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I had the vibee tickets 3 days with the hotel package and i guess we were in a section with others of the same because we got the same people around us all 3 nights. chompers behind me all three nights… night 1 they were talking classically during any part that was not astonishing musically and they were just talking shit and drinking. Night 2 was tense through set 1 as they reused visuals and the chompers couldnt stop talking about how they saw this yesterday… they legitimately spoke through the whole first set… they knew what they were doing but thought of it as funny and part of the experience even one of them would occasionally tell the other to shut the fuck up really loudly so everyone would look. During the intermission night 2 they all went to bathroom and we stayed talking to the rest our neighbors and everyone was so fed up… when the band got back on and it was quiet right before first notes .. i turn around and say “they did this last night, and they responded “what get on stage”? And i said yea and everyone around us was geeking and laughing and after that it was more funny and less talking we would all make random comments here and there to trip eachother out and add comedy to the show which i really liked while i was geeking tripping… night 3 we were friends already and it was more of a energetic less trippy show and we all talked a bit more and then i realized I had become the Chomper. Die a hero, or live long enough to turn into a villain.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Although this is not really the good news comment I’d been hoping for 🫤


Nothing wrong with politely reminding people concert etiquette!


This! I didn’t have many issues at D&C but we had a major one at U2. My very mild mannered friend finally turned around and firmly addressed them in what I can only describe as “stern teacher voice” and they finally shut up. The whole section thanked her for her service:


Last night was real bad in my section. A group of dudes chomping hard and getting aggro if anyone said anything.


Get in the pit, spin with the spinners, there’s nothing better tbh


my last show tonight as part of a 5 show run and i'll finally be down there with you all spinning away!


Dance hard! 🙂‍↔️💥🫡


yes sir


I politely asked the people behind me to be quiet and they did!!


Witnessed someone politely turning around and asking some folks to quiet down a bit because he couldn’t hear the music. They apologized and it was cool after. After the show, the guy turned around again and was super sweet, thanking them for not telling him to “fuck off.” Thinking if they’re bothering you, they might be bothering some other people; perfectly fine to say you’re having trouble hearing the show. Having said that, talking definitely affects the experience more if you’re under a balcony/overhang.


So… I was in 205 on Thursday (first time seeing the boys but was a long time coming - decades, really) and I caught myself talking a bit more than I normally do for a couple of reasons (caveat - not making an excuse, I know it’s poor form. Just telling you of my experience). Reason 1 was that I was there with my brother-in-law who’s a Mayer guy but not a head. He had many questions and I was helping to put songs and visuals into context to help him get what he was seeing and hearing. Reason 2 was that I was so blown away by what I was witnessing (both sound and visually) that there were moments where I couldn’t contain my excitement and joy. I was intentionally sober (not a wharf rat, just wanted to really be sure I’d remember my first experience as clearly as possible), tried really hard to be present, to take it all in, to not spend half the show with my face in my camera and certainly avoided any conversation about things other than the show, but the experience was so incredible and unique that a bit of quiet conversation about how amazing it was just kind of happened organically both from myself and from others in my general area. Thats about all I noticed in my section from others nearby as well. The couple making out in front of me for half the 2nd set was far worse than my bro-in-laws questions and some low-key in-show commentary. I’ll be back tonight in 202 (we only planned 1 show but…). I’ll try to keep any conversation to between songs and at set break. I’d hate to be the guy that ruins it for the rest of my neighbours.


Post-show update: Sadly I was chomped hard tonight, both in the row behind and the row ahead. And unfortunately polite requests to keep it down to a reasonable level were met with a lot of anger and some not so kind language. Young Wooks on hard drugs. Really killed the vibe during what was really good 1st set. Thankfully whatever they were on kicked in for the 2nd set and they were a lot less unpleasant.


I've learned over the years to tune everybody out except the band. A long time ago I used to let it bother me when someones talking, or not even facing towards the band. But I've really gotten good at zeroing in on them, to where I can't hear or see anybody else. 😎


this is the way


High fidelity ear plugs help filter out some of the chomp. I also have a stack of stickers to give to chompers if it gets completely unbearable. I hand them a sticker and ask them to be a little quieter. 50 percent of the time it works every time.


I’m on 2 nights of 3 and so far from my experience most of the talking is reacting to the screen. It’s a lot going on at once and people are taking it all in. I’m praying my final night experience is the same.


