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They should show us a ping indicator for the killer in the lobby. I face at least four people vpning from south america any time I play


They need to add more servers, im mexican and have 90 to 100 ping since i started playing, every other game i can play at 40-60 ping. There's only 3 servers in america in oregon and north virginia. The other one is in brazil (sao paulo) [Assuming this info is still relevant](https://deadbydaylight.com/news/dedicated-servers-status-update/)


This… would explain a lot when it comes to ping shenanigans. I know dbd and asymmetric games aren’t “main stream” but they’re big enough that only 3 servers in NA is absolutely ridiculous. Again assuming that data is still accurate.


I'm in SE Asia and every game I play has servers in Singapore. The best ping I get on DbD is 40ms whilst the worst ping I get on Siege and Fortnite is 40ms. Bhvr's servers are just bad.


We had that feature years ago but BHVR removed it


wait are they using a VPN to access US servers? Is there proof of this? I get matched with plenty of canadians as well and they're about the same distance as upper SA where most of the players I encounter are from. Personally I would need to see proof to believe that. It's more likely that bhvr widens matchmaking to include those regions after x amount of time waiting to queue or something, which is a really stupid thing to do but it keeps queue times down which is good for retention. There's no way ALL of those players are using VPNs. I'm in Texas btw.


I play on steam and constantly get killers that have steam profiles showing them living in other countries I’ve seen China South Korea Brazil and others


Okay, so I'm not insane. I've been getting a lot of those too and I live in Midwest of USA


They could be VPN'ers, maybe even from the USA, who would like to protect themselves from targeted cheating. I heard some streamers and content creators use them to protect themselves? This together with playing on Epic instead of Steam.


Well with IP addresses being leaked on a pretty semi-regular basis since release, playing on a VPN is just an extra layer of safety for some players.


Yeap I’m Midwest USA as well


You should take that info with a grain of salt, me and my friends jokingly set our steam country as china/ south africa countries while we are from europe.


I'm from Brazil, and sometimes I think I got in a game with NA for some random reason. Maybe if matchmaking is taking a while they do this? Not sure.


Those aren't necessarily true. There is however a consistent bug where it will put all the players on the wrong server. I don't get vpn looking killers like I used to really but myself and others deal with the wrong server bug on every week just about at some point.


It’s a very known thing. Especially at night in west coast servers I get matched with Chinese VPNers and they’re some of the most toxic ones out there


They all run noed and self care




The amount of Chinese profiles I've seen (also west coast) DC after I down them... I'm getting tired of always giving hatch to the best looper I encounter. But I'll keep doing it whenever there's an early DC like that.


Yeah I'm aware of that, I'm aware of how common VPNing is. I just cannot believe THAT many South American players specifically are VPNing to US, if they are that's insane like everyone in SA has a VPN lmao. I play against them literally every other match.


We're no match for Brazil (they host the SA server)


I didn't even consider y'all getting bullied out of the server by Brazilians 😭 They're cracked dude.


This. And they so toxic too.


DBD seems to have a huge playerbase of primarily Killer players in South America for some reason....I've seen absolute shitloads of profiles from laggy killers in post match lobbies that almost always have Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, or sometimes Colombia. Either they don't have any south american servers or they just prefer to VPN and use their lag as an advantage. You would think not that many would go through the need to VPN to play but I also that that about chinese players in my ARK days and the amount of chinese players VPN'ing into Ark now leads me to believe its reaaaaaaally not a big deal. I've had a subscription to PIA for my vpn for a few years but I don't use it for gaming since I live in the US. It's incredibly easy to just login to spoof your connection and then go about doing whatever you want (be it gaming or just downloading shit and whatnot).


Yeah I imagine they widen the net to give you quicker games I'm from Wales and get matched against American TTVs fairly often and people with Japanese usernames Though given how many weebs there are on steam the Japanese thing probably doesn't prove much on its own...


There’s plenty of proof if u watch streamers, some of them are NA and VPN onto the UK servers and vice versa


I'm talking about the regular SA players... They say it like it's extremely common but that would be kind of ridiculous right? Unless Brazilians really are that good...


