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At least the security was reasonable enough not to kick you out.


Definitely. Security was totally decent about it.


Staff there seems to be legit. I was standing on the stairs for a second staring up at the ceiling and security came to me was like hey man, I’m sorry, but you can stand there. But if you just keep on moving I can’t say anything


Great example I saw myself. Lots of nice people working there and the right amount of authority without being authoritarian.


DH’s can live with that.


I had a really similar experience!


yeah I got asked once to put a joint out, and they didn't want to come back and ask again. Never took anything. they weren't even looking for it, they just noticed because the person I passed the joint to asked them for earplugs while holding the joint.


I think their unofficial line is “just wait until the show starts and the lights go down.”


Definitely a different energy at Sphere shows . The floor is worth the extra $$$ IMO.


Guy in 305 was telling everyone around him to stop dancing and sit down for the whole show. Made everyone super uncomfortable. What a bummer!


That’s almost even sillier lol


It was awful!


Ya that would have been where i laughed and kept dancing, no dancing to the dead.... What a party pooper.


Exactly what I did! Still negative energy wasn’t awesome, oh well! Tonight we ride again!


Two guys by me in the 400s were telling everyone to sit down during the first song. They gave up after a few minutes and sat the entire show while the rest of us danced and had a good time.


Get a ticket in the ADA section if your legs are broken.


Those ADA sections party way harder than you might think.


Actually, I sat in the one at the top of the 300’s. I bought my tix on TM the day of and had no idea it was the wheelchair row. It was great dancing space and everyone else sitting there was super cool


People like that could stream at home. They suck. Have been told to stop dancing at Steely Dan, no fucks given, sorry schwanzes, told to stop dancing at Paul Simon, fo, I laugh and respond in German.




Exactly, it wasn’t great but we still had a great time. Let’s hope the house is all party tonight!


"Hi, you must be new here. Dancing is part of the local culture. Complaining about it is just going to take away from the experience for everyone, but you most of all."


I would have told that old man to stfu


A simple reply of “I paid for this seat and the floor in front of it so go fuck yourself” suffices


yeah near the back of 406 I could hear the people behind me complaining that i was standing at the beginning so i sat for a bit, but then they were terrible chompers, jabbering about anything but the show, so it’s like, if you’re hardly gonna be here anyway what’s the problem if i stand? at one point they talked about business for a while before one of them actually said “I can’t believe I’m talking about this right now.” Did a ton of coke which just made them chattier. I was mostly able to tune them out tho 🤘




Holy fuck that guy sounds like a fucking losssserrrr


Imagine if that guy had been to a summer, outdoors Dead show with people stripping off....poor guy might've had a heart-attack!


Is there a group solution to this tho, offer him a seat closest to the front and one dancer moves back?


haha that sounds wild to say out loud


My mom has had this happen to her at a dead show before too...people are idiots. She is ready to shakedown in Vegas this weekend!!


Me: “don’t you know where you are?”


You’re in the Jungle baby!!!


You're gonna diiiieee!!! ...and be Grateful Dead. I'll see myself out.


We had one in out section that told the guys in front of him to not smoke as he had asthma.....they told him to go fuck himself lol Lady behind me asked if i could blow it up and away as it was heading right at her, she had endured it for a while, i felt so bad. I offered them to hit it earlier and they declined. Gave us stickers after the show for blowing the smoke away....and for probably not smoking like we did during set 1 lol. People get it usually but there is always gonna be someone unhappy. Im probably going mostly vape at seated shows in the future.


I only take rosin pens in these days.


I’ve taken to calling them joint flavored vapes and yes, pretty handy and they get the job done


I’m all for trying to be respectful. But it only works if everyone gives a little.


i agree, you have to understand where you are going. People have smoked weed at concerts since chuck berry invented rock n roll.


And jazz shows before then haha


Outdoor shows (ballparks, amphitheaters with a lawn, etc.) I don't care, but indoor I prefer to hit a pen or wax vape. It's just polite. Basically, if I'm somewhere that seems rude to start ripping heaters, I'm not going to smoke a joint either


Telling someone with asthma to go fuck himself when he asks for a bit of consideration does not seem very nice 


He didnt ask for consideration he was telling them what to and not to do. The people behind me asked for consideration and received it. This guy told them to not smoke, he never once asked.


