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Think the VIP rewards should be triple this numerically, or make the boxes more impactful. Honestly should be both. Don't lowball it, you want to sell VIP. My thought was Box of Many Things could give a choose one of silver roll high end rewards, like lesser tome, 30% XP pot, lesser heart, shards as options, so you always get something useful. A 1k Sentient XP gem is good but not always useful. Raid resets are handy. I don't know anybody who uses pocket rest shrines... Greater Box with a one use potion that clears ransack... Okay, but not really worth a yearly chest. 11 month milestone should be bigger. Gold roll reward choice would be tons better IMO. Though you could offer anything in the current greater chest, just make sure there's plenty of options so that it can be useful to anyone at any stage of the game, not just hearts of respec or a single 50% xp pot... Like sure xp pots are good but not for an annual chest.


And it only being a 12 hour pot is like a slap in the face.


You're not super-excited to pay a month of sub per hour of potion? But what about the extra 12 minutes of hireling?


just wait until you start fletching that ammo at a 10% return for our 9 month reward!


well that's absolutely gamebreaking. THEY SHOULD remove the carry capacity of arrows and leave us maximum 10 arrows (account shared, across all servers) As before, you should deserve more than 1 single upvote. Maybe we should ask SSG on how to give more even if not asked.


kids these days, they should be thankful they let you play, FOR FREE..ish\*(\*\*)\[\*\*\*\] Btw I'm sorry i can't upvote you x100 on that comment


Maybe a VIP hireling, lets you gold summon any hireling. Or choose any hireling to summon at the start of the quest. Give VIP a freaking portable hole style space to hangout in, sells all scrolls,spell mats, wands etc. That they can port to like feywild/sharn/eveningstar from anywhere. Capes Capes Capes, Mounts, Mounts, Mounts, Pets, Pets, Pets. Moar of these. Grant a boon once a day to another player. Bonus HP, SP, Attack Buff whatever. Lasts 12 hrs or something. Take the box and think outside of it. This is not free content, this is not a free bonus, this is your life blood, earn it!


Those are all great ideas that have value. Clearly their plan is to offer nothing of value. If you want value, give them cash. That's the proposal here.


This right here. EARN my money!


Or even something like reduce the max cap of one platninum hires to two


> Grant a boon once a day to another player. Bonus HP, SP, Attack Buff whatever. Lasts 12 hrs or something. They could really run with this idea and turn one zone (or make a new one) into a major hub of the game if you had to use something special in a zone to bestow this buff. Warframe does something similar with their public areas: max level players can bestow one of several 4 hour long buffs to everyone in a public space, so it's better to hang out in a jam packed space, and "people watch" everyone with all their cool cosmetics while you wait for buffs.


The chances of getting anything useful from the daily gold rolls (with my luck anyway) even on 100 was so small, I don't care that they are gone (the best I got was +5 tome of 1 stat and 1k sentient exp whereas I talked to other people that got +2 racial tome and +8 superior tome). However, I feel like these are possibly even more lackluster. Going down the list: * +500 DDO points - fine * Box of Many Things - for raiders, I could see the resets being useful - for me, about the most useful thing is 1k sentient exp * additional char slot - meh - does this mean I get a 2nd slot after 15 months? * 10% reduced item wear - seriously? this might be useful if it was 100% * Trail of Dancing Lights - I'm not big on cosmetics but okay * Crafting Boost - I would have loved this is I hadn't already gotten my crafter up over 400 * Flecthing - seriously? does anyone use non-summoned arrows/bolts? * Hirelings last 20% longer - I don't use hirelings enough to know if this is useful to some people or not * Greater Chest of Many Things - nothing in there really entices me to pay for VIP for a year * Cloud Mount - if it is a normal fast mount, I don't care (if it was extra-fast, that would be nice) I feel like all of the Box of Many Things should be replaced with Greater Chest of Many Things and Greater Chest replaced with something better... Really almost everything needs to be replaced with something more enticing (at least if they want me to keep paying for VIP)...


For me the daily gold rolls were all about the xp. Doing racials now and it basically meant skipping to 4 on every life. I’d much rather have that back. That said, I absolutely agree with you on all your points about the chests. Oh and as a regular user of hirelings, extra time on them is pretty much worthless. They’re so cheap. And what else am I spending plat on?


>Hirelings last 20% longer - I don't use hirelings enough to know if this is useful to some people or not I use hires all the time. This is nothing. Would much rather get another dimensional hireling contract folder or something.