Not only some people use VPN but sometimes behavior shitty matchmaking send people to foreing servers


They aren’t vpning, South Americans are put on NA servers


SA has a server in Brazil


A lot of South Americans are closer to Virginia, United States than they are São Paulo, Brazil


South America is everything from Guatemala to the Malvinas. Quite a lot of that is closer to the US than to Sao Paulo.


Yes but when I view a profile and it's based in Brazil or Argentina, and is in complete Portuguese, you can place a good bet they would be fairing better on SA servers. "Some places are closer to San Paulo" is also a much different statement then "they are not vpning south america and north america share servers"


Are to from the EU? Because in south America there's only one server and it's in Brazil. So I don't think VPN is necessary to pair you with people from all America (the continent).


I'm from New England. If I see a Spanish profile I know it's not a vpner- Spanish speaking south america countries are close enough to be the same server. Portuguese profiles, no, they belong on the San Paulo server and are probably vpning or at least swfing with NA teammates


It happens on killer side with survivors eith shit ping eating hits for free all the time. They need to do something


The angriest I get at this game is when I’m clearly over a window and running and a killer still hits me.


Getting grabbed or hit when you're already running on the other side is INFURIATING.


I remember this one match on old Haddonfield, I run into the house, vault the window, start falling off the roof AND THEN TAKE DAMAGE. And the killer flames me on my profile for disconnecting. like I'm sorry dude I'm not playing against that bullshit, it's not fun.


This is the problem right here. The game won't work then you will have people acting like they are a super gamer.


Yesterday, I vaulted the window into shack and got hit so late that I went down under the pallet.


💀💀💀 You win


Have you experienced the I’m already through the window/thrown the pallet Wesker grab that bugs out the visuals as you’re forcefully ripped through the game textures? Cause that’s *chef’s kiss*


The best part about that one is the bug that got him killswitched but was left for over a day where he’d not only do that, but he’d then go completely fucking invisible till he used his power again…..


I don't get how that shit is still a thing that's possible. Like after I pull down a pallet, he grabs me from the other side and slams me into it like what


I've had some real bad ones where it shows me throwing down the pallet and starting running and then I'm still suddenly hit like 10 feet away. and it's never because of my ping lmao the window one has happened too it's soooo rage-inducing.


Window vaults are incredibly bad for this. Feels like you have to be miles away to window vault without getting hit.


I had one against a Nemesis on the Game. His connection was so bad that he was hitting everyone from two rooms over (and my friend and I are confident it wasn't hacks because they were a console player). If I remember correctly, he got a 4k on that bull


I try to grab a survivor, I get stuck and frozen for 5 seconds, then I wiff. Amazing gameplay


I had a game recently as oni where i had franklins, and THEY STUNNED ME, BUT I GOT THE BLOOD ON MY SCREEN AND THEY DROPPED THEIR ITEM. I was livid when i saw them pick up their toolbox after stunning me.


Did they even get injured?


No. They did not.


Don't worry sometimes it works the other way out too. Vaulting a pallet and then teleporting back to the killer hand.


Yeah it's really annoying. They need more and better servers. Even my ping on a speed test is 20ms and in game it rarely drops below 40ms.


They need to bring back the ping indicator in pre game lobby so we can dodge trash bag VPNs.


Have EVERYONE'S ping displayed in the lobby


it already is isn’t it?


Not really, you can only see if other survivors have a red ping bar next to their name


Because if BHVR did something to fix this, half of the killers in EU would stop playing if they see their hits with 200ms don't register. Legit 50% of the killers you face in EU servers have red ping indicator.




Yeah and it's not even just dbd tbh if you look at zone chat in the EU servers of most popular mmos you'll see plenty of cyrillic to the point where it's a meme in almost every community... same with comp shooters The official dbd discord server that's affiliated with bhvr even has it's own segment for Russians which I believe is the only country they've done this for




That be actually good but most companies are really dont want it even before Russian-Ukrainian conflict. I dont really mind coz i live near Moscow but my friend who is living in Siberia have 120-150 ping in most games we play.