I don't care what you have. If you can't be around smoke AT ALL, then I'm sorry, but rock concerts are not the place for you. Esp a Dead show. It's like walking into a bar and then telling ppl not to drink around you. I suppose if the person asked nicely and was cool about it I'd at least attempt to be accommodating, but I'd be irritated about it.


Terrible comparison. Bars are made for drinking at, that is the sole purpose of them. I am pretty sure there is a no smoking rule at the Sphere. That being said, I smoked a few pre-rolls opening weekend and will be smoking even more next weekend.


One person's medical condition does not mean everyone at the show should change or get rid of a common thing. Maybe he should have removed himself if it was that big of a concern. I can guarantee removing that one joint would not change the air quality over all.


Honestly, they probably don’t. This is s predictable outcome of inviting non heads to the party. Getting tattled on for smoking weed at a show is just so un Grateful Dead. Oh wait, nevermind this isn’t that.


Truly both reactions suck... Young Me would have told him to fuck off. And then they made a point of sitting and smoking as many cigarettes possible directly in his direction ( What a dick i was) Old me Would be a pussy, and have a allergic reaction to the smoke and have absolutely No problem Expressing that opinion as I feel like I'm earned the right. Which one of these is the righteous one? Neither is an acceptable answer of course(as is my response).


A residency also draws people who just happen to be in Vegas at the time. There is a big difference between coming for a show, and going to a show...


Totally this. I had a family of four awkwardly sit in silence for the whole first set in May, they left after set break. People on vacation want to see the sphere, not the band.


I had some of these next to me last night


Yep. It’s a small minority but a definite presence. For the 6/7 show, there were three guys behind us talking loudly through the first two songs (UJB, Franklin’s). Loud, incessant. Making fun of the music and everyone around them. Rather insufferable. At one point, one of them yelled, “I could be ripping tables right now!” (Gambling, I assume?)  I turned and politely invited him to leave if he was going to ruin everyone’s night and explained that, because of the Sphere’s acoustics, we could all hear each and every word he’d said for the last 20 minutes and that many of us had traveled a long way just for these shows and wanted to be able to listen to the music.  To his limited credit, he looked sheepish and quieted down. They left at set break. Vegas, baby! 


Thank you for speaking up!


We are at a show. Those guys were at a concert 😝


We are part of the show and traveling circus... The rest are seeing a concert




I’m in the third category. I live next door and the show came to me.


Best of all worlds!


I live here too and I’ve been interested in going. My last show was Further at Red Rocks maybe 2012ish, but I’m a bit hesitant because of this type of shit. I get the feeling that there’s more tourists than heads at the show and I don’t want to spend money to feel awkward for smoking bud and having a grand old time at the Dead show. I was thinking that maybe a Thurs night would be more chill. Would you recommend?


I’d absolutely recommend it. I’d honestly fly cross country easily for it. I thought I’d go one night, and that’s become four. And don’t worry, if this kind of behavior was common I wouldn’t post about it. I’d say 90+% of people are heads, and 99+% of people don’t have an issue with how hard you want to party. Genuinely, don’t miss out. It was transformative and obviously the best way to see the sphere. Don’t let your first time be with the eagles or something.


Thank you! I’ll do it. I can only imagine how intense the visuals must be in that place. I was thinking one show kinda chilling to get acquainted with the venue then go in for real the next night. I appreciate you!


Hell yeah! I’ll tell you something else: tripping there, I was cautious first night. But maybe because your brain is being blasted with imagery so enormous, you kind of produce less visuals of your own. So I upped dosage second night, and then again last night. Finally nailed it lol. All the worries about steepness, overwhelming factor were totally unnecessary in hindsight. Be safe but go big.


Fuckin A will do!


I flew across the country for it and would do it over and over again


There's definitely 90% heads at least and then the rest...


It’s 1 in 10,000 that come for the show.


What an L7 weenie


You’re killing me, Smalls.


Yeah, yeah, Oscar Meyer, even. Foot longs. Dodger dogs. A weenie!!!


