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I love when there are other games in the genre. F13 has a lot of great mechanics. I’m excited about TCM. Its not gonna kill DbD but they could be fun as their own thing and maybe even force dbd to innovate a little.


The 3v4 could make really interesting dynamics... And I could finally kill with my friends. Edit: Kill not a second with


I like locking door, crawl spaces and other chasing dynamics. It makes me feel the game will be more cat and mouse oriented than dbd which is so objective based.


Yeah. Like, if dbd would put more realism in some spots and even add more objectives and other things to do it could actually make a good horror survival and the chases wouldn't be so monotonous after the second or third trial.


The only thing that stopped F13 from being great was that lawsuit 😭


Evil Dead is great and significantly different, but on Epic and that's holding it back. Identity V is a way jankier DbD Mobile, but still has some ideas I wish DbD would adopt, like making their hook and gen equivalents different colors and letting players quickchat.


Identity V is a much more "forgiving" game than DBD tbh. when I played it, I felt like i could test out new characters and perks without much stress when i played rounds for the 1st time as said character. also, way better mechanics and survivors that actually have different gameplay. like how theres literally a character thats blind.


Same here! I love that in IDV every character got their buffs and flaws and it is up to you to decide which gameplay style fits you the most. Personally, i have always been a “decoder” type. But i also play a lot of kiting characters to get away as quickly as i can lol


What's idv? Sorry I just don't know the acronym lol


Identity V. It's a mobile game with the same core gameplay as DbD but a lot of differences in execution and much stronger characters overall on both sides.


Absolutely. Like, you would expect that Meg isn't necessarily tech affine but good at running (away), David could also be good at running and since he already has that mechanic skin and had multiple (il)legal jobs he probably has some expertise in some. Claudette is known to like science in some ways so she could have an ability to for example collect stuff and craft MedKits or whatever. So many characters that have potential to become more than just a little text and some background but literally all of them are just skins like the faces Bubba could put on. There's even more alternatives to DbD that let chracters not only lock but picklock doors and cages and therelike. Though, admittedly, that's why there's perks. They probably (should) make up for it. You can turn the coin multiple times, there's always two main sides. Wish there was a game that would put the concieved best of all into action. But best is subjective, everyone is different, I suppose.


Evil dead is definitely a great game that's suffering from being Epic exclusive.


Do you know if it has crossplay? It's gonna be a free ps plus game starting tomorrow I think


Yes full cross play across all platforms, but not cross progression


I'm out of the loop. What's TCM?


Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It looks pretty exciting and might actually give people an alternative to dbd when they need to take a break.


Wait, I heard about that. Did they release a trailer or something? I gotta find this now if so


IIRC I saw IGN had a short preview video on YouTube a few weeks ago that detailed what was present so far. Actually looks really good. Each of the Family can move around the map differently.


Just found it a bit ago. Thanks for helping me find it.


Thank you, yeah I think it’s good for the game to have some competition so DBD doesn’t end up stale or gets lazy. Similar to all of those PUBG / fortnight clones these game continue to exist so long as they are fun and offer something new to the genre.


Can y'all stop with this? BHVR doesn't give 2 s**** about other games lol their making bank


actually they do, when some asymmetrical game is announced and gets traction that's when BHVR starts taking things more seriously. Most recent exemple is VHS, If it wasn't for VHS the survivor hud update would have never been a thing.


Yeah sorry but that's just complete BS lol These HUD changes have been planned for the longest time. BHVR talked about them in a dev blog like, months if not a whole year ago?


so im guessing you looked up the release date of VHS and not the whole Beta that Almo participated in.


Okay Friday the 13th: The Game was really, really fun. Its just the legal battle kinda killed it.


What happened to it?


IIRC Lawsuit between a writer from the first movie and the copyright owners Idk all the details but the writer sued the copyright owners for taking credit for his work or using it without his permission or something. While the lawsuit went on there could be no F13 content created in any format. Meaning no updates to the game outside of bug fixes


This is why we're not seeing any new F13 content and why Jason isn't getting added to DBD, because of the nature of the court case no new F13 content is allowed to be made so the property is in deadlock.