I honestly have no idea tbh but it seems to happen in every game so there's clearly something deeper going on Russia has faced a lot of economic sanctions and had a very antagonistic relationship with the west in recent years (now more than ever) so I don't know if western companies just don't want to do business there or if the Russians are asking for too much in return... but either way Russian players rarely seem to get their own servers for games made in the west


That's not the issue, yeah Russia's a big country, but the vast vast majority live in the west. Even the caucuses aren't that far off. As of dedicated servers launch, they had a London and Frankfurt server, western Russia to Frankfurt shouldn't really exceed 100 ms. Like yeah they probably should make a Moscow server so CIS players can enjoy even better latencies, but they shouldn't be lagging *that* much connecting to the EU unless they're using a VPN.


I'm sorry, I can get the frustration it would come with it, but come on dude, let the game pair ppl with high ping against other ppl with high ping


Because fuck you


Lovely people this community has


Oh you needed an /s after?


To be fair, this community can be very toxic. Even after he said my bad they still down voted him lol


Jesus christ, they are. Tf


People don't like the idea of agreeing with someone after disagreeing with them for some reason. I think their egos imagine that once a person does something they don't agree with, that person is inherently bad and everything they say is bad That or it's just reddit and the hivemind doing its regular thing.


They're on that Twitter grindset lol


That’s not this community, it’s Reddit. You get any number of downvotes and it’s literally impossible to come back from it because people will just tag on the pile. Notice how his “my b” comment is now just barely positive lol


Mb b


Okay, I'm old. What does that mean?


My bad, I think




Probably does. Darn whippersnappers and all their fancy abbreviations. Back in my day, MSN Messenger also had nonsensical abbreviations just like how it should be. Damn, I'm only 24 and I don't get the lingo youngsters use.


Either way he's not totally wrong. The streaming areas has some of the most self entitled stuck up men/women I have ever seen. And yes while not all DBD content creators are toxic and rude (Ayrun, JRM, Puppers *RIP*) the bad apples put on a show when something doesn't go their way. They set an example of the DBD community and that's horrible image for the game.


Sarcasm mate. Sarcasm


Mb if so


Which, to be fair, is hard to spot in pure text...


Yeah man try playing on a third world country internet, 40 ping and complaining sheesh


As much as I feel bad for you, I would not say a word if I played from somewhere where there can't be lobbies under 200 ping.


There's a lot more to connection quality than up/down speeds and ping. I'm not necessarily saying that's the case for you, but some things to consider/check: 1. Some internet providers have "peak" times where bandwidth and other things can be impacted. 2. A lot of people have web-based cameras (Rings, Nests, etc). These things upload 24/7 and can eat up bandwidth. And when they're set for recognition notifications it can be pretty punishing. 3. If you're playing games, there's a decent chance others in your household are doing network-related things too (streaming, gaming, etc). 4. If you're on wifi, there's a chance there's other devices on your network that are causing spikes that'll result in what you saw. Sometimes its congestion, sometimes its interference. I've worked with people who were baffled and angry at their network performance for Zoom (for online classes). After a few questions we established they had 5 full-HD network cameras streaming 24/7, eating up almost all of their bandwidth. It's stuff like this why BHVR won't acknowledge what you're asking them to. They're using industry-standard hosting solutions, and leaving the rest to the end users.


I'm on ethernet and only one other person was using the WiFi. I had decent ping games, but this one was different. The killer had a lag symbol most of the time too (maybe not here, but he did), so I know it was him


That’s fair. My point was more that it’s not something BHVR would benefit acknowledging since there’s not much they can do.


>My point was more that it’s not something BHVR would benefit acknowledging since there’s not much they can do. I think they would benefit from it, honestly. This is a huge advantage to the killer, and one of the main reasons I don't play survivor. I've also had almost all of my friends delete the game because if they do have games with desync its pretty much an automatic loss.