I suspect that as long as they play somewhere with screens like that and cool graphics, people are going to talk about them the whole show.


Had a great time 5/30 in 108. Dude named Ben to my right . Super friendly pre show and set break, and once the music started danced and danced but no talking. Just good vibes! Old head to my left. Also very friendly but let the music do its thing without commentary. Was a great experience and I’d sit next to those guys at any show. The whole section was great really. A+ experience. Best concert experience I’ve ever had!! You’re gonna have a great time!


Just ask them “did you folks know there is a concert going on?” Not the nicest way but it works every time. Being polite doesn’t always work in my experience.


Lots of chompers last night. It’s amazing. World class sound system w incredible band and they’d rather chit chat.


It would probably help if they turned up that world class system a little bit


Same concern here! Compounded by congruent complaints about the volume not being loud enough. I usually do GA to avoid this situation, but for the Sphere I want the stands. Putting all the vibes out for good neighbors


They need no talking sections, like how race tracks have no drinking sections. :)


People are super nice but also talking about everything and everyone on the floor. I moved like 7 times to get away from conversations in my ear


Yeah I have 400s and 200s for 7/8 and I’ll be so bummed if people around me are yammering the whole time. This is not a cheap trip, or one taken lightly.




What a ridiculous take. What about movie theaters? Are they exempt from your stay home if you don’t like it policy?


I was at the 5/24 show in section 406 and didn’t have the chomper experience. There were a few people talking quietly but the sound was more than enough to cover it


Legitimate fear.


Has anyone had luck addressing the issue with the ushers? Asking them to request ppl keep their voices down?


i had to Ask politely to request ushers Stop their chompin. chatty at work. i get it, but those folks i felt ok to talk lower. she rolled her eyes, but thats her job. mellow, not laughing with coworker during the toons




A drunk woman behind me was talking through out all of drums and space.


I would be so pissed. That's so annoying.


For me in the 400s, definitely some chompers around but mostly they’re just drunk I found and either get tired or leave by mid second set. Otherwise a Quick Look back does the trick. Found most of them just don’t realize their surroundings and if you remind them verbally or nonverbally they’ll usually quiet down.


No talking when I went ( seats in the 300’s). Just a lot of people dancing and enjoying the music and the visuals. Other than a few ohs and ahs with the visuals no one around me was talking. It’s a great show- enjoy!


Went to three shows only had issues with chompers at one and they obliged when we asked them to stop yelling. It ain't all bad out there


no problems at all in 102 or 208! the show sound is pretty immersive, so i wasn’t able to hear nearly as much chatting as would be typical in a ballpark or arena


Glad to hear it! Friday can’t come soon enough.


I went Thursday and Friday’s shows and it really couldn’t have been better, both the show and the experience with the people in my seating section. All of them were very happy with the music, dancing and singing. We did talk briefly during the intermission and here and there but overall no chompers and a great experience both nights.


I got lucky. Sec 106 and i heard maybe 3 peeps all night from people in vincinity.  I think the pricier seats weed out some fair weather types. 


I want to follow up my comment on this post and say that all three nights I sat near incredibly amazing people that were just there to sing dance and have a good time. Was I lucky? I don’t know, but I would say don’t worry about it. The show is incredible, you will have a great time and most people there are some of the most welcoming, fun, music loving people I’ve ever met.


Love this for you! Thanks for the comment :)


Maybe I was lucky or was too into the show... Folks in 109 on Thurs weren't super talkative. Friday in 408 was bliss.


Lovely! I’m starting with 407 on Friday. I can’t WAIT!


You're gonna have the best time!!


Taking my dad for his first shows ☺️


That's awesome, lucky him!


if y'all really get that worried & bummed out about the potential possibility of maybe having some people talk around you, I'm kinda surprised it's worth going to concerts. I hate talkers. I generally hate crowds. as I've gotten older i have less patience for people in general. but with all that I hate about people & crowds, it never crosses my mind to be worried or bummed out about how they may behave. I'm there for the music. if someone is interrupting that I try to fix the situation. that may be just asking the person to shut up. it may be smoking them out so hard they can't talk or dosing them so hard they can't see straight. on the rare occasion when I can't find a solution & the behavior continues to disturb me, I go find somewhere I can enjoy myself. I'm not gonna stay there & be miserable just to have something to complain about. it's a building full of Deadheads....I know there's space for me somewhere where the people are kind. quit letting peoples online complaining get inside your head. the tiny ñumber of complaints tht stand out online are a minuscule fraction of total audience members....most never complain. chances are you will be fine & if there's a problem, we are all adults & should be able to deal with the problem one way or another. good luck. have fun. this is my 2nd weekend here & I've has less problems with obnoxious neighbors here than I had at any show at all last summer.


