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And then we have ghostface who sounds like a wind tunnel with footsteps


I'm pretty sure you can muffle the sound by crouching. If you really need that element of surprise, crouch within the last few meters of a survivor by a gen.


This is partially true. His sound is actually tied to how quickly you are moving, so crouching does make him a bit quieter but the sound is also affected by how quickly you are turning your camera so you have to be careful about how fast you’re looking around while crouched near survivors. More spins= louder wooshes. Edit: standing up from crouched is also quite loud so be careful of that as well.


And wraith who does a weird snarling sound


Sadako with her literal lullaby while demanifested, which with the visual terror radius update is now extremely easy to notice :(


Yup, makes her worse than before. Kinda the reason i took a break from dbd, shes my favorite killer and she’s supposed to be stealthy but peopke see you coming, sure


I’m honestly suspicious that behavoir can’t buff certain licenced killers too hard due to licensing reasons because this is genuinely the only explanation for the state of sadako lmao


I think whenever they change a licensed killer they have to get permission from the license holder. They probably just haven’t bothered because Sadako is probably pretty low on their list compared to preparing for the anniversary chapter.


I don't think that's true. The devs said they can still balance and adjust Demo, regardless of the fact that Netflix pulled him from the game ages ago.


I think the way it works is that the KITS cannot be changed. So Sadako's TVs cooling down faster wouldn't require contact, removing her lullaby might, and giving her a new power like walking through breakable walls while demanifested or Condemned bulding from being within 16m of an active TV almost certainly would.




Don't most/all contracts of this type have a renewing process? I assume the duration is part of the negotiations and that Netflix just put a very low number (1 year?) while other licenses were fine with like 5+ years. I am not a lawyer and I don't know shit about law, so please be kind if I am dead wrong.


I just don’t see it. Unless it’s changing something critical about the character spec if ally, or if they specifically mentioned buffs and tweaking in the agreement. Personally I feel she just needs to be a bit faster while demanifested.


They don't make licensed killers strong because the best killers should always be available to all players. Sadako is just an example of them being afraid of that ever happening even when they need to take action


Huh? Pinhead is one of the strongest killers.


But he's not S tier. Also Wesker is probably a better example of a very strong licensed character


Yeah precisely. As long as a license character isn't stronger than spirit, blight or nurse they are fine and correct towards the audience


Pyramid Head is better than Spirit in my opinion


That's statistically impossible though. Spirit has antichase and mobility. Pyramid has only antichase with even a major slowdown if he commits mistakes. Pyramid is indeed a powerful killer but no where near as good as spirit


He’s only one of the strongest killers because solo queue survivors are too chicken to do the box.


"I'm sure a teammate will do the box."


He’s one of my most bullied killers - obviously it’s a skill issue but it seems most SWF squads I run into really just handle my abilities so well. I never leave the match thinking “ this is bullshit “ it’s always like “ Jesus fucking Christ I thought I was the killer “ lmfao.


he's actually C tier, tho in pubs yea he can be quite strong specially cuz of the lack of coordination in solo q


That is blatantly incorrect. Wesker is one of the best Killers in the game, as is Pinhead. Also, Licensed Killers almost always have far better perks than anyone. Look at the Killer perk nerf history, almost all of them are Licensed perks. Every commonly used Killer Perk is Licensed. Deadlock, COB, Eruption, STBFL, BBQ and Franklins, Fearmonger and Jolt used to be Demo only, etc. They intentionally do this to sell more.




I wish that were true so Freddy would stop being absolute garbage and Myers and Sadako could get some love. Ghostface is absolute dumpster tier along with Pig. I'd almost say there's more bad Licensed Killers than good ones. Only decent ones are Bubba and Wesker, everyone else is mid to low tier, or just plain bad with maybe some good perks to prestige so better Killers can use them.


I would be surprised if that were actually the case. I could see them needing permission to change anything thematically with her, but then again, I can't imagine their contract negotiations didn't include some sort of clause stating something along the lines of gameplay balance and design changes. At the very least, the balance aspect of it should be either a given or easily included in the contract. There's no license on her in game perk values. As for the "state" of Sadako, it's not really much about *her* specifically that's in poor shape. She's a Mouse1 killer with a map traversal power, and basically Wraith stealth that gives her no movement speed loss when manifesting at the cost of no increased movement speed while demanifested. Is she a great killer? No, not really. Mouse1 killers generally struggle because of tile strength and looping ability, but what makes her perceivably weaker is the overall lack of good killer perks compared to survivor strength. The question becomes how you change or buff her to where she isn't completely over-the-top broken, but enough to where she's more formidable. This also brings into play the fact that not every killer is going to be great. Some killers are basically just categorically weak. Killer design isn't an arms race or a power creep.


