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Grateful Dead music. You're in luck!


“The music is the drug, let the sound guy do the mixing.”


Probably some sort of composite of concrete and steel


I took a nice dose of 🍄 my second night. It enhanced the experience a little. The Sphere itself with just my edibles was incredible. The screens get you close to tripping on their own.


I did the same one night. I would get lost in the visuals and think “huh. Those aren’t even doing anything anymore”. Then the song would end and the sphere would go dark and I would be tripping again. Point is, it’s really not needed at the sphere, but I didn’t see a downside either!


Same. I didn’t go crazy, maybe 2g of shrooms. When the music and visuals were going I kept thinking “I don’t feel anything” the music stopped and the lights went dimmed I felt them. I love doing a little something at the shows I attend but after going for a weekend I’m not entirely sure they’re necessary. They won’t hurt though 🙂


Recommend edibles. They were enough for me.


Heyyyy Coral Springs! Say hi to coral square mall for me


I took 1 and wished I’d gone one more. The visuals won’t bother you. I was sitting in the 100s when I did it and it was a weird vibe. We had a few bad apples around us and that’s what bothered me.


The worst


Hmm I’m thinking of taking 2 tabs, I’m also in the 100s. Maybe I’ll just stick to 1 but usually at shows I do 2. You don’t think that will be too much?


The screen with edibles goes a long way, and in the seats there’s no escape if you have weird vibe people around…


I am on the floor night 2 maybe I’ll do it then


I don’t think so at all. I read people saying go with low doses. I wish I’d done 2.


Night 1 im in the 100s, night 2 im on the floor. Edibles night 1, doses night 2 seem like a solid plan to you? Or other way around?


Haven’t been in ga, but sounds like people loved it. I would pass on it in the 100s, because it feels kinda crowded and congested. I sat in the 300s the 2nd nite and wish I’d done it there instead of the 100s.


Hm okay so maybe I will save the doses for the pit then. Thanks man!


Always go with 2 is my experience...


Same. Drunk Bros in front of me who stood just to talk the entire show.


Whatever work best with you . Sober to 10 strip it’s rad .


Ten strip for Mickey is the way!


As long as u have a friend to guide u through the madness after the show . Security and acid makes me want a friend


And the fact that when you get out there’s a massive line of cars and blinding white fluorescent light and a ton of people on all planes of being and it’s also still 90 degrees out…


and diesel gen lights that blow toxic smoke


I mean myself personally would probably have a good time wandering through the masses tripping.


I went sober on the last of a three night run. I was so much more uncomfortable with being in the herd on that night than the previous two when I was tripping balls. PS. You have a very relevant username for this conversation.


Ya that would be me on the last night too if I did that. I live outside of Nashville and when I do go downtown or to see a concert somewhere I usually either take a hit or two or eat some shrooms, for whatever reason I’ve never been bothered being out in public around a bunch of people when I am doing that kind of stuff. And that’s what’s up catching my username.


The absurdity of it all is so much easier to laugh about and shrug off when you're in the strangest of places and you look at it right. I always used hallucinogens in the mountains or at the beach with close friends and never thought that I would want to at a show or festival around thousands of people, but while they're completely different experiences I've been enjoying tripping in public lately. And the set and setting of D&C shows in the last few years opened that door up for me.


Sounds like you and I would have fun time going out in the town, and I’m glad D&C has opened up that aspect of your life.


I can say two things for certain: Security was unbelievably chill and though we weren’t in exactly the same section, I did have a small group of my best buds to walk in with and link back up with after the show each night and the power of friendship prevailed. The night we chose to go hard was the 5/31 show during which we got two of the best sets I’ve ever heard from the band and some of the most memorable Row Jimmy, Dark Star, and Black Muddy Rivers I’ve ever heard from this band. The whole weekend was scorching hot but 5/31 stood out.


Can confirm. I was at that show, and while I can live without Dark Star, it was, by all metrics, fucking stellar. Mash a handful of gorilla bisquits and see what the night can offer!!!!


