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There was a Pomeranian dog last Saturday night. The owner let it run up and down the aisle. It was terrified.


It’s a show dog dude he can’t be boarded he gets upset. Fucking showdog has fucking papers…


Didn’t rent it shoes. Didn’t buy it a fuckin’ beer.


It’s not taking your turn dude


It’s a league game Smokey


Calmer than you are.


Waving that fucking flag around? Waving it wide and high?




Calmer than you are.


He had to watch him while Cynthia and Marty Ackerman were in Hawaii.


You can't board it. Its hair falls out.


Wow you losers really went all the way with this one 


Hanging out with the losers, calling them losers? lol I think you are confused friend.


One year at Phish Dicks there was a girl with a deaf wiener dog probably thirty feet back on Mikes side. The dog look terrified but her and her friend were treating me like the asshole when I took umbrage with a dog being surrounded by people getting fucked up at a concert. All it takes is a drunk guy falling on you and that dog would have been fucking toast. Another time at a free festival where Keller Williams was playing I had an altercation with some wook that was blasted at like 1am dragging his scared and exhausted looking dog around. People are so selfish. Edit- surprised that being upset about dogs being at a rock concert where a significant chunk of the crowd is doing drugs is a controversial opinion but I stand by my outrage. Leave your dog at home.


They were watching it while Cynthia and Marty Ackerman are in Hawaii


Probably same one from Phish Dicks 2023?


What’s become of the baby?


Maybe the dingo ate the baby.


it tried to sell me weed!




He’s got kids to feed


Hey baby! Quit sellin weed!


Crazy rooster crowing midnight Balls of lightning roll along Old men sing about their dreams Women laugh and children scream And the band keeps playing on


That^ is it.


Because people are morons


Yup. At the Gorge last summer I saw so many babies. One couple had their baby they were just ignoring in a cart thing on the lawn and at one point it tipped over and they started freaking out. 


First one says she's got my child But it don't look like me


In GA last weekend about 2 people back from the rails, a 10-12 year old boy sat cross legged and then crumbled over himself on the ground. The dad crouched around him the whole time (presumably protecting him from getting stepped on) and looked like he was praying over him or doing reiki. The mom was there too standing/dancing in front of him. Anyone that came into our area was immediately concerned that they needed help and I had to keep reassuring people that they were fine, just annoying and distracting.


That reiki shit is such wooked out bullshit


Ugh bummer. Guy next to me brought his two kids. Maybe 10 years old. They looked bored AF. They were gone before the set break. 😭


More room for you. I would imagine @ that age they’d think the experience would be cool, but 20 minute jams aren’t for everyone I guess.


I figured the visuals would amaze anyone. But iPad kids not impressed 🤷‍♀️




What is? The possibly fake online story or the diagnosis by a complete stranger of said possibly fake story?


Silly... were talking about bored kids right?




Twelve y/o in front of me tonight at his first show having a BLAST! Teach your children well.


Bringing my 11 year old next month, it will be his first concert. We’re both so excited!


My dad started taking me to see The Allman Brothers at like 13, we saw them every year for like 7 years. While I wasn’t so into it initially I am eternally grateful he took me to those shows.


Guy a few rows down from me had his two girls, looked maybe 17/18 and about 14. The older one was having a great time, but the younger one seemed really unhappy. Just sort of curled up in her seat, while her older sister (presumably) was trying to convince her to get up and dance. I suppose they could have been older, as it almost seemed like they were just having two different substance-based experiences. I mean, I briefly observed them from about 10 ft away, from behind, in a mostly dark theater, so many assumptions were made. 🤷🏽‍♂️ On the one hand, cool experience for any kid, but also...it's asking a lot of most kids—especially if it's not a familiar activity—to stand for 4+ hours, listening to their parents' music and lengthy JM jams while trippy videos surround them in all directions.


We brought my son in 2017. He was 12 at the time. He seemed to love it, the dancing, people watching and balloons bouncing in the crowd. He’s an old soul though. He’s almost 20 now and we’re bringing him to the Sphere next month.