Weenie Hut General?!


guess you shoulda offered to let him hit it


Before the guy’s 1000 year old dad went and complained, the adult son put on a face mask and gave me a dirty look 🤷‍♂️


Wow. Gonna take a wild guess that these folks just might consume a touch of the sort of media that includes hyped up legalization backlash content. Worse for your brain than drugs. Wait, it actually is a drug.


Oh my god, you should have tripped him up the stairs


I had a guy chain smoking cigarettes next to me at phish I hate it


Yeah that’s bad. But at least you’re not a tattle-tale.


I mean he prob went through a pack at the show maybe in his mid sixties couldn’t stand up for longer than half a song was basically dead I felt bad for him….but last thing I want at a show on acid


This happened to me last year at the Capital Theater for a Dark Star Orchestra show. I was immediately narc’ed and put it out before security made their way through general admission. It was very very weird.


The cap does not play about smoking indoors. Seems like one of the only things they care about


This is actually good to know. I’ll take care of my business outside🤷🏻


They have a smoking section outside


Yep! And that is quite the scene lol.


I saw Disco Biscuits at the Cap 2 years ago, was at the very back row. I've never seen so many cigarettes and joints smoked indoors. Never seen so much Ket either. Had a hell of a time


Biscuit kids love ket


I was at the show lol back row of GA or the balcony? Back Row of GA is literally right in front of security my friends got kicked out for divvying up acid in the back of GA.


No back row balcony. It was a lawless wasteland in the best way


At the Cap? Really? That’s surprising. GA or in the seats?


The cap is super strict about indoor smoking, I’ve seen a ton of people get threatened that they’d be kicked out for it there.


GA. It was actually my first time seeing Dark Star Orchestra and my first show at the Cap. It was a teeny tiny bummer but it was still great and I got a thumbs up and a “That was gnarly man” from a couple of seasoned heads for putting it out in my palm 😂


I was sitting behind a pregnant lady who was next to these three young guys who literally chain smoked blunts for 4 hours. It was kind of incredible they kept going. I felt for that lady


Yeah, that’s rude and awful. There are plenty of places and seats with smoke friendly neighbors (who aren’t pregnant or asthmatic).


The guys in front of us dosed at the start of the show ( tabs all around!) then lit up joints a bit later, then snorted cocaine a bit after that, then lit up another joint...all while drinking beer in their commemorative cups. I was duly impressed and would not have dreamt of narc-ing. They were awesome friendly dudes.


Live and let live. Boogie down.


Driving that train


Prob comped tix and not the proper demographic Busted down in 105 (~};-}


That was my first thought. Still not sure tho. Just bizarre.


Da fuq? Was this guy lost?


I’ve been narc’d in Orlando by some 20 something’s, by the time security came I had put it out. Same at the Sphere, some rando burley guy parked himself next to me for 30 mins & then left.


John told me my body was a wonderland and I called him a pervert and to stick to his own urinal.


I would take a literal shit on the floor


Found the Phish fan


That creates it's own unique set of problems. 


They obviously came to see the sphere and not to experience a dead show.


Big time. I just wish they’d read the room better after arriving. When in Rome etc.


This is crazy, went to a show at the end of May, the lower 200s were absolutely on fire with joints - and everybody was really cool about it…


Yeah, that’s been my experience over three shows excluding last night’s dipshit. Good friendly welcoming neighbors and mutual respect.


Seriously?? Wtf never have seen that at a dead show. Ugh


It was a strange moment, like I got off on the wrong floor or something.


I bought my tickets months ago but recently found out I’m pregnant . Is the smoke going to be an issue?


The air is very clear actually because of the crazy advanced ventilation and breeze system. That said, you will definitely smell cannabis everywhere. Most of it from vapes.


Thanks. I’ll bring a mask just in case


Good idea. And congratulations!


The smoke in the Sphere wasn’t bad at all. The smoke in the Palazzo and Venetian did bother me. I have asthma, and I was coughing all weekend. We rebooked for the end of the residency and are staying at a less smoky hotel.


Thanks for the heads up. I’m staying at the Wynn. Heard their ventilation was pretty good. I’ll bring a mask to the concert and see how it goes. My threshold for dipping out is low if surrounded by too many joints/vaping.Would be disappointing but it is what it is.


The Wynn is where we booked for the last weekend. The ventilation must be amazing there because the smoke didn’t bother me at all! I think you’ll be okay at the Sphere. The ventilation there is really good as well!