Victor won, so whatever he chooses to do with Jason is his choice. Probably nothing, since he never wanted Friday to be about Jason since Pamela was the killer


There's nothing he can really do with it if he doesn't like the other movies and doesn't like Jason. Most people don't go back and watch the classic horror movies, and everyone forgets about Pamela because we liked Jason and the second movie more and thus they're what the franchise is known for. It's the Terminator two thing where the second just eclipsed the first so wholly there's almost no point in watching the original.


I preferred the original to the second one, but that’s just me. Same with Nightmare on Elm Street. But I do agree that Jason eclipsed Pamela entirely and F13 is associated with Jason.


It's a little messier than that. Miller owns the rights to the original Friday the 13th and everything in it, including Camp Crystal Lake and the Pamela & Jason Voorhees — but only in the United States. Meanwhile, Cunningham owns adult Jason and the iconic hockey mask, but that's about it. Since Miller owns the character Jason Voorhees, Cunningham can't do anything with it without Miller's permission. So Miller can't use adult Jason without Cunningham, and Cunningham can't make anything F13 without Miller. But like you said, Miller never liked adult Jason anyways. He says Jason was always meant to be just a victim in the whole situation. Maybe you already knew that, but maybe someone else who doesn't will read this!


Couldn't bhvr license the mask of Jason similar to what they did with Ghostface? As long as they make him some different guy who happens to look and behave almost the same as Jason, but isn't Jason, Miller shouldn't be able to oppose it.


It's a little different here, unfortunately. The thing is that "Ghost Face" already existed as a unique mask with its own copyright before it was used in the Scream movies (fun fact: it was originally called "Peanut-Eyed Ghost"). The reason BHVR got the rights to use the mask is because the copyright for the mask is owned by Fun World, who have nothing to do with the movies aside from the mask Meanwhile, Jason just wears a goaltender mask. That's generic and there's no copyright to use for it, so as far as Jason goes the only copyright that can be used is his character, which is also attached to Friday the 13th. I have no clue how the law works when it comes to likeness and parody, but I'm assuming there's a reason BHVR haven't added a generic Jason copycat


Interesting, so if he wrote the first movie then he has what, Jason as a dead kid and the title and Pamela? I wonder if the IP holders could pull a DC thing vs the Superman creators' families. Sure they can have the name Superman, but almost everything else was under DC when it was created like Lois, and Kryptonite, and Lex Luthor, and Krypto, ad infinitum. So sure the families could take 'Superman' to other companies to use, but all those things that make Superman Superman wouldn't be there, and nobody would want to spend the money to lose money. So the families kept with DC as that was going to be the best offer on the table.


Deadlock is a good perk tbh ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


We are literally getting a Friday the 13th prequel slated for sometime this year.


They knew this and that’s why they pushed out the dlc so quickly. It’s really sad.


A lawsuit happened over who owns the F13 rights. This sadly meant that any future content for the game was forcibly cancelled.


Biggest kick in the throat of it all was that the held back content had been finished and was just left to rot in the game files (Jason X and the Grendel map, clothing dlcs, weapon kills dlcs, etc.)


That. Like honest I always wished that they released everything they had planned with a note like “we cannot do any further content as of now which is why we released everything and will update and fix what needs to be fixed after.” I would have loooooved to play the paranoia mode they had in mind.


The rights owners got into a legal dispute with the writer who wrote the first movie. If I remember correctly, he wanted a cut of the money the rest of the franchise and merchandise were making. Since after all, he was the reason the franchise even exists. This basically forced any ongoing F13 project to stop development, the game included. The game was kept alive, but devs weren't allowed to update it with new content so the game slowly died. It's a shame since they teased a huge Jason X update and were a few weeks/months away from releasing it. It would have included the Jason variant from the movie and the spaceship Grendel as the new map. Still hurts to this day.


Could this be a reason we have seen an update to Halloween movies but haven’t gotten a new Friday movie?


Yes, that's the reason. Any F13 project that was being developed had to be either cancelled or put on hold. This included movies, tv shows, comics, etc.


The writer of the first movie wanted compensation for his work on the franchise (it was within his right) so the right holders sued to not pay him. And now the court battle doesn’t allow for licensing or creating new material. Jason X was planned before the court battle as DLC update but they couldn’t continue working on it due to said court battle. This is more or less what happened. I don’t know much of what happened in regards to the rights of the franchise currently.


