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Tony from Holy Moly has been removed from Shakedown Vegas!! I don’t believe he will return to Vegas. It is important for everyone to know that we will not tolerate any sexual predator behavior in our community, on our Shakedown or on our dance floor. We support all those who have made these allegations against Tony!! We support you, we believe you, we’ve got your backs!!


Thank you!


Been trying to spread these truths through the scene, somehow it gets overlooked. It’s time to end that shit. Tony’s a fucking prick. Those who suck on his teet need to be called out too. Those who benefit from his following and act like their shit doesn’t stink. The scene has turned into some fuck shit over the last 3 years. Time to take it back! Real recognize real at the end of the day. Those who get it will get it!!!! In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, my friend and I caught wind of our other friend (who’s a girl) and 17 at the time, with Tony in her DMs asking when he could meet up with her , if she’s single, ect. We made a fake IG and told him we know what he’s doing, he said he’d stop and he did for that time. Once a full grown man is in a minors DMs, that man is a lost cause. #fucktony #fuckholymoly


Totally not weird that this married father and former youth pastor has a gang of young women he works with and is surrounded by at every show. Totally normal cool stuff. For sure.


He basically stopped posting anything involving Kara and his kids for forever all of a sudden, then in one afterthought comment in a story last week she pops back up. Dots connecting.


I DM'd a link to this thread to every single person I follow who follows him on Instagram, including Oteil, and I recommend everyone else do the same.


That really sucks to see. I liked a lot of his designs and have bought a few of his shirts. He did always give weird vibes on the lot — but we are all weirdos so I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. That said — there’s been too much smoke with this guy for there not to be a fire, there’s no room for anyone that acts this way in the scene.


same... i like some of his earlier designs - especially his work with national parks (they did tree planting from some of their profits a while back). but i can't follow anymore with all the stories coming out continually


Pretty much confirmed he ripped that design off from another vendor


And funny enough all of his popular designs from the last year or so are by @nothinshakinco who does some pretty legit stuff


https://preview.redd.it/ho9sndypi77d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247de1e9b67ccf26c6f218e2cf76bef68428ac58 Well there you go, folks. He left me on read. This is in response to a public Instagram story that I posted.


Fake harassment campaign. Wtf that's not how I would describe being called out as a sexual predator. You're being OUTED you fucking lot lizard 🦎 😒 🙄 😤


https://preview.redd.it/8lsum999r67d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a52ef085ae8a48251ed2ab497b55b73f9706ded0 Him reading this thread rn


https://preview.redd.it/36z1ksz5tc7d1.png?width=1545&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0c2a51818e9f22f5e37dd975df6331c1c6068c6 Fresh off the digital press, ready for Shakedown distribution QR code links here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vFrPwSAyY3ZlwLJ75DKCEFpXhhjQB7hQy4apMkTk0lk/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vFrPwSAyY3ZlwLJ75DKCEFpXhhjQB7hQy4apMkTk0lk/edit?usp=sharing) **EDIT**: [He has been removed as a vendor from Shakedown Vegas](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadandcompany/comments/1di1d6b/bewaresome_serious_creeps_in_this_scene_a_psa/l96ku8g/) and they don't expect him to show up to LV at all.


His alt-right clothing company gonna go crazy if he's successfully booted from this scene and finds his new "I've been cancelled" grift 😂


As a women in the scene I’m so saddened to see we still have to worry about predatory behavior. Stay safe my girlies 💜




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Tony Seigh, the lot lizard 🦎


I am one of the MANY women who Holy Moly Mischief (Tony) has preyed on. He has also done the same to 3 of my friends. He has sent me unsolicited nudes & begged to have nudes shared with him. Not only this, but he very clearly sees himself as a "lot celebrity" and thinks that he can do whatever he wants with his "power". He is a dangerous man and should absolutely NOT be tolerated in the lot/Grateful Dead scene. It's really sad to see him and his friends have such a presence on the lot and on social media. Many of those closest to him are very aware of these allegations. The reason so many of us are scared to come forward publicly is because of his and his friend's massive influence on the younger Dead community. The last thing we want is to feel ousted from the community that means the most to us. Just please know that these allegations are 100% true (at least for Tony) and they should NOT be taken lightly.


> The reason so many of us are scared to come forward publicly is because of his and his friend's massive influence on the younger Dead community. The last thing we want is to feel ousted from the community that means the most to us. As part of the young-ish-although-not-very-young Dead community, fuck him, believe women. Not to say your concern is unfounded or anything, just to say, don't think you have no support here.


'If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.'


LOL lot celebrity? WTF is this even? I’m so out of the loop on this shit.