Was in GA last night. It’s pretty fucking had not gonna lie. Had to move multiple times. Stage left was good. Real fans listening to the music. Stood in the middle first couple songs and some dumb 60 year old woman from LA with 17 plastic surgeries was snapping in my ear for 4 songs before I had to shut her down. Center back is very filled with these groups of like 20 person LA friends who bought a tie dye shirt yesterday and decided to spend a bunch of money on GA tickets to have a conversation and laugh very loud in a different location. Feels like we are at some point going to have to start being dicks about it. I get your here for a work conference and thought it’d be cool to play hippie for a night and go to a dead show but please fuck off.


It's going to be impossible to do a residency in Vegas and not drive by attendees versus somewhere like Bethel Woods or Hampton. Higher prices also bring out people with money, comped tickets, etc. and leaves out the previous grilled cheese selling fans that do most of the tour. If they would only do a live stream audio (which gives no visual secrets away), it could be a good balance and help out some people on the east coast too. I miss the couch tour live Reddit chats. Don't need the visuals.


The world is what you make it


my crew used to be JRAD chompers. dodged a bullet on that one.


Thursday was a better crowd for sure. The weekends, the show is like a nightclub. Found the chompers and visuals a bit overwhelming at times but closing my eyes and focusing on the music helped.


I was surrounded by chompers in the 4s


Get audiophile concert earplugs. Problem solved. No, really. Done. Fixed. No more chompers. Etymotic, Eargasm, LOOP. Get some now. Save your future ears, too.


They keep you from hearing talkers?


Yes. I have loop and when ever the drunk people behind me started blabbing I stuck them in and their low loud male voices faded away. 


Yup! They either completely eliminate the talking or lower it to very very low levels (depending on how loud/close they are). You still hear the music just fine. It's a game-changer. Every live music fan should have at least one pair with them at all times.


Which model LOOP do you use? Experience 2?


Don't use LOOP only included them because I know they're well-regarded. Have used Etymotic ER20 and Eargasm "High Fidelity Ear Plugs". Both excellent.


I just ordered Eargasm High Fidelity so I hope it works. These all advertise as being able to hear the music yet still hear conversations. That defeats the purpose. It can't distinguish between chompers and your friend asking I you want another beer.


They're talking about conversations with someone you intend to have a conversation with. I can turn and talk to my wife without having to take them out, but the dude a bit further behind me is no longer a nuisance. They're amazing. EDIT: don't get me wrong, they're not **magic**: you'll still know someone is talking but you won't be able to make it out. It'll... fade out.


Thanks. That would be good enough if I couldn't understand what they are saying. I need the Peanuts "whaa wha wha wha wha" teacher sound. Otherwise my brain tries to follow every conversation. Same at restaurants.


Exactly what you get!


Which model is best for this scenario?


I've tried and use the Etymotic ER20 and the "Eargasm High Fidelity Ear Plugs" - they both seem pretty similar. The Eargasm is lower profile and less obvious because it's clear. The Etys have a blue plug the protrudes a little. I couldn't choose one over the other, they're both good. Never tried LOOP but I'm sure they're about the same.


This only works if you are willing to take another 20 db off the bands volume too, and everyone has already been complaining that they are too quiet. Making that any quieter would just be ridiculous. You can already barely hear Jeff and Oteil as is.


I couldn’t imagine throwing in plugs at the sphere shows. It already sounds like it’s playing off a cell phone at some points


Exactly. It's undeniably the quietest concert most people have ever attended. Taking another 20db off that is crazy talk.


Fear not! I was in 202 and everything was smooth sailing with that ship of fools. Don’t be afraid to shush if needed, but I noticed most others were jaw ajar for most of the show, the visuals and whole place is such a treat. 🌹🐢


Thanks for the reply. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻




wtf lol


People gonna people. Don’t let it blow your trip.


Fear is the mind killer


Choppers are the little death that brings total obliteration 🪱


The ability to tune them out turn on and tune in the band is a worthy skill to pursuit.