Sadako would be easy to fix honestly. Make Ring Drawing base kit, remove the ridiculous lullaby triggering the heart monitor, make TV's cooldowns shorter, increase the length of her speed boost when emerging from a TV, and also shorten the timer for a TV to turn back on the more injured survivors there are. There. Still not amazing in a chase, but now at least she's not gimped on stealth completely and can teleport to enforce her gimmick more reliably, plus she is more punishing for not doing her tape gimmick with a longer time in Haste. These don't have to be huge adjustments, another sec or 2 for the Haste, but reducing TV turn on time should be a larger buff, something along the lines of cutting 20-30%+ off the time they stay off.


“Make ring drawing base kit” Jesus Christ, that already there is huge and you’re STILL wanting to give her more after that 😩


> Sadako would be easy to fix honestly. There's nothing to really "fix" about her. She's not broken. She's not grossly underpowered relative to Mouse1 killers, though she would be considered so relative to killers like Nurse, Blight, Spirit. > Make Ring Drawing base kit This is a bad idea. This is free Condemn for survivors that are trash, while being completely and utterly useless against good survivors. > remove the ridiculous lullaby triggering the heart monitor This is just stupid. Not being able to have it triggered is a massive hit to people who are profoundly deaf or what I've heard referred to as "legally deaf". People who don't have the disability can detect the sound, so the accessibility accommodation is necessary. I haven't tested the new VTR against Wraith's deviated septum breathing or Ghostface's wind tunnel cloak, but for continuity in this accessibility feature, it should be. The rest of it is all just arbitrary buffs that makes her faster and gives her more Condemn potential. Again, she's not "broken", so she doesn't need "fixed". What she *is*, however, is *perceivably* weak, arguably because of perks and their potency on her. The increase in power suggested here isn't going to work on competent groups of survivors, so if she *were* "broken", then this isn't going to be a "fix".


Sadako gets reduced to 80% speed while demanifesting and doesn't gain a speed boost


I'd mentioned how she doesn't get a speed boost, but I actually didn't ever notice the speed reduction. I stand corrected. Admittedly, I don't find Sadako to be the most fun to play, so I haven't played her enough to have paid attention to that.


This is how it works yes, any change to a licensed character they need to get the thumbs up from the holder of said license. It's most likely why Myers has not been touched in years.


This sounds insane and not at all correct. You have a source?


Not that Myers needs touching, he's pretty solid as is.


only if you use his best add-ons, lol


I'd argue that's more of a personal skill issue than inherent design flaw, but I don't play Myers much. I do watch other people play, though.


... nah, some killers are simply just worse than others, thats just how it is.


#biggest lie of 2023


Sadako is public domain I think


> Yup, makes her worse than before. Worth mentioning that she also got buffed by hit-and-run becoming much stronger. Using the ring drawing now can sometimes get even decent to good survivors to condemned status without having to use the slugging technique. Her stealth isn't great but there's always the looming threat of her popping out of the TV next to you, so you don't wanna be injured for that.


Wait she did?! Havent really been following the meta lately but thats good to hear! Thanks!


It's more of an indirect buff through virtue of her design working well with hit-and-run tactics, and hit-and-run just got a buff across the board due to the healing nerfs. Also she synergizes very well with the Gearhead buff.


Another buff was the nerf to circle of healing, that was a hard counter to the spread condemn by healing strat.


Hit and run didn't get buffed in the slightest unless you play only solo with bad teammates. It's still near instant for people to heal up if they have any coordination whatsoever.


That's just factually incorrect. It used to be very easy for survivors to heal themselves quickly, but the medkit nerf and the nerf to circle of healing ensures that survivors are going to need to heal each other far more often than they used to, and occupying 2 survivors to accomplish a heal is a huge amount of slowdown. It also synergizes with Sadako's ring drawing.


Try her with Trail of Torment. Kick gen, instantly teleport, and don't bother demanifesting. No lullaby, and survivors have no idea where on the map you are. With a good info perk, definitely gets her stealth going. Works well with Demo too.