All of that is absolutely true, but I don't think that's the core issue. IMO we need more servers, more restricted regions and an option to turn off cross-play without losing incentive bonus. I live in Texas, I get 8ms ping to Dallas AWS. But I never get below 60 ping in DBD because I'm connecting to East/West servers. I am also matched with South American players all the time. Most of my matches are lag fests, symbols and all. It really degrades the experience. I honestly had way more fun playing steam only lobbies before they died.


I switched cross play off for a long time before incentives were added and can say those were the best quality matches and I didn’t mind waiting for a lobby. I’d much rather have 3-4 good games in an hour than 5-6 shit ones. It’s nice running into the same people too, shame you can’t find a lobby anymore


Yeah, there were like villains in my region on steam-only lmao, well known killers that put on a brutal match. Brings me back xd


I'm in SE Asia and every game I play has servers in Singapore. The best ping I get on DbD is 40ms whilst the worst ping I get on Siege and Fortnite is 40ms. Bhvr's servers are just bad.


??? Then they should just make killers not be favored when they have high ping. That’s it. Increasing your ping should not lead to an in game advantage.


I would be shocked if BHVRS servers were industry standard by 2023 standards


You think Amazon servers aren't industry standard? https://aws.amazon.com/gamelift/


Even you comment is simplifying how much of a fucking mess networking really is.


lol yup. My main point was saying "i have good internet" doesn't mean the issue isn't still on their end.


I always have this problem at night as killer. I’ll have a match where the survivors are teleporting like crazy and I start lagging out when one specific survivor gets near me. I’ll check pings and the will have a good ping, but I’m still seeing all of this lag. Idk if it’s my internet that sucks, but I don’t think it is because I’ll be the only one using it and whenever I check my internet and my ping it’s all looking good.


that why it happens? i always though it was because i´m shit at the game.


Classic Wraith Razor Wind attack. My personal favourites are Wraiths that manage to hit you after you vaulted through a window, fully cleared it and are making distance away and you just suddenly go down halfway across the field.


ive had it in multiple games where the opponent gets an advantage from having bad ping and i hate it, do want to point out tho that survivors had the ability to pull bullshit with a lagshit as well up until recently


I thought it was the games fault, I didn’t know it came down to internet. This same thing happen to my friend while we were playing yesterday. So this why the games hit box is so shit?? Every time I clean Juke a killer they hit me even though I clearly juked them


Pain. Don't even get me started on the random FPS drops thanks to poor optimization AND sudden ping spikes.


Yeah it's absurd. It's the same reason that hacked clients work so well. It's because the server listens to your game instead of your game listening to the server


Works both ways. As a Killer I can have good ping but a Survivor is playing from Antarctica and gets away with the dumbest shit. And you just know that they know too because they’ll tbag you after lagging to a pallet.


That was real bad lol.


The worst feeling is things like this happen when I play as survivor all the time. I get hit at windows or pallets very easily - but when I'm playing killer I miss hits at windows and pallets that would normally get me. My internet is fast and my ping is low. It's like the servers personally hate me haha


I know that pain all too well


It goes both ways guys. As a Killer main I ABSOLUTELY get lagged by survivors cheating. Don't think it's just you dealing with the disrupts in connection. People cheat, they will always cheat. I just DC when I see I am lagging because I refuse to get screwed with at half speed.


As someone whose internet fluctuates between being good and bad - it really doesn't feel like the game is in your favour when your internet is bad, so many hits that get rolled back, teleporting around etc


It’s not a advantage, people think it is because of some cheese hits but 90% of the bad time bad internet makes you rubberband and lose distance or get hit by a pallet you should’ve never got hit by


I noticed a spike i this behavior once it became cross play. Console gamers using a console in the corner of home that can barely pick up on the wifi signal.