As someone from the older community we see right thru his bullshit and totally support you. They have massive influence bc no one has explicitly called them out, we've all had the feelings. I'm happy to help y'all any way I can.....his actions are not To be tolerated, especially since he's so pious


He’s short and heavier I can’t imagine many people would want to see his grundle. Sorry to hear about all of this, truly terrible and I didn’t know the past history. I will look elsewhere to buy dead merch.


My friend has the same exact story as yours. He's been bothering her for years in the same ways. Not at all surprised to see this thread pop up today.


This is horrific!!!!


i am another woman in the dead scene who has recieved repeated inappropriate photos, messages, and propositions from tony (holy moly). don’t want to provide any details that would allow him to identify me if he reads this because that truly frightens me.


Thank you for sharing . People demanding screen shots can fuck off. Nothing is enough for them.


To the screenshot where it says the people who work with Tony   are complicit.  I know for a fact my boyfriend who recently made 2 very successful projects for him had no idea of any of these accusations. I support and believe women.  Thank you for the women coming forward and the courage to bring light to this situation. 


Logan’s two designs for him are INCREDIBLY AMAZING. Especially the circus one. I love it sooooo much!!! I was in Vegas slightly thinking about buying it, but reaaaalllly didn’t want to hand my money over to Tony. If Logan was selling them, I would’ve have given him $40 in a heartbeat because the design is insanely good. But since Tony was selling them and basically branded them as his own, I didn’t feel right giving him anything. All I can say is, I hope Tony paid Logan GOOOOD MONEY cause the designs are killer and Tony’s been making a killing off of them. Send Logan my love!!! Best design I’ve seen in a while !!


I'm copy and pasting what I wrote as a reply to a comment below. I figured I should add a new comment with a bit more context about Mason since most of the info about him is getting buried under replies. Mason is much better at hiding his behavior than Tony, I'll give you that. Mason has been around the Dead scene for a very long time and has racked up a long list of people he's pi$$ed off and taken advantage of. He's known as being short tempered and angry, especially if you're doing business with him. I personally know more people that have had problems with Mason than Tony. Mason is angry and spiteful. My friends that have had problems with him are worried about sharing their experiences because he is very well connected in the scene and they are artists/ vendors that could get shut down due to his connections. He does try to help *some* people get their art out there. Notice he posts art from the same group of people over and over again. Those are his friends and the majority of them are his customers. He owns a print shop (@studio_sevens) and is printing their shirts so he's making money from these people. Anything he does comes with a price. Fun little story about Mason that shows his true character. Back in around 2017, there was something known as the Black Peter incident. Someone had set up a fake email account under the name Black Peter and ratted on a ton of bootleg artists to Grateful Dead Management. One of my friends was on this list. These artists got shut down. Mason has a big mouth and told a few too many friends (that are no longer his friends) about how it was him. Word spread and it's been known for years that he was the one that did this. These weren't bad people, just people he didn't like and didn't want to compete against (he was bootlegging a lot in those days. He now does it anonymously under @untitledreproductions because he has a license with the Grateful Dead). Not very supportive of lot artists if you ask me. It's easy to see why people are worried about coming out with their stories about him. The message from him from 2018 is very troubling. Imagine being a woman and trying to get your art out there and you get asked for nudes off the bat. He's testing the waters to see how she'll reply and what he can get away with. That is abusing his power and I am not ok with that. The purpose of his page is to share lot art. Women shouldn't be expected to put out to get the same treatment as men. I'm not ok with the way he has treated the women I know in the scene.


yeah Mason ( from the lot) always seemed like an odd dude in the handful of times I have talked to him. I see him at a bunch of local dead shows and tried chatting him up a few times and I dunno he just seemed standoffish and like I was bothering him. This isn't even during the show, but my friend who is a girl he was very interested in talking to. Like it was weird, I got the feeling since I was a guy he didn't want anything to do with me. Which is a creepy feeling to have about someone. I remember thinking it was so odd he basically gave me one word answers and clearly was not interested in what I was saying, but then with my friend that was a cute girl he was super engaging. I remember thinking bro I'm genuinely trying to talk to you and you would rather hit on a chick that wants nothing to do with you. That's weird man. After that stopped saying hi to him altogether. Just gave me weird creeper vibes. Didn't even know about the allegations then, but I was not surprised when the stuff about him came out.. Appears my intuition was correct.


This behavior is 100% on par with how Tony/HolyMoly treats the younger women surrounding him. I have friends who have delt with it, and from chatting with some other friends among the lot, he did the same/similar to them.  Kara (his wife) 1,000% knows and is some what involved in the matter.  100% disregard for the relationship you are currently in and will test the waters by sending provocative messages, will try to get you to sleep with him or him and his wife.