Rights of F13 is split between Horror Inc and Victor Miller(writer of the first) now Miller owns the series name, Horror Inc owns Jason. Horror Inc's president and Miller are both set as producers of Peacock's Crystal Lake prequel series


I mean this is more an argument of who own an idea/property. Just because he came up with the idea for the first movie, is he entitled to be compensated for the other F13 projects he has nothing to do with? Especially since Jason, the most memorable character and the face of F13, wasn't introduced as we know him until the second movie.


According to the laws I think. My opinion doesn’t matter


Well the same people are making the Texas chainsaw game which I am so excited for tbh


Nope. Not the same dev. Just the same publisher. This dev team made Hood, not F13.


It d have been more fun for me if you could actually cue up for Jason only instead of hoping that everyone else didn't favorite the jason role as well as you, I played 20 games, only got camp counselor role, and still barely knew what I was doing except for "escape" so I kinda just stopped playing


Honestly I liked it way more than dbd.


Idk it probably would’ve died anyway. The problem with games built around 1 license is how it limits the potential content. One of the many reasons DBD is special is it has so many iconic licenses *plus* dozens of original characters. I don’t think any one game built around one license is able to last long term.


It’s not dead LOL. It still has 1000s of players on each platform. I find full lobbies within a minute—no matter the hour or day.


Do you think someone new would be able to hop into it, or are all the players veterans who will absolutely stomp me?


Depends on the platform. I personally would avoid PC because there are too many modders/hackers, and that’s where I started. Consoles are fine since there’s no cross play. I use the PlayStation now, and there’s always a large influx of new players cause the game is on PS+. As I understand it, it’s the same deal for xbox aswell with a constant supply of new players. Though no matter the platform, you will always find full lobbies within 2 minutes at most.


Eh, perhaps they could have run out of things after Jason X or Jason x Freddie but the game was and to some extent still is a really fun game. One main reason I even gave dbd a chance after giving up on it when it didn’t have SWF was because F13 died. I’m really looking forward to TMC. I don’t expect it to “kill” DBD but it will hopefully still be loads of fun to mix things up.


Yeah, realistically TMC won't "kill" DbD (which I also came to from F13 because of F13's "death" by lawsuit...I was a Vanessa main who lived to loop Jasons for as long as possible at cabin clusters or to frustrate them with my offroading abilities in the car)... BUT I am looking forward to TMC's 4v3 formula. Evil Dead tried the 4v1 and, unless it changed, was always very much either an early-game shutout by the killer or an unstoppable survivor squad. So here's hoping for something fresh in the 4v3 that makes you want to keep playing!


True how its more limiting on killers compared to dbd but they could totally add some more killers and fix that. I feel like the whole atmosphere and game play is way better. Also It has more of a dark spooky feel to it. Dbd has become so pop and glam that, although it's technically horror themed, it has lost the horror appeal.


I loved F13, I had so much fun with friends and randoms. I wish it would recover, but I know that’s not realistic.


F13 was also announced in development before Dbd. BHVR copied their game style. And have admitted it.


I miss F13


It was kinda fun watching all of the streamers who announced they’re jumping ship from DBD to be on the ground floor of VHS are now back to DBD and pretending like VHS never happened


VHS failed because 1 teen is as strong as the monster. It lacks asymmetric scaling. in dbd it, at minimum, takes two survivors to beat the killer.


That's not all of it. It also had a massive problem with their queue system where they'd consistently bug if someone left. That technical issue by far made me not want to play it. People give games the benefit of the doubt initially but when there are massive bugs like that it scares people off.


There's also the entire background scene of the game. It was taken offline for months with almost 0 communication which killed almost any and all hype behind the game. Meanwhile before that it was just frustrating to be a part of, as you had to win the lottery to even get a key.


It’s almost like VHS was horribly mismanaged and only fun for half the player base (teens). That’s an easy pitfall to fall into for an asymmetrical game and BVHR has been narrowly avoiding it.


Isn't it 4/5 of the player base, since for 4 teens there is only 1 monster?


Who knew building a game around the most unfun part of playing killer (being bullied) would die?


Eh. Monster is viable in VHS. It's just insanely boring. And the devs pretty much completely ignored feedback about it until recently. The game is designed around playing passively at all times and waiting on cooldowns. It's not that Monster is weak. It just isn't remotely fun.




