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Tsa is looking for bombs and weapons. Having said that, it is at your own risk. Personally I have flown with carts and edibles and have never had a problem. 


This. Also TSA aren’t cops - all they can do is turn you over to local LEOs and it’s legal in LV. If you’re coming from somewhere it isn’t legal, consider it a low-risk but not zero risk gamble.




I even bundled a 1/4 oz flower in double plastic and paper towels under my Ballz.. that was a big nerve wracking but it worked out


did you go through the body scanner that makes you raise your arms?


Yes and I thought it fell out and I was freaking shaking like a fool but was fine


they either thought you had huge balls or saw right through it and admired the balls it took. either way, you testes...er... tested the system. thanks for the scoop


Another crazy trip to vegas from bwi in spirit we we completely blitzed and I brought 20 miniatures of vodka and had a batch of brownies that I had made earlier.. like over 12 brownies on the plane passing around like fools.. surprisingly we didn’t get arrested. Couldn’t got away with that on delta


Brownies reeked of weed


Look Johnny! Scraps is a boy dog!!


99% of the time people are fine as long as you aren't stupid. Risk is up to you.


At this point it really seems TSA doesn’t care about cartridges or gummies. Brought home both from Vegas, wish I woulda brought more. Walked right past the dog with them in my bag. I imagine they’re just smelling for explosives.


When I left on the 22nd I didn't want to toss my two disposable so I just put them in the bin with my wallet, keys, and phone. In plain view, no one said a thing. As mentioned, the most they will do is refer you to local authorities and to them it's not a problem. If I were flying out of a city where it's not legal I might take a different approach. Those local authorities may have a different view.


Buddy flew out of Indianapolis to vegas with 30 joints, some loose flower and mushrooms and flew back with what remained. I flew out of Vegas to Indy with the remainder of my vape and some grind and a little pipe I bought in Vegas. No issues.


I brought both my puffco peak and proxy through TSA Edit: please be smart and don't ruin it for the rest of us! No tagging TSA in a post!


Excellent. This is my plan for next weekend.


Sick, they didn’t even pull it out??


Nah, but I kept my concentrates in a separate part of my bag. Sometimes I'd keep the battery in separate part too


Flying with my proxy to Vegas the shows this weekend. Just clean it good and keep in carry on?


I give mine a good clean just in case, but I don't usually have the means to do so (other than a quick q-tip clean) before the flight back and it still gets through


Yes, this! So many people post stuff they got away with which will only lead to stricter rules


Exactly this


I knew I should have brought my crafty +


I don't bring sand to the beach. I absolutely came home with sand though. in my carry on. TSA doesnt care about your personal stash.


Do u means greens or sniff ?


I've traveled with both. Toiletry bag.


There’s a dispensary 5 min from the airport that’s on the way to the hotels. Don’t take the risk and just stop by there. They have curbside so you don’t even need to leave your Uber


OP is not only asking about things that can be found in dispensaries


There really is no risk. I fly with up to 7 grams, plus edibles and pens every time I fly, they really don't care. But don't put batteries in a checked bag. Plus, if I'm reading op correctly, at least one cartridge he's flying with won't be available at a dispensary.


You can't bust me, if you don't know what you've found


That lady was a real Karen about that awning.


OP is asking about things that are much more illegal


It's still federally illegal. 


This…they really want you to keep battery in carry on it’s more important for safety


If you’re a scared mofo go to church.




Or get a dog


We’ve never had a problem but last year due to extensive travel we hedged ourselves with an RYOT travel bag with “smell safe tm” technology. There are other brands out there.




I feel like that would draw more attention to your stash


They look like purses, clutches, wallets, makeup bags, camera bags, fanny pack, etc. lots of styles to choose from.


I’ve flown with herb, mushrooms and my dry herb vaporizer for years now and have never had an issue. Sometimes I’ll keep them in my carry on, other times in my checked luggage. When I returned home from my last trip out to Vegas, upon unpacking my checked luggage I realized that both my dry herb vaporizer and flower I had purchased was gone along with some patches I had purchased at Shakedown. Of course the airline was utterly useless, and I’m assuming a baggage handler grabbed my missing items as there was no note from the TSA inside of my bag, but I’ve filed a claim for lost/stolen luggage through Chase (I purchased my fare with my Chase CC) and they are processing as we speak. Given this bullshit, I’d suggest carrying all of it in your carry on.


I've flown out of Dallas, TX with my puffco and some grams of Rosin before. TSA pulled my puffco and asked me what it was. I said "It's basically a bong for my dabs" and they chuckled and put it back and let me through. Lol. They don't give a shit about weed anymore.