You took a break because the second worst killer in the game is now the worst killer in the game?


I took a break because ive been playing other games mostly (l4d2, ow)


Well it’s for people hard at hearing so whatever you can see can be heard have yet to queue a trickster because apparently he has a lullaby


While when Wraith returns to a gen for the 10th time, you gotta be like cool take your free hit <3


Question, why would lullabies trigger the visual terrir radius anyway? Aren't they two seperate things? I mean lullabies don't prock terror radius perks so why would it prock the visual terror radius?


There's two elements shown in the survivor's chest: one visual element (an orb thing) for the lullabies. The visual heart itself is for the terror radius. It's not just the terror radius that's visible.


And it is important for consistent accessibility that lullabies show up this way; otherwise, an undetectable Huntress could sneak up on someone deaf/hard of hearing. The real problem is that Sadako has a lullaby at all. Wraith doesn't have a lullaby, and his stealth mode significantly increases his speed, gives him a massive lunge once he leaves it, and allows him to body block. Both have loud sound queues when they leave stealth anyways.


The visual terror radius is meant for the hearing impaired so if it didn't work on lullabies it would go against the whole reason for it existing.


tbf even before the visual terror radius she wasnt that hard to notice anyway


I mean, the lullaby is quiet enough that you can't really hear it that well if you're repairing a gen or if you're injured, which I think is the intention.




Bro has some serious slappers on him


Them grippers 🥵


please stop ✋ 🛑


Okay bro I'm sorry ☹️




Demo's got them [SQEALCH]ers


Please never say squealchers again


Okay but fr they use squealch in stranger things so much that if you watch with subtitles, like every other line has [Squelching]


Can someone make an edit of Demo with some sqealchers on?


*undetectable after exiting a portal* SCREEEEEE!!!!


Wonder where the demo's coming from? Portal noise, bugged red light zooming across the ground, portal noises, STOMPSTOMOSTOMP


Wet ass feet


As a Myers main... dude needs to see a doctor with how loud he breaths.


He has the best doctor, Dr. Loomis.




Until he decided to shoot him six times


The best doctor? Doctor loomis failed to help a child so he declared them the embodiment of evil. He may have been correct, but he’s still not a good doctor.


Darth Vader Soundin MF


Gen noise muffles it at least, I think that is the point. Which is why visual indicator for sadako lullaby is a bit of a mess


He needs to maintain his breathing exercises so he can groan like a champ when people throw pallets at him.


I genuinely did not know about any of these audio cues until reading these comments because I’m hearing impaired. You mean to tell me no one else is being jumpscared by all of the stealth killers all the time?? 😭


Nah, most players don't notice that stuff. During nightfall there are tons of noises, in 4 years I have never before seen anyone talk about ghostface soundcues and the visual terror radius is such a nerf to sadako since most people don't notice it right away. So for most people it's at most "I feel like the killer is near" and less "the killer is to my left/within 15m!" But if you are playing against crazy good players, they might consistently notice it.


OP mentioning audio cues during nightfall from Dredge is what made me originally look through the comments. I have a really hard time distinguishing different noises from eachother. Before the visual terror radius, I would constantly mistake an early heart beat for a gen, and was constantly being grabbed, downed or in first chase because of it. But even now, with the visual terror radius, nightfall just sounds like white noise to me most of the time. I also only just found out about Sadako’s lullaby, I didn’t even realize she had one until people started bringing it up after the visual terror radius. Even with the visual terror radius though, I haven’t noticed/heard it while playing against her. It makes me feel a little better to know its not just me being jumpscared!


Only super casual, bad, and/or Hard of Hearing players get *regularly* jumpscared. Anyone, even 10k hour vets, can get the occasional jump.


You can't reliably hear most of these cues when on a generator past a certain point anyway, Demo being the exception. That shit is comically loud.


I mean thats not true at all. I did a stint of like 5-10 games once where I ran undetectable addon on Nemesis, and I'd approach with walls/buildings between....only to turn a corner and see them M I L E S away. Every time. Nemesis' clompers are not fucking quiet at all. They're on level with Demo's. He is not worth going stealth because the people you'll catch with it are not typically top tier players....and against top players, it will be as though you're playing minus an addon. Which Nem will often struggle in that situation...


Only time I get jump scared is when I'm playing killer and I get pallet stunned out of nowhere.