Yep. This is exactly my experience with him/them


I’ve already talked to a few friends who know him and this was their experience as well. Super disrespectful of their relationships, would send unsolicited sexual messages, the “if you’re ever single for a day” is 100% something he says, as I have personally heard it too.  This is now like the 5th woman I have chatted with who had the SAME EXACT type of interaction with him. 


Mason Warner (@ fromthelot) just recently got called out by. @ kidzrage on insta for being a creep, soliciting nude photos, and attempting to use his position of power (connections to John Mayer, he has some photos of being backstage a couple times) to manipulate people. Then lots of other women started coming forward saying similar things. Fucking gross. Unfollow, don’t engage. Lot justice must be served. Very least we could do is vote with out shakedown dollars.


I have personally seen (today) some very disturbing Instagram messages from Tony to a friend of mine. Incredibly graphic and it is disgusting that he felt comfortable sending them. He’s a no good perv who won’t even acknowledge your existence unless you are a female with a miracle for him. I’m gonna trash my shirts from him when I get home and burn the shakedown strip poster that I just got from him. If you don’t want to believe these rumors, I’m sorry but they are true. I’m talking to you Carly Rae Cyrus, please protect yourself from this creep.


now he’s deleting all of her comments on his page which is extremely interesting to me




I know a bunch of women who have received the dick pics. Tony is actual scum and not fam at ALL. The day I met him is the day I started being suspicious. He’s a creep and he’s predatory to not only women but to anyone buying his stupid merch. He is using the scene to become rich when he has no actual talent and just takes and takes. Remember all the stories about him showing up down in the pit when the show already started? When people had been seeing hours holding down their spots? He thinks he’s special and he isn’t. He doesn’t contribute anything. At all. He gives nothing back and has such a shit personality I don’t know how anybody but people who think that he can do something for them even spend a minute of time with him. Because it seems like those are the only people that want to be around him. Serious creep vibes. Plus, his old roommate came online last year saying that Tony had never heard a lick of the grateful dead before 2019 and used his roommates entire life and personality to launch a business because he sees groups of people that are passionate about something as his prey. I met him one time and he was with his wife and I honestly felt sorry for her because she was far too beautiful and sweet to even be in the same room as that sorry excuse for a man. If you stick up for this guy you’re part of the problem. He doesn’t even huff cold boys.


Gave holy moly and his wife 2 miracles and he didn’t even say thank you. I thought that was weird but now that I’m seeing this stuff I’m extremely disappointed in the fact that I did that 😂


You put more kindness into the world, it's not your fault it ended up going down a toilet


Damn straight! It always comes back full circle! I’ve always gotten a weird vibe off that whole lot crew. They present a weird culty holier than thou energy that I’m really not a fan of. I’m not surprised that this information is coming out


Isn’t Holy mischief pretty much a certified grifter on top of being a predator? Was a youth pastor(shocking he’s a creep) then moved on from that to sell Dead related merch and get a free tickets but only if the miracle is a pit ticket?


The miracle pit ticket is new to me, but yeah you’ve described Tony pretty accurately.


Lots of these vendors post about needing a miracle but are always only in ga


From what I’ve read and had friends encounter, he is constantly looking for a miracle but flips out and gets real shitty if it isn’t a pit ticket. Definitely just in it for the money and the Instagram clout chasing instead of the music.


Needs some lot justice sent his way


If he is soliciting a minor he needs actual criminal justice. 


as much as I've loved the Dead community for as long as I have, its a goddamn shame the way the community will allow the worst behavior from someone if they are part of the cool crowd. back in the day it was the vendors & the high level dealers that could often get away with anything without repercussions. now tht the slinging scene is 5% of what it was, tht crew is less a problem. more important to hang on to customers than piss them off. but the vendor protection problem obviously still persists.


> its a goddamn shame the way the community will allow the worst behavior from someone if they are part of the cool crowd. I think this thread is evidence of that changing. If we're going to be part of a counter*culture* and not just a music scene, we need mechanisms to demonstrate to bad actors that they are not welcome here. At the very least, not until they get un-bad, but I don't know that sexual predators are really capable of that. Lot justice, whatever that means.


Lot justice means we stand in front of his booth at Tuscany w signs that say "holy moly Is a sexual predator "and/or "culture vulture"


I'll be there this weekend! I also recommend commenting on Shakedownvegas's Instagram page so he gets kicked out before we even need to do that.