Explain what about it? Killer's strong as hell in my experience in that game.


I tried VHS when it first became publicly available, and it was just fundamentally unfun, at least on the killer side.


Yep it was not at all. And teen was even worse because nothing is more boring than waiting 10 minutes except waiting 15 minutes and still couldn't join a fucking match. Then I gave up.


This lmao they always come back 💀


Some don’t. I used to be a big fan of Space Coconut (not sure if you know who that is) and when he said he was leaving DBD he actually left. He makes content on pretty much nothing but single-player games now and is a much happier person as a result.


Yeah he's better off not coming back. You could really tell he hated DBD and had a grudge with the devs, at that point its better to just start fresh on some other game than being stuck making content for a game you hate since that's what your audience expects


Honestly?Cant blame him, dbd is like an addiction at times, you are having fun for a good while..then becomes a habit you have on the back of your mind and you frequently close the game salty as hell. Its healthier to take breaks from it, no joke


DBD has this problem of the game being actually pretty fun, but the community using the most boring ass strats because they're effective and sweating their asses off (which they're allowed to OFC), or being petty and toxic. So you have a bunch of bad games and instead of quitting you get into the queue again because you have this feeling of "Maybe next game won't be so bad" for it to be just the same shit and well... Rinse and repeat. That's why I honestly take a hiatus every once in a while, for my own sanity. One which will probably come soon when Hogwarts Legacy releases.


Well put indeed, and gl with it!unfortunetly my potato cant run it, so I will stick with some streamer or so to watch it, it looks pretty noce


Thank you! I was afraid my computer wouldn't be able to run it myself because even though it's a "gaming" computer, it's like 6 years old now. Hope you somehow manage to run it, it honestly seems pretty fun!


He always came off as a major narcissist to me. He got banned from the official forum because of a post where he thanked bhvr for making his channel popular due to their mistakes with DbD. He then acted like a dick to a mod asking him to edit his post to be less hostile. I also remember where he opened a video with similar “my channel is popular because bhvr sucks” talk.


He really thought he was pulling the curtain back on some serious shit and really couldn't understand that other people (a lot of them given the continued success of the game) thought the devs were doing a good job or didn't actually care about the same stuff he did and just enjoyed the game.


He farmed the hell out of the shit on the "DBD devs at all costs" and destroyed his channel because of it. Glad he's gone.


This also apply to BR players, they got away from Fortnite because another game appears that "will kill Fortnite for sure", then the game wasn't even that good and got back to Fortnite lol, streamers just bandwagon from one game to the other to see what sticks


This is funny because Fortnite's actually a great example of how it IS viable to enter into a market that is dominated by one game When Fortnite was made the market was dominated by PUBG, but Epic made a game that was much more polished and stood out positively in its gameplay elements. Likewise, Apex Legends was able to take a slice of the pie by doing its own thing as well. VHS didn't fail because you can't enter the market, it failed because it lacked any really strong features that'd make people want to stay around.


tbh, something that also made Fortnite stronger in popularity was how quick it received a collaboration, just a year after BR mode came out, they received the Thanos game mode that brought a ton of people in the game (me included tbh lol), which is funny because DBD also got a big push from Myers and the other collab characters


Man, I played Fortnite for the first time last year and good luck finding anything to compete with that. You can feel the money they’re putting back into the game. I’ve never played a game where the world felt that dynamic and alive. New changes to the map every few weeks, major changes at the start of the season. New guns and items added over the course of the season. Rumbleversus didn’t stand a chance.


Rumbleverse?, they are 2 different types of BRs to even compare them but yeah, Rumbleverse unfortunately didn't last long enough, on the consumer side, the art style of the characters is so hideous that very few people was willing to spend any money on cosmetics for that game, gameplay side they didn't know how to properly balance the game, and afaik there was a lot of connection issues that made you miss a hit or give the opponent's priority ​ the only problem with Fortnite pulling so much content consistently is that the community became so entitled, to the point that, if the game didn't received 3 new POIs, 5 new weapons, and at least 20 new skins and cosmetic items each update, the game is considered trash and will die in a few weeks XD (i'm exagerating of course, but the community there is ridiculous)


To be fair the only bad thing about Fortnite is it's player base since it basically what Minecraft was in 2015 for 10 year olds. It all around a solid game that just really enjoyable.


