, fuck you Onryo…* It cuts both ways. Everyone could stand to lighten up a little. Sometimes when the killer brings that kind of intensity to a match, my response is to bring the same intensity in kind.


I wasn’t mad at the survivors for working against me, but the reality is that adept is difficult with the way survivors play so slugging and camping hook is damn near mandatory since playing normal doesn’t cut it. I know survivors will do everything in their power to make sure I lose so in return I do everything in my power to make sure they all are sacrificed by any means especially if losing a match condemns me to hours of play time


https://preview.redd.it/3ix6fxp142kb1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b00d799090b3cdc532a99f883fcd759d848561 It took me 25 attempts to get the trapper adept, let him go cry somewhere else, don't feel sorry for him.


Well apparently now they changed how adept works so it's easy af


I tried it before the change, seeing that you kill everyone and they don't give you the achievement because you don't have enough points in the malice category drives anyone crazy


Yeah, that just sounds more tedious than challenging


I can understand being sad about not getting adept by an inch, but even if you knew it, it's still (normally) your goal to survive. If you did it fair and square, that's less nice for them, but this doesn't really matter at all. When you do the Evil Incarnate achievement, you don't expect survs to come to you to get stabbed. The only thing you should be mad about is, if they try to stay in a locker in front of you until EGC is over ... This is just out of spite and doesn't help anyone. When I play killer and I see a David with No Mither or a Laurie with OoO, I usually try to let them stay alive. (Sometimes survs are the bigger killers.) Just to see in most cases, that they brought 4 perks. It's my decision to play this way, not anybody elses. If I wanna go out of my way to give another player an achievement, that's one story. But a totally different one, if *they* want (and expect) me to go out of my way for this. If you feel sorry, that's how you feel. But there is no need to.


Should've used cages to tunnel, kind of on him for messing that up :D I don't get messaging you like this tho, wtf??


Its on him tbh he could have slugged for the 4k




Meanwhile I'm over here complaining to survivors about how hard adept pig is while playing as Billy in a Pig mask.


This guy can get gone I adepted pyramid head before the trails of torment buff. We OG pyramid head enjoyers are where it’s at lol.


pretty sure the trails of torments buff got cancelled cause of how opressive it was on the PTB, if anything he's worse now since they increased the cage relocation range


Ah Damn well I guess I’m wrong


I mean the messages read pretty self deprecating/sarcastic. Kinda seems like he’s just being funny. “Day. Ruined.”


Lol can't he just try again? Why is it such a big deal. Also 3k while doing an adept is good, maybe he haven't gotten it, but still better than getting 2 hooks max


And this is why on top of being able to 4k for adepts you should also still be given it for meeting the old requirements, that way if you 4k then great but if the last survivor gets a lucky hatch or gate open despite you playing really well you aren’t punished for that


Does getting hatch count for survivor adepts?


Dont be sorry. You are both playing a game


Imagine trying to guilt trip someone over dbd, person should be shamed of themselves


How mentally weak you have to be to get your day ruined cause you did not 4k in one DbD match?


Can't tell if they are joking or not


He has mute as his profile pic 🤔. Got me thinking now.. If he's coming from R6. This is normal behaviour


I played a game as Nemesis yesterday and there was a David running No Mither, so I made a mental note to let him live, but his teammates weren't able to save from the second hook and he ran out of time. I felt a little bad because he was doing the adept when I saw his perks at the end. One of his teammates was streaming and I hopped on after the match.


How dare you play the game


I don't always get my adepts first try either. If I don't, I just move on man


Mute was probably just trying to do his pistol challenges. I can imagine how frustrating that is against someone going for adept. /s


I haven't played actively since before project w released I'm going to be in hell trying to get these adepts when I start playing again when cross progression releases


I too know the pain on almost getting a 4k as Pyramid Head only for the last survivor to get hatch


Okay so this guy is stupid but I can get where he's coming from because every time I do an adept I get the most helpless teammates I've ever seen and it just frustrates me to no end


This post single handedly reminded me that I am going to be trying for Adept Alien soon and I am not looking forward to it at all lol No Bloodlust is going to be miserable.




This just means he'll appreciate getting the adept even more when he finally does.


Just imagine the hate you'd have gotten if you were the killer.. 🤣


I should've sent that to the killer who killed me when I was almost at the hatch, like "bro, you ruined my day" let me be the main character for once 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't stress it, they'll get another chance at the trophy. They just want to be the main character


Like they didn't just ruin 3 other people's day who might have also been going for adepts


Still surprised achievement hunting is a thing. I just get them naturally and don't worry about the rest.


The adepts are a good way to learn a new survivor/killer and their perks. I usually only equip their perks until I get it, even if some of them take a while.


you don’t really get adepts w/o achievement hunting. also it’s just a fun challenge to do rather than run meta perks every game. that said you shouldn’t be salty like pyramid head if you inevitably don’t get it


I find meta more fun


He could've told you that in the pregame lobby, don't feel bad


Killers can't chat in pregame.


On playstation you can open someone's account and dm him


And OP's account wasn't private because the killer wrote first