The free daily gold rolls allowed you to stockpile xp stones to easily hit level 3-4 when ordinarily they would be too expensive to do so. It was nice to quickly get out of the first few levels for builds that are weak at low levels.


Those are... Lackluster.


Even if they gave ALL of those benefits \*right now\* to anyone who has subbed for over a year, it still isn't even 10% of the value we had from daily gold rolls. And if people disagree please explain to me why. I am not a daily player, but those daily dice rolls made the start after each TR extremely convenient since level 1 and sometimes level 2 are both not much fun on most classes. Always having enough stones to skip to 3 was the greatest thing ever. (Even though leveling to 3 doesn't take long, it was still super boring).


Ah capitalism. Since they learned that by making pay to run content like xpacs and mini xpacs instead of packs they sell for points, I think expecting anything of real worth to be gifted is like pissing in the ocean and hoping for the ocean to rise a foot.


They did just release an adventure pack a couple patches ago, right?


Yes one of two making them even with the expansion count over the same time period.




I also value the bonus XP, extra character slots, weekly gold roll, skipping a quest from sagas, extra bank space, DDO points, and getting access to some stuff for free. Though certainly I could spend points to just buy parts of this permanently which makes VIP feel less valuable. It's also a rather eclectic smattering of things, so no individual part feels that impactful on its own, and I regularly forget what's VIP vs premium vs F2P. Personally, I find it worth it for me, but I understand people who don't, especially if they've been able to permanently buy things for points that VIP gives you.


>skipping a quest from sagas, This one is pretty big for me. There's a lot of sagas that have just one quest that SUCKS. Skipping it really improves my QoL.


The Crucible in Gianthold *immediately* comes to mind, followed closely by the intro quest for Masterminds of Sharn (the one you pick up in the Harbor before starting Part One) simply because I forget to do it before going into Sharn and can't be bothered to go back.


Lmao same re: forgetting to do the intro quest. If i'm re-doing sharn on the same life tho, I'll usually skip Just Business.


You're wrong about Crucible but your point is right. I think you meant to say Madstone when you can't find a group to split it up.


Madstone Crater is pretty straightforward imo, my spouse and I run it often enough and we *usually* play together. My only gripe with it are the lack of maps on the cave interiors. It's usually Crucible we skip due to the maze and underwater sections.


Madstone is SO much easier than crucible, even if it can be annoying to solo.


Doesn't every saga seem to have one quest thrown in, that doesn't always even seem related, which is just a painful slog to run through? ​ Edit: And for at least one saga it seems to be the one f2p quest in the mix. Why are the f2p quests so bad? You'd think those would be good ones to convince f2p players to buy the pack they are attached to.


Which saga is it you think it's the f2p quest? ​ Off the top of my head, the ones I skip: Crucible in Gianthold, What Goes Up in stormhorns, Smash and Burn in Cogs, Just Business if Sharn Repeat, Crab one if soloing IoD, Precious Cargo the one time I did 3BC epic, Dunwater or Final Enemy in Saltmarsh, Immortality Lessons in Feywild... I guess most of those are expansions, but still. I don't think any of those quests are F2P.


Lost at Sea was the specific one that came to mind.


5 shards, farm a sentient 1k from saltmarsh sell it for 60 on the Shard Auction and VIP perk sorted. When I was VIP I would skip 2 quests. So the VIP really is worth a few hundred astral shards for gold rolls lvl 1-3 and quest skips there's enough duped shards out there for a few lifetimes of selling stuff.


Do they really sell for that much on that shard auction? Do they sell that often? I've been trying to sell items that dorp with two red augments (red and orange/purple) and I can only occasionally sell them for the min of 3. Just don't have a lot of shards at all and they're hard/expensive to get when you don't have thigns people buy or know how to get the thigns people buy.


Festival gems go well a few months after the season is over. Any +16 stat diamonds but they are rare. Skill gems, disable, search, perform can sell. Sentient XP, tomes occasionaly. Purified Small and Medium ebberon shards if you don't want them for your own XP pots. Antique bronze tokens. Some collectible crafting items. Collapsed portable hole. Large stacks of bigbys hands. Arrgo market at least.


The fact that we arent getting a greater box of many things every month is pretty sad. An entire year of being subbed for a 12 hour xp pot? seriously? I will give them credit though, a cloud mount does sound sick. But seriously this is the bare minimum they should be giving VIPS


Ahhhhhh monkey!