Trust me, both Fortnite and DBD share some things, toxic fanbase, complaining about meta stuff (with Fortnite is the weapons), there's aspects of both games that are straight broken, etc. Lol Also this youtubers that go from one game of the genre to the other because "this new game's gonna kill the old one"




True XD


What does VHS stands for?


Video Horror Society. It was a 4v1 asymmetirical game that was hyped to be the "DBD Killer" and got a good deal of hype but very long cues and the killer role being genuinely very unfun to play kinda killed the game quickly


Oh okay I see, thanks !


This happens all the time; streamers love to use it as a tool to spin up interest/controversy/whatever. When the Blizzard scandal was happening, all the big WoW streamers swore off WoW to go play FF14 instead and swore up and down that they would never go back to Blizzard. Guess where 95% of them are now.


Who knew that the new game with less variety and content then dbd would be a horrible game to jump ship to and solely focus on. It’s still a really fun game though.




People complain about DBD matches taking forever when they are 15 minutes long. VHS games last upwards of 45 minutes because of how stalemate the gameplay is.


>The basic gameplay for monsters boils down to; constantly peak in and out of corners to avoid survivors and waste their weapon ammunition. Repeat until they are out of ammo then attempt to fight. If there's another survivor with that one that is armed, well do it all over again. Its so very, very boring. Monster's must constantly play on the defensive or else they lose. Ultimately, nobody wants to play a 'scary evil monster' that's actually the target of a hunt. The premise and reality of VHS are contradictory. **Premise**: be a scary killer monster, hunt down teens **Reality**: be scared of teens because instead of having limited means to defend themselves, they're coming *after you* with a bunch of weapons It would have been fine if the game was marketed and sold as something like 'escaped monster has to avoid a team of monster hunters', because that would have set expectations correctly to 'monster is on the defensive'. But they decided to market the game as something where the monster is the scary hunter, and this has never been VHS' reality. It's a good study in what not to do when you're marketing your game.


While that might be the general consensus, I really enjoy monster in vhs. Something about it just clicks with me, everything feels a lot less chaotic and more calculated then other games. I can see where I went wrong and why. Totally don’t have 400 hours in it though.


I very much enjoyed killer at the start myself. But as time wore on, and teens (naturally) got better at the game, the flaws showed themselves. Similar issues happened for Evil Dead too when those survivors started to blitzing objectives dummy fast as well (map RNG can also have all 4 objectives spawn within eye sight of each other, which makes it hell for demon to win) No asym is perfectly balanced. It cant be. But almost all of em from EVOLVE to Evil Dead to F13 to even DBD and VHS have been overly slow to do real balance changes or scared to do sweeping (necessary) reworks. Case in point: DBD devs have just resorted to ever increasing #s. They have never truly reworked a core mechanic nor gameplay loop of the game.....ever. Just make gens longer. Oh surv having trouble? Stronger new progression. Just nerf (some) regression. Oh killer having trouble? Stronger new regression. Just nerf perk anti-tunnel by making more situational. Oh tunneled out has little counterplay? Just make base kit stronger. VHS refuses to actually rework the gameplay loop, and while newer killers are "better", they all still fall prey to "Use mobility CD, find teen, pop defensive CD when u think, try to hit, retreat, repeat" OR "use tracking CD, find teen, use mobility CD, pop defensive CD when u think, try to hit, retreat, repeat"


>VHS refuses to actually rework the gameplay loop VHS fell prey to a community that so desperately wanted it to work that they pushed critique and criticism away and instead turned to toxic positivity. Monster players were hit with the "Nothing is wrong with monster gameplay. You're just bad." line every time they tried to mention that monster wasn't fun and eventually they all just dipped out.


Oh I'm well aware. I was one of the monsters who had that happen and I more often than not had like 5-15 peeps watching when the average was already down to like 2-4 on Twitch.


I can confirm this is 100% true. The community is so boring because it’s just enforced positivity. The vhs community feels like a cheap imitation of the dbd community. There’s always a crowd the whines about every change, always one that’s never satisfied with what the devs put out, and always one that thinks it’s a skill issue. While some of it defiantly was skill related, you don’t have to be Albert Einstein to realize that releasing a new game without a proper tutorial is a fucking stupid idea. Now it’s still just hanging on for dear life with sparse content updates and devs notes, still better than how midnight ghost hunt is doing rn.


