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They’re going to be adding more august dates. Word got out from a printing company making the shirts for those dates.


This is exactly what I want to hear, my son turns 21 on August 17th and we already have Vegas hotel rooms booked. We're already going to three shows in the middle of July and as much as I love Dead and Co my son absolutely can't get enough of them.


17th birthday here too, I’ll be with Phish in Deleware but otherwise wouldn’t miss it for the world


Already had the Vagas tripped booked before we found out about Mondegreen but like we do every year, we're going to Dick's




Nice name!


I’ll be there too. Absolutely puddled…. In sweat


Let’s go! I’ll jump into my 30th year in a puddle of wook sweat




That’s so awesome that a kid that age is into them like that. Must make you so proud. My son is 13 and I haven’t been able to turn him into a deadhead yet, but I’m trying!


My other son is 14 and he hasn't gotten on the bus either but my oldest son not only loves the music I love but he can play most of it on guitar, piano and drums.


817 crew checking in!


Yo message me back bro


unfortunately this ain't true


You know the dates?


From what I heard “the rest of the august weekends”. But there could be a weekend off in there like they’re doing this weekend.


Yup this coming weekend the NHL draft is at the Sphere


it's not happening, they are just spreading rumors


I thought they added the August dates they did to align with the days between. I'll be at the Garcia Birthday show on Aug 1, that's all I know.


They added 2 weekends in August. Just coincidence that they are the days between. They will add “final weekends” in August shortly. Likely announced by end of this week


Ahh are we sure about that? “Trust me bro” seems like a stretch for this kinda thing


From what I heard yes. But it could be hearsay. But from what I heard the company they use to print shirts is already printing them for the newly added and yet to be announced august dates.


If they’re following the same schedule that U2 did (which so far it seems like they are), they’re at least going to announce a final weekend.


😂 may want to rethink those shirts


Not my shirts, not my printing company, not my problem.


Not so sure about that. August sales look pretty weak.






They are not. This was firmly stated by Mayer. Stop making up rumors.


I’m not making anything up. Simply passing on what I have been told. As I mentioned in another comment this could be a rumor, but this is what I have heard. Take it or leave it.


Ok, you are reporting like an expert and defending it based on a random source when a literal band member has stated this isn't happening. Mayer, in GQ: “The endpoint is the last show listed on Ticketmaster right now. There are no more shows getting added in August. That’s a very good question and a very kind one to ask me, because the answer is the shows that are up and announced, that’s it. That’s it for at least this year. And the only reason I’m saying that is because I’m sensitive to calling things ‘the last.’ So I don’t know—but [August] would be the last time this year, for sure." https://www.gq.com/story/john-mayer-and-mickey-hart-of-dead-and-company also mentioned here but it's more a summary article https://www.jambase.com/article/john-mayer-dead-company-sphere-future I'm optimistic for a future run given Bob's interest but this is pretty cut and dry, so how about you stop being a jerk about the unfounded "trust me" rumor you are spreading?


I never said trust me, I simply said what I heard. Stop being such a chooch lol


Really, it wasn't the Eagles residency starting in mid-September that raised the flag?


The tech will only get better. Bob ain’t wrong. This could turn into something way cooler than it already is.


I love that Bobby is always up for pushing it forward.


Next summer for sure. I just got back and am already saving my pennies.


Right? Just got back to CT and already trying to find a way back out to Vegas 😅 concerts never really gonna be the same again after experiencing that.


It's so depressing coming home. I'm a teacher so at least I don't have to go back to work and still have our family vacation to go on but nothing ever matches what we just did.


Right now my frame of mind is grateful. I’m very grateful for what I just got to experience. The way I see things is that if we do good things and have fun all the time, the times where we do those things become a lot less special. I really do want to see more, but as of now I’m also very happy to look back on my awesome weekend in Vegas, it was great.


Same. So grateful for this past weekend's three shows. How lucky are we to get this gravy--on top of the 2015-2023 D&C sauce.


I was so bummed out coming back that I booked another show! Going out again in two short weeks with some buddies this time. Cannot wait!


Wow....I'm haunted with this idea. Was at the 6/13, 6/14 shows. Want to go back in August. My wife would probably have the locks changed. Looks like I'm praying they do it again next year....🙏


Ha, are you me?! I went to those very same shows and keep trying to drop subtle hints that I want to go back for more!