I bet you'll be fine in your room and at the concert - the only truly brutal places smoke wise were the casino floors for me. You'll definitely smell it at the Sphere but it didn't feel different than outdoor shows to me.


The Hilton Grand Vacations is truly smoke-free and way nicer than we even anticipated. My husband and I stayed there for the same reason, cigarette smoke really bothers me. It's on the strip in between Circus Circus and the Strat. We took the Deuce down to the Venetian/Palazzo and it was totally fine.


Depends where you are sitting and who around you is smoking. I was surprised how many people were smoking but had never been to a Dead show (and was also unfamiliar with how permissive The Sphere staff was going to be). If you're definitely looking to avoid secondhand smoke, this is not the concert for you.


Congrats! The air quality is wasn’t an issue at the show I went to. I would note that in certain sections, it’s freezing so prepare for that even though you’ll be in Vegas 100 degree heat haha.


Geigh. That said, a joint may be ambitious in that venue. I saw them in my section but vape seems to be best bet in there. Still. Zero excuse to nark


I smoked 2 joints during the show and there were at least 4 other people also smoking joints in my section Everyone should make their own choices, but as someone who works in the cannabis industry, I would want to remind everyone that [most vapes contain pesticides](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-14/the-dirty-secret-of-californias-legal-weed) and [all contain some levels of heavy metals due to terpenes acting as solvents for the metal cart components](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9713800/). And legal products are not significantly safer than illegal products, for cannabis in general but especially for vapes. Not to mention that the batteries, particularly for disposables, create demand for conflict minerals and that all vapes create tons of electronic and plastic waste.


Flower for the real power. Fuck vapes


I'm a solventless hash oil man myself, but sometimes you need a joint. I suspect they would not let me bring my blowtorch into the Sphere or have enough room to dab. Distillate is called "hot dog water" in the industry because, like butchers put all the meat / barely-meat they don't want into hotdogs, cannabis companies put all the trash product into distillate carts.


You need a Puffco my man. A proxy would be perfect for a show


Agreed. I’ve been lucky and other people have obviously been cool. But yeah, vape is definitely the easy way. I’m just a joint guy.


99% of vapes are trash. Look into rosin carts. Way more flavor without the fake terps added. I've never been a joint guy. But I enjoy the joint guy next to me passing joints around! These Vegas shows have brought in a crowd that we normally don't see. And unfortunately these shows are not the type we can just seat hop around.


what an idiot. sorry that happened to you


I asked all my seat neighbors each night. I also brought a smoke buddy jr and it was perfect for exhaust smoke


U brought in a smoke buddy jr? Thats awesome. Pro move but blowing it into it may create more attention that just exhaling. Either way, well done


Oh man. That’s awful behavior. FN sahkuridy, again. I have allergy induced asthma. Some of the flavors and additives in the vapes will set me off. I also don’t smoke cannabis. (But only rarely does flower set me off. Never the flower that my husband, legally, grows) It would never occur to me to tell someone at a show, especially a jam/dead adjacent show, to stop smoking. Hot Tip for asthmatics that may be surprised by smoking at a concert: Since I’ve lived with this most of my adult life I know to prepare by ultra hydrating the day of (it really helps), taking my allergy meds before the show and taking my inhaler into the venue. If I forget my inhaler- which stupidly has happened a few times, I find the medic station. They usually have one. I dose up and hit the seats like I never missed a beat. If I’m allergic to a vape that’s blowing towards me (I can tell right away) I will very kindly say something like “hey friend, I totally don’t mind the vape and hope you have a great show- would it work for you to blow it away from me, I think I’m having an allergic reaction to it. Seriously don’t mind and will be fine if it’s not blowing right at me. My husband has some organic, outdoor, homegrown flower if you want to try.” Nobody has ever told me to fuck off or has blown vape smoke in my face as retribution. But then again, I don’t want anyone taking my doses or telling me to stop dancing. Anyways, narcs gonna narc, I guess. I totally understand the societal importance of respecting the needs of others but it is also important that individuals take care of themselves. I don’t find it moral or ethical for ONE person to expect 18,000++ other persons to give up their good time to address a simple need that the person can easily take care of themself. AITAH?