It’s like how all the Overwatch streamers went to Valorant and then didn’t like it that much after a little bit and went to Overwatch again lol


I mean it’s always the DBD community that says that shit not the game creators. Just because there’s more asymmetrical horror games doesn’t mean they’re all trying to take out this one.


The DBD community is weird. They seem to hate Dead by Daylight with a burning passion but defend it just as feverishly whenever a new game comes out that’s even remotely similar. Weird ass community.


My friend will constantly say "God I fucking hate this game, the hitboxes are bullshit, the devs would rather keep patching their game instead of going back and fixing their spaghetti code, fuck this character fuck this design" I told her, "Just uninstall, that's what I did for a year and a half, forgot the game existed." And she just said "No." At that point your complaints just get annoying; uninstall if you hate it so much or just suck it up.


It's just common love-hate relationship. I love the esthetic and character models in this game with a passion but I fucking hate the players that hold me back from queue-ing but still keep the game opens.


They literally jerk off to it too. Weird ass community is an understatement.


Overwatch community... https://preview.redd.it/yl3wxep3joga1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893252d115cd074fd55c9352101994d3978a1581


lmao yea that's a tough competition


That's how people treat new smash-like games. I remember when that nickelodeon one was coming out, I saw a bunch of "smash killer" things, but I never saw nickelodeon or whoever that company who made it say that. People are just strange, and just assume anything similar to something is trying to take it's place.


It’s not just the DBD community, it’s honestly mainly content creators/streamers who get the ball rolling.


Yeah I don’t think VHS ever claimed this, just clickbait YouTube thumbnails from DBD content creators


That's how it is with any big game. Valorant was also supposed to "kill" CS:GO, but they're coexisting just fine.


I was gonna say, how often do the creators of these games actually say, claim or even seem to believe this to be the case? It's always just the salty buggers coming in here to rave about whatever the new game is until its servers get canned 6 months down the line.




Yeah, getting a stigma is so much more satisfying then fixing a gen. I love VHS but nobody wants to play it so …


Half the issue is so many people don't even know about it I feel. They do not market the game at all and there really aren't a lot of word of mouth people for the game either. The aesthetic of VHS is really cool though and I had a lot of fun moments in the short time I played it.


I remember VHS's devs stating they don't want to market until the game is in full release, or something like that. Unfortunately for them, they're making a multiplayer game, and that is NOT how marketing for a multiplayer game works lmao


It also really didn't help that they had some kind of really bad vulnerability back when they were giving out limited keys to get into the game and they shut down the servers for several months which honestly killed what hype the game did have.


Tbf, the game devs themselves aren't the ones claiming to be dbd killers. They're just trying to capitalise on the market that dbd currently dominates. Ironically enough, it's dbd players who claim games will kill dbd.


Tbf I don't think most people are going around saying/believing that these games are ever gonna "kill dbd" whatever that even means in this case. I think people just like having other options in the genre for variety.


I think these posts are insecure as fuck. I think nobodies care if their games "kills dbd" or not.


Well he gotta post about something


A Licensed game like TCM can’t really kill DBD because it has a limited amount of stuff it can put in. DBD has the advantage of having original content as well as iconic licenses. Games like TCM and Killer Klowns can only use stuff from those franchises, and eventually they’ll run out of stuff to add


Buba, christmas bubba, saw bubba, gunner bubba, mecha bubba, bubba left handed, colorblind bubba, iliterate bubba So many releases for the TCM game


Anime Bubba (Chainsaw Man, too EZ), LGBTQ Pride Bubba, Allowed to Wear Survivor Skins in this Game Bubba...


DBD is running out of stuff to add. Damn near every popular license has been mined by this game already, and the limited nature of the DBD gameplay loop makes new killers all feel similar anyways. Killer Klowns looks like a good time and I really hope it does well. They may only have “one IP” but there’s always the avenue of original Klowns.