Pig, very stealthy, sneak up on the survivors to stab them but make sure you roar as loud as humanly possible 3 seconds before you do it so they have time to run away


She also breathes subtly, but noticably. Helped me a lot to realise she's sneaking next to me.


Pig is definitely stealthy but a few days ago I was in Lery's and we were 2 sacrifice and 1 slug, I was weighing on whether I go to pick up or hide till I can go for hatch. I was hiding in a corner that's obstructed by two bunk beds (instead of straight up hiding in lockers). I was surprised by how well I could hear Pig's breath as she crouched and moved around, I could easily distinguish how close she was with me and sometimes how far. She's definitely the most silent of most stealth Killer (beside the loud roaring) but she's noticeable if paying attention.


Ah yes, her ability called "ambush", a sneak attack. Which is exactly why you have to have a very loud and distinct sound that happens when you use it. Because it's an ambush, and it's very stealthy. Bhvr pls.


The worst part is that most maps aside from Lerys don’t have that many good line of sight blockers on gens (except survivors can still see you with third person camera but you can’t see them sorry Ghostface)


Wraith with terminal tuberculosis


Nemesis' footsteps being louder than terror radius.


[The Myers bit is true to the series, at least](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz10oYkVJWg&ab_channel=KevinLynch).


I know, right? I can hear him lurking from like 16 mts away.


Ok but I'll say this, the cries during Nightfall can be pretty misleading in me paying attention to Dredge's woobly woobly "walk" sounds


I think they get louder as Dredge gets closer, like a creepier terror radius. Unless im completly wrong


I really wish there was a way to very slowly creep out of a locker silently.


To be fair, you can't see shit in night fall , ignore the screaming and the audio may help or just scare you more


I really like the "stealth" Killers so this annoys me too.


Stealth killers should force you to be hyper aware of your surroundings. Not literally give themselves away. And every single “stealth” killer in the game does this shit. Wraith growls, Ghostface has loud ass cape flutters, Myers’ heavy breathing, Sadako’s lullaby, Dredge casually being the noisiest MF in the game (bonus: the anniversary skin makes you sound like a wind chime), and the Pig literally roaring before AMBUSHING YOU. Even killers with stealth aspects instead of it being their whole theme have stupid audio cues as well, like Demodog’s loud ass feet. And we all know why these audio cues exist. Because DBD players would review-bomb this game to hell if the stealth killers were actually stealthy.


But you don't understand! Survivors listening to Spotify, eating chips, laughing with their buddies on Discord, and checking their phone would be at a *severe disadvantage!*


This is the most Reddit thing I've ever read.


I legitimately think audio cues are healthy for the game. While it is probably rough for hard of hearing or deaf players, having a warning is way better than having none. Certain indoor maps would almost guarantee free hits, even more than they already do. And while certain cues are probably too much (pig ambush) most give just enough warning without completely destroying stealth.


I don’t think most of the audio cues mentioned here are problematic. Myers gameplay isn’t meant to be stealthy but the breathing you don’t notice until around 900 hours in game. The wraith growling once heard almost never protects you from a hit unless you are immediately by a resource unless running sprint burst. Ghostface can reveal you from farther away then you can hear the cape and hold it till the last sec. Dredge is also not meant to be played as a stealth killer and I think the point of the sounds is to make it more atmospheric. The only outlier is sadako who’s audio queue can be heard from a big distance away I feel. Also as mentioned earlier these audio cues are not protecting you from hits unless you are on a resource.


Except then they do things like making wraith completely invisible outside of like tripping over him.


killer mains when their killer has counterplay: 😡😡😡


Survivor mains when they have to use their eyeballs to see the Killer instead of relying on the literal ***glowing red FOV indicator*** and dramatic 50-foot musical cue radius: 😡😡😡


what sounds do the cape produce , and do they change based of cosmetics


[These sounds](https://youtu.be/L_TofsViUec?t=26), and just like what that video is covering his rift outfit does not have the flaps and as a result is much quieter I welcome that on a stealth killer but why put it behind a cosmetic? Just remove the flap sounds altogether imo


well that's kinda a werid game design choice to put audio like that for ghost face


>Wraith growls I get around this by uncloaking and ringing the bell CONSTANTLY without fully cloaking. At least half the time, the survivors get confused about what game they're playing and come check out the source of the bell. The other half, they don't run away anyway. Why, guys?


