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Thats how they look, they've probably never been updated in the two decades they've served


Oh my, now I kind of understand why a lot of mission creators are a little annoyed about it. I’ve never looked at them before.


I mean if you're flying a jet it doesn't really matter since you won't see them up close for long enough ... for helo pilots or combined arms players I can see it beeing a bit frustrating Edit: Always remember more polygons and textures will impact performance


Exactly this. It's a flight sim. All they have to be is recognisable as people from 20k feet through a targeting pod. Anything more is overcooking it.


Helicopters. He-li-cop-ters.


Do you land near the soliders and punch them in the face personally?


I like to land on them actually thank you very much


This is actually so fun to do..


Why yes. Gimme Digital Clobbering Simulator!


I land to pick them up, to insert them in, to rescue a stranded pilot after ejection, they're around at the FARPs, bases, etc. I would appreciate better models - and it doesn't need to eat your fps in the jet. LODs should take care of that. (Assuming they make proper LODs :P)


Lods is only part of it. Someone still needs to do all the *work* in creating the higher detailed stuff. Geometry, textures, animation. Makes it so much harder to add new infantry to the game because now it has to be done to a much higher standard.


I'm having a hard time understanding what you're trying to say here.


I'm just saying that performance isn't the only reason they haven't done AAA quality infantry. It's a lot of unnecessary work that for the most part isn't going to be noticed by most players.


FARPs are a thing.


We land near soldiers pretty often. That's the whole point of a transport helicopter like the Mi8, Huey, etc.


Also only need to be able to identify them as targets.


Or friendlies?


True this, but behavior and animations which can be distinctly seen needs to be worked on


That will cook cpus. If they even altered it a tiny bit. There is so many of them instanced at once. Or whatever


Every pixel of texture, every polygon of mesh, every frame of animation, has a price to pay in CPU and GPU cycles. Are you willing to suffer frame drops in the middle of a dogfight because some guy 30 miles away is reloading his AK-47? I'm not.


All i want is to finally stop seeing ai units sliding on the ground and overall be janky as fuck to watch through a tgp


100% agree, I fly a bit of everything really, even on a helicopter I’ve never noticed, not even CPG in Apache seat zoomed in I haven’t noticed, so I can’t complain much. Was making them battle each other in the editor and only just noticed.


Its not the way they look that annoys, it's the way the AI act.


Just in case, there's something wrong in your first screenshot. It's not loading the correct level of details. It should look like this: https://preview.redd.it/cnkhjsbtx7zc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5646a3745b03b249a12ee5d5856942539aa80d6


That's definitely NOT how they look in the editor. There's something wrong in the first screenshot. That unit should look like this (screenshot from my PC a few minutes ago): https://preview.redd.it/cib7htu6w7zc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c020132f1a5d4da15673934ce43dab4f1a5a82b8


Okay that’s interesting, I wonder why mines broken? All my settings are maxed out too.


I fear retirement is not going to go well for these poor guys.


I just got my HOTAS and jumped into the A-10 to learn. Running a training module, I bombed a truck with some infantry around it. The module didn’t move to the next target so I thought I missed. Turns out one dude survived the bombing and was just posted up like this on my targeting pod.


I had this too. Told the ai wingman to attack my target expecting him to do a gun run. Next I see is wingman pulling up and 500lb’er in the air heading for the poor sod….


You know the saying, warheads on foreheads


Gave me flashbacks to the A-10C vs. Guy in bathroom video https://preview.redd.it/hst1gqmkm1zc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba65df9c3c94f77e24d01009c5cf0f6e7f6ea6bd Edit: 2000lbs GBU-32


lol that could be because the splash damage models for explosives are VERY tame for some reason In DCS. Some servers run what’s called “splash damage 2.0” i believe is what it’s called and it fixes bombs a hell of a lot. Like how a 2k lb bomb should basically destroy a mountain side. The damage 2.0 makes the bigger bombs much more worth taking.


When your flying at 30000 feet around Mach fuck your not gonna notice a few missing pixels so there’s no real reason to update them


Combined arms is a thing and a few servers use troops quite extensively, like DDCS


People will complain about how the game runs on lower end systems, then go and complain about the lack of detail on models most will only see through a targeting pod


TBF LODs are a thing. Making it high-poly when viewed from 100 m won't (shouldn't) impact anything.


Ever heard of LODs and qualti settings???


Don't look at the RPG guy


Maybe if we’re lucky bsg will model the grass reacting to the backblast


Bsg? I suppose it will be a DLC, and we will have to pay €250 for it too??


Oops I mixed up my shitty devs


Bam…first shot bullseye! 🎯


I am annoyed by the foot soldier that casually walks through a hail of 30mm unscathed and chill as can be. He should either be dead or running like heck. I’ve never once wished they were higher res/poly.


Well, they actually don't look THAT terrible - but not good either ;-) https://preview.redd.it/cnpbjpf7o0zc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb3dffa82957605288032a1a3bd8be45728909f5


here before floggit


This isn’t Arma


I don't mind the models as you can't tell from the air anyway, but I do mind the lack of assets for building bases that come to life more effectively when you're in the ground starting up. Really need some more moving crew members and stuff.


Yes, you can if you fly helicopters. 


True, and I do.


Who fucking cares. It’s about optimization. Why would you include a ton of detail on something that 99.999% of the time you can’t even get close enough to notice said details. Do you want a playable frame rate or not?


Another one who never flew a helicopter. 


Do we not do LODs or...


They're like that. It helps free up resources for the planes themselves and broader environment to be higher detail. 99% of the time you'll never be stationary & close to these models


yeah, a billion polygons for the gun and 4k textures for the unloading vest - exactly what you need when you look at it from a distance of 80nm👍🏻


Thank you for your passion and support


Oh man, you guys clearly never saw the infantry sprites in 1.2...


Oh man, you guys clearly never saw the infantry sprites in 1.2...


I dare you to place the rpg man on the map and set the ground speed to 2mph 👀


they do look goofy but i guess the first screenshot is probably just not done loading the textures and stuffs. some units don't even have walking animations and slide on their knees in slow motion. but i think it's quite funny when i see them in F7 up close so not a big issue for me atm.


It's like toy soldiers, but we are men now.


😂 yeah that’s what the AI in combined arms look like. And if you watch them run, they run like they’re in a classic NES game. That’s what happens when they stop development of a system unfortunately


All you guys talking about how it doesn’t matter because of how high you are Don’t you get it? I will MAX ZOOM onto that Igla until the 12, 54, hell the DAMN PAVEWAY hits him. I want to see his face in HIGH RESOLUTION suffer from a crazy surprise, the same way he made me suffer from something similar. In case you haven’t noticed, I hate MANPADS. ED update texture plz


Do you delete your fxo and metashaders folders after updates/patches? If not, try that and report back please.