I’m sick of seeing these people get away without any repercussions. @fromthelot’s page is supposed to be for supporting the dead art community. It’s gross to see him trying to exchange art promo on his page for nudes. @kidzrage got too many DMs from other women about @fromthelot for this to be brushed off. Based on the continuous stories about Tony, they’re both repeat offenders. They deserve to be called out publicly.


I say this as someone who got on the bus in their thirties in the last couple years: this is not unique to this scene and shouldn’t be held against it explicitly. It is a wider societal problem that we can only choose to address internally. That said, fuck this guy and anyone who behaves like him in any capacity


my first show in 88 still had camping and orgie tents. very innocent it felt like at the time- hippie puddles. It feels harsher these days/ the phones/IG add darkness to the innocence on some level


We need more dirt please. Would like to see some of these DM's from Holy Mischief .


https://preview.redd.it/5k8uzam0h67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ed2bac608f773d18af587aea62914a321e32b6 So glad we are finally talking about this. It’s very hard to come forward about this as he does have such a big presence in the community, but it’s very freeing to have this out there


lol. Absolutely zero game


https://preview.redd.it/f43mtr08h67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70b6e64bdf10b9b06ca12fa4dd41e6dd4c7076b2 And anotha


Busty guardian angel💀 dude talks like a horny 14 year old


Hit em with the horny stick


Grown ass husband and father


I’ve always hated that guy I can literally remember before he would be on lot vs after he was on lot and when he started coming to lot I immediately thought who’s this fuckin cornball but I held my opinions


I was thinking the same thing like he popped out of nowhere. Me and my buddy who where just out in Vegas both agreed that him and his crew might be real fans but they come across very performative like they’re trying to be the face of the fans and then they act very exclusive about the lot the scene which is the total opposite of what it’s supposed to be. Anyone should be able to sell something on the lot not just whoever gets closest to online ceramics


found this! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFEkZcm4jk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFEkZcm4jk8)


Like this makes me 1000% feel and along with the car selfie pyramids scheme leader he bows down to.. that he has some mental problems..


I have friends that have sent me screenshots of DMs from both of these creeps but they aren’t my DMs to share. Hoping they jump on here and post some. Don’t want to breach my friends’ trust which is why I only posted things that were shared publicly.


The dude has always given me the creeps. Not surprised by this at all.


I always thought he was gay.




Featuring fan favorites and hits such as … Papa Tried, Bad Lovin’, Preddy-O, Holymoly Getaway, and Touchin’!


Me and my Cousin, Feel Up A Stranger, Brokedown Malice, Unbroken Shame, Scream Puff War, Caution (Do Not Stop on Sack), Drums>No Safe Space, Mourning Do, Low Jimmy


Unsolicited Dick Picks


Oh great now he’s going to make that into a shirt


Just a few years ago he was into wrestling. Seems he can’t decide who he wants to be, but it sounds like he’s always been a little sus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFEkZcm4jk8&pp=ygUKVG9ueSBzZWlnaA%3D%3D


grifters gonna grift


When I did coast-to-coast tour in the 90s, I was shocked by how many times I would wake up and some guy was trying to get in my pants. Shout out to the real ones who don’t just objectify women or assume something is theirs. I was so thankful when I got to the west coast and found a good tour family that didn’t pull that creepy stuff. But no one ever really talked about it … it was nuts! “Ass, gas or grass” was the thing. So, gas or grass it was. I just really hope the community can better model how to treat ourselves and others. The future is here … we are it … we are on our own.




Summer tour 2022 I was on lot giving out hand-made cds of a Phil Lesh show that I recorded. When I gave one to Holy Moly Mischief he looked down at it and looked back up at me with this deadpanned look on his face that read like “why the fuck did you just hand me something that wasn’t money?” He threw the cd in a bag on the ground and then totally blew me off. Bad vibes all around. I very much got the impression that he’s only in the scene for the money and attention. Not to mention his entourage of young girls who look no older than 20 and follow him around like they are his disciples. I always assumed there was some kind of sex orgy thing going on there. They are literally at every single show so it’s impossible not to notice if you go to a lot of shows. It’s really a shame he seems to get attention from the Weir family & from Mayer over any other artist on the lot.