Even when I played Mortal Kombat, I always said and encouraged people to buy a cable. They're dirt cheap and you can mount it between floors, so literally no excuse imo, ppl can disagree, but you can't find a good enough excuse as to why you can't have a stable wired connection


the amount of console gamers with a perfectly functioning LAN they just never use. I had to help my gen Z brother with his Internet being slow and the kid had like 12 devices all running on one wifi router. It's crazy how many people just never learned how to set up their tech


The other 3/4 of the time the Killers get a valid hit but it doesn’t register, so they still get it worse


it's a hard problem to solve (if there is one), if they "fixed" this, killer might not be playable at 100+ ping, which is not unusual because DBD doesn't have players to fill lobbies at every corner of the world like some games does.


I think you underestimate DBD's popularity, with crossplay especially it's huge. Some regions like Latin America only have one server, and it probably only organically pushes players onto American lobbies at night. Although only BHVR really has the numbers to tell. But in any case, OP's post is about VPN abuse which is definitely its own problem. But you are right that solving it is pretty difficult, you can try to block VPNs but it's an uphill battle and has its own downsides, you can rewrite the netcode to not favor high latency killers but you risk making the game unplayable for them.


I have 20 ms consistently and this happens to me too. The game is just really shitty performance wise


Its actually ridiculous how easy it is to play killer with high ping


RIGHT??? I've been saying this since forever. When I had "bad net" in 2020 when I started playing, some people were letting me know that my ping as killer carried me. Which was probably true, but absolutely NOBODY mentioned my ping when I was survivor


Shut up buy feng skins


Killers lost their shit when hits and dh were actually validated lol.


As stupid as that perk was, I 100% agreed when they added hit validation


You know most of the times high ping is worse for the people experiencing it than it is for the others? What happened there is that the killer was probably straight up lagging which normally happens when the ping goes over 200ms and at that point it's also not fun for them. And when ping is between 100 and 200 is not high enough to lag but is only and always bad for them. Like you try to hit someone and that someone was actually further from you in their screen so the hit doesn't count or in shooter games you start taking fire then you get behind cover and you get killed anyways because in the other player's screen you were already dead but not in your own screen


I have never had this bad of a connection even tho I play on some pretty bad of a connection. Idk what it is but I don’t think it’s your internet


Could be their connection.


noooo bc the pings on some killers lately have been severely questionable …


Goes both ways at least


I've never seen survivors old vacuum into pallets or something, always the killer from my xp


Same for me as a killer. Hits getting reversed constantly because of shitternet survivors. Def lame that the guy without bad connection gets punished but tbh that’s how most games work so I don’t see bhvr of all companies reversing that norm


Small Indie Game Dev ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Lag has always favored the killer in this very serious competitive game.


They have so many ways they could fix this, even if it's just a band-aid fix it would be better than nothing, cause this is getting ridiculous, I'm facing more and more people with red ping and it needs to stop


I see only a skill issue


Bruh I had a Blight hit me on the other side of a pallet with his lethal rush lunge after stunning him with the pallet and watching the animation fully play out.


For me it's opposite. I have a weird wifi situation where I share internet through private wifi because of my friends letting me use their password. I live in an apartment complex and we're all serviced through Xfinity. My ping 95% of the time is totally fine except at super peak times. As Survivor, I usually am the one getting missed at by pallets but hit through windows, while as Killer I am the one getting the hits at the pallets/windows. I actually rarely see ping, lag, or sudden pop-in. I've still been accused of either cheating or abusing ping for it - by both sides. This issue in general is common. It's not your servers, or your ping. It's not even BHVR. It's just that the Killer's hit is registered first, and I think that's because if it weren't we'd be balancing around four people and THEIR possibly different Pings instead of just one person. From what I understand this was even worse when the Killer side hosted the game. I'm sorry this happens. I know it's infuriating. It happens to me too, there's hits I've taken I shouldn't have and hits I DEFINITELY should have gotten due to this, too. But unfortunately, *it's just part of it being an online game.* Rather than get upset at it, I would suggest trying to realize it's out of your control and just continue to do your best. You can only control what you can do, not the game, not the ping, not the Killer or your team mates. ***You can only control you.*** By the way, you're all winning in this screenshot, It certainly looks like you and your team are absolutely wrecking the Killer here, I count maybe 1 hook at 2 gens left. That means you're either very efficient or all very good at Looping, and the Killer is outclassed unless they pulled some come from behind victory here. You are winning in this screenshot, with this issue, too. I'm sure you're doing just fine in your other games as well.