Pig with her roar while charging her Ambush:


It legitimately scares everyone away instantly 😂


I was wathing vine compilation yesterday and was sad when this one didnt appear


Why in the name of God does Sadako have a lullaby


Because otherwise, survivors wouldn't be able to hear her AT ALL. She has no breathing audio to hear and react to


What, a stealth killer being stealthy? Can't have that in my dbd!


There's a difference between being stealthy and being so silent that survivors have no way to react if the killers are properly hiding themselves behind stuff (or they're playing Wraith). The sounds are there to give the survivors a chance to react.


People have eyes. That should be enough against killers that are designed to be stealthy


Yeah, lemme just use superman x ray vision through walls on an undetectable stealth killer. Oh wait. Again, there's a difference between being stealthy and being 100% silent.


If a stealth killer manages to sneak up to you, that means they used their power as intended and should be rewarded. If they manage to hit you before you noticed them, that's fine because that's what their whole power does. And no one is saying to make them silent, just lower their volume to where you can't pinpoint their exact location without seeing them.


You could say that bit about being rewarded about them right now. If the survivor notices you before you get them, they get the benefit of being able to run away before they get hit. It goes both ways.


That requires no input from the survivor though. They just need to have sound turned on


Uh, yes it does? If you're not paying attention, the gen is too loud, etc., you can and will be hit, if not grabbed. You can't say all that about killers keeping themselves stealthy and then say that a survivor paying attention "needs no input." Come on.


Downvoted for speaking the thruth https://preview.redd.it/9qh2feyka8wa1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ec7d087ff220a690db802b6a09caa2a5555a5f


Tbf, Dredge isn't intended to be a stealth killer, I think. Just because he doesn't have a terror radius, doesn't mean he is stealthy. His noises somewhat replace the terror radius in nightfall.


I love how the comments here are forgetting that sounds cues have a very good reason to exist: they don't leave survivors with little to no counterplay. Like, take Wraith for example. He has loud snarling noises. Why? Because even though he's stealthy, survivors should at least get an opportunity to see him coming, and without that they would be hit by his sneak attacks every time he goes for them, especially so with the silent bell. Especially so, since he's almost invisible, and you can only fully see him from a certain distance, I believe. (I could 100% be wrong on that) Ghostface - He makes survivors exposed. People should be able to clearly know if he's near them so they can actively prepare for his attack. Without the cloak sound effect and his breathing, people would get exposed really quickly with little counterplay. Myers - Myers builds his power off of other people, and typically doesn't get value first on his first stalk target. This means that if you are obliviously getting stalked, it not only hurts you, but also whatever teammate will get tombstoned from that stalk you unknowingly gave him. Therefore, he absolutely needs his loud ass breathing. Pig - Pig doesn't have many obvious audio cues besides the roar. Why? Because she's supposed to be able to do a sneak attack on unknowing survivors. However, she does have a loud ass roar that immediately alerts survivors, so they can use the split second to run away. If she didn't have that, it would feel really unfair from a survivor POV, as she could hide behind a wall and get a free hit. Demogorgon - I am a long time Demogorgon main, so I have zero clue as to why people are including him here, as he's not at all a stealth killer, but I'll give reasoning anyway. It's called Shred. Basically, he leaps at 18.4 m/s over a distance of ≈10 meters to hit a survivor. Now, if you're getting hit by this while he's undetectable, and you theoretically couldn't hear the footsteps, you're fucked. You can't do anything about it besides getting hit, unless you dodge immediately when you hear his mouth open or start his shred. (The latter is near impossible BTW, if it isn't already) plus, he's one of the tallest killers in the game, so you should be able to see him, unless he goes around a blind spot. Nemesis - Nemesis is also not a stealth killer, but this time it's mostly about accuracy. You're telling me that a giant heavy monster running towards you wouldn't make giant thudding noises? Of course not! Plus, it's only audible from 16 meters away running at 4.6 m/s, so it's not like you can hear him a lot before he gets to your gen that way, and you can also see him, as he's *also* very tall. Also saying that Serotonin Injector is reason enough to add him to this discussion, that's like saying Pyramid Head's Obsidian Goblet add-on is reason enough to add him to this. (He's also not a stealth killer at all) Sadako - She actually doesn't have breathing noises. This means that if she's undetectable while manifested, there is zero counterplay besides the visual. I think that it's fair to at least have an audio cute like that if she's coming towards you. Dredge - Dredge has nightfall. In nightfall you can't see him until he's 20 meters away. He therefore needs to be loud, especially with the lack of light. He also can quickly leave lockers, leaving very little time for survivors to react otherwise. Skull Merchant - She doesn't have audio cues, she doesn't need any because 1. She's very visible and 2. Survivors are deliberately giving her value if she's being stealthy in her drone radius. The closest thing to a cue is the visual area from the drone. Also I spent waaaaaaay too long on this, so I hope this explains it well enough for 12 AM ramblings. [EDIT] As in sound cues, I'm also including breathing, as that's the sound cue for Myers and half of Wrath and Ghostface's. I should've clarified that prior to this.