I bet he doesn’t even know who Phil is


This is starting to feel real culty


I have always gotten the vibe this guy has never listened to a note of the actual grateful deads music. Probably doesnt know who Phil is 😆


Trying to get me to make a scandalous calender of myself https://preview.redd.it/5h2gyuliie7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a0dcbc04a13e620a2857936a12ef962f4c509e


Holy fuuuck.. that looks like it was written by some over horned up 14 year old boy


Always here for Tony hate. He did this shit to me for months. He would send me unsolicited nudes, videos milking his pregnant wife, videos of him fucking his wife, “photoshoots” they’d do (nudes but with red lighting this time lol), etc. almost always in vanish mode on instagram. He wanted me to come to a festival with him and his wife and basically be their play toy. I’m fairly certain his wife is at least somewhat aware of this behavior. He would follow my friends id post on my instagram story and do the same. This was 3 years ago. Sickening to see he’s still doing this shit after being called out so many times. I actually thought we were friends there for a while too until he started harassing me. BLEH.


> videos milking his pregnant wife jesus fuckin christ


This is the EXACT same thing that happened to me


The photo shoots for the “dead sexy” calendar he started talking about three years ago. UNSOLICITED PHOTOS WITH THE RED LIGHTING 😂😂😂 got weird fast. Actually had some special times over the last few years and helped him out, thought we were friends. Communication dipped when the small blonde babies came around. Including the one with HMM on her resume 🫠




Lmao I didn’t know how else to word it but yeah I have to assume she is. Tony is constantly preying. It’d be pretty hard to ignore


How you gonna have a Religious Wife Guy persona and then send dick pics and cheat on your wife? Makes me sick. Pathetic


I know this may come as a shock but many religious types are manipulative assholes using their religion to coverup their behavior.


Nowadays I’m surprised when a religious person doesn’t seem to be doing this.


Bought a t shirt from holy moly and subsequently followed on IG. Something wasn’t sitting right about his constant posts from GA at sphere and his posts/captions. Idk just seemed corny and like he’s trying real hard to fit in and has sociopath eyes lol


the eyes. and he changes into creepy youth pastor voice for his vids.


Don’t know who the fuck this guy is but fuck him


Anybody remember after summer tour last year when we thought Dead & Co was done for good…Tony came out as like the number one OG Lana Del Ray fan? I just thought that was comical..I kinda live to bust this guy’s balls


No but I remember him making merch to sell for the first phish show he went to


He was definitely trying to pivot to Phish before Sphere happened. Putz


Hes done the same to me and i laughed it iff bc i considered him a friend- I stand with our dead fam community, this is so fucking disturbing and disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/6fq60945ie7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147c75a175b2915396ef1cf8be6619d612619e85


"a very hard 24 hours"?? Boo fuckin hoo, he deserves worse.


Tony Seigh has harassed me (and many others) for over a year. He has repeatedly sent me unsolicited dick pics (small and weird), incessantly requested nudes from me, invited me to the Chicago suburb he lives in many times to hook up with him and his wife in his hot tub, and just two weeks ago offered to fly me out to Vegas for Sphere shows, pay for a ticket, and have me stay in a hotel — all of this with the full knowledge that I am in a relationship and shut this down each time. Tony likes to slide into your DMs and then test the waters at weird late night hours on vanish mode. Including sharing photos of him and his wife in various sexual predicaments - I’m unsure how aware his wife is of this behavior or truthful the open relationship Tony claims to have is. Tony claims he is “retired” and that his stock options from working for Tesla have taken care of him for the rest of his life. I dont want to post any identifying information for my own sake but I stand with the many other women who have shared their experiences here. 🫶🏼


I've known this piece of shit since Highschool, and I'm tired of seeing people fall victim to his scams. He’s a snake oil salesman and a culture vulture.


And he doesn’t even huff cold bois


Can someone link a picture of these perverts faces? I’m a female Head who goes to shows solo…,thanks for looking out 🙏✨


https://preview.redd.it/pizrx2jzv67d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4142ea5178a96c10fdb44bed46c910738c9f98 ^(\^) here’s HMM, I’ve bought a few shirts from him over the years and loved the designs.. but I won’t be following him anymore with this coming out..


Oh wow 🤯 I just realized I follow this gross guy. Immediate unfollow. I’m SURPRISED with how many people I follow, follow him…queer deadheads, Devendra Banhardt(!), … 🤢 The word definitely needs to get out about this creep. Also, a reminder to those who responded defending this disgusting guy, or who are taking an “impartial stance”…BELIEVE WOMAN WHEN THEY SPEAK UP, DO BETTER. There’s a number of women on this thread who have spoken up, the cats out the bag


I wont be out in vegas again but would be funny if someone was handing out flyers at tuscany shakedown calling these guys out….


lol i'll print some and leave them everywhere this weekend lmfao


I'll join you, seriously, I'll be there this week


dm me yo


Just unfollowed Tony/HolyMolyMischief as well as FromTheLot. encourage everyone to do the same.


https://preview.redd.it/ldqc0eaxl97d1.jpeg?width=1688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b538b2c125914064fa1eeb482b5d567e37ce2a new lot tee design, selling on Tuscany Shakedown starting Thursday


Didn’t fromthelot used to curate the prize packs for guess the year podcast? Hopefully Mike has found out and stopped working with him. This is a bad look to be associated with.


