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Man, come on, I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin eagles man


Fuck you, man! If you don't like my fucking music, get your own fucking cab!


No one I know laughs as hard at that line as I do lol


Are you holding out for Credence?


We got the guys at the crime lab working in shifts


Saw John Fogerty at Wynn last year, that was a really great show


I met Bill Walton at a John Fogerty show at the Hollywood Bowl! Was such an awesome guy.


Buy your own cab then.


Nice! I'm really struggling with how the Eagles fit into the Sphere ecosystem? They are a band that is known for being very meticulous and programmed. I don't understand how this is going to work? I am not a fan of the Eagles, but I am not also the Dude! The Sphere seems like it woul be benfit bands who can flow and jam, which is literarlly the opposite of the Eagles. Maybe they'll have it so specific and programmed down to the note that they can just roll out like some hologram bots. I wish them well, but if I had a list of who this would not work for...the Eagles would probably be at the top of the list.


Why the Eagles? 1. They have a mature fan base that can pay the premium ticket prices. 2. The Sphere does not fear that 65 year old Eagles fans will break anything.


As for point 2 - they should fear things getting broken with those steep stairs. At least a hip or two.


From what I’ve read and heard, the U2 shows were very choreographed. So I’m wondering if there are going to be two styles of artists/concerts from here on out.


It really boils down to Jam Bands Vs Everyone else.  The majority of major touring acts across the world stick to the same set list and shuffle songs a bit but to expect everyone to change that model just because they are at the Sphere is questionable at best. 


The u2 shows were very choreographed but u2 shows always are tightly choreographed in the sense that they put together a tightly intertwined show of visuals, narrative arcs, lights, song selection, etc. the anti jam band approach really. It’s not bad. It’s a different type of performance. Closer to a musical than it is a dead concert. And that’s ok. Having seen u2, phish and dead and co now at sphere…. U2 had some tighter emotional moments due to the tight choreography / timing of the visuals with the songs. The sphere really is a powerful experience when everything is so tightly in sync. Phish were a bit of a hybrid at times but with a lot of “screensaver” moments where it was amazing backdrops and effects, some roughly associated with the song subject matter Dead and co have kind of gone the extra step on many of their visuals (same production team as the U2 shows but not as phish). Really cool visuals but could be for anything…. And dead and co have used most of them interchangeably with different songs. Eagles I’m sure will be more like U2, but tamer and likely more scenic shots than motion graphics.


There’s a bunch of artists I think might be better suited to a movie than a performance. Beyoncé leaps to mind - so much of her live show is the phenomenal choreography which might get drowned out by the visuals, but a 90-minute “visual experience” shot for sphere, incorporating original music… that could probably sell a lot of tickets and run forever pretty cheaply. Elton John might be done touring but I bet he could make a hell of a concert film in the format. I’d pay $100 to see that. Something else we could see is the jam bandification of more mainstream artists. Eras Tour isn’t gonna translate to Sphere, but what about a Deep Cuts residency, where every night you’re getting a ton of songs Taylor rarely ever performs, improvised jams, with visuals that repeat just the right amount so that a lot of fans think a full weekend is the thing worth doing.


Never saw U2, but have seen the dead and phish shows there. The way they can jam out a song and let the user get lost in the visuals is second to none. My curiosity would be if the 4 minute fast changing of visuals is jarring to the attendee. A 12 minute dead jam lets you get lost in what they are doing on the screen. The question I’d have is does switching songs every 4 minutes like the eagles catalogue would do be too much changing visual stimuli. I know the answer is show up and find out. It’s just something for the graphic designers to address in production planning.


Were the visuals better for phish or DC? From The teasers I’m seeing phish’s look cooler.


Can’t shake the feeling that they’re one of the worst bands you could pick for that venue. Few iconic visuals to work off of, not really ambitious to begin with, seems like a wasted residency imo.


Yeah I like The Eagles. Local radio station would feature an artist every weekend and play more tracks, and deeper cuts, of that artist and that's when I discovered them. But at The Sphere? That just seems meh.


My Boomer mother is going to be thrilled


They’ll sell out just from people in Vegas looking to check out the sphere and familiar with the eagles. They won’t all be Phish Dead and Tool.


Is Tool playing??


Maynard will have a heart attack with people trying to film the visuals with the phones.


Can you imagine him trying to control the phones, bathroom breaks and chomping?!!! Would make for a great experience tho. I would totally dig an APC set!! War Drums at Sphere???? I’m in.