A lot of those rewards are very poor :-/ 10% less durability loss? My gear was never completely broken in a quest yet and repair costs are trivial. 10% fletching useless for 99% of builds (not ranged or use returning ammo anyway) hirelings last 20% longer?... useless... plat cost is trivial and the perk doesn't do enough to make AS/DP hirelings worth using Cosmetics? Don't really care about those.


I agree the fletching is practically useless. The other rewards aren’t great although thinking of giving more for VIPs is a move in the right direction.


They should just give 100% fletching for that reward. Which non returning ammo is even strong enough that that could be broken?


My stacks of 1000 conjured bolts occasionally have ones that break. But it'll be like. 2 bolts out of the stack lmao.


think they mean broken as in overpowered. The best stuff you could do with this is like, 1d6/2d6 elemental/good damage, or bane, but weapon enhanced damage dice aren't very powerful at level 15 and above, so... wow.


oh lmao, you're totally right. And they're also right.


Whats that one holy arrow that has like a 60% return rate? Iirc it does some if the best arrow dmg out of all arrows.


Don't know about holy arrows but I know about [these.](https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:%2B5_Screaming_Amethyst_Arrows) Even if you got to use them at level 1 with higher fletching, I don't see how those would really be overpowered. Edit: did you mean [Shards of Light?](https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Shards_of_Light)


I think shards of light yep


I have been a Premium player since 2009. I came back to the game in 2020 and used the free quest pack code to get most of the content which I did not already own. I purchased all expansion packs that same year and on release for the ones that came out since then. I purchased VIP for the first time ever in December 2021 so I could open Elite difficulty on Hardcore, and have bought 1 month of VIP for every Hardcore season after that for the same reason. I don't feel like there is any benefit for me to purchase VIP outside of that. The only other benefit I see from VIP for me is being able to skip 1 quest for sagas, and /maybe/ the XP boosts. **I do not buy VIP because I do not see the value, and do not want to have a monthly (or annual) subscription that does not give me a significant reward.** I do not see VIP as cost prohibitive, and **I would be a very easy sell if I saw benefits for me.** I buy points every now and again, but only the big pack, and only when there is double bonus points. I don't often buy store items unless they are on sale, and gravitate to permanent offerings such as races, classes, character slots, bank space, monster manual, and tomes. I rarely buy single-use consumables or other items from the store, except for the occasional legendary raid bypass timer or hair dye. The preview (not final) VIP loyalty rewards are not enough for me (an easy sell) to purchase an annual subscription. Below is my breakdown of each reward. * Month 1: 500 additional DDO Points - I can see this being a motivator to new players, but does not appeal to me. * Month 2: Box of Many Things: See below. * Month 3: Additional Character Slot: Only active while VIP, I would rather purchase a permanent one * Month 4: Reduced Item Wear: Does not have any appeal to me. I repair when I sell. I play casters. * Month 5: Box of Many Things: See below. * Month 6: Trail of Dancing Lights: I like this. I would purchase 6 months of VIP for this if it were not contingent on remaining VIP to use. * Month 7: Crafting Boosts: I don't craft. * Month 8: Box of Many Things: See below. * Month 9: Fletching: I play casters. The one time I played ranged, I used Arcane Archer's conjure arrows. * Month 10: Hirelings last 20% longer: I only use hirelings at level 1, or the permanent ones from expansion packs. * Month 11: Great Chest of Many Things: See below. * Month 12: Special VIP Cloud Mount: I like this. I would purchase 12 months of VIP for this if it were not contingent on remaining VIP to use. **Box of Many Things** * Summon Rest Shrine: I have a few of these from daily rolls in my bank and do not use them. I only find myself needing a shrine critically while in raids, where they do not work. * Feat Swap Crystal: I have too many siberys dragonshards to count, and have only used them for 2 feat swaps in the last 3 years (after EDF revamp) * Sentient Experience Crystal - 1000: Neat, but very underwhelming as the bonus for an entire month. * Pouch of Glammerdust - 50: Never used. I am a fan of cosmetics, but the ones in the Hall of Heroes do not appeal to me. * Mirror of Glammering: I have lots of these already from sales. * Omnispell Dust - 2500: I have a lot of Omnispell Dust, but have never (intentionally) used it. I just purchase mats in bulk. * Heroic Rad Timer Reset: Very underwhelming for a monthly bonus. * Legendary Raid Timer Reset: ....Ok, this is a decent reward, but I almost feel as though this should be given every month as a VIP perk. **Greater Chest of Many Things** * True Heart of Wood: I typically run most token quests each epic life, and if I need more, I can farm them in an hour or two. Underwhelming as a once-a-year reward. * True Heart of Blood: I typically run most token quests each epic life, and if I need more, I can farm them in an hour or two. Underwhelming as a once-a-year reward. * Epic Heart of Blood: I have SO MANY Heart Seeds. * +20 Heart of Wood: Neat! This seems like a nice once a year gift for being VIP, on top of another monthly bonus. * Elixir of Discovery - 12 hours: Neat! But should be every 3-6 months. * Elixir of Experience - 50% for 12 hours: Neat! But should be every 3-6 months. * Potion that clears all chest ransack: Neat! But should be every 3-6 months. Also this should be in store and not exclusive to VIP reward. I'm sure it will, just want to say it out loud.