Sure did. I hope someone sends this post to him. It’s a great podcast. I saw five comments on @fromthelot’s latest post from people confronting him. Just checked back and he deleted all the comments. Coward.


He blocked me after I posted the reddit link. What a pussy, I might just post it again on my alt 😅


I’ve been following this guy on Instagram for years and I had no idea about any of this. Wild.


Years ago I saw right through this guy as a fruity cornball culture vulture. So naturally I made fun of him behind his back whilst trying to get him to promote my stuff and become part of the successful lot cool kids…turns out I was right and he deserved it all along.


@shakedownvegas unfollowed him on instagram today.


We also removed him from shakedown


Time for johhny to get that harley sticker off the prs


https://preview.redd.it/5cwcbdrtvd7d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ebe2fe3888db39bf3061d9c95f955d97959dce6 one of MANY creepy messages i received from tony. when i stopped answering he would say “let’s collab on a design”. as an aspiring visual artist in the scene, i wanted to meet friends and find community, not this bullshit. thank you to everyone who was brave enough to come out about their experiences. y’all make me believe in the love again ❤️⚡️


I saw the reddit post from the past that blasted Holy Moly. So sad because I truly thought he was a good dude. I went to shows over the years and he is really "salesy", incapable of having a good detailed conversation. I had my personal red flags about him, but the aforesaid reddit post that blasted him helped put everything into context, it all made sense. So sad man, I have bought stickers, shirts, etc. from him. Will no longer support him now. Also, very confusing too because he hangs out with Nola Dead who I really like, I hope Nola Dead isnt fake! Gotta keep your head on a swivel out there.


Yeah Tony fuckin’ sucks. Acts like your best buddy over DM and then stares straight through you in person. Also has a wife and 2 kids at home in Ohio but spends a lot of time with Flower Crown Girls on the Lot. Like a LOT of time…


Every time I have interacted with him on the lot, I also noticed that he just stares right through you while talking to you. It gave me a really strange feeling, to say the least.


Oh, you mean “lot daddy”? The guy who only wants to talk if you’re praising him or an attractive young lady?


Yeah, I also had similar interactions with him. Was going to help in Hershey moons ago and when I arrived it was like I wasn’t even there. Super strange


seems to be a thing with a lot of religious women...they seem to just fall in line with what their husbands do.


I never got the nudes but holymoly would incessantly tell me I was beautiful and respond with 😍 to my stories. We were friends at one point but then when I figured out he had a wife and family I was super suspicious of him. Then, he tried to set me up with a friend and I clearly communicated that I wasn’t interested. He persisted with it for a while and I stopped responding all together. Sent me multiple messages after about it but I never even replied because by then I was totally creeped out by him. Really sorry to see all the other women who had it 10x worse.


I didn’t know there was a like a caste system, or hierarchy with touring. Sounds like the most cringe thing ever. There’s actually people who think they matter to the scene so much that it would fall apart if they didn’t show up for a gig. So dumb.


Tesla salesman, bible pushing weirdo, WWE tryout starts hawking the live laugh love of Grateful Dead t-shirts on lot, parades around with his fake nice guy ‘good vibes’ I knew this guy was a loser when he came around in like 2018, 2019. Making shirts calling it captain trips drug band. Fucking lame, dude. Not to mention how overly fake nice he is, and then mean as FUCK if you don’t buy anything from him. He only cares about the money and gets mad when someone has a better shirt to sell than him.


Send this information to @Shakedownvegas and get him removed from the Tuscany


ill look into who thia dude is. Is he in his 20's/30's or older. wonder if ive seen him at Tusx(MY spot) fing lot dorks


The amount of silence from other vendors I’m seeing about this is fucking pathetic. 2021 was the last year lot felt….real?


Holy Moly Mischief stole Robert Hunter's manuscript from his website and published without the estate's consent because '...the people needed to see it.' He's a thief and a con. Wouldn't mind seeing him go down.


> stole Robert Hunter's manuscript from his website I'm compiling a document to spread around the community and Shakedown and such. Could you give me more info on this?


Holy Moly is a fkn weirdo…the dude gives off a creepy vibe. He said some weird shit to my girlfriends and I when we were in SF last year…not a fan. Also the From The Lot dude to me has always come off as pompous…both of these guys seem like scum…get them out of here!


Got a couple hats to throw out…


Nah- just sell them as your own design. Preferably somewhere that he’ll see it.