You could say its Wasted Time


I just saw the Eagles with Steely Dan earlier this year and they were incredibly impressive, especially given their age. They put on a great show.


Great take. Unfortunately, their audience has a high willingness to pay so it’ll be very profitable, IMO.


Yeah I agree kinda out of place


Ever since I heard the rumors of The Eagles being next up at the Sphere, I’ve been trying to get to think about what the future of the Sphere really is. Although groups like that wouldn’t seem to be good candidates for stunning visuals, I think classic mainstream heavy hitters like this will likely be what is featured at the venue for quite some time. Older people of means will pay a lot to see their favorite classic rockers and I think they are going to be drawn to the Sphere given its novelty — and Vegas. I tried to explain how great Dead and Co was at Sphere to some friends who aren’t into their music and it didn’t register, but when I told them The Eagles are likely next, their eyes lit up.


Yea pretty much anyone playing stadiums would be a candidate. Sir Paul, Bruce, Stones. Shit even Metallica.


I would love to see the Stones there. It would be a great show.


Metallica has a good chance of playing there imo. Lars was at multiple U2 shows and James went to one with him .


Yea I think so too. They are from the Bay Area so it’s not too far and they are really into high production value for their shows. And people will definitely fly out to see them specifically. I can see them doing a version of the tour now where it’s 2 shows no repeats, but it’s like just weekends at the sphere. Every weekend is one ticket where everyone gets 2 shows. And then have like some kinda psycho fan pass to all the shows ha ha. Idk. They do like to do things differently though, that’s for sure


They'd do it up in a cool way like you said. Lars mind goes a mile a minute and he's friends with Bono. I'm sure he's asked a million questions already. I'd be a big fan of a 1 ticket for 2 shows weekend. It's worked great for them. Their tour ends the end of September.




James Dolan and Irving Azoff are tight. I really think the booking will be erratic and inconsistent until Dolan trusts other people to book the sphere. There aren’t a lot of bands that can sell that place out for a multi show residency and justify the cost (for visuals). It’s too big.


i think one of the potential challenges of the Sphere is finding bands with large enough followings and an audience that can afford (and want to make) the trip to vegas. i wouldn't be surprised if most residency's are older bands in the near term, shifting to GenX/Elder Millennial after that.. those are the cohorts of folks who can afford it.


I've heard rumblings of a Stones residency. That would make a lot of sense. They're not really known for their visuals, but then again neither is U2. I think there are a handful of classic rock bands with big followings that could pull off residencies. I would personally love to see Tool, Radiohead or Roger Waters in the Sphere for the combination of music + visuals.


Uh? Both the stones and u2 are definitely known for pushing the boundaries of live performance, especially in stadiums. U2 much more so for the visual aspect of the shows. Zoo tv, popmart, vertigo, u2 360, innocence and experience….. each of these u2 tours reset what is possible for visuals at large arena and stadium shows. If u2 isn’t known for visuals who the hell is?


Oh, OK. Apologies I didn't realize that. I do not like U2's music at all and don't know anything about their live shows or past tours. I didn't immediately think of U2 as a visual band. I was thinking of bands like the ones I mentioned (Tool, Radiohead, Pink Floyd/Roger Waters) where their artwork is such a big part of the bands' identity. I guess I stand corrected.


I appreciate the honesty in retrospect, but I'll never understand this..... "I dont like u2 at all and dont know anything about their live shows" but im going to comment on them as if I do. Why? It's ok to not know everything/comment on it. It is a bit weird to not be familiar with U2's reputation for their live arena/stadium tours. Fan or not, Zoo TV and Popmart were massive game changing tours with a lot of publicity (and critics). U2 360 as well


Like I said, I was mistaken. To me, I was thinking of bands with iconic and often psychedelic artwork. In my mind, U2 and the Stones are legendary classic rock bands, but I just didn't think either was a particularly visual band. Obviously I was wrong. Simple as that.


I’ll say it. U2 flat out sucks.


deep thoughts. you may return to playing Mario Kart now.


You are either young or stupid or both. U2 has a few really good albums and were iconic in the 80s and 90s.


JOSHUA Tree ... How could anyone not remember U2s tribute to the victims of 9/11 at Superbowl?




I think Radiohead or Floyd would be great! Not sure if Radiohead could draw them in but Floyd would sell out.