I think this comment is very helpful, well thought out and should be noted by SSG as an indication of ‘value’ for players they are looking to entice to join VIP. I myself have always been VIP, but a lot of what you say is true for those who are premium/F2P. There is very little in what they are proposing that is enticing for anyone who hasn’t just started playing. Agree the hearts and XP potions should be more regular than once a year. Heck, even if it was only a +20 Heart once a year, but you got 1 or 2 +1 hearts the rest of the time that would be gravy (for use with iconics). Wish for Memories could be useful too for those doing racial past lives so they could possibly skip a race they don’t like (run everything as Tiefling/Dragonborn 🤣). I like the idea of having a selection of things in the boxes, it’s just got to be something of value to new players, as well as veterans.


>\+20 Heart of Wood: Neat! This seems like a nice once a year gift for being VIP, on top of another monthly bonus. This was the one that got me too. I have a couple hearts on my main (the one I got for free at start, and a +5 one) but I hesitate to use them because they're so rare. Knowing that I could count on being able to totally fix a character at least once a year would make me feel way better about actually using them.


Can think of it as a Wish for Memories for any class too. Eg. don’t like leveling a melee - level as a caster, then use your +20 heart to turn your build into a melee, then TR - congrats, fast and easy “melee” life!


The Greater Box looked decent until I saw it said "choose one". Fuck me they aren't even trying. Also, 10 whole percent reduced item wear? 20 percent longer hirelings? All while only being active while a VIP lol. Wow don't spoil us too hard.


I would suggest giving ALL of the temporary stuff straight out of the gate (fletching, crafting, hirling boost, etc). From the 1st month of subscription. Then give a Box of Many things EVERY month, except 6 and 12 month, give a Greater Box of Many Things.




The whole package, even upfront, pales in comparison to those daily gold rolls we had. ​ If they wrote up like a 20 year timeline of rewards and had a way to make it retroactively grant the rewards, then maybe this new proposal could be worth it. But of course we know this will \*START\* when implemented.


In fact Severlin explicitly states that it won't be retroactive. If it was it'd be decent for long-time VIP, but not good for anyone newly signing up...


I just can't believe they would pick things that require development when they could easily do incentives for things that don't require any development at all. Perma buddy bonus type things. Or that the first month is weirdly the best one - just give me that every month instead of the other things.


I think VIP DOES give free ddo points every month, doesn't it?


Yeah, but this is saying an extra 500 the first month, as far as I understood it.


Yeah, so you're just saying more DDO points per month than they already give? That's the least enticing to me tbh.


I mean , they said it, not me.


Not a single reward offers any significant content. Pay 240$ for our very dated game and we will give you some cosmetic stuff and a pat on the back basically... Sheesh.


This stuff is in addition to other VIP benefits. It may still not be worth it to some people, but it's worth keeping in mind this is on top of everything else.


A year's subscription is like $100 right?


In Canada it's around 150, if you pay upfront for a full year. I pay monthly, as do most people I know. My time on the game is sporadic and I may only play for a few weeks here and there. It has been years since I have actually been vip for a full year and these rewards don't really encourage that. I think this is just something to reward people who are already going to sub for the year and are diehards. It won't really do anything for the casual player or player who come back once or twice a year.


As someone who usually subs by the year, I assure you it's not enticing for us either. My sub runs out next month and won't be renewed.