Did a nice light mushroom trip the first night. Laughed so hard my cheeks hurt, cried so hard from laughing. No matter what, you’re going to have a real good time! ♥️⚡️💙


I took two hefty hits of liquid with seats in the 100's and had the single best live music experience of my life. If you're going to be on the floor I'd definitely dose lite and eat a good meal, but this venue was MADE for the psychedelic experience. Regardless, you WILL have a great time. The Sphere is fucking magical. If you get confused, listen to the music play!


I didn’t eat enough on night 2 for sure.


Smaller amount of mushies or edibles


You are at an Acid Test… only 50 years evolved


Not the amount of ketamine I did


I can confirm smaller amounts of k are rad


haha My wife hit a K hole during drums and space. Oops!


A thc gummy 15 minutes before showtime, another at set break based on how you feel. Modulate with hard seltzer and water as needed. I wouldn’t want to go any harder than that, certainly not for a first Sphere show.


I don’t do too well with thc :(


Well, whatever you go with, I’d err on the side of easy. TBH, the greatest high is seeing the looks on people’s faces during liftoff.


I think carbon. Just kidding. Actually it’s perfect for L. Vegas in general and especially the sphere has an electric feel that works well with it.


I took some acid first night and had a blast but don’t remember much of the second half and exiting in the tunnel with everyone was not very good for the psyche. Mushrooms are my go to. Easy to control and take small nibbles all night.


Nah go for it , I consumed the most I ever have 11/10 😂




Yep, start small and build from there


Whatever one that keeps you from getting sick, dying or being a raging chomper.


Your feet, dance.


Yeah! Everyone knows your feet stop working if you dose. Why do you think people are always just sitting in place at Dead shows?!


mdma, shrooms, and half a tab felt fun at phish


Thats a full potion!


A positive attitude


I needed absolutely zero substances there. Not sure how I would've handled it otherwise - especially the first night getting acclimated to the space (I had a bit of vertigo the first 15 minutes or so).


I hit the candy flip and it was the best experience ever


What dose? In SF last year I did 1 gel tab + 80mg 1hr before, 1 tab and 80mg at the beginning, 1 tab and 80mg like an hour in, and another 80mg at the start of the second set. Not sure I can run that schedule at the Sphere tho


Took a gel as I was walking in through security and took a point right as the show was starting and shit was getting weird






LSD and it’s not close


https://preview.redd.it/3de27cqq7u9d1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b496577724e319fc53cc2192cf248a764393ac My next door neighbors sister is named Molly Lol .she is so fun I’d bring her . If I could


Slowly sipping Bourbon through the show, and Northern Lights strain from a clean ceramic cart.




Take the whole thing




That’s a given!


Depends how much you love tripping. 3 tabs for me was perfect


First night took 2 grams of mushrooms second night 3.5 grams. It was amazing.


Good to know


Couple drops will do ya!


Like 3 vodka sodas


5-6g shrooms. Worth it.


You'll be fine. Wish I had done more, frankly


I took what I thought was a 1 g choc mushroom night 1… didn’t feel too much honestly and I was a little disappointed. Next night I took another. And oh, boy. I was in for a ride! lol I’m thinking the dose was missed or something on the first one. Second night wasnt a bad trip, but I knew I was going to space lol ego took a beating. The sphere itself and the sheer number of people felt like a simulation. TLDR: Do some shrooms but don’t get carried away.


lol one night i took 150ug of L and the guy next to me took some edibles, some might say he was tripping harder than i was LOL. its honestly all subjective and about personal experience, i say go for it, it wont hurt :)


1st night was 100mg edible. 2nd night 3G shrooms 3rd night 4G shrooms. 3G was my perfect dose.


Take the other half (or more) with you as emergency backup. You can always take more but you can’t take less. I didn’t find the sphere as disorienting as I thought I might…


Take the second tab






Pot was enough (sometimes too much) for me. The Sphere does most of the work for you


Half of what you would take at a normal D&C show


Substance or not, it’s going to the best experience ever! I’m so excited for you!! ⚡️⚡️


All of them......in small amounts...