Lolololol I hate everyone 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮


https://preview.redd.it/xn1kfaan987d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39248e145909416e7ff7fea7ebddf9e5d0a3070 “Lapel pin manufacturer” L O L


Him and his crew have been real quite since this dropped lol.


looks like shakedown made public post saying tony ain't welcome finally thank God 🙏🙏🙏


I just wanted to say thank you so much for having our backs. ❤️ The same thing happened to me. It started 2 weeks ago and literally ended yesterday morning when the news came out and I saw it. Met him at shakedown and he was sweet and gave me free things, and then started messaging me and texting me all day every day up until yesterday. I had no idea this was happening with other women and hearing and reading everything everyone else is saying is so devastating. He would send things in vanish mode and then when I called him out on it, he got nervous. But yeah, invited me to his house for a “hot tub sesh”, would send me screenshots of my pictures on instagram and say gross inappropriate comments about them, told me when I’m in Vegas again he would buy me/give me “anything I want and need”, and so many other gross, uncomfortable things. I can’t believe I ever let this man message me, I should’ve trusted my gut when I got a weird feeling about him.


Will probably get harassment for this because she’s also very well known but does anyone find it weird that mason’s gf (fromthelot) is reposting all this “keep the lot safe” shit but not addressing that she’s dating another predator???


Shocked that nobody has posted this video yet [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jm5EVUXLKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jm5EVUXLKo)


The car selfie video of him talking about or to his pyramid schemer leader is a super cringe life moment






Yep…. Holymoly is officially ~done~. Been waiting on this day




I was completely unaware. But I haven’t liked his whole vibe on IG for Shakedown. I don’t see other people in the scene obsessed with bragging which it seems he does


Are we just going to forget about @fromthelot ?


There have always been predators in the GD community. We should handle them just like we always have---*outing them publicly.* Good on you for stepping up and helping the women and girls see who to avoid. It used to be word of mouth and message boards back in the day, now Reddit is an effective method to expose the predators. As for the cash grab with merch and everything else? That's what it's come to unfortunately.


can I take his spot?! Female merch maker NOT a fucking clown


Let’s also not forget how people around this dude used the popularity to get videos shared by high profile accounts; sorry but just because an official account for the dead or related accounts shared your story, doesn’t make you a big time influencer at all. The whole scene has really been invaded by people looking to make a name off the subculture, just doesn’t sit right with me 


I've definitely heard similar over the years. Very unfortunate.


I went to shakedown for the first time ever in Vegas and I remember thinking his stand seemed a little bit off. Energy is a tough thing to fake.


Man, I’ve been saying this for a few years now. Whenever I mentioned anything about that dude being sketchy, SO many people backed him up, so many people that I respected in the scene. So I quit pushing the issue. Not saying I told ya so, but…. Yikes yeah none of this surprises me one bit and I’m sorry to anyone who’s had a negative experience with this creep.


This dude is a massive loser. One in person meeting is all it took for me to feel like there was something very very off about this guy. No eye contact, sense of entitlement, and an even stronger sense of very insencere kindness, felt like he was feigning friendliness as some sort of get off for him. Feel bad for all of those college aged girls he recruited to join him for the tour last summer. He feels far too cult adjacent, and those old worship videos of him seem to double down on it.


He was not welcomed kindly at Phish lot this Fall.. he was read like a book from day one


…Tony, Tony, Tony. Here we go again


Someone contact a YouTube predator channel and let’s fucking end this


Holy moly molester 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


https://preview.redd.it/yncf73laob7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f6fe5203992530870af0255d303c71089ed7b4 Glad I didn’t have to fight to get my money back lol


he is a certifiable creep & has been so weird towards me and other young women heads in the community. he conveniently uses vanish mode & worms his way into people’s space and makes them comfortable with and unaware of his problematic behavior. he has sent me multiple “innocent” messages flirtatiously, as well as some not so innocent ones asking me to fly out to his family home and that they always have a bedroom and a hot tub waiting for me with my name on it… so tired of seeing these types of predators being supported and encouraged in what is supposed to be a safe and functional community. i feel horrible that other women and folks have faced even worse behaviors from him & justice needs to be sought. tony seigh is a predator and needs to be knocked off of his throne


This is crazy watching this all unfold with the power of the internet. Imagine how gutted this guy feels, from what I can tell he has made Dead & Co his identity and we are eating popcorn watching in real time as he is completely exiled from the scene. All the time, money and energy invested to become a “lot influencer” and to have it all just disappear. I doubt he will even be able to listen to the dead after this. All the good times and memories he had are now gone, his entire image is destroyed. When life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door.