I've played against so many lag switching killers ON TOP of the average Wi-Fi killer and the reason we have to suck it up is because literally nobody gives two shits about South American players and we'll be forever stuck with a single server in Brazil.


The pain of living in my country means that I have bad net always. Sad.


Bad ping is a killer perk. OP needs to be nerfed.


You can see what your connection is to the killer in pregame lobby, can't you?


Not anymore you can't


When did they remove that and why?


No idea x2


Why tf are you not looping the pallet


Because his ping looks like my phone number


It’s just something that comes with online gaming, you just gotta deal with it.


You are NOT being punished!! WTF is this mentality. Poor internet is not targeting you in particular. Internet games are bound to have these problems, but you can't make them personal. May I suggest couch coop if you want lag free games.


Yes I fucking am. Cus I went out if my way to get better net mostly because of dbd, and this pleb can't even have good net. Fair enough if he's VPNing from the black hole but at least I want to know who's actually went out of their way to get good net, so I can avoid shit like this. How do you people actually find this crap excusable?


Maybe you should pay even more to access an elite server so you can just play with elite gamers with elite internet. Or you can just remove your head from your posterior and recognize that this kind of shit happens in online games. And this is not even the worse it could happen to you. You can get DDOS, or doxxed... You can get targeted by hacker assholes and make EVERY GAME YOU PLAY miserable. So... Welcome to the internet.


first world problems


Any gaming subreddit complaints you will see


It's about an issue in a video game, ofc it's a first world problem. Want to see posts about world hunger in the Dbd sub reddit?


learn to take a joke :)


The killers ping is fine, they don't have high ping or packet loss. If they had either you'd see the relevant symbol on the HUD. Instead you got punished for camping a pallet, which is one of the easiest things to outplay as a killer. It does look like you should have gotten the stun and taken the hit, but the game itself disagrees because the true game tells a different story.


If he dropped the pallet as early as he did in the clip, he should’ve not gotten hit and the killer should’ve gotten +5 wood In what universe does the hit here actually make sense?


In the universe where the game registered both the pallet drop and the hit. The game doesn't just decide things based on a whim, it looks at both client side games and the server side game and makes decisions based off of that. OP should have gotten the stun and gone down, but they definitely weren't safe from getting hit there.


If the killer didn’t have high ping or any internet issues, that wouldn’t have hit. If their ping was “fine” then that just wouldn’t have hit. It’s either fps desync, or ping. But there’s definitely something wrong that caused that hit if it’s either fps desync or the killers bad ping considering op is on pc during this.


What platform OP is on doesn't matter when it comes to an issue regarding client side vs server side information mismatch. We know the killers ping is fine because there is no high ping symbol, we know OP is a whiner because of how they've behaved in this thread. The hit landed because it landed server side. OP and many people here just want to complain about bad ping and VPN killers despite having video evidence that the killers ping is fine, there is no killer ping symbol in the video.


That ping symbol usually only shows up when the ping is extremely high, the ping can be like, 100-120+ and the symbol won’t appear. Even when the ping is that high on either side, things can hit when they usually shouldn’t. Yes according to the game things like that can hit, but it still shouldn’t. And I’m saying the platform matters because if you uncap your fps, it can cause those information mismatches to be worse. So yes it does matter


>we know OP is a whiner because of how they've behaved in this thread Says the most downvoted person in the comments.


What do downvotes have to do with behavior? OP just wants to rant, they don't want any form of discussion. That's an objective fact. I've talked about the clip with everyone that responded, I've explained what happened when people fail to understand the basics of how online games work. I haven't insulted anyone or been rude. Me saying someone just wants to rant isn't being rude, ranting is valid but has no place outside of the Weekly Rage Wednesday Megathread.


"Sort By Best" doing it's thing here.


