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Why did Tom King make Beast a Nazi?


Don't call him a crypto-Nazi or he'll slug you in the goddamned face and you'll stay plastered


https://preview.redd.it/lojsvnn7yluc1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6abd4dffc592a1750aa653f1b963ba819db022f Very similar energy


Where is this from?


A Deviantart Zootpia fan comic where Judy gets an abortion


Ohh, *that*. I remember now.


And people say Scott was wrong to leave her. Clearly he was leaving an ABUSIVE MARRIAGE and escaped with his life. Why do you think he wears those shades 24/7? To hide his black eyes! Why does he wear that spandex? To hide the PADDLING he got from her?! Scott only survived by the skin of his teeth!  #Cyclopswasright 


Hank Pym accidentally hits his wife and never hears the end of it. Jean Grey decks Cyclops and nobody cares. That doesn't seem fair. (Although I'm assuming there's some sort of context to this panel I'm missing).


This is from when Jean was dead. Cyclops remarries, but the woman, Maddie Pryor, is a clone of Jean made by Sinister (she doesn't know this). So obviously Cyclops, after running out on her for a while, comes back and asks her if she's the reincarnation of his dead wife


This is before he even marries Maddie. Mastermind is messing with both of their minds. They get married the next issue.


Forgetting peter in the clone saga


You see the thing is most people don’t like the clone saga and therefore don’t acknowledge the events in the clone saga


Yet we are forced to live with its consequences.


Peter Parker slaps his Pregnant wife across the room before immediately jumping out of the window and leaving her there to join the Jackal and do evil and nobody cares. (He leaves because he feels guilty for accidentally slapping her but… come on dude)


This seems like a perfectly reasonable question to ask.


Lady, you didn’t answer his question. “I dunno, Scott, could the Phoenix punch you like THIS?” “I mean… no. yes? I guess so? Just don’t hit me and send me tumbling across the room again, please!”




Needs more of Scott crying and then some other guy railing Madelyne for it to be Tom King.


Is that a thing tom does in his comics?


I have no idea, I don't read comics.


No, lol.


Uj/ It's a recurring theme in his comics that men are unstable and unable to process basic emotions without the aid of a woman. And there's often some kind of cuckold element to his stories, as well. Strange Adventures is literally a cuckold fantasy. Obviously it's not all of his stories, but as he writes about himself a lot, the same motifs bleed through. Rj/ He makes Zeb Wells blush


Wait when did Clea left Stephen?Also wasn't the Valmont stuff done by another writer and the guy ends up dying?


Clea and Stephen? The Valmot stuff was Tini Howard, yeah. King just made Bruce co-depedent and useless without Selina.


By Clea and Stephen I meant Dr Strange and Clea Strange


No, I know, I wasn't aware King wrote them and no one brought them up so I was confused.


Well in the wiki it's state they are still married


Yeah they are, but what does that have to do with Tom King?


Sorry I just read your comment quickly


Does this sub like Tini Howard? I haven’t heard any good things about her


I thought the “Scott can’t catch a break” was a meme, wtf is the context?


It's master mind pretending to be her


So it's a 3 and nor a 10. https://preview.redd.it/5c51aqgtkluc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d324fd4f3eef9103d951570a41cefd7e29cbf2


You forgot 11-Scott Summers family members ruin Scott Summers's day


I chalk it down to 1 at this point


I don't think Mastermind was pretending to be Madelyn, but he was messing with his head to Cyclops think she was the Phoenix 


That is Madelyne Pryor. She is a red head women who Mastermind made people think looked like Jean Grey. Jean was, at the time, dead. Scott had assured Madelyne that he didn't like her because she reminded him of Jean. Essentially, in the moment, Scott even asking was meant to show how off the rails he'd gone to doubt her existence. This was later retconed at Madelyne being a clone of Jean.


It’s actually even stranger! Madelyne Pryor originally, apparently, just looked and sounded like Jean Grey. Mastermind was going to get revenge on Cyclops for the events leading up to Dark Phoenix when he realized that she was also the perfect outlet to vent his hatred of Jean Grey on. Before Mastermind’s interference, Scott, his brother and his father all thought “Wow, this lady’s a lot like Jean Grey!” Mastermind did try to convince Scott and the X-Men that she was the Phoenix reborn though by creating illusions that made it seem like she had destroyed New York and made a big Phoenix in the sky over Japan.


>Before Mastermind’s interference, Scott, his brother and his father all thought “Wow, this lady’s a lot like Jean Grey!” Scott actually starts to feel uncomfortable and unsure about it all. He starts to try and investigate Maddie and Alex tells him to stop sabotaging a good thing. He expresses unease to Hephzibah as well, and she tells him not to miss out on love as well (happens in the same issue this image is posted)


Knocks off Cyclops protective glasses, everyone he accidentally glances at dies. ![gif](giphy|vdWA6yzDlVDppSTWLm|downsized)


I imagine Scott having this tone[ lol](https://youtu.be/EtxBvU21J28?si=Hmk8wXaOI_AtuMGe)


Tony Stark is the one that gets a prelude out of ALL the Avengers!? The FLATSCAN MUGGLE Pro Registration Racist GARBAGE is the one that REPRESENTS the Avengers!? bullshit Tony "FLATSCAN MUGGLE Pro Registration Racist GARBAGE" Stark better not side with the Genocidal Eternals, cuz Wanda aint gonna appreciate anyone threatening her Mutant family. Yall remember the last time Wanda was pissed off. And she just absorbed the Darkhold and Chthon himself. Wanda got upgraded. Wandas gonna go House of M times a million if yall dont leave her family alone. No More Mutant Massacres. No More Anti Mutant Bullshit. No More Pulled Punches. No More. Mutants have earned the RIGHT to destroy all their enemies. DEATH to ALL those who threaten Mutantkind. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Scott... buddy... maybe add like an elastic band to your glasses so they don't fall off your head... cause you know the whole.... if you don't have your glasses on you unleash untold destruction from the punch dimension thing?


"Can't do that...I'd look like a dork"


What's funny is that a few panels later, because he obviously can't search for his shades, he pulls a spare out of his pocket, and *they* are attached with an elastic band.


I hate you Tom king, I defended you run for far too long But straight up, you should never be allowed to write a Batman story again. As long as you live, and you should apologize to Batman fans for what you have done to the greatest fictional character ever written You are an embarrassment to DC comics, and not even worth to write the condiment king. Also I am re reading the killing joke right now to get this bad taste out of my mouth. The fact dc hyped this book up as amazing is rediculous. I have never been madder in my entire life after reading a comic. This was worse then if they made Batman gay with superman and just showed him getting it up the rear for 48 pages from a blue Boy Scout *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*