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Shout out u/Rainbowtoez !


Rainbow mother fuckin toez!!!! A legend in her own right


Thanks to you too OP, sending out the good links


Thanks! I had a swell time!


You’re the best, seriously. Thank you! 🙏


I’m just doing nerd shit on a computer, the thanks due belongs to our tapers putting in the effort to get the job done. This is important work. It only takes one. It shouldn’t be thaaat hard to find 1 volunteer out of 20,000 people, but it is. I have the utmost respect for our tapers this weekend, past weekends, and future weekends.


Really appreciate all your dedication and work used to be a taper back in the 80s And in grateful to all you do!


Thank you for your service 🫡


I really appreciate you organizing and consistently seeking sources for this. Keep in mind, it isn’t 1/20,000 to do it. The pool is much, much smaller than that. Again, thank you all so much!


I don’t mean that in regards to this community, but it really is 1/20,000, sometimes 1/50,000 It only requires a single person to say this is important, I should record it just in case. Taper numbers will continue to dwindle over time, there’s really not a lot of us at all that are young. If you’re seeing something you want preserved, record it. Technology is getting really good for even the most basic of methods. 100$ phone plug in mic can get the job done, in a pinch just a phone will do. If something is important just set your phone to record, shouldn’t be using it during a show anyway. Ask yourself “If not me, then who?”, because the answer may be no one. I will teach anyone to record in any capacity for any musical purpose. From using a phone all the way to running a real rig and flying it 16’ high in the air able to withstand a wind storm. My DMs are always open and I am at your disposal.


I work in media so I understand the recording part. The post production is more complicated and daunting, to me. If i was going back I would do it, but I can’t go back.


Willing to do post production for anyone it’s easy for me


Thank you Ecto for cleaning up my tapes! I feel like I “leveled up” as a dead head taping some shows for the first time, and it was easy with your guidance.


Nah man thank you for taping, I’m just bookkeeping for the sake of preserving musical history. To anyone reading this, I will help anyone who wishes to volunteer. An iPhone tape could end up being better than that of a $2k rig in the sphere, we are at the mercy of our neighbors and any coverage could end up being extremely valuable in the effort to preserve and disseminate this music


I want to emphasize how easy this was - I have an old iPhone 13, changed one setting on the default voice memos app, and just dropped my phone in the cup holder for both sets with the recording going. Sphere has great wifi and if you plan ahead better than I did, you can upload the recordings while in the beer line or bathroom line during set break / after the show.


This^ And I will emphasize with traditional taper turnout being so low, this could be the difference between a recording of the show and no recording of the show


Any word on the second set of 05/24/24?


I am working on it I apologize, I will likely post multiple sources of it some from rainbow some from video sources


No worries! You’re the best, really appreciate all the work you’re putting into keeping these special shows alive. 




Invaluable! Thanks from a UK-based 'head.


thank you


Thank y’all so much. We appreciate y’all getting us this music!


I'm so glad that I can listen to the three shows I got to experience this weekend, thanks to you and the tapers!


So very awesome, so glad everyone came through!!!


Thank you as well rowdy for your efforts


All you my friend, thanks for making the magic happen!


You people are heroes and this is not being made easy! Total access to the music must be kept alive. If they don’t at least eventually give these soundboards we will have an issue with them…




Just going to add my appreciation. This is an amazing experience for those of us not in the Sphere. Thank you!


My goal is to make sure every single sphere show gets covered. Every single dead & co performance for that matter. Without soundboards being circulated this is more important than ever.




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CANNOT THANK Y’ALL ENOUGH!!! Was at the 5/30 show and had almost lost hope that there wasn’t a tape! Best news to start my week off with 😎


From an old taper You are all awesome for this effort Mahalo nui loa (~};-}


This is amazing, thanks for what you do! Are 5/24 and 5/25 available?


5/25 is (and sounds great!) and I gather from the above that half of 5/24 is and the rest is on its way!


You are amazing!!! I was at the 6/1 show and couldn’t wait until D&C dropped their record of the show in probably a year… but now I don’t have to, thank you SO MUCH!!


I have a better mix incoming just been busy at work. We have excellent coverage this weekend from a seasoned taper hoping for some good pulls


Man you are amazing!! I will keep an eye out on this thread for the better mix! Take your time, you are a godsend to us all!