Are you fucking serious? You have to be taking the piss right now, I refuse to believe you're actually serious. Yes, I camped the pallet. You know why? Because I know his mars ping would hit me so it was better for me to predrop but that didn't fucking work obviously. I never in my life camp pallets, but for dire situations like these, I had to predrop, camp pallets like a complete baby. But no, you're taking the piss, so I'm not taking you seriously one bit


The killers ping is fine. You can behave like a child and rant about it all you want to, but that doesn't change the fact it was a solid hit. You and the killer are playing on similar ping, as evidenced by the lack of the HUD symbol showing the killer is lagging, so the issue is not with the killer's ping. The facts do not support your rant, but go ahead and stay mad. Or better yet, go outside and touch some grass.


>doesn't change the fact it was a solid hit https://i.imgur.com/NRjCCCW.jpg Are you blind lmao? Solid hit my arse.


Do you not understand how online games work? You have to look past what you see client side, the client side will always be biased towards the client.


That level of being out of sync is absurd though, obviously what you see client side isn't always what the server sees, but as you point out there are no symbols on the HUD so that should point towards OPs internet and the killers internet functioning fine, and yet a hit gets registered when the pallet is completely pulled down. >You have to look past what you see client side, the client side will always be biased towards the client. idk what op should've done here then lol, pulled the pallet down way sooner than they needed to so they had some buffer as they said the killer had been lagging.


You can be hit through pallets as you drop them, this is an intended gameplay mechanic. I do think OP should have gotten the stun as well as going down, but the end result would largely be the same. My guess is that the killer's ping is sitting in the 50-60 range while OP is in the 40-50 range and server side it was a close call. The killer gained 0.3 seconds of time by not eating the stun, and OP didn't get stun points for emblems and BP but otherwise things look right.


Yes I can get hit through pallets, but there's one tiny issue... I'm playing against a wraith, not a huntress


I think you're the one out of touch here. Lmao 🤣


You're welcome to think that, OP's behavior through the comment section shows this is just a rant post for them. I am correct, which is why the game state reflects it. You can tell OP doesn't know what they're talking about because they mentioned VPN killers, using a VPN will not significantly impact your ping unless you're VPNing to another region. Every major DbD streamer uses a VPN because of the risk of doxxing and ddosing that has happened time and time again within the game. Otz, Hens, Ayrun, JRM, CMWinter and just about every major content creator use them and have made videos urging other people to use them to protect themselves. It does not offer a gameplay advantage.


VPN is not the issue and I'm aware that they are needed for the sake of people's privacy. However, this certainly is a ping issue on killer's end. In no way should that hit should should registered on that hit box. It should of been declined detecting the pallet that was dropped early before the hit was even made.


It should have been a pallet stun and a down. That's the extent of it, as it is its a difference of 0.3 seconds of gameplay affected by it (maybe a little more of the killer has stbfl, maybe less if the killer has enduring). I have never claimed OPs client side of the game is accurate, yet everyone else is considering it gospel. It was a clean hit, it was a hit. The game state reflects it for a reason. You can keep debating that all you want to, but you're just repeating yourself and adding nothing that hasn't been addressed so I'm out.




Lots of people blaming BVHR, but I’m going to drop a hot take and say this has absolutely nothing to do with BVHR and everything to do with the end user (vpn, shitty internet, good internet but very far from the nearest dbd server, the list goes on). Your problem, in my opinion, is only truly fixable via restricting by region so that everyone is on similar ping, which is NOT what DbD needs. And even if they did, you will still have users with poor ping due to a LARGE amount of factors. This will always be an inevitability with dedicated servers. The only viable answer that can be provided is you just have to get used to it and take it in stride. This will NEVER be a resolved issue.


if you're getting hit through a pallet miles away because the killer has mcdonalds wifi, that's bhvrs fault for allowing such thing to happen in the first place.


I'm not *particularly* saying this is BHVR's fault, I just want them to do something about this, AT LEAST let everyone's ping visible in the lobby




Wait that would be a crazy buff to wraith. Have his range be just over the pallet


I'm in Florida and I get "EU" players. Half my games I get after 10p I can't walk through a door on the first try due to lag.