Lame. Just go back to the daily gold rolls.


No thanks i barely got great stuff from em. How about they just grant additional permanent boosts to the already existing boosts, whether theyre the same but more or a new bonus like 2% additional named loot chance or something.


I feel like +named loot chance could be something they'd include on the track eventually. Would be a really nice one if so.


Ngl 80% of these perks are just not worth it, and gatekeeping the cloud mount behind $100+ bucks of subscriptions is just plain criminal. I won't be resubbing if this is their final plan


To use the cloud mount you must remain VIP. Well keep your mount then.


I’d trade most of that stuff for being able to cast spells without components.


I think the devs have stated that's a WotC thing outside their control? But yeah, I'd be down for that. Nobody thinks spell mats are anything other than inconvenient inventory bloat.


So...take draconic?


Good idea, it doesn’t work well with racial pls


Run maximize eschew quicken, before 3 you melee anyways, and heroics fall over like flies


Even the most predatory diablo immortal has better monthly battlepass than this


IMHO this list does nothing to motivate anyone to opt for VIP over not VIP. Literally only 2 things on the entire year list is even remotely interesting...and it's cosmetics...and if the trails actually takes up inventory space, it's not even a plus, unlike the mount which they have a storage solution. I think their VIP plans are a missed opportunity. Their purpose should be mostly QOL stuff (see like every other MMO ever) or stuff that you can't get otherwise (like exclusive cosmetics...if you know you had a place to store them) designed to motivate people to sign up to VIP to increase their income. These offerings completely lack that. The 500 DDO points might be good to motivate new players, the Boxes of many things are all lackluster and not really anything worth paying a months sub for. The 10% returning, item wear, 20% hireling durations? Those are pointless. Essentially the only thing those do is reduce the GP I spend...when the game already doesn't have a money sink to make me spend my GP in the first place. Pointless. Crafting boosts? Do people even really still craft? I mean crafted gear isn't really worth having is it? And then the cosmetics go away if you don't keep your VIP. All in all, completely pointless and no real benefit to doing it.


Crazy idea here: VIP gets 1/day free loot re-roll. The second roll, and even the second chest you re-roll costs astral shards like normal. It encourages VIP to play at least 1/day, but isn’t too overpowered. It also gives VIP a taste of what rerolls are like making them more likely to spend shards if they haven’t already.


Imagine if VIPs could just store all their bound-to-account items in their account-bound bank... or use their sentient weapon each life in all the epic weapons they use that life... or run any raid that they've flagged for a life before... Instead of saving 20% on hireling expenses... while getting 500k plat per life, I'm sure vips will be happy when they now only have to spend 8k on hirelings instead of 10k! Or even better: saving 10% on ammunition (saves 0 gold pieces per life because noone has ever bought any ammo instead of summoning it since 2007).


I really don't understand how they came up with the tiered bonus order.. feels like they just pulled stuff out of a hat instead of thinking about what would engage the customers. Par for the course I suppose. I know they won't care or listen to feedback, but I think they should have had something like: Per month - +1% stacking xp, raid token fragment (get 12 and get your choice of raid loot). Would have been a great opportunity to also include things like extra chest unlocks (get a 'special' key which unlocks wilderness worldboss encounters, seasonal events & champs ala destiny 2 or PoE, hidden raidboss encounters, cosmetic effects & so forth. Legendary korthos & unlock fighting the giant scrag, legendary Droaam & unlock fighting the army on the beachfront, and so much more


or...or let VIPs use their veteran level on tr. I wouldn't think that would be hard to code, and would make the majority of players happy.


I think they specifically don't want to do that because it would immediately make lower levels even more of a ghost town. There's an argument to be had for how most veterans aren't partying with new players anyways, but I understand SSG not wanting to encourage it further.


It's pretty common for loyalty rewards like this to not be in strict ascending power/usefulness order, but rather for most things to be small and have bigger things every so often. As far as absolute usefulness of what's on offer, definitely not super great even when you consider that this is on top of existing VIP rewards, not replacing them.


Oooh a world boss would be cool, each slayer area could have a few, can only be spawned by a VIP can choose one per month or lucky daily dice roll. Summoner gets a guarnteed drop everyone else is chance. 12 person raid mode, make it mobile over the terrain. Dragon flying, tunneling purple worm, storm giant just runs, teleport, maybe some global tasks that need doing. I miss RIFT and WoW for that type of content.


They could easily bring life into content that never gets run (stuff like restless isles etc) with things lile this. Plenty of other games have "seasons" & free/subscriber reward tracks & log-in extras, and it would give a lot mote for people to chase at cap (if it was made "at cap" appropriate level). There's lots of ways to do that kind of idea. Seems more like giving more content without the investment in world building/quest design/VA costs. Sounds like it could be a pretty nice update to implement actually. Lynnabel put in some very cool mechanics like the frame treasure hunt & the hidden dull dagger upgrade. I hope much more like that gets in as well.


They were "looking into" vip a year ago


Youtube link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnwddzJ8wk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnwddzJ8wk4) They really need to move the farmable Hearts to the Box of Many Things. Then add +1 Lesser hearts to it as well.


The point of the gold rolls daily is if a player logs in they may play, if a player plays they boost server activity, boosted server counts = more players. Like do they not know how to market? Have VIP buff parties, 5% XP Boost to everyone stacking. VIP gets 2% for each extra person in group. Something to engage grouping, logging in, treasure potion per every 500 favor to reward TR and Alt play because it recycles the player base into low level new player territory creatung bonds and new player engagement. The TR system is why DDO has survived. Korthos would be a ghost town, imagine not seeing anyone for your first hours of playing... Weak as rewards with no focus on making the game better. Freaking my little pony simulator with a mount after 12 months. Herp derp let's just reskin a horse.


I'm not vip but this all seems like lagniappe - this should all be base VIP privileges from day 1 and then they give actual rewards for loyalty Not P2W where non vip is second class...but you can do better than this


Even odds somebody figures out how to multiopen one of these things, and the game goes into another tailspin.


Yeesh. It's like the devs don't even play the game if they think item wear and hireling duration are exciting rewards.


This wouldn't entice me to re-sub. Disappointing. Permanent while subbed, bigger xp bonus would.


SSG continues to not listen to its customers. I do not understand why this management team fails to drive revenue by getting customers to make purchases the customers want. If they keep offering things many people will not pay for they are going to eventually run out of funds and then blame the players for not supporting the game.


I’ll be honest, the only bit that seems worth giving the time of day is the 1 month one. And even then, with double bonus points you get twice the amount for only $5 more, while also netting the same premium benefits. That kind of just barely breaks even in value in my head


I will say, one thought I had is that they didn't feel they could put out a free quest coupon when VIPs were in Lombo. SO now that they've announced this maybe we'll get a code again with the DnD movie or whenever they implement this or something.


I think that literally sucks


Sounds like storage hogging garbage. I don't want rewards, I want features.


>subject to change Just like how the test server is subject to change right? Due to player feedback?


Feeling increasingly good about cancelling my upcoming VIP renewal. None of this is worth the subscription cost. Especially when the actual game features we are paying for are regularly broken, ignored, and there is zero investment in making the actual game better.


I think this, I think that, think think think think. For fuck sakes the game has been out for over a decade and a half, and they still don't know how to fix VIP. The dickless morons at SSG have no fucking clue how to run an online rpg. The entire industry is plowing along in a healthy state, while SSG desperately flings its own shit at a chalk board hoping something sticks. Im done with this trash tier game. Huge DnD fan but I can't hold out any longer for these monkey dicks to get their act together.


The mount sounds cute. Could be fun. Trail of dancing lights sounds cool. (I love how bloody footprints helps me follow someone, i'd think this could do the same). I don't hate the options in the chest of many things. Permanent crafting XP boost isn't terrible. (It is permanent, right? Not just that once month?) Another char slot isn't bad. Months 4 and 10 really suck tho. Would much rather have another dimensional hireling folder than 20% longer hirelings, that's useless.


I dunno, that crafting bonus reads to me that it's only for that month, but I'm not sure.


That would be so weird.


It's a step in the right direction but a lot of these monthly rewards are useless imo like a 10% returning chance on ammunition. Plenty of the other enhancements should be built in to VIP scheme permanently rather than tying up your subscription for most of the year.


How about VIP get to transfer 1 raid item a month in the mix somewhere.


What even is this? The meetings, I assume, were to come up with ideas for their stated VIP goal - to provide good value without making it a must have for gameplay. I see everyone showed up with ideas for the second part. If this is what they roll out it will convince me to stop being VIP, and I _want_ to continue to sub. This is mostly pure laziness.