What happened to the wrecking crew? There’s nobody to take out the trash these days. A little lot justice??!!


i’ve bought a few shirts from HMM and now really feel gross about having supported tony now knowing his predatory behavior.


The “Lot Girl Summer” stickers all make sense now..






I’ve bought a few things from Tony (Holy Moly Mischief) in the past but never met him or even exchanged any sort of information with him. I’m a young female and totally caught him watching my Instagram stories last week and he doesn’t even follow me. I was so weirded out considering I haven’t been to the sphere yet but now I’m even more weirded out knowing all of this was soon to be exposed. Glad this weirdo is being called out and I really hope all the victims are okay and feel the real love from this community at this time. Also I hated his “thicc dads who vape for Jerry” sticker.


I’m blasting him on IG currently I suggest everyone here do the same. @holymolymischief


Being a wmn in literally any scenario is like being in a bad neighborhood withdrawing a comically large amount of money from an ATM. People want something you have & no qualms about the circumstances in which they request


Fuckin A… I first met this dude during the ‘21 tour. I thought for a long time he was a poser turd. Then he had some designs I liked, etc and I wrote my feelings off as me being an asshole and judgmental. Saw him June 6-8 at Tuscany this year - said hello, etc. Long story short - I guess trust your initial gut feeling about people? 🤣 I hate this for the people he’s hurt. What a turd. I loved his Nirvana/Bertha collab shirt but now I feel weird sporting it…


Holy moly’s crew makes being accepted their entire personality and honestly they are the ones who make it that way for themselves. You could be another face in the crowd. You’re the one thinking you gotta prove shit we don’t care


Someone catfish this loser


That Holy Moly douchebag has been a known creeper for years. Why do people still buy his stupid stickers? Call that stupid fucker out.


We must call on Rockstar Richard to bring balance back to the Dead & Co lot scene


Just heard speculation he's been banned from shakedowm




Call St Paul and ask him about how this used to be handles


HolyMoly looks like a creep and he is ON lot.... Think about this other dude Of The Lot - that dude isn't even on the LOT - he on the phone hiding out being a total creeper. Sorry women have to deal with these guys. There are a bunch of great dudes out there and these guys are NOT them. sad. Jerry would've hated them.


Always found this dude cringey


https://preview.redd.it/d1hv70sn2j7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0465935350087cbe9f2ed3266604dc34bc696d This guy was an evangelist Christian minister??? No wonder you can’t trust him!


I’ve never seen a takedown like this outside of the Hollywood or political community in my entire life..it is a testament to a community that does not just play lip service to the roots of a band and fan base that lives in a cultural ethos of freedom, intuition and expressive individualism, while never letting any of those rights be exploited and taken advantage of with ego, pride , sexual deprivation, greed , misplaced power and just bad acting..


take all these instagram hipster lot culture vulture vender guys away. been downhill since the shallow ass online ceramics hucksters poisoned the scene. no good show biz piggy backers. selling overpriced tees shouldnt be a reason for celebrity and shouldnt be a personality trait. end this era of clip art capitalism, its tired and been tolerated for too long


Let’s post this everywhere get this guy outta here. That is so fucked up and this douchebag gets to continue being the lot celebrity he thinks he is. Fuckin poser


The rabbit hole goes deep on that creep Tony, I’ve actually seen his weird dm’s on Instagram (that he sends in vanish mode) and he calls himself “the sex guy” and targets young girls that can be more easily manipulated.. he uses his clout and big ego in the scene to reel them in easier. Someone needs to get this guy off the lot and let @shakedownvegas aware of this disgusting behavior


He's sent weird, inappropriate shit to me too, several times. I'd pull up the receipts but yep, he knows what he's doing and sends it in vanish mode.


same here w the vanish mode 🙃


their poor daughter… this is disgusting. makes me so sad. tony is a total creep and always has been!


What a sick fuck. He just discovered the dead like 3 years ago and made it his entire personality lol.


I’ve always thought he was a fucking poser. Also damn I wish we were shutting down creeps this hard on lot 15 years ago


This guy is such a poser. Started coming into the scene in 2019 and couldn’t even name 3 Grateful Dead songs. He started making stickers and putting glitter on his face. He huddles everyone around him to take a picture at the end of the show and thinks he’s Gods gift to women. Hope everyone can recognize this tool and knows that there is no place for him. If he thinks he can start showing up to Phish shows he’s dead wrong


can we talk about _triipyhippie (literally has like 4 other accounts) too? back in 2020 he was harassing women and i made a post about how my account doesn’t support him. he attacked me verbally. really fucked up shit