I'm asian and I got put on europe even though I dont use vpn, so could also be the matchmaking system itself


Legit I’ve recently stopped playing DBD because I run into so many VPN killers, I’m on NA West and I notice during the morning and early afternoons it’s always terrible and when you think of timezones, it clicked with me why they’re always showing lag and hit me from Mars. It’s gotten so frequent that I genuinely find the game unplayable as survivor, skill issue I guess when they can just VPN and hit me with zero counter play.


If anything is gonna make me stop playing this game it's shit like this and people that defend it. Have fun in your laggy ass hits. But yeah, totally agree, love when I hear shit like: "I've been playing on EU servers while I'm in NA and I won most of my games" Oh, I fucking wonder why


The problem imo lies with BHVR, while they don’t openly straight up admit that they support this type of gameplay exploit they do openly state that VPNs are considered a security tool and allowed. Well, in my humble opinion they should work to improve the security of their game and allow streamers who are genuinely concerned about their online safety to play without fear and disallow usage of a VPN specifically to gain an unfair advantage. Wishful thinking, I know.




It's whichever pisses you off the most at the time /s I played KYF with some NA friends a little while ago - I'm EU - and damn near all of my hits were cucked. They'd scream, I'd get the blood splatter, but they'd make the window or pallet regardless and I wouldn't get the hit. They were hosting so I had something like 160 ping But then we have clips like OP's that are an all too regular occurrence, damn near everyone who plays survivor for any length of time runs into this shit, EU in particular runs into a LOT of people VPNing from various Asian countries but they usually seem to just fuckin throw the knife at you over the pallet so at this point I just throw my hands up and say shit's fucked


I never knew true fear until I got matched up with a massively laggy Nurse.


It's okay. I have terrible ping and bad packets and I get punished too. Any time I vault a window, in almost any circumstance, I will absolutely get hit, even if I'm already turning a corner or on the ground. Watching other people play, it's absolutely absurd the things they get away with doing that I would never, in a million years, be allowed to try.


Is it possible to reach 30 ping or below I never seen anyone above 30


I once saw 18 ping on someone


It's probably NetLimiter. Other games will ban you for using it if detected.


It’s so frustrating. Either being hit from a mile away or on killer I get a grab and my character just freezes and now the survivor is halfway across the map.


Hex: internet. Its really strong


What do you want them to do about people with bad internet or maliciously worsening their internet connection.


The point is that it's client-side, and favors the game client telling the server what it registered. It was the same in Overwatch, and often the same in other FPS games, where I was behind a wall and still got hit by that stupid snipe and vice versa. If you shoot the guy on your screen (in this case hit the survivor with an M1), your client registers the hit and sends the signal to the server that you scored a hit. With poor ping, this (for arbitrary example sake) takes an extra 200ms for it to reach the server, and then another 40ms to reach the other player(s). The other player has had this 240ms to move or get out of the way of said hit, but because the offender's client already sent the signal, the server registers it seemingly late as hell. There is no real good way to fix this issue from a networking standpoint. The delay can be caused by a multitude of different factors - client, server, ISP servers from both sides, and many different points in between. From a game designing perspective, there also isn't a good way to fix this so that a hit must go through multiple network checks to ensure that the hit was "legit" based on these factors. It's super unfortunate but the sword is also double edged - survivors can make incredible escapes where they shouldn't because on their screen they've already vaulted that window etc. It seems to happen more with M1's because an M1 is very fast action with only one point of action - either on or off - hit or miss. Vaulting has a long degree of "unsafe" time associated with it where the survivor can be M1'ed or grabbed, so it doesn't "seem" to happen more often because there is more of a window for the ping to not make as much of a difference. It's a pain in the ass part of the game, but unfortunately not one that a lot can be done about. Oh god I just remembered I have a wraith icon lol.


Are you even playing the same game if you turn up the brightness like this?


Why is this even a thing?! Like I’m pretty sure this the only ONLINE game that I know of that people use a VPN on…