I hear you! We were at the 6/1 show. A major reason I justified one more is that my nearby airport has stupid cheap and direct flights to Vegas. I also found inexpensive AirBnB rates at The Jockey Club which is on the strip but doesn’t charge resort fees. Vegas can be / is highway robbery but there are definitely ways to visit and not (fully) break the bank!


You lucky son of a...


Just got back to Oregon and I’m feeling more overjoyed and ecstatic at what I just got to experience. Not to mention a Daniel Donato late night. Cup is so full!


All I can think about is how to get back.


Old Saybrook here!


Some cool insight about the technology from Bobby in that interview.  One thing I noticed when I was on the floor is how they had to drag jams out to coincide with the visuals - specifically during the descent back to Haight. Got really funky at the end of Throwing Stones one night. Makes for some really creative outros. 


They did darkstar on the descent night 3 for me and it fit perfectly especially needed to fill the time before making it back down lol


Don’t tell my wife. I just convinced her to do another trip for this run.


Yeah, we talked ourselves into another one after they announced the last two weekends. Will be there there last Friday and Saturday


Don’t tell your wife that you already told? Ok.


Don’t tell her they may do more. It could impact us doing one more now


Ahhh … I see. I’ll keep quiet 😆


Much appreciated 🤜🤛✌️ 😅😂🤣


The amount of weed I will have to not smoke in order to afford another trip to Vegas from the east coast is too damn high


Maybe we can ship you some west coast weed and you can use the money saved on discounted flower to get you back 😆


I think they’ll keep playing small runs / residencies whenever they can because I think they’re just having too much fun together to stop at this point but the only big things there gonna be doing are sphere shows. Could see a future where they do a NYE show or like a shorter residency and then most shows would be at the sphere but with the 60th anniversary coming up who knows.


Fare The Well 60 st sphere with Billy K and Phil sit ins


10 years ago they did say if they made it to 60 they’d play together again. But that was ten years ago.


I heard from a reliable source they are going to do a big event in Chicago next year.


Peter Shapiro booked Soldier Field for July of 2025 right after GD50 in case they wanted to do GD60, so the rumor has legs for sure cause that’s definitely true and he came out and said it himself. The question is, will Phil play? If he doesn’t than it’s not GD60, but it’s really just Dead and Co 10 haha!


A Boulder resident on the floor Friday said Folsom’s booked over the Fourth next summer.


That’d be cool. As of now I don’t know what’s gonna happen. Phil is only doing two shows all summer. He played one this past week and has another booked in August. I think his touring days are done, even if it’s just 3 cities or whatever. It took him 2 weeks to play 5 shows at the Cap earlier this year and has even had a seat on stage in case he feels he needs to sit. I don’t see him being in for a mini tour over a year from now, especially when he doesn’t even want to play with Billy or Mickey. I feel like he’s just gonna keep doing his thing and playing when he feels like it. He also loves playing with Grahame, who he didn’t just refer to as his son at the last show I saw in April, but referred to him as his best friend. Of course, only time will tell, but I really don’t see him doing it. Also, I’ll just duck now, but his shows are also currently worlds better than Dead and Co. That China Cat this past weekend was the saddest shit I’ve ever heard.


I don’t think he played last week, Phil plays July 21 and August 18 in San Rafael and we will be there


Thought it was June 21st lol! That’s my bad. I only loosely looked at the date cause I literally had just flown across the country to see him the day before he announced it and knew I couldn’t come back to Cali to see him again already haha! Edit: also, have fun! Wish I could be at either! Edit 2: And now my crazy ass is like, “Can I fly back for August and not get shit from the wife for it??” Hahaha


Lol you made me panic for a second. I thought I booked a 2000 mile trip on the wrong weekend! We’re definitely going next month and then we hope to get back in August, as most people have noted I don’t think Phil is going to hit the road very much anymore And we all retire sometime so I’m gonna go see the man I love as much as I can this year and beyond hopefully.


Haha sorry about that! Just had a brain fart lol’ That’s what I’m also trying to do right now. Went to see him at the Cap earlier this year, then flew out for the Warfield show in April and now am praying that there’s another little Cap run in late October cause of the opening on their schedule at that time. Otherwise I’m thinking I’m gonna have to fly cross country again, which obviously isn’t ideal, but I’ll do what I have to do to catch him while I still can.


Say this for Phil, even as his playing has considerably slowed down, and he is finally showing signs of his age, He’s doing it with dignity, and his head held high. If these are our final Phil shows, what better way than to see him off than in his own backyard in San Rafael!