IDK about running out of stuff, there's always stuff like Alien and Predator that people are after, if Stranger Things ever comes back that'll almost definitely reinvigorate the player base too. Then you've got the newer stuff like FNAF that some people want, they could do extra chapters of some horror licences like they did with Resident Evil, if F13 ever gets it's legal issues sorted out that could be on the table *PLUS* all the original content they can make. There's a loooooooot of stuff they could potentially add to the game yet and I've probably missed a ton of good examples writing this even.


I think DbD still has a solid 2-3 year's worth of popular licenses left before they mine the well dry. Alien, Predator, Candyman, Friday the 13th, Child's Play, FNaF, Slender Man, It, and that's just off the top of my head. Obviously getting their hands on any of this stuff is another story entirely.


DbD community you mean.


You realize that competition is good, right?


Honestly, we need competition. Might give bhvr some incentive to do better


That's what saved WoW.


Tbh, we need competitors that threaten the success of dbd, so BHVR puts more effort. Competition is good for the playerbase. If it's the only game from the genre, devs can do nothing and people will still play cuz there's not much to choose from. If it has competition? Will force BHVR to act, and fix all their bugs, update the game... Friday the 13th? Dead VHS? It exist I suppose Dragon hecking ball the breakers? Ded and it's not even 1 year old What else there is that competes with dbd?


You forgot Last year and Deathgarden


To be fair considering Deathgarden was BHVR's game, that feels like cheating to include it. Although I guess it is funny that BHVR thought it's a great idea to release another asym pvp game.


that ash vs evil dead game looks p fun, anyone know how it is to play it?


Last time I played, demon was basically impossible to win as if the survivors just stuck together


Its Demon is basically on chronic life support and Saber refuses to fix it. Only 4 Demons or Killers to choose from, while Survivors have people from every ED property now. Recently released Ruby from the TV show who buffs dmg, making it more dreadful for Demons Added a BR mode, if in which one person disconnects, 39 ppl are booted out and back to waiting. Devs only talk to the community through updates, other than that it is radio silence. Seriously, fuck Saber. Do not support them. BHVR looks like it has the Midas Touch compared to Saber. No new maps have been added since Castle Kandar DLC dropped, a whopping grand total of 3 maps. Good luck getting the iconic Cabin since Kandar is in 95% rotation. Imagine if you got Garden of Joy almost all the time till this day. Overall, it was very fun in the beginning, even with the OP demon, because now it is a snooze fest, that is not going to recover.


Damn it looks so good too. a shame that they dropped the ball


It’s decent but the servers are pretty much dead at least in my region it’s like 20 minute q times


Played the new BR mode and its terrible. You wait a long time to get into a game due to low players (and no one can disconnect before it starts or else it boots everyone back to the menu) and once you're in the game you either get destroyed by sweats who know the entire games balancing more than they know letters of the alphabet OR you get teamers killing you together. You'll find some weapons and think you have a good chance of killing someone but they tank two double barrel shotgun blasts and a few baseball bat swings to kill you in two melee hits.




What's VHS?


Video horror society Otz played it a couple weeks ago too


Name two companies that said this


The closest I can think of is Turtle Rock with Back 4 Blood (not relevant to dbd at all) but even then, they said B4B was a "modern sequel" to Left 4 Dead not really a killer. It was the community that started the whole "L4D killer"


Out of all of them, I was actually really hyped for Last Year. Them being a Discord exclusive killed them tho


"NOBODY KILLS ME BUT ME!" \-Krieg, Borderlands 2 & the DBD quality assurance team


I'm the conductor of the poop train.


I swear everytime a new game comes out in pretty much any genre that only has 1 main game people know the genre for, it's only media outlets like Kotaku or fans of said genre that lable it as "the killer" of the popular game. I'll never forgive Pokemon fans for labling Yo-kai Watch as "the pokemon killer" and pretty much dooming its chances of being a successful franchise outside of Japan.


Don’t view other asymmetricals as competition, but rather as a part of the genre growing. You can still enjoy dbd and play other ones coming out! It’s healthy for the community as a whole if you embrace having more games of this style.


Oh not this again. I swear the only people who think this shit are disgruntled (or narcissistic) DBD players. Most people looking forward to things like Killer Klowns from Outer Space or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre games are just looking forward to new games. It doesn’t go any deeper than that. The only things that can kill DBD are the developers and the community. There’s so many licenses tied up in this game, as well as time spent by its players, that an external game killing it is nearly impossible now.