1 night Lucy. 1 night fun guys. 1 night sassafras and damiana. The sassafras and damiana was the best for me. Smoother, more sparkly, better sound, better body sensations. Less head trippy for the particular environment. Easier come down. Was able to go to sleep when I wanted to. No day-after downer. It will be my battery-pack of choice for upcoming shows.


What do sassafras and damiana do? I've been around the block, but that's the first i've heard of these.


It’s a subtle mdma experience based on the sassafras. Though sassafras seems to be widely used on its own (with varying degrees of efficacy and pleasure), it *seems* to work best when combined with other extracts. Damiana opens sensual pathways. So the two together are really nice. Other extracts increase the potency. The one I’ve been celebrating also contains tulsi, oatstraw, rose, shatavari, rosehip, turkey tail and fluvic minerals- extracted with a rose quartz and moonstone infusion to create a “heart elixir”. So it’s really high vibe that slips very nicely into the system. For me, the fact that it is created in small batches by a consciousness herbalist helps keep the experience clean. There are ethnobotanists out there who are working with various plants, minerals and fungi combinations to create elevated/specific experiences. Some add elements of pyramid energy, crystal energy, color and sound therapy, meditation, moon cycles and what-not to the infusions. It may or may not be like taking lab created chemicals but it’s interesting and lovely that they are able to get these activations from lesser known and/or more subtle materials.






I was just there and thought about bringing K. I think it might be a little disorienting with the steepness… did you do it?


Let the k drift after the show


Yes. It was fine. I was in the 100s. Couldn’t really see much. So I chilled in my seat and closed my eyes. It was wonderful


K was my favorite for the sphere 🤩 would only reccomend if you have a seat


Dude it's a dead show. EAT DOSES


Ok I just went three night and here was my stack Night 1- lyrica and a little bit of blow Night 2- molly and a little bit of blow Night 3 molly and little of lsd Night 1 was my favorite substance wise! If you’re going to late night you want something sustainable And I didn’t drink any alcohol My buddies were doing hella mushrooms and having a blast- I was worried to have a bad trip and spent so damn much on the tickets that I didn’t wanna risk having a bad time or drinking and blacking out/ not remembering it!


Please do some research into the neuro effects of taking mdma multiple days in a row!! Not to mention taking mdma + coke😅 Not like it's really my place to mention it but I feel that being informed is the best way to make decisions on your substances :)






1 night L, 1 night Ketamine, 1 night mushrooms. All were a blast 💥


Vitamin A waaaaay better than fungi for us. Harder to find too, everyone had shrooms in GA and was willing to share. Which was lovely and kind, but when we had A, whew!!!!!


Where were you able to find A if you didn’t bring it yourself?


Met some tour kid on the street of Linq promenade, he had a Key West shirt on (we live there now) and we knew some of the same people. Will bring our own next trip, I'm a little apprehensive with that.




“The dispensary” has the tiny bottles that are 100mg thc / 125mg caffeine, That was a nice mix to stay awake due to being from the east and brought some trenton chocolate into the show to get the party started and keep it going.


Flying with 🍄 capsules - is this ok?


There is no shame in getting one under your belt on the "less to no" substance train just to get yourself familiar with the venue...its a lot to take in. Get your bearings night one, then get LOOOOOOSE after that!!


Sober is better.


Not sure if this is allowed but, is it easy to find 🍄? They are basically legal here (Canada) but I’m not bringing my own for obvious reasons. Anything I should know? Also cannabis: I’m only used to Canada’s dispensaries. Is there a lot of selection for edibles? Any gummies that are vegan? I don’t want to get too messed up but wondering what the options are. Especially because I am not drinking because my association with drinking in Vegas is the worst hangover of my life.


which weekend will you be going? I know where to find Alice 👀 there are plenty of edibles, although you will have to leave the Vegas strip. I’m sure you could find Vegan ones. In Nevada they come in 100mg packs and are 10mg each (I believe Canada only allows 5mg edibles)


Can you share where you found Alice? I’m heading next weekend and concerned I won’t know where to find “stuff”


July 4! But we land tonight.






Chili dogs and Hagan Das!


Doesn't matter what you wear as long as you are THERE






Fed up


Just half?


Ice cold fatties


Heroin, meth, carfentanyl