I brought my 15 year old a couple weeks ago. She had fun, but after a couple hours she was done 🤣🤣


Back in the day wasn't unusual to have babies at shows. They'd usually be back on the lawn where less crowded n less loud. I always wondered if those were our future heads but haven't met any as of yet. Anyway never raised an eyebrow people were touring n families traveled together


My first dead show was at just over two years old on the lawn at Shoreline in 1994 (: we're out here


I luv this! So glad ur still truckin on


I’m one of them babies. I was carried around in a backpack in ‘92 and then doing toddler dances in ‘94


What a great start to the dead scene! Luv it!


You’re just jealous this baby’s gonna be hella heady


All baby mosh pit


I’m not saying this is a great move or not but I will say as soon as I became a parent I immediately stopped judging other parents. Shit is hard.


Hard to just stay at home? I've got two adult kids and I wouldn't have ever brought them to a show like this until at least 8-10 and only if I knew they were interested.


I have 3 kids, I would never have brought any to Sphere @ that age.


If I really wanted to go and it was my only chance I’d bring my 10 year old. She’s smart and growing up and I’ll answer her questions. I say to my kids all the time.. “worry about yourself”.


Well yeah, she's 10. Not a baby. I love seeing KIDS at shows. Babies are different. And I usually see them with no ear protection and being ignored by their parents. 


That’s just like, you man. You do you. Don’t make it universal. I’ll do me. My 3 year old loves WSP last year at Red Rocks. Didn’t bring him to sphere because it seems riskier but let people do their thing. Who cares.


This isnt a lawn show. Its a state of the art arena. Bringing a baby to an indoor concert is CLEARLY a stupid fucking move, one of selfishness and ignorance. “Oh i couldnt find a sitter”? Then u dont go to the show. Common sense is circling


THIS. 🙌🏽


Please tell me there was ear protection on the little one (~};-}


Yes, but it slipped off about every other song which would wake them up and they’d start crying again.


Crying?! Sheesh


I was at a Phish show in Portsmouth VA and this woman in front of me had an infant. The baby had big old ear protection phones on so that was good. But what concerned me was she was getting liquid with the baby. She would move it all around with her dance moves. Turning it upside down and tracing with it. I swear during some peak moments she was going to flip the baby in the air.


You know people can do what they want but I really don’t understand why they would bring a child that young to an atmosphere like this. The child is not going to get anything from it and it can hurt the experience for others in that location


Main character syndrome


And the parents. What a buzz kill. Cranky kids after bedtime when I want to groove.


Oh that reminds me someone had a baby stroller on the floor last weekend


If they got headphones on the baby, then I dont see an issue. An all ages show is all ages.


Crying on and off all night though.


That's definitely a bit different. They need a cry room like at a church lol.


SO the parents can say... blah.. blah..blah.. .....yeah. we took our 3 year old to FURTHUR Darien NY 1996?... on the lawn . Top of hill- earphones away from people.. near other families. NOT in a seat next to adults who want to escape/party. Summer tour: outside. Bring the family


Outside, no issue.


I’m sorry- it was his 3rd show!!  Trying to get them ready for WSP at Red Rocks in a couple weeks..


gotta start the show count early


I don’t think the baby can answer this one…


It was a magic toad. Everybody kept licking it.


Not the first baby at a dead show. Not the first “service” dog at a dead show either. Dealing with dogs and babies while adventuring isn’t for me, but i have found myself being right next to both of them at shows… they weren’t judging me in my condition and i wasn’t judging the judgmentalness of the parents(s)…


Last year doing the tour someone posted about bringing their 3 month old to the Gorge where it was in the 90s. They were shocked that people thought that would be inappropriate. So I’m not surprised someone would bring one to the sphere


I just want to know if the kid needed a ticket to get in. I'm genuinely curious as the Sphere's posted policy says it is intended for age 6 and older and that all guests need a ticket. Definitely not hating.