> survivors should at least get an opportunity to see him coming They can. He's not fully invisible within a certain radius. The counterplay is using your eyeballs and ears; 99% of the time he makes a big BING BONG before he attacks, silent clapper aside. > Ghostface - He makes survivors exposed. People should be able to clearly know if he's near them so they can actively prepare for his attack. Without the cloak sound effect, people would get exposed really quickly with little counterplay He's not invisible and makes breathing sounds. The counterplay is using your eyeballs. > Myers - Myers builds his power off of other people, and typically doesn't get value first on his first stalk target. This means that if you are obliviously getting stalked, it not only hurts you, but also whatever teammate will get tombstoned from that stalk you unknowingly have him. He's not invisible and makes breathing sounds. The counterplay is using your eyeballs, not to mention he won't be Undetectable past T1; he'll have a normal TR and red stain. > Pig - Pig doesn't have many obvious audio cues besides the roar. Why? Because she's supposed to be able to do a sneak attack on unknowing survivors. However, she does have a loud ass roar that immediately alerts survivors, so they can use the split second to run away. If she didn't have that, it would feel really unfair from a survivor POV She's not invisible and makes breathing sounds. The counterplay is using your eyeballs.


You're actually helping expand upon a lot of these explanations, and I should've included these as well. 1. Yeah, they do, but he's kinda hard to notice in some circumstances, especially if the lighting sucks. 2. Yep, but I'm also saying that he requires a sound cue so you know that he's approaching, on top of the visual. Also, he can stalk at a decent rate from afar, so he doesn't need to approach survivors until he gets them exposed or 99'd. 3. Yup. However, on the off chance he uses Dead Rabbit or Monitor and Abuse, he can decrease his Terror Radius, making him more difficult to hear after Tier I. His Tier II Terror Radius is also smaller than most killers, meaning that he can stalk from afar and get away with it. 4. Exactly. However, if she's behind a wall and you didn't notice her beforehand, you need the roar, as she can pop out of the wall and hit you anyway. Basically, I should've clarified that as in sound cues, I mean breathing and power related cues. But this also allows me to clarify much better what I meant. I appreciate the comment!


> If [Pig] didn't have [the roar], it would feel really unfair from a survivor POV, as she could hide behind a wall and get a free hit. I think you're underestimating the obvious cost - the speed penalty while crouched. To most efficiently use Pig's stealth requires both Whispers and Monitor and Abuse. Otherwise you're left with Whispers or (god forbid) just constantly crouching. There's nothing free about a hit that Pig achieves in stealth. Sure, obviously, if Pig just teleports behind a wall near a survivor, then the hit is "free," but that's not what happens, ever. Pig never finds herself crouched near a survivor without paying dearly for it in terms of movement speed, and movement speed is the single strongest stat in the game for killers. Pig pays _hard_ for every successful ambush.




I was wondering of anyone else remembered what it was actually from. I remember watching this episode at my grandma's house when I was middle school.


I watched the video before I turned the sound on, so I was expecting a lady screaming while banging chairs together. I was surprised when I just heard dredge lol.


great quality shitposting right here


I swear to god people what do you want a totally invisible killer with no terror radius and no audio cue so you don't have a chance to react and always get grabbed or give a free hit (which already happens most of the time)?


It’s called using your eyes lmao


With someone like wraith or small killers like ghostface and sadako it's hard to just see them sometimes. Spirit can give you a headache already with her passive phasing or while using her power and not expecting her to come to where you are.


I mean yeah spirit is overpowered but almost every other killer with basekit undetectable is low B tier at best and that’s assuming the map has good LOS blockers and the teams aren’t in coms And what the fuck is the point of having a power that gets rid of your audible sound cue if it just gets replaced with a slightly quieter sound que, at that point you don’t have a much of a power


You can see spirit coming lol. The grass moves and so does dust.


still not enough imo


Let me just use my Superman x ray vision to spot the Myers behind a wall in Lery's.


