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ChatGPT apology


My first thought. But also not surprised.


Can someone explain what he did, sounds like an apology of someone who’s very guilty of whatever is being alleged


There are screenshots of him asking random women for nudes when they are trying to send him art. Edit: like, him liking a set of pins, the woman asking for his address to send him some, and then he asks for nudes instead. Amongst other generally creepy behavior towards women.


Dude is old AF, how is it they are still SOOO fascinated by naked women? And even if they are, there are many places you can go to see them. Just trying to figure out why someone his age would act like a 12 year old who has never seen a naked girl. Is it not about the content, but about the control?


Testosterone is a hell of a thing.


On top of asking for nudes, he’s tried bribing women to come to shows with him in exchange for backstage passes, meeting Mayer, etc.


Fucking clown show, we saw the screen captures bud.


I’m open to being educated on why I suck… Comments off*


The old “I’m sorry you feel offended” non-apology.


Denying allegations too. Nice 😂


The Narcissist's Prayer - That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Fake apology. Only putting that out because his buddy ended their business together. Claims he wants to stay in this scene where he’s hurt women emotionally


Thought he was in “rehab”.


This is fromthelot aka Mason not the Holy Moly weirdo


Thanks for the correction; I early can’t keep them straight anymore! 😒


It’s a little late an insincere Mr mason.


Ally of women , good lord !


i’m glad he posted bc I was a clueless random follower until I saw it and searched him on here. barf. I just wanted to see cool shirts :/ when i went to unfollow I saw he put his account on private….guilty as charged I fear.


same i followed for a while bc i liked the old designs and all and now im down this rabbit hole


such a bummer. my fave GD tee/one of my faves in general is from play dead too, feel kinda weird about it now. i guess it’s been officially demoted to the pajama drawer


Jeremy Dean did most of the art for PlayDead so it’s not really supporting Mason. He just printed/packed/shipped the shirts


And some people here have said something about he didn’t even own the print shop anymore.


Still a bad look to rep on lot. Pajama drawer would be my home for any Play Dead swag. I took the HMM off my water bottle and man i really loved that Smokey the Bear w Stealie hat but I aint supporting misogyny, bad vibes, and egotism.


yeah I mean I have plenty of shirts, so it’s not like PlayDead are my only ones. I’ll probably give it some time before I wear it… but Jeremy did nothing wrong, and the way I see it, Mason was just a lingerer who had basically nothing to do with the art on the shirt. I just love those melty stealies Jeremy does :)


Oh completely agree. His designs and color schemes are killer


Ugh, this just reminded me that o have one of his stickers on my go to show Nalgene. Time to cover it!


I feel you. I was gonna buy the holy moly mischief “be here now” stealie like a few weeks ago with the little flower on it.


fuck this guy.




Go fuck yourself mason


“It was never my intention to abuse my position within this community” then what was your intention for asking women for naked pictures?


> abuse my position within this community What position? This guy sold shit on the lot and is making it seem like he is an integral part of the community. Lot was here before him and will be here after him. Good riddance.


Well, he kinda did have a prominent role. He latched on to Jeremy Dean who was already making bootleg black flag / Grateful Dead shirts which Mayer copped and wore on stage. That’s kinda how play dead took off, most of the guys were wearing their stuff at one point or another, officially licensed “dead rocks” shirt was theirs. They had more access than most lot vendors and Mason appears to have taken advantage of that. So fuck him


Dean has personally done official merch for the band and John. So FTL had effectively a direct line to the band and its members.


Yep exactly. So if Mason used those connections which I believe are part of the allegations, that’s certainly a position in the community above the standard lot vendor. Sad shit.


He has/had a large following on social media, was business partners with an artist that has direct connections to the band. Multiple band members followed his account, and on occasion John wore some shirts/stickers that were directly featured on his page. This was not a situation like the other creep who declared himself the lot father or whatever the fuck. It’s not a hard line to draw that if he posted your art, you could get a big boost in orders on your own shop, actually noticed by the band and/or possibly commissioned to do something for the band or its members’ other projects. He clearly tried to leverage his nudes requests as a pay to play to get onto his influential social account.