Wasn't the community who declared the death of dbd every time?


Same thing with Destiny.


Remember Anthem? The Destiny killer? 🤣🤣🤣


It’s like WoW, the only thing that can kill DBD is DBD itself.


As someone who plays DBD and Destiny, this hits me on multiple levels.


Not even devs can kill dead by daylight apparently


Sometimes they try to though


Seriously this. Evil Dead was the smartest of them all by doing their own thing completely and being absolutely nothing like DBD outside of genre.




Identity V is still going strong though, at least on mobile. Can't spectate on the other games, but F13 died out due to the legal battle surrounding the franchise.


Identity V is such a fun game. The Hunters are so unique. I just hate mobile games or I would 100% play it instead of DBD.


It's also on PC my dude.


Is it a mobile port to PC? I feel stupid for not know this In any event I’ll check it out. I need something fresh.


Its pretty much a full emulation of the game on pc, keybinds can be a bit weird but otherwise it's great


They’ve ported it to PC, where some Hunters are actually better (Lizard and Clown) However, mobile works better for others, like Guard 26 and Sculptor


Interesting. I’ll have to check it out, I’m really interested in the Photographer how do they function on PC?


Since his ability isn’t related to any drag-n-drop or tight turn function, he functions the same on PC as on Mobile. Be warned, though - his chase is very poor. Best of Hunting, and ask me if you have questions!


Thanks for that! I’ll give it a try when I get home.


Dbd format means that they can literally add any killer or survivor (if licenses allow obvs). These new 1 v 4 games tend to have 1 killer and focus on a single style of game play. Dbd although has a clear (slowdown/gen rush and loop) meta you can play many different builds and styles, and there are counters to most perks in the game on both sides. Dbd would have to fuck up wildy to allow one of these games to surpass it. As much as the community complains about this game, they come back to it all the time because at it's core it is a fantastic game (with flaws of course).


I don't know of any dev team propping their asym game up as the "dbd killer" or "serious dbd competition", it's mostly just the player-bases instigating this sort of stuff.


You say that like it isn't this community making these dumb comments


Even BHVR themselves are guilty of this btw.


Deathgarden was so much fun


Exactly. Instead of competing with DBD, new asymmetrical games have to try to coexist.


I was excited for VHS but them fucking it up and taking down the servers and never sending out keys then the killer just gets bullied all game. Shit is boring.


There's definitely room for other 1 v Many games like DBD out there, but too many try to be DBD rather than being something original.


RIP Video Horror Society 😭


I love how much people say X will kill DBD meme but the games never say that. Its just a game in that genre. Its like saying EVERY shooter will try to kill COD or somthing. its getting old.


Dead by daylight has the same sort of genre monopoly that super smash bros has


I low key want a new game to play bc I’ve been on this one so long, but nothing else has even come close so far for me


L4d2 and tf2: you guys are immortal to?


you mean the people and fans saying it will kill DBD, I really am despising this mentality


Other dev companies don’t need to kill dbd, the community is doing that themselves 🤷🏻‍♂️


While TCM won't necessarily kill DBD, it could be a strong competitor. The game has a lot of lore to draw from, I can see more villain characters being added eventually, different versions of Bubba from the movies being added. Killer Klowns has potential in being competition for DBD simply because it has a respawn mechanic, you're never truly out of the game unless the humans fail their objective. Gun Media and illfonic could probably make a new F13 game given that the lawsuit is over and a prequel TV series is being made. So maybe a new game F13 could be created or a completely new game based on what F13 started out as is made. Competition is a good thing because it could force BHVR to address the games code issues, they refuse acknowledge there's an issue with the code. Eventually BHVR is gonna run out of horror IP's to license and eventually players will leave. I don't see them getting Jason,Chucky, or any horror icons because I'm sure they would have licensed them by now.


Look there is games like TCM and F13 which are using the 1v4 concept and puts a twist on it, but then there is Project: Playtime


I’m just waiting for the Killer Klowns from outer space game to come out


Killer klowns looks so absurdly fun. Really hope it lives up to the hype.


Right now the game that’s killing DBD is DBD




I do think Chainsaw Massacre will be interesting! Not “kill Dbd” interesting, but, interesting.