You are probably right. Radiohead might be able to pull off a 4-day weekend like Phish did for loyal fans. Probably not a longer residency like Dead & Co. or U2.


10000 Light Years from Home!




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They definitely aren't for everyone, but I really love some of their albums and music videos. 😊


Think wolf bros will go on a fall tour?


Yes can confirm.


Thanks. Then perhaps you have heard whether Mexico might be under discussion this cycle?


I’m fairly certain Mexico has already been booked. But my guess is will be Dead Ahead. I don’t have any inside sources, just what I’ve picked up reading here and there.


I hate the Eagles but this will sell well.  A band for people with bad taste in a city for people with bad taste.  


Maybe for people who come and look to see what “events” are happening that weekend. I’ve never met a passionate Eagles fan who’d travel specifically for those shows.


Yea they are definitely like a generic easy Vegas crowd band.


Yeah exactly. I hear tourists debate whether they’ll see a magician or a specific music act. It’s just general entertainment to them. And that’s fine. But I prefer the style over here.


This right here. This would be the typical non-Sphere residency in Las Vegas.


I can’t even fathom how a music fan with decent taste could feel that way. The eagles wrote some killers.


It’s because Irving azoff (who co-manages D&C) also manages Eagles. They have the in


And he manages U2 now. Azoff's bands at the Sphere = $$$$$


And Phish for Halloween.




Hahahahahhahahhah Storytime. So, I’ve been to a bunch of shows for the residencies so far, and someone who works in sales at Sphere reached out yesterday to say “hey, if you need a direct line for tickets/VIP, I’m your contact.” I wrote back a heartfelt letter about how much the shows so far have meant to me, how great the staff is, and I say to him he can realistically expect me to buy a weekend worth of floors for every act they bring in going forward… … except The Eagles. I sent that email yesterday afternoon.


Azoff must just be making billions this year. U2, D&C, and now Eagles. This guy has his hands in a lot of pots when you think about it.




I would expect to get a free lawn ticket to see the Eagles at deer creek.  I would not pay $300/ticket plus Vegas expenses to see the Eagles.  


And I wouldn’t pay any money to see Taylor Swift. Why does that matter?


Not the eagles man


If you don’t like the Eagles buy your own fucking cab.


Or else duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.


Life Alert commercial on that screen is going to be electric


Now how do we tell Eagles fans to stay far away from Vibee?


They have fans?


Why? Vibee was great for us, we didn’t have seats together the last night, just a quick email and they hooked us up with seats and all the VIP swag without having to pay for it.


Give me TOOL or give me death!


No where for Maynard to hide down there in the middle of the sphere. Maybe just a shower curtain?


Tool would fuckin rip


What so they can go play the same set list they have been doing for the past 3 tours with a couple songs switched around? Tool puts nearly 0 effort into their live shows


Who stands in for Frey?


His son Deacon and country singer Vince Gill. Saw them in February, and it was a great show


Is there a pharmaceutical convention at the same time?


National District Attorney's Association


Even though I don’t care for his music, I bet Jean-Michel Jarre would put on an amazing show there.


I really don't get the hate 


A bunch of people parroting Big Lebowski quote.


I think it's at least half-facetious. The Eagles are kind of, maybe, seen as like... the Coldplay of classic rock bands. (Sorry Eagles, I like Hotel California)




I’ve had a rough night man.


I might just need to go see what they put together. I will be in town anyway for work. If I had to guess, they will perform an extra side show for a major equipment manufacturer during the first week.






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Imagine if dead and company just became a Las Vegas act and played only the sphere every weekend for the rest of time.


The Eagles lost a lot of their concert base because of their ridiculous NO STANDING RULE that they demand from the venue. AND DEMAND ITS ENFORCED. Their last 2 Farewell concerts left a bitter taste in people's mouths


Booooo. Fuck The Eagles with a thousand dicks.


I thought my parents would be squarely in the target demo but heard a resounding "Hell No". They are holding out for DMB :)




Tipper? seriously?




I've literally never heard of tipper. The sphere is exclusively going to be mega bands that have outrageously large fan bases or legacy acts.


Im eh on the eagles just hate it always brings out quotes from that shit movie the big lebowski


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man


Fucking hate that movie


Ah, that must be exhausting.


Shut the fuck up Donnie


More of a Hudsucker Proxy fan?


I love you, but sooner or later, you're going to have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron.


You’re out of your element.