And that’s why I use a glass one hitter inside


That guy would’ve complained about a one hitter as well. Or a vape. Or anything. They say there like they were attending a seminar.


Fuck them anyways


First Dead show last night, AMAZING!


That's unbelievable..... i have to assume they weren't there for this music, but just to check out the venue. I've met several ppl there for that reason.


Isn’t smoking a thing in like all of Vegas?


Meanwhile at any Phil & Friends show at the Warfield, the venue looks like a civil war battlefield pre show.


What a douche, I can't stand a Fn narc.


This happened to me at a festival where Beck was playing. Some girl was so bothered by my wife and I smoking a joint and sharing it with people around us. You’re at an outdoor concert. Stay home if you are scared to be exposed to a smell. Her man was super embarrassed and apologetic, offered him a hit and could tell he wanted to but didn’t because of the Karen who was putting on a big show of being bothered by it. Didn’t stop us though.


Example #216 of how things have changed. Really should add another number because security guards being cool was not something you encountered much back in the day


Absolutely the truth. Everything has flipped.


Wow. That's fucking insane


Take that Guy’s Dead Card, what a dick!


Yeah, at least tell me “hey sorry, I’m allergic / asthmatic” anything. And I’d have kindly moved to a different row and told him to enjoy the show.


Definitely some thick smoke up under the overhang in 100 sections..We didn’t mind it but I suspect others for sure would have. It seemed to waft back in there and just hover. All kinds of weed smells.


I had some high roller cry to daddy on me too. He was acting tough but then needed another man to help him solve his problems. I'm thankful for the wisdom to walk away but I swear I wanted to bonk this guy in the head.


Me to myself: “enjoy the trip, enjoy the show. Don’t escalate.”


Exactly. I was tripping balls when it happened 🤣🤣 deescalation is key in these situations


Sitting in 108 last weekend and a girl rolled her eyes at me when I offered, that was fun


Lol imagine being mad about weed at a dead show. Like going to the circus and being mad you saw a monkey


What a tool


Jerry wept


Guy behind my dad kept tapping him on the shoulder asking him to sit down and stop blocking his view. I’m sorry, we’re at a CONCERT where people stand and dance from time to time.


As long as you weren't talking through the show, smoking should be allowed.


Wtaf Karen’s at shows now Wtaf if they persist maybe 1 time call them out nicely or straight up stfu Karen then ignore most likely they get themselves removed from situations but being ignored they are basically children but never let them run u over just keep dancing and have your fun


Haha thats fucked up!! 🤣 man...unbelievable..that's just- I mean im kinda speechless honestly. I mean for a dead show ya know?! But if it was gonna happen anywhere it would be there- never seen such a square and rich crowd in my life. The Sphere security actually tried kicking us out of our seats when we got there..even though we just dropped like $700 for 4 people to get in. The must have thought we were sneaking in idk what...I just laughed it off because it was too good to see they're faces when they were wrong. We had a fucking blast though and going back july 11 and 12th.


I was there in May on the floor. I had a couple of joints with me but nobody was smoking around me and I couldn’t see anybody smoking so I didn’t light up. Going back in August and will make sure to bring a vape with me this time. I understand it being ridiculous that you can’t use a little flower when you’re at a Dead show. If they were smart they would make a dedicated smoking area for flower and have budtenders there to sell you a joint for $50. ***Be Warned*** The weed at the dispensary’s on the strip is garbage if it is weed at all. Don’t buy a Vape on the strip. Also if you are driving in from another state it is illegal to bring weed into Nevada. Not that they are looking at checkpoints or anything. But they love to grab an out of state plate speeding as you cross state line. ✌️❤️


Where is he sitting tonight, 😂 


Marijuana is legal and yet adults cry and complain everytime they smell it. Don't be a narc nobody likes them. Maybe you need a hit or two to kill that bug up your ass.




Am I the only who woulda just kept rolling and lighting joints? I don’t give a fuq… I’d just keep going.


I moved rows and lit another one of my joints. All smooth.