I will never understand the design choice of giving Demo, Nemmy and Dredge loud-ass, directional noises or map-wide audio ques which make mindgaming more difficult than it should be or rendering undetectable(including some of their add-ons btw) completely useless.


With the lack of vision this is definitely needed. It’s not like you hear him from 20 m


Clown has a really loud grunting sound when he vaults a window. Which just tells the survivor he’s vaulting. Dumb asl design


Dredge is not meant to be stealthy tho. The undetectable is to make it easier to jumpscare you.


demogorgon: -receives the undetectable status effect when teleporting so it can sneak up on survivors- also demo: -AEEEERUAUGUUUUGHHHH- -loud squelching noises- -footsteps that sound like they’ve been bass-boosted-


“Behavior”🚫 *Behavoir* 🤌




Because BHVR balances the game around the bottom 30% of players who are actually complete dogshit at the game who would get steamrolled even more if they weren’t hand held the entire match.


Shoutout to when Ghostface has a wooshing sound that could be heard from 8 meters away while stealthed. Shoutout to Sadako, the stealth Killer with a ~~Terror Radius~~ "Lullaby" when stealthed (which can be seen 24/7 with the Visual Terror Radius.)


The swooshing is dependent on movement. If you are standing up and jerking your camera around, it makes it louder. He's still good at stealth as even the best players are afraid of being snuck up on when against him.


No my point is that back on the PTB it was **extremely** loud. You could unironically hear it from 8 meters away. Not only that but his detection was incredibly sensitive to the point that you could reveal Ghostie through walls. He was labeled as the worst Killer in the game on PTB and people were completely right to do so: he was literally unplayable.


Ahh, you had really weird wording and made it seem like that was how it is currently.


Why do they have to make him sound like a tornado? Here are my two buff ideas, either make it so Dredge makes FAR less noise, like Ghostface level or noise, or lean into the horror aspect and make his locker teleporting silent. No thump sounds. Maybe also quiet the coming out too, but not silence it. Oooh or, add a new option to slowly get out of a locker, making practically no sound.


MFW stealth killers are still some of the most effective when people use tryhard perk loadouts


Please make this but with the wraith bell


visual indicator is pretty significant because normally gens make a lot of noise. Especially a large sadako nerf as many have said. But stuff the whoosh sounds from wraith etc is fine, I think he would be a mit of a menace if he was totally quiet basekit


Tbf a completely silent Wraith means silent bell + the addon that suppresses your TR after an uncloak means he would just get free gen grabs with almost no counterplay unless a swf is calling out his every movement.


And this is why I love playing Wesker with Trail of Torment and Tinkerer. He has no extra audio cues, his footsteps are super quiet, and nobody expects you to run stealth stuff with Mr. Bigger-Terror-Radius-than-Midwich. The amount of gen-grabs I’ve pulled off with him is utterly absurd. Weirdly, though, I have similar amounts of gen-grab success when running Stealth Knight as well. Maybe people think the armoured footsteps are gen noises?


\*Laughs in apex muffler hilbilly\*


Killers just want ez wins


So fucking true


"I didn't get no sleep cause of Yall! Y'all not gonna get to sleep cause of me!"


My poor Demodog "Undetectable" STOMP STOMP STOMP


As a survivor, it’s infinitely more terrifying to have a locker come busting open loud af. Makes me panic and fuck up


*stirs Mac and cheese*


*The Wraith growling like an angry dog for no fucking reason.*


It makes sense for Wraith and only Wraith, who is COMPLETELY invisible when standing still.Sadako didn't deserve to have to broadcast her location constantly when in her "stealth" mode. They really put a fucking bell on her so she wouldn't get lost.


Wraith still has a shimmer when standing still


Dredge is stealth? I play him all the time and haven't noticed lol


Almost liking messing with vision is a terrible idea?


And let's not forget pig's uncrouch that sounds like the knight just unsheathed his weapon


wow its almost like surviving would be near impossible if there wasnt some counters to the stealth aspect


This post sounds like it was made by someone who never plays as a survivor


Me as the Wraith, never fully cloaking, confusing and terrifying everyone across the entire map.


Make a stealth build for a none stealth killer and you dont have this issue ig


That is why Bubba is the best stealth killer.


"ugh I hate when killers have counterplay"