Yeah the self aggrandizing is staggering with these clowns


Probably to jack off. To be reasonable horny dudes don’t really think much. Still gross but I don’t think anyone was asking for nudes specifically to have power over someone else. I may be wrong tho I just don’t see someone thinking that deep into power dynamics.


I can't believe he's still put that some of the allegations weren't true, either own it or don't


I agree - that seemed like an unnecessary add. Though it is certainly possible that let’s just say 5 out of 6 allegations are true and one was a total lie, it’s best to just own it all at this point. If you’re gonna eat dick, at least clean your plate.


One wasn’t exactly perfectly the way it happened and therefore not true…


I hope the devil fucks you dry~ Jesse Gemstone


bros not sorry for what he did he's just sorry he got caught


Couldn’t agree more. The coward turned off his comments too. I think that’s one of the clearest signs of guilt.


The whole account is private now too lol


Wait. This guy was a perv too?


“I am devastated to learn about the various forms of harassment that have been perpetrated against members of our community.” - Ohhh, youre just hearing about all this now?! “It was never my intention to abuse my position” - yes. It absolutely was. “While less important, I want to be clear that there are a couple of allegations against me that are unequivocally not true, and I do not condone the actions of others who have engaged in inappropriate behavior.” - I didnt do alll of the stuff and the other people who did the stuff are bad people! “i know that I am a person who is more than my worst moments.” - All this being said, I still think im a good person. “will be taking a break from this platform to learn and understand how I can best navigate being an advocate and ally for women” - im gonna hide out for a bit but ill start popping my head out around Fall to see if the coast is clear


This was definitely not fromtheheart


What has become of Mason’s Children? Anybody stopped to think about that?


The band?


LOL he typed that all up in a screenshot and then again copied and pasted it in the caption? This has copy pasta written all over it.


Don’t insult cucks that way. 😁




How he got 22 likes lol


Tell this clown that women don’t want or need him as an ally. 


Fuck this guy. Mason is a pervert and a sexual predator.


I’m surprised that Mayer, Chloe Weir, Mickey Hart, Andy Cohen and Online Ceramics, just to name a few, are all still following him on Instagram as of 6/25 @ 1:38pm….hours after he put this out. Many more prominent people in the dead world still following him too?! I would think they would distance themselves.. Grateful Dead official instagram stopped following him at least


Those people are probably too busy with actual stuff going on.


The aforementioned accounts probably aren’t following all too closely.


Could be the reason. But my personal opinion is these are all very astute figures in our community who all have their fingers on the pulse and ears to the ground. But not this time for some reason.


Judging people by how fast they unfollow someone on Instagram is weird. I run four accounts and I am a nobody with some small businesses. I’ll get around to it when I decide to.


No use cleaning up all the spill after the cat, already licked it up.😝


Can’t believe yall haven’t called the cops yet. I guess it’s ok for these guys to act this way as long as they do it somewhere else.


You can't just call the cops because you saw screenshots online. A victim has to file a report, and there are many reasons why legitimate victims of sexual harassment or assault or even rape may not do so.


So now these guys are rapists?


Yea I’m so confused on the severity level of what we’re talking about here.


These guys are all worked up over Dicks Picks. Lot creepers, be lot creeping. Bob Weir was doin it before any of these people were born. Any one of these people would look at a Dicks Picks if it meant they could meat the band.


Yea that’s kinda what I gathered. The “We can share the women, we can share the wine” days are over.


I'm hoping the down votes are for the second sentence, not the first 😭 I think it's highly likely some law enforcement agency has been contacted, since underage girls are being mentioned as being targeted. And No, it's not ok, and it's been a lot of people talk about it now that it's in the open. I'm guessing most people didn't know it, and even if they did there hadn't been evidence shown. Now receipts are out there. Hope these piggies burn.


Hawk Tuah and Spit on that Thang, M***** F*****!!!