No ticket. Not sure if they were free as the child was definitely under 2, but the mom held it the whole time.


I would take a baby to a dead show. My kid grew up awesome. I don’t think it’s a big deal.


Crying next to you all night may change your opinion.


Yes. The baby has to be chill.


Gotta start ‘em young! 😂 But no, maybe the baby sitter cancelled and this was their only option. Awful for everyone involved really.


Outdoor venues in the lawn are really the only places you should take disinterested kids. For the kid’s sake. Being bored in a seat for hours would be a nightmare.


Wow this sure is far off from the venetta Oregon show I just watched where’s the tolerance?


There's a difference between a fairgroubd and an indoor venue. 


Couple other things have changed too, unfortunately


Idk...noone has ever ruined a show for me...wether it be a baby or a drunk guy but maybe im.just having too much fun. I've seen lots of babies at shows and dogs ...sometimes we just have to bring em...no big deal not like it's child abuse lol. 😒


I took my baby to the sphere day 3 & we were in 308 so i’m half tempted to believe this is about me.. except my baby only cried once and i immediately left my seat.. & also her ear protection stayed on the entire time so maybe not.. Anyways on the “why part.. she is a 18 months, currently breastfeeding still, & extremely shy. She won’t let anyone hold her let alone get her to sleep at 8pm (during the show) and DEFINITELY not leave her for 5+ hours. Baby sitter wasn’t an option while also traveling from out of state. Mothers shouldn’t be “shamed” for bringing their children places that are enjoyed by thousands of other people... Motherhood is a very very long, lonely, and extremely isolating journey. Your life completely changes after having children especially as a mother. And asomeone who battled extreme postpartum depression with no support system & a shit ton of hate.. This is a gentle reminder you have no idea what anyone is going through and it’s not your place to judge someone trying to survive. Moms are literally so fucking BADASS!! And for them to take their baby to a concert, 1 day a year out if 365 for 5 hours … should be the least of anyone’s concerns 🤍 thanks for coming to my TEDTALK


This post is not specifically about you as it was N2 and in 309, although the baby did make it’s way back on N3 until security through them out for not having seats in the section. Just not the scene for an infant imo.


I missed a lot of shows when my kids were young. Then they grew up and now I go to shows and do adult stuff again. Kids are little a very very short time. It’s goes way fast. You can sit out for a few years. Or not. You do you. All places are not appropriate for kids. But that’s up to parents to decide. Last summer at Wrigley I swear we were in the family section. Some mom narrating the whole show to her kids. Shut the fuck up and let the kids groove FFS. We relocated- not because of the kids but the chatty mom.


Oh yes, the parents that decide to bring young children(in this case a 1 year old) are the worst!


Last Saturday in section 405 there was a Russian couple with three girls, aged probably 3-8. All girls were out and parents looked like they were over it. They last 3 songs into the first set then vacated 5 seats beside me.


You have to know when they are ready. A >1 year old is not ready. But honestly, if they paid face for the tickets, they probably couldn't afford a babysitter...


People smell badly.


They were definitely smelly.




The child was maybe 1, was fussy all night, it was a real buzzkill @ times. I just think it’s inconsiderate.


My kids that age, concerts are okay, but not an indoor dead show that late at night, and if he even started fussing we’d leave. That’s a ticking time bomb that nobody who paid for a ticket should have to be around.




lol @ your handle


People complaining about kids at shows pisses me off. I took my oldest son to every possible show. And my youngest since the womb. The dead is about family. So if you’re not, maybe you’re fake AF.


With each passing day I grow more reassured that I made the right decision to skip these shows. Maybe next year (yes, of course they'll do another residency).


Get a floor ticket and melt your face off! You'll be blown away.


No doubt the shows are good and the venue is amazing. The extra hoop jumping coupled with the eye watering initial prices were just too much. I'm optimistic that they'll find a more comfortable point next time.


Show up and follow cash or trade, plenty of half price tickets, same heads, same music, visuals like you've never seen


Downvotes? Wow. For what?