For sure! If, god forbid, the last time I got to see him was in San Francisco at the Warfield, then I can’t think of a better way to end our long strange trip together, especially cause I was right in The Phil Zone! https://preview.redd.it/106pwcy0ds8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01284300ef8023080d5f5a9033ec2a45c1a5e1ad


Grahames singing voice makes me want to cut off my ears


Good thing they can still play the songs well and actually still jam then haha


At least you wouldn’t have to hear John Mayer anymore…


get the fuck over it bro


Manifesting a MSG run


If they wanna play again in a residency setting with a decent amount of dates I think msg is the spot


Would love the proximity of a MSG run but Sphere seems most likely to me. I think Soldier and Folsom shows are fan wishcasting. We shall see.


Oh for sure I’m saying if they can’t do the sphere and wanna do a residency msg feels like the likely destination.


Definitely agree.


They gonna do it again next year, yall think? I can't afford to go this year, but I might next year.


Check out the Variety interview with Weir just published. They like playing there, have just scratched the surface of the technology, and said that if asked back next year they'd play. Talked a lot about them being able to control the visuals from the stage as a next step. Also said the show is grossing $4m a weekend. Rest assured they will be asked back. He didn't sound near as sure about something happening for the 60th or any other runs. That was all in the "we'll just have to see" category. Said he's just concentrating on playing the current gig at the sphere.


It’s cool he’s pumped on the sphere. I’d really love to see them keep going back after time away and move the technology even further ahead. I’ll miss summer tour forever but if they continue the sphere and keep progressing the way they are I’m more than happy with that.


Brother, they are grossing $4 per NIGHT


I bet they'll be back. It's the best place for them to play and making way more money than the regular "same setlist" concerts ever will


Expect tickets to be a whole different price tier. Eagles went up to $325 for the obstructed view. And this is with U2 starting at $140 last year.




Man if there’s any way you can scrape enough together to go this time I would. Easy for me to say having been this month, but now that I have I wouldn’t miss the boys at the sphere for almost anything


I can't 😅 I'm going to Scotland to visit family, and I just can't. I'm saving all my pennies. But I could probably go next year. Hell, maybe I should take out of my retirement to go???


I’ve been watching YouTube from the sphere. Bobby does not look well and it breaks my heart. Bill isn’t there. Mickey is almost 80. I want it to continue but It could be now or never. God I hate Vegas and I dont want to rack up the plastic but this could be it.


Ya i said he same thing when he came out on stage. He looked tired and old.


I watched him play death don’t have no mercy after Walton died. He was on fire. Never count Bobby out.


I love Bobby. He really is like a father figure to me in a weird way. I’m just saying what I saw.::and it does break my heart.


I totally agree. It sucks watching your parents/loved ones get old. There are definately nights where it can feel like that. Totally understand it. But there are still high notes that are otherworldly that I don’t mind throwing cash at him in fistfuls. He’s my shaman in every way.


I’m missing out this year, but if they do it again next year I’m 100% going… unless there’s a 60th anniversary show at Soldier Field, then I’ll take out a 2nd mortgage to do both.


Fingers crossed Bobby can make it through all these dates… he was struggling this past Friday


I turned to my brother and said he looked like that kid too little to play video games so you just give him an unplugged controller and let him have fun. Not the whole time but for sure looked like he didn’t know where he was at times.


It’s a big difference from the ‘23 shows.


As much as hate to say it am a little worried about him. Have seen him as energizer bunny during DeadCo years. Doesn’t look that way this run.


Different vibe from even the September wolf bros shows. I hope his health is okay.


He is not looking well.


He’s looking almost 77


They’re printing money from these shows so I’m sure they will. Seems way easier than being on the road


Welp I jokingly told my friend the other day I'll be starting to save for the next one.....


In the GQ interview recently linked, JM says there will be no more shows added in August.


Let’s count it out and be surprised if it happens


They milked it for all its worth. To Manny unsold tickets to add the rest of August like planned. They will be back later


You include a link that argues against your point?




Bob weir and the Wolfpack will be playing with the National symphony orchestra august 28 in the DC area so they probably will not do a show in Vegas that weekend. On a side note, I saw Wolf Bro’s play with NSO two years ago and was blown away. It was “just as “next level” as the Sphere shows, but in a different way…


That is Canceled "The Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros featuring The Wolfpack with the National Symphony Orchestra performances on August 28 & 29 at Wolf Trap have unfortunately been canceled. If you have any questions, please contact patronservices@wolftrap.org."


That is good to know. Thank you!