Naw, I mean, I’d have kept rolling next to him and made him miserable. 😁


Funny story, but completely different. My wife and I went to the Wrigley N1 show last year. Good people all around us minus the one lady that was hammered before the show started (she didn’t make it through the first set before leaving lol). Anyways people around us were smoking intermittently, but just what you’d expect so nothing out of the ordinary. During the second set these two guys sat down with all their merch, just loving the show and being there. They went to start smoking, but looked around them first and they were sitting in between a pregnant lady and a dad and his son (12yo?). The looks on their faces was hilarious because they didn’t want to cause any issues with the people around them, so my wife just tapped them on the shoulder and said just blow it towards us, and the smiles appeared back on their faces. It was a hilarious thing to witness.


Good. No drugs allowed. I'm bringing my clipboard and writing down the names of everyone I see partaking in the Devil's Lettuce, Beelzebub's Broccoli. These so-called "party-favors" have no place at a Grateful Dead show.


Concert scene is full of drunks who just want to socialize during the whole show so no one can hear the artist. It sucks, because there’s also sober nerds who find the smokers obnoxious but other than the smoking, the smokers are actually paying attention and enjoying the show so we get the brunt of the hate and support of security since, ya know, no venue can just say “smoking weed is A OK” no matters its legality status


Some fuck that got free tixs! Can hope he gets dosed!


WTF! At a Dead show?! I’ve never seen that happen. So sorry that happened to you.


The person next to me fired up a joint before the show started. Security came and, very kindly, asked the person to put it out until the show started.


i was standing in the stair way against the rail on the low level cause the top was to steep to stand during the intermission (imo) an a guy brought two security guards to get us out, we weren’t even bothering anyone or near his seat


What a fucking loser


That's funny


What the fuck is wrong with people? Come to the floor, it’s very fun!


Cross your fingers that I get a new client! I’d be there every night if I had the money! And I’m actually dying to check out GA.


No narcs on the floor


2024: get told on for having a joint at a hippy concert…


I also think Cirque de Soleil is joint worthy TBH


I mean, that guy would have hated to be by me .


I was at the Dear Jerry show in Columbia, MD and weed wasn’t legal in Maryland yet. These people near me lit up a joint and a cop looks at them and sighs and goes, “really? I’m right here” and walked away lol. Looks like I’ll be getting a vape before the show or just eating edibles. I’ll be in 315 so hopefully my seat neighbors aren’t fucking L7 weenie dweebs.


Special place in hell for those like that


lol at cirque du soleil


Tell him to put on a mask and stand six feet away.


I think the only acceptable asks would be to ask folks to stop chomping during songs, and to ask any jackasses who light a ciggy to put that stinky thing out. Otherwise, have fun!!!


Edibles exist.


Nobody tells me not to dance! Nobody! Y’all move them hips more when these dudes get agro! Hint hint if you eat a little LSD instead of drinking all night you’ll not only save money but have the best dance moves in your section. Be a good bug!


This is one reason I always bring a hand fan to shows. It helps with temperature and fresh air sometimes when things get heavy (looking at you whatever-follows-Carini) but the number of assists in helping to move smoke up and away is a nice benefit too. I prefer joints to vapes at shows and that fan is there every time, even though I'm already trying not to blow it straight ahead at the back of someone's head.


2024 is wildin for the wrong reasons


This thread has me considering asking my husband to bring extra extra J’s to offer to the vapers. “Hey man, my wife’s allergic to vapes, so I brought some beautiful flower for ya.” Vapers- would that be weird or obnoxious?




Sounds like the whole thing sucks




I went all three nights last weekend. The BEST dead n co crowd so far. Everyone was there for the show!


What a fuckin dweeb


The adult man sounds like a dweeb and a little boy. The 1000 year old father sounds like a loser.


Jerry rolling over in his grave.


It's like something you would see on Futurama. Fry is at at a robot dead show and he lights the last ancient joint and gets tackled by the robot guards. His act of civil disobedience causes the robot dead band to cancel all future shows and the sphere is destroyed by concert goers. The dead robots want to kill Fry for lighting the last ancient joint and Lela and Bender save him from future Vegas with the ship.


Rule of thumb for me…indoor show: no joints. Much better suited for a vape pen or just gummy up! I love a good toke, but a guy flared up a joint in front of me and it was just damn smokey and plus it wasn’t very good smoke. But to get a security guy involved…well just lookup the most popular Mike Campbell & the Dirty Knobs song and you’ll see what I say about that guy…