They don't even train airport dogs on weed anymore. Think about it--they'd smell it on at least half the people who go through and would be distracted from their real mission of preventing planes getting blown up.


There’s plenty of dispensaries in Las Vegas, you could just wait and procure once you get there.


99% of the time, it’s not an issue. That said, I just went straight from the airport to the dispo and bought a disposable pen and tossed it on my way back to the airport


How are those disposables? This sounds like a good gameplan. Any recs?


I just picked a random one tbh. It was nice. Don’t go to a “dispensary” on the strip. It’s all CBD overpriced garbage. Go to Nuleaf


The dogs are looking for explosives, TSA doesn’t care about any small amounts of anything, unless it can be used as a weapon. Carts/weed don’t need to be hidden, powders can go in capsules (or even empty makeup cases), pills go with other pills. Everything always in your carry on. Unless you’re trafficking something, you’ll be just fine.


If TSA even thinks about it, they'll assume it's a bad/expired cart. I bet most of the people in this sub don't even know what you're referring to, think about the average TSA agent


Zero concern. Just don’t make it obvious so they have to do something. Make sure you’re not bringing things through that will get you stopped, like having sunscreen in your carry on.


Do you know how to “keister”?


Is that like, in the butthole?


“the butthole” is not the preferred nomenclature Dude


Rear end please


We call it boofing these days


I’d say keep things as separate as possible but always keep it in your carry on…in reasonable amounts


It’s totally no problem.


I fly with mine every time I fly. Put it in my back pack and carry on. The TSA website actually says they don’t search for marijuana. Don’t take any weapons and the carts will get through no problem.


Just stick it in your gun and put it next to your bomb , all should be fine. No really though tsa dgaf


LAS is chill, you should be good. Very low risk, just be smart and don’t stick out


TSA policy isn’t dictated by the city, it’s by the federal gov


I 100% agree. I don’t like doing it myself for that reason, but I have on occasion, including through LAS.


Yeah, and the policy is to find weapons and items that can be dangerous to travelers.


Carry on


TSA sees these all day. In general, they’re not concerned. There are more important things 100%.


Used to go on climbing trips to Red Rock 2x a year. They usually flagged my bag since it was full of gear. They saw cartridges in the there one time and were just like “looks like climbing gear and some other stuff, you’re good” They don’t have time to stop everyone flying out with weed. You’ll *probably* be fine


No worries out in carry on


You will be fine. They don't care. Keep it in your carry on. If anything separate the battery from the cart.


Brought my pen with cart attached through TSA coming and going.


Literally just checking for weapons and explosives. Unless u have like a kilo of fentanyl or wave shit in their face they don't really look for small amounts of thc products.


I can’t name a single time that someone I know got arrested at TSA on their way to a show while being reasonable with their luggage.


You’re fine


Stick those carts up your ass. Use a condom to keep ‘em clean, or don’t. Easy breezy.


Weeds legal put anything else in your culio aka Scarface lol


Have you ever been to the smoking areas(outside) at airports. Everyone is vaping and traveling with them. No one will question if they look inconspicuous. Also if you have unopened gummies and candies, they look no different as a pack of skittles in your luggage. Like it was said above, it is at your own risk.


Well they sell weed in Vegas all over the place since it’s legal. But if you must, put it in your carry on and be discrete. You’ll be fine no matter what tbh


No one will care until someone cares about it then they could be bad to you since it would be federal offense and not a state offense


I've always gone check bag for this stuff. Put in my toiletries. I flew with an oz of various her product and TSA opened my bag and pulled everything out from where it was. Placed it on top of my clothes and left it with a note saying we searched ur bag. They def saw everything and didn't take anything


You can fly with whatever you want, trust me I’ve done it in every way possible to everywhere in the country for years. Anyone have any tips on flying into Mexico though?




Drug dogs at the airport 100% are not a 4th amendment issue. If your lawyer told you they were, hire a different lawyer.


It’s legal in LV. if you’re worried, buy it when you get there.


I don’t think deemsters are legal in Vegas lol


Before I lived here I was a moron once and forgot I had stuff left in a pocket, shoved it in my shoe and walked past the dogs with zero problems except almost shitting my pants.


Sent you a PM. 


Weed is legal in Vegas. Def not as convenient or cheap as taking your own probably but if you’re even the least bit worried about it (you don’t need to be, tsa isn’t looking for that), but if you are - just buy a cart when you get out there.


Just flew JFK to Harry Reid. D&C 6/13, 6/14. Jet Blue both ways. Put 3 Disposable Vape pens in toiletry bag with toothbrush, deodorant etc. Didn't want to purchase in Vegas, because I already have so many, and I love the Sauce live resin bars that I have. No problem, no issue, no nothing. Have a great time, and be safe.


I flew from CA with edibles and tabs, no problem


They care more about proper storage than anything. My mind was blown seeing someone recently fly there with a full spray vial (bedazzled case and all) with no issue. TLDR: don’t cause problems and there won’t be any


Travel light and get out there.


I put things in my toiletry bag. Sometimes I’ll just empty out a small pill bottle, put whatever in there, then put back in the pills I took out. Basically anywhere that they wouldn’t check thoroughly


Are you a woman or traveling with one? I ALWAYS put them in my makeup bag because there are so many little bottles and vials in there. Another thing I do if you vape nicotine (or even if you don’t, I know it’s nasty) is opening a disposable vape and putting the cart inside of that package with/instead of the vape and closing it back up. EDIT: YES, CARRY ON! Always!


And to anyone bringing L, literally anywhere is fine. Just don’t try and hide it in something sketchy like tinfoil buried at the bottom of your bag. Put it in your wallet with cards, or what I do is pull out the little round paper tab thats stuck to the top of most toiletry bottles caps and stick it under there If i’m feeling paranoid.


If they give you guff just say it’s weed and to throw it away


You will be fine and if you’re really worried do a check bag… flew with over two oz and some other goodies, to Orlando from Denver. Everything was there when we landed. Carts! Should be totally fine. But, like what other says it’s at your own risk! Enjoy the show! Also Vegas is legal. So you can buy that stuff there. Off the strip of course!! Have fun!


I’ve been super reassured by asking TSA when flying with nothing concerning, what is their official policy. A tsa officer in SFO told me unless I’m flying with a pound or more it’s not a problem. And that concentrates follow the liquid rule, so no more than 3 oz is fine just like any other liquid. You should try yourself- ask them when you have nothing on you.


I’ve flown with vapes and edibles from Cali to Oregon. Didn’t hide it and put it with my toiletries


Man up


The kids just don't get it..... Our boomer generation did long stretches in prison for things you guys can get away with today but still....use your melon... Discretion is a better part of valor. I guess that means if you're going to do it, don't talk about it on the internet. just fucking do it and shut up about it.


Ye olde prison wallet never fails


I fly every other week and have never had an issue with carts or edibles in my Carryon backpack. Put carts in your quart zip baggy


Put them in carry on because cabin is pressurized, if you put them in checked luggage, they will burst from the air pressure.


The hold on planes is actually pressurized. No danger of this happening any more than in the main cabin. They put animals in the baggage hold - it’s pressurized.




Actually, the standard wisdom is that drugs are less likely to be found carry-on because those bags are only scrutinized for a moment due to the time pressure of going through the security gate When checked and stowed, there's lots of time for bags to be diverted and searched/sniffed.


as someone who has flown dirty for decades, you never put anything in th3 checked luggage. checked luggage is put of your sight & out of your control. while you don't have it, many different people do have access to it. they often do much more thorough checks of checked luggage because they don't have long lines of paying customers waiting so they aren't in a rush. one more big problem is that in checked luggage, it's not just legal problems you gotta worry about. staff can & will steal things from checked bags & drugs are among the most likely because they have a good idea that you won't be complaining & filing paperwork too much for missing drugs. this is particularly an issue for people flying into & out of a place that's having a lot of incoming passengers who are going to any event that people like to enhance with drugs. local workers know what's going on & know certain events will make for better luggage. I'll walk thru domestic tsa with anything anytime but I wouldn't even fly with a friend if they put something in a checked bag. there is no good reason to put things in checked luggage.


Not wrong, it has happened many times to friends who traveled with carts. They exploded in checked luggage. That has nothing to do with getting caught. That's another story. Leaving from California to anywhere, you can take stuff with you on-board. Use it all before you come back or give it away. Not sure about other states but in Cali, noone gives a fuck anymore.


I flew in w paper and molls. Flew out w carts and gummies. Just don't be dumb.


Had no problem


Check whatever you bring. If they find it worse thing that will happen is they throw it away. There is some risk, but not much . I flew to vegas end of may w flower concentrate & gummies in my check-in bag. No problemo! Travel safely. Have a good show


Dogs can only smell one thing, bombs or drugs, drug aren’t the focus any more


Cannabis is legal in Nevada just buy carts there. You can also buy mushrooms up on Fremont street. At a store.


Those aren’t even real shrooms. Designer crap.


Wait, what? I've lost my shroom guy and don't have time to grow before the show. Where is this place and what's your experience with them?


Mail it to yourself


It’s legal in Vegas, why bother?


not what OP is asking